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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

It's going to be a long day. I've been talked into attending a charity fundraising trivia night tonight with work colleagues. For some reason, they think I might actually be of some use, however they're in for a surprise later! I'm looking forward to it, but it does means once I get home, I'll have been on the go for eighteen or nineteen hours.


The mention of slang in my previous post brought to mind a couple of conversations I've had with BMR friends, where they've been confused with something I've said, and how Australians tend to shorten words in everyday conversations/exchanges to the point where the shortened word becomes a word in its own right. It's only when those from other countries come back with a 'what does that mean?' that it strikes you they're actually not:

Arvo = Afternoon
Brekkie = Breakfast
Barbie = Barbeque
Chrissy = Christmas
Footy = Football
Lippie = Lipstick
Prezzy = Present
Mozzy = Mosquito
Aggro = Aggressive
Bottle-O = Bottle Shop (Liquor store)
Servo = Service Station (Gas Station)

We very rarely, in general conversation, use the full versions, and I've often found myself having to go back and edit my story posts after finding I've included the abbreviated words. That's not to mention those words which have a completely different meaning/refer to different items than they do North America; such as 'thong', 'biscuit', 'jelly', 'candy', and many others.


I find it amusing that I work in a Sales based industry (not in sales) considering how much I despise cold-calls.

Just received one from a lady, who after phoning a half hour previously and being told by the Receptionist that I wasn't available due to it being an obvious Sales call, thought she may have more luck if she called again and asked directly for me without, on the second occasion, stating where she was from. The conversation went something like this:

(Me) Hello, X speaking. Can I help you?"

(Her) My name is X, I'm calling from X, am I speaking to the person who's responsible for such and such?

(Me) Yes, you are.

(Her) Can I ask how involved you are in that. Do you do this, this and this?

(Me) Can I ask why you're asking?

(Her) I'm attempting to find out if I'm speaking to the right person.

(Me) Why would I reveal that information when, apart from your name, you've given me no idea of who you are, what your Company does, and of the purpose of your call? Are you looking to sell something?

(Her) No, I'm just looking to explain what our Company does for the Business Community.

(Me), So you're not trying to sell anything?

(Her) I just want to explain what our Company does for the Business Community, then if you are interested.

(Me) So you are trying to sell something?

(Her) Only if you're interested.

(Me) Not interested. Thanks for the call.

I actually don't mind it too much if they're honest in their intent from the beginning; it's more the deliberate vagueness I dislike.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Mr Quixotic said:
(Me) Are you looking to sell something?

(Her) No, I'm just looking to explain what our Company does for the Business Community.

(Me), So you're not trying to sell anything?

(Her) I just want to explain what our Company does for the Business Community, then if you are interested.

(Me) So you are trying to sell something?

(Her) Only if you're interested.

Literally so much 'what?' on my end. I just... don't know what to think of that.
"I want to tell you about my product, but I'm not trying to sell it to you... unless you're interested? I'm hoping I can interest you so I can sell something."

This lady does not know what it means to be in sales.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Ariamella said:
Mr Quixotic said:
(Me) Are you looking to sell something?

(Her) No, I'm just looking to explain what our Company does for the Business Community.

(Me), So you're not trying to sell anything?

(Her) I just want to explain what our Company does for the Business Community, then if you are interested.

(Me) So you are trying to sell something?

(Her) Only if you're interested.

Literally so much 'what?' on my end. I just... don't know what to think of that.

They just want to get you listening, and hopefully hooked to their spiel/interested in what they're saying, before they tell you exactly what it is they're selling, or how much it's going to cost.

However vagueness, hints, subtlety, and an obvious reluctance to conceal/not reveal information for their own benefit, irk me. It feels dishonest, and I prefer directness.

If I realise it's what someone's doing, I'll pretend ignorance and force them, if I can, to eventually just come straight out with whatever it is they want, or are attempting to convey. Or ask a direct question myself, and expect a direct answer.

Ariamella said:
"I want to tell you about my product, but I'm not trying to sell it to you... unless you're interested? I'm hoping I can interest you so I can sell something."

This lady does not know what it means to be in sales.

A similar thing happened to me the other week. A Salvation Army collector knocked on my door, introduced himself, asked my name, and held out his hand for me to shake, then went straight into his spiel about all the great work the Salvo's did. I was obviously already aware of them, and the charitable work they do (isn't everyone who hasn't been living under a rock?), so I waited for a pause and asked him what he was looking for, ie a one-off donation, or an on-going commitment.

He stopped momentarily, then went off on another tangent which had nothing to do with my question. Four times I asked without receiving an answer, so I eventually just said, "Look mate, I've asked you this four times, and you still haven't had the courtesy to answer my question. Goodbye." He just lost them a potential donation.

I'm not sure if it's how sales people are trained, but I'd hope not.


On an even scarier note, it appears my worst nightmare has come true. An hour away from where I live, it's raining spiders! :)
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Malicious Lullaby said:
I wanted to just stop by and say something so unbelievably random but nothing else came to mind except for Kelis' 'Milkshake' song. Even if it's not true. But...yeah. Okay xD

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like, it's better than yours.
Damn right, it's better than yours.
I could teach you, but I have to charge.

