Sekirei: New Beginnings (Eldrithe & Silverknight)

Eldrithe Whisperwind

May 10, 2014
It was a warm spring day in Japan; colorful tulips decorated the landscape in between grey stone buildings. A young woman had just awoken from her slumber and was surprised to be surrounded by the colorful flowers. “Where am I?” she inquires. Rubbing her eyes while she stands up. Stretching her limbs, she hears a voice from behind.

“Hey baby, what’s your name?” Asks a young man wearing baggy blue jeans, sports t-shirt, and white ball cap. His black hair hung loose around his shoulders and face.

“Uh, you talking to me?” she replies while pointed at her face. Her eyes blinking in confusion. She smiles and places her hands on her hips. “My name is Musubi. I’m a Sekirei. Would you like to be my Ashikabi?” she requests happily.

“Ashikabi? Baby, I’ll be whatever you want me to be.” The young man walks up to her and grabs her breasts.

Musubi flinches and immediately pushes him away. “Stop, don’t do that.” she squeals. But the young man grabs her around the waist and pulls her close. In a fit of anger, she slams her knee into his crotch causing him to double over in agonizing pain.

“You..bitch!” he screams in a high pitched voice, “I guess I’m going to have to do this the hard way.” Grinning he attempts to stand up, “Boys, I think she’s in need of a little man handling.” Five men stepped out of the shadows holding various weapons.

Musubi’s face was set in total concentration, ready for battle. A man equipped with a long chain rushes towards her. With perfect and precise movement, she stepped out of the way of the chain and punched the man in the face throwing him to the ground. The other men looked surprised by the punch, they hadn’t expected it. Good. She had no desire to harm the humans, but she had a right to defend herself. Only one question remained, should she run? Or stay and fight?
Aoi Subata was out and about he had been for most of the day, it was a nice day after all and it was a day that was to good to waste as it were. He figured that he would take the long way home from his kendo practice. It wasn't the route that he ever too really, but he figured once in a while one had to enjoy life and just have some fun, this was one of those times for Aoi. He had no clue the impact of the detour that he was taking would have upon himself and his future. The young man was average in the height department standing just a bit under six feet tall, with a strong but mostly slim figure. He had dark brown eyes and short dark hair as well. This day he was walking around with his kendo bag and some pants and a white t-shirt that was plain. He had on brown boots as well.

He heard the yells ahead of himself along this new path he was taking. He could hear the words being said out loud, he knew or he thought someone was in trouble, and honestly it would be unbecoming of him if he didn't do anything at all. He wasn't the type to think and tended to act a bit rashly from time to time. He came around to see the fight happen and was surprised to see what happen. He still came with his wooden sword out as he turned quickly and stood in front of the brunette. He stepped in front of her his wooden sword in front of himself, "Now leave her alone," he declared as he looked ready to help this woman, but she had scared these guys already, and the idea of fighting her caused their will to shrink quickly. The group was shocked, luckily they split a moment later proving that loyality wasn't so a big thing for some people.
Sunbeams beat down on her hime-styled brown hair. The heat of battle seemed to sizzle out as each of the men looked back and forth at each other, silently contemplating on if she was worth fighting. Musubi readied herself for another attack, expecting them to come charging at her in any moment. Her red gloved covered fists ready for any sign of movement. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a young man dash towards her with a wooden sword in hand. She was about to punch him when she realized he was there to help her, using his body to shield hers. Suddenly the men scattered, leaving her alone with the young man.

Musubi looked in aw at the man whose back was turned to her, his short hair fluttering in the breeze. Who is this man? Will he be her Ashikabi? Without hesitation, she threw her arms around him in a bear hung. “Thank you for your help.” She giggled while swinging him back and forth. Realizing that she might be hurting him she let go and whirled him around. A big smile erupted on her face as she thrust it inches from her helper’s face, their noses almost touching.. “My name Is Musubi. I’m a fighting type Seckirei.” She stands back and points to a mark on her upper back. To insinuate her point she punches the air a few times, wind whistling with each lightening fast blow.

Cocking her head to the side she looks at the man. “I hope I didn’t hurt you.” Her light brown eyes shimmering in the light. “By the way, what’s your name?” She clasps her hands behind her back, the white sleeves of her gi ruffling in the wind.
Aoi was surprised to say the least by the power of the beautiful dark brown haired woman feeling her grab and hug him, he was squeezed harder then he could ever be squeezed in his whole entire life. He noticed how close the very adorable woman was to him and turned a bright red color as he had never been close to a woman who could even come close to matching the beauty that was displayed by this woman. He blinked as he caught his breath thinking about her words about be a Seikirei, whatever the heck that was. He then looked up at her as he gathered himself. Things were going rather crazy this day, things he never thought would ever happen where happening to him.

