Blue moon Senshi in shadows of love (Krystal_Atem's_Girl X Maplian)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
It was 8 am when Krystal walked on the ship that would take her to her destiny. there were many familiar faces, one in particular she wished she had the courage to say hello to. Yugi motou, the king of games. Seto had told her many things both good and bad about him, but something in her gut told her she was meant to meet him. She feely some sort of connection to the small boy, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Krystal remembered the first time on the TV. She knew instantly who he was, and knew she had to meet him. "Atem my spiky haired Egyptian god, please come back to me" she thought, taking deep breaths as she stepped onto the ship to duelist kingdom.

Her long blue double rabbit bun hair blew in the wind as she just looked off into the distance. "Why am I feeling this way? That presence... No it couldn't be!"
That's when she saw it. Around Yugi's neck was the millennium puzzle. HIS item.
Krystal cried silent tears as pieces of her past life and love flashed before her eyes. his deep red orbs, the way he looked at her with such love. Their son marik, still born, and Atem's death. Her tears got the the best of her, and before she knew it, a small concerned tri-colored haired boy stood before her. Her eyes widened when she saw him. He looked just like Atem had as a child, save for his deep violet orbs. She wiped her tears on her sleeve, happy to have had the foresight to wear water proof mascara today. "He hello. I'm Krystal. Its good to meet you." She said in a soft tone, her nervousness apparent. She hoped Atem would appear and not just stay a spirit.
Yugi Motou, King of Games The young boy walked his way from the bus stop to the pier, his millennium puzzle swaying around his neck. His friends surrounding him, he saw many people of multiple ages. Tea and Joey were bickering over who got the top bunk in the room they'd stay in while Yugi just sighed. Looking up, he found himself met in the eye by a tall, busty woman. "He Hello. I'm Krystal. Its good to meet you." She said in a soft tone. Her eyes were red.

"Oh, Hello! I'm Yugi!" He smiled genuinely and held out his hand, already clad with a star-chip gauntlet. "Is everything okay? You look like you've been crying..." He looked concerned as the Millennium puzzle rattled as his head cocked to the side, shifting it.
Krystal nodded. "I'm fine now, yugi. But yes I was." She said with a small smile, squatting so she was closer to his level. She could see Atem behind the boy due to her abilities to see spirits and smiled a little wider. "I've read about this. Its the millennium puzzle! I'm sure that Atem is glad it was you that solved it." She told him, her smile turning slightly cryptic. She wondered if the great pharaoh remembered her, after all, she was only his wife. She had missed him these long 5 millennia, and the prospect of having him again was staring in her face. She smirked inwardly.

"Yugi, would you be opposed to coming to my room? I have some things you might be interested in seeing. Old Egyptian artifacts. They belonged to the anchient queen Krystal, also known as Isis. She was an ancestor of mine, more or less." Krystal said with a mischevious grin, wondering what he would think of that.
Looking a little shocked, Yugi stared at her and looked mystified. "I...I just thought this was some sort of artifact Grandpa picked up during his travels, after all, that's why I'm here! To defeat Pegasus and get Grandpa's soul back!" His determination was through the roof! He calmly pulled his deck out. "After all, this is his deck, Dark Magician, Exodia, all of it!" Smiling again, he looked back to Krystal. "I guess if it has something to do with the puzzle, then sure. I could come to your ro-"


"Not now, Joey! I'm trying to talk to my new friend, Krystal!" He looked back to her with an innocent smile again. "Please ignore Joey, he's my best friend...You were saying?" There was hope and dignity in his eyes, but sorrow and confusion emanating from the puzzle. A curse yet to be lifted, a puzzle within itself.
Krystal laughed. "He seems amusing." She commented, standing back up. "Just follow me to my room, and I'll explain. Oh, and Atem, if you're gonna hover, at least come out and play with your blue moon goddess" she added with a wide smirk towards the spirit behind yugi, not yugi himself. The walk to her room was quick, and soon she was gesturing for him to sit down beside her. "Its all in here. Memories from a distant land." She said, her me expression distant as she opened the gold and sapphire encrusted box that looked similar to the box of the puzzle, though it had sapphire moons encrusted into it.

