Sekirei: New Beginnings (Eldrithe & Silverknight)

Aoi walked into the area with the bathing suits and looked around. He thought about what Musubi would pick, and figured she would be a wise judge of what she wanted. He trusted her judgement on what she was going to need and want as well. He looked over the items that were there for bathing suits and then found a pair of nice blue trunks with a black trim, he smiled, he liked blue, then again his own first name meant blue so it made sense that he would like the color. He looked around wondered how many of these people who she was going to fight, he also wondered how he could help her and what ways he could get information about the others. He knew he was kind of blind going into this fight with her. He figured that in time he would come to figure it out better.

He wondered if there was a way to figure out where one of her future foes would be, was there something that gave them away or made them different. He couldn't think of anything, Musubi was just like any other woman, just well different. He smiled as he thought about her, she was so sweet and kind and neat, he couldn't think there could be another woman ever like her anywhere, just thinking about her caused him to blush deeply. He thought about what it was like to have her in his life and how awesome he felt about having a woman who wanted to be around him. A woman who wanted to be with him and who was so sweet, kind and determined as well. He blinked as he thought about it and let it pass before he remembered he had to get other things. He knew how easy it was to get sidetrack just by thinking about Musubi

He walked into the next area and got some new towels for Musubi as well as things he was sure that he would need for around his own home. He found thing that she could use for her room, as well as stuff for the house in general he needed to pick up. He then got her things like a bathroom robe as well as himself one so that she would have it when she got out of the bathroom if she wanted. He figured he had enough with what she was going to get for herself, that they could get it and that should set up Musubi rather well. He figured that he would need to make sure she we well off, and taken care off, she was his responsibility or that is how he felt. He loved that, being able to help someone, but he also knew that having her around was helpful to himself too.

He walked away from the area and looked for Musubi and smiled as he noticed her from a bit away. He had no idea of her own adventure as his was rather simple and basic. He walked up to her and smiled as he noticed the number of things that she had on her. "So, it looks like you have a lot that you got, put it in the basket and we can go and check out. 'So, I got you some things to for you," he said with a warm smile as he looked over at her giving her a happy look, "Now do you want to go to the city pool or the part and the river," he asked her softly as he wanted to be able to go to the one she would like.
Musubi smiled as Aoi walked up to her. She was glad that he was ok with her basket full of clothes. “Subata-san? Can we go swimming at the river?” Musubi thought the river would have been a romantic place for the two of them to go; and she hoped that it wouldn’t be too populated in case she were to get into a battle. A frown etched across her face at the thought of hurting innocent people on accident.

She often wondered how many Sekirei had already been claimed. How many are left? Would Aoi become an Ashikabi to more than just her? The thought of not being the only Sekirei in his life saddened her. Secretly she wanted Aoi for herself, but if he were to take in another Sekirei she would accept his decision. Plus, she didn’t want to become friends with another Sekirei and end up fighting them.

After they had paid for their items they started walking in the direction of the river. Musubi couldn’t wait to go swimming with Aoi. In the checkout line she had noticed his blue swimming trunks, ‘I bet they look good on him’ she thinks to herself as they silently continue to walk onwards. At the river she looks around in aw. “This place is beautiful.” She explains. “It’s perfect!” she squeals, excited for the events to come. A beach lined with lush green trees surround the sparkling blue water. Tents of various colors and styles, shading happy swimmers, decorate the inviting beach. Laughter from happy children bounces off the warm water.

Glancing around she notices the changing rooms. “I’m going to go change into my swimsuit.” She tells Aoi, excitement flooding her voice. Quickly changing into her bikini, she exits the bamboo changing room and waits for Aoi. As she’s patiently waiting, she wonders where they are going to store their belongings.
Aoi looked over at Musubi as he saw her with the clothes, she must of found what she had wanted. He knew that she had a good bit, but then again, she had no clothes so it would make sense that she would need a fair bit of clothes. He nodded his head about the idea of swimming at the river. He figured that sounded a whole lot better then swimming at the pool too. The pool was so crowded and it was not nearly as fun as people made it out to be. He knew at the part they would have peace and quiet and that things would be nice too. he liked the idea of being near Musubi at either one, having her close just made him feel warmer and special in a odd way that he couldn't put a finger on at all yet.

Aoi of course didn't know he could have another Sekirei, he knew that there were more then one but somehow he didn't think about the possibility of having more then one of them. He knew that he would be of a mixed mind though had he known about the possibility to have another one. He would be for it for the reasons that he knew that if he was with the, they wouldn't end up like that poor woman who had attacked Musubi. He would also up for it cause of the fact that he knew if Musubi was going to get better she was going to have to have someone who could push her, and he knew if he was with others that she would be pushed more and she would be forced to grow stronger then she was at that moment at least. It was something that he would of been against cause he loved having Musubi around and he knew that might take that away and that they might have to fight later.

As they got to the swim center he walked in and started to change, he wasn't worried about his looks, he was a good looking fit man, he told himself this. Though he knew Musubi was beautiful beyond the norm. He was happy that he got to spend time with her, the park was so sweet and nice and the perfect place to spend time with Musubi and get to be around the busty woman. He finished getting ready putting his clothes in his bag as he walked out a moment later looking around for Musubi as he then smiled waving to her and blushing a bit as he saw just how good she looked in the bikini. It fit her every curve just right, and it showed just the right amount too. He smiled blushing still a bit as he walked over to her.
“Subata-san, do you like my swimsuit?” Musubi asked while placing her hands on her hips. She really hoped that he approved of her bikini. Doing a little twirl, she giggled. “Let’s go find a place to lay the beach towels.” She says while smiling. Walking around looking for a place that they could claim, Musubi eyed Aoi’s swimming trunks. They looked good on him; they even matched his perfect eyes. Musubi cupped her hands and belongings in front of her, her face turning a soft pink.

