Blue moon Senshi in shadows of love (Krystal_Atem's_Girl X Maplian)

Atem's back arched as his member got swallowed by his wife's mouth, his arms gripping the sheets as he got bigger and harder as she went. Grunts and moans escape his mouth as he starts to thrust with his hips. "Ah...M..My Isis...Th...this is ahhhnnn amazing!" He had forgotten his wife's private talents and pulled her mouth off of his cock and embraced her, rubbing his long, throbbing member against the entrance of her pussy. "C..Can I put it in, My bride?" His face was red, his mouth was dry. When he rubbed against her, he focused on her clitoris. He sheepishly smiled as he stared her in the eyes.
Krystal smirked widely as she gave him the head, increasing her speed. She loves it when he screams for her. The pretty bluenette had figured he would have forgotten, so she was giving him a refreser course. She smirked again as he took his cock out of her mouth. She could feel him throbbing in need for her sopping wet virgin pussy. "Of course you can, my spiky haired egyptian god." she crooned out with a moan, feeling his rock hard member rubbing against her super sensitive clitoris. She kissed him passionately, and stroked his hair softly, wrestling with his tounge a little before she broke the kiss to speak once more. "No need to blush, Mi'love. I'm yours and yours alone." she purred into his ear, nibbling on it just so.
"O...of course..." He gently pulled her down on his member, a tight fit, but it pierced quickly. The stern Pharaoh let out a moan, pushing her up with his hips and pulling her down with his hands. He grabbed a breast and firmly squeezed as he rocked her. "M...My it...It's a...amazing!" He gasps and closed his eyes as he spoke. The puzzle around his neck clanked and jingled as they rocked together, their body as one, rocking, moving, holding, and making love with each other.
Krystal moaned out as he put it into his member into her pussy. "Oh fuck.. Atem! yes! atem!" she moaned out, kissing him hard, and then trailing kisses down his chest. "you got that right my sexy spiky haired Egyptian god." she purred, licking her lips before claiming his in a kiss again. She begged his mouth for entry and kissed him harder still running her fingers down his body. The feeling of being with him again was like a drug intoxicating her. she couldn't handle it. "I'm so close, come with me my atem" she purred, smirking at him.
Grasping his spiritual wife's ass, Atum's member throbbed and twitched, he closed his eyes tight and grunted. He cried out and kissed his bride, his cock twitching as cum blasted hard into Krystal's womb. His lust and desire built up over thousands of years, finally released inside his love. He then holds her close and catches his breath. He kisses her and smiles. "I missed you, my queen...and soon, I'll be with my son again too." He cried slightly, rolling them over to cuddle.
Krystal's desire for him caused her to splash all over him and the bed, soaking it completely. "That was amazing, my atem" she breathed out giving him a soft kiss before pulling him as close to her as she could. She wasn't letting go, not for anything. "Yes, we will have our little marik again in 9 short months, mi'love." she told him, her eyes slightly glazed from both the high of pleasure and from having a vision. She saw the 3 of them together again, and yugi a proud uncle.
A slight fear instilled the Pharaoh as he held his love close. "Isis, My love..." He stared coldly. "What are we to do with my lack of a body?" He kissed her nervously before squeezing her tightly. A Pharaoh without a kingdom, a throne, or a body? This really isn't good! He thought. His mind racing, he held Krystal tight for support, knowing she'd give him what he needed.
"I'll talk to nubi. he'll know a way to make the spell permanent. When I saw us together in my vision, you were separate. But fear not my handsome pharaoh, I have enough money to keep us in the lap of luxury for the rest of our lives. you will have your kingdom back when serenity gains hers." she told him with a smile, kissing him softly. she could already sense the changes in her body. Marik wasn't taking his time at all. She always knew he would be as impatient as she.
Smiling, he gasped as he saw Magician of Black Chaos standing over the bed. Now ignoring it, he looked to his wife. "Now Isis, how would one reach this Nubi?" His curiosity peaked and his eyebrows raised, he nuzzled in and grinned. "After all, your powers seem as though they'd become quite useful. " Giving a victorious grin to the spirit in front of him, he thought to himself how he'd always be the king of games. Atem heard the clinking of armor, then a defined halt, he saw before him the Dark Magician, followed by a Gagaga Child. He wondered what the third monster guardian was for, still confused as to how he could see them.
"well, usually I have to somehow poison myself to see him. Anubis doesn't like seeing me hurt. Oh, and if your wondering why you can see them? its because they want you to see them. Chaos dear, do me a favor and go get nubi? tell him its a bit of an emergency, but I'm not dying. tell him atem is awake." she told the mage who swiftly disappeared, and the winged dragon of rah appeared in his stead. "rahrah! comere and let me give you huggles you big dragon!" she exclaimed happily, watching as the god turned into a plush like form Krystal scratched his ears. "there's my good boy!"
