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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

You'd expect nothing less of me, Mali!

I was proud of you, too, xD

I'm thinking that you may well have had a few wines before typing that!


It appears Dad's on the improve. I've no idea how Mum did it, but she got him to agree to be moved to the rehab facility at the Hospital for a week, rather than come directly home. I'll probably head down there next weekend with one of my brother's who won't take his own car on a two hour trip because he's hopeless, and has trouble locating the dipstick to check his oil. Consequently, his engine could explode at any moment!


In other news, the owner of where I work went to court today. Fun times. He's been sued by the ex-owner/business partner in regards to the purchase deal, and if he loses, it could well bankrupt him. The way I see it, he should be okay (and, for his sake, I hope he is, because a more likable guy you could never meet), but there's a slight possibility it could result in me losing my job. Not that finding another job worries me, I just wouldn't want to lose this one, in particular.

It suits me perfectly, partly because of the work itself, and the fact it's only five minutes from home, but mostly because the Principal, who's the only one I'm answerable to, is a salesman who has no idea of how to do what I do, but trusts me implicitly, and leaves me alone to do whatever I want, however I want, whenever I want, at whatever time suits me, in the knowledge that what needs to done will always be done. I don't take too kindly to directions, or being managed and/or constrained, xD
So, I was thinking the other day how much it irked me when I saw obvious spelling/typing mistakes in thread titles. Then, I realised today, that there was one in my own thread title, that had been sitting there for twenty-four hours with me even noticing.

"Muphry's Law", anyone?"

Muphry's Law is an adage that states: "If you write anything criticizing editing or proofreading, there will be a fault of some kind in what you have written."[1] The name is a deliberate misspelling of Murphy's law.


Received an approach yesterday, from someone who first stated they were a mtf transgender, however before I could even think about that aspect of the message I read the next line, which brought about an immediate rejection. Apparently, if I didn't mind writing against a mtf transgender, I'd 'passed his first test'.

I'm not here to be 'tested.'


It always interests me when people claim that there's absolutely no difference in the type or creativity need, or who, as a generalisation, it is required to lead, direct and control the majority of the story, between the writers of dominant and submissive, or proactive and reactive, character pairings. If there truly is no difference, why would anyone care about whichever they wrote, and honestly, how often do you come across submissive/submissive, pursued/pursued, victim/victim or naΓ―ve/naΓ―ve type pairings? Why not?


Not sure what's happening with my muse lately, but for the last week or two I've been able to compose replies faster than I ever have before. It's a nice feeling to have to think that I might be capable of posting fast enough to stress my partners, rather than the other way around, for once :) However, I'd never do that, as I'm well aware revenge can be a bitch, and I don't expect it to last!
So little sleep the last few days, and so tired, that even going to bed seems like too much effort, but at least something good has come of it. After two years, I've finally gotten around to subscribing to my threads!
The mention of a couple of old films by a partner, in relation to attempting to come up with an appropriate title for our new story, sent my brain off in the direction of legendary actresses, so today a few quotes from Katharine Hepburn. It's funny, whilst I don't watch many films, though I'm determined to start getting through the twenty or so I've downloaded, I know a fair bit about them as I do read quite a few biographies, and also (don't ask why, as I'm not sure, but a lot of the time it's of more interest to me than the movie itself), IMDB critics reviews of films I'll most likely never see!

Not as much as my oldest brother though, who must be some kind of idiot savant (leaning more towards the idiot part!). Give him a date and a year, and he can pretty much name any historical figure, actor or celebrity who was born, or died, on that day.








By the way, we went with a placeholder title, (which is growing on me more and more), so if anyone has any suggestions for a better, subtle psychological horror/suspense themed story title, I'm all ears, xD


I believe I've stated (oh, around a million times or so) before, that I'm not a visual person, and in a story I care more about 'who' a character is than what they look like. The latter is almost irrelevant to me - broad brush strokes are all I need - unless it has a direct bearing on the story, or in a scene.

Consequently, apart from the trouble I have in providing detailed character descriptions, the most difficult thing I find, particularly with a starter, is a natural place for, or way to segue into, any description at all. Whenever I do and re-read what I've written, it comes across as clunky. As if it's there not because it fits, but simply as an afterthought because it's expected.