“There’s a good spot.” She says while pointing to a sunny area near the water. Grabbing Aoi’s hand, Musubi ran towards the spot. His had felt strong and warm against hers. A ping of electricity shot through her body. Oh how much she wished she could keep holding his hand. “What do you think Subata-san?” she asked as they reached the spot she had her eye on.

She gazed out at the reflecting blue water. It was so beautiful; it nearly took her breath away. With a giggle she dropped her things and dashed towards the welcoming liquid, eagerness enveloping her body. “Come on Subata-san!” she yelled as she continued to run towards the water; her right arm in the air, hand waving at him. Reaching the river she took a running jump into it. Cool water splashed up around her. It felt good against her skin as she sank towards the watery floor.
Aoi looked over at the brunette for a moment and then blinked as his face turned a bit red as he couldn't but admire her figure, she was the most beautiful thing he had even thought of seeing in his whole entire life. He couldn't believe his luck that he got to go to do anything with the goddess of a woman whom he was with. He looked around, it was still so nice outside, the temperature was nice and warm, without being overly warm, the wind was up which made it very pleasant, plus it was sun but not to bright all at the same time. It was one of those great days that anyone except maybe a shut in loves to see for it reminds them how great it is to be alive and how lucky they are to be around.

He nodded his head as he held her hand moving toward the spot. It was under a tree, which would give them ample shade and would be close enough to the water that it wouldn't take them a long walk to get in and swim. "It looks rather perfect actually, great choice," he said giving her a thumbs up as he walked. He put down their things in the spot that Musubi had pointed out when he had hard her voice as he turned to see that she had in fact gotten into the water already. He smiled as he knew that she was having a great deal of fun. He wanted to have fun with her, enjoy all the time he got to be with her and around her. He nodded his head as he ran over and jumped into the water.

He found it deep enough, and cold for sure, he could feel the fresh cold water press against his body as he was in the river. "Well now, it is nice," he said the coldness of the water a good contrast against the warmth of the day. He swam around Musubi as he then looked at her and gave her a sort of smile. He smiled as he playfully splashed her with some water giving her a small little grin, "Well now got you," he said splashing her playfully again before slipping under the water and then coming back up as to get his hair wet, now it felt like he was really a fun day, way better even then the crazy day the day before. He did one playful splash a bit larger then the ones before as he smiled happily over at her, "this was a great idea Musubi."
Happiness overflowed her body as she breached the surface of the water and breathed in a lungful of fresh air. Musubi couldn’t remember the last time she had ever went swimming, or even if she had ever swam in her life. Dashing the quarrelsome thoughts away, she focused on the present. There was no point in dwelling on past memories she couldn’t quite grasp and remember. Today she was going to focus on bonding with Aoi, her Ashikabi, which Musubi didn’t find too hard since she couldn’t stop thinking about him. Something about the young man burned a bright fire inside her chest.

Tilting her face up towards the sun, she closed her eyes to bask in the warm light. A cold splash of water tickled her face, causing her to giggle and focus her attention to the culprit. “No fair Subata-san, I wasn’t ready.” As Aoi emerged from the blue liquid, Musubi swiped a handful of water at him. “I got you this time.” She said playfully, a grin spreading across her wet face.

“I’m glad you thought it was a great idea Subata-san. I’m having a lot of fun…” Musubi was interrupted by a blue and yellow-stripped balloon ball smacking the back of her head. Shocked by the sudden impact she went face first into the water, arms flailing beside her.

“Sorry!” yelled an unfamiliar voice.
Aoi smiled as he looked at her giving her a happy little look as he said nothing for a moment and then blinked as he looked at Musubi, it was going to be a fun day, he didn't mind getting wet at all as he was having so much fun playing with Musubi, he figured that he could have as much fun as was possible with her and enjoy each moment that he had to be with Musubi as well. He saw the ball hit her in the back of he head and looked around for who had done what they had done. His eyes scanned the area around himself, hoping to find who else was there, he hadn't noticed anyone around them when he had gotten into the water, who could the person be who had slipped up near them.

Kasai was there as she had been looking for her own Ashikabi for a while. She knew without one she would not last to get into the contest. The young man before her was so cute and adorable, the young woman looked at him and knew she had to win this young man over to her. The redhead threw the ball at what he was sure was his own Sekirei as a ditraction to keep her away from him. The somewhat aggressive young woman was wearing a black one piece as she grabbed the man. Kasai pressed her arms around Aoi as she smiled happily. "Well now, I think it is amazing, you are rather cute you know," she commented as she looked at him. She had to make her move now while she had the chance.

Aoi blinked as he looked at her shocked at what was happening the young man was confused by this all. He wasn't sure what was about to happen, and he wasn't sure how he felt about this either. He blinked as he looked at her feeling something, he could feel his heart beating a bit faster as he looked at her, her arms around her, what was she doing, wait no way, was she one of the other Sekirei. He blinked as he looked at her remembering the sekirei who had the chain around her neck and was treated so horribly. He wouldn't ever treat anyone as badly as the owner of that woman who treated their own sekirei so horribly, he wouldn't ever treat a woman so badly.