"I will be fine, my name is Aoi, Aoi Subata," he said putting out his hand to shake that of Musubi, and then giving her a charming little smile to go along. "I am just glad that I was able to help, though after feeling your hug, I am not sure you needed my help," he said with a warm and friendly tone to his voice. "I do have a question for you though, what is a Seikirei, and how the heck did you get so strong, your the strongest female I have ever meet or thought about meeting," he said in a bit of awe about Musubi. "Anyhow, I don't think an alley is the best place to me, why don't you walk with me, I can get you something to eat from my little home," he commented to her kindly.
“Thank you for saving me Subata-san.” She says with a heartfelt smile while giving him a little bow. So his name was Aoi Subata? Musubi liked his name; she felt that it suited him. Lifting back up Musubi looked Aoi over; she took note that his face was bright red. “Uh, Subata-san, did I hurt you earlier? Your face is really red.” She asks hesitantly with tears filling her eyes. The thought of hurting the one person who came to her rescue was unbearable. Cupping her hands above her breasts she tries her hardest not to sob. How could she have hurt him? He was so nice. She would certainly find a way to make it up to him. Taking a deep breath she was able to take control of her emotions.

Before she could explain what a Sekirei was her stomach emit a loud grumble at the mention of food. “I am a little hungry.” She replies while placing her hands on her stomach to help mute the noise. Musubi couldn’t remember the last time she had eaten, she just remembers waking up from a long sleep and then falling into darkness. “How close are we to your home Subata-san?” She asks, her mouth salivating at the thought of eating something yummy and delicious.
Aoi looked at Musubi and smiled as he shook his head, "I am fine, you haven't hurt me at all, nothing to worry about," he said with a kind tone as he waved his hands in front of his face as he made the statement waving off the young woman from the idea that she had hurt him. "Well now, if your hungry, then we can get something, or I can make something for you to eat," he mused as he looked at her, "we are close to my home, three blocks I would say form my home actually," he said with a smile as he looked at her. He figured that he should make something for her, it was the gentlemanly thing to do and the right thing to do as well. He walked down the street up to a good sized white home, it was two stories and had windows on each level. "This my home, my parents thought I would be able to rent out the extra rooms, but I haven't had any luck yet," he commented as he held the door open for Musubi.

After he walked in he looked around at the simple interior of his home. "Find a seat, and I will get to cooking," he commented over at her, "I am not the best cook ever but I am pretty good at it," he commented, he was an above average cook, having learned to cook for himself since he lived alone. He was cooking up a good bit or rice and mixing in some chicken with the rice for the meal for himself and his guest. "So, what were you doing walking around on the street Musubi," he asked kindly as he cooked his meal for them.
Musubi followed Aoi to his place, her stomach growing even more impatient with each step. Varieties of food danced around her head as she walked silently beside the young man. Drool slightly formed at the corners of her mouth. “I’m so hungry.” She whispers to herself; wincing every time her stomach growled. Upon reaching his home she gawked at it in complete aw. “It’s so big.” She gasps while turning towards him. “You live here?” Running up to the house, she couldn’t help but stare at the buildings exterior.

Inside, she took a seat on the floor by the table. Placing her hands on her knees she patiently waited to eat. “Mmmmm, that smells really good.” She says while taking a big sniff. Musubi slightly frowns realizing that she should be the one cooking, as a thank you. After all, she still owed him one. Quickly standing up, she walks into the kitchen. “I don’t exactly know how I ended up there. Or, at least I don’t remember.” She replies to his question. Giggling places her right hand on her head. “I was asleep and woke up in a bed of flowers. Weird huh?” Musubi walks over to Aoi and leans around his shoulder to smell the cooking meal, her breast brushing slightly against his arm. “That smells really good.” She says while smiling, her face beaming with joy. “Do you need any help Subata-san?” She asks while stepping away with her hands clasped behind her back. Eager to assist.
Ali was just finishing up as he heard the comments from Musubi and smiled as well."sounds like a heck of a good way to wake up honestly," he called back as he high how adorable the woman would of looked lying in a bed of flowers. There was just something rather natural and appealing about that in his mind at least. He smiled to himself as he put the rice and meat into two bowls and turned at that moment to see Musubi rout up close to himself. He was so I to finishing the meal he hadn't noticed her somehow being so close.

