Digimon World: A New Adventure (MysticSparxman & OstrichFromJoust)

Erica grinned, looking at the new tamer and her partner's faces as they entered and looked around. "Yeah, it's pretty cool. That is part of what sucks, big house all to myself. Well, up to about a year ago, now I've got M around to keep me company," she said, looking to her partner. As Luna asked for tour, he nodded excitedly. "Yeah! Come on! We'll begin our tour with the upstairs rooms," he said, going up and motioning for her to follow. He loved having a new friend around, especially another Digimon that wasn't trying to attack him. He hadn't seen another friendly in a long time, it was time for fun.

The girl laughed as they bounded off together, glad they were having fun. She giggled at what Brianna said, looking back to her. "Yeah, that's true. We can basically have awesome week-long parties. It does suck that they can't get a lot of time off, they're at the point where they're big in what they do, so it's important that they're there a lot. Eh, what can you do?" she said with a shrug. As Brianna left to go talk to her parents, Erica headed into the kitchen to start some food for the group. She got out the basics for sandwiches, and started making them. Just a couple for her and Brianna, but the Digimon would eat a good number of them. M was like a little vacuum for food.

As Brianna came back, she smiled at what she said. "Great! We can head over and get your stuff after we eat and I show you around," she said, continuing to make the food for them. She was glad things were good now, funny how a friendship could start up from anything. "We've got a guest room, hell, we've got more than one, you and Luna can each have your own bed if you want. I'll point it out when I show you around," she said, about finished. Grabbing the big plate, she motioned to the fridge with her head. "There's some drinks in the fridge, wanna grab them? M! Luna! I've got lunch!" she said, shouting out at the end to have their partners come down. Loud steps coming from the other part of the house showed they'd heard. Erica moved to the dining room, setting the big plate on the table.
Brianna just couldn't get over just how big Erica's house really was. Sure, she had always wondered what it might be like to live in such a house, but she never actually imagined she would have a chance to find out. The young tamer soon found herself looking forward to the tour that Erica had offered to give her. She found herself thinking about what Erica had said after she had returned from calling her parents. Once she had returned, she walked over to the fridge as Erica had motioned to it. Brianna pulled open the fridge door and looked inside to see what drinks Erica had in the fridge. She smiled as she saw the drinks inside. "Hmm, good selection," she grinned as she pulled the drinks out. Of course it wasn't nothing alcoholic. It was just some juice drinks and also some fizzy drinks that she pulled out of the fridge. She had to hold the drinks in both of her arms where she had taken so many from the fridge. Brianna was careful not to drop any of the drinks as she followed Erica through to the dining room. She walked around the other side of the dining table and as Erica placed down the big plate of sandwiches, Brianna set down the drinks on the table. She set them down close to the large plate of sandwiches just as she heard their partners come bounding down the stairs.

The redheaded tamer turned her attention towards the hallway as she heard those bounding footsteps getting closer and closer. She was a little surprised when she saw Luna bounding into the kitchen ahead of M. She came to a stop after getting into the kitchen and turned back around to face Monodramon. Luna giggled, placing one clawed hand over her mouth and pointing the other at M. "I told you I was gonna win, but you didn't believe me, did ya," she jumped up and down happily a few times. "And it doesn't count as cheating if I jumped over you on the stairs. You didn't say I wasn't allowed to do that, so I still win fair and square," there was a teasing tone in her voice as she turned and walked over to the dining room table. As Luna walked over to the table, there was a slight skip in her step, and it didn't take her too long to reach the table. Once she was there, she hopped up into one of the chairs.

