Totally Fucked (Simple + Mellow)


Sep 28, 2013
It was one of those kind of days at Beverly Hills High, the kind of day that for once was devoid of chaos and weirdness. This whole town served as a magnet for trouble, due in no small part to three teenage spies who always found their way into trouble. Still, nobody was complaining today. Occasions like these were all too rare, so why try to find fault with them?

In one of the women's bathrooms of the high school, a pair of attractive female figures found themselves looking into different mirrors, using their reflections for guidance as they applied their make up.

"I had a date last night," came the unmistakable nasally tone of Mandy, the raven haired girl who always found a way to vex the trio of spies.

"Oh yeah? How was she?" came the brunette's response.

"Totally lame..." Mandy said with a small roll of her eyes. "I teased her for about an hour straight until she was soaking, and I had her totally begging for it. So I took the strap-on and used it to fuck her brains out, but I was left bored after. I need to get better ladies to fuck," she added with a small sigh and exasperated roll of her eyes.
Redhead Samantha Simpson, one of the aforementioned teenage spies, was in the. farthest stall from the two. She stayed hidden in the stall until the two had left and came out, clearly curious about what was discussed among the two popular girls. She washed her hands, shook them once and combed her long ginger locks with those same wet hands.Now my curiosity is peaked; what's. the big deal about girl on girl sex? A strap-on? I think I want to experiment with this.
Right after school, Sam found herself a quiet, out of the way place and opened up her laptop to place an ad. in the personals, it read:
Redhead looking to experience her first girl, very curious and open-minded about almost anything an experienced woman could show her about being lesbian. Serious and experienced girls only, please, as it makes no sense for two inexperienced girls trying, yet not knowing what we're doing. Text me, and we'll set up a meeting.
The number Sam left, was not the regular cell phone, it was the one the girl spy usually used for experiments, of which this qualified. Sam wondered, as she pressed SEND, if she would be the new gossip fodder. as this les-curious redhead. Since there were plenty of 'reds' in the school, she wasn't concerned. She just had no idea who would be answering her ad!
Whenever she got bored, which was exceptionally often for the vapid rich girl, Mandy would peruse the want ads in a curious attempt to find something else to fill her attention. In this part of town there was always someone looking for casual, no-strings-attached sex, so she was certain something would catch her eye. She came to a halt , stopping scrolling on her phone when she spotted an ad set by some inexperienced redhead looking to try lesbian sex for the first time. Mandy bit her lip. First-timers always were the most fun to break to her will...

Mandy quickly typed down the number provided as she walked into the lobby of the four-star hotel owned by her family (one of many). 'Hey Red. I'm pretty experienced at this stuff, so swing by the Alton Heights hotel at 9 PM sharp. Ask the receptionist for a key to M's Penthouse. I'll be waiting for you there," Mandy texted, before giving a nasally laugh and stepping into a private golden elevator.
Clover was almost always looking to poke fun at something, and perused the personals, just to crack jokes. She ran across Sam's ad and laughed. "Hey, guys, check out this ad! This 'redhead' must be totally desperate!"
"Lemme look." Alex huffed, butting into Clover's space, just as Sam's experiment text phone went off with Mandy's message.[
"Girls, honestly, I don't think people make personals so they can be teased by others who don't understand. Clover, for shame, you and Mandy make. an interesting couple." Sam scolded her.
Alex looked at Sam as she checked her text. The ginger spy nodded to herself and went to her room. "I'm leaving for a while. Think about what I said, you could be teasing a classmate for all you know." She then dressed in a casual 'u'shaped strapped green long dress and her favorite strappy six inch heeled tan sandals.
.Clover proceeded to stick her tongue out at Sam before she changed clothes. When she returned, Clover asked, "What are you off to?"
Sighing, Sam commented, "If you must know, Miss Nosy, I'm off to check on an experiment."
Alex giggled as Clover frowned. "Guess she told you, misno-sea!"
Sam arrived at the destination at 8:55, her hair done up in a bun and wearing a pair of glasses. She always prided herself on being punctual. Her mouth and eyes opened wide when she saw who had answered her ad. "Oh em to the gee! YOU?!" To herself, Sam thought, I am totally fucked! I'll never live this down! Curious is as curious does. Still going through with this.[/color]
Mandy had been halfway surprised to see a rather familiar form entering the large hotel penthouse, the nerdy one of those three pains in her ass. Yeah, Sam always stuck out like a sore thumb- she was hot and all, but her brainiac trappings and holier-than-thou tendencies would give her away for miles off. "Ha! I always knew you wanted to be a dyke," Mandy said in her mocking nasally voice "Might as well come in before you let all the heat out.