The two soon kissed, and the fact she was a Sekirei was easy to see as she awoken before the two of them. Her wings made of fire as they bloomed behind her back, she let the kiss go on for a moment before pulling back from her. "I am Kasai, Sekirei number 21," she said with a smile as she looked over at Musubi, "Hi 88, seems that a low number like yourself is outclassed by a better woman now," she said confidently as she looked at Musubi with a grin on her lips saying nothing for a moment as she smiled confidently for a moment. Aoi blinked as he looked at her, now two, he blinked he had a feeling things were going to get crazy around his own home as it seemed he would have another female to take home with him.
Musubi launched her head out of the water, gasping for air. What happened? She thought to herself as she gingerly wiped water off of her face and out of her eyes. The back of her head was a little sore from the impact, but nothing serious. Glancing around her she noticed the balloon ball floating in the water close to her. With a frown she robbed the back of her skull. “Where did that come from?” she silently whispered to herself as she went to go retrieve it. The ball was light and bobbed weightlessly on the water. ‘The only way this would have hurt is if he had been thrown rally hard. Did someone throw that at me on purpose?’

With a gasp, Musubi turned around realizing that Aoi was speaking to a young woman with red hair. Was she the one that dive-bombed her with the balloon toy? A pang of electricity shot through her body when she witnessed the young woman wrap her arms Aoi. Not sure what to do, she froze in place. She tried to call out to Aoi, but her voice was caught in the back of her throat. Sadness enveloped her as she witnessed the two of them kiss. Fiery red wings spread out behind the young woman, she was another Sekirei.

“Su…Suba…Subata-san?” She managed to quiver out. When the woman had introduced herself as Kasai, Sekirei number 21, Musubi’s heart plummeted into her stomach. Completely ignoring the woman’s statement of her being the better woman, Musubi wrapped her arms around herself. With a sigh, she forced herself to smile at the young woman. “Welcome to our little group Kasai. We are lucky to have you on our team.” She said, tears threatening to penetrate the corners of her eyes.
Kasai looked at the two and smiled as she back up and could tell that this other woman was soft, but she figured that she could win over the young man in time, but now wasn't the time to do so. She got out of the water showing off her great body as she looked over at them. "Well, I knew the park was the perfect place to find my Ashikabi," she said confidently as she walked over sitting down, honestly she wasn't a huge fan of water, but to end up with a good Ashikabi it was worth the trouble of having to get herself wet. She sat under the tree figuring that would work just well for the moment as she was secure in the spot that she was with a strong man, and she felt she could out do Musubi in the future. Kasai didn't want to mess things up completely she wanted to win fair and square and she didn't need to resort to underhanded tactics to win Aoi-kun over from Musubi, she was sure she could win Aoi-Kun over without any problems, still the moment wasn't hers, and she would let Aoi-kun and Musubi enjoy it together.

Aoi could read Musubi rather well as he could see she was faking. He slipped his arms around the brunette and let his lips find her own lips as he kissed her deeply, which caused Kasai to narrow her eyes, perhaps she had more competition then she first thought from the brunette time would only but tell on that one. He pressed his lips against her own for a long moment enjoying the tension that built naturally between himself and Musubi as he kissed her. He then broke the kiss and looked at the fighting type Sekirei, "I am sorry, that we won't be alone anymore," he said in a whisper, "but that girl who fought you, the one who was chained up and abused, if I can be other Sekirei's Ashikabi, then they won't have to have that happen to them, I won't let them suffer that type of abuse and we know that people like that won't give up hunting them down and forcing them into horrible situations," he said sort of explain himself and his reasons for letting Kasai join the group. He didn't want her to end up an abused Sekirei.

He also knew that this he hoped would in time push her, but he knew that she needed to know he was there for her, and he kissed her to show his feelings, but also to make sure she knew he was there for her as well. He smiled as he looked at her. "Well now, thank you for believing in my and please continue to do so, even though Kasai will still be around, I still hold you very important in my heart beautiful Musubi, you are my first kiss after all," he said all in a whisper, "and I can't think of a better person to have my first kiss with to be honest," he said softly as he looked up at her giving her the warm kind smile as he said nothing for a long moment as he looked right at her. "plus, if there are groups with multiple Sekirei they might attack you all at once and then you might need back up and help to win."
Musubi warmed at Aoi’s touch as he wrapped his arms around her. Her face slightly pinked, ashamed that she had been jealous over Kasai. When the young man placed his lips against hers she felt a mass of fireworks explode inside of her body. “I understand Subata-san.” She lightly whispered back. “By claiming her as your Sekirei you might have saved her from an Ashikabi that makes a hobby of collecting us.” Musubi’s eyes softened. ‘I’m happy that he has claimed another Sekirei. But there can only be one winning Sekirei… I hope I’m good enough to win over Kasai.’ She thought to herself.

“Of course I’ll continue to cheer for you. You’re my Ashikabi.” She replies with a big smile. There was more behind her reasons for cheering him on besides him being her Ashikabi. She knew that Sekirei weren’t supposed to get too attached to their Ashikabi, but she couldn’t stop herself. Every time she was around him her heart would flutter, his touch made her skin tingle, his lips made her dreamily dizzy. Was she in love with him? Musubi had never experienced love before and she wasn’t sure how to react. Sudden realization dawned on her “I’m your first kiss Subata-san?” She blinked. A sudden redness spread across her face. “You’re my first kiss too. Maybe you were always meant to bond with me.” A gust of wind fluttered her hair.

Musubi splashed the young man. Giggles erupted from her chest as the water spackled her face. Musubi turned around towards Kasai. “Hey Kasai!” she yelled, “You should come join us. You are apart of the team after all.” She smiled at number 21. “Subata-san, you are right, she will be a great asset to the group. The more Sekirei you claim the better your chances. Do what you need to do, I trust your judgment.” She whispered to him, her gaze still locked onto Kasai.
Aoi looked at Musubi and then nodded his head as he was glad that she was willing to put up with another girl, he knew that she knew now that she was important despite this fact, which was of course something that was very important. He wanted to make sure that she was the first one had had found, his first kiss and someone who was so very important to him and many levels. He felt that he had to help as many as he could and support his Sekirei as much as was possible. He saw the softening of her eyes and felt great about that as he was happy to feel that she was willing to try this. "Maybe so, I think it could be something to that whole though, we were meant to find each other and such but who knows for sure."