"What in the name of Ra is going on?!" He saw a plushie dragon sitting in his wife's arms, he jealously swatted at it. "That's my wife, you know! I'm the Pharaoh Atem! You'd best back off, or you'll be sent to scarab execution!" Atem glared at him, Dark Magician waving Atem to stop. The pharaoh didn't care his enemy, he'd crush his foe, no matter what. As he glared, he tried to hold Krystal. only to show his own jealousy in desire to keep his wife.
The guardian paid no mind to Atem, simply purring in Krystal's arms as she scratched his ears. She laughed a little at Atem's antics. "I take it you don't have the Egyptian god cards yet? This is one of them. The winged dragon of rah. He is another guardian of mine. Don't be jealous mi'love. I simply do not see him as much as I see Chaos. He prefers to protect me from a distance." she tells him soothingly, kissing him. It was cute to see him jealous, but, making rah mad was not exactly the best plan. If he continued swatting at him, he may see Atem as a threat. That was never good. Rah was many things, but patient was not one of them. If you were to make him angry, he would show you his true power. Krystal kissed atem again, and rah comfortably curled up in her lap. She scratched his ears and smiled, kissing Atem again, and pulling him towards her. "Rah isn't a threat if you don't make him angry. don't worry, he's not gonna steal me away." she promised, kissing him deeper this time.
Calmly settling, Atem stops swatting and kisses his loved one back. As he does, peering over his shoulder sneers the Dark Magician of Black Chaos. Between the Dark Magician and his chaotic counterpart, they seem to begin bickering with their eyes, staring each other down as Atem's spirit catches Chaos' eye. Atem begins to smile as he pets Ra lightly. "What are the Egyptian God Cards?" He looked confused, but still seemed calm. As he looked around, a dark prescience filled the darkest corner of the room. Atem took a step back and tapped Krystal's shoulder. "I...Isis, Please retreat to the corner with me, I've got a terrible feeling about this!" Glaring red eyes shined from the corner as nothing more than a gleam from a head dress and shoulder garment were seen. "Atem!" The voice called out in a powerful demanding voice. "Do you know how many millennia I've been searching for your carnations?!" The voice seemed more angry than anything else. Atem stared only to catch the attention of his guardian spirit, who rapidly flew to his aide, nodding towards him, spreading himself as a meat shield. An outstretched black hand flicked towards the spirit, dispelling it within seconds. Atem glared with fury and passion. "Dark Magician!...You! Anubis!" He grit his teeth, a sinking feeling in his chest. "I've finally become a person and no sooner have you come to collect my soul? Well think again! As long as this puzzle dangles from my neck, I'm immune to your dark magicks and trickeries!!" Atem grabbed the Millennium Puzzle and smirked in the face of the death god. Anubis stepped out from the shadows, only to be smirking himself. "Normally I'd tear your throat out right about now, but instead of a bloodthirsty wolf like I usually am, I feel a bit more like your wife's personal lap dog. Right Krystal?" The tension was tight, but the pharaoh couldn't take his eyes off of the hound before him. With his spirit gone, he could only hope for a last second solution as he stayed ready for anything.
Krystal swatted him away, but smiled. "They are three very powerful cards, said to only truly be controlled by the pharaoh. The only reason I am able to use a copy of the winged dragon of rah is because he allows it. Stop it. It's just Nubi. Nothing to fear." Krystal watched as they bickered, then walked over to Anubis, scratching his ears, like she had done to Ra earlier. Krystal smirked wickedly. "Yes, and your such a good little wolf aren't you, my pet?" she asked, her smirk only widening before she continued, scratching his ears and his stomach. She knew how he loved that. Atem wouldn't know this, but she and Anubis had a son and a daughter in another of her lives. Due to their parent's blood though, they still lived. She was sure they were lurking on the ship. She felt they're energy. "Now now Nubi, no need for violence. Its not his fault Baki trapped him in the puzzle." she soothed, continuing to scratch his ears. The look she gave Atem told him to back off. She was protecting him. Meanwhile, there was a knock at the door. The voice that came from it was all to familiar. It was Sebastian's, Her and Anubis's son. "I knew i sensed his energy.." she muttered to Anubis in less than a whisper, looking at the dog headed god to what to do. This was gonna be hard to explain to Atem. "Yes, come in dear. Is your sister with you?" she asked nonchalantly, knowing quite well Anubis was probably smirking at Atem. She looked to Sebastian as he came in, wondering why his sister Nubia wasn't with him. They always traveled together. Sebastian shook his head. "No mama. Nubia is quite sick in her room. I've never seen her quite like this. its very alarming." Krystal nodded and blushed slightly, knowing the cat was out of the bag now. She looked again to Anubis, her eyes showing panic. Never in their lives had either of them gotten sick. This was quite alarming indeed. "Nubi, we should see to her. Besides, I'm sure she'd like to see her father." she commented, her tone worried, and she blushed, giving atem an apologetic look. It was true she had told him she had had many suitors in her 5 millennia, but what she hadn't told him was that one was Anubis himself.