The room was large, exceptionally so, with a pair of queen-sized white beds, a pasma screen TV, an ensuite bathroom and a long row of windows that looked out on the city below. Mandy reached to the ice bucket before her, taking out a bottle of champagne and popping the cork off, filling up two glasses from the foaming frothing neck. "Grab a drink Red. Something to take the edge off," the haughty girl remarked.
Always the trooper and polite, even when it came to Mandy, Sam set her tiny purse down and walked over to the raven-haired girl. "Thank you, Mandy, don't mind if I do." She sat down on the couch next to her, and said, "Uhh, FYI, I may be unsure of my preference, but I don't care very much for that word. And with you being a lesbian, I'm actually a little shocked to hear you say it." Sam had seriously winced, when Mandy had said 'dyke'. To Sam it was an insult, and she wasn't even sure about her sexual feelings. She took a sip of the bubbly liquid and set it down. "What is it exactly done between two girls anywho?" It wasn't that Sam was impatient, she had questions, although one would normally tell at this point, Sam didn't expect Mandy to be satisfied with telling. Especially since Sam had committed herself to go through with the experience despite the meanest girl in school being the one who answered the ad.
"It's not an insult if the word is... ugh what's it called? Reclaimed? You know, kinda like how the 'n' word gets used now," Mandy said with a dismissive shrug of her slim shoulders. It was a nonpoint now. The raven haired girl took a small sip of champagne, savouring the bubbling icy cold liquid, a little something else to get her motor running. "If I sat here and explained everything two girls could do, then we'd be sitting her all week. Besides, you seem more like a hands-on learner," Mandy explained in her usual tone. A cocky smirk stretched along her full purple lips, before she leaned in and claimed Sam's lips in a soft kiss, relatively chaste for the time being.

Sam seemed like the biggest prude in the world, so Mandy would have to take her time with this.
Sam wasn't surprised when Mandy explained how lesbians could call each other that and it not be an insult. "I do intend to bmmphh...?" Sam was caught off guard by the suddenness of the kiss. When Mandy pulled back, Sam's face was bright red, yet she had a crooked little smile on her face. "Ummm, okay." she managed. Although, she knew she already liked the kiss more than a boy's, she wasn't going to let Mandy have the luxury of knowing that, just yet. She calmly took a sip of the champaign, thinking, I better act cool...I'm going to be her latest conquest as is, no sense in rushing into this. Sheleaned back in the couch, champaign glass in hand, and said jokingly. "Well, I did come here to learn..."
"Oh is that all this is? I thought you were totally coming out of the closet," Mandy said simply. There had been some rumors floating around the school about the three of them- the three attractive girls who seemed to hang out 24/7. How could the rumor mill not latch onto that? Her head leaned in, and the spoiled and snooty girl let her skilled lips trail up along the right hand side of Sam's pale neck. Her dexterous digits had moved along onto Sam's thigh, and Mandy gave a few very gentle grips onto the slightly toned flesh. Sam was in great shape, and even Mandy was surprised slightly.

