The Apple Families Flim Flam. (Vampire, and Malin)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
Figgure ref

It had been a month or so since the incident with the Curative tonic, and Flim and Flam had nothing to show for it anymore except for bottles upon bottles of apple&beat juice. There was nothing more the two brothers hated right now then the fact that they had failed yet again thanks to an orange colored farm pony.

It was a rather warm summer night as they walked up to the barn door. The two salesmen looked pathetic. They were more or less wanted con men now, and had been kept out of most towns due to their conduct. When they had once introduced themselves as the legendary Flim Flam Brothers they were now just that, legendarily infamous. Knocking lightly on the door to the farm home the two brothers passed a quick look at one another and slowly removed their hats. Waiting for the Mare who had caused them all of this strife, and all of their problems.
Applejack was worn out as she sat there with her jeans hugging to her shapely legs as her flannel shirt was tied up under her breasts. Her long blonde hair was braided from her face but just as she was about to take her boots off she heard a faint knock. Big Mac was in the storage barn so he wouldn't be knocking.

She reached the door to see the FlimFlam twins standing there looking like they were caught in a Dragon Migration. Smiling as she leaned against the half of the door with her breasts pushing up slightly. "Howdy, boys....What can I do you for?" She asked as her emerald eyes sparkled abit knowing they fucked up but yet why were they here. The twins tried to destroy her family's farm on several occasions.

"Applejack who is it?" Applebloom stepped out from the kitchen in her shorts and simple shirt.

"Nothing you should worry about, Sugar Cube." She called to her little sister then looked back at the twins. Slowly she stepped out and shut the door behind her. "What do you two want?"
Flim and Flam glanced at one another when Applejack answered the door, In truth this is exactly what they wanted, an audiance with the farm mare, and they lightly stepped back. bowing their heads. Flam brushed a hand under his mustache giving the mare an honest looking glance. "me and my brother wanted to come here because well" He scratched the back of his head avoiding eye contact as he acted embarrassed.

Flim lightly threw himself at the orange mare's feet, his knees sinking to the ground as he looked up at her with large green eyes. "We've seen the errors of our way's, and want to turn over a new leaf." He did his best to take in the scene as he cupped his hands together over his hat, and looked around. The two of them had always been top notch salesmen, but this was a little different.

"We lost everything with the tonic, not a single person will buy anything from us. posters are everywhere we can't even show our faces in most towns." Flim had to stop himself from saying that it was all her fault. He hated the fact that they had become like this, but passing a torch of blame wasn't going to fix their situation. Rather it was the opposite they needed to sell.

"We want help, to get back on your feet. so we can try too live an honest life." Flam interjected stepping forward and giving a small bow.
She stood there listening to them and suddenly the massive stallion approached from behind. "Heard everythin' Big Mac?"

"Yup." The red stallion glared at the two unicorns who were on their knees before his little sister. Though he walked around them and slipped inside.

Applejack on the other hand was debating as she knew if somepony was in need of help they wouldn't say they wanted help, they said they needed help. Sighing as she placed her hands on her hips. "You want help? Why come to me since Princess Twilight may be able to help you two out." She knew of those posters they put up around the towns. That image was for her family's Cider and she trusted the twins and they turned it around for their Tonic.
"We aren't exactly welcome in Ponyville at the moment, and royalty is something we would rather avoid." Flim said getting to his feet, the two of them looking rather dejected. They had enough arrogance in them that they didn't want to admit that they truly needed help, and they were hardly willing to accept the facts as they were being handed to them. That and there was a part of the two that wanted to believe they could get back to their old tricks, they just needed to convince the apples that they were worth a chance.

"The fact is well you are really the only pony aside from ourselves we can trust at the moment." Flam bit his lower lip both of them looked rather beaten and bruised, a small side effect of a run in they had with a mob of angry ponies who wanted their money back for false promises. Any one else they went too had a chance of throwing them in some prison for the actions they committed, or handing them over to the equestrian guard.