" well my mother would be upset if I wasn't a gentleman and cooked for a nice young woman," he commented as he looked at her and smiled. "Now if you want you can pour two glasses of water and come and join me at he table for this meal. That and you can tell me more about yourself. I must admit I am rather curious about he mysterious woman who I happen to be having dinner with tonight," he commented with a small polite smile as he carried the bowls and put them do on he table before taking a seat himself.
“I’m on it. Two glasses of water coming right up.” She announces while bouncing off. With a determined look, Musubi starts opening all of the cabinets searching for the drinking glasses. Finally finding the glasses, she eagerly plucked out two of them and walked over to the sink. The sound of water trickling out of the faucet head and into one glass cup bounced around the room. “I’ll be there in just a second.” She hollered. Without realizing it she had managed to accidentally spill some water on the floor as she set up to fill the second cup. While filling up the last cup she thought of Aoi, he was very handsome and kind. Once both glasses were full she smiled and turned on her heel to leave.

Slipping in the water she had spilled, she landed on her face; her arms sprawled out in front. The two glasses of water she had collected earlier flung through the air drenching her and crashing onto the floor beside her. “Ouch.” She mumbled into the floor. Pushing herself up onto her knees she looked down at the floor where she had just been laying, light droplets of red blood now coloring the spot where she had just landed. She should have been careful; that’s what she gets for being careless. “I’m not a very good sekirei.” She whispers to herself, tears swelling in her eyes.
Api looked at the woman and then made sure that everything was on the table. He was curious about her, there was so much mysterious about the woman. He wondered how she ended up end the park. She was so beautiful how could someone like this end up alone in a park asleep. He also was rather curious as what the heck a Sekirei happened to be as well. He would have to ask her about these things. He knew a few things about the woman though. He knew that she was a kind young woman, that she was abnormally strong and that she was sweet too. He figured that the things about her were all positive.

Aoi heard the sound of the glasses as they crashed, and looked to see Musubi on the ground, and a bit of glass around her from the broken glasses as well as the water on the floor. He walked over carefully and tossed the large pieces of glass away in the nearby trashcan and then grabbed the Band-Aids from the drawer in the kitchen and looked over Musubi, "you are just fine, I am sure you are a great Sekirei, I have no clue what one of these things are but I am sure you are a good fighting type," he said kindly as he looked up at Musubi, a warming charming voice coming from his lips. "Now, why do you think your a failure, cause you dropped some glasses, that happens to everyone." as he talked he put the Band-Aid on her cut, and then looked back at her with a smile, "is there anything I can do to help you become a better one of these Sekirei."
Musubi looked at Aoi, her brown eyes quivering. He was so nice, how had she been so lucky to bump into someone like him. “Thank you Subata-san.” She says, tears streaming down her face. While he placed the band-aid on the cut that stretched across a small part of her forehead she warmed at his touch. Musubi felt safe around him, he would be the perfect Ashikabi; but how should she tell him? Everything felt a little personal. Blushing, she wiped away her tears and slowly stood up. Looking down she saw that her white gi was wet and sticking to her. “Subata-san, do you have anything I can wear temporarily till my gi dries?” she asks while twisting around to show him the damage.

“I’m a failure because I ruined two of your glasses. A Sekirei is supposed to be more agile, strong and alert, but I’m a klutz. I won’t last long in the games if I keep this up.” She frowns and looks at her gloved hands. “Before I can really participate in the games I need an Ashikabi, someone to bring out my true power. I’m strong on my own, but with an Ashikabi I’ll be much stronger” Her stomach growls as she takes in the smell of food from the other room. Smiling warmly at him she places her hands behind her back “I’ll get us two more glasses, and this time I won’t slip and fall. I’ll explain more after we eat, if that’s ok with you.” Grabbing and filling two new glasses, she carefully walks and sits down at the table, steam floating off of the waiting food.
Aoi looked at Musubi as she thanked him, she was such a nice young woman, he couldn't believe he was so close to such a sweet person. He smiled as he was able to help her stop crying, that felt good at least, it wasn't right to see a beautiful woman cry and he would stand up for such a woman if he could help it. He got up himself as he nodded his head, the glass could be replace it wasn't a big deal, well in his opinion it was not a big deal at all. "You can wear my old clothes if you want, I have some old sweats and a old t-shirt that should fit you, I wanted to show her that he still trusted her even after that she had knocked over and broke some of his stuff. It was key for a person to know that someone else had this trust in them. It gave them confidence and that confidence in self helped a person grow.