It would be trivial for Sam to kick her ass... but if Mandy could get someone as sturdy and athletic as this screaming for her... well it would be quite a feat on her end.
Sam's face turned redder by the minute, but she shook her head, as she felt for a place to set down the glass."H-how can I c-come out...when...ooh that feels good...when I'm n-not sure?" Sam asked, closing her eyes. As Mandy continued to kiss her, Sam bared her more and more of her neck. She trepidly brought up her right arm to put it gently on Mandy's side and placed her left hand on Mandy's other one to feel what her hand and finger muscles were doing as they caused her well toned thigh muscles to flinch slightly at the touch. Finally, after a few more minutes of this, Sam sighed, giving away the secret she held for only about five minutes. "I'm thinking I like this a whole hellova lot more than kissing boys."
"Ha... well this isn't the first time I've heard that," she replied, smirking cockily. From where she sat, she could see the few traces of lipstick she had planted along Sam's pale neck, a nice little mark that proudly proclaimed 'Mandy Was Here.' Mandy slowly pulled up the hem of Sam's dress, now fondling at her inner thigh and coming dangerously, teasingly close to stroking at Sam's pussy. And then in a swift motion she pulled back, a smirk on her pretty face. "It's fun watching you squirm, but I wanna get more comfortable," the dark haired girl said casually. She reached her hands over to her own chest, slowly pulling her purple tube top over her head to reveal her own large breasts and general lack of a bra.
Sam suddenly felt a huge lump in her throat as her eyes widened, watching Mandy remove her top. Sam was busy trying to feel out the sensations and emotions, that all she heard was "get...comfortable"
"Well, I-I'm not Clover, but..." Sam said with a gulp. She slowly stood up, and said, "IF get comfortable to a lesbian means to strip... I'm game. Sam was slow losing her clothing, although she wasn't wearing hose. Not fully comprehending most kinks had newbies like her naked except for her heels, she left her six inch strapped sandals on, while standing before her naked, hands over her womanhood and blushing.
The raven haired young woman was seated naked with her firm rear on the sofa, eyes roaming over what Sam was willing to display. "You always were the hottest of the three. I bet Clover is always jealous as fuck that she can't look as good as you," Mandy said, flicking her hair back. She rose up fully and led Sam to the bed, beckoning for the redhead to lay down flat on her back before reaching for her nearby bag and plucking out a pink, remote-controlled vibrating egg. "I'm gonna play you like a violin and make you beg for it... move your hands," she said, glancing to the hands over Sam's pussy.
Sam meekly did as told, laying flat after moving her hands, with a gulp as she watched Mandy pull out the egg. She wasn't going to say anything, although she knew she was going to lose her virginity. She took a deep breath and tried her best to relax, her toned thighs closed and trembling as she clinched the bedsheets in clumps with her hands. She cleared her mind of thoughts to help enhance her scientific interest. She secretly hoped it wouldn't hurt that much.
Surprisingly, Mandy didn't actually push the little pink egg inside Sam's pussy. Rather, she took a thin film of tape out of her bag and used that to stick the vibrator egg to Sam's clitoris, keeping it pinned down to her engorged little nub. Then with a wicked smirk on her face she turned it on, keeping it on low vibrating power for the time being. While Sam felt the first kick of pleasure his her body, Mandy slowly and carefully took out a small pink dildo, giving her redheaded prey a wicked smirk before she leaned in, the head of the fake phallus rubbing against her slick netherlips.
Sam's eyes widened and she let out a little gasp. of "OMG...Ohh, Man-dee... Mmm, You treat ALL virgins }gasp{ like this? Ohh, I'm sooo totally fucked!" As she felt the toy separating her netherlips, she whimpered, pushing herself into the toy, which in turn, pushed it slightly in. "Ohh, stop teasing, what're you waiting for?"
Mandy smirked a little, well aware that she had the normally prissy prude quivering for her after only a few seconds. "Simple.I'm gonna make you beg for it," she said in a tone that was halfway between a purr and a growl. "See, I get off on having power over others. Sex is fun, but it's mind-blowing for me if I can break a slut down into doing anything I want," the dark-haired girl explained. She smirked and continued to very slowly pump the dildo back and forth, looking Sam dead in the eye. "So, if you want to get fucked properly, then you're going to beg your mistress for a proper fucking..."