"We are only asking for a bit of work." Flim once again speaking up. "We promise to pull our weight." He said lightly, taking another glance towards his brother, and then a nervous glance towards Applejack. Swallowing lightly as his mouth felt slightly dry. They knew the kind of reputation they carried at the moment, and while they had harmed Applejack in the past the two of them couldn't help but feel a small connection considering they had worked with the farm pony twice now.
(Sorry I can't do Farmer's speak, lol.)

"Against my better judgment...I'm giving you a chance. BUT!" She raised her voice with her ears laying back. "You two proved to be nothing but trouble in the past and I expect you to correct it. You can use your magic to help harvest but whatever money you make from us goes to those you stole from." She stated what she planned and expected from them.

"Theres blankets out in the barn over there." She pointed to the other barn where the wagons were. "You two will sleep there, get up when we do and eat with us. You miss supper...To bad. Do you two understand me?"
(Don't worry I can't do it all that well either)

The two brothers shot a wry glance at one another. The thought of loosing out on yet more money was disheartening, but at the same time there were ways around that fact. For now they were getting room and board free of charge, and a chance to rebuild their reputation. It was a worth while trade, and not one either brother was going to let up. Especially since they were getting a chance to show up the apple family again. "Of course." They said lightly bowing towards Applejack before turning to leave for the barn.

Flim turned back as they walked placing his hat back on his head. "We promise you won't regret this decision." walking into the barn door, they shrugged, they had worked with worse conditions then those. They would be back on their feet before long, that was true enough. The hardest part of this arrangement would be keeping applejack off their tails while they found a way to take their revenge on her and her farm. From their the night passed on, quickly enough and the sun rose, along with the cawing of a rooster. Flim, and Flam were not exactly farm folk anymore. They had worked land a long time ago, but neither were exactly early risers.

they both slowly crawled out of bed their backs aching as they moved out of the farm, and into the very earliest of morning daylights. Neither seemed all that eager or ready to work.
(I saw bit of the Tonic episode. So sorry if I mixed it up.)

Applejack watched the two then muttered softly that she is starting to regret letting the two work here. She went inside and locked the doors while she made sure the house was locked down then turned in. She and the others were up at the crack of dawn, even Granny Smith.

Big Mac walked over to the barn seeing the two slowly moving out of the barn. "You get to picking with Applejack." He grunted as he grabbed the large wagon and pulled it out as Applebloom followed Applejack. The girls were in the orchid filling buckets up. Appleblood was in a simple baggy jeans and a shirt while Applejack was in cut off jean shorts and a white wife beater. Her hat was tilted back as she back kicked a flexible tree. The large plant shook as apples dropped with Applebloom picking them up as quick as she could.

Applejack noticed the twins and threw the wooden baskets to them. "Get to picking." Sure she didn't trust them but they wanted a chance to get back on their feet and she intended them to make things right before they ran off. Apple Cider season was coming up and they were pushing to get the apples done then the Zapple Jam.
The two brothers seemed to pass a small look between one another as BigMac told them that they would be working with Applejack first thing in the morning. It was still the crack of dawn the apple family couldn't have been up for all that long, so that left the question where was breakfast? certainly the apples didn't expect them to work on an empty stomach. They had a moment of doubt as it seemed that was in fact the case.

By the time they got to Applejack and were handed the baskets that was most certainly the case. The two unicorn brothers let out a sigh, neither one wanting to admit the truth that they were starving. Flim walked up towards Applejack looking at her green eyes, he let out a long sigh. "uhm, when is breakfast?" He asked lightly, hoping against hope that the apples hadn't already eaten in some way.

