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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I agree about the gun laws in America. We dont need to have that much access to them at all. It's stupid. I went shooting once at the range. Fucking scary! And listening to these peole talk so passionately about guns i was actually turned off. This country is just...some things about it are just very disapponting. But what happened?

Seems like your dad is actually torn. While he wants to go home he doesn't want do that to his wife. That's enlightening!!!
Mali- There was a mass shooting in San Bernardino, California. A man and woman shot and killed 14 people, injuring 18 more. The couple is dead now, from a shoot-out with the police. It's being speculated whether it was an act of terrorism, but nothing has been released about that yet.

This is about to sound bad, but I love shooting at the range. It takes a lot of mental concentration and physical control over your entire body. That is, if you want to be a good shot anyway, but most people shoot just to say they've shot a gun, not to get any better. I also have a hunting license, but I don't actually hunt. I have it because it's part of my firearm safety, and I've had those since I was young, like even before I was a teenager.

Early exposure definitely takes away the curiosity, but that requires responsible parents and mature (enough) children. And really, there are a fair amount of responsible gun owners, but there are also A LOT of people who say they're responsible, but they're not. I know this because I'm at the range quite a bit. Also the fact that people can own or handle a gun without knowing firearm safety really scares me. And the fact that a person can just hand over a gun to someone as a gift is scary. Some guns shouldn't even be for sale at all.

Here in Texas, we have unconcealed/open carry. I honestly don't think there's point to that. A gun is not for waving around to the general public. It's not an indication of how big your dick/balls are. I don't need to see a rifle slung across your back as you walk. I don't need to see it in your open holster while I'm at fucking Chick-fil-A trying to eat. That's fucking stupid.

Gun culture is totally different in the US because of the constitutional rights, and it even differs state to state, but there needs to be a change.
And I live about four hours away. That's terrifying.

I mean that's all really cool. I mean if you're being safe and reasonable about it, by all means. But if you're not and doing what this man and woman did, then it's really not cool. And it just shows that you really don't need to have one if you can openly cause that much terror.

I get it, it's a Constitutional right but so was slavery once upon a time. Just because it's a Constitutional right doesn't mean it's a good thing. I'm just saying. There has to be a more tight and strict control on 'gun control.' It doesn't seem very controlled if anyone can walk in and get a gun if they are legally allowed to and then get it registered at the police. Bullshit...

I mean here in Nevada, it's the friggin desert. What could you possibly go hunting for?! A coyote?!

I shot a gun because they were shooting at the range and wanted to teach me. I never want to do it again because it was terrifying. I couldn't get in real control. Just enough not to go shooting them all. But the feeling in my body was not a comfortable one and I was shaking the entire time. I didn't kill anyone but I would rather handle a water gun than a real gun. That includes BB guns because those are just as harmful. At least water guns are fun...
Yep! I totally get that. People don't actually need guns. The whole "self-defense" thing is rare anyway. I mean, there are cases where there's a 'good guy with a gun' but most of the time there isn't. There was even an instance a while ago where the good-guy shot the owner of the vehicle instead of the carjacker.

I think what most people are scared of is that they don't want people taking away their guns or having like, an absolute gun ban. Obviously that's not going to happen. We just want stricter gun control laws, because right now it's extremely easy to get your hands on a gun.

I know the feeling you're talking about. Generally I always tell people to think about whether they actually want to fire a gun or not, and if they do, then to take a safety course before going to the range. You don't need to, but it makes it easier, more comfortable, and a lot less terrifying. And that's what I was talking about. You don't even have to take a safety course before handling a gun. But everyone has to take a mandatory safety course before handling a car. How messed up is that.

Edit: Granted, there are probably a lot higher vehicular injuries/deaths than gun-related ones, but still.
I think it is just the whole ‘if we are the land of the free, we should be free to have our own defenses too even at home and not just rely on the military.’ That’s taking it the whole ‘freedom’ thing a little too far in my opinion. And while I get that that they aren’t going to repeal it, they do need stricter means of getting a gun.