'Here we are! Pictures of Krystal and her husband. His name was Atem. Though most call him the nameless pharaoh, as the evil thief king Bakura put a curse on him to forget all his memories. I hope to break that cruse." She said, using her magic to temporarily solidify Atem. "Ah, there we go! Now you're here." She said with a smirk before giving him a light kiss and placing his crown upon his head.
Yugi's body aged drastically as he became much older, his hair lengthened, and a gilded eye glowed from his forehead. "What is the meaning of this? Who are you and what have you done with me?" His angry eyes looked around. "I mean, I turn around for ONE second and...and THIS!! What has he.. gotten us into? Alone with a girl, and suddenly he awakens me?! " He looked peeved. "Do you happen to know where I am?" His face got flush, seeing Krystal, though he couldn't find out why.
Krystal giggled. "Same old grumpy Atem. You always hated when i woke you. You're in my room." she said with a smirk, kissing him. It was the way she had always woken him up. She would jump quickly on top of him to wake him, and then kiss him silly to make him feel better. It was a ritual she had always done. Sparks ran through her body as she kissed him, and she smirked as she separated their lips. "There, is that better, my spiky haired Egyptian god?" She asked, her tone smooth. She was trying to make him remember her, and at same time toy with him just a little. She had always enjoyed teasing him.
Confused and bewildered, he stared at her sternly. "I don't know who you are, but I'm no Egyptian God!" His memories still seemed away from himself, he shook his head. "At least introduce yourself before you attack my face or call me names!"
Krystal laughed. "I'm Krystal. Krystal Serena Kobayashi, its a little insulting when you don't remember your own wife, Atem!" She said, pouting. He had hurt her, though she had suspected he would not have his memories. It was still kind of hurtful that he did not at least remember something of his life with her. She loved him quite a lot, so to be yelled at by him was a little scary and jarring. Krystal looked at him with sad eyes. "I'm sorry Atem. I should of told you who I was instead of just throwing myself at you... but you're just so cute when your frustrated. Your little dimples come out!" She told him, I'm imitating with her fingers his dimples.
Looking a little shocked, he stared at her. "I still don't know what you're talking about! And who is Atem?" He stood up and looked around. "I'm here for the duelist kingdom, not for confusion!" His eyes darted around the room as he saw a stack of Duel Monsters cards. He walked over and started looking through it, hoping to find out something about the woman before him. "Besides, even if I had a wife...I'm not who you think I am...mostly because I don't even know who I am anymore..." He looked depressed through his anger, his eyes weren't angry, his shoulders relaxed.
Krystal looked at him sympathetically. "You are Atem, pharaoh." She told him, her eyes sad. She hurt for him. She wanted to console him. She smiled a little as he went through her cards. He had always done things like that when he was nervous in silver millennium. She knew deep down that he was still her Atem, he just had to remember. She smiled at him. "May favorite card is the magician of black chaos. You used to say that chaos followed me around like a puppy." She said, looking over to her guardian spirit, who just smirked. The chaos mage had other reasons than just egyptian god anubis's orders to keep krystal safe. He loved the beautiful blue haired Senshi. From the moment he saw her, he was captivated by her icy blue eyes, her flowing blue hair, and her wonderful appetite for chaos. To bad the pharaoh had captured her heart. He sulked a little, but kept it from his mind. He was sure this life would be the one his beautiful Krystal would realise his feelings.
The Pharaoh turned and looked her dead in the eyes with a glare that could stare even the strongest of soldiers down. "If what you say is true, and you can control chaos, then what are the odds of you helping me figure out who I am?" His expression was unwavering, though the cards in his hand were gripped firmly. As he was talking, a growing migraine was emerging and caught him off guard. He instantly dropped to one knee, then to the ground. Cards scattered everywhere, he couldn't seem to figure out what was going on. "Y..You!" He said through the agony, holding his skull. "Wh...what have you done...T..To me?!" A dark spirit loomed over the top of him, invisible to his eye. His soul almost being dragged from the borrowed body, he cried out in pain, and soon, in an old Egyptian tongue.
