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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Ariamella said:
I'm crying dude, I love Tim-Tams but the US only has the original ;_;

I sympathise, but don't worry. It might be too late for Valentine's, but Christmas is only ten and a half months away :)
A quick rant, before I instead vent my frustrations on a frail, seventy-five year old grandmother!

I've mentioned before that the lady I'm taking over from at work is nice, friendly and helpful. However, sometimes there can be too much of a good thing as far as friendly goes, as with the five hours I've been in her company today, she's spent four of them regaling me with endlessly detailed stories of her two-year-old grand-daughters 'unique' hijinks. No wonder she never gets anything done, and then stresses about 'having to come in on weekends'.

What I don't understand is why, even after completing one ever-so-captivating tale, with a 'I'm sorry to bore you with my musings* which received a non-committal grunt from me that could have meant either, "No problem, I enjoy them", or "You're not fucking wrong," does she then immediately continue on for a further half-hour with another!


I also want to give a special shout-out to Lait, for writing an awesome and fun-to-read post, incorporating brutality perpetrated by a (still extremely feminine) female character acting under her own steam - something so rarely seen, and the type of proactive female lead the majority would never dare take on -, in Scaremonger. Azairah is a woman I'll not soon forget, and the fun's only really just getting started, xD
XD it's fun though!
I like writing about killing people, but i'm totaly nice, I swear

Thanks for making the story so fun though.
It is fun, and that's okay, I guess you're right that even nice people can like to write about killing.. Not that I'd know much about being nice, xD. And thank you, for making it so much fun as well!


My frustrations are growing. Some people are just so set in their ways. The lady at work, apart from being chatty, has been here for eighteen years, and this morning when talking to me of me a task that I also used to do at my old location, commenced with, "First you need to get every file out of the filing cabinet and check the dates."

So when she was done explaining, I asked, politely, aware that I could possibly be stepping on some toes, as I've asked a few other 'why' questions this week, and they often aren't appreciated (Believe me, I discovered that as a kid!), "Why don't you, instead, run a report from the system the sales data is entered into, including that information. I can show you the report I used at my old job, if you like," which was met with a snappy. "No, I don't wan't to run a report, and I don't care how you did it before, because this is the way it's done here, and if you're going to just go ahead and change the way I do things, there's no point in even showing you."

And here I was thinking I was simply offering up a suggestion that might save half-a-day, and allow her to get those things done that she's constantly saying she doesn't have time for. Anyways, I did manage to mostly bite my tongue, but still came out with a, 'No, I need to know what you do, but if I can find a more efficient way, or one that works better for me, to achieve the same result, with the same accuracy, then that's the way I'm going to go ahead and do it."

That didn't go down too well, but it's not the first counter-intuitive, time-wasting process I've found her using, and my main concerns are her having been here so long, the guy who owns the place, in whose presence the discussion just happened to take place in, will have been led to believe that how she does things is the 'only' or 'correct' way when I've already identified about ten ways I could make things much more efficient, and, as I think she's having difficulty letting go, also allow her to stay on much longer than she really needs to.

Thank goodness it's Friday :)
Popped into the old work yesterday, on a Saturday morning, just to get a few things done that had been sitting there, and left five hours later!

There's still a bit to be completed, and it gets confusing when I only head in there every week or two, and then need have sort out the paperwork that's just been left on my desk, what it is, what's been done and what hasn't been done, not helped by the fact that I still don't have access to the internet, or an application I need to finish things off.

It'll probably continue to constantly linger at the back of my mind for the next few months; until every last scrap of what's going to need to be done is finished.


On the roleplay front, I've mostly drafted a reply to a story, however, have spent an inordinate amount of time attempting to decide whether it's best posted with or without the last paragraph I've written, as if I include it, it possibly sends the next scene off in a completely new direction than if I don't, in particular as to how it relates to my partners character.

It also might be also be a touch god-moddy, though that's not too much of a worry, as with many of my scenes, my partners and I enjoy the fact that, whilst we're playing our individual characters, we're also writing a larger collaborative story in which, at times, both take the lead, and in that sense, agree some god moding (as in physical/time movement, not speaking to the others emotions/feelings/reactions, etc) is allowed, even essential, to move it along. Though always discussed first.