I agree about the classes on gun safety. I just don’t plan on shooting a gun ever again. Did it once, it wasn’t so nice, not gonna do it again! I’m more of a knife person anyways xD

I do think it’s odd that they require you to go through all this driving stuff and classes to learn how to drive and get your license and you’re right, there are more vehicular deaths and injuries than guns but I also think it should just be downright illegal to have a gun in the house when you have children. That whole thing has been going back for so long. My mom told me that before me and my brother were born, when she and my dad lived in North Carolina, there was a family on their block that lost their son because he got into his father’s stuff, found his gun and well…yeah. :/

So that’s my stance on the whole gun thing. I hope this doesn’t get me tracked for ‘speaking out against the Constitution’ xD
It totally boggles my mind how people have the money to blow on guns that are easily hundreds/thousands of dollars, but they don't invest in gun safes so kids/intruders/guests don't get to them. Two years ago the elementary school down my street was put on lockdown because a kid brought a gun in his backpack that he got from his dad's dresser. It was totally empty, but still. My brother was in class with the kid. I was just totally speechless.
Right??? It is boggling. It’s amazing how much money people spend on things in general. Things that they don’t need. I’m guilty. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on movies, stuff for my vape and tattoos. Do I need any of that stuff? No. But that’s a whole other deep rooted issue of mass consumerism. (My semester in history classes has been very enlightening…)

But no, I am totally on the same page with you. That or how music can send the wrong messages. I think that’s my biggest problem with a lot of rap. They promote the wrong messages. I know Rock can be heavy and angry but what I listen to doesn’t promote gun violence. It just promotes a lot of emotion, angst and sad romance love stories. When’s the last time emotion, angst and sad romance love stories shot up a school, mall, educational institution or a movie theater?
Malicious Lullaby said:
Right??? It is boggling. It’s amazing how much money people spend on things in general. Things that they don’t need. I’m guilty. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on movies, stuff for my vape and tattoos. Do I need any of that stuff? No. But that’s a whole other deep rooted issue of mass consumerism. (My semester in history classes has been very enlightening…)

But no, I am totally on the same page with you. That or how music can send the wrong messages. I think that’s my biggest problem with a lot of rap. They promote the wrong messages. I know Rock can be heavy and angry but what I listen to doesn’t promote gun violence. It just promotes a lot of emotion, angst and sad romance love stories. When’s the last time emotion, angst and sad romance love stories shot up a school, mall, educational institution or a movie theater?

I know people are upset about this year's constant mass killings, and I understand the desire to change gun laws, but I don't think that changing laws will make a difference. It might make a difference in the nature of killings, but not in the essence of killing. I'd be all for gun control if I thought it would actually protect people, but if someone is far enough gone to kill special needs kids (and I have one, so this stings,) the piece of paper that says they're allowed to have a gun isn't going to matter a whole lot.

I want gun control to work, and I wish self-control was a viable option. Deadly weapons will always be available to the sick, deranged, and fanatical and they will always find ways to use them despite our best efforts to stop them with legislation. The critical component that needs to change lies elsewhere though, and if we can identify it and address it effectively, it won't matter if people have guns.
It's okay Mali. xD I am totally guilty of buying things I don't need (I have stashes of makeup and I love cute office supplies).

I don't agree on music though. There's a definite difference to me on talking about violence and actually promoting it. Rock in the '50s and '60s was blamed for kids starting riots and other criminal acts. The whole "it ruins children" was also said about Jazz, Blues, and Rock&Roll when they emerged. Inner city violence, which is often the subject of 'gangsta rap' existed even before rap came along. In fact it was the violent inner city that inspired artists to rap about their experiences, not the other way around. There's no correlation (at least the last time I researched it) to support the idea that the rise of rap/hip-hop makes violence increase.

Saying that hip-hop promotes violence is like saying pop promotes children having sex, or that songs with lyrics about heavy depression and suicide promotes suicidal thoughts in children. just like playing Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto doesn't make kids violent, just like Assassin's Creed doesn't make them walk up to people and stab them.
Oh look it's the Great Dane! Hi! -waves-

You're right about that though. Gun control won't stop anything. Actually, considering how far things have gone, I don't think anything will stop anything. It really makes me wonder that if the United States didn't make a central government and such, how things would have turned out. I really wonder. They should make a movie about that! Instead of what we already know...