The ironic thing is, with my latest, the female main characters appearance is relevant to (and a driver of the story), and I've probably included a much more naturally placed description, albeit indirectly, of hers - which my partner provided to me - than I have of my own.
A quote I just came across that made me feel a little better about my own writing:


Another I quite liked:

So, our one and only eftpos/bank terminal died at work, and I just called the bank to get a replacement, and the response I got was, "You're in Canberra? That's classified as a remote location, it can take up to three days."

Remote location?

It's the Capital Fucking City!

Which leads to a little trivia:

Back at Federation, in 1901, Melbourne and Sydney, the Capitals of Victoria and New South Wales respectively, couldn't agree on which should be the Capital of Australia, so eventually they decided to create a brand-new one halfway inbetween. However, then, New South Wales said they wouldn't go ahead unless it was within their State, so the Australian Capital Territory, with Canberra a fully planned and designed city containing a huge man-made lake at the centre, is a separate Territory located within the state of NSW, three hours drive from Sydney, and about seven from Melbourne. In the middle of frigging nowhere, and the only major Australian city not on the coast, xD


And, and, and a friend I hadn't spoken to for months just returned, and immediately popped me a message. It makes for a happy Quix, and it's nice to know I leave a good impression on some people :)
Not heading to my parents this weekend; going to leave it until next. Dad's still in Hospital, in the Rehab ward, but is allowed out on Day Leave, so mum's being picking him up and taking him out for a few hours each day. He'll be at home for most of the weekend, and she suggested we leave it until the weekend after, as I think looking after him and running around after visitors (doesn't matter how much we tell her we don't need anything, or to worry about us, she still does; Mum's are awesome like that, xD), would be too much for her.

The thing with the rehab ward is that once you're released, you then just can't choose to go back in, you have to be readmitted, so the staff have said another week, then he should be released for good, and hopefully much better than he has been. I'm a little irked because I was looking forward to pinching the Michael Robotham book I'd bought him for Father's day, but now that will have to wait!

People whine and bitch about our Government funded Health Care System here, but honestly, I think it has to be one of the best in the world.


This journal is filled with so much crap that I forget exactly what I've previously posted, and what I haven't, and am too lazy to go back and look. But hey, you can never have too much Twain.








Excuse me whilst I stress the hell out for a minute!

One of my partners is on vacation for a couple of weeks and another has been busy with mid-terms, which means slower postings, so of course being up to date made me feel comfortable, particularly as my muse has been weirdly cooperative of late, and led to me thinking, "this is too relaxed, I can take on more," and I subsequently wrote an opener for a new story plotted out with Xana.

Then today I received an approach from someone I'd spoken to a few times before, and with whom previous discussions were rather combative, however it appears we've finally agreed on a theme/character dynamic that suits both our preferences, and I couldn't, in good conscience, say no again.

Immediately after that, the opener for a story I'd been waiting a month or so on (and honestly thought may not come at all) was posted, It's based in 1953 New Orleans, with a voodoo theme, and my partner did a great job setting the scene, which has me running scared! I mean, what the fuck do I know about 1953 New Orleans? Louisiana? The Deep South, and race relations in 1950's America? Voodoo? Google is going to be my friend!

That came after an old writing partner, who's been on hiatus for a few months, returned yesterday, and I'm sure once she gets back into the swing of things, we'll talk about picking up our old story, or starting a new one.

Some slight relief is that I dropped the one roleplay I had on Elliquiy. One of the main reasons is that I really struggled to get into the site, and write on both there and BMR; my headspace has been a little strange lately with what's been happening with my Dad, BMR feels like home, E doesn't; as well as not having a great deal of OoC communication/banter or feeling of camaraderie, going on, which everyone who's written with me knows is as important in my being able to stay invested in a story as the story itself.

I've no idea what I'm going to do when normal posting resumes, but, as ever, I'll manage. Anticipation is always worse than reality, and I already feel more organised and in control of things now that's all been dumped out of my brain :)
We just covered in history the Louisiana Purchase and how all that land became apart of the US. Fun times and certainly explains why Louisiana, while deep in the south, was so heavily influenced by the French. It originally belonged to the French xD Oh if only the silly French knew how much that land could have been worth to them in this day and age considering what all happens in Louisiana and the culture and such. Oh well xD

That doesn't help with your role play, does it? xD I'd suggest taking a look at American Horror Story, season 3, Coven. Could offer some ideas and such since one of the characters is big on voodoo/hoodoo.
Thanks guys.