"First your no failure," he commented after hearing her statement, "A failure is a person who has been knocked down and doesn't try to get up, you look like the type who doesn't give up. There is this old story where this spider kept trying to make a web for itself, it failed time and time again, but did give up, and in the end it made that web perfectly," he said paraphrasing the story for her. "Now, I have no clue what the heck an Ashikabi is, or what they do to make you strong, but I am sure you will tell, me and if you don't mind, I could take up this spot if that is even possible, I am not like Goku or anything, but I do know a bit about fighting from my kendo classes well form for fighting any how while you could kick my ass in two tenths of a second and all, I might be able to help your form a tad bit if you want too. Anyhow, I have to go get you some clothes, any colors you like more then others?"
looking down at her still drenched clothes, Musubi starts taking it off piece by piece. “Anything will work. As long as it’s dry.” She says. She was so happy that he was willing to help her, a total stranger. If she hadn’t met him she would still be hungry and alone. Pausing, only in her gi, halfway untucked, she tunes in on his tale. It was a little uplifting, inspiring even. The story reinvigorated her drive to win the Sekirei contest, she was determined to be the best and win. Now all she had to do was awaken her true power.

Musubi liked Aoi’s story. Placing her hands above her heart, she gave him a heart-warming smile. “I’m glad the spider didn’t give up.” She said. He was right, a true fighter never gave up; she may be a klutz, but she always pushed through and tried her best. A spark of acceptance flooded her nerves, she knew that Aoi would become her Ashikabi. But how could she explain everything to him without scaring him off or having him think she was crazy. She had to do it, she had to trust that he would listen and accept her explanation.

“Like I have already told you, I’m a Sekirei. A sekirei is basically a super powered human. There are 107 of us. We are identified by our numbers.” She turns around and points to the tattoo on her back. “I’m Sekirei #88. Each Sekirei have their own abilities, I’m a fighting type, which means I solely depend on body strength and melee combat.” She stopped to consume a bite of food. With a mouth full of food she tries her best to continue. “We have been awaken to participate in the Sekirei Plan, it’s a game where all the Sekirei and their Ashikabi fight till only one is left standing. The game will only start after all of the Sekirei have been claimed.” Swallowing the food, she takes a sip of water. “An Ashikabi’s role is to awaken a Sekirei’s true power. This is done is by…” Before Musubi could finish, there was a loud explosion outside, followed by screams.
Aoi looked at her as he was heading towards his room to get her clothes, he wanted to listen though to what she had to say and then smiled at her comments. This woman besides being unbelievably beautiful was kind and sweet as well. He listened to her words carefully taking them in. If he hadn't seen her or felt her hug of him after he helped her. He would of never believed what she was saying. He then knew that with a woman as sincere as her and as kind as her as well, then what she was saying was going to be true. He was going to help her, he was going to be her Ashikabi, he would help this beautiful woman in her aims and he would help her achieve her goals. The other half of the story was that a man who saw this didn't give up, he was battling to win freedom for his country and failed time and time again till he finally won and won freedom for his people.

The explosion threw him off and the screams did as well. He looked over at her and blinked, "I have a bad feeling about this, is that one of your fellow Sekirei you think. To create a explosion like that would take something and he knew that this would be a dangerous situation for her and he had to help her. He couldn't fight these super powered woman. Now that would end up with him getting killed. He remembered thought that she said that he could help her unlock her true power. He didn't want her to go into battle with out having her full force so that she could defend herself and keep herself out as much of the trouble that a battle would represent with her. He turned and looked at her quickly.

"Musubi, tell me fast, how do I become your Ashikabi, I will do it, I want to be your Ashikabi and I don't care what that means, I want to help you, and this is the only was I can, so tell me and I will do it, right away. I think that thing out there is powerful and your going to need that true power of yours to stand up to it," he said honestly as he looked at her and then waited her answer.
The explosion sent her jittering to the floor. He was right, the explosion had to of come from a Sekirei. But who was it? Pushing herself up off the floor she grabbed her discarded gloves that sat neatly next to her. Thrusting them on, she quickly buttoned up her gi and ran to the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of the person responsible for the destruction. Her number one priority was to keep Aoi safe, no matter what. Musubi would never forgive herself if anything had happened to him.

Anxious that Aoi might get hurt, she rushed to his side. “You really want to be my Ashikabi?” She asked, elated that he was willing to go through with it without knowing all of the details. Another explosion erupted right outside, causing one window to shatter. Glass sprayed the room in a glittering arch as a woman with a chain collar around her neck jumped into the room. Musubi used her body to cover Aoi.

“I finally found you.” Said the woman as she pointed a staff wrapped in chains at Musubi. “My name is Riku. I’m Sekirei number 158 and I’m here to claim you for my Ashikabi. Please don’t make this difficult; I have been searching for you since I saw you falling out of the sky.” She waved her index finger from side to side making tisking noises.