Yeah, you're right about that Ari. My mistake.
It's funny you say that. Well, not really funny. But I took a women's studies class in high school. My first one. And it was really...feminine. Like I'm all about that movement but this was just kind of...a bit too much, I think? I dunno. But anyways, my teacher mentioned how Disney movies portray women in only one way. It hit me then because I was just learning to think for myself but I was still easily influenced. But then as the years went by, I was starting to realize how Disney movies can be the most violent and totally fucked up little buggers ever!

It's just everywhere. Doesn't matter what, who or what song you're listening to. There's always some kind of something portrayed everywhere. Sex on posters. Violence every step you take. Fabrications of peace. It's a fucked up world :D I don't know why that makes me laugh. And it's a great song by the Pretty Reckless.
I think I should share that here. Quix might enjoy it ^^

Damn, I log-on to find there's been an entire debate on my journal whilst I've been gone (Welcome, Dane!) That makes me smile, it's a fun read, xD.

My thoughts are that, I've no idea why anyone needs access to an assault rifle, or a weapon capable of killing fifty people within two minutes, and why they need personal access to them at all times, rather than they be kept secured at a gun rage, as the majority of firearms here have to be. You can't take them home. I'm not a constitutional lawyer, but if it's because people 'have a right to bear arms', we might as well allow individuals to carry around their own nuclear bombs.

Legal control wouldn't solve the problem entirely, as cultural issues also come into play, but it would make a difference. Australia had a gun massacre back in 1996, where 35 people were killed, and both murder and suicide rates have since dramatically decreased after strict new laws were enacted.

It's also not just the mass killings. For the first time in history, I think, gun deaths in the USA this year are predicted to outnumber those from car accidents.

And thanks for the song, Mali, I did enjoy it, xd


On another note, and everyone has heard this rant a thousand times already.

Both of my request threads are centred around what I'm looking for in a female character (yep, you've definitely heard that before), so this morning I receive an approach. I first scanned the part where she states that she only writes in PM, obviously referring to the part of my request that states I only write on threads, and deciding, 'hey what the hell, he probably just wrote that for fun', then go to her plot suggestion.

It's a Jekyl and Hyde scene where she lays out the personalities (her expectations) of the male characters, but does not say one fucking word about the personality of her character, or reference in any way how she'd be compatible with what I've requested in regards to female characters.

Are my threads really that difficult to comprehend? Don't both the titles and the content give away the fact that I may want some information on your character, and how her traits/role in the scene matches my requests?

It astounds me sometimes, it really does.

You'd think that with all the gun related crime and stuff over the years, they would have done something more. Granted, I can't really say much about that because I don't know. I don't keep in touch with the news. It's too depressing and I have this philosophy where I like to stay out of touch of the horrendous things that happen in the world. I don't want to start my day with some really fast heart palpitations as the reality is that the world is a scary, scary place no matter where you go.

I'm glad you liked the video ^^

As for your little problem, does it really surprise you now? xD I've learned very early on that a lot of people don't read. They skim. And most of the times don't notice something that is right in front of them, like the titles of your threads. It's a real shame, isn't it? xD
I believe there's a lot of things they could do, but the gun lobby is so powerful that they'd need to sacrifice themselves, or their careers, to get it done.

As to my other problem, it doesn't surprise me, and it does. I mean, my thread titles should give people not just an inkling of where my focus lays, but of how intensely it lays, before they even open the damn things. Are so many that lacking in basic comprehension skills, or are they just so incredibly selfish, and self-absorbed with what they want, that they decide it's not relevant? I don't know which is worse, the former or the latter.

My threads are what I'm looking for, first display compatibility with that, or at the very least reference it, before telling me it is what you want. If you don't like what I've asked for, then go create your own fucking thread for what you want! That's their purpose.


On a lighter note, after a discussion with a partner the other day about how awesome a place Australia is, and how she'd love to visit one day, I found this handy little map, to help people decide which parts they'd most like to see. Or avoid.