How about you watch it for me, Mali, then I can just ask whenever I need information. That's what friends are for, isn't it? xD

I've read a few novels set in New Orleans, Vic, and do know a little about them, but not much, xD

To help a little, I've now decided to make my character a newly arrived New Yorker, and I'm not actually sure how much detailed knowledge I'll need as the concentration is really on our two characters, but as tends to happen with me, the first thing that floods my mind is the knowledge of how much I don't know about something, and the potential issues that could raise. It stresses me for a little until all the questions it brings to mind settle in my head, and I brush most of them aside as irrelevant.

A quirk of my brain/personality type is that I'm brilliant at intuitively identifying potential problem areas, and what could possibly go wrong or why something won't work, but coming up with solutions requires much greater effort'. However, if someone else comes up with a potential solution, I can immediately tell them why it won't work, or identify completely new issues it could lead to. I tend to be the Devil's Advocate.

It reminds me of a conversation I had with a boss:

"I don't want problems, I want solutions." (damn, I hate that phrase)

"Well, you need to know what the problems are, before you can solve them, or do nothing but create bigger ones with your so-called solution."

Why I struggle with it, is that the second I do come up with one, I immediately find a reason it may not work, or a potential issue, and then need to separate the 'likely and possible', from the 'improbable and one-in-a-million'.
Marie Laveau. She was the voodoo practitioner in The Coven. A force to be reckoned with indeed. She gained her powers by making a deal with the voodoo devil, Papa Legba. Her powers come with a high price she must pay every year. There’s also Delphine LaLaurie. She leaves an impression. Yeah. I watched that season. It’s the only one of American Horror Story that I did watch. Now I’m entranced by Sons Of Anarchy. I don’t think that show will help you though Andy. Sorry, but those two names from The Coven are interesting characters.
Thanks for that Andy, and despite my joking with Mali, I may actually have to take a look at the show. Not so much for my story, but I have seen previews of it, and it could be interesting. Fortunately, my character will be a sceptic, which comes quite naturally, rather than a voodoo practitioner, or else I'd be even further out of my element.
Well AndNich explained it better than I could have. I was trying to con you into watching the entire season instead of just reading about both characters on Wikia if the series has a wiki. It's interesting though. So even if you are playing a skeptic character, at least you'll have that knowledge for your character to understandingly scoff and roll his eyes at xD

And I wasn't gonna help you love, but AndNich did so now I would just be a dirty bitch if I--Oh wait, I am a dirty bitch! :D
I might do that after I get through the twenty movies I have downloaded, and you know I don't respond well to subtlety, Mali. You should have just told me to watch it! It doesn't take much for me to scoff and roll my eyes, xD

A dirty bitch? According to your signature, or whatever you call it, you're the dirtiest. Your words, not mine! :)
Sometimes it's twenty times a day.

Mali, I think there's some secrets you should really keep between he and you. What's his name and number, again?
I'm not the type to harass anyone, Mali. I promiise!

And yes, after my message last night, I did just bump my thread. Out of pure fucking frustration. You discuss a plot with someone for an entire day, think you've come to an understanding in regards to what it was that led to your previous combative discussions and are now in synch, then they randomly send you a new message, with a new plot, completely different than what you discussed, and containing exactly what it was that led to you not wanting to write with them the first and second times.
Upon request and filling my duty as the somewhat returned
Pimp Queen,

/hugs for a frustrated Quix.
Now, again who's ass am I kicking for making you frustrated? Lol
Royally pimpin' everywhere.

/provides more hugs because your frustration is a serious matter of high emergency.
Aww thanks. My frustration is generally akin to a lightning strike, fiery for a moment, then but a distant memory once the energy's dissipated by venting. Usually I swear at inanimate objects, but I'm now finding this journal to be just as cathartic, xD

It is good to see you back.
So tired lately, I think it's the change to summer time, and cold to sudden heat. Anyways that's put me in a mellow mood, and too lazy to either write or think, so I've spent the last hour or two listening to one of my favourite Australian artists. Possibly inspired by the return of one of my stories after four months (who ever said I couldn't be patient!), here's Nick Cave and company with a couple of songs from his 'Murder Ballads' album.

(Starts about thirty seconds in):


I love this clip, but it's kind of creepy at the same time!


The album also contains, Where The Wild Roses Grow, with Kylie Minogue, a song I've posted before, and still my favourite track.
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