Musubi stood up and clenched her fists. “No, I’m not going with you. I’m staying with Aoi!” She yells while dashing towards Riku. The woman frowns and lashes out with her staff, effectively blocking the blow from her right fist. She counter strikes with a swipe of her weapon, sending a thudding blow to Musubi’s left leg. Musubi cries out in pain as she kneels to the floor. Riku was much stronger than her, due to the awakened power. I have to get to Aoi, I need to awaken my true power before she hurts him, she thinks while clutching her injured leg. With a burst of adrenalin she quickly dashes towards Aoi. Riku is aware of what’s about to happen, but it’s too late as Musubi jumps on Aoi; her arms wrapping around him, her lips pressed against his.
The power of the explosion could be felt, he knew for sure that they were not dealing with anything normal common sense told the young man this as he looked over and felt the explosion. This was crazy, he sort of felt like he was in some super hero movie but he was the damsel in distress which was kind of funny if he were to think about it longer. He was worried for Musubi, but he knew at the moment he couldnt' do anything much to help her. A fact which he had to just have faith that he would be able to help her somehow.

"Yes, I want to be your Ashikabi, I want to help you become as strong as you can be," he said honestly as he looked at he looked at Musubi and then smiled ready to do what it took to be her Ashikabi no matter what that was. He knew that it was only right to help this woman with her battle and help her achieve her real power. The second explosion busted the window caught him off guard as he could feel it, it was like his home was now a warzone or something. The collared woman looked like she was very different, and he guessed who ever she worked with treated her poorly. That made him rather mad as he didn't want this type of thing to happen to Musubi.

He moved towards Musubi as she was hurt, he hated that, he hated seeing her hurt, it heart his heart to see her harmed. He moved fast as he cut across the room as he stopped frozen when he saw the look from Riku, and then felt Musubi jump on him knocking him backwards as he felt her perfect lips against his own. that kiss that he had with her was perfect, amazing. He couldn't believe that this kiss had happened, it was a longer kiss or it felt longer then any he thought about, and it felt amazing and perfect to the young man as he held her for a moment. He felt so amazed at just how the kiss felt like a dream to perfect to be true.
His lips were soft against hers. Musubi couldn’t believe that she was finally complete; she had bonded with her Ashikabi. Warmth spread through her whole body; the power of the kiss engulfing her. Transparent pink wings erupted from her back, cascading the room in a radiant light. Everything in that moment felt right, like they were the only two people in the whole world. Musubi wanted the kiss to continue, she craved it. But now wasn’t the time, she still had Riku to deal with. Detaching her lips from Aoi’s, she through her head back, letting the newly awakened power envelop her.

Fully charged, Musubi turned towards Riku, her fists ready to attack. The woman standing in front of her turns up her nose. “Looks like I won’t be needing you anymore. You’re useless to me now. My Ashikabi won’t be happy about this.” She turns around to leave out the window she came in. With a slight turn she looks at Musubi. “Before I go, may I ask you your name and number? All I can tell is that you’re a fighting type.”

Musubi continues to clench her fists; she didn’t trust the woman. “My name is Musubi, I’m Sekirei number 88.” She replied.

“Hmm, so you’re a double digit Sekirei.” Her lips curled into a sneer. “I’ll see you later Musubi. I hope you survive long enough in the games. I would hate for you to loose before facing me. Ta-ta.” She says, jumping out the window and disappearing.

Musubi finally unclenches her hands, letting them relax by her side. With an exhaled breath she continues to look at the window, sadness filling her eyes. She knew that Riku was being abused by her Ashikabi, but there was nothing she could do about it. One day they would fight again, and not just throw a few swings; next time she will be ready.
Aoi looked at her as she stood, he could feel the increased amount of confidence coming from her as she stood up now, he had not seen the wings, as he was kisisng her at the moment. He looked at her though and could tell she knew that she could win. He smiled as he figured that the she could win, he believed that she could win and defeat her new foe, this person who blew a hole in his window. He was a bit surprised though as he over heard the question and the conversation as she then suddenly left as soon as she had gotten there.

Brushing himself off, Aoi walked up next to Musubi, "Well now, I am guessing not all Ashikabi are a like, that girl, her Ashikabi I think is scum. Anyone who would treat a woman in such a way is scum," he said bluntly as he looked at the window, "I have my work set aside for tomorrow though for sure, get a window and put it in, if you want to help, it should be a good work out for you," he commented giving her a warm smile. "

So you have to fight the other numbers, till one of you is left, I am guessing, each of you only get their power from kissing some guy, no matter how bad or good they are. This would be my guess as to your nature, from what I have just seen at least," he commented as he smiled, "I have a room for you still, and Musubi, lets make sure that scum like her Ashikabi don't win this contest of yours, whatever you win, that guy doesn't deserve it at all. Come on, lets get you to bed," he said gently as he motioned her to follow him heading down the hall, as he then opened a door to her room and smiled it had all that a normal room would have, it was a guest room actually, and he figured she could be comfortable in it.
“Her Ashikabi is probably trying hard to obtain as many Sekirei as they can. Whoever her Ashikabi is, they are using her as his or her fetch dog.” Musubi turned around to look at Aoi. “Not all Ashikabi are the same and not all of them are male, some are female. But yes, after all of the Sekirei have been claimed the games will start.” She frowned and averted her gaze. “The games will be the death for a lot of Sekirei. There is a way to survive, but it would be complicated. After a Sekirei looses a battle they are taken away. What they do with the bodies, I don’t know. I’m determined to win, I don’t want to just disappear.” Her eyes softened as she turned her head back towards him.