Shocked and staring, his eyes darted between a proudly smirking Anubis and a worried looking Krystal. He looked between the two and just collapsed to the wall behind him. Now staring at the floor with empty eyes, he began muttering to himself. "I...Is...Isis..." He trailed off right after. His broken spirit began to show as his physical form was slowly fading. Tears began to well in his eyes. "O..of all the things that I've been lost many years, deep down...there was one person keeping me voice in the back of my mind...Five thousand years, Isis...Five millennia of lonely despair...I finally find release in my wife's embrace, the one who I always thought could never hurt me." His eyes were clenched as he took physical form again. He began to stand, only get feel a foot on his back, holding him down. "And she's gone to the one who will never let her down! I'd hate to keep our daughter waiting, shame they'll never meet your little boy, Atem." Smirking, Anubis stomped on his back to kick off, smashing the Pharaoh's face into the floor, and take a casual form as a man in a black business suit with blackened sunglasses. He briskly walked to the door, kissing Krystal on the way. "Come on, Sebastian, show me where to go." He briskly walked as Atem stared at the floor in shock for what he had heard. Blood spilled from his nose as he cried silently. "Krystal...just leave...they're your children, and he's your real god...I'm a pharaoh...many come and go, but Anubis has always been law." Tears rolled down his face as Gagaga Child pulled at his hair. The pharaoh calmly lifted the puzzle from around his neck and placed it over the spirit's head. He the sat up, averting his eyes from his love. Chaos shook his head and sighed heavily. He sat down next to the pharaoh. "Atem" He said calmly in a deep, crisp voice. "Had it not for you and Anubis, I'd be after Isis...I protect her for her delicacy, her kindness, and out of love...I've never given up, and although I dislike you, you are a pharaoh. With that being said, I'd like to know something of you." Atem looked to the spirit staring at him. A wave of discomfort fell over him as he was damaged and weak for the first time he can recall. "If you're the pharaoh, the king of games, why are you letting Anubis get an advantage over you? I've fallen back for many hundreds, nay, thousands of years...don't do that,'re better than that." Atem's gaze turned stone cold as he looked up the magician. His eyes glimmered with truth and reality, Gagaga Child adorning him with his puzzle, which now glowed bright as his street garb transformed into the garments of royalty. He stormed his way down the hall after grinned towards the spirit deities in the room. He grabbed Krystal's hand and pulled her to him, against his bare chest. "Isis, I apologize, I was selfish and foolish, but it's at a time like this that you must protect the ones you love, so please tend to your daughter, and please...let me talk to Anubis...alone." A glimmer shined in his eyes, a streak of his former confidence, and it was burning with passion greater than ever before.
Krystal looked as if she was about to cry. Seeing him like this was excruciating, and it was all her fault. It was her fault that she let Anubis into her life like that. He had been so great to her though, coming to her in her hour of need. It was true he had always saved her from death, but this particular time, she was living in Russia as a princess with her sister. A war had broken out and killed most of her family, and her sister. She had been so distraught, she couldn't think straight. Without her sister, the Shadow magic she possessed would slowly turn her evil. She was about to kill some innocents when He came to her rescue, wrapping her in his calming embrace. She remembered how she breathed out his name before she fainted. He had saved her from having more scars on her soul.

Krystal was snapped out of her reverie when she was kissed, Her eyes widening. "N-Nubi.. don't." she almost helplessly squeaked out, her glacial blue eyes now welling with tears as she looked at atem, who she had unintentionally broken. Her son just nodded at his father, taking this all in sadly. His mother had told him tales of the great pharaoh, and he had never seen his father act so cruel. "I'll show you where to go dad, but you should lay off a little. I know you hate him for stealing her from you, but you're hurting mom." he told his father flatly, Kissing his mothers head and hugging her before he walked out. He hated seeing her like this. Krystal ran over to atem, picking his head up lightly. "Atem! I'm so sorry! I had no idea this would happen. Please, it okay.. Nubi's just trying to get back at you. He kinda blames you for my death in silver millennium." she told him softly, looking very sad. "she had caused this. She shouldn't have called him. she wiped the blood from his face and healed him, kissing him softly. "I love you, Okay? I always have. please don't cry." she told him, her words full of hurt. She cursed Anubis for being such a jerk about it. She'd have to beat him up later.

