Summer Love (SlyxCrusade)

That fucking phone. Scorpius felt like throwing it into the pool so he could find more inventive ways of fucking Lily, but he knew that was unrealistic. He admired the sight of her large, cum covered tits for a little too long, but when he finally did grab hold of the phone, he knew who it was going to be and what they had to do. As much fun as they had, it wasn't something he and Lily were going to be able to do frequently. He had a feeling that despite the fact that Lily was in Slytherin and that she was accepted with open arms into their home, his father wouldn't take kindly to him fucking a Potter.

"I know. Thank you for giving me a little forewarning," he said and with that, he set the phone down on one of the lounge chairs before pulling up his swim trunks. They'd just make it look like they were swimming. Innocent enough, despite the fact that Scorp was convinced no one would be able to see Lily in that bikini and not want to rip it off. He gave her a smirk once he'd gotten off the phone and took a deep breath. "Probably a good thing we finished when we did. They're only a few minutes away," he said, before taking Lily's hand, pulling her in close. He leaned in and kissed her lips.

After lingering there for a bit too long, he pulled away and smiled at her. "That was a lot of fun. I think we should arrange for a more proper get together later on tonight when everyone's gone to sleep," he added, unable to ignore the fact that it'd be a lot better when they could actually rest assured they wouldn't be caught. The risk made it fun, but it wasn't always ideal looking over his shoulder while balls deep inside of his best friend.

Not only did he want her again, but it would probably be a good idea to discuss what was going to become of the two of them. Were they just friends who were going to occasionally fuck around or was there something there that they could explore. He had feelings for Lily. He was sure of it. Part of them fucking was him acting on them, but he couldn't be too sure what Lily wanted until they had a proper talk.
It was pretty disappointing that Scorpius's phone was ringing and it was his parents letting them know they were coming home. Lily was honestly enjoying her alone time with Scorpius because their relationship really had progressed in the short time they were together. But she also understood that they had to be careful because their friendship was forbidden enough - let alone a relationship or whatever this was. But she thought anytime alone with Scorpius was cool because if they were staying at her home then they'd never have alone time.

Lily wiped herself off and put her bikini back on, though honestly it didn't do much good because she was barely wearing anything anyway, and she called the house elf to take all the soiled towels to be cleaned. The elf was bound to secrecy so no matter if he knew what was going on he couldn't say a thing about it.

"Yeah, I don't know how I'd react if we'd been caught, " Lily said, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear and smiling at the way he smirked at her.

She was taken by surprise when Scorpius kissed her because honestly she didn't think he liked her; she thought he just thought she was sexy. Kind of a hit it and quit it kind of thing. Though perhaps he felt obligated because they best friends. But she really didn't know. She honestly had no idea what to think.

"Alright. Your room or mine?" She said, smirking back at him. She was pretty excited to spend some more time with him tonight when they didn't have to worry about getting caught.

Lily also wanted to talk to Scorpius about what was going to become of them. She hated being confused like this. She was always sure of her place before.
Scorpius was still a little pissed off that his and Lily's time had to be cut short. He assumed his parents would've been out much longer. The more he thought about their reactions to what they would have seen, the more Scorp thought his father probably would have approved. Lily was sexy as all hell. Who gave a fuck if she was a Potter? That hatchet had been buried long ago. It was just his mother he really worried about.

He didn't have any plans on fucking Lily out in the open where they could stumble upon them, anyway. Instead, he set up a meeting for that night when everyone else had gone to sleep. When Lily asked him what room, he smirked and said, "Mine. Just be sure everyone's off to sleep. I don't want any uninvited guests crashing our party," he said, looking Lily up and down once more before licking his lips and giving a knowing nod. "Yeah, I definitely need to see you later," he added matter-of-factly, reaching around to give her ass a firm squeeze before leaving the pool room to find his parents.

He told them the two had gone for a swim, which was partially true, but he failed to mention the extracurriculars outside it. Instead, they sat down for dinner and then dispersed. Scorpius decided some time alone to reflect on the day's events was in order. He couldn't help but get hard thinking about Lily and their time together, but it was nagging at him that they weren't actually together. That bothered him, because friends with benefits was never an idea he was a huge proponent for.