Flam on the other hand started to focus, putting his hunger as aside he focused on the one thing that they had which the apples didn't. And in a moment he managed to extend his telepathy to around half the apples in the tree. The brothers could move multiple items sure, but they were far from powerful in terms of magic. Mostly they were percision workers, moving hammer and nail or setting up some item for their next scam. Pulling apples off a tree and putting them all in baskets took an amount of strength that neither flim or flam really had. Still the mustached brother was able to put most of the apples from a single tree into one basket, wiping his brow slightly as he felt sweat around his forehead. It really had been a long time since they had worked on an orchard.
Applebloom raced after Flam and dragged the basket to the wagon with Applejack following with Flim's basket. The girls followed the twins dumping their baskets into the large wagon. Things seemed to go faster with unicorns helping while the girls dumped the baskets and Big Mac pulled the wagon.

Applejack didn't tell them about breakfast as they normally woke up then got to work. Applejack's ear perked up hearing a faint ringing. She raised her fingers up and whistled loudly. "LUNCH!!!"

Applebloom smiled as she ran with Big Mac who raced her then so called lost. Applejack walked by the wagon tossing the two apples to the twins. "I could hear your stomachs. I should have mentioned soon as we wake up we get to work but we Apples have a large lunch and a simple dinner." Her long tail flicked as she took her hat off with her long golden hair falling while she wiped the sweat off her forehead. "We intend to get back to work after lunch but after dinner you can relax."

After refreshing their memories she walked on ahead to their home to eat. A thought occurred to her that since they were so far ahead of schedule she could sneak off for a swim tonight. It was going to be a full moon so there would be plenty of light for her to get to the pond near the West side where the water's temperature was always perfect year around.
The work was hard going, and exhausting for the two con-men. They had never worked an honest day in their life, and yet here they were working for an orchard, taking apples off trees with magic and putting it in buckets. Hearing that there was no breakfast, and that they had too work through till lunch somehow only made them more hungry, and while the work was painful by the time they were called for lunch, Flim while exhausted had a rather satisfied smile on his face. Though both were covered in sweat.

"That could have certainly been mentioned." Flam said grumbling slightly as they walked towards the barn yard. Stretching the pain out of their bodies they walked into the room house. Flam felt like he was going to burn out doing all of this work, he was an older stallion then his brother. Using magic the way they were was certainly for more practiced unicorns then them, though in only a couple of weeks he was certain the two of them would be back on the road with some new act, they just needed to get back up and running.

"A large lunch sounds fine to me." Sure enough Flim could smell the food, his stomach letting out an even louder growl. He was anxious to be done work for the day, but hardly even focused on that, as he sat down at the table his green eyes went around the table. He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling an awkward tension. He could practically feel Big Mac glaring at him, along with granny smith judging the brothers. At some point they had ripped off every single person at this table, it wasn't surprising that there was some tension, and he rubbed the back of his neck grabbing some food. His eyes looking lightly towards Applejack.

"Thank you." Flim said. "We know this couldn't have been an easy choice for you." He said lightly, and as he took a bite of the food, he smiled. "This tastes... great." He said almost sounding surprised.
Applejack sat across from the men as Applebloom chowed down. Though she didn't say a word to the unicorns until Applebloom left. All that little filly knew was her family was helping the FlimFlam brothers out and to get them to repay back those they scammed. Once Applebloom left Applejack spoke up.

"No, it wasn't an easy choice nor do I think its a wise one either." Grannysmith was about to speak up but Applejack put her hand up. The old mare huffed then snorted abit. "I still think you're trying to scam us at this very moment. With what I don't know if you will be part of our Cider processing nor our Zapples processing season." She crossed her arms under her large ample breasts with her leaning forward abit on the table. Big Mac was growling basically while he chewed his sandwich but Applejack took charge on many things expect for Zapples. "Why do you think I'm working you to the point of dropping from exhaustion?"

A smirk developed on her lips letting them know she planned to keep them busy then kick their asses off of their land before they taint it. Applejack picked up her dishes and Grannysmith rocked in her chair glaring at the men. Big Mac let the twins finish their meals before picking them up then forcing them outside to go back to work. Shortly Applejack returned after doing the dishes.