I'll take... sharks with lasers, convicts, and maneating koalas. Maybe a dash of scorching desert and angry natives :)
Well maybe if they weren’t so selfish, they’d get their heads out of their bleached assholes and start thinking about sacrifices instead of making us the human sacrifices!

I don’t which is worse. They’re both pretty bad. But to answer your questions, yes and yes. They are exactly those things. It’s okay. It just makes you appreciate the partners you do have. Because the one you already have are the best. Isn’t that the truth? :D

Well if that’s Australia…I don’t wanna go…I mean I wanted to go before but my friend showed me many documentaries on the kinds of creatures you find there and then learning that from you too…

I’d be in my worst nightmare with huge bugs if I went there >.< It wouldn’t matter how cute the men are and how sexy their accents are. If there is a huge bug that can eat me… –shudders- This is why I like to stay in most of the time. Where I have my bug spray that is probably killing the ozone worse and where I can be in my own little bubble, allowing me to pretend that there was no such things as bugs!
Do I live in a deluded world?
That's one of the reasons Robert Ingersoll, a man who many contemporaries believed could have been President of the USA if he'd abandoned his unbelief, is one of my most respected Historical figures. I've posted this before, but hey, any excuse to quote the man, xD

When Robert G. Ingersoll fought as a Colonel in the Civil War, his conduct was that of gallantry. When he fought the combined opposition of religious hatred, antagonism and ignorant fanaticism, he was magnificent.

When the bloody Civil War was over, Robert G. Ingersoll entered the political arena. He became Attorney General of the State of Illinois. His fame as an orator, his integrity, his reputation as an astute lawyer, made him the most logical candidate for the nomination for the Governorship of his state.

His views on the question of religion, by this time, were well known. He never lost an opportunity to speak the praises of Thomas Paine.

A delegation of political leaders came to see him. They stated their business, and named the conditions upon which he was to receive the nomination for the Governorship of the State of Illinois.

The proposition was that he would receive the nomination provided he concealed his religious opinions.

Robert G. Ingersoll refused to accept their proposition. They begged, they implored him to change his mind. They told him that they did not want him to change his convictions, but merely to keep them to himself.

He gave them a reply: "I would rather refuse to be President of the United States than to do so. My belief is my own. It belongs to me, not to the State of Illinois. I would not smother one sentiment of my heart to be the Emperor of the round world..."

In this case, not for his views themselves, but for the fact he was prepared to sacrifice his ambitions on a principle.


As to the other, it just continues to astound, and I do think it both, which saddens me more than anything. I definitely do appreciate the ones I have, they're the most awesome partners, and people, on BMR. Because of that, I might just have my opener to our new story posted today, xD


Do you live in a deluded world? Yes, but it sounds like a fun place to be, xD

Actually, we just love to exaggerate it. It's true that there's a lot of dangerous spiders, and snakes and the like, but it's not as if your chances of running into one are high, especially since about 90% of the Australian population lives on the coast, and those animals are mostly in the bush.

Ari, one thing's for sure, it will be a memorable vacation!
You guys chat too fasttt.

Slow down so I can catch up.
Tell me about it. I was trying to comprehend their conversation this morning, and that was a struggle. However, it was also pre-caffeine!

On that note, I smashed my favourite coffee mug yesterday - the one my niece bought me last Christmas, it was the size of a soup bowl, xD. No prizes for guessing what my response will be when she, or my brother on her behalf, asks what I want for this Christmas!
Coffee always makes everything better xD

Sooooo... you drink a soup bowl amount of coffee? (Daily I'm also assuming?)
lait said:
Coffee always makes everything better xD

Sooooo... you drink a soup bowl amount of coffee? (Daily I'm also assuming?)

It sure does. No, I need a soup bowl of coffee just in the morning.

One of the reasons I start work at 6:30am is for the safety of others, as I've told them, "You do not want to try and talk to me before I'm caffeined up," and that gives me time to do so before they arrive, xD
I can barely finish a small coffee. It gets too overwhelming for me.

But a soup bowl of coffee just in the morning everyday takes dedication man.