Sorry was suddenly filled with happiness at the reminder that she had bonded with Aoi and he had become what she had craved most. The warmth of his lips a constant presence on hers, a reminder of her connection to him. “I’ll help you with the window Subata-san. It is kind of my fault that it’s broken.” She says while she wrings her hands in anxiety. Musubi felt bad that Aoi’s house was damaged. Glancing down, she realized that she was only wearing panties and a torn gi that was hanging loosely around her shoulders. Riku must have ripped it when she hit Musubi with her staff. “I think I really do need a change of clothes now.” She giggled with a broad smile.

Musubi followed Aoi to the room where she would be sleeping. It was a nice room, simple, but nice. With his back still turned towards her she leaned forward, she placed her hands on his back and snuggled him from behind. Burying her face into his back she breathed in his smell. “Subata-san, thank you for choosing me. We will make a great team.” Her voice slightly quivered with happiness.
Aoi listened closely to her statement about Ashikabi, he knew that there had to be a reason why, was it so that they would have beautiful women to control. It seemed most likely, that thought made him angry, these beautiful women needed someone to watch out after them and support them as they went about their goals and aims. He nodded his head as he heard her and then smiled as he looked down, they must win they had to win. He had to show them the spirit of love and honor. It was his personal aim and goal from that point on. His main goal in live was to help Musubi grow as strong as possible so that she could be the on who would win the fight against the overwhelming odds against her.

He looked at her, he had been obvious to the fact that she had only been in a pair of underwear, he blushed as he finally noticed this fact. He rubbed his nose as he looked at her and then smiled as he looked at her as nodded his head, "Well now, your right, we will be the best," he said kissing her cheek softly as he smiled, "I will put the clothes in your room in the morning you can take a bath and then get dressed and I have tomorrow off. I figure we can go into town and get you some more clothes that fit your style," he said as he looked at her knowing that she would most likely like clothes like she had worn that day. He figured talking her into town was going to be needed as well as he knew that there were things that she was going to need. "So wake up early and be ready cause we are heading out early to shop for you."

Aoi smiled as he walked to his own room and quickly went to sleep, laying down, he felt so confident about the future. He would find a way, he had to find a way to support Musubi, and be a proper Ashikabi, whatever it was he would be the damn best one ever. He just had to help her, figure ways to help her grow stronger and all. He had to think up lessons he had learned over his years of kendo practice as well as those that other sensei would use to help their students get better. He knew though the first thing was to get her new clothes the following day as she was so tempting it was hard to keep his eyes off her with such little clothes or thing of her when she wore that little clothing.

Aoi woke up the next morning and put the clothes outside of Musubi's door as he smiled and then went into the kitchen and got some breakfast bars and fixed his hair as he looked at the rising sun. He was a early riser, he knew that the day was big too. he figured that Musubi would sleep in after the day before, and went over and pulled out the newpaper as he looked for deals and sales that they could use and place they could get things that Musubi might need as well as some places to get food that they were going to need with more then one person in his home. As well as things to fix the window too. Aoi was grateful, he came from a very well off family, that he didn't have to worry about money, if he had he would be in trouble at this point.
Musubi yawned and stretched her arms behind her. She was a little tired after the day that she had. She lightly blushed at his kiss; a kiss that felt so perfect. “Thank you Subata-san.” She says with a sweet smile, cupping her hands in front of her “I’ll see you tomorrow. I promise to try my best to wake up at a reasonable hour.” Sliding the bedroom door shut she placed her back against the door. Cupping her hands above her heart, she gently closed her eyes and listened to the rush of her heart beat.

Faint moon light from the window cast shadows in the room as she sat down on the bed. Falling backwards onto the pillow she focused on the ceiling. Musubi couldn’t help but think about the games. If Aoi and her planned on winning they needed to be fully connected to each other. The better the connection the more powerful she will become. Thoughts of loosing did cross her mind, but she wouldn’t allow bad thoughts to overstay their welcome. Even the faintest thought of Aoi getting hurt mad her flinch in pain. She would never allow that to happen. Closing her eyes and snuggling under the covers she was able to close her eyes and allow sleep to take her.