Kasai smiled as she watched, she was a confident woman, proud and sure of herself, she would win, she was sure of this, but the young woman, also knew that having friends beat the heck out of having no friends at all, and while, her new Ashikabi was the most handsome man she had ever seen in her whole life, she knew that she needed to make friends with the brunette as that would help her get stronger, and she had to get stronger, she wasn't a single digit or anything she knew there were foes naturally stronger then her. "Hey, Musubi, it is awesome day, we both get to be here and have fun and spend time together," she said with a warm smile that also showed that inner drive and confidence natural to her. Um, have you battled any others yet, I must admit I have sadly had to avoid battle up to this point," she commented as she looked at the pair of them.

"Yes, we did, we battled this one female, she was being used um poorly by her trainer, I promise that I will never treat either of you like that, it makes me mad to just think about it," he commented to the pair as the look on his eyes would tell the pair that he was telling the truth, he had a inner fire and drive himself that was not as easy as Kasai's drive but to see if one knew about it. He then splashed the pair of them, fast before they could react, using both of his hands to splash the pair of females before either of them could prepare. Kasai was taken off guard and blinked before she was dunked under the water , before Aoi went to try the same trick on Musubi and dunk her as well.
Musubi noticed what Aoi had done to Kasai; she dodged the young man as he launched himself towards her in an attempt to dunk her as well. “You’re not going to catch me.” She giggled. Turning her back to Aoi, she ran deeper into the river until she could no longer reach the ground. Swimming under the translucent blue surface of the water, she opened her eyes and held her breath. The river bottom was beautiful and full of life. Sunrays bounced and reflected around in the water, luscious green plants decorated the floor and became homes for the local fish and water-life. ‘Aoi needs to see this.’ She thought to herself as she continued to gaze at the wondrous sight before her. A pain in her chest sent her flailing to the surface.

Breaching the surface of the water, she frantically gasped for air. Her chest continued to burn with each painful intake of breath. Musubi tried her best to swim to shore but she couldn’t summon up the strength. “What’s wrong with me?” she wheezed while gripping her chest in hopes of subduing the pain. A Laugh from behind her sent chills up her spine.

“That’s a shame. I didn’t expect my attack to affect you this much. I thought you were going to be a more formidable opponent. Pity.” A young blue haired man was standing on a pillar of water in front of her. “My name is Azuki, Sekirei number 75. I’m a water type Sekirei.” He announced with a subtle grin on his face. “I’m here to eliminate you from the competition.”

Musubi gazed up at him, hardness and determination etched onto her face. “My name is Musubi, Sekirei number 88. Why are you attacking me now? The games don’t officially start till all of the Sekirei have been claimed.”

“But why wait when I can eliminate you now?” He rushed towards her with a sword made of water in hand. Musubi ducked under the water in an attempt to dodge the attack, but she failed. A pillar of water pushed her up out of the blue liquid, leaving her exposed to an attack. Azuki’s water sword caught her on the shoulder as he rushed by. Musubi screamed as the weapon cut through tender flesh.
Aoi felt his anger pick up when he saw the male Sekirei attack Musubi, he narrowed his eyes as he got out of the water, he looked down as he wanted to yell at him for hurting Musubi in that moment, he was normaly a clear rational thinker but he wasn't happy about what happened and the young man took a rock from the side of the bank and was about to throw the rock at the male Sekirei with his full force. He wanted to kick the water users butt. He knew of course he wouldn't be able to but he still wanted to for harming Musubi as had. He had seen her get hurt once before and both times it caused him to want to figure a way to do something and a way to support her. He knew that he had to help her get as strong as possible and that was the only way he could support her really. That was why he found the old books to help her with, it was the only way he could be of help and help her grow stronger or so he thought at the moment.

It was at that moment, that a few arrows made of fire flew at the water user, Kasai knew that this was not a wise choice, that he was a water user, the weakness of fire, but she had new friends and she had to protect them and especially Aoi. Her temper had gotten the best of her to as well to be ignored by the Sekirei as not worth a challenge as well. "I am Kasai, number 21, and if you pick on my friend out of turn, then your challenging both of us at the same time," she commented loudly, her temper matching her element perfectly as she held a bow that she made out of fire and fired a few more arrows at the water user. "Musubi out of the water now," she demanded as she knew in the water their foe had a stronger advantage against them then he would otherwise.

Aoi looked at Kasai and blinked, he hadn't really expected her to help like this, but then again, he didn't really know the pink haired female at all. It seemed she was a interesting young woman, and she had a lot of innerstrength just like Musubi. He hoped the two could protect each other. He knew logically that Kasai wouldn't be a good match for someone with water powers, but he knew that she wanted to help and it would be stupid to try to stop her from helping Musubi at the moment. "Come on Kasai, Musubi, you can do it, I believe in you," he said cheering the pair on as he knew that was pretty much all he could do when the people who were fighting where so powerful.
Musubi blinked her eyes, in an attempt to refocus the world around her. Fire arrows wizzed past her, fizzing out before reaching the water Sekirei. The man grinned as he honed in on Kasai. “Your fire can’t hurt me.” He cackled. The pillar of water that had been holding Musubi up suddenly vanished while Azuki was distracted. Falling into the water, she heard Kasai yell something about getting out of the water, but her voice was drowned out by the sound of liquid rushing past her ears. ‘I need to get out of the water.’ Thought Musubi as she poked her head up out of the water, gasping for air.