I've already mentioned my quandry to my partner, and will likely post with the last paragraph under a spoiler tag, and allow her to decide which works best as far as responding to goes, or just which she prefers in general.
Random musings, as on Tuesday's and Wednesdays, the lady who trains me isn't in, and I don't yet have access to all the passwords, and application security levels I need, to be able to stay fully occupied. Thank Goodness for BMR, xD

Looking forward to this weekend. My best mate and his wife are heading down to celebrate a milestone birthday for his mum, which I've also been invited to as I'm like a second son (the favourite!).

Where I live is about two hours inland, and the centerpice of the city is a man-made lake, where we'll be enjoying a three hour cruise (Giiligan's Island, anyone?) with drinks and dinner provided. It should be interesting as, with every family, there's some fun dynamics. My mate's older sister refused to contribute to the event, claiming poverty, (that would be the sister who communicates with her spouse, and vice-versa, via Facebook, whilst seated next to each other on the sofa, and having known about the plans for her Mother's birthday for a year, has just returned from a three week holiday to Queensland), whilst the rest of his family have, so he's said that if she dares to attempt eat or drink, he'll direct the staff that she and her husband be required to pay for it. Which he will, on principle.

In that way, we are very similar, probably one of the reasons we're mates, and one incident that always comes to mind is, when we, as I've mentioned before, traveled together

We were in the middle of Nowhere (the Namibian Desert, on the way to Etosha National Park, to be precise), with the hotel we'd booked, the only place within two hours drive, and after we'd registered, the Hotel Clerk said, "Now, as to meals, these are your options, these are the prices, and this is what time it will be served, which will you be having?"

Now, it wasn't anything to do with the exorbitant prices, or the meals themselves, but the way she spoke, and the obvious assumption that 'you've got no other choice', that caused us to look at each and say, "Fuck this." So, we drove to Etosha later that day, and on the way out, grabbed a couple of cases of beer, quite a few packets of chips, which were about the most nutritious items available, and neither of us re-entered the hotel lobby, or went near the restaurant, for the rest of the duration of the three-day stay. It was worth it, just to see her expression when we said, "No thanks, we'll be dining elsewhere."


And I just received an approach to play a Game of Thrones Fandom. However, as shameful as it is to admit, and a heresy for which I should probably be burned alive at the stake, I've never watched even one minute of the television series, or read one word of the books, so had to pass.
I feel like a total asshole right at this minute. As anyone who reads this journal would know, as soon as I picked up a new partner for Internet Killers, my old one, completely out of the blue, and after I'd killed off her character, returned from a year and a half hiatus, and posted. I was intending to attempt to continue to write both, however, have now found that's impossible, and unfortunately have had to drop the second.

I realise that's unfair on my new partner, whose writing was excellent, and there was no other reason for dropping it except for the fact that I'd never been able to get the original out of my head. I didn't realise that, no matter how good or different the new one was, I'd forever be comparing, and if the story couldn't/can't be continued with my first partner, it should just be left alone completely, but what can I do? It'd also be unfair to continue with something my heart wasn't into, or where I wasn't putting in my best effort, and I unreservedly (as I have down privately) apologise to my partner, and wanted to make it clear that the reason the second story is not continuing, is completely down to me


And on a random note, I just calculated that my seven active stories require, or will require, me to write from the perspective of a combined total of twenty characters, not including peripherals or those I don't know about yet. Maybe I'd have been better off not figuring that out, xD

One last thing! I've had one remaining PM story, Goldilocks and the Three 'Bears', which started over a year and a half ago that, even for me, posts at a very relaxed rate - read, maybe one post a week, or one every eight weeks - and my partner this morning returned after a three month hiatus, and has just agreed to move the story to thread.

Due to her being short of time (and owing to my ocassional OCD nature), I'll be transferring what's been written so far post-by-post to the thread, and have created a one-off user name, 'Cyanide', to make individual posts, and the story, easier to follow. I'm excited for this story to be on thread, as it's different from any other I've written, and also contains some writing I'm particularly proud of.

Oh, and thanks to both Lait and Ari, for their help in resizing the title image :)


And now a last, last thing! I'm not ofen stumped for words, or a smart-ass comeback, but how do you respond when someone finishes off a heated discussion in regards to, shall we say, our differeing interpretation of my threads, with this:

"Have a great time, and I'll still stalk your rp threads some. They are great reads and I enjoy good stories."

I'll have to write back and say, thanks!
You're very welcome, Quix! Anytime for a friend. C:

And lol- I've had that happen to me too, where people criticize my work or disagree with something I wrote, but then tell me the story is going great and that it's "excellent writing." I just don't get that. Like it has nothing to do with them, and then they have the balls to try and fight you over minor details, and then tell you it was great? Don't get that, at all. Like if it really bothers them, then they could stop reading the thread otherwise, like you, I'll just take it as a compliment, hahaha.
Thanks, you have absolutely no idea how hopeless I am with stuff like that. Or maybe you do, since I'm certain I've mentioned it before, lol.