MALI. Your milkshake brings me to the yard. :cool:
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Malicious Lullaby said:
I wanted to just stop by and say something so unbelievably random but nothing else came to mind except for Kelis' 'Milkshake' song. Even if it's not true. But...yeah. Okay xD

Congratulations Mali, you definitely achieved your 'unbelievably random' goal!

As to the subsequent discussion:

Ariamella said:
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like, it's better than yours.
Damn right, it's better than yours.
I could teach you, but I have to charge.

MALI. Your milkshake brings me to the yard. :cool:
Malicious Lullaby said:
Oh my. :D Your mikshake brings me to your yard, Aria. What flavor? xP

I think I might just stay clear of that. Though it won't stop me from google-ing the milkshake song to see what you guys are talking about. Possibly my assumptions about its meaning are wrong :)
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I don't know about your assumptions being wrong Andy. If they're what I think they are, then nah. You're right on. lol. The video for that song is suggestive. That's putting it mildly though.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

As much as I whine and bitch about people not understanding what it is I'm asking for in my threads, blithely ignoring what I've said, and stating only what it is they want, on the odd occasion I do get approached by those who comprehend (in the manner I wrote them to be interpreted) and appreciate my requests, and receiving one of those messages more than makes up for ten of the others. It wouldn't be right if I also didn't share some of the good, along with the bad:

Coming from someone who's prone to sarcasm-riddled walls of text, I have to say... I applaud you. I was giggling like an impish school girl as I read through the entire thing. You, darlin', are my cup of tea. I didn't even have to read a writing sample to know. I am - if you will - completely anti the 'cliche,' 'mundane,' and... well, the usual... not that - in my exclusive opinion - there's anything usual about one-sided characters.

Sub... dom... say whhhaaattt? Seriously though, I won't even discuss a role with someone if they use the words 'submissive' or 'dominant.' A character without depth or dynamic isn't worth my time. To me (and you, apparently), there's no point in writing if every story is the same.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

It sure is, kind of gets you Hooked, doesn't it?
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Of course, and who are we to tinker with that :)
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Okay, I've officially taken on as much as I'm comfortable with, and need to stop! Waiting on a starter from one of my old partners who had to disappear for a while, which she very kindly offered to write, and that's it. Have a couple which are on hiatus/semi-hiatus, that kind of made me forget how much I'll have to need to reply to once they're all up and going again.

One's been on hiatus for over a month, but I've let my partner know that I'm happy to keep it open for as long as it takes. The only sad thing is that when it rains, it seems to pour, and there's a couple of other offers I'd like to take up, but I just can't at the moment. I wouldn't be able to put the time and effort into them that they'd deserve. Commitment to stories I already have going, even if they're currently on hiatus, always comes first.


Received a nice PM from a friend - who mostly likes to remain in the background - the other day, who made mention of the connection I appeared to have with my BMR co-conspirators, and of how talented and intelligent they are. I agree, and that definitely includes the person who messaged me.

I'm sure I've said this before (for those who may not have noticed, my thoughts can have a habit of repeating themselves, and combined with short-term memory loss...well!), but I honestly think myself the luckiest guy on BMR. As much as I love the stories I write, it's my appreciation for the intelligence, quick wit, and shared humour of those I collaborate and exchange banter with - including those who I only do so with intermittently - that makes logging onto this site so enjoyable.


Feeling a little under the weather. Seems in an office environment once somebody comes down with a virus, it doesn't take long to be shared around, so posts/OoC may be slow over the weekend due to my mind being somewhat foggy, and my fingers lacking the energy to type!
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Hope you're feeling better Andy.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

AndNich123 said:
Hope you're feeling better Andy.

Thanks Andy, I'm feeling much better. Just in time for work on a Monday morning! I hope you a good weekend?


Speaking of work, It's just gone 7am, and I'm already getting hassled! Rather amusingly. One of the Ladies is heading to Vegas tomorrow. A direct quote from her on Friday:

"Can you please pay an advance of my commissions this month. I could ask my husband for money, but I'm leaving the day before him, and I don't want him to know how much I'm taking." (Let's just say it's a little more than a couple of hundred!)

She's of Iranian descent, and every time I do her a favour she buys me a bottle of liquor. That conversation generally goes something like this.

Her - What kind of liquor?
Me - Really, you don't need to buy me anything.
Her (accompanied by death stare and insulted expression) - Yes, I do. It's in my culture.
Me - I know, but it's in my culture to at least pretend to refuse. Bourbon.

I now have about eight unopened bottles of bourbon, and two of vodka, sitting at home.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Next time you should ask for rum. ;]

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Silvamoon said:
Next time you should ask for rum. ;]


Oh, just rub in the fact in that you've been cruising the Carribean, and sunning yourself on private Islands, whilst I've been enduring the onset of Winter, a little more, Silv :)
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Would it make you even MORE jealous (especially on a Monday) to also say that in addition to some nice rum, I also managed to get ahold of some fantastic locally grown coffee from Honduras? :D
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Silvamoon said:
Would it make you even MORE jealous (especially on a Monday) to also say that in addition to some nice rum, I also managed to get ahold of some fantastic locally grown coffee from Honduras? :D

Now you're just being mean!!!! For that, I'm going to pop next door and buy a packet of Tim-Tam's. Because I can! XD
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)


Quix is a pimp.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Malicious Lullaby said:
-snort- No shit xP

But that's bad though.
'Cause I'm supposed to be the pimp.
He's totally taking over my job. What do I do Mali?
;____ ;?
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