Azuki completely forgot about the brunet Sekirei, he had a bone to pick with the fire girl. She had tried to hurt him, he wasn’t happy about that. “Silly number 21, did you really think you could really hurt me with your little fire tricks?” he mocked, hoping to make her angry. “No matter. You’re in my playing field. I think I’ll have my fun with you first.” The liquid pillar he was standing on rushed him towards Kasai, water sword drawn back for an attack.

Swimming to shore as fast as she could, Musubi gritted her teeth against the pain that was engulfing her arm and shoulder, but she had to get to solid ground. She looked over at Aoi, her thoughts only of keeping him safe. Her feet finally touching the shores edge, she ran up onto the beach, her chest heaving in exhaustion. Screams erupted from the nearby guests as they witnessed the unusual fight before them. “Everybody get out of here.” She yelled, trying to clear out the area. The pedestrians made no quarrel and vacated the area as fast as possible, all except one. A bald man in black skull swimming trunks walked up to her, arms folded.

“Your no match for my Sekirei.” He laughed. So his man was Azuki’s Ashikabi? Musubi readied her fist in case there were more Sekirei around. He smile peaked on the corner of his lips. “You realize that the two of you don’t stand a chance, right? Azuki might be my only Sekirei, but your surrounded by his element. That gives him a great advantage.” The muscular man eyed her up and down. “I’m actually quite impressed that your Ashikabi was able to bag a Sekirei like you. Lucky guy.” He glanced over at Kasai, “She’s not bad looking either.” Musubi glared at the man, he was wasting her time, she needed to help Kasai.
Kasai knew this was not a fight that was going to be easy to win and perhaps one that wouldn't be possible at all to win. She had to try, she had to help Musubi and she had to help Aoi as well. She had to do her best, and the annoying male as much as she wanted to go all out against him, she was able to remember that she had to stay alive and keep in the game. He would just block her fire attacks with a water attack, so she had to think, which was more then a bit annoying for the pink haired female. She jumped to the side, she was pretty quick as she did she hit the ground with her foot moving away from herself. jumping back, the attack she used was kind of like a proximity mine, when him attack front on it wouldn't activate till he got close to it, perhaps it would hit to fast for his water to defend himself with, whatever the case it would put him on the defense she hold or keep him back a bit, and at the very least by some time, for she knew that only Musubi really could defeat this one. A fact that really bugged her but one she had to accept. When he came up she would keep on the defensive, it wasn't going to work only that large water thing would cause a bit problem and she knew that most likely he had another trick or two that he could use. Still she had to try, focus, move as fast as possible, prove yourself to Aoi, so him that your just as good as Musubi, that was what she was thinking at the moment.

Aoi looked at the man, "you don't underestimate them, they are stronger then you think, it might be your Sekirei's advantage, but your a no good dirty cheat and I will make sure we defeat you, I will do whatever I have to protect them, even if it cost me my life," Aoi commented to the man as he grabbed a large rock and threw it at the water type hopefully it would work as a distraction, but he was aware of the position of the larger male, he knew that he might attack him and he was ready. He might look small, but against a normal person, Aoi was pretty strong and pretty tough as well. he knew that if he fought another human it would be at least fair odds for himself. He knew though against a Sekirei he had no chance, but a distraction was needed and Kasai needed his head, and he had to do what he could even if it didn't do anything, it was better then just standing there. "Come on, you can do it Kasai, Musubi, I believe in you both, you can win this despite everything," he said loudly as he threw another rock at Azuki.
Ignoring Azuki’s Ashikabi, Musubi dashed towards Kasai. Readying her fists, she launched herself from the ground, her first razed for an attack. “Leave my friend alone!” she yelled as she threw her fist towards his back. The water Sekirei attempted to dodge the surprise attack, but failed miserable as he was hit square in the shoulder. The man yelped as he went spiraling towards the ground. Inches from the soft sand, a water shaped hand reached out and caught the blue haired Sekirei. Musubi softly landed onto the ground, her eyes narrowed, slightly annoyed that he hadn’t hit the ground as she had intended.

Azuki howled with laughter as he was gently set down to safety on the sandy beach. “Nice try number 88. To bad your plan didn’t work.”

Musubi’s anger flared up as she focused on the irritating man. How were they possibly going to beat him? He was surrounded by his element. At least he was on land; that gave her some advantage. As she contemplated her next move, Azuki rushed towards her with his water sword raised for a strike. With ease, she dodged the attack. Using her right leg, she kicked him in the side as she flew past, causing the blue haired man to grunt in pain. Good, she might have a chance of beating him.

Musubi took the opportunity and ran towards him, fist at the ready. But Azuki saw it coming and was able to correct himself, using his sword to block Musubi’s fist attacks. The sounds of slapping water filled her ears as she released herself into a fury of fast punches. Musubi had hoped that if she had performed hard and fast enough punched that she would eventually break through the liquid sword. “Why isn’t this working?” she asked herself, annoyed that her plan wasn’t coming to fruition.

Azuki smiled. “It’s not going to be that easy to beat me.” With his declaration he swiftly raised his sword and slashed Musubi’s stomach. “I will be the winning Sekirei. There is nothing you can do to stop me!”