I know, if you like someone's writing, great, go ahead and tell them; it's always an awesome compliment to receive, and you don't have to be Shakespeare for others to enjoy your story. However, if you have a problem with another's writing, it's best to keep your mouth shut, otherwise you run the risk of someone returning the favour and critiquing yours. Unless, of course, you're a published author, or otherwise qualified to comment, and are simply looking to offer friendly advice, xD


Well, I could restrain my impatience no longer. The lady training me and I just had a big blowup before she stormed out, and when involved in a verbal disagreement, I don't swear, raise my voice, or get personal, but I do tend to go for the jugular with my choice of words, so it will be interesting to see what happens when she returns.

But, honestly, and this is not me being egotistical, but a view engendered by my own expertise and experience, she's, I won't say incompetent, but extremely inefficient, and a control-freak. I think she's also trying to keep her own ass covered in regards to the way a few things have been done; or not done.

The situation wasn't helped by me being approached by two separate staff members yesterday, who said, "We're hoping you can come in here, and change the way things are done," and also finding out that there was a person before me, meant to take over, who left after six months because the lady refused to hand over full responsibilities.

I'm going to need to speak to the owner in the next week or so, and get a set date for her departure. Or mine :)
Totally burnt out and metally drained so anyone waiting on OoC; tomorrow! xD Luckily I'm up to date on all of my stories, except one, so my brain can just chill and refresh for the evening.

The old boss called me last night, and I caught up with him at 6:30 this morning, before heading in to work where, after the incident yesterday, the tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife. However, what I'd said - basically, "You've stated your intention to retire, and I was employed to take over your job, so that's what I'm going to do, whether you like it, or can accept that fact, or not," - must have had some effect, because I finally received the proper security access to some applications I'd been waiting a month for. The ice had thawed somewhat by the time I left this afternoon.

Can't wait until tomorrow night to catch up with my best mate and few other friends, talk bullshit, and have a few beers. Just what I need, I think, xD
Spoke to the guy who owns where I work today (see, I even despise admitting someone is my boss, though I guess sometimes you just have to face facts!) Anyways, spoke to my boss attoday, and advised him that I required a set-date to be set for the women I was employed to take over from, to leave, or else there was no point me being here, and I'd be forced to tender my resignation.

That date is the 31st March, - a little longer than I wanted, but something I can live with, however she's yet to be told. It'll be interesting to see how the news goes down, and how icy my reception is, when she is, xD


Had a couple of surprising, and extremely complimentary, comments on my writing/stories from a few people the last week, which are very much appreciated, and made my day. Whilst I don't think my writing is bad, neither do I think it's particularly good, and I mentioned to a friend that I sometimes wish I could step outside my mind and read it from a fresh perspective, to try and comprehend what others see that I don't.

I think my issues when it comes to evaluating myself are caused a lot by the fact that because editing and polishing posts, and placing thoughts/concepts in logically correct order so that they're comprehensible to others, is such a counter-intuitive 'process' for me, that when I then read my own words, I see those forced mechanics at work, and it causes me to see interpret my writing as mechanical, and lacking natural flow. Strange, the way the brain works, as I'm certain I've mentioned before, xD


Heading down the coast this weekend, to spend it with Mum. Both of my brother's have been down since she returned home after Dad's death, so it will be the first time for me, as we don't want to overcrowd her. She's, as is all the family, coping well. I think that we knew it was coming, and also wanted to see an end to his suffering, made it easier, and she's booked a trip to Vietnam with a friend next month.

It's good to see her enjoying herself, and being able to do things that she's always wanted to, as my major concern that she wouldn't, as if enjoying life or being happy, at least in the short term, would somehow be disrespectful to Dad's memory. However, a number of people, including us boys, have reassured her that there's no reason to feel guilty, and after all she'd done, and endured with Dad, it's now her time, and I think she's come to terms with that.

Also, on the trip to Vietnam, they will be visiting a couple of sites that she and Dad intended to see when they traveled there a couple of years back, but had to miss when his health got the better of him, so in it's own way, that will also be an ode to him.


A thought to ponder.

Could not the title, "If you Can't Beat, 'Em, Join 'Em. Now Craving Vapid Female Character Tropes," also, or even solely, be a reference to, and good-natured poke at, a perceived overbundance of male personas who do request such tropes?