Hours went by as the trees further back were harvested and she could see the pond beckoning to her but with her tired body she completed her work. Big Mac lead the walk home while she let the twins ride in the wagons the two earth Ponies pulled. Her muscles quivered as they cleared the entire North side today thanks to the brothers. After dinner she didn't say anything just got up and left without a word.

"Pond?" Grannysmith asked as Big Mac just nodded while he picked up the tired Applebloom who basically passed out in his massive arms. Grannysmith rocked softly letting the twins go to bed if they wished. Applejack was at the shore of the pond as she unbuttoned her flannel shirt revealing her naked breasts. She then unbuckled her jeans and pushed them down showing her three apple cutie mark. Her green panties covered her tight round yet firm ass. Under the moonlight she walked out into the warm waters and dived below the surface.
Sure enough Applejack was true to her word, and she worked the twins to the point where they were both ready to collapse, however after the dinner, Flim went off from his brother. He had seen the pond earlier, and honestly nothing could have beaten the idea of fresh cold water on his skin. He was still sore from all the work he had put in, casting magic wasn't the same as physical laybor but to someone as untrained as he was it felt the same. In a week or two he may grow more used to it, but right now all he wanted too was relax.

However he had no idea that he had the same idea as their slaver, Applejack. and when he came out of the bushes he was already missing his shirt and shorts. Standing stark naked as he walked into the pond. He didn't really have any other clothing than what he had shown up in. His hip had an apple slice, from his youth. It was a shame that their talent was more about fast talking then actually tending to a farm.

Flim let out a long sigh, as he laid back in the water feeling his muscles soaked by the pond water, and that was when he noticed that there were clothing around the pond that weren't his, and when Applejack came up for air he let out a small shriek. Sinking under the water for a moment from the shock. He quickly turned away from Applejack. "Sorry, I didn't mean to see anything. I just figured this would be a good place to rest up."

The unicorn was quick to avert his eyes, however he made no direct attempt to leave. If he did then Applejack would easily end up seeing his body since he didn't have any clothing, and he wasn't about to give her the satisfaction of that. Rather he kept low into the water so that it obscured everything with the moonlight. what ever happened now it was out of his hands. "I honestly thought I was alone."
She was wiping water from her eyes when she heard someone shriek and found it was the younger brother, Flim in the pound. Swimming away as she didn't get up out of the water since she was basically naked.

"Get out of here!" She crossed her arm over her large breasts. Laying her ears back as she didn't want a stallion to see her in such a way since she was a virgin in every sense of the word. Struggling to find cover but found none. "Great! Just great! I came here to relax ALONE and you show up!!" She was pissed that her time alone was cut so short and by someone like a con-artist like his brother.

Basically growling at him and wanting to hold him under the water for a good amount of time before he gets the idea. Taking a few deep breaths after realizing she was just upset she allowed con-artists back into her life. With her back to him she looked at her clothes then back at him. He wasn't looking at her and if he did all he'd see was her tail and some of her rump. Deciding to risk it she climbed up out of the water and pulled her shirt on and held it closed. "Flim, I'm dressed but you and I need to talk." She said with her grabbing his pants and shorts he had underneath. "I don't want you to tell your brother about catching me like this down at the pond. If you want to come here...I guess I can get Rarity to fix up some swimming trunks for you two and this is bathing suit only pond. No skinny dips when one of us is here but announce ourselves to give chance the other to cover up."

Ever since the brothers got there she wasn't giving a straight order but giving him a chance to speak up not just for the idea but for his brother's sake. "Also my little sister swims here with her friends. Its something to manage without a big pony to supervise them." The reason why skinny dipping in the dark. "In a couples there is a party the town is throwing by the large lake that borders the East of our property. You two will be joining us like it or not. If not then you better leave in the morning because this town needs to know you two are paying them back."
Flim didn't look. If it was his brother then there wouldn't have been a doubt about sneaking a glance at her. However Flim kept his back turned to her the entire time. Listing to her, he didn't however move rather he stayed in the water as she gathered her clothing, and nodded slightly as she said that they wouldn't be able to skinny dip in this pond anymore, even though she had been doing exactly the same thing.