As soon as Luna had gotten up into her chair, Brianna walked around to her and pushed her chair in slightly, just so that Luna was closer to the table. As soon as she had pushed in Luna's chair, Brianna walked to the chair just beside Luna, pulled it out and sat down. She waited until Erica and M had sat down opposite them, and then she leaned forward and picked up two sandwiches to put on her own plate. She was just about to get some sandwiches for Luna, but before she had the chance to, the rabbit-like Digimon jumped up onto the dining table and then walked over to the plate of sandwiches. Luna grabbed at least four different sandwiches before she looked up at Erica. "Thanks Erica," she smiled, turned around and walked back over to her chair. Once she was at her chair, she jumped into her chair. Luna turned back around and put her sandwiches on her plate. She kept one in her clawed hand and soon started biting into it.

Luna was happily eating her sandwich as Brianna turned to look at her with a somewhat surprised look on her face. "Luna, I don't think you can climb on Erica's table like that," her tone was soft as she bit into her own sandwich a second or so later. Luna stopped eating and tilted her head back, looking up at her tamer. "But why not? My arms are too short to reach the plate without climbing onto the table, and I don't have the power to pull things towards me like some Digimon do," she just shrugged her shoulders before she took another bite out of her sandwich. Brianna laughed a little and shook her head lightly. "I don't know Luna. Why don't you ask Erica?" She flashed Luna a small grin before turning her attention back to Erica. Brianna was just about to ask Erica a question, but before she had the chance, Luna seemed to beat her to it. "Hey Erica, am I not allowed to climb on your table? Is it not okay to get some sandwiches?" She tilted her head to the side slightly.

Brianna finished up one of her sandwiches, and then picked up her second just as Luna was already finishing her second sandwich. "You know it's a shame we don't know any more tamers, because if we did, we could throw a party here. A party for tamers and their Digimon partners," she took a bite out of her second sandwich and waited until she had swallowed the mouthful she had before she spoke again. "Anyway, I'm thinking it might be better to head over to mine before you give me the tour. That way, I'll be able to dump my stuff in the guest bedroom as soon as you show it to me," she glanced at her partner and then to Monodramon and then back to Erica again. "Are we going to take Luna and M with us when we go back to my house?" She asked in a curious tone as she took another bite out of her sandwich.
M leaped down the stairs after Luna, almost catching her but the bunny Digimon was able to evade him and get there first. He frowned, crossing his arms, disappointed at the loss. "I guess so, but next time we set up ground rules," he said. She'd won here? In his domain? Outrageous! It faded quick as he saw the big stack of food and the collection of drinks, a big grin forming on his face. "Doesn't matter, food!" he said, moving quickly to the table, sitting down next to Erica, across from the others. He drooled a bit at the small hill of food, ready to dig in.

Erica sat down, giggling at the sight of the Digimon playing and hurrying to the table. She loved that things were good now, that they were having fun together and the friendships that were forming. It had been a lonely year, hiding this secret from everyone she knew. She'd had M, but it was more the two of them felt alone together, if that made sense. Having someone else to talk about this, to help each other out, it was already great. As Luna suddenly hopped up on the table, she looked up, surprised, giggling at the sight. M laughed, just reaching over and grabbing a couple handfuls, putting them on his plate. "You're welcome," she said, grabbing one for herself and opening one of the drinks.

She chuckled again at the spat between Brianna and Luna, nodding at the Digimon. "It's all right, Luna. Tell her the rules, M," she said, looking to him. The dragon swallowed, and recited it from memory: "Don't break anything, and clean up any mess you make." He'd learned that early on, after both breaking something and making multiple messes. She'd been able to cover, but he was careful since then. As careful as he could be. M went back to eating and gulping down the drink, Erica chuckling and nodding.