Sam whimpered as she heard Mandy's words. Part of her wanted to call the whole thing off, Mistress, indeed! Who the hell does she think she is? Then her eyes rolled back from the sheer pleasure of the egg, and dildo. Mandy had little miss curious stuck-up, and little miss curious stuck-up knew it. "Yes, please, Mandy, take my virtue!"
The purple-haired girl smirked when she got another howl out of the redhead, the feeling of control sending a great rush through her body and mind. Nothing was better than making someone physically stronger submit to her. "Ah ah ah," Mandy chastized, giving a small twist of the dildo to send a mixing jolt of both pleasure and pain racing up her body. "That's 'Mistress Mandy' to you," she said firmly, and it was clear she wasn't going further if Sam didn't acknowledge as much.
With a whimper as she received the jolt, Sam's body trembled as her lower lip quivered. She wanted it, but did she want it that badly? Yes. Sam closed her eyes, not believing she was going to sink to what Mandy wanted! "Fine. Yes. Please, Mistress Mandy...take my virtue." Mandy would have to settle, Sam wasn't going to degrade herself farther without sexual relief herself.
"Weeeeeellll.... close enough," the dark-haired girl teased. She smirked as she admired the juices flowing and staining along her pussy, making Sam's thighs glisten in the light. Mandy gave a firm push of her hand, the pointed head of the dildo forcing deeper and deeper into her soaked depths. And it was in that moment that the domineering and snobbish young woman claimed Sam's virginity for herself, the base of her palm grinding into the redhead's clit.
Sam's hands clinched into fists as her eyes closed tightly and her face showed the grimace of a young woman who had just felt her hymen tear and the walls of her canal contracted against a foreign stiff object. And there's Mandy leaning over her with that damned obnoxious grin. Sam decided to stop focusing on who was doing her, and instead, on what she was doing. "OMG, Mandy, why the torment? You know I want this..." Mandy's palm was a poor substitution for the egg...or she wasn't trying, and forcing Sam to beg for the sex. Little beads of sweat began to appear on her brow, as she pushed her hips up against toy and palm.
"I find they cum much harder if you drag the orgasm out of them," Mandy boasted, jerking the dildo back and forth with swift pulls of her hand and sending juices spurting onto the duvet with each jerking motion. She hummed to herself and then lifted the vibrating egg back up, pressing it against Sam's clit with her other hand. "Now... let it all out.... this is only the appetizer Red. Your mistress is going to fuck you properly after this..." she purred.
Sam was actually getting more and more into the sexual experience she was having, going so far as to even beg to be kissed. Now that the egg returned to her clit, Sam was in a much more energetic mood, calling out Mandy's name every once in a while. This went on for a good ten minutes, until Sam, in a moment of sexual high and emotional weakness said, without realizing it until the words were out, "Fuck, Mandy, yes! I'll set Alex up for you to nail on the next school day! So says your ever-lovin' pet! You're fantastic, and need to be shared, Mistress!"
Sam gasped as she climaxed, creating a little puddle of her juices soaking into the sheets. Her eyes widened as she realized that she just promised Mandy she could fuck Alex...somewhere in the school, on Monday! Oh God...I hope she didn't audio tape that! As good as that first felt, with more to come, I can't trick Alex into sex with Mandy! Knowing Mandy? That girl probably had with the intentions of getting off on Sam's squeals of pleasure, later, even though Sam would most likely be pleasuring Mandy.
"Oh?" Mandy asked, raising one eyebrow. Now that had come as a surprise, but she could hardly turn the offer down. That dark-skinned ditz was pretty hot, and she was the only one of the three that Mandy had no real grudge with. Luckily she made sure to tape all her sexual encounters for her own later amusement, just in case Sam wanted to weasel out of this. "Well I'll hold you to that my pet," she growled in her nasally, yet powerful tone. She leaned in and nibbled the pale flesh of Sam's neck and then amped the power of the egg up by another two notches on the remote.
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