Digimon World: A New Adventure (MysticSparxman & OstrichFromJoust)


Nov 2, 2012
It was around 9:30am on a Thursday, and the sunlight was streaming in through the drawn curtains in the rosy colored bedroom. There was no movement coming from underneath the pink blankets on the large queen sized bed. At least there was no movement until the alarm clock started going off a few minutes later. Moments after the alarm clock started going off, the form underneath the blankets started to stir. The blankets were pushed down to the bottom of the bed a few short moments later, the young redhead who had been underneath the blankets sat up in her bed, yawning and raising her arms into her air, stretching and pushing her large C cup chest out. Her name was Brianna Saunders and she had just celebrated her eighteenth birthday four days ago. She had a huge party too, and she had invited all of her friends from school and a majority of those she knew in the neighborhood. It had been a fun night for everyone.

Getting up and out of her bed, Brianna walked over to her windows and pulled open her curtains. Her smile widened suddenly when she saw the cler blue skies outside. She turned around and walked over to her closet, and once there, she pulled it open and looked inside for what she was going to wear that day. Brianna had a wide variety of clothes in her closet, but despite the variety of clothes she had, it didn't really take her too long to find what she wanted to wear. Thinking about the weather outside, she ended up pulling out her favorite red and white bikini set. She also pulled out a yellow shirt and a pair of cut off short jean shorts that would just about cover her ass. With her clothes in hand, she closed her closet door, turned on her heel and walked out of her bedroom. She turned right out into the hallway and walked to the bathroom at the end of the hallway. Luckily for her, the bathroom door was open, so she wasted no time in walking inside, closing and locking the door behind her.

Brianna set her clothes down on the bathroom counter, and then she turned and walked over to the walk-in shower in the left corner of the bathroom. She reached the shower and pulled open the glass door. After pulling it open, she pulled off her pink teddy bear t-shirt and slipped out of the pair of sexy white boy shorts she had on. Brianna stepped into the shower, pressing the power button and turning the dial clockwise. She waited until the water had reached the desired temperature before she stepped underneath the stream of hot water. A smile tugged at her lips as the hot water began cascading over her supple, young body. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, letting the water splash over her face for a few moments. Brianna had always enjoyed taking her time in the shower, which was probably one of the reasons she remained in there for nearly twenty minutes.

Once she was finished showering, she pressed the power button, turning the shower off, and then she stepped out of the shower, picking up a towel off the nearby towel rack and wrapping it around herself. Brianna used the towel to dry herself and her hair off, and then she moved over to the bathroom counter where she had left her clothes. She unwrapped the towel from around her large bust and let it fall to the floor. After doing so, she picked up her red and white bikini bottoms and slipped them on. Her red and white bikini soon followed, as did her yellow shirt and short cut off jean shorts. As soon as she was dressed, she stepped in front of the bathroom mirror. Before she could look at her reflection in the mirror, she had to wipe away the steam that had gathered. Brianna looked at her reflection in the mirror as soon as she had wiped the steam away. She stood at a height of 5'9" and she had a slim but curvy hourglass figure. Her yellow shirt pulled tightly across her large 36C chest, and it also revealed part of her toned and tanned waist. Brianna had wide hips and a firm, round ass that was shown off perfectly in the short cut off jean shorts she had on. Her jean shorts also did well to show off her toned and tanned long legs too. Brianna had light blue eyes and long red hair that stopped close to the pit of her back. Today, she had tied her hair up into a high ponytail, and after looking at her reflection one more time, she turned and walked out of the bathroom. She briefly returned to her bedroom to slip on a pair of socks and her sneakers, and she also made sure to pick up her phone, purse, MP3 player and her bag. Once she was sure she had everything, she walked out of her bedroom once again.

She headed straight downstairs and into the kitchen. Despite the fact it was just turned 10am, it already looked as if both of Brianna's parents had already headed out. Not that Brianna minded as she knew her parents trusted her anyway. She walked around the kitchen, picking up a few different things so she could get her breakfast. Brianna ended up getting herself a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice, and when she had what she wanted, she turend around and walked out of the kitchen and straight into the living room. The redhead sat down on the couch and wasted no time in making herself comfortable. She picked up the television remote and pressed the power button, turning on the television. She started flicking through the channels as she ate her breakfast. After a few moments, something on one of the news channels caught her attention. She turned up the volume as the news broadcast was shown.

"I'm Alex Thompson, reporting with Channel 872 news. I'm here at the scene of a reported attack said to have taken place hours ago. Reports are coming in of witnesses seeing a strange worm-like creature, and there are others who are reported to have seen a some sort of unknown bee. Authorities are yet to confirm any of this, but people are being told to be careful just in case it should attack again. I'm Alex Thompson; back to the studio."

Brianna turned over as soon as the news report had finished, but still, she couldn't seem to stop thinking about what the news anchor had said as she ate her breakfast. Brianna knew of the place where the attack had happened, and days before, she had seen a similar news broadcast of an attack that had taken place just blocks away from the most recent attack. Brianna managed to finish up the rest of her breakfast, and she drank her orange juice. As soon as she was done, she picked up the empty bowl and glass and took them back into the kitchen where she placed them both in the sink. After doing so, she walked back out of the kitchen and into the living room. She picked up the remote and pressed the power button, turning off the television. She threw the remote down on the couch, turned on her heel and walked out of the living room. Brianna threw her bag over her shoulder, confident she had everything in it, and then she made her way out of the front door.

Once outside her front door, she closed it behind her and set off down her pathway and out onto her street. She walked down her street, turning right at the end of the road. The young redhead knew exactly where she was trying to get to. It was a large park that was just a few blocks from her home. It also sat directly in the middle of where the recent attacks had taken place. Brianna wasn't sure why, but she just wanted to check the park out. It took her no more than ten minutes to get there. When she got there, she noticed there wasn't anyone there yet. Not that she thought of it as a bad thing. Brianna quickly started looking around the park, even though she had no idea what it was she was looking for. She walked through the large park, looking from left to right, scanning her surroundings with absolutely no idea what to look for.

She had been in the park for a little over ten minutes when she moved over to the far side of the park. There was a lot of trees in the area, and as she moved over there, a strong wind suddenly kicked up from out of nowhere. It wasn't strong enough to knock her off her feet, but it did slow her down. Brianna stopped dead in her tracks when something suddenly opened up in front of her. Her eyes widened when a swirling portal of blue and white light appeared. The young redhead felt too shocked to move, and she just stood there, rooted to the spot even as Lunamon came through the portal. The portal closed behind Lunamon nearly thirty seconds after the rabbit-like creature had stepped through it.

When she set her sights on Lunamon, Brianna felt a number of things. The first thing she felt was shock, confusion, fascination and surprise. A small smile formed on her face as she just looked at Lunamon. Slowly, she started walking towards the unknown creature, and as she did, Lunamon stood with her clawed hands clasped behind her back. Lunamon looked up at Brianna as she got closer, yet she still didn't move. Brianna was about a foot away from the rabbit-like creature as she crouched down so she was at more of a level with the creature. "Wow, I've never seen a rabbit like you before. Where did you come from?" Brianna couldn't hide the curiosity in her voice.

Lunamon took a step forward, still clasping her clawed hands behind her back. "My name is Lunamon, and I'm not a rabbit. I'm a digimon from the Digital World. I've come here because I have to find someone." She looked up at Brianna for a few moments more and tilted her head to the side slightly. "Hey, would you like to help me find the one I am looking for?" She asked as she unclasped her hands from behind her back, and then held her clawed hand out to Brianna. A small smile formed on Brianna's lips and then she nodded her head, brushing a few strands of her hair behind her ear. "I don't know what a digimon is, and I'm still trying to get my head around the fact you can talk, but sure, I'd love to help you find the one you are looking for." Brianna's smile widened as she took Lunamon's hand in her own.
A common trait of humans is to not think of the consequences of their actions. Too often a person will act, on impulse or by planning, in the heat of the moment or premeditated, trying to accomplish something. They pay no mind to what may happen, to the ripple effect that even the smallest act can cause. It's not malicious, just a blind spot that a good thing of the humans tends to block. Their passion makes them act, creates relationships with others, and it's admirable.

Since the middle of the 20th century, technology and machines have been advancing, humans pushing their knowledge and tools to the limit to create the next big thing, to make lives easier. Tiny, handheld devices that fit in the palms of our hands hold more data and transfer more information than entire buildings of servers that existed years ago. It's all taken for granted, how much data is sent around the world, and what might happen because of that. One of the blind spots. As technology got more and more advanced and more and more data was sent, something happened. An entire world was created in the digital space, similar to ours with oceans, mountains, plains, and so on. As we continued to make more and more data and more and more computers, some of the data began to act on its own, becoming a sentient being. More and more of these creatures started to come into existence, and soon enough the Digital World was populated by these Digital Monsters.

With technology so interwoven into our lives now, it was of course only a matter of time until the two worlds would start to merge. Digimon finding a weak spot between the worlds and slipping through, and finding a whole other dimension to explore. Some are kind, playful, just curious about something new. Others have something grander in mind, that this place is theirs, and it's just waiting for a master.

It was a beautiful morning, and Erica Winter was taking advantage of it, laying face down on a lounge chair by a pool. She wore a small purple bikini, top string undone that released her large breasts pushing against the rubber of the chair, long sultry legs shooting out from the bottom that held her tight ass. Erica was glad to have a private place to do this like her parent's pool, the girl had a secret that made her avoid things like sunbathing in public. It was a reflex to lay face down like this to hide it. Long brown hair was slung to the side to avoid the tanlines of it resting on her back, grey-brown eyes closed as she laid out to soak in the sun. Headphones were jammed into her ears, rock music playing as she relaxed, starting the morning off right.