The next morning she groggily awoke and rolled over onto her side. “What time is it?” she asked aloud, struggling to open her sleep-encrusted eyes. It must have been around noon. Groaning, she managed to push herself up into a sitting position after twenty minutes of procrastinating. Stretching her arms and legs, muscles and bones popping with each pull, she stood up and walked over to the door. Sliding it open she noticed a pile of clean clothes folded neatly just outside.

Pumping her fist into the air she gave a look of determination. “Alright, time to clean off all this grime.” Picking up the clothes, she turned on her heel she marched towards the bath. Inside the bath, Musubi put the clothes in a cubby and pulled off her panties. Turning on the hot water for the bath, she sat on the stool next to the tub and cleaned herself off as best as she could. Once she was satisfied, she hopped into the steaming hot water in the tub. Relaxing, she leaned back and draped her arms around the rim of the porcelain bath.

“Hmm, I wonder what Subata-san as planned for us to do today.” Twitching her face into thought, she decided to quickly wash her hair with rose scented shampoo and exit the bath. Drying herself off she walked over to the cubby where she had stashed the offered clothes. Unfolding them she found a white button-up shirt, a pair of jean shorts and white boxers. After pulling them on piece-by-piece she exited the baths to look for Aoi. “Subata-san?” she hollered down the hallway.
Aoi looked at the books that he would need to help train Musubi, perhaps he got to be her Ashikabi by some type of fate or something. The fact the she was a fighting type would make it so much easier as his father and him had both had experience in training for such things, granted without the strength, speed, or raw power that was even close but that didn't meant he couldn't help her pick up something of a improved skill that she would be able to use against possible foes in the future. He put down the newspaper and then read over one of them and smiled as he knew just what she needed to read up and learn, a move that would with her strength be able to be very powerful against future foes. He smiled as he knew that with her power it could be a move that would give her a massive edge in any fight where she was up close to her foe.

"Musubi, I am in the kitchen, I have our breakfast, you can eat on our way out into town," he called out towards the direction that he happened to know that she was in. He smiled as he read over it moving it aside as he then looked at another books as he waited. He would find other things that she could use, but this first skill would help her so much he was sure that she would be able to find some use for it and smiled as he looked at Musubi as she came into the room and then smiled kindly as she couldn't but help but noticed how great she looked in the new outfit for herself. "Okay, we are going to get you some new clothes, if you are going to be training and fighting you might need more clothes to wear then one thing," he commented with a smile as he tossed her a breakfast bar, "that is our breakfast for today, I had mine already."

He motioned her to come over to him and look at the thing he wanted to show her. "Musubi, your very strong, a fighting type as you said, your form needs work though, no offense, it is all power, if you can add grace to your power, then your going to beat everyone. This move isn't about grace it is about focusing your power, I read it in one of my dad's old books," he commented as he turned the book so that she could read book. "It is called the one inch punch, it is a hard punch to due, but given that done right it allows a normal person to hit a person with a great deal of force, with your natural power, it will be amazing and should be a perfect weapon if you ever get up close with a foe where you can use it," he said with a smile, "grab the book we have to take a walk to the stores it is a few blocks so you should have time to eat and read too," he said as he motioned her to follow him out the door. He opened the door to find that it was beautiful outside a great day, he could feel that warmth of the sun the cool wind, it was going to be good.
Wet hair stuck to her face as she ventured into the kitchen. Musubi warmly smiled. “Good morning Subata-san. I hope I didn’t sleep in too late.” She giggled while brushing hair behind her shoulders. Aoi had explained that their mission for the day was to go to the market and buy her some new clothes. “Subata-san?” she switched her fingers behind her back. “Thank you for doing all of this. I’ll pay you back. I promise.” Musubi was happy that he was doing all of this for her without being asked too. But she did feel like she was taking advantage of him. If only there was something she could do to make it up to him.

Catching the breakfast bar that Aoi tossed her she walked over to where he was standing. He wanted to show her a fighting book. Musubi frowned at the mention of her fighting style. Aoi was right; she really had no formal training and everything she knew she had taught herself. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea for her to try the book out. Pointing to a page in the book, Aoi explained the one-inch punch. Musubi nodded at his explanation. “After our shopping trip I want to try that. I need to start training as soon as possible.” As they were leaving the house, she snatched the book and jogged through the open door.