That night, when he was sure everyone was asleep, he was in his room in just his boxers, resting his back against his headboard, waiting for Lily to make the move into his room. They had a lot to go over.
It was really hard to be sure what the reactions of Scorpius's parents would be, especially his father. On one hand, the Potter vs Malfoy feud was over and therefore it shouldn't be too bad, but then again, it was a thin string and Scorpius and Lily being together like that might cause it to snap. Scorpius's mother would most likely just freak out no matter what the situation was.

Lily nodded when he told her that she was to meet him in his room. She didn't mind either way but his room was a bit further away from the master bedroom.

"Oh don't worry, I'll make sure that we don't get caught," Lily said softly to him, just imagining how things were going to go tonight.

She was both nervous and excited. And the way Scorpius looked at her made her go a little red in the cheeks, but all the more eager to see him tonight.

Lily was surprised by how well she handled talking to his parents at dinner without cracking and spilling. They were adults and alone together so of course Astoria and Draco were a little more pushy about what they had been doing - mostly Astoria who tended to still baby Scorpius despite his age.

Lily was ecstatic when dinner was over and she could go back to her room. She showered and groomed herself so that she looked nice for Scorpius. She wore a purple, satin night dress with a black thong underneath. Once she was satisfied with her appearance and she was sure that Draco and Astoria were asleep she headed to Scorpius's room.

She knocked softly to let him know she was there before she walked in. She wondered if they were just going to have sex or if he would want to talk first. Either way she was sure she was prepared.

"Hey, Scorpius. I made sure everyone was asleep," Lily said before sitting down on the edge of the bed, "So, um, did you want to get right to it..or, um..." She didn't even know what the 'or' was but she was curious and nervous. Something she really hadn't experienced around Scorpius really ever.
The time following dinner seemed to really drag, but wasn't that always the case when looking forward to something? Scorpius couldn't wait for Lily to join him in his bedroom. He'd given her clear instructions to join him only after his parents had gone to sleep and he hoped she'd abide by them. The last thing they needed was his parents walking in on them.

When the knock on the door finally came, Scorp smiled from the bed and his eyes widened when he set eyes on Lily. He shouldn't have been surprised by how good she looked. She always did, but that never ceased to amaze him.

"Hey Lily," he said, nodding his head when she mentioned she'd made sure they were asleep. As much as he wanted to just tear off her clothes and have her right then and there, he knew it was more important to talk about their future and what they both wanted out of this new wrinkle of their relationship.

Scorpius listened to her question and then shifted on his bed to sit beside Lily. He placed his hand on her exposed thigh and let his eyes find hers. "I think we should talk about us for a minute," he said, really unsure of what was appropriate in terms of discussing things. "I mean, I know technically we're just doing the whole friends with benefits thing, but is that what you really want out of this?" he asked her. "I can't help but think about you with another guy at some point and it just really pisses me off," he admitted, taking a deep breath before squeezing her thigh.

"What I'm trying to say is I think we should take this to the next level. I don't want to just be friends who fuck," Scorpius finished. He hadn't rehearsed any of what he'd said to her. It just sort of came to him in the moment. He just hoped Lily wanted the same thing. Complicating things and starting up a relationship had the potential to ruin friendships, but Scorp was confident what they had was something that would last.
Lily chose her nightdress with care because she wanted Scorpius to see that she could be beautiful even when she was really nervous the way she was right now as she entered his bedroom. She couldn’t understand how she could be so nervous because she had been so entirely confident when she had practically dared Scorpius to have his way with her earlier that day when they were hanging around the pool. Perhaps it was because she acted on pure lust for him and not so much actual feelings for him like she had been feeling lately. She had always had feelings for him in these recent years, yes, but this afternoon that wasn’t what she was thinking of. She was horny and he was what was available that she trusted. She didn’t really think back about her feelings for him until they shared that kiss after everything before they got dressed and headed over to dinner. She didn’t regret sleeping with him today at all, but she regretted not telling him that she wanted more than to just be fuckbuddies with him. But she wasn’t about to force him to have feelings for her or be in any kind of romantic relationship with her if that’s not what he wanted. She’d just have to figure out how to work past her feelings if they chose to continue doing this.