You need an award.

dedication because you don't want people to talk to you before you have caffeine.
So what's Quix like before he's had coffee?
Oh? I will very gladly accept an opener love ^^ I’m excited :D When will you post it??

It is a fun place to be actually. I love my deluded world. It’s a very happy and sparkly place to be ^^

Still, with all the horror stories of all the interesting creatures in Australia, I think I will just admire from afar. I’m afraid of everything Quix, I wouldn’t do well in the land down under.
lait said:
I can barely finish a small coffee. It gets too overwhelming for me.

But a soup bowl of coffee just in the morning everyday takes dedication man.

You need an award.

dedication because you don't want people to talk to you before you have caffeine.
So what's Quix like before he's had coffee?

I love coffee, and it's the only caffeine I have. I don't drink soda (very rarely), or energy drinks.

I'll take an award anytime.

Hmm, how I am in the morning is hard to explain! I'm awake, and my brain is focused, that's when I do all the tiny 'detailed' things I have to do, but I'm extremely internally focused.

I don't want to talk, or be social for about an hour after I'm awake. It's as if it requires too much mental effort, and if anyone attempts a conversation, they'll get a one or two word response the first and second times, and then, if they haven't already gotten the message, on the third, I'm liable to be very curt.

You know that irritated feeling when you're in the middle of a good book, or bury yourself in a novel because you're not feeling very social, and someone then interrupts you? Kind of like that, xD


Malicious Lullaby said:
Oh? I will very gladly accept an opener love ^^ I’m excited :D When will you post it??

It is a fun place to be actually. I love my deluded world. It’s a very happy and sparkly place to be ^^

Still, with all the horror stories of all the interesting creatures in Australia, I think I will just admire from afar. I’m afraid of everything Quix, I wouldn’t do well in the land down under.

Go have a look at our thread, xD. I even did some research for it!

I love your deluded world too, so much so that I'm thinking of moving there.

Hey, dangerous creatures yes, but we don't have many guns! It's safe, xD
It's 8 PM and I'm literally drinking a Chestnut Praline Latte from Starbucks, with a slice of pumpkin bread. No regrets. I love coffee. I also love caffeine. But I've cut down on my coffee because I used to get headaches and major fatigue if I didn't have it in the morning, and irritated Aria is not a pretty Aria. Of course, I cheat every now and then, like right now. LOL.
We've a new girl at work, and I after I did her a favour the other day, she promised to make me a coffee in return. So I asked her jokingly today where it was, and she said, "I don't know if you take it with milk or sugar, etc", and I replied, "Those are optional, as long as it has caffeine." An irritated Quix is not good, either, and I try not to drink it after mid-afternoon, however I'm also known to cheat a bit.


And because Mali has now read this, and I'm quite proud of it. My first post to our new story:

A Royal Catastrophe - Quix and Mali

The people of the Western World remained in mourning, no more than the citizens of the United Kingdom.

Finally, the ever popular Prince Harry had met a young woman - a long-legged blonde to no-one’s surprise - with whom he desired to spend more than a week without cheating upon, and under pressure from his Father, had proposed Marriage. Evelyn Dimarco had accepted, and the wedding had been set for the twenty-second day of March, the first day of a glorious English Spring. As befitted his status as the common man’s Prince, instead of the usual pomp and ceremony associated with such an occasion, Harry had elected to follow one of the traditions of his favourite Colony, Australia, and throw an informal barbeque in the grounds of Buckingham Palace in place of a gilt-edged reception. That had been a fatal mistake.

With the amount of people to be catered for, and sausages, hamburger patties and pheasants to cook, the number of gas lines required to be installed had been massive. All it had taken was a minuscule leak in a single pipe to create an explosion large enough to wipe out every known member of the British Royal Family in one fell swoop, as well as a number of well-known celebrities, Elton John and Justin Beiber amongst them. Which was no big loss.