"To be fair I was just thinking the same thing, And it's not like I knew you were in the water when I jumped in." He said dangerously trying to have the last word on the subject. He had come to this place because he wanted to relax, and now he had to deal with her, the one pony in all of Equestria that honestly he could have lived without. He let out a long sigh as she said she was dressed.

"If this is a bathing suite only pond, then what were you doing?" He said lightly with a curved smile. Walking up to the edge of the water only as far that his waist was still hidden by the water. He didn't want her too see him, after all he had done the gentleman thing and not looked at her. "Turn around and don't look." He said lightly gesturing for her to hand him his clothing that she was still holding.

"Don't worry I will go to the party." He said rolling his eyes. He didn't really want to make a public appearance, the majority of the town still hated them, and they were pretty much wanted men. However thinking back over the workk they had done today, it felt right to just set up shop. "You know me and my brother are talented salesmen. We would make the farm more money selling your apples, and food then we do picking them." He said with the same curved smile he had with earlier. "Your a business woman Applejack, you maybe an honest mare but you know how selling works. A little flair goes a long way, and that's all we are a little flair and a couple of words. Me and my brother could do a lot of good for the farm, and be able to pay back people that much faster if you set us up with one of the mobile stations."
"Oh no...You're on my property remember? I was skinny dipping here before your asses got here! I am saying NOW we can't skinny dip. EITHER OF US!" She snapped at him. "Oh like the flair with the tonic?" Snapping once more as she didn't trust him nor his brother. "Soon as you do the selling you're out of here and I will be the one to lead the charge to capture you two. Rainbow Dash is fast but I'm deadly with a rope, Foal!" Throwing him his clothes as she grabbed her own to get dressed. Buttoning her shirt up she walked off.
Flim let out a small sigh, as he watched Applejack storm off, and then got out of the water and got dressed. So much for the idea of paying their 'debt' off quickly. It seemed applejack had learned to keep them as far away from the spotlight as possible which of course made things difficult for them. They really couldn't get what they wanted if they didn't get some time in the spotlight. However as he got dressed he let out a long sigh.

Returning to the barn he sighed laying down on the uncomfortable ground. closing his eyes, and sleeping off the rest of the night. He never spoke to his brother about the night events. After all his brother didn't need to know what had happened the night before. All he needed to do was sleep through the night, and silently dislike the fact that the ground was so tough on his body. The next morning they got up and reported to applejack for duty. "Where do you want us for the morning?" Flim said lightly, his brother some how looking even more angry then he had the night before, but Flim on the other hand looked like he was actually starting to adjust.
Applejack turned gritting her teeth as she glared at the brothers. Debating on what they could do this morning but smirked as she approached Flam. "You!" She pushed him abit and pointed to the large wagons where Big Mac was hauling three out all at once. "Big Mac! Let Flam haul one!" Big Mac nodded as he left a large one for the unicorn and he moved further down the property with Applebloom.

"That leaves you." She turned to Flim who seems relaxed or have given up in someway. "You're helping Grannysmith sort the apples we brought in yesterday. The bad ones you're going to cut up for slop for our cows." She walked closer to him holding an air of an alpha mare of her herd. "Got me?"

Once he was gone she left for town. She was going to do what she said she'd do. Visiting Rarity as she ordered two simple swim trunks.

"What colors?" She sang softly.

"Just plain red." Applejack sighed knowing she can't mention about the brothers and she didn't like keeping this from her friends.

"Pretty choice!" In minutes Rarity had two stallion trunks made and Applejack paid for them then went home. Once home she dropped the trunks on the large haystack. She had noticed the boys chose to sleep on the ground. Laughing softly as she made their bed on the large hay pile so it'll be easier on them. After all of this she placed trunks on each of their beds. Silently she went out and followed the tracks to the back of the property.