"Hi," was all Lily said, giving Scorpius a small wave when he greeted her when she walked in.

Her eyes trailed along his body, checking out his fine physique once more, admiring what he had to work with. Her eyes went in the direction of his boxers and she thought about what was there and how on earth it fit inside of her earlier. But her eyes immediately snapped back up to his eyes when he moved over to sit next to her so that he could talk to her about this and she smiled at him. She jumped slightly when he touched her thigh but quickly calmed herself down because she honestly trusted him with her life at this point in their relationship. She had to remind herself that she could feel confident around Scorpius, there was no need to be nervous, he was just getting into this stage in their relationship as well. She liked her confident self, and she was sure that he appreciated it as well. So she smiled at him, easing up on herself and not being so tense.

Lily was taken by surprise that Scorpius wanted to talk to her about their relationship status like she did without her even bringing it up. It was a good thing that he did because she probably would have held back on it too long. She quietly listened to what he wanted to say to her and her eyes widened slightly when he said it pissed him off to think of her with another man. Did he really care about her that much? Sure, she could take it to mean that he was possessive, but she knew Scorpius too well that even if he was possessive that it wasn’t in a horrible way, and more in a caring way. She thought for a moment and then he continued, pretty much saying that he didn’t want to be friends with benefits and that he wanted a real relationship with her. This made her heart jump start to race because he liked her the way she liked him! She didn’t know if it would really work out but she figured she’d at least give it a try. It was for the best for both of them.

She took one of his hands in hers and she looked at him and nodded, "You know, Scorpius, I agree. I don’t want us to just be fuckbuddies. I think that’s stupid and I feel could damage our friendship if we just did that, I don’t know. I would really like to take our relationship to the next level if you want. I, um...really like you, you know. Have for a long time."

She felt strange confessing this, but it also felt amazing finally saying it instead of holding it in the way she had been. She shrugged and she said, "So does that mean you’re my boyfriend?" She giggled, before running a finger gently along his chest, "Because boyfriends...get blowjobs." She winked at him, glancing down at his boxers for a moment. She spoke quietly because she didn’t want to wake his parents, but still in a loud enough tone that he could easily hear her.
There was a sense of relief when Lily came out with how she felt, although it probably shouldn't have come as a major surprise. Scorpius was confident Lily wanted the same thing, but the vindication just felt sweeter than he'd anticipated. The only real hurdle that remained would be convincing his mother that their relationship wasn't an awful idea. After all, they couldn't hide it forever, no matter how crafty they wanted to be. It was one thing to fuck once in a while, but actually investing in a real relationship took real time and effort and hiding such a huge part of his life really didn't seem like the right thing to do.

There would be plenty of time to dwell on exactly how to break the news to his parents at another time. He just wanted to savor the alone time he did manage to get with Lily and not squander it lost in his own thoughts. When she asked if it meant that he was her boyfriend, Scorpius nodded and smiled. "Of course it does," he said quickly. It was the second part of her comment that really caught him off-guard, though. At her mention of boyfriends getting blowjobs, Scorpius cleared his throat and his eyes widened. He smirked and licked his lips before calming himself. "Is that right?" he said, nodding matter-of-factly.

"Well, since I'm your boyfriend then..." he started, reaching down to hook his thumbs in either side of his boxers. He lifted his hips and slowly eased the boxers down to his ankles, his cock already somewhat hard just from her comment springing free in the process. Scorpius had only gotten his dick sucked once before and it was from a random Slytherin girl after a party at Hogwarts. He'd taken her into one of the bathrooms and one thing led to another. He was by no means an expert and he really didn't know what to expect from Lily since she was fairly inexperienced herself, but if she gave blowjobs anything like she fucked, he was in for a treat.