The pool she sat by was nice, a large, in-ground unit at her parents' house. The nineteen year old still lived with them, taking classes at the local college. They'd done well for themselves and liked to show it with their large, fancy home and things like this pool. Her father was a higher-up at a technology company, her mother held a position at an advertising firm, the ideal power couple. Now the baton was dangling in front of Erica, everyone waiting to see what she'd do, how she'd step into the big shoes of her parents. She was a bit stagnant, just getting her general education classes done at the local school, still yet to decide on what she wanted. Everyone just expected her to succeed and get a nice job like her parents, become another rich girl and be happy. That wasn't what she really wanted though, to not truly help anyone. Erica felt she was supposed to do something bigger, and that seemed to have revealed itself almost a year ago. It made her feel like she was different than other people, that among other things...

Suddenly she felt a tap on her head, making her frown and open her eyes, shifting her head up. A small, dragon-like creature stared back, mere inches from her face. Erica frowned, reaching up to pull the earbuds out. "Come on, M. Five minutes?" she said with a groan. The creature shook his head, tilting it slightly with a grin. "Nope! We got something. I sniffed it," he said, touching a claw to his nose. The girl nodded, turning and standing from the chair, grabbing her top as it stayed when she moved, not caring that he was there to see. "Darn things can't give us a break?" she said, leaning back to stretch, arms reaching down as she bent towards her toes, then tying her bikini top back onto her chest.

Monodramon hurried around the chair, getting close to the sliding glass door that led from the pool into the house. "Nope! Now come on, it's gonna be fun!" he said, restlessly moving around as he egged her to go faster. She grinned, leaving the side of the chair and starting to jog back inside. "You never get tired, you're lucky!" she called down as she ran up the stairs to grab some clothes.

A few minutes later she burst out the door, Monodramon right behind her. She'd just put some things on over her swimsuit, some tight jeans and an orange tanktop along with her usual black sneakers. The top had tiny straps leading down to the stretch of fabric that held back her large, D-sized breasts, jeans tight to her bottom. She went to a car, her partner getting into the back as she got into the driver's seat. Admittedly, a pretty nice perk of rich parents was having a vehicle she could use herself, especially for things like this. Starting up the black sedan, she pulled down their long driveway to head into the city.

"That way," the purple dragon pointed as they drove through the streets, nose telling them they were getting close, claws gripping the passenger seat as he tried to hide down in the back. Erica nodded, turning and finding a spot to stop. It seemed the Digimon had emerged into a park, which was good for them. Lots of trees, lots of cover, not many bystanders to get in the way or see what was going on. Some Digimon had come into the physical world, but the public had no idea it was going on. Erica hadn't even met anyone else that knew about it, which made it a lonely job to have. Monodramon helped though. He was great, playful but fierce, protective of her, but nice. The two had gotten very close over the last year, feeling comfortable enough with him that the Digimon even knew her secret. She pulled into a parking spot, looking around and getting out with the dragon. "Here we go," she said, locking the car and slipping some gloves onto her hands, black with purple wires lacing through them. They were her Digivice, the machine that truly made her a Digimon's partner and tamer, that connected her to Monodramon to help power him up. The two ran into the dense trees, Monodramon in the lead as he sniffed out their target.

It wasn't long before they found what they were looking for, a small clearing coming before them. A small, rabbit-looking Digimon stood near a human, a girl around Erica's age. She was pretty, and the Digimon was pretty cute, but experience taught her that didn't mean much about whether it was friendly or not. "Damn, a witness. Not sure how we're gonna explain this one," she muttered, hiding behind some trees with Monodramon. Taking a breath, she looked to her partner, the dragon glancing back and nodding, ready. The two moved to the clearing, Monodramon brandishing his claws and growling as Erica stood back. "Hey, get away from that thing! Step away from her if you know what's good for you," she said to the Digimon, moving her gloved hand in front of her to read the screen. It scanned, some data popping up before her. It was named Lunamon, a rookie. This should be an easy fight.
Brianna had never really seen anything quite like Lunamon before. She had never even heard of Digimon either. Well actually, that was a partial lie. She had heard of Digimon, but never actually thought they could ever be real. See, Brianna had only ever heard of Digimon because she had often enjoyed watching the cartoon series called Digimon. It had been quite some time since she had seen it though, and the only series she had ever seen was Series one. It had been nearly ten years since she had seen Digimon last, which was probably why she wasn't so familiar with it anymore. Besides, she enjoyed watching other things on television now with the music channel being one of the main things she would watch. Not that any of that was important right now.

The young redhead rose to her feet and turned around with Lunamon. Of course she had no idea where she was supposed to go, and she didn't know who she was supposed to find with the rabbit-like digimon. "Hey Lunamon, who is it you are looking for? Do you know at all?" She couldn't hide the curiosity in her tone as she had asked this. Lunamon stopped and looked up at Brianna with a big smile on her face. "I'm looking for my partner, but I don't know who that is yet, so I have to find them." She was about to start walking again but then something made the rabbit-like digimon stop in her tracks. It was Lunamon who noticed the young brunette and the dinosaur-like creature beside her. Brianna turned her attention in Erica and Monodramon's direction as soon as she heard the growling coming from the strange creature. She shifted her attention to the girl talking to her and looked back down at Lunamon for a moment. Once again, she looked back to the girl in front of her and she shook her head. "No, I can't. She's asked me to help find her partner, so that's what I'm going to do. Your friend isn't being very nice though. There's no need for him to growl at us like that." She didn't seem too happy as she shifted her gaze from the attractive brunette to the strange looking creature beside her.

Focusing on Lunamon once more, Brianna crouched down so she was at more of a level with the rabbit-like digimon. She smiled as their eyes met. "They don't seem very nice, so should we go and find your partner?" She spoke in a soft tone, but it would also have been loud enough for Erica and her partner digimon to hear. Lunamon smiled and nodded; her large ears flopping back and forth as she had nodded her head. "Yeah, that sounds good....but umm....I don't know your name," Lunamon whispered the last part as she looked up at Brianna. The redhead giggled a little, slapping her forehead lightly with the palm of her hand. "Oh, silly me, how could I forget to give you my name?" She giggled a little more. "My name is Brianna," she flashed Lunamon another smile before rising to her feet. The smile remained on her face as she offered Lunamon her hand once again. "Come on Lunamon, let's go and find your partner," she said rather cheerily. Lunamon jumped up and down a few times in a joyous way and after regaining her composure, she nodded her head again. "Yay, let's do that Brianna," She held her hand out for Brianna and then Brianna took Lunamon's hand in her own. With the same smile still on her face, she turned around and started walking in Erica and Monodramon's direction.

Brianna stopped with Lunamon a few feet from Erica and her partner. Still holding Lunamon's clawed hand in her own, Brianna turned to look back at Erica. "It was nice meeting you....I think. Anyway, me and Lunamon are going now. We have to find her partner. Bye-bye," with that said, Brianna started walking with Lunamon. "So, where are we going Lunamon?" She asked in a curious tone as they walked away from Erica and Monodramon. Lunamon lightly tapped her chin with her other clawed hand. "Ummm....that way," she pointed in the direction of the park exit and Brianna looked over where Lunamon was pointing. The young redhead nodded her head. "Okay, well that should take us out of the park. Anyway, I'm sure your partner should be out there somewhere," she said loud enough for Erica and Monodramon to hear. Not that she had intended for them to hear it, but the fact they hadn't walked that far away from them may have had something to do with it.
Wait, what? Her partner? Was this a Digimon that was supposed to have a partner? Monodramon had stopped, glancing to Erica to see what she wanted to do. The girl wasn't sure, she knew some Digimon were meant to find a human to partner with, that's what happened with her and M. But some knew to take advantage of that, just wanting a partner for power, to have an excuse to stay on Earth to take it over. Some Digimon were evil, and knew just how to play them. Erica wouldn't take that chance.

She watched as the girl, whose name seemed to be Brianna, spoke with Lunamon for a moment. The small Digimon still seemed to be insistent on finding her partner, accepting this girl's help in finding it. Brianna seemed to be very kind, offering to help someone she barely knew. Erica thought she was naive, she didn't know anything about Digimon, and this one could just be taking advantage of her, waiting for the right moment to cause some chaos.

Soon enough the pair was walking away from them, causing Erica to gasp out of her concentration. Monodramon had completely stopped his threatening look, giving Erica a confused gaze as he looked from her to the two that were slowly getting away. "Um, Erica? What should we do?" he asked, stepping to her. Erica frowned, giving a ready gaze as she got into a battle mindset. "Don't let it get away. Get in front of them and attack!" she ordered. Monodramon's composure immediately switched, back to ferocious as he ran around them, leaping up to aim right in front of the two. "Beat Knuckle!" he shouted, claws on his hands glowing as he fell, pounding the ground in front of them to send a shockwave towards Lunamon, sending up a large cloud of dust from the ground as he landed.
It was true that Brianna really did know absolutely nothing about Digimon. The only knowledge she did have of Digimon came from watching the anime series many years ago, but she had long since forgotten everything she had learned from that series. It didn't really occur to her that Lunamon could have been trying to mislead her. She may only have known Lunamon for five minutes, but Brianna couldn't help but think that Lunamon wouldn't cause her any harm. After all, if she was going to hurt her, Brianna was positive that the rabbit-like Digimon would have done it already. Besides, she genuinely wanted to help Lunamon find her partner. Of course she had no idea just how long it was going to take to find Lunamon's partner. She didn't even know where they were going to have to look, but she would help Lunamon in any way that she could.

Brianna didn't even look back over her shoulder at Erica and Monodramon after walking away with Lunamon. She didn't know who Erica was or what she wanted, and she didn't expect to see her again after leaving the park with Lunamon. Brianna had thought about what other people may have thought about seeing Lunamon, but she was confident that she would be able to come up with something. She walked hand in clawed hand with her new friend, heading closer to the park exit. As they got closer to the park exit, they took a left turn and walked into more of an enclosed area with trees all around. "We are going to have to be careful once we get outside of the park," she smiled and was about to say something else when she saw Monodramon running around them and leaping into the air. Her eyes widened as she saw the shockwave sent barreling towards Lunamon. For a brief moment, Brianna didn't know what to do, but then she glanced down at Lunamon and could see how scared she looked. Without thinking, Brianna let go of Lunamon's clawed hand and quickly stepped in front of her. She took up more of a defensive stance, spreading her legs slightly and bringing her arms up, covering her face and chest. She closed her eyes tightly and seconds later, she could feel herself being knocked back onto her ass by the force of the shockwave.