Best not to make assumptions when you don't know the intent behind someone's words, xD
Evaluating oneself is the hardest thing to do. Most people I know tend to be overcritical of themselves while they have a pretty good judgement of others.
To an outsider your texts look extremly well thought out. They are structured. They are always strong on wording and formulation. But that isn't why I personally enjoy reading your stuff. It is because you transport a very lively image with your texts. They just tend to start a movie inside my head.
On the other side you only write with partners that match your level. So you and your partners create an overall very pleasurable reading experience.

;) And then you fulfill girl's fantasies. You are literate, cocky, arrogant and you seem extremly confident. You are hard to get. The normal thing for a female writer is: Shoot male a pm --> get enthusiastic reply --> rp a few posts --> realize you should prefer quality over enthusiasm.

I count myself extremly lucky, because during my short time here on BMR I have found a handful of gorgeous writers already. I have four rps going, and all are with literate partners that manage to keep my interest with every single post. They are challenging to write with and I enjoy rping with them immensly. All of them have extremly different writing styles and posting lengths and it just doesn't get old rping with them.

All of them however were very "inclusive" in regards to the OOC banter before the actual rp. You are exclusive. And that triggers exactly those women you don't want to rp with to message you while it scares those you might enjoy rping with away. While your request threads state very very clearly what you want and do not want, every single word oozes arrogance. The kind of arrogance that is extremly turning on to extremly submissive women.

The funny thing is - I don't even count myself submissive. I hold a degree in natural science, I lead my own business, I know exactly what I want, when I want it and how I want it. Still I managed to portray myself as "a vapid female character trope" to you. And the overall way in which you present yourself here on BMR just triggers the "asshat!" region in brains, and screams: "No, he doesn't mean the title as a slight on males, he means that as a slight to specifically me!"
Which is utterly stupid, and nothing you really have any influence on. So don't let assumptions and hurt feelings bother you. In fact, every woman upset at you is in fact a compliment. You just "get" to people. You are intense, and you aren't easy going. That's good. If you don't get discouraged by it.

;) And yes, I only commented on your BMR related writing, because I don't feel it's my place at all to snub around in your personal life, even though you shared it. My father died October 2014, and Ive been trying to convince my mother that it doesn't infringe on my father's memory at all that she is trying to find things to do she enjoys for a year now. It's getting easier over time....

Have a great day on BMR and.. just keep going! You are bound to find a girl NOT swooning over your writing so much that she cannot rp with you.
An interesting perspective, and thanks for the kind comments on my writing. Not so much over-critical, more that I just can't see the forest for the tree. It's funny, to me, when people say that I transport an image as I'm the least visual person you'll ever meet, and that doesn't even come into my thinking when I write.

Now, as to your comments, you can't really extraplolate a personal experience to the whole, in general. As you say, I can come across as arrogant; a lot of times with deliberate intent because as with sarcasm and hyperbole, it's just something I have fun with, and I do have an enjoyment of provocation and debate.

I'm also basically sapio-sexual, even in regards to fictional characters, and am only attracted to certain series or combinations of attributes, which, if possessed by a person, are what allows me to gel with them on a platonic level OoC, and attracts my characters sexually to theirs in a fictional story, as those attributes are generally reflected, consciously or not, in the portrayal of their characters. There's more intent behind my request threads, and in what they say, and how they say it, than initially meets the eye.

As to what's the true me, and what's not, as someone once said, "don't confuse the writer with the writing", and that applies as much to any 'personal space' of mine as it does my stories, so your best bet to gauging anything in that regard is to browse my interactions with other members on the general discussion and academy boards, not my threads or journal. There's many who do know me, who'd completely disagree with you, or wonder who in the hell you were talking about in regards to me being intense, not easy going, or not inclusive, whilst others would simply nod their head and say, "Yep, you described him perfectly. Arrogant prick."

That all comes down to the personality dynamic between two people. and individual perceptions. I'm inclusive, and incredibly agreeable and easy to get along with if people don't just blatantly ignore what I've requested, however, if they do, they'll receive my asshat personality. I'd only expect the same in return.