Krystal watched the exchange between Atem and the black magician of chaos with wide eyes. She had not know how he felt. "chaos.. forgive me." was all she whispered before she ran from the scene, tears staining her pretty face. She squeaked a bit as she was pulled close to someone, hoping it wasn't anubis, but relaxing when she realised it was atem. "no need to apoligize, mi'love. Anubis is being an utter jerk about this. Just be careful when you do. i'd hate to loose you after i just found you." she told him softly, giving him a kiss. She followed the signature of her son's energy to where Nubia was, and ran to her bedside, worried. "Sweetikins, what's wrong?" she asked, squeezing the (technically) older girl's hand her face still tear stained. Sebastian rubbed he back soothingly, knowing she was freaked for more than one reason. She glowered slightly at Anubis. "we'll have words later, for now, figure out what's wrong with her." she said, the only emotions conveyed in that statement were worry and slight annoyance.
Anubis smiled down at his family, his tight muscles filled the suit as he remained in a human disguise. "Worry not, my darling, so long as I reign, no harm shall come of you. He stroked his daughter's hair as he spoke softly, his determination cut short by Atem barging in and holding the mother of his children. "ATEM?! Haven't you had enough punishment to know that I'm a god and you're nothing more than a pitiful man who won't die?!" Smoke bellowed from his nose as his eyes glowed red. He ragingly transformed back to his canine self and growled, flames spitting from between his teeth. Atem sneered as he held out his hand demandingly. "Anubis, I need to talk to you alone, and I require not of your brutish outbursts this time, either!" The god snickered, then bellowed out laughing. "You think you can tell me what to do?! You think you can tear me from my family?! That's a riot, Atem! You're nothing more than a scrawny wimp who hid away for five thousand years and left your wife and son to wander this world through many incarnation, and they only got that far because I said they could!" Anubis laughed as he walked up to Atem before he got serious. "But seriously, leave me to my family before I devour your soul" He said it quietly enough so his family couldn't hear, though Atem kept his confident glare. "Fine, if you'd rather hide behind threats, then I've got one to match it!" Atem pulled out his deck and stared Anubis in the eye. His millennium artifact shining brightly as he grins. He looks to Krystal, slight fear reflected in his eyes before staring down the dog-faced deity. "Anubis, God of Death, Paragon of Darkness, I CHALLENGE YOU TO A SHADOW DUEL! And as you know, if you turn this down, you've no choice but to be locked into oblivion, as you've worded it yourself!" Anubis was shocked, challenged at his own game with the powers of darkness, it was unheard of. "Atem, you've got guts to throw down a gauntlet like that, but I tell you what, back down now, or you'll be the own banished, you hear?" Atem began to shuffle and walked over to Krystal, his smile warm to his bride. "Have no fear, my desert flower, I have but a plan behind all of this.. Atem them kissed his bride and held her close for a romantic embrace before turning to the god, one arm around his love still. "Well, Fido, I haven't heard an acceptance yet." Anubis was enraged, letting his anger get the better of him. "Fine, you worthless trash! I'll thrash you and take my woman back! You think you can mock me? You're hardly even a real body! Atem grinned and began to shuffle. The die was cast, and he knew what was on the line.
Krystal stroked her daughter's cheek worriedly. She had no idea what could have possibly happened to her. She was immune to shadow spells, as she was a demigod, and also possessed a good amount of the magic herself. She squeesed her daughter's hand. "Everything is gonna be alright, my dear, don't you worry." Krystal reassured, as she pulled out some new Kaiba corp tech out of her bag. "You're uncle seto gave me some tech to keep me safe. This should help us figure out what's wrong with you." She added as Nubia simply nodded and smiled weakly. Krystal ran the scanner over Nubia's body like something you'd see out of star trek. "She's been poisoned!" Krystal exclaimed, looking both shocked and scared for her son.

She made a Tony meep sound as she was pulled back in close to Atem. She looked worried, both for him and her daughter. She hadn't a clue how this all would pan out. She hoped it would work out for the best. Krystal sighed loudly, and Sebastian followed. "Will you two ever get along?" She said exasperatedly, but her eyes showed curiosity about their duel. She kissed Atem's cheek. "Be careful,mi'love. He's very crafty. He'll do anything he can to get me back." The Senshi princess whispered in his ear, praying that it all worked out. She walked to the door. "Okay, Atem, I'm bringing Bakura in. He's the only one who can save Nubia. He's a poison expert. Please, be cordial." She told him, the glare on her face telling him she'd never forgive him if Nubia died.
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