The large dust cloud that had been kicked up by Monodramon's landing took approximately one minute to disappear, and when it did, Brianna was still on her ass on the floor. Her legs bent at the knees and spread slightly. Her hands behind her, and her eyes closed. Brianna opened her eyes slowly and then looked back to Lunamon who had covered her eyes with her clawed hands and two of her large, floppy ears. "Are you okay Lunamon?" Brianna asked in a rather concerned tone. Lunamon's ears moved away from her eyes and back into place on top of her head, and she lowered her clawed hands to her side. Her eyes met with Brianna's and she nodded her head. "I'm okay Brianna...but you....you stopped me from getting hurt," Lunamon sounded both grateful and surprised, but then what she did next surprised even Brianna. Lunamon jumped up and wrapped her arms around Brianna, hugging her tightly. As surprised as she was, Brianna wrapped her arms around the rabbit-like DIgimon, hugging her back. "It's okay Lunamon. You did nothing wrong," she looked back over her shoulder to Erica and Monodramon with a scowl on her face. "They are the ones who are in the wrong for attacking you the way they did," she turned her attention back to Lunamon a second or so later, shifting her position and getting up onto her knees. "Come on Lunamon, we have to find your partner," she offered Lunamon a smile as she set the rabbit-like Digimon down and then rose to her feet.

As she rose to her feet, Lunamon looked up at Brianna, and then she took a step closer, placing her clawed hand on Brianna's leg. "We don't need to look for my partner anymore," she tilted her head back, looking up at Brianna. This only confused Brianna as she tilted her head to the side in confusion. "Why's that Lunamon? I thought you wanted to find your partner," she sounded just as confused as she looked. Lunamon just smiled a big smile. "Because I've already found her......found you Brianna," Lunamon pointed up at Brianna, and for a moment, Brianna didn't know what to say. She almost seemed to forget that Erica was still there with Monodramon, but a smile gradually broke out on her face, slowly stretching from ear to ear as she nodded her head. "Okay, I'll be your partner Lunamon," she said, nodding her head, and as soon as the words had passed her lips, a faint glowing light appeared just above Brianna. Both Brianna and Lunamon looked up as the glowing light began to take shape as it slowly descended. Brianna opened up her hand and the glowing light settled in the palm of her hand, eventually becoming Brianna's very own Digivice. Brianna's eyes lit up and she had the brightest ever smile on her face. "Oh cool.....wait a minute...what is this?" She assked, looking back to Lunamon. The rabbit-like Digimon looked to the Digivice in Brianna's hand and then back to her new partner. "That's your new Digivice Brianna. It's going to help us whenever we have to fight, and I can even hide in there too," she giggled a little before she suddenly realized Erica and Monodramon was still there.

Brianna noticed too, and then turned back around to face Lunamon. She crouched down again, so she was at more of a level with her new partner. "Lunamon, we need to get away from them. They only want to hurt us, so we have to get out of here. We can go back to my home okay, but we need to leave now," she whispered to Lunamon who would have been more than capable of hearing her, considering how good her hearing was. Lunamon nodded her head and then she jumped up onto Brianna's shoulders, and then launched herself into the air. She rose high into the air above Erica and Monodramon. "Tear Shot!" she shouted, and as she did, the antennae on her forehead started to glow and pulsate as water energy formed around it. Lunamon tilted her head back and then quickly threw her head forward, launching her attack. The water energy formed around her antennae fomred into a ball of water and started hurtling towards Monodramon. It reached the size of a football, gaining more speed before it hit the ground at Monodramon's feet. Lunamon shifted in the air and Brianna moved underneath her, catching the rabbit-like Digimon in her arms. She wrapped her arms around Lunamon, looked at Erica and Monodramon one more time. "Leave me and Lunamon alone, just leave us alone okay!" she shouted and then turned on her heel and started running straight towards the park exit. What Erica didn't know was that Brianna was a fast runner, having been on her school track and field team. She broke into a run, trying to put as much distance between them, Erica and Monodramon.
Erica had run forward as Monodramon leaped up to attack, moving to support her partner. As the shockwave went out and sent dust flying everywhere, her hands went up to shield her face from the cloud. As it cleared she looked back, eyes widening as she saw what happened. The girl had gotten in front of Lunamon, defending her from the blast. He hadn't been aiming to really do damage, so she hadn't been hurt, but still. This girl didn't even know this thing and had put it before herself.

Erica gritted her teeth, mind racing as she saw them hug, Lunamon thanking her. Was she wrong? Was this Digimon really supposed to have a partner? She gasped, looking down as her face started to turn red when Brianna scowled at them, scolding them for attacking. "You don't know what could have happened," she said, mostly to herself, but perhaps loud enough to be heard by them. All of the other Digimon they'd seen were violent, fighting them and just trying to wreck things. She and M had to stop them from hurting people, all this time she didn't think another one could come through that would want to help, that a human would partner with.

She looked up again, and the proof that she needed appeared out of a light, forming into Brianna's hand. It was a Digivice, a different shape than her own but serving the same purpose: a physical representation of the bond between tamer and Digimon, to connect them and let the human support their partner. "Shit, they really are partners," Erica said, Monodramon moving away and back to her. "I, I didn't know," he said, ears folding back a bit as he felt slightly ashamed. Erica just wanted to apologize, but she wouldn't get the chance.

Lunamon's water energy slammed in front of them, Monodramon jumping in front of Erica to shield her. After it hit and they recovered, Brianna and Lunamon were long gone. Erica gave a sigh, slipping her hands into her pockets and turning to walk back to the car. "Hey, Erica, it's okay," Monodramon said, hurrying after her and trying to cheer her up. They got back to the vehicle, M hiding in the back as she sat in the driver's seat, not starting it, just thinking. "M, I just ordered you to attack without even thinking. She gave us no reason to hurt her, and I didn't even consider she might be telling the truth about the partner thing," she said, leaning back in the seat. Monodramon gave a sad smile, putting a clawed hand on her shoulder. "You were doing what you thought was right, and I went with you. I've always got your back," he said, Erica turning to return the smile.

Their moment was cut short as Monodramon quickly shot his head to the left, growling again. Her gloves started to glow, a sign that another Digimon was appearing nearby. "Damn it," she muttered, looking at the screen. It was pretty close by, she could leave the car here. With Monodramon in tow, she locked the doors again and started to run, keeping out of sight by moving into the tree line as they went.

They got to a building, Monodramon's nose and her Digivice telling them it was at the top. A quick elevator ride later, the two stormed out of the small box onto the roof, ready for it. A large portal was on the roof, light pouring out of it as something emerged, forming into a small black ball, with hands and feet and a lightning bolt on its head. Erica's Digivice scanned it, the screen popping up to tell her it was Thundermon. She was hesitant to do something, until the Thundermon laughed loudly, floating up and sending out bolts of electricity around it. "All right, pretty sure he's not here to find a partner. Time to redeem ourselves, M. Get him!" she shouted, Monodramon nodding and rushing forward.
Brianna sighed with relief after making it out of the park. She didn't stop running until she had made it to her own street, and only then did she slow down to a walk. She looked back over her shoulder to see if Erica and Monodramon had managed to keep up, and she was glad to see that they were nowhere in sight. Still with Lunamon in her arms, she slowed to a stop so that she could catch her breath. Brianna stopped and leaned against a wall, and then she set Lunamon down on the ground and pulled her Digivice out of her pocket. She looked at the Digivice in a curious manner before she slowly slid down the wall and onto the ground, bending her legs at the knees, and pulling them up to her chest slightly. She looked back to Lunamon who sat down beside her. "Lunamon, now that we are partners....what do we do?" She asked in a curious tone. Lunamon turned towards her and looked up at her. "Well we have to stop other Digimon from coming to this world and causing harm. There have already been other Digimon coming here to cause trouble, and we have to stop them. When we're not stopping them though, we can do lots of other things too. Lots of fun things," she said with a small toothy smile.

The redhead smiled and laughed before looking at the Digivice in her hand. "This thing is really cool Lunamon. It looks exactly like a phone," she pressed a button on the phone, causing the screen to light up and her smile widened. It really did look and act like a phone too, as she had to swipe the screen to unlock it. After doing so, she could see a number of apps on the main screen. "So this Digivice thing helps us, right?" She turned back to Lunamon briefly as she started going through the different menus on her Digivice. She was surprised to discover that not only did her Digivice look like a phone, but it also acted like one too. Lunamon jumped up from her place beside Brianna, and then she hopped into Brianna's lap so she could look at the Digivice too. "Yes, this helps us. It will help us to locate Digimon coming into this world like this," she scrolled through two screens before finding the 'apps' application. She opened it up and selected Digimon Locator app. "It can also be done by selecting the Map on the Digivice, and then you can get directions to get to the Digimon's location, but don't worry too much as I can help with that too. I have excellent hearing, you know," she pointed to her ears, grinning as she did so. "You can scan the Digimon for information about it, and then you can store that information on the Digivice too, and like I said before, you can keep me in there and talk to me when I'm in there too," she said, trying her best to explain the Digivice to her new partner. Brianna did her best to understand, but she knew that it was going to take time to figure it all out properly.

Going through the Digivice one more time, Brianna adjusted a few of the settings. It was nothing important that she adjusted; just things like the wallpaper on her Digivice and also the alarm tone that would alert her and Lunamon to the presence of another Digimon coming into their world. The screen flashing red would also alert her to this. Once she was done adjusting the settings, she put the Digivice back in her pocket and then wrapped her arms around Lunamon and rose to her feet. "My house is just over there," she pointed to a large house seven houses down from their current location. "Wow, that looks so nice Brianna," she smiled as she tried looking back over her shoulder at her new tamer. "Thanks Lunamon.....or could I just call you....Luna?" She asked in a curious yet soft tone as she didn't know what Lunamon would think. Surprisingly, it didn't take Lunamon too long to respond at all. Looking back over her shoulder at Brianna, the rabbit-like Digimon nodded her head. "Sure you can Brianna. I actually like that," Lunamon nodded her head one more time as she had said this.