After taking a few bites and listening to Brianna, she nodded. "I know, I wish there were more of us. I'm just glad to have one more now. We can do that, head to your place once we're done eating," she said. Good plan, she was admittedly pretty excited to have the girl sleep over for a few days. "We can take them along, have Luna see where she'll be living. M likes riding in the car, so I'm sure he'll want to go," she said, speaking for the small dragon because his mouth was full of sandwich and juice.
Luna felt rather proud of herself when she was able to beat M into the kitchen. Even as she had walked over to the kitchen table, that happy feeling created by her winning the race still remained. Not only did she feel happy, but it gave her the belief that she would be able to beat M each and every time they raced. Luna didn't know if they would race again, but thoughts of another race was soon pushed to the back of her mind as her chair had been pushed in closer to the table. This may have been her first time in the human world, but Luna was just like every other Digimon out there. She also had a huge appetite, which was probably why she had grabbed so many sandwiches after clambering up and onto the table. Erica wasn't the only one who was surprised that the two Digimon seemed to be getting along so well. Brianna was both surprised and glad too that their Digimon already seemed like they were friends. She never really imagined it when she thought about the way in which they had first met a few hours earlier. Even though Brianna still remembered what had happened when they had first met, it appeared as if Luna had already completely forgotten all about it.

Brianna had thought that Luna had been rude by climbing up onto the table to get some sandwiches. Of course it may have been different if it had been in her own home. The young tamer probably wouldn't have minded, but the fact they was in someone else's home meant she didn't think it was okay. A small smile formed on her face as she listened to M and Erica talking, and she giggled a little as M explained the rules to Luna. As soon as the rules had been explained, Brianna turned her head to look back at her partner. "Luna, you need to listen to these rules if we are going to be staying here for a few days and nights. Rules are something you are going to have to get used to now Luna.....even though some people have stricter rules than others," she lightly tapped her chin as she bit into another sandwich. Lunamon looked back at her tamer, throwing a whole sandwich into her mouth. It was one within a matter of seconds, and soon Luna was reaching for yet another sandwich she had on her plate. "Yeah I know Bri. There was rules back in the Digital World too. I don't have any problem following rules just as long as I know what they are, so don't worry about me not following rules, kay?" She gave Brianna a clawed thumbs up before she went back to stuffing her face with more sandwiches.

Once her plate was clear, Brianna leaned forward in her chair and picked up three different sandwiches. She set them down on her plate as she listened to what Erica had to say. She took a bite out of her sandwich and nodded her head in response. "You never know, there might be more of us scattered around the world somewhere. Like you said though, it is better now that there is two of us. It's a bonus that one of us knows what we are doing too," she said with a grin on her face. "Anyway, if we don't eat all of these sandwiches, we could always save them for later. Save whatever is left here....if anything gets left over and then make something else for Luna and M later," she made the suggestion as she got through half of her sandwich. She set her half eaten sandwich back down on her plate. "You know I think Luna and M coming with us back to my house is a good idea, but are they going to stay out in your car as we get my stuff? If they are going to come inside, then we are going to have to sneak them past my parents, but on the plus side, it might be easier to sneak them both in with the both of us being there."[/olor] she said as her grin seemed to grow wider.

She finished her sandwiches just over ten minutes later, and she only had to wait a few more minutes until Luna had also finished. She remained there until Erica and M had finished, and when they had finished, Brianna rose to her feet and started to help Erica tidy up the table. She picked up the plate with the remaining sandwiches on it, and also picked up her own plate, then she turned and started to walk out of the dining room. She stopped once she was at the door and looked back over her shoulder at Luna. "Hey Luna, grab your plate and follow me," She said before she walked from the dining room and into the kitchen. Luna flicked her head back to see Brianna walking into the kitchen, and then she turned back to the table. She leapt up and onto the table, leaping a few feet into the air. She landed on the table and picked up her plate, and then she jumped back off the table, landing on the floor. Luna started running after Brianna, carrying her plate in both of her hands. Once she was in the kitchen, Brianna helped to wash up the plates, and she helped Erica to cover up the remaining sandwiches, and to put them in the fridge. It took no more than ten minutes to wash and dry up and to put everything away. Once everything had been put away, Brianna turned back around to face Erica. "Okay, if there's nothing else to do here, should we head on over to my place to get my stuff? You can give me the tour once we get back here," she flashed Erica a small smile as Luna began to tap M's tail repeatedly as she followed him around the kitchen.
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