The Apple Families Flim Flam. (Vampire, and Malin)

Granny Smith hobbled out. "Hold on there! Applejack I did this so he'd have a chance to tell us the truth. Con artists never do it unless they think they can gain something." She said as she walked by Applejack's pitchfork and walked up to Flim looking at him closely. In silence she turned to Flam who looked pissed. This time she was making the decision. "Boys you're both going to stay. When we sell the Apple Cider you will get your cut, this families share goes right back into the farm. Applejack doesn't get the final say she's young like you Flim!" The old mare laughed as Applejack looked away from the green mare.

"Though Flim you'll be in charge of Flam despite him being older than you. In the end you both will answer to Applejack and Big Mac. I'm to old to handle this bickering." She ran her hand on her lower back to force herself to stand up straighter. "Today we're not in the fields but in the barn sorting apples. Come on!" She reached back grabbing Applejack's ear as Big Mac turned opening the large barn door. Granny Smith came to their rescue. "Oh! After the Cider season you two have a few choices. I want you to think it over very clearly: You both can stay here with no scheming just hard work it'll take time to get you your bits. One works here at the barns while the other works in the Orchids. Or one works here while the other works in town with the other Ponies if you proven yourselves you can put that silver tongue to work for us."

Granny Smith Apple sat in her rocker as she shifted through the apples. Applebloom hauled the bad apples out as Big Mac sliced them up. The bad spots were thrown into a bucket for the cows to have. The good sliced apples were going to be used for apple base products like Apple crisps, Apple tarts, preserved apples, apple pie and so on and so forth. Applejack had a large bucket in front of her as she thought about what Granny Smith said and looked to the FlimFlam brothers. "Well? Come on! You're not going to earn much if you're standing out there." Flim impressed her by punching his own brother out and it wasn't planned either. She seen staged fights and none came close to that.
There was some enjoyment to both Flim and Flam as they watched applejack pulled into the barn by one of her ears. The situation with the pitch fork was certainly not lost on the two brothers, and for a moment Flim had too feel at least more then a little grateful for the old mare's help. Granny had just ended up saving them, though her words were more then a little stinging, in a way it was a truth though, Flim had offered up the truth just too see if they would actually believe him, and sure enough they had.

Even as Flim went back to work with Granny smith he could feel not just Flam's eyes on him but also applejacks. Flam on the other hand went to help big mack using his magic to maneuver a knife as he sliced at the bad apples. Neither one spoke for the rest of the time that work was on the table. Both had their minds set on two very different things. Flam was focused on his cheek, a sizable bruise slowly forming on the side of his face, and the Stallion that had given it to him, Flim on the other hand just wanted to work to try and earn his keep. Neither were very happy at the moment, but sibling fights happened like that.

For the moment keeping the two brothers separate seemed a very desirable thing to to do. Flam's anger at the situation clearly wasn't going to subside, and when it came too shift over to dinner, Flim was the first pony to offer his assistance in cooking the meals. In all honesty he wasn't the best cook, but he was willing to learn, and walking off with granny the two quickly got the much smaller, and more simple dinner ready for the rest of them to eat after a days work. Once again the apple family seemed to be ahead of schedule thanks in part to the work of the two brothers.

Sitting down at the dinner table the harsh glares between Flim and Flam continued, clearly the events of today had shown some discord between the two brothers. However Flim let out a long sigh. "So what are we doing for the rest of the day?" Work was done, and that usually meant the two had the chance to relax, he remembered that there had been mention of a party yesterday, however what flim really wanted was to swim, and cool off, he had just run afowl of both the strongest mare he knew, and his own brother. He wanted to try and sneak away from both of them.
Applejack had noticed the bruise forming on Flam's cheek and it tugged at her heart abit. So during dinner she got up when Flim asked about the rest of the day since they were done. Granny Smith smiled as she spoke. "We relax. You boys had done enough today and I imagine Applejack will be here cooking with Applebloom or out helping the set up for the party that's happening this weekend. The day after tomorrow." She said in case the boys lost tracks of time.

Applejack walked out with a bag of ice and moved between the brothers. "Here Flam." She spoke softly as she handed him the ice bag. "I would have done the same for anyone." She looked to Flim showing the punch and the ice treatment would have gone to just about anyone. "I hope you two don't mind but I moved your beds onto the hay pile. Bit softer than the solid ground and also theres something for the two of you." She said as she took their empty dishes up then walked away with her hips swaying slightly.

Applebloom followed as Granny Smith followed to get to cooking while Big Mac left the brothers to fight or do whatever. He walked outside and kinda disappeared to do the heavy set up for the last day of summer party.
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