Brianna smiled and was just about to head back towards her home when her Digivice started going off in her pocket. She stopped and pulled the Digivice out of her pocket, looking at it in surprise. "Luna....does this mean what I think it means? Does this mean another Digimon is coming into this world?" She had a look of confusion on her face as Lunamon looked at the Digivice in her hand. She saw the screen flashing red, warning how a portal was opening somewhere. Lunamon nodded her head. "Yeah, we have to go Brianna," She closed her eyes; her four ears pointing straight up as she tried to locate the Digimon coming into the human world. As Lunamon did this, Brianna opened up the Digimon Locator app on her Digivice, which also took her to the map on her Digivice. It was able to pinpoint the Digimon's location within a matter of seconds. "The Digimon isn't far from here Luna," She had a sense of urgency in her voice as Lunamon looked back at her. "It's that way Brianna," she pointed in the direction in which she had heard the Digimon. Brianna nodded her head quickly, still keeping the Digivice in one hand. "Okay, let's go," she said and started running down the sidewalk, following both the directions on her Digivice and those given to her by Lunamon.

Both Brianna and Lunamon reached their destination around ten minutes later. It was a large office building. "This is it," Brianna said, looking to her Digivice and then up at the building. "It's right at the top Brianna. On the roof," Lunamon pointed up to the roof of the building. Without saying another word, Brianna rushed into the building, and it took her a few moments to find the elevator. Luckily there was no-one else in the elevator when she got there. Once inside, she pressed the button for the roof. It took a few minutes to reach the roof of the building, and when she did, she stepped out of the elevator after the elevator doors had opened. What the pair saw once the doors opened took them both by surprise. "It's... Brianna muttered. "Them," Lunamon finished off her sentence as they dashed out of the elevator and onto the roof. Lunamon jumped out of Brianna's arms as Brianna came up beside Erica. With her Digivice still in hand, Brianna pointed it at the Digimon that had come through. She was a little surprised that she didn't have to open up the Scanner app as the Digivice scanned the Digimon automatically. A picture of the Digimon appeared on the screen of her Digivice with information scrolling down underneath. "It's a Thundermon Luna; a Champion level Digimon," she had a look of confusion on her face as she looked down at Lunamon, then to Thundermon and back to her Digivice again. "Oh, I wish this thing told me what to do next," she muttered more to herself.

Brianna tried her best not to look at Erica, mainly because she didn't trust her one bit. Not after the incident in the park anyway. "We have to defeat him Brianna," Lunamon said, sensing Brianna's hesitation.With that said, Lunamon turned to face Thundermon and could see Monodramon already in battle. She looked on for a moment as Thundermon attacked. A second or so later, she rushed forward with both her arms held out to her sides. "Lunar Claw!" She shouted as she ran in a curved arc towards Thundermon. Her arms and claws started glowing and pulsing in a dark energy. The energy crackling almost like dark lightning. She got closer to the Thundermon, and then she launched herself into the air, pulling her claws back as she prepared to strike the Thundermon.
Monodramon charged, letting out a small roar as he leaped towards Thundermon. "Beat Knuckle!" he shouted again, claws giving a light glow as he aimed to punch the ball. He smirked, floating back and putting his hands in front of himself. "Thunder Ball!" he called out, as dozens of tiny balls of electricity formed near his hands, then fired out in front of him. Monodramon slashed, taking some of them away, but the ones he missed caught him, giving him a shock and sending him down. With a grunt of pain, he landed on the ground.

Erica's eyes widened as he suddenly fell, and she settled down some as he slowly got back up. "Be careful, he's a champion-level!" she called out, turning suddenly as she heard a noise. Worried it was another Digimon, she found out that was half right. It was the Digimon from earlier, with her new partner, Lunamon and Brianna. Erica gave a sad look, still a bit ashamed of her actions, seeing them just brought it up again. She watched as Lunamon rushed forward to join the fight, Brianna taking a place close to her. The girl seemed to be taking to the whole partner thing well, right up with her as their Digimon were in the fray. It just made her feel worse, not being able to recognize it before, how well matched her and Lunamon seemed to be.

Hearing Lunamon call out for an attack, her attention returned to the battle. Thundermon laughed once more, forming his Thunder Balls to defend. He fired off as Lunamon came down to land her attack, both hitting each other with their energy. Monodramon saw the chance, running forward as Thundermon came down. "Cracking Bite!" he called out, jaws opening wide as he chomped down on Thundermon's arm. The Digimon cried out in pain, giving a shock and dashing backward.

Erica realized it, seeing that this guy was too strong for either one of them to defeat alone. She gritted her teeth, dreading having to do this, but took a deep breath and looked to Brianna. "Look, I know you don't trust us now, but we're going to work together to take this guy down. They're going to get hurt if we let them just act alone. One of them needs to distract him while the other lands an attack, just like Monodramon did now," she said, looking back to the battle. "M! Attack to give Lunamon an opening!" she said to him, the small dragon giving a nod. "Beat Knuckle!" he said once more, claws flashing as he ran to attack. Thundermon put his attention to this, landing and forming some Thunder Balls, leaving his back open.
Brianna had next to no idea what to do in a situation such as this. There were many different thoughts racing through her mind as she had raced onto the rooftop with Lunamon. Despite the fact she knew nothing about what she had to do in this battle or as Lunamon's partner, she was able to remember something from the time she had watched the Digimon anime many years ago. She was able to remember the different levels a Digimon could reach, and she knew just how strong some of them could be. Brianna just never imagined for a single second that she would ever have to defeat one of these Digimon in real-life. It wasn't a thought that ever crossed her mind, which was probably why she was so unsure as to what she needed to do now. She knew she needed help, but she didn't want to ask the one person who seemed capable of helping her. She just didn't want to do it, not right now.

As Brianna and Lunamon had joined Erica and Monodramon on the rooftop, the young redhead glanced Erica's way for all but a second before the focus of her attention returned to the Thundermon in front of them. She didn't bother speaking to Erica. Instead, she just watched the battle unfolding in front of them. Her eyes remained on Lunamon as the rabbit-like Digimon charged at the Thundermon. Of course she had no idea how the battle was going to turn out. She didn't know that Lunamon and Monodramon would be unable to defeat the Thundermon by attacking seperately. Brianna's eyes widened when she saw Thundermon forming another Thunder Ball. She looked on as Lunamon not only landed her own attack, but got caught by Thundermon's Thunder Ball. Lunamon was knocked back, landing on her back on the ground. "Luna!" Brianna called out in a concerned tone. She was about to rush over to Lunamon's side when she saw her partner slowly pushing herself back to her feet. After pushing herself to her feet, Lunamon looked back over her shoulder at Brianna, giving her a reassuring smile. "I'm okay Brianna," she was quick to turn her attention back to the battle at hand.

The inexperienced tamer was just about to instruct Lunamon to attack Thundermon again, but before she got the chance, Erica spoke to her. Hearing the other girl's voice, Brianna turned her attention towards Erica for a moment. She furrowed her brows as she listened to everything Erica had to say. Her eyes drifted back to the battle briefly before she focused on Erica again. "You're right as I don't trust you; not after what you did back in the park.....but it looks like you might be right. It looks like we may just have to work together after all, but afterwards, you have to leave us alone....as I have to figure out what I'm supposed to do as Luna's partner," she said, as she clearly had no idea what she was supposed to do. Brianna could clearly see that Erica seemed to know what she was doing, but she couldn't quite ask for help from someone she didn't trust. She had never been the type to trust someone easily, and after the incident in the park, she was convinced she had every reason in the world not to trust Erica and Monodramon. That was something that wasn't likely to change anytime soon unless Erica and Monodramon gave them any reason to change their minds.

With her eyes focused on the battle once more, she turned her attention to Lunamon. "Luna, we have to work together with them," she said to her. Lunamon just looked back over her shoulder and nodded her head, and then she saw Monodramon attacking Thundermon. The rabbit-like Digimon saw the opening that Monodramon had created for her, and she knew it was time to strike. She started running at the Thundermon after it had landed on the ground, turning its attention to Monodramon. "Lop-Ear Ripple!" Lunamon shouted as she started running at Thundermon. As she had started running at the Champion-level Digimon, she started spinning slowly at first. Her four ears started spinning with her, and she began spinning faster and faster, soon spinning so fast that she looked almost like a white and purple tornado. Soon, bubbles started coming out of Lunamon's vortex, spinning and creating a vortex of their own. The bubble vortex started spinning faster and it headed straight for Thundermon. With Thundermon distracted by Monodramon, he was unable to see the bubble vortex coming up fast behind him.

Monodramon would have been able to see that smug expression wiped from Thundermon's face as Lunamon's bubble vortex smashed into Thundermon's back, capturing and trapping him inside at the same time. The bubble vortex spun on the spot, seemingly getting faster still even as Lunamon had stopped spinning. Thundermon started screaming, trying to break free of the bubble vortex that had him trapped. It took a few moments for Brianna to realize the advantage they now held. The only problem was she didn't know how long they would hold the advantage. "Oh look...he's trapped.....but what now?" She asked curiously. Lunamon looked back over her shoulder one more time. "Now we finish him off!" she said in a firm, yet serious tone. Brianna just nodded her head before Lunamon turned back to Monodramon. "We need to strike him at the same time, and we can't hold anything back," she held both her arms out at her sides, and as she did, they started glowing in that same dark energy. "I know what I'm going to do, but what are you going to do?" With that said, she turned and looked back to Thundermon for a few moments. He was still trapped in the vortex of bubbles as Lunamon started running straight at him. "Lunar Claw!" She shouted, pulling both arms back with claws extended as she closed in on the trapped Thundermon.
Erica nodded. "Yeah, okay," she said, begrudgingly. She didn't want to leave them alone, she wanted to explain, to apologize. That wasn't important now though, Thundermon was still holding strong against them. Monodramon was holding his attention, eyes watching as Lunamon moved behind them, sending an attack to his blind spot. He dived backwards at the last second as the vortex slammed into the small Digimon, grinning as it sucked him up and held him in place. It was indeed satisfying to watch his smug grin fade into shock as the small tornado sucked him in.