The Government had declared a three month period of mourning after the devastating accident, and stated that the throne would remain vacant for a year out of respect for the now late Queen Elizabeth, and her reign as the Britain’s longest-serving Monarch. Of course, talk had immediately turned as to who would be next to sit upon the throne, and imagine the public’s shock when, after an extensive lineage search, it was revealed to be Vladimir Ovnokov, a British born citizen, and suspected Russian Mafia overlord, with a number of high-profile British Parliamentarians in his pocket. His entitlement dated back to an illicit affair between Princess Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa and the Tsar of Russia in the Nineteenth century.

The citizens had revolted, but what could be done? Laws were laws, history was history, the Monarchy was the Monarchy, and in the multitude’s opinion, Great Britain wouldn’t be Great without it. The war-mongering criminal mastermind, politician bribing, philandering, woman-beating pimp would be anointed in nine months time unless another solution could be found - even the man himself had been smart enough not to push for immediate ascendancy – and that’s where MI6 Special Agent Ben Roberts entered the equation.

Barely minutes after the exposition of Vladmir Ovnokov's right to sit upon the throne, his superiors; those who weren’t on the Russian’s payroll; had begun to scour all available records in search of a resolution to the dilemma, and finally, one had been uncovered. Buried deep in the British Library archives was a document that contained an unsubstantiated, and previously discounted, rumour that the ‘Virgin Queen’, Elizabeth I had been wildly misnamed, and borne a child at seventeen years of age, in the year fifteen-seventy. If true, and descendants could be located, they’d take precedence in the secession.

The exhumation and forensic examination of the first Elizabeth’s remains had swiftly followed, which had confirmed that she was indeed about as much a virgin as the fabled Mary Magdalene, and had birthed at least one child. A month of twenty-four hour a day investigations and research had then narrowed down her possible living descendants to two. An American Mother and Daughter, both with British heritage and residency status due to the Husband and Father having been born in England.

All the thirty-three year old operative, who’d arrived in the USA earlier that morning, had to do was to convince them to return to England, and undergo DNA comparisons to confirm their legitimacy before they were revealed to the Public. A simple task. Unless news of the discovery had also been leaked to the Russian Mafia, and those in the British Intelligence Services and Parliament loyal to Ovnokov’s never-ending stream of cash and beautiful young Eastern European prostitutes.

The six-foot two, dark haired, brown eyed male, with slim athletic build, ruddy and pale complexion, and oh-so-British accent, appraised the surroundings with a careful eye as he approached the American’s residence. With no danger in sight, and no neighbours present, he felt confident that they’d be on a plane before the day was out, and on English soil by the next morning. That was before he arrived at the boundary fence, and gazed upon the front door. The open front door.


Ben Roberts reacted with the speed of a cobra, as he reached into his overcoat to withdrawing a Rutger thirty-eight calibre pistol, and dropped to a crouch behind the fence. He peeked around, then realised that he couldn’t delay for surveillance, as otherwise both woman would be dead before he arrived to help. So, he moved to his feet, and swung the gun side to side as he ran.


The agent swore when he almost tripped over the dead woman with a hole in her head who lay on the floor, the exclamation caused more by the knowledge that there now remained only one living descendant than the sight itself, then sprinted after the running figure being chased by a man in black. As he reached the kitchen, Ben dropped to his knees, raised the barrel of the Rutger and took aim at the back of the man’s head. And that’s the way he remained, with a smile on his face, as the feisty Schuyler trumped the man’s verbal taunts then stuck a knife in his throat, and both fell to the floor in a bloody heap. The sound of the assailants gun firing as he dropped had made Ben jump, and regret his decision not to intervene, however a swift expert appraisal told him that it was only a graze, and he holstered his weapon to approach the bodies, one dead, one alive.

His foot first touched the man, and rolled him over to get a proper look at his face, “Russian, I believe, the British prefer pin-stripe,” before he focused on the woman, and offered a hand to help her up. “Bravo, though I shouldn’t be surprised, it’s not the first time a member of the Royal Family has solved a problem with violence. In fact, I believe it’s how they initially ascended the throne. Sorry about your Mother; and I wish we could stay and allow you the chance to say your goodbyes, but there’s no time to dally. We need to get out of here, and have that wound tended. This one was just the advance party. I’m Ben.”
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