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Dear X

Dear Friend,

Scott introduced us and you took my life in a new direction. I’d never been a girl to hit the clubs, but I learned a lot on Sunset with you by my side. Scott’s gone now and you and I parted ways several years ago. Now and then you call and I want to pick up, but I’m not that girl anymore. I know you’ll always be out there, but please don’t think I’m cruel if I say and hope that you and I will never be together again.
Dear writer advice blogs and articles,

Please stop recommending poetry as a way to "improve" writing ability or understanding the human condition in general. In fact, stop pushing poetry altogether. You don't have exclusive rights to simile and metaphor. Keep your staccato prose and unmusical lyrics to yourself.

Dear X,

I don't understand why you hate me so much. I didn't do anything to you and we used to be such good friends. You don't extend to me the same excuses you give for your own emotional states and I don't know how many times I have to apologize.

Dear X

I don't know if you are really me or not. I have so many different personas in real life and online that I no longer know whether I am writing to myself or not. I guess that if you don't reply, I'll know it's really me just ignoring myself.
Dear X,

You came into my life so unexpectedly when I weren't looking, for friendship, for love, for anything. You send my sexual desires into hyper-drive and I want you at every possible chance I can get, regardless of which way it is that I get to have you. Everything you do drives me insane.

Why don't you want me, as much as I want you?


Dear glasses,

I don't know where the bloody hell you've disappeared to, but I will find you, and I will wear you. Until then, you will never stop me from squinty-eyed roleplaying!

A partially blind friend.
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