"Right, lets take him down," he said, moving forward with Lunamon to deliver the final blow. The red marks on his chest started to glow as he focused his energy, mouth opening. "Purple Pyro!" he shouted, a purple ball of fire forming in his mouth and firing out towards the swirling Champion-level, slamming into it alongside Lunamon's attack. With the damage he'd taken and the two attacks combined, Thundermon cried out and dissipated into bits of data, flying back to the Digital World. Some residual data from his emergence floated to the two, merging with their code and empowering them. Monodramon cheered, doing a little victory dance and raising a claw to Lunamon for a high five.

Erica took a breath and smiled, glad that they'd won. "Great job, you guys!" she said happily, then looked to Brianna with a light smile. "Listen, you'll probably say no, but can we talk? Please? I want to explain what happened in the park," she pleaded, eyes sad as she desperately hoped the girl would agree.
Brianna was quite surprised when she saw just how well Lunamon and Monodramon seemed to work together. She was still angry about what had happened in the park, so she still remained confident that this was likely to be the last time she would see both Erica and Monodramon. Her eyes lit up and her lips curled up into a bright smile as both Lunamon and Monodramon connected with their attacks. Her smile seemed to stretch from ear to ear as Thundermon dissipated right in front of her. However, she did feel some confusion when she saw both Lunamon and Monodramon absorbing some of the residual data left behind by the defeated Champion-level Digimon. It made sense that she wouldn't know Lunamon could get stronger by absorbing the data. It just went to show how inexperienced she truly was.

Lunamon was jumping for joy after having absorbed some of Thundermon's data. She turned back to Monodramon as he raised a claw for a high five, and because of how happy she was, Lunamon raised a clawed hand and gave Monodramon a high five. "Wow, it actually worked. We were able to beat him, but boy, was that tough," she giggled a little bit before she sat down on the ground, letting her clawed hands rest behind her as she leaned back a little bit. "I think I even saw that Thundermon before I came to this world. He was talking to another Digimon, but I just left them to it. Besides, that Thundermon was a meanie back home," she tilted her head back, gazing up at the sky with that same small smile still on her face. "I wonder if they are all going to be that tough?" She asked in a thoughtful tone as she gazed up at the sky.

Brianna watched Lunamon for a few moments until she heard Erica's voice. She turned her attention back to the girl, and the smile that had been on her face disappeared. With her Digivice still in hand, she remained silent for a few moments before she sighed to herself and rolled her eyes. "Oh fine, we can talk, but you don't have to explain what happened in the park. I was there and I know perfectly well what happened," she turned and walked over to a different part of the roof not too far away from where they had been before. She turned back around and looked back to Erica, waiting for the girl to join her. As soon as Erica had walked over to her, she folded her arms across her chest, furrowing her eyebrows again. "You and your partner attacked us for no reason in the park. I told you and Luna told you what we were doing, but did you listen? No you didn't. You just assumed Luna was like every other Digimon that must have come through to this world. You just thought she wanted to hurt someone, so you got your partner to attack her. All she wanted to do was find her partner, that's all," she sounded angry as she brushed a few strands of red hair behind her ear. "You can tell me why you attacked us in the park, but that's it. I have to figure out how to be Luna's partner, and it's not like there's anyone around here with a Digimon partner to help me. If we had met under different circumstances, then I would have asked you, but how can I ask for help from someone who would do what you did in the park?" Her tone wasn't as angry this time. It was both a curious and soft tone.
Monodramon stopped his victory dance after he got the high five, listening to Lunamon talk. He took a seat close to the edge of the building. "Well now I definitely don't feel bad about sending him packing," he said, giving a smile and looking to her. "They aren't usually too bad, that guy was pretty strong. Maybe more Digimon are finding out they can slip through, so we'll be seeing more of them, and stronger ones. I guess we might end up working together more," he said, looking over to their tamers on the other edge of the roof, face forming a light frown. "Lunamon, Erica's not a bad person. She's made it her job to protect people, and was just doing what she thought was right. We're really sorry about what happened."

Erica walked with Brianna over to the other part of the roof, leaning against the wall of an entrance to head down. She gave a frown as she slid down the wall to sit. "I know, I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry. It's just... About a month after Monodramon came through is the first time we found another Digimon emerge. We didn't know what would happen, and just left it alone, figuring it wasn't our problem. It ended up hurting a lot of people before we were able to stop it. It was only a rookie, most of them have been, but still, it caused trouble and innocent people ended up hurt because we didn't do anything. After that, M and I knew we had to stop any others that came here. I never thought another one would get through that had a partner, and they wanted to be here like M, just to be friends with humans. That's my fault, and I understand if you won't forgive me, I just had to say it," she said. As Erica gave her rant, she looked at her shoes, staring at the ground, finally looking up to Brianna as she finished, giving a sad smile. "You two did really well for your first time."
Lunamon started moving her legs back and forth as her feet dangled over the side of the roof. She turned her attention back to Monodramon as he spoke. Thundermon was the first Digimon she had ever defeated with a partner. "Well if more Digimon are finding a way through to here, then there must be a reason as to why they are able to get through more often. Maybe there's something happening back home that's allowing them to come through more often?" She couldn't hide the worried expression on her face as Monodramon said they could end up seeing stronger Digimon. "Stronger than Thundermon? We just managed to beat him after figuring out we had to work together.....so what chance would we have against stronger Digimon. We could end up like Thundermon if we encounter any stronger Champion-level Digimon.....or even......Ultimate-level Digimon," she said in more of a hushed tone as her four ears fell back against the back of her head. Lunamon found herself thinking about the many different Digimon she had seen back in the Digital World, and she found herself wondering what other Digimon would end up finding their way into the human world. "There were some really mean Digimon back in the Digital World. I remember one that was as tall as this building," she said, patting the roof of the building with her clawed hand. Lunamon frowned as Monodramon apologized for what had happened earlier in the park. She sighed a little bit and shook her head. "I'm sure she is a good person Monodramon, but what she did wasn't very nice. That was a mean thing to do, but Brianna is my partner now, so it all depends on what she thinks we should do," she said, shrugging her shoulders lightly.

Brianna stood and looked down at Erica as she had slid down the wall to the floor. She listened to what the girl had to say and sighed softly to herself. Judging from her tone, she did sound genuine as she had apologized, which did make Brianna feel better to a certain degree. Taking a few steps forward, she turned her back and then slid down the wall to the floor, sitting beside Erica. She pulled her legs up to her chest a little bit, keeping her Digivice in her hand as she rested her hand on her bent knee. Taking a deep breath, she looked back to Erica and managed the smallest of smiles as Erica told her how well she and Lunamon did for their first time. "umm....thanks...I guess. I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm sure Luna will help me figure it all out....and I guess we are going to have to figure it out real quick if more and more Digimon are going to be coming through here," she said, looking back to her Digivice again. "I wonder if this thing will help figure it out for me?" She started flicking through the different menus on her Digivice, also giving Erica the chance to see too. "There's even a Lunamon app on here, but there's something in the Lunamon app that's locked too. It's kinda weird if you ask me," she said, still looking through her Digivice. What she didn't know was that the locked part of the Lunamon app was Digivolution.

Again, she turned her attention back to Erica after having thought over everything she had said. "I don't like what you did in the park.....but I suppose I can understand why you did what you did after what happened the first time you encountered a Digimon. That doesn't make it right though......but I do understand, I really do. I suppose I could have made the same mistake if our roles had been reversed, so I guess I can't be too mad about it," she said with a small smile on her face. "I was worried more about Luna anyway, so that's why I got so upset. I wasn't too concerned about what would happen to me. I just wanted to make sure Luna would be okay, and I didn't really think Digimon and their tamers was real. Sure, I may have watched Digimon on television when I was a kid, but that's about it. I didn't expect any of this to ever be real....ever, but it is and now I have my very own Digimon partner. I have my own Digimon partner and have absolutely no idea what I'm supposed to do now."
Monodramon nodded, she had a point, but he supported Erica's decision, no matter what. "I know, and I know she's sorry. It really hit her hard after you guys got away. She regrets not thinking things through and just blindly acting. Erica's passionate, and can be brash, but she has a good heart," he said, looking over to the two tamers with a smile, then back to his fellow Digimon. It had been a while since he'd been in the Digital World, but he too remembered some of the stronger Digimon that resided there, and how it would be big trouble for them if someone stronger than Thundermon, or even an Ultimate, were to get through. They were just two Rookie-levels, it took all they had in strength and strategy to beat a Champion together. "I don't know what's causing so many to come through, I just hope we'll be able to deal with them before they hurt anybody. I don't even know if it could happen, but maybe...maybe they could help us Digivolve, get stronger," he said, a hopeful look on his face. The stories were heard throughout the Digital World, some sort of power that would push them to new forms, make them powerful.