Heat from the sun caressed her skin. Tilting her head up with closed eyes, she took in the warmth. “If feels so good out today. Don’t you think Subata-san?” clapping her hands together, she slightly tilted her head with a smile. “Is there anywhere where we could go swimming? Maybe I should get a swimsuit while we are out.” She couldn’t help but imagine herself swimming in a pool with Aoi. Him in his swimming trunks and her in a bikini. Heat rushed to her face, causing her face to become slightly pink.
Aoi looked over and then smiled and nodded his head as he looked at the beautiful woman. He felt happy his heart felt like it could sing a ballad at that moment if he could. He took in a deep breath as he then smiled at Musubi "Oh, I totally agree, it is perfect, a great day for a walk. Yes, there is a large public pool down the road from here and there is the park with river that people can swim in as well," he mused as he looked over at her. "I am sure that they are both open for today. We can go after we get a bathing suit for the both us if you want," he said blushing a bit himself as he thought of pretty much the same thing that she was thinking about in that moment.

The young man walked looking ahead of himself, there was not that many people out today for some reason, he didn't know why, maybe people were busy doing other things this day who knew for sure. He walked up to one to one of the stores as he opened the door for Musubi to walk into. When they walked in there were clothes all over the places as it was divided in the middle between men and women the women's side being a lot larger then the men's side with the other things like shoes being on the male side as well which were for both men and women in that area. He looked over at Musubi giving her a small smile as he looked ahead at the mass amounts of clothes in front of him.

"Well now go, find what you want, I am going to go find myself a swim suit, get a few outfits and this swimsuit that you want as well," he commented to the beautiful woman as he let her head off to search though the clothes. He wasn't sure what her style was yet. He trusted her to find something that would fit her style, and would make her happy. He walked up to the swimsuits as she did so. He found a dozen or so that he could pick from, he looked at all of them and looked over them one at a time before he grabbed one. He looked at it and then smiled as he then walked over and found a tshirt to wear with the swimming trunks too and put that over his shoulder as well before he went to go search for Musubi and make sure she was out of trouble at the moment.
Musubi beamed at the mention of a public pool and a park with a river being nearby. Now what type of bathing suit did she want? Did she want to go to the park or go to the public pool? Excited, she hummed a soft familiar tune as they walked to the market. Musubi wasn’t sure where she had heard the tune before. Had she heard in when she was young? Not having any memories of her childhood sometimes worried her. Questions about her youth constantly bombarded her. Did Sekirei grow up like humans? Or were they borne and grown in captivity until they were needed? Not knowing bothered her. Maybe she will ask another Sekirei whenever she had the chance.

At the market she followed Aoi to one of the clothing stores. Musubi’s eyes widened at all the possibilities, what would she pick? Should she try something new? Or should she keep to her style? Half running over to the racks, she slightly turned towards Aoi. “Thanks again Subata-san.” Her first priority is to find a new change of clothes and then to find a swimsuit. Shuffling through the racks of clothes she picked out a few outfits varying in style.

Inside the dressing room she tried on each outfit and assessed her image. “I like some of these, but I don’t think they would particularly work for battle.” She tired to execute some punches and kicks to see how the fabric felt. “None of these fell right.” She said with a sigh. “I think I’m going to stick to my Gi and pleated skirt look. But maybe Subata-san will be ok with me getting these as well.” With eager hands, she picked out the green and blue sports bra, black yoga shorts, a green floral sundress, and the Gi and skirt. She placed the wanted items in her basket and put the rest on the return table.

“Time to find a swimsuit.” She grinned while winding her way to the beach section. Again, she picked out what she wanted to try on and went to the dressing rooms. Putting on a pink and orange striped bikini, she exited the dressing room and modeled it in front of the large mirror hanging on the wall.

“Looks good on you.” Came a male voice. Musubi jumped, startled by the sudden noise, and turned around. Standing behind her was a very muscular man in a pair of shorts and a white shirt.

“Thank you.” She stuttered, unsure of what to do. He made her nervous.

Without an invitation he struts towards her. “You have a killer body. Any man would be lucky to have you.”

“Ummm… I’m here with someone.” She took her eyes off of the man and frantically searched for Aoi inside the big store.

“Oh.” He said, sounding a tad disappointed. “I was really hoping you were single.” He explained while scratching his head. Musubi exhaled in relief, happy that he wasn’t going to harass her. “My name is Leo.” He extended his had to her.

“Musubi.” She replied while taking his hand.

“Well Musubi, you do really look good in that swimsuit. I know your boyfriend would appreciate it on you.”

Musubi blushed at his statement. “He’s not my boyfriend, yet. But he is the only guy I want.”

Leo smiled at her. “Then he is a very lucky man indeed. Anyway, I’ll see you later Musubi. It was nice meeting you.” He waved goodbye to her. Musubi smiled and decided that the bikini she was wearing was the one she wanted. Dressing back up in the outfit she came in with, she placed the bikini in her want basket and went to go find Aoi.
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