In the end, I'm here to write stories that I enjoy, with people I mesh with OoC, and who portray characters mine are attracted to (as I think everyone has the right to expect), and if in endeavouring to find those, I turn some people off along the way, so be it. We're obviously not compatible to begin with, and I wouldn't complain of anyone else doing the same thing. In fact, we'd probably get along swimmingly :)
I've been watching and reading and witnessing some comments that seem a bit presumptuous as well as accusatory. Journals are a safe place where we can vent and express, not be bantered and bullied. Everyone is free to have their opinions, but if they wish to point fingers, there's a PM feature or an ignore button. No one demands anyone read a particular thread, so respect is expected. Thanks.

Sorry about that, Quix.
Thanks DA, she deleted the comment of her own accord. As you're aware, I wasn't too worried about it personally, but it completely misconstrued what I'd said, and I found it disrespectful in regards to the inferences for my writing partners and friends on here.
Indeed. No one wants to have their words twisted on them. It's just false advertising! XD Plus, I know how it can be when it can be hard enough to express yourself whether it's an opinion on something or regarding something you're seeking. So, when someone comes along and thinks they 'get you' and spreads that around and it just isn't what you can be disconcerting. At least this particular instance seemed to end without incident. : )
They can be misconstrued, along with intent, which is a very important thing. I've, a few times, being accused of 'sexism', which doesn't worry me, because those who truly know me are aware that I am anything but, and in the end, it's only their opinions I care about. As for the others, I'm sure their opinions are likely garnered from the content of my thread:

Yes, it's directed towards females, but you know what? That's because female characters are the ones I look to write against, and the use of sarcasm, hyperbole and exaggerated points of view is pure fun to me.

In the same vein (and, as someone said, because I must have too much time on my hands) I decided to do a quick revision of my request thread from a female perspective, in case I ever go searching to write from that point of view and am looking for males.

Again, this is just for pure fun, and exaggerated, not intended to cause any offence, and all those other things, plus, also written a little to illustrate my point. I've hidden it under spoiler tags so that people can decide if they'd like to read it, or not. Some could consider it 'sexist'.

That does work both ways, doesn't it?

Anyways, without further ado; my potential 'Searching for Males' Thread

If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em. Looking for Vapid Male Character Tropes

I've become bored with plots that are based entirely around the concept of, "how the sex-obsessed male expects every female character who crosses his path, regardless of gender, orientation, or appearance to beg him to fuck her within three seconds of meeting", which comprises approximately 99.99% of requests on these boards, so I'm looking for something so rarely found on Blue Moon.

Yes, Gentlemen, I'm requesting one of your characters locate that capacity for independent thought so kindly gifted by evolution to us all (incredibly, I do mean all, even those lacking an additional X Chromosome) then - here comes the unique and outlandish part - actually utilise it to do something that isn’t initiated by his cock. I know it must appear a mind-boggingly adult concept and so much more far-fetched and fantastical than even those non-existent vampire and werewolf creatures you like to portray, but it won't kill him, I promise. Once we're done, we could submit it to 'Ripley's Believe It Or Not'. Think of the fame.

β€œI'm nothing but just another superficial, egotistical, walking, talking Dominant male clone who expects every female to immediately drop to the floor, panting in desire and spreading her legs whenever I flex my biceps," does become tedious after a while. As does being the one required to allow my preferences for build-up, story depth and plot development to be steamrolled over simply because every female character is supposedly so turned on when graced with the scent of testosterone that her brain and inhibitions fly out the window.

What I’d like, is to write against a male capable of developing a story together, and a man with depth of personality, charm, wit and intelligence enough to be intrinsically attractive to a woman, who’ll exhibit the very same qualities in return, rather than one too weak of mind or intellect to be able to find one to sleep with without brute physical force being his first - and last - resort. How Dark Ages.

I realise that I should be exiled from the roleplaying guild,and banished to the hellfires of purgatory for all eternity for even daring to suggest that my character play an equal part in the story where sex occurs with an interesting male and makes sense in the context of the plot, but what can I say? I’m a woman who knows what she wants. If all your character can do is metaphorically scratch him armpits, grab his balls and grunt to assert his perceived β€˜masculinity’ in the misplaced assumption that will have us women immediately soaking our panties, then I'm not interested. It's what makes the difference between it being a story, and me just being something for you to jerk off to.