She returned his gaze with a smile. "Of course I can help you, atem. I know everything about you." She told him, her gaze cool and comfident, sure she could help. Krystal's eyes narrowed, and she frowned a little, looking to Atem with a worried gaze. What was that mage up to? "Chaos. Stop. You're hurting him." She told the spirit, watching closely and surprised when he started to swear in Egyptian. She wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad sign. Krystal didn't know how the chaos mage felt, she simply saw him as a close friend, a brother. She had no clue of his feelings. It was almost rather sad. The chaos mage simply nodded, his body turning solid for a moment as walked away. "Stupid spiky haired pharaoh" he muttered under his breath as Krystal ran to Atem, trying to offer comfort. She stoked his hair. "Its okay, Atem. I made him stop." She told him soothingly, placing a gentle kiss to the top of his head. It was in an attempt to sooth the pain he had just felt.
The pharaoh Sat up in a daze and glanced to Krystal with one eye shut."th...thank you" he smiled, holding her close with his softened expressions. "i don't know what I saw...but...i saw you...and I saw a wedding ritual..." he blushed, but still acted cold. "Was that...Magician of Black Chaos?" his breath was warm, a confused look, then I moment of realization hit him. I...Isis? the awe in his eyes turned to tears as he embraced Krystal tightly.
Krystal smiled. "You're welcome, atem." She told him smiling softly, and pulling him just a little closer to her. Her eyes widened slightly when she heard that he had seen their wedding. "Yes. That was chaos. Probably to lazy to wait for you to remember. He's always looking out like that." She added, stroking his hair softly. She was startled when he trapped her in a hug, but she hugged him back. "Yes. Yes its me my Atem." She told him, cuddling into him. Her name from his lips again was like a drug. She wiped away his tears, and kissed him softly. "My love, My Atem. You're back." She said softly, silently thanking chaos for his good deed. She had no idea he had dome it all for her. She still had no idea of his love for her.
"Atem..." he stared off. "i..I'm this atem you speak of?" he stood up and looked in the mirror. His eyes looking himself up and down. Finally, he turns back and smiles." and I'm a pharaoh? And you're my bride? From thousands of years ago?" he cracked a smile. "and this Is our first reunion In years? he blushed and approached her. His hand wrapped around her and pulled her in. His eyes gazing into hers.
Krystal smiled and nodded. "Yes. You are Atem. You were once my husband and a great and just pharaoh. Egypt prospered under your rule. You sacrificed yourself to save it from the evil chaos incarnation zorc who threatened to destroy the world. You saved us all." She told him softly, her smile widening slightly. She looked at him, her eyes showing love and slight pain. She was remembering the death of their son marik. He had been still born, died before he could live, and Atem had died shortly after. She killed herself to be with them. "Yes, this is our first meeting in 5 millennia, Atem. I've been continuously reborn for all that time, dreaming you were still here. Now you are, my spiky haired Egyptian god." She told him softly, kissing him and pushing him down on the bed, throwing off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt feverently. "Now, let's have some fun, shall we, mi'love?" She asked with a smirk, kissing his now exposed chest.
Unexpectedly thrown onto the bed, he gets a chill from the cold, seafaring air touching his exposed chest. A warm breath caresses it as he tries to find his words. He eventually found himself pulling at her shirt for a long, meaningful kiss. He then pressed his hand against her chest with a firm squeeze and began to slowly grope her. Everything began to come back to him. His wedding, their vows, the events, the still birth, his sacrifice...He slowed down and just held his wife tightly. "I...Isis...Our...Our son..." He began to cry and held her close. "H...Has he transcended as well? H...Has he grown over the years?"
She let out a soft moan as he groped her breast, and kissed him back with a passion of 5 millenia without him. She couldn't believe it. She was in his arms again. Krystal looked at him sadly, tears brimming from her glacial blue eyes. "Marik... hasn't been born again yet. I believe that he needs to be conceived by us to be reborn." She told him, slight hope in her sad eyes. To be able to have her little marik again would be the best thing in the world, particularly because she would have Atem again as well. "I love you, Atem. More than anything." She whispered in his ear, kissing away his tears as she cuddled close to him.
The pharaoh thought about it and then sighed. "will this boy's body work as a catalyst?" He felt bad, using the boy's body, but what other way did he have? He held her close and smiled. "Sh...Shall we try?" He kissed her forehead, feeling alive and full of playful energy.
"Its possible, since I'm pretty sure yugi is your reincarnation, meant to have the puzzle. But.... I can temporarily given you your own body. Something Anubis taught me many years ago." She said with a small smirk, thinking about having sex with him. She had missed it over this long years, and he was offering. She waited for an answer, her mind wandering to marik, and she blacked out temporarily.