Lifting himself to his feet, Scorp kicked the boxers from his ankles and reached down to idly stroke his massive shaft. "I guess that means you can...suck my cock," he added, waiting to see if Lily was really serious about what she'd said.
Lily couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. She was actually going to be in a real romantic relationship with Scorpius, which was something she had dreamed about for quite awhile, though she was sure that it was never going to happen and it was just going to remain a fantasy forever. She wondered what that meant for them sneaking around. Lily never held back from her parents when it came to her relationships, at least not her mother. They knew whom she was dating, for how long, and when they broke up. Obviously she never mentioned details because she still appreciated her privacy, not that she ever did anything that her parents would disapprove of.

But somehow she was sure telling them she was dating a Malfoy would freak them out. It was one thing being his best friend, but it was another to be dating him and especially they would know what that would mean because they were both adults and they had no say anymore. She wondered if Scorpius had that same dilemma. Perhaps that conversation could wait until some other day because this was still something that she wanted to take in and think about.

She couldn’t help but smile at Scorpius’s reaction to what she said about blowjobs. He looked shocked that she would suggest that but he didn’t look unhappy about it, in fact he looked excited about it. "Mmhmm," She said, confirming it for him, removing her finger from his chest before shifting on the bed so she could give him some room to take off the rest of his clothes.

Lily really hadn’t ever given a blowjob before, but she had given a handjob once, and licked the tip, but that was about it. That was during her last year at Hogwarts with Albus’s best friend, a Gryffindor, which was one of the main reasons why she didn’t tell Scorpius about it. The last thing she needed was for him to accidentally say something to Albus and break up his friendship. She didn’t think that it was worth all of that and it was one time. It wasn’t like they went any farther than that. He didn’t even cum in her mouth or anything like that. It got on her hands and she wiped it off and that was that.

She watched him take off his boxers and she couldn’t help but feel her eyes widen, once more at his size and almost regret offering because she didn’t have practice taking someone his size down her throat but honestly he was so gentle to her when she needed it and only got rough with her when she wanted it so she wasn’t too nervous about it. "Guess so," she said, smirking before climbing off the bed and getting on her knees in front of him, brushing a strand of hair out of her face before taking Scorpius’s cock in her small hand and stroking it, much like she had done before that afternoon.

She removed her hand from him and moved her hair to one side of her head, trying to keep it out of her way before gently licking and suckling on the tip. Lily just did what she thought was correct, not entirely sure if she was doing anything correctly. She slowly began to take in a little more, a few more inches, not the entire thing yet though. She’d sometimes pull him out of her mouth to lick the base and up to the tip. "Should I suck on your balls too?" she asked him, looking up at him.
There was something surreal about having Lily in his room and on her knees for him, even despite the fact that they'd already fucked. It'd be a lie to say he hadn't thought about it before. Scorpius had always lusted after his best friend. It was almost impossible not to when he had a best friend who looked like her. He'd seen her deep cleavage and noticed her ass a time or three. Being fuckbuddies really wasn't ever something he wanted, though. There was more to it than just someone to fuck. He had true feelings for Lily and he wanted everything that came with the relationship. He was ready to take that next step and he was proud to be able to call her his girlfriend.

When she dropped to her knees in front of him, Scorpius smiled down at her. He put out of his mind the fact that she might have sucked cock in the past. He liked to think he was the first. Licking his lips, he watched her small hand grip his large shaft and begin stroking it. Taking a deep breath, he saw her start moving forward and finally, she began licking and sucking on the head. The look she'd given his cock was almost one of defeat. He imagined it was a little intimidating, but he knew if anyone could handle him, it was Lily.

As she took more into his mouth, Scorp nodded his head in approval. He loved seeing that pretty little mouth full of his cock. When she pulled him out to lick his entire length, he ran a hand down to the back of her head, easing his fingers through her hair. Her question brought forth another smile. "Yeah, baby. You do whatever feels right," he told her, grabbing hold of his shaft. He lifted it to give her easier access to his heavy balls, glad she was taking the time to treat his balls as well.
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