Erica gave a small smile as Brianna accepted her apology, saying she would have done the same in her shoes. "Thanks, I really regret it. I'm just glad you two weren't really hurt," she said, smile widening as Brianna talked about how she'd wanted to protect Lunamon, not wanting anything to happen to her. "That's what happens when you're a tamer. You're more than partners, more than friends. I don't know what I'd do without Monodramon now," she said, glancing over at them before looking back to Brianna. "Yeah, I couldn't believe that it was real! I saw the show and everything too, I even had the cards and stuff," she admitted, face flushing a bit. "I don't know if you even want to see us again, but I've been doing this for a while. I'd be more than happy to help, for figuring things out and what to do. It's the least I can do for ordering M to attack you. I had to figure it all out myself, so I'd love to help out a fellow new tamer," she said, giving a bright, hopeful smile to the girl. Brianna seemed to be very nice, very thoughtful and strong, she hoped the girl wouldn't just push her away. It was tough trying to do it all herself, just with M, she knew having someone there to at least talk to about it would be a big help.
Lunamon looked back to Monodramon and nodded her head, her ears flopping back and forth. "I'm sure Erica is a good person. You've been with her long enough to know what she's like. I still need to find out what Brianna is really like, but you saw what she did for me back in the park. She put herself at risk to save me, so she must be a good person too," she said, tilting her head back and gazing back up at the sky. As she did, she sighed softly to herself, thinking about some of the stronger Digimon she had seen back in the Digital World. She was able to remember many of the nasty Digimon she had seen back home, but there had also been a few Digimon who had been rather friendly towards her. She turned her attention back to Monodramon a second or so later. "Monodramon....all of the Digimon that have been coming through have been mean.....apart from me and you," she paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Why are all of the mean Digimon coming through?" She asked in a curious tone. "Back home, I made friends with some Digimon. There was some Digimon who was really nice back home. I was close friends with Angewomon for a long time before I came here. It was Angewomon who told me to come here to find my partner, and then there was MagnaAngemon who helped me too. I used to hang around with Gatomon and my other friend Coronamon said he wanted to come through here sometime too. So if there are other good Digimon back home, why are they not coming through either?" She asked in that same curious tone. Lunamon tilted her head to the side at the mention of Digivolving. "I think all we can do is try to deal with them....but umm....would it even be possible for us to Digivolve? That's just a myth, isn't it? I've heard stories of it, but never witnessed it. Do you think we could Digivolve too?"

Brianna offered Erica a small smile as the other girl said how regretful she was. She looked back to Lunamon, smiling some more as Erica spoke of bieng more than partners and friends when you're a tamer. Her attention soon returned to Erica a second or so later. "Well I don't know what I'm supposed to do as a tamer, but I already feel as if I'd do anything for Luna, and I've only known her for not even three hours. I just hope I can be the kind of tamer she deserves," she spoke in a soft tone, brushing a few loose strands of hair behind her ear. Brianna laughed a little bit as Erica told her she wasn't the only one who watched the show. "And I thought I was one of the only ones who watched that show. I did have a few of the cards myself, but I'm not too sure where they are anymore. I had some really cool ones too," she said, grinning some more. Her eyes met with Erica's and she found herself thinking about what the girl had said about helping her and Lunamon. She lightly tapped her chin with her finger as she thought it over, and after a few moments, she nodded her head. "Umm...okay....I guess me and Luna could do with some help, and it would be easier for us if anymore DIgimon come through to this world. However, I would be a little reluctant to accept your help if you wasn't so sorry for what happened in the park. Anyway, you can help me try to figure out my Digivice," she said, showing Erica her Digivice again. "Umm....how long did it take you to figure out how to be a tamer? What kind of mistakes did you make in trying to understand what you needed to do?" She asked in that same curious tone as before. "I just don't want to get things wrong with Luna," she added a second or so later.
"Yeah, she could have been hurt, but she wanted to protect you. You mean a lot to her, I'm sure she's a good person too," he said, glancing to their partners for a moment. It must take something really special to be chosen to be a tamer, something within you that makes you strong. Erica and Brianna had it, he knew it. Lunamon brought up a good point though, about who got to come through, why it was happening. So many bad ones were slipping into the real world, and for all they knew, the two of them were the only ones not wanting to destroy everything they saw. It was strange, what was allowing it? Was someone choosing who got to come through, who got to have a partner? "I don't know, maybe we'll be able to figure it out some day. In the mean time, we just have to protect our tamers and each other, and all these people," he said, looking back with a happy grin when she mentioned Digivolving. "I think so, I've always believed it. I don't know how or what might make it happen, but I think our tamers can help."

"That's how it is, it's one of the strongest connections you can feel. Even though its new, you just know it. They're more than just data," she said. M was the closest friend she'd ever had, and really more than that. She trusted him completely, and that happened pretty quickly after he'd come through. They were lucky girls. Erica's face brightened, giving a cheery smile as Brianna agreed to let them help. "Great! Thanks, this will be fun," she said happily, glad for the chance to make up for the park. She took Brianna's Digivice as it was handed to her, looking it over for a few moments. It was different than hers, her gloves had just appeared a little bit after M had slipped through, same as Brianna, but it was a different shape, different way of seemingly doing the same thing. Interesting. She handed it back, carefully. "Well, the Digivice is kind of your own thing. I've just had to wing it when I have to use mine, since yours is so different I'm not sure what to say. Follow your instinct, mine's got me by so far. Honestly the best advice I can say for being a tamer is just to be yourself: follow your heart. We got this for a reason, we've got that special something. It's the relationship that makes you strong, being there to support your partner when they need you. I made the mistake early on of trying to micromanage everything M did, always giving lots of orders. I learned to trust him, be more of a partner than a manager," she said, standing up to pace a little while she spoke, looking out over the city.
Lunamon continued to kick her feet back and forth against the side of the roof, leaning back slightly. She turned her attention back to Monodramon a second or so later after having thought about what he had said. She soon found herself nodding her head in agreement. "It's weird....but she was there when I came out of the portal. She even offered to help me find my partner after I told her why I was here. It makes me wonder if I would still be looking for my partner if you and Erica hadn't shown up when you did." Lunamon gazed up at the sky, and as she did, she started to wonder about what life was going to be like now she had a tamer. She was soon pulled from her thoughts as Monodramon spoke up again. "Well something must be going on back home. After all, the portals always open up from the Digital World and not from this side. I just wish I knew how these portals are opening up.....even though I can't complain too much as it did lead me to Brianna. Still, it has to make you wonder, doesn't it? I mean it's not as if the portals are opening up randomly, because if they was opening randomly, I don't think it would just be mean Digimon coming through. If they was opening randomly, then good Digimon would come through too, and other Digimon searching for partners. I know there are other Digimon back home who want to come here to find a partner." She looked back to Monodramon with a big toothy smile that soon turned into a frown. "What if it's some big, mean Mega-level Digimon that's controlling the portals? Or could there be something wrong with the Digital World itself? Something that's causing the portals to open up?" She asked in that same curious tone as before. She lightly tapped her chin with her finger as she thought more about Digivolution. She had heard much about it but never considered it could ever be real. "I never really thought Digivolution was real, even though I did always wonder how some Digimon got to be stronger than others. Anyway, how can our tamers help us with Digivolution? What can they do? Can they make us Digivolve?"

Brianna looked back to Erica and thought about what she had said. As she thought about it, she turned her gaze back to their two partners for a moment. With her eyes on the two Digimon, she nodded her head a little bit. "Yeah....I think you might be right. It's weird though, as I've never really felt so strongly about something before.....apart from a dog I had a long time ago. I even surprised myself when I jumped in front of Luna back in the park. It's strange but it.....it just felt like the right thing to do. I'm really glad I done it too, and even if didn't, then I still would have helped Luna to find her partner," she said with a warm smile on her face. Brianna took her Digivice back after Erica handed it back to her, and after looking it over one more time, she put it back into her pocket. "You know that if you're going to help me, it might be a good idea for us to swap numbers and know where the other lives. That way, you're not going to have to hope that you might run into me in the street," she spoke in a joking tone, laughing lightly. She rose to her feet shortlly after Erica had done, and she brushed some loose strands of hair behind her ear. After doing so, she placed both of her hands on her hips, only really just noticing the view they had over the city. "Well I'd have to say that shouldn't be too hard for me as I've always been one to follow my heart and my instincts. I just wonder how that's going to help me now that I'm a tamer. What if my instincts lead me to making the wrong decision about something? I just worry about how any wrong decision I make would affect Luna. What if a decision I make causes Luna to get hurt?" She asked as she started to worry more and more. She couldn't help but worry. She didn't want to worry, but it was hard not to.
"Well, I guess we just helped speed up the process," M said with a smirk, giving a chuckle. "Something would have happened to make that connection between you, sorry that it had to be us attacking, though," he said. His and Erica's situation had been similar, the tamer protecting the Digimon at risk to themselves, showing the compassion needed to be a true tamer. Though, it hadn't been a Digimon attack. M hadn't quite realized you should look across the street when crossing. "Yeah, that's what makes me worried. Some of it is, since we got through, but I have a feeling the whole thing isn't random, it's being controlled by something, someone. We're probably just in the start of it," he said, more of a stoic look taking his face as he thought about who might be sending all these bad Digimon through. He shook his head a bit, no use thinking like that. As the topic got back to Digivolving, he gave his usual grin again. "I guess I heard the stories and just always believed. I really do think they're the key, but I guess my hypothesis is a bit shaky since it hasn't happened yet and I've been here a year. Still, I think the connection between a Digimon and their tamer is what pushes it, we're special, right? Those Digivices have got to do something besides be a cool accessory."