A young boy stood next to her and hugged her, his red eyes and spiky hair making it unmistakably Marik. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! He has to be separate! Uncle nubi told me so!" He said in an excited tone, pushing her to the floor in a hug. He knew he'd be with her as soon as his parent consummated, not that he understood quite what that meant. Krystal awoke with a start, taking a breath. "Atem... marik... he told me... I've gotta use the magic. This might hurt a little. Sorry. " she told him quickly, muttering something in Egyptian as an exact copy of Atem appeared. "Soul extract, soul temporary magic!" She yelled, watching as the clone and the puzzle glowed, and yugi landed passed out on the floor. "Once again, sorry. It does hurt." She said, wondering if it had worked.
Staring at the unconscious boy on the floor, he rested smiled and looked to his bride, then back to the boy. Lifting him, he walked out. Within a matter of moments, he walks back in. "Sorry, I was...delivering him to...OUR friends.." He then embraced his bride and kissed her once, then pushed her back on the bed with one swift motion. Realizing that his shirt was still unbuttoned on the boy, he looked down to see that his was as well. His eyes glowed with passion and an interesting attitude. "Isis, let's bring on our son. If not for me or you, but for our little boy, our Marik."

As he kissed her, he smiled and rolled to the bottom. His eyes shined as he stared up " always used to do this because you wanted to be in charge of the Pharaoh when we first started to court?" He grinned against his normal nature, though happy. He kissed her, holding her sides, then up to her bust. Slowly he slides his hands up her shirt and rubs her breasts bare, fondling her nipples. As he lifts her shirt, he gets a look at them, then sees a repeated scene from their first life. Isis' dark, tanned skin with softened pale skin from tan lines. He smiled widely and slid down to kiss her chest and suck on her nipples. On his way down, he kisses Krystal's neck and works his way down.
Krystal smiled as he came back in. "Its alright love. I don't mind." She said, walking closer to him. She savored the kiss he gave her and deepened it, startled when she was thrust unto the bed. She smirked. Was he trying to be Dom today? That was what it seemed like, and she found it insanely hot. "Yes mi'love. Let's give our little marik life again." She agreed, kissing him hard again and smirking as he flipped them.

"Apparently not" she thought to herself with a smirk as she kissed down his chest, er smirk widening. "Oh, of course I remember, my pharaoh. " she said with a moan, pulling off his shirt and hers completely, then going for his pants, stripping him completely naked. "I want you to take off my pants and underwater too, my Atem." She told him, kissing him passionately, as she ran her slender pale fingers up and down his shaft, trying to make him as hard as possible. She wanted marik back so badly.
Feeling her hands rub up and down her shaft, he gasped and moaned, his hands roaming up to her hips, then pulling down her pants and panties in one movement. His eyes lustful as his member was rock hard in Krystal's hand. He pulled her into a kill and thought to himself about the way he's physical without needing Yugi to help him out. He didn't care, but he was happy either way. He began to slide his fingers along his wife's pussy. He waited for her to get excited. "I take ti it's been 5 millennia as well for you?" He smiled sweetly, expecting his wife to confirm.
Krystal smirked at the feel of his rock hard cock in her hand. "Someone's happy to see me." She commented, kissing him back feverently. She moaned as he slid his fingers up and down her pussy. His name fell from her lips in a lustful purr, and she kissed him again before trailing down to his shaft. "I can't say I was a virgin in every life I've lived since us, but in this one, I definitely am. I had a feeling you might show up, so I saved myself just for my spiky haired Egyptian god." She said with a smirk, kissing up his shaft before engulfing it in her warm and waiting mouth.
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