If it's the latter you're after, click here. The tales are pre-written for your reading pleasure, so you won't even have to write a starter post that doesn’t include smut. Just insert your character's name where appropriate. I don't care how talented of a writer you are, I'll take a great partner with less literary skill over someone who's amazingly skilled at stringing words together but believes turning a normal woman into a pining, groveling sex-craving slut within three posts just so he can get his jollies off on the other side of the screen is in any way believable, every single time. Neither is, generally speaking, anal on the first date!
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Sexist? Really? Now that's one I'm finding difficult for anyone to accidentally conclude. As one who can have issues with sarcasm and humor, this is NOT one I'd ever or have ever seen hinted at when reading any of your posts. So I'm finding it oddly interesting that people have said/thought this. Then again, it's probably due to the fact that your threads are posted as 'male seeking female', which means it's ladies who approach more than anyone else?? Not saying that women are more than likely to accuse over men, but I can possibly see how some might use that as an excuse to make themselves feel better. It's human nature to pass blame and/or strive to bolster esteem and such an accusation is cutting enough to bolster any wounded ego when it's been scorned. Especially when it's the intelligence that's in question or seems to be (even if it isn'tβ€”since some people automatically assume as much).

AHAHAHAAAA!!! That's hilarious! Now my sides hurt. A lot. XD Maybe I should consider revamping my own thread! LOLOLOL!!!!! Seriously, now that I understand your wit and sarcasm so much better, my level of appreciation of that knows no bounds. Thanks for taking the time to explain your type of sarcasm to this clueless girl. I'd be missing out on so much. XD
Oh, DA, if you only knew the things I'd been accused of being at various times by people on here. I think 'sad, bitter, angry, misoynistic asshole', was the latest new one.

But that's okay, I'm completely aware that my humour, sarcasm and ocassional bluntness is not for everyone, and that it can make me hard to read. It often conveys a 'serious' tone, and even when I tell people, or attempt to explain, that it's all done in good humour, I'm still often met with, "No, it's not, you're just pretending to use it to to cover up your real anger/sexism/misogyny/blah-blah-blah", as if they can read my mind and intent, whilst simultaneoously calling me a liar. Possibly a little confirmation bias going on there? xD

Insults and criticism from strangers mean nothing to me, I only care when they're from people I know and respect, or at least whose knowledge and expertise I respect (I don't have to like someone to respect their opinion, Richard Dawkins; the pompous git; being a prime example, xD) and then they can cut me deeply. That's why, along with being able to separate emotion from my words, I guess I find it difficult to comprehend why I seem to get to others who I'ver never spoken to, and don't know me at all.

I'm glad I could give you a better understanding, and hey, feel free to plaigarise anything from that request thread. It'd be a huge compliment, xD


I've mentioned that I hardly ever make the first approach around here in regards to finding partners, for reasons previously explained; my hopelessmess at coming up with plot suggestions off the top of my head to send, and thinking it rude to approach with my preferences rather than with how I meet theirs, so waiting for those who express, in their own words, preferences in regards to the types of female characters they portray that do match mine. The latter of whom are as rare as hen's-teeth.

However, the other day I did. With someone who'd stated not long ago on one of my threads a possible interest in writing with me, but wasn't completely sure, to which I politely responded to on my next bump. The reply after I sent my approach? None. So, I think I'll stick to the way thay works best for me. Pity, since I may have a lot more time on my hands for the next few weeks, considering I'm once again unemployed, xD

I won't bore everyone with the detail, but I tendered my immediate resignation today, knowing that if it came down to a 'her or me', after she'd been in the job eighteen years and developed that long-term dynamic with the boss, it was a battle I couldn't win, and after our discussion ended with, "I've been here eighteen years, I'm not going to take shit from you," to which I responded, "Tenure has no relevance. I don't care how long you've been here, I'll give you whatever 'shit' I think is deserved," I knew I was done. That type of demand is not one I'd issue anyway, as it doesn't sit well with me. I just prefer to make a decision, and carry it through.

As I've said before, a lot, or pretty much all, of my actions and thinking are based on principle, and I just won't stand for that I despise, vehemently disagree with, or believe wrong, but do something about it, even if it comes at a personal cost. It's the only way I can live with myself.

Oh, the joys of job-hunting, again :)
My poor, little, easily confused and disorganised mind gets overloaded when it comes to fiddly tasks, or 'stresses' when it sees a heap of things to do, a mess of paperwork to file, or in this case, read messages sitting in my PM inbox, so I generally move them immediately, both sent and received, to a folder for each person, and regularly clean those out, to leave only the latest.