"I know you would have. You're a good person, and you just keep making me feel worse about earlier because of how nice you are," Erica said with a giggle, nodding and pulling out her phone. She voiced her number for Brianna to put into hers, waiting for her number too. "I guess that's something else about being a tamer. Clearly my instincts led me to the wrong choice earlier, but M and I can't dwell on that. Once you start to doubt yourself, it's a slippery slope. You learn from your mistakes, and you make up for them," she said, putting her phone away once their numbers both got put in. "If you want, my car's not too far, we could get in and I can show you where I live and then head to your place so we can know," she said with a hopeful smile.
Lunamon smiled and nodded her head as she listened to Monodramon. She knew he was right. She knew that she could still be searching for her partner if Erica and M hadn't attacked them back in the park. Even though she didn't like being attacked like that, there was a small part of her that was grateful for it. After all, there was no way that she would have Brianna as a partner now. She offered M a small smile. "I guess you did help to speed up the process a bit, but I guess that isn't such a bad thing. It makes me wonder though. What else could have happened between us that would have created that connection between us? Not that it matters now. I'm just really glad that me and Brianna are partners now. It doesn't matter how we became partners, it really doesn't," She genuinely was glad to have Brianna as a partner, even though she was surprised at how quickly she had found her partner. "So umm...how did you and Erica become partners? Did it take you long to find her?" She turned back to face Monodramon, becoming curious once again. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she knew that Monodramon was right. She didn't quite know what was behind the portals opening up, but she also knew they had to find out somehow. "That's what really worries me. What if it is some mean Mega-level Digimon behind it all......and what if that Digimon ends up coming through too? I'm just worried about what is going to come through next," her ears flopped back against her head as she frowned slightly. "And why does it seem as if the portals are opening up in increased numbers?" she couldn't hide the concern in her voice as she had mentioned this. Lunamon found herself thinking about what Monodramon had said about Digivolving. She looked back over her shoulder to Brianna and Erica for a moment before turning her attention back to Monodramon again. "I never really thought about that to be honest. Those Digivices obviously have some use, so maybe they can help with Digivolution. There's got to be something else to it though....but what could it be? What would push us to Digivolve?"

Brianna blushed just a tiny bit at the compliment that Erica had given her. She flashed her a small smile before she put Erica's number into her phone. As she put Erica's number into her phone, she voiced her own number for Erica. She watched Erica putting her number into her phone and then put her own phone away. "Well there's no point in feeling bad about it for too long. I guess it's good you attacked us in the park, because if you didn't, I'd still be searching for Luna's partner with her, and the chances are likely that Thundermon could still be terrorising the city," she spoke in a soft tone, but she was also being serious too. She didn't really want to think about what would have happened if it had just been one of them that had gone up against Thundermon. She thought on the offer Erica had made and nodded her head with a widening smile. "Sure, that sounds good to me. I think we are going to need to know where the other lives anyway.....but umm.....what are we going to do about Luna and Monodramon? Will they both fit in your car?" She asked in a rather curious tone. "I think they would be very difficult to explain if we got caught with them. I just have no way of hiding Luna yet. I mean I could try to pretend she's a stuffed toy or something. Anyway, if the city is safe for now, should we get going?" She smiled as she turned on her heel, but then she looked back to Luna. "Come on Luna, we're going," she called to her partner before focusing on Erica again. "I wonder how long it's going to be before another Digimon comes through?" She muttered more to herself as she waited for Erica and Monodramon. She walked over to the lift as Lunamon turned and started walking back over to her tamer. Brianna pressed the button after reaching the lift, and she stood by the lift as she waited for it to arrive at their floor. Luckily, she didn't have to wait too long, and the doors opened a few short moments later. After the doors opened, she put kept the doors open with her foot as she waited for Erica, Monodramon and Luna.
M nodded, giving a laugh. Yeah, if everything turned out all right and no one actually got hurt, it was for the better in the end. All's well that ends well, right? At her question, he blushed a bit and looked away. "It wasn't too long, it was kind of similar to you and Brianna, she helped me out with something," he said, not wanting to admit his stupidity at not realizing giant metal boxes would hurt if they hit you. He was eager to respond to the other topics. "I don't know, I think all we can do is try our best to stop any bad guys from hurting people once they're here, and hopefully try to figure things out as we go along. That's what we've been doing so far," he said, basically that was his and Erica's plan since the beginning. It couldn't be explained yet, so why try when they didn't know anything? "Exactly! Not all Digimon can use those things with a human, so that must mean something! I think they're part of it, but we haven't been able to do it yet. Eventually though, I know we'll get it. You too, I'm sure of it," he said with a happy grin. Getting stronger, being able to truly protect people, it was a true aspiration of his, always loving the stories from when they were young about Digivolving.

"Yeah, they should be fine. Monodramon can fit pretty easily in my back seat, so two of them should be all right, and you can fit up front with me. It's a sedan, so there's four doors for us all to get in, shouldn't be a problem," Erica said happily, standing up with a smile. "The toy angle works better than you might think, actually. Even the walking thing, technology is getting pretty advanced, people believe anything if you're confident. I had a couple looking in stores for the new Ultra Dragon 5000 doll around Christmas time," she said with a chuckle. It was best to just hide M, but it couldn't be avoided sometimes. It would be easier with a smaller partner, but that couldn't be helped. As Brianna moved to the elevator, she followed, whistling for Monodramon. His ears perked, looking over to them. He grinned and started running for the elevator. "We're heading back to our place, to show Bri and Luna where we live," she said, the two joining them in the elevator. "My parents aren't home, so we'll be fine once we get back. Busy business parents not being around a whole lot has its benefits."
Brianna stood by the elevator, keeping the doors open with her foot as both Lunamon and Monodramon made their way over to the elevator. As soon as both Digimon had reached the elevator, Brianna waited for Erica to step inside and then she stepped into the elevator herself. The young redhead pressed the button for the lobby of the building, and then the elevator doors closed in front of them. A second later, the elevator started descending slowly through each floor of the building. Brianna leaned back against the back wall of the elevator and folded her arms across her chest as she thought about what Erica had said. Looking back to the other tamer, Brianna offered her a smile. "You know I don't think I would have too much of a problem pretending Luna is a toy. I am a little surprised that the toy angle does work so well though, especially with the walking too," she turned to face Erica some more. "So you've really had people believe that M was some sort of super sized doll?" Her lips tugged up into a small smile as she seemed to think it over briefly. She looked down to Lunamon who was standing just beside her with her back to the wall of the elevator. Brianna soon focused her attention on Erica at the mention of her parents. She brushed a few strands of her hair behind her ear a second later. "I'd probably say it's good that your parents are away so much....but does that mean they don't know about Monodramon? Or do they think he's a toy too?" She asked in a curious tone. After all, she didn't really know what her parents would say about Luna if they ever saw her. Maybe she could tell them that her new Digimon partner was actually some life like doll that was new out. She didn't know yet as it was something she knew she was going to have to think about.

As they rode the elevator down to the lobby floor, Lunamon took the time to think over what Monodramon had said before being called back onto the elevator. She also listened to the conversation between Brianna and Erica. She turned to face Monodramon soon afterwards. "So if you met Erica in a similar way to me and Brianna, does that mean another tamer found you and Erica in a park?" She asked in a curious tone. She paused for a moment and took a deep breath. "I suppose you are right though Monodramon. It is down to us.....and the both of you of course," she looked up at both Brianna and Erica and smiled a little before turning back to Monodramon again. "Anyway, it is up to all of us to protect the humans of this world.....and figure everything out.....including Digivolution," she placed both of her hands on her hips and nodded her head a little bit. Taking a few steps forwards, she turned around to face both tamers, looking first to Brianna and then to Erica. "Erica, me and Monodramon have been talking....and umm....I was curious to see if you know anything about Digivolution? We were having a debate as to whether it is real or not....so I was just wondering....what do you know about it? And how can we make it happen?" She didn't know if Erica would know the answers to her questions, but she saw no harm in asking. "And why is your Digivice different from Brianna's?" She added a second later. No sooner had she finished asking her questions, the elevator reached the lobby floor and the doors slowly opened up. There was a few people waiting to get onto the elevator too. Hearing the elevator doors opening up, Lunamon slowly turned around and then looked up at the people waiting to get on the elevator.

Since Brianna wasn't too sure how to react in such a situation, she just stared at the people for a few short moments and then quickly switched her focus to Lunamon. She reached down and scooped Lunamon up and into her arms. Brianna wrapped both of her arms around Luna and hugged her close to her chest, careful not to squeeze her too hard. With Luna in her arms, she was quick to get off the elevator before any of the waiting people could say anything. Once she was off the elevator, she looked back over her shoulder to Erica and Monodramon. "Come on, we should get back to yours for a bit," she smiled a little, but she still kept Luna held close to her chest. She started walking from the lobby and out of the building. Once she was outside the building, she moved over to the stairs that led up to the building, and then she sat down and exhaled loudly and slowly. She sat there and waited for Erica and Monodramon to exit the building too. After all, she didn't know what Erica's car looked like or where it was parked for that matter.
"Right? People will believe anything. Especially desperate parents around the holidays, they want to beat the other parents for toys, so they ate it up. I'm sure they spent a long time looking for it," Erica said with a laugh, looking down at Lunamon as Brianna mentioned her. "Should be pretty simple, Luna's adorable," she said, admiring the Digmon for a moment before looking back up to her tamer. Monodramon gave a small glare, a tinge of jealousy, but it faded fast. "Yeah, it's nice but sucks. They're gone a lot, and when they're home they're pretty tired or not really all there, so it's not that hard to sneak him by, if we need to. He usually stays in my room and I'll sneak him food. When they're gone he's got the run of the house, though," she said, Monodramon grinning and nodding.

As Lunamon asked him about his and Erica's meeting, the purple of his face got a bit darker in a blush. "No, it's not that, it was just...she was able to protect me when I needed it." Erica smirked, looking down at him. "Yeah, I saved you from that terrible monster," she teased, Monodramon looking up with another glare, then back to Lunamon, the glare fading. "Exactly! It's up to us."

Erica looked down to Luna as she asked, then up suddenly as the door slid open. People stood there, giving them only a moment before they saw the large creatures standing by them. "Oh my god, look at that car crash outside!" she shouted, pointing and waving her arms, M knowing to hurry behind her along with Brianna and Luna, Erica hurrying after them. "Oh, false alarm!" she said, standing between the people and their Digimon. They got outside with Brianna and Luna, and she breathed a sigh. "All right, let's cut through the park to get to my car," she said, leading the group to her vehicle.