Musubi fell backwards onto the ground. Thoughts of loosing flooded her head, but she kept them at bay. Not only had she wanted to win for herself, but also she wanted to win for Aoi. He was her Ashikabi, they were meant to be together. With that thought she knew exactly what to do. “Kasai, I need you to take over for me!” she yelled. Unaware of whether the woman heard her or not, she made her way towards Aoi and the inevitable kiss that would strengthen her abilities as well as her bond with the man she was destined to be with.
Kasai watched as Musubi attacked, she knew she had to rest for a moment as she might be needed soon after. Her body was tired from what she had done and she knew that against a water user things didn't look so good for her. Yet she had to think and gathered her strength for some idea. She had to think, what could work, what would work. Aoi needed her damn it, she had to prove to herself and to him that she was as useful as Musubi, or she would lose that race before it even started. She took a deep breath clearing her mind and thinking about ideas, and two of them popped up. Two different abilities she could use, but while one would win her the match she was sure of, she couldn't control that ability in the slightest even when it worked at all and it had worked like once ever when she tried so that would be a no go. Then she had to try the other idea, it was not going to win the fight, but given the chance she was sure that it would be able to buy her and musubi more time.

Kasai nodded her head as the pink haired female smield knowing her plan and know having a chance to use it, she shot off arrows at Azuki to pull his attention to her, of course she knew that he would block them, but that wasn't the point, the point was to draw the attention back to her. Then she fired off one more this one different, it blew up in between her and him, it wasn't like a normal fireball, this one was like a flash bang, creating a bright blinding light for anyone looking in her direction. The point simple to disorient Azuki for as long as possible to buy time for Musubi to do whatever it was she needed to do at that moment, and then hopefully to give them enough time to win.

Aoi went to Musubi to make sure she was okay, both her and Kasai were trying so hard for him, he was so proud of the effort that they were making and now they were even working together so well too. He went up to her and hugged her as he looked at the dark haired female. "Your doing well, I am sorry, there isn't more that I can do for you at the moment," he said softly as he looked into her beautiful eyes. He didn't know that each kiss he had with his girls would strengthen them, but he was very new into this and still very much learning the ins and outs about how all of this worked. He looked at her giving her a smile. "Now keep it up, I know you can win, no matter how hard the challenge is, you and Kasai can overcome it."
Musubi smiled as Aoi hugged her, the strength of his wrapped arms comforting her. “I’m trying my best Subata-san. I promise I won’t loose.” She paused. “We won’t loose.” Before more words could be exchanged, she kissed the young man. Warmth blossomed inside of her chest, increased strength coursing through her body. Red translucent wings erupted from her back, cascading around the two as they shared an intimate moment between Sekirei and Ashikabi. Musubi reveled in the power, embraced it. With these enhanced abilities she knew she would win.

Breaking away from Aoi was hard, She wanted so much to continue the kiss, but she needed to end the fight. Looking into His eyes, Musubi gave him a warm and confident smile. “Subata-san, we are going to win this.” Turning around she sprinted towards Azuki. Flashes of blinding light popped around in the sky. Musubi needed to attack him now while he was momentarily distracted. Kasai’s arrows were doing their job. Once she had sprinted just past the blue haired man, she skidded to a sudden stop and jumped high into the air.

“Stupid fire Sekirei.” Azuki groaned while trying his best to cover his eyes.

While Azuki was busy covering his eyes, Musubi was high above him, readying her attack. Falling back towards the earth, she pulled all of her power into her right fist. If she missed, she would loose. This was all or nothing. As she came down upon the male Sekirei, she yelled with all of her might and punched in Azuki’s direction as hard as she could.

Another flash bang sent Azuki’s head spinning. “That stupid Bi…” He was suddenly cut off by a yelling female voice. Turning around to see what was going on, all went black.

Musubi had successfully punched Azuki right in the face, sending him spiraling to the ground with a thud. It was over; she had defeated her first Sekirei. Landing on the ground next to the unconscious man she fell down onto one knee. The wounds that Azuki had inflicted were aching more than ever, blood still seeping out of the open slashes. “You weakling!” Yelled Azuki’s Ashikabi, anger filling his voice. “I knew I shouldn’t have settled with you as my Sekirei. I should have looked for more. Your pathetic!”

Musubi flinched as the man continued to yell. Summoning all of her remaining strength, she walked the few steps towards Azuki’s prone body. She checked his pulse, he was still alive, and delicately searched his body for his Sekirei symbol. A small rattling cough escaped the mans lips as she turned him onto his back. “I’m sorry.” She said lightly. “But it has to be this way.” His Sekirei mark was on his upper left forearm. Placing her hand onto it she effectively erased the mark, forever severing him from his powers. Now all she had to do was wait for the aircraft carriers to carry him away, to a place that is unknown to all Sekirei, a place for the fallen angels to rest.
Aoi looked at Musubi as she kissed him and felt the warmth of the moment between them, it was magical and special, it felt so nice to be able to kiss her like this and caused his heart's pace to quicken as well. He didn't notice the power that she got from the kiss but it was nice, he knew that he needed to help and that they had to win. he was worried about losing her and Kasai so quickly. He knew that he would need to work strong to be as strong of Ashikabi as he could be for the pair of them, and that if he did that then well, he could be proud of himself and they would be proud to be with him as well. He smiled as he watched her go, hearing the confidence in her voice as she headed away to fight the other Sekirei.

Kasai was tired, but she had to keep up this distraction, she had to prove herself both to Subata-San, but also to Musubi as well to show that she was going to be a help to them as they worked together as a team at least till they were the last two left and they could both have their fight over who got their Ashikabi for good. She saw how fast Musubi was moving and it was very impressive, and it reminded Kasai that she had a lot of work to do to catch up to her new friendly rival. Kasai watched at the fight ended, this was the sad fate of losers, but she couldn't feel to bad as it cold of easily been them and not him who ended up like this losing and being taken away to some unknown place for good.