Unfortunately, however, combined with my lack of attention to detail, and impulsive (I like to say, decisive!) personality, that also means I can sometimes delete that last message by hiting the 'delete trash' button before double checking what I've moved there. Not fun when I have to go back to someone, and say, "Um, do you mind re-sending, I kind of deleted your PM." I mean, it's okay the first time, but the second or third? And don't even ask how I cope with two simultaneous conversation strands from the same person in separate PM's! xD


Was meant to head down to see Mum this weekend, but after the week I had, needed a couple of days to myself to refresh the brain, and recharge my energy, so am instead going on Wednesday, which will actually work out better. Mum's got friends visiting today, and one of my brothers will be there that night, leaving Thursday morning, whilst my other is heading down Friday, so I'll stay Wednesday/Thursday nights and catch up with both of them as well.


Oh, and thanks to DA for helping with the move of my Goldilocks and the Three Bears story from PM to thread; all done and under our correct names; which means I now know the exact number of posts. Forty-five in total, over a year and half! To say it's a slow-burn story would be an understatment, but it's one I love (possibly assisted by that fact that, as the youngest of three boys, I'm planning to use it to exact some vicarious, retrospective revenge on my elder siblings!), and we're both super keen to keep it alive.
Merge?? ...merge. Or we'll both get stressed out! LOL!
You'd hate to see the state of my inbox. It's horrifying. Someday I'll figure out a way to semi organize it in a way that flows well with how I think and process. ...mmm...yeah...never. >.<

Aww, you're welcome. Gotta love the slow burn RPs though. I've a couple of those myself and I wouldn't trade them for the world. : )
At least being unemployed again, I got the chance to go in and spend half the day day at my previous workplace, and clean up a lot of what needed to be done, there, so that de-stressed my brain a little as it had been nagging at me a little for the last couple of months. Or a lot.


Now, being completely up to date on my stories, and waiting for the deluge of responses to all arrive within an hour of each other, time for some shout-outs, xD

The first, to Lait, for the celebration of our one year Scaremonger-versay that is about to hit. Thanks for being a great collaborator on a story (and characters) that I grow to love even more and more with each post, and for also just being an all-round awesome person, and friend.

Here's a pressie (present!), and I'm looking forward to the many murders still to come, xD



I also wanted to thank Xana, another great partner who, as with Lait and Scaremonger, and although the theme of the stories are vastly different, has also given me the opportunity to write a character rarely allowed.

That is, a male with dominant tendencies, who is not just one-dimensional with a static, completely-in-control and totally assured, psychologically invincible personality - the requirement for which in fictional males on BMR is one of the reasons I dislike the oft- requested dominant male/submissive female dynamic so much -, but a man who also possesses emotional depth, vulnerabilities and self-doubts, and undergoes his own personal journey alongside the female character.

It's so much more interesting, fun, varied and challenging to write, and, to me, carries much greater impact.


Yet another shout-out, to Silva, whom I'm close to finishing my second story with, and have just hit two years writing together. Thanks for being such a brilliant writer, and fun collaborator.

Historical, next?


That's not to forget my other writing partners and friends, who are all as equally awesome. I do honestly think I'm the luckiest guy on BMR when it comes to being able to write and chat with you guys, xD


Also, because I'm so happy to have Dova, and Analise Helm, back, and was anticipating the rather dark places our story is headed, the latest post to Internet killers was a lot of fun to write, and I'm quite proud of the result, so thought I'd place it here as well.

What I love about this story is that whilst the narcissistic Pete Norris just is what he is; a born psychopath, with no rhyme or reason to it, and a man with not one iota of self-doubt, and little emotion, which could appear to contrast against what I said above; in Analise Helm, he's met his match, and that's the major difference. The lack of empathy and emotion, of both characters, is an integral part of the plot.

Internet Killers - Quix and Dova

Even serial-killers could possess a sense of humour, and sociopathy didn't negate intelligence or self awareness, which is why the dichotomy between his words and true nature amused the man to no end as he spoke to Analise of fathering a child. Pete knew exactly what he was; a depraved rapist, sadist and murderer, lacking in empathy or remorse, and a man who was sexually aroused by the suffering of others. Sick, to the majority of civilisation, but to Pete, it just made him different, and if there was anything that pleased him more than the infliction of pain, it was the knowledge of his uniqueness. Who wanted to be just another sheep-like, compliant member of the rest of the crawling, mindless mass of humanity? Where was the fun in that.

More surprising that he hadn't caused Analise Helm to throw up with the concept of him becoming a parent was the fact that she hadn't reacted negatively to his suggestion that she be the one to clean up the mess. Then again, he'd quickly learned to expect the unexpected with this woman, and mentally reminded himself to be careful with his threats. For Pete Norris wasn't a man who liked being forced to go back on his word, and there was no way he was going to miss the opportunity of adding to their victims indignity. And what could add to it more than being the one to help keep them clean and well-fed, so that they maintained their attractiveness, in the knowledge it was that very attractiveness that led to their repeated rape and torture? It was their fault.

