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[futa dom/sub] Monstrous Lust

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May 25, 2014
Only interested in Threads or PMs!

This is my first request thread, so I apologize if it reads a little clunky. I'm going to try and be as direct as possible. Mainly I'm interested in higher/medieval fantasy or scifi fantasy settings. I can be persuaded to go for modern settings but with the characters I have an itch to play lately they don't typically lend themselves to real world scenarios. There should always be some sort mythical, supernatural, or otherworldly element going on to maintain my interest regardless of smut levels. To be honest, I'm very new to sexual roleplaying but I'm a very experienced writer and character creator otherwise.

I generally like to establish some sort of setting and starting scenario before we begin. I don't mind if you would like our characters to have just met or have a prior relationship, whatever works for the situation. Mainly I'm going to be offering character description and then you can PM me or post here if any of them interest you! I am only interested in RPing over threads or PMs, so please do not ask me for messenger information or off site contact.

If you have an idea that you want to run by me, please do. I am not only looking for kink based roleplays and in fact am more used to running on an 80% plot 20% erotic based format, if it shows up at all. However, some characters are more suited to sexual situations. I'm fine with any percentage between story/sex so long as it isn't 100% sex. I'm used to doing 100% story but since this is one of the few writing sites that allows such, I think it would be a little silly to only do 100% story also. Preference toward 80% sex 20% story or 60% sex 40% story. I am also able to cobble characters from scratch fairly easily, given I have enough information on the world and scenario. I'm not afraid to try new things, but please respect me if I decline -- it's nothing personal.


Name: Stryx
Gender: Intersex/Hermaphrodite/Futa
Pronouns: They/them (they do not mind being called 'he' or 'she', but never 'it')
Age: Unaging/semi-immortal (roughly in the first set of hundred, physically appears 18)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Striga; in their case, a type of owl-like witch
Class: Wanderer/Freelancer
Occupation: Mercenary/Smuggler/Willing to take almost any job
Genre: Fantasy
Appearance: Stryx is slight of body, built for agility and flight. Their body shape is reminiscent of a harpy, with feathers in place of hair, wings upon their arms, and talons for feet. They have double jointed knees as a result. Their wings are tipped at the main joint with rough, talon-like hands with perfectly dextrous humanoid fingers. Their feathers are white mottled with black and brown speckles and cover 40% of their body, from their head, wings, legs beneath the knee, fluff about their neck and backs of their shoulders, a line down their spine to an owlish tail, and even their pubic mound. They are intersex, owning both a penis (at 4in fully erect) and a vagina. Stryx's skin is a deep mocha, they have small pointed elf-like ears, and their body is lithe and androgynous with a flat masculine chest. From a glance, they could either be seen as a boyish girl or a twink. Their facial features lean slightly more toward the feminine, despite their small pointed teeth and slightly elongated tongue. Stryx has very expressive eyes with bright yellow irises that glow in the dark against their black sclera. When angered or hunting, their pupils become slits. Their "hair" is cropped short on top with loose hanging bangs. Most notable are the larger feathers that hang in front of their ears, almost like sideburns, and reach down to their shoulders.

Personality: This one is far from morally upstanding. They bribe and swindle, steal and cheat, encourage less than legal acts, and are generally willing to do anything that will suit or please them. However, they will never intentionally cause harm to another living thing and will do their utmost to avoid endangering anyone's life, even at cost to themself. Stryx is a runaway with mountains of guilt and persecution upon their shoulders that they try and forget at every turn. They hide all of this behind a visage of well adjusted dark humor and curious smiles. Stryx is an actor in life, and is always on the move, meaning no one truly knows the real Stryx -- and unfortunately, the same is true of Stryx themself. Are they truly the shy and gentle flirt enticing you to buy them a beer, or are they the merciless dominator with only one thing on their mind? They are deceptively cunning and an enigma with many masks, all pieces to a puzzle that may never be complete. Over all, Stryx is a lonely soul that wants affection, companionship, and to avoid persecution. They are hedonistic by nature and seek pleasure in as many forms as they can get, in as many arms as they can persuade. Genuine love and care are foreign to them and they will latch on with a vice grip, even as they try to deny it.

Description: Stryx is a member of the striga species, a type of witch known in folklore to transform into a screech owl at night and feed on the blood and organs of infants. In Stryx's particular case, the striga of their coven resembled harpies, practiced black magic, were nocturnal, and fedd on the flesh, blood, and organs of any humanoid species. Their alternative food source is vaguely referred to as "vitality"; this is directly interpreted as a life force, which in Stryx's case happens to be sexual energy. In essence, Stryx can stay alive indefinitely so long as they have a lot of regular intercourse. This does not feed as well as directly ingesting lifeblood, which means feeding needs to happen more regularly than with the main source. As a result, Stryx's libido is exceptionally high and their body is built to withstand a great deal of it. Should Stryx become "hungry", their natural lubricants and saliva become an aphrodisiac; the hungrier Stryx is, the stronger they become. Alternatively, it is possible for Stryx to enter a rage state of hunger if around large amounts of blood. This event is greatly distressing for Stryx, as they do not want to cause anyone harm and most certainly do not want to feed on their flesh. When in this state, it is advised to run, go on the defensive, or attempt to seduce Stryx; remember that this is merely a response to hunger and sex is a meal.

Bio: Depending on the roleplay, Stryx's origin story will differ so as not to break continuity. The general lowdown is that Stryx came from a large coven of striga, raised by their brethren in a community of dark magic and debauchery. Aside from Stryx's own body and gender setting them apart, as most striga are female in mind and body, they developed a distaste for their species' main food source. After many years and whole villages slaughtered to slake their hunger, Stryx pulled away from their home and the only family they'd ever known. They no longer wished to hurt or kill, and instead seeped themselves in their species' alternative food source. Since then, they've merely been surviving. Their lifestyle is no less hedonistic than with their original coven, however it is far less likely for them to kill anyone.

- Flight
- Black magic
- Increased strength & speed (rage state)
- Piercing shriek
- Aphrodisiac bodily fluids (when hungry)
- Resistance to pain and injury (when fed)
- Healing factor (when fed)

Quick Summary: Stryx is a vague succubus type of creature in the shape of a harpy; they survive off of sexual energy. They have a penis and a vagina with exceedingly small breasts and are built more like a femboy than a traditional herm or futa. They are a monster with exceedingly gray morals and enjoy treading the non-consensual line so long as the other party begins to enjoy it eventually. Corruption is something Stryx has some experience with, as well as adopting extremely submissive partners as "pets". They naturally produce aphrodisiacs in their bodily fluids, which can have addicting effects in high enough doses. Stryx has an assortment of black magic spells that can lead to various smutty situations, particularly transformation/alterations to their partner. They are hedonistic in all ways and will not hesitate to have a romp any time, anywhere, with one, two, three, or more partners all at once. They are perfectly fine bedding either gender and any species. Their favorite thing is to have all of their holes filled at once, and greatly enjoy the use of tentacles. They are something of an actor and can be submissive or dominant, even switching quickly between the two depending on what roles are needed. It's always consensual with Stryx, as they are always desiring more pleasure -- without sex, they would die.

I'll be adding more characters as I go, but for now this is it!
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