Aoi smiled as he looked at the two, he felt bad for the Sekirei more then the Ashikabi who wanted to use the power for his own advantage, still both were not that honorable. He was impressed by Musubi and Kasai, both were strong beautiful women. Both were dangerous and impressive in every aspect possible for a woman to be impressive in. He stood there for a moment before he was suddenly hugged by Kasai who took the change to hug Aoi before Musubi could, getting at least one edge up on her. "Well now, I think we should head home as soon as possible, it has been a good day, but I think you both need to get some rest, you both put in a lot of work today," he said kindly to the pair of them.

Kasai nodded her head, "Yeah, it was fun, but I am a bit tired of water after all this, plus I want to see your home and room, and everything, Subata-Senpai," she said with a warm and yet soft tone before letting go of Aoi for a moment and looking at Musubi, "You are really good, I underestimated you, your going to make the best sparing partner ever," she said confidently as she looked at Musubi giving her a warm smile, "though I don't plan on losing either on that last battlefield or the real fight off the battlefield," she commented as she looked at Musubi as she knew Musubi would knew what she meant by the other battle between them, one that was over a heart and not one done using fists or anything violent.
Musubi watched as the lights from the aircraft carrier carried Azuki’s limp body away. Silently she closed her eyes and sent him a little prayer, hoping that wherever he was going that they would save him. With a deep intake of breath she turned around to walk back towards Aoi. Stopping in her tracks, jealously flared inside of her chest when she witnessed Kasai hugging Aoi. Forcing herself to calm down, she walked towards the two and gave them the biggest smile she could muster. “I’m ready to go home whenever you are Subata-san.” She solemnly looked down at her ripped and blood stained clothes. “I hope you have a sewing kit at home Subata-san. I need to patch these up before my next fight. I don’t want to be naked for my next fight.” She giggled while shrugging her shoulders.

On the way home she looped her arm around Aoi’s arm. “Subata-san, what do you want to have for dinner tonight? I can help with the cooking again.” She asked with a sweet smile. “Kasai can join us if she wants.” Musubi suggested as she glanced towards Kasai. Secretly she wanted the woman to refuse to help, but it was better to play nice than to let jealously rule over her. After all, she didn’t hate Kasai, she just didn’t want Aoi to pay her more attention. As they walked, she could feel the cut on her leg beginning to throb. It hadn’t yet healed fully and the walk was prolonging the recovering process. After a good nights rest she would be up and running again, good thing Sekirei are fast healers.
Aoi smiled as he looked from Kasai to Musubi as she stood there, looking so cute as she always managed to do. He heard her commented and then nodded his head, "Yes, it is time we head back, we need to get you a room, Kasai, and yes, Musubi, I do have a sewing kit, Musubi, I think that is a good idea, your clothes are almost making you look um indecent," he said noticing that fact, turning a bit red as he came to that realization as to how ripped up the close of the dark haired young woman were, somehow he hadn't noticed it in the fight to focused on trying to think of any possible way to help out Musubi and Kasai that he couldn't think about the state of dress between the pair of them.

Kasai heard the statement and wanted to pout right away, but she had to be honest, and she shook her head, "No thanks, I um can't cook in the least, I try to stay away from kitchens, as I always ruin anything I try to make, burn it," the young pink haired girl commented, "though I would be more then willing to help out with the eating of this wonderful food," she said as she gathered up her own things. She would need a change of clothes herself but that could wait till they got back to this place her new Ashikabi lived at knowing that she would need to settle into her own room anyhow.

"Well, how about some rice and some fish, that sounds good, though after fighting a guy with water power, it might be fun to eat something from water," he said with a smile. "Plus I have some that could be ready to cook really soon. "Yes, you can help out once we get that leg taken care of," he mused as he saw it out of the corner of his eyes. He slipped down and picked up Musubi into his arms, and held her close to himself, "No walking on it, I will carry you home this time, I might not look it, but I am pretty strong, just not well on your level," he said with a smile as he held Musubi. Kasai noticing this and getting a good bit jealous at what had happened just then.

Aoi carried Musubi back to his own home in his arms, it wasn't a long walk at all, but he carried her close the whole way letting her rest her head against his own chest. He blushed most of the way, and hoped that Musubi didn't notice this. He also didn't notice the still slightly shocked look on the face of Kasai as they walked all the way back to his home. He sat down Musubi and wrapped up her cut carefully before nodding, "That should work, you find a change of clothes and I will be in the kitchen in a moment to help you get ready. He then led Kasai to her room, before he walked into the kitchen a few moments later just as he had told her moments before.
The thought of eating fish and rice made Musubi’s mouth begine to salivate. If the food tasted anything like what Aoi had cooked the night before, she couldn’t wait. “Kasai.” She said while turning towards the pink haired girl. “Your going to love Subata-san’s cooking.” Musubi could feel her face contort into anticipation. “If you want, Aoi and I could try and teach you how to cook. Then you could cook us a meal one day.” She may have some competition with the other Sekirei, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t play fair.

Musubi’s face flushed a bright red when Aoi said he wanted to carry her home. Why was he so nice? Why was he so perfect? Being hoisted into his arms made her skin crawl with excitement. While she rested her head against his chest, she closed her eyes and took in his scent. He smelled wonderful. Everything felt like it had fallen away, the only people existing at that moment were the two of them. At that moment, she had forgotten about Kasai and all of the sekirei battles she would inevitably face. Musubi felt nothing but pure bliss.

