Nature Girl said:
Happy first day of Spring to you in Oz, Mr Quixotic, and thanks for your good wishes re my venturing forth into some solo writing. It's a lovely, windy, sunny-ish, autumnal day where I am up in the northern hemisphere. Glad you don't have to worry bout those pesky bush fires right away!

. I mean coping with the arachnids is more than enough for anybody :s
Thanks Nature Girl, and Happy first day of not-officially-autumn-on-your-side-of-the-world-yet! I'll follow your journal with interest, to see how that writing goes. No, don't have to worry about it right at the moment, but the authorities are already warning of a potentially disastrous fire season. And, talking about arachnids, one of my writing partners sent me the below the other day, which I wasn't aware of!
Received some nice comments yesterday in regards to Internet Killers - for which I can't take credit, but instead need to give a shout-out to my partner for writing an amazing, instinctively-on-the-same-page adversary, that creates such a fun, tense dynamic -, along with a request for another serial-killer story that I had to, unfortunately, decline.
With writing two such stories now, both of which I absolutely love, along with some very dark themes in my one with Xana, and intense elements in another story or two, takes a lot of out of me. It can be draining, so I probably need something lighter to offset them.
Not a rant, just an observation, but one thing I've found exceedingly difficult to locate on here over the past couple of years are stories with sexual kink/darkness/taboo, in which the female characters are active participants in creating the kink, and constructing the scenarios, rather than simply acting as an empty vessel for the male to sexually act upon.
Honestly, stumbling across any story on BMR where the female character takes it upon herself, unprompted, to initiate even so simple a task as a change of sexual position or location - Oh, no, that might make her 'dominant'; hmm, let's try, slightly interesting in bed? - can appear a miracle akin to the myth of Moses parting the Red Sea. That they can, and are more than willing to, shoulder some of the creative burden in that regard is one of the (many) reasons I appreciate every one of my current partners, and the characters they portray, so much. Thanks for being awesome, guys