How would they feel, and what would it do to them, when, after he'd spoken lovingly and tenderly, whispering words of promise of a future without pain, in their ears, brushed their hair, and gently soaped his filth from their flesh, he subsequently defiled them again. Would they become accustomed to it, or would it drive them insane? With the basement at their disposal, hidden away from the rest of the world, and Analise to assist, they could keep them as long as they wished, and break not only the victims' bodies, but their minds as well.

However, that wouldn't start this night, and maybe not even next week, or next month. Conceivably never. It all depended on Analise, and as he'd cupped her face, he'd looked deep into her eyes, attempting to sense what in her mind she kept contained. For a second, he believed he briefly captured a glimpse of a thought hidden behind a mask, and briefly wondered what it could be, then the moment passed and he released his grip.

He'd raised an eyebrow at her indignant words, but allowed her to finish uninterrupted, with a cocky, confident expression remaining planted on his face. Pete was truly savouring this game of cat-and-mouse, and a chuckle escaped his lips when she brushed his shoulder, and he glanced at her hand. "It's not my sense of style that I usually rely on to garner attention, or attract the opposite sex, Analise, however, I appreciate the advice." The rapist responded with a smirk, and stepped back.

"25th and Maple it is. I want an attractive girl, pretty, youthful, outgoing and intelligent." Pete had further opened up the distance between them so that he could appraise Analise's body as he spoke, and that he did, for as he uttered his preferences, he was basing them on the woman before him. "Fit and fuckable, nice tits." His focus eventually returned to her face, and the murderer's blue eyes bore into hers. "And she cannot be drunk. Stone-cold sober, so that she'll be fully aware of every sensation, and of what's been done to her. Can you get me a girl like that, Analise, or is it too much for your sensibilities?"

The killer shrugged. "Because if you don't believe every lesbian deserves to experience a cock before she dies, possibly you believe some should have a choice? If that's true, which dykes is it that you believe should be kept safe from me, Ms Helm? The smart ones, the pretty ones, old ones, young ones, the ones with children? I'd like to know." Even though her previous reaction had assured him that they were on the same page with their choice, Pete could not resist the temptation of using her words of denial against her, and his tone became ever more intense as he continued. "I hope the answer is none, as empathy for others would enrage me, Analise. Not what I am looking for."

He then lunged violently forward, appearing as if he intended to grab Analise again, to emphasise his displeasure, however, as Norris reached her on the basement step, he deftly sidestepped, laughed over his shoulder, and began to ascend. "No requirement for supplies, tonight is simply a test-run. I'll return at 8:30pm. Until then, things to do, people to see." His mock anger was replaced with good humour, and Pete only turned back to look at Analise, and shoot her the same sweet smile she'd issued him, after he'd reached the top. "It's not my performance you should be concerned about, honey, so don't disappoint. Or you won't even receive the courtesy of a prolonged final act. I'll let myself out."
You're unemployed again. God damn it. xD

My heart cannot handle this.
My heart cannot physically handle the Aussie slang and you know this.
Yet at the same time it can because I love every bit of this video so much.
Outdoor Rave : Bush Doof. I can't even.
"Mate! You know that's me misses! You totally cuttin' me grass."

Are you havin' a squiz at that sheila? IS THAT EVEN HOW IT WORKS, QUIX?
Help me out here, mate.
/abuses Aussie slang

This video is a riot. I'm faving it.
Best. Pressie. Ever. β™₯

And thanks for being a totally awesome partner who accepts me and my love for the Aussie accent. xD
By choice again, or my next correspondence may have been from a jail cell, xD

I do know it, and anticipation of your reaction is exactly why I posted it. I knew you'd be gobsmacked.

Yes, that is how it works. Not so much 'sheila', but definitely 'missus', 'having a squiz', and 'cutting me grass'. I promise I'm not just shit-stirring :)

And, it's educational, for you'll need to know it all that for if you ever visit, and want to find some pingas at a Bush Doof.

Our accents have nothing on the Irish; now those make my knees tremble.
Yes. Very, very educational. The whole story he was reading had me giggling like an idiot. It was so satisfying to hear. xD

Irish accents though..?

/deep obnoxious sigh

Make my heart weak... This is why we're friends.
Now all we have to do is go conquer Ireland. That's next on our list of duties.
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