The coolness of the house washed over Musubi’s exposed skin. Looking down at her skin, she realized that she was somewhat burnt, her skin taking on a red tone. “I should have put more sunblock on.” She muttered to herself. Aoi had set her down and tended to her wounds with delicate hands. Musubi blushed as he worked his hands up and down her injured leg. “Thank you Subata-san. It feels a lot better now.” She said as he finished up.

While Aoi was busy showing Kasai the room she would be staying in, Musubi made her way to the bath. Propping her leg out of the water, she took delicate measures not to get her dressings wet as she scraped off all of the dried blood and grime that she accumulated during the battle. Musubi could feel her muscles begin to relax, the warmth of the water caressing her sore spots. Laying her head on the back of the tub, she suddenly felt her eyes grow heavy. “Maybe I can take a quick nap.” She mumbled as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Kasai smiled, she was glad to hear that. Given the feeling that she got from being around the young man, him being talented seemed more then a bit fitting for her. She then shook her head. "Oh, no, I don't want to, um, I have tried many times, I figured that by learning to cook, I would find a great Asakabi, and well, um, that ended up in really bad things happening," she replied rubbing the back of her head as she made the comment. The pink haired girl remembered times when she had mistakes and well, burned the heck of out food, almost burned a place down around her and other things. She was a bad cook, it was just not in her nature to cook, and she didn't want to ruin this meal for Subata-kun. She then followed the others as they headed to the house, she kept quiet, the whole way, she would have her time to seduce and work towards winning Subata-kun, but this wasn't the time or the moment for that. She was more then content with being in her new room, and getting used to it, she liked it, it felt good to have a roof over her head and a place to sleep that was soft and warm.

Aoi on the other hand, had no clue what was on either girl's mind, he found both to be the icons of beauty that they were. He smiled thinking that he had both of them in his home. He knew he would have to help them, be a good person and support Musubi and Kasai in every possible way he could. That day had shown him just how true that statement happened to be. He looked around for Musubi in the kitchen, figuring that she would be in there, getting ready to cook, he figured that she would be excited for that. She seemed so when he brought up the idea of the meal. When he didn't notice her, he was curious as to where she might be. He still managed to put out everything that they would need to cook with, all the right spices and such before he headed off.

He then looked in her own room figuring that she might be there. Yet, she wasn't there at all either. He paused for a moment and then walked into the bathroom, after hearing the sound of water. He saw her in her full glory, under the water, nothing to hide. He turned a bright red on the spot feeling the blood rush to his face. He had never seen such a beautiful body in his whole life. He felt guilty too for having seen her naked without her approval. He quickly made his exit and then headed to the kitchen. Maybe she wouldn't notice that he happened to see her naked, that would be an awkward moment for sure. He went to work cooking, cutting the fish apart, and putting it on a heating plate, cleaning off the rice before putting into a bowl as well to let the rice start cooking as he added spices to the both of them as they cooked.
A loud bang of closing door brought Musubi stirring from her sleep. Blinking her eyes lazily she scanned the room. She was alone. With a shrug of her shoulders, she pushed herself up out of the now cooling tub. “I hope I didn’t sleep too long.” She pouted while drying herself off. “I was really hoping to make dinner with Aoi.” A rush of giddiness enveloped her as she swiftly pulled on her new sports bra and shorts. With a quick inspection of her limbs, she had noticed that she was fully healed. A smile played at her lips, happy that she could battle to her full potential within a moments notice.

Musubi inhaled, taking in the scents of a most delicious feast that Aoi had started cooking without her. Hustling to the kitchen, the sweet aromas became more enticing. This excited Musubi. “Subata-san! Sorry for being late. I decided to take a quick bath before we ate. I hope you don’t mind.” She bowed towards the handsome young man, her brown hair falling around her shoulders. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep in the tub. But the warm water felt so nice against my skin, I couldn’t help but shut my eyes. I hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long. Could you please forgive me?” Musubi had felt really terrible for having slept on accident. She had only intended to shut her eyes for a brief second. “What would you like me to help you with?” She sweetly asked as she stood up straight.
Aoi looked at the beautiful woman as she came into the room. He blinked as he couldn't look at her that moment without thinking about her naked as she had been in the bathroom. He had seen her in her full glory, and how beautiful and sexy she was. He had never been so attracted to a person as he was to her at that moment in time. He looked at her blinking, he could feel the warmth in his whole entire body rushing to his face making him feel as if his face was on fire. "I am sorry, um, I could tell you needed some rest, so it is okay, don't worry, I am sure that you can enjoy this meal, and we can make a meal together at some other time or something," he said as he looked at her his face still red as he thought about it for a long moment.

"I hope that you enjoy the meal," he said as he looked into her eyes, trying to focus on them and yet at the same time, he tried to think of something else other then Musubi at the moment. He blinked and looked at her for a moment and kissed her forehead, as he did, he could smell her, her sweet scent caught his noise so completely as he knew that he could also notice something. His pants were far more tight then they were normally, and he knew just why they were as well. He had to get away, and he had to find a way to refocus on something else. "Well, I am not actually that hungry this meal is just for you, and I um.. well am not feeling good at the moment," he said moving out of the room rather quickly heading to his room closing the door, before he tried to take care of his problem away from Musubi before she noticed.

Kasai bumped into him as he walked by quickly. She walked in and looked at Musubi with a confused look on her face as she wasn't sure what the heck had happened, but the food smelt good. "Um, were you two making out or something happen I should know about," she asked as she looked at Musubi and then blinked. Something was up but she didn't really let it bother her as she went over and gather up some food as she filled her plate and carried it over to the table. She looked at the food and then took a bite. "Dang, this stuff taste as good as it smells," she mused as she didn't think more about Aoi or what had happened between him and Musubi.
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