"Oh, Luna, right, you asked something before the elevator opened. Digivolution, right? Well, M's told me about it, that a Digimon's supposed to be able to change their form, become more powerful. I remember from the show that it's supposed to be about the connection between a Digimon and their partner, combined with the danger that requires it. Maybe we just haven't faced a dangerous enough enemy yet," she said, holding up her gloves as Luna mentioned them as well. "As for these, that I really have no idea about. Maybe they take a form personal and unique to the user? I love my gloves, and Brianna seems pretty into the phone, so I'm guessing it's just a personal thing."
Brianna had to admit that Erica was right. She knew that people would believe anything, and she had heard some of the silly things that some people believed. She did find some of the things people believed to be a little ridiculous, but at the same time, there was some things she did agree with. It made her think that she could possibly get away with telling people that Luna was some type of hi-tech new toy that had just come out. Luckily enough for her, no-one had actually asked her about Lunamon just yet. However, Brianna couldn't shake the thought that it was only going to be a matter of time before someone asked her about her new partner. "Yeah, I'm definitely going to agree with that. Some of the things people believe really can be very silly. You'd be surprised, you really would. Anyway, I wonder how long people would spend looking for The Luna Bunny 3000 with life like movements and an authentic voice," she giggled a second or so later as she started to think about people actually looking for such a toy. Brianna nodded her head as Erica told her how often her parents were often gone. "I can imagine that it must suck if your parents are gone that often. Do they not get a lot of time off work then?" She asked in a curious tone. "It sounds like there are times when you are glad that they are gone so much, and times when you're not so glad."

Both Brianna and Luna didn't miss the way Monodramon had blushed as he had tried to explain how Erica had saved him. Lunamon just looked at Monodramon with a cheeky grin on her face as she saw him blushing, and the grin on Brianna's face only seemed to widen more and more. "I get the feeling that Erica didn't save you from another Digimon. What was it? Some other animal? Or was it something different?" She asked in a teasing tone. She giggled a little before shaking her head. "I guess it doesn't matter how you was saved, even if the way you was saved turned out to be funny. In the end, all that matters is that you ended up with Erica, just like I ended up with Luna," she offered Monodramon a smile just before the elevator doors slid open.

The young redhead had just about enough time to look back at Erica as she was making a scene just as Brianna stepped out of the building. She was glad when she didn't have to wait too long for Erica to exit the building with Monodramon. Brianna rose to her feet as soon as she saw Erica emerging from the building. She still had Luna in her arms as she followed Erica through the park and to her car. Once at the car, Brianna waited for Erica to unlock it, and then she opened up the back passenger door. After opening the door, Brianna turned back to Lunamon. "Okay Luna, get in," she motioned for Luna to get in the car. Lunamon glaanced inside the car and then back to Brianna for a moment, and then she jumped up and into the back seat. Just as Brianna was about to close the door, Erica answered the questions that Luna had for her. Lunamon shuffled over to the door and looked up at Erica; her four ears falling behind her head. Her feet hung over the edge of the seat and she swung them back and forth as she listened to Erica. "So does that mean some of the Digimon I saw back home were actually Digivolved? I even knew a few Ultimate-level Digimon back home, but I never thought they were Digivolved....but if they are Digivolved, then how could they Digivolve without a partner?" She lightly tapped her chin with her clawed finger as she attempted to think over her own question. "I wonder if any of my friends from back home will come through too," she said to no-one in particular, even though anyone would have been able to hear her. "It just seems weird how each Digivice seems to suit each tamer, and I've always wanted to know where they come from too."

Brianna closed up the door as Luna had shuffled back over into her seat some more. She walked around to the front passenger seat after seeing Monodramon getting into the car beside Luna. Brianna opened up the passenger side door and climbed inside. After closing the door, she put on her seat belt and leaned back into her seat as she waited for Erica to get into the car too. Once Erica was in the car, Brianna turned her attention back to her. "So, what are we going to do after we've shown each other where we live?" She asked in that same curious tone as before. "We could hang out for a bit, whether it be at your house or mine, even though yours might be easier if your parents aren't in. I'm still not quite sure how I'm going to explain Luna to my parents yet. That should be fun," she smiled brightly as she leaned back into her seat again.
Monodramon let the teasing go, just ignoring them and looking away. She was right though, just as with her and Luna, in the end it all ended up for the best. He'd met Erica, and it was the best thing to ever happen to him. So, he supposed he should thank his lapse in common sense that day. As the elevator got down and Erica moved to distract the people, he moved with the other two, all meeting back together outside, and then through the park to return to the car.

They got back to the vehicle without incident, luckily, and Erica pulled out her keys to unlock it for them. Monodramon filed into his usual spot in the back, though now he had a back seat buddy, and couldn't take up the whole thing. Erica got into the driver's seat, starting up the car and belting herself in. "Yeah, that sounds great! We can head to my place, then I can take you home whenever you want. Parents are on a business trip, so you two can stay as long as you like," she said, pulling out of the parking spot and starting to head back home.

"Like you said, it's good and bad that they're gone so much. Good for stuff like this, but bad since, you know, I barely get to see them. A lot of the time I don't even get to see them at the same time, their job sends them off on trips all the time, and they aren't always back at the same time. But, I mean, they're doing it for me, they tell me that plenty, and I appreciate it," she said as she drove, turning and going along back to the house. She told Brianna the same spiel she'd given herself plenty of times, since she'd been young. Something she was sure kids with business-people parents told themselves a lot.

It wasn't long, less than ten minutes, and Erica was pulling into their driveway. They lived in a different neighborhood than where they'd been, clear by their neighbors and the area that it was a ritzy part of town. Pulling up to the large, modern-looking house, she parked in her usual spot and turned off the car. "Here we are, casa de Winter. Come on in!" she said happily, getting out, Monodramon quickly following suit and exiting, hurrying up to the door. He loved the place, especially when the parents weren't home and he could run around freely. He looked back to Lunamon with a bright smile. "It's awesome! There's so much food in here! Speaking of," he said, looking to Erica again. She sighed, but gave a smile. "Yes, we can have lunch," she said, unlocking the front door for them and leading the group inside.
Brianna found herself thinking about what Erica had said about her parents being away. A thoughtful expression formed on her face as Erica told her that she and Luna could stay for as long as they wanted to. She nodded her head as she thought this over for a few minutes. Brianna knew that her parents didn't really mind if she stayed over at a friend's house for a few nights, just as long as they knew where she was. The more she thought about it, the more she started to like the idea. She turned her attention back to Erica a second later and then she nodded her head. "Okay, well staying at yours might not be such a bad idea. It will give me time to figure out how I'm going to get Luna past my parents, and it will also give us a chance to get to know each other better. You can teach me more stuff about being a tamer too," she added with a relatively cheeky wink. "My parents really won't mind me staying over at a friend's place for a few days, just as long as they know where I am," she said as Erica had started driving back to her place.

On the way to Erica's house, Lunamon didn't say a word. She just gazed out of the window, humming a random tune to herself. She kicked her feet back and forth as she watched the scenery go past. Of course she did occasionally turn her attention back to Monodramon, but then the scenery outside would capture her attention again. Despite the fact the car ride was a relatively short one, it did happen to be one that Lunamon quite enjoyed. She was still gazing out of the window as Erica pulled into her street. Lunamon had never seen anything like the scenery she saw in the car since she had been living in the Digital World up until a few short hours ago. She was just trying to take everything in, and found herself wondering what other things she would be able to see now she was going to be living in the human world. The rabbit-like Digimon couldn't help but look forward to the sights she would see here in the human world. She found herself looking forward to her next adventure, whatever it might be.

As they pulled into Erica's driveway, Brianna's eyes widened in shock and awe as she saw Erica's home. It wasn't just Erica's home that impressed Brianna, but just about every other home in her street and in her neighborhood impressed her too. She unbuckled her seat belt and stepped out of the car. She had no need to open the back passenger door as Monodramon seemed to beat her to it. She watched Monodramon bounding up to the house, and then she turned her attention back to Luna as she climbed out of the car. Brianna shut the car door afterwards and then followed behind Luna as she walked up to the house. Both Brianna and Luna stepped inside the house as Erica led them inside. Luna just stayed by Brianna's side as both tamer and Digimon looked around at everything. Brianna placed both of her hands on her hips as she looked around, and she nodded her head in approval. "This really is a nice place you've got here Erica. All of the places in this neighborhood look really nice actually. Your parents must have really well paid jobs if they are able to afford a place like this," she turned back to Erica and offered her a small smile. "I think I can see why you say it sucks that your parents are away so often, especially with a big place like this," she looked around one more time. "Can your parents not get any time off or something?" She asked in a curious tone. "Look on the bright side though," she said. "At least with your parents away so much, it gives you the chance to throw parties whenever you want to," she grinned cheekily as she tried to make a light joke out of the situation with her parents being away so much.

Lunamon watched Monodramon for a few more minutes before she eventually left Brianna's side and walked over to Monodramon. She stopped just behind him and tapped him on his shoulder. "Hey, wanna show me around? This place looks sooooo big," she said as she looked around again. Meanwhile, Brianna pulled her phone out of her pocket. She unlocked her phone and scrolled through her contacts until she had found the number she was looking for. It was the number to her home phone since she knew her parents would likely be in. She turned back to Erica a second later. "I'm just going to call my parents to tell them that I might be staying here for a few nights. After we've had something to eat here, we could head on over to my place to pick up a few of my things," she said with a small smile. "I won't be long," with that said, she turned and walked off to call her parents.

She didn't walk off too far though, and the call to her parents lasted no longer than three minutes. As soon as she was done talking to her parents, she walked back over to Erica after slipping her phone back into her pocket. She brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear as she approached Erica. "My parents are okay with me staying here. I just said that we would probably stop by maybe one hour from now, maybe a little later. Until we have to go back to my place to get my stuff, you could show me around here. After all, if I go around here on my own, I may just end up getting lost considering just how big this place is," she said in a joking tone. "You know I may even have to leave behind a trail of bread crumbs if I go anywhere in here by myself,"[color] she laughed lightly as she turned in Erica's direction. "I think Luna and Monodramon might be playing together. Anyway, if I am going to be staying here for a few nights, where am I going to be sleeping?" She asked in a curious yet somewhat serious tone. "And do you know how long your parents are going to be away for?"
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