Grannysmith rocked as the apples hovered before her. The ones that were bad she knocked out of line. "You and your brother are different. He doesn't like taking orders from a mare does he?" She asked Flim without looking at him.
Flam seemed to growl for a moment as he degradingly worked on setting himself up in one of the karts, and started pulling it walking with the larger stallion and the little filly. It was rather clear from his body language that nothing about the situation was happy to him, and as he walked he clearly struggled, having to often accent his natural strength with his own magic as he turned the wheels and walked at the same time. Looking over at Big mac who had no problems with the manual labor and if he wasn't mistaken both these carts were a little over packed. "How long do we have to haul these things for?"

Flim on the other hand stood back levitating a new set of apples every time she knocked one out of the way. He almost wanted to mention how the two brothers had once had a machine that had done this very job, though considering the way that had turned out he wasn't at all sure he should bring it up. When Granny smith mentioned that the two brothers were different he laughed a little.

Not many situations could cause his brother and him to act out of synch. they had relied on each other for so long that things like finishing each others sentances were all too common, but she was right, at their core the two brothers were different. It's just that people almost never got to see that fact, it wasn't good for the show if people started to learn the difference aside from just the mustache. "I don't think it's so much about a mare calling the shots, even I have problems with Flam on some days." He said lightly.

"Neither of us wanted to be here." He said lightly, "It ended up being a last resort. It was this or go to some prison, and neither me or Flam would last long in a place like that. Were good with our words, good at taking the spotlight, inventing scheming, and yes part of that means we lie, but we discovered our talent for bartering, and selling while working as part timers for an apple orchard." He said moving a little of his hip to show off his own apple slice on his side. While at the same time levitating more apples for granny to check over.

"So it's not that I'm okay with taking directions from a mare, it's just that I'm used to taking directions in general. Flam isn't. He's the one who comes up with the schemes, I'm just part of the show." He shrugged, honestly that wasn't the full truth, Flim was devious, and had his own part to play in many of the cons he and his brother had played, but there was also a lot of truth to what he said. Honestly Flim had been telling lies for so long that he wasn't even sure which part of the truth was actually correct or not. Occupational hazard he had to guess.
Applejack heard Flam as he complained about the wagons. "Whats wrong? A stallion such as yourself can't handle it?" Her tail flicked at him to pissed him off as she carried a large bucket over her head then dumped it into Big Mac's Wagon. Applebloom bounced up to Flam and dumped her small bucket into his.

"Don't worry. She won't work you to the point of dying. You and your brother got us ahead of schedule yesterday." Smiling as she ran off to get her bucket filled.

Granny Smith looked to Flim knowing his type. "Uh huh...A con-artist is always a con-artist in my book. Though you two being separated is a good thing." She knocked the bad apples out then noticed it was close to being lunch time. "Come on. You're going to help me with lunch." She got up from her rocker and slowly walked into the kitchen to begin cooking. When the cooking was done she had Flim ring the bell. When he did it took the group abit to get back with Flam's complaining.
Flim smiled cause even given the situation there was a grain of real truth to what Granny said, a con man was always going to be a con man. And the two brothers were no different. At this point it didn't matter if they were gonna tell the truth or not, no one would believe them, and it had become second nature to lie, cheat and think for themselves. Working on lunch he gave a rather satisfied smile.

Ringing the bell he felt starved, and sat down working up his own apitite as he sat waiting for the rest of them before eating.

Sure enough Flam had taken the longest, between having to work with an over loaded kart, and the still ever present absence of breakfast both were more then ready to recieve a meal for lunch. Eating in silence, the tension returned to the table, though in truth Flim seemed to be more at ease around the others, even smiling once or twice. He was starting to get a feel for the farm folk, while Flam on the other hand looked like he was about ready to give up on what ever the two of them had planned and go wash out. He was tired of taking orders, and while they may have gotten the apples ahead of schedual it wasn't like this job was about to end any time soon. There were no profits in any of it, so why was he here?

"Brother you really need to cheer up." Flim said lightly just too seemingly rub salt in flam's wounds. "I imagine that the rest of the day is party set up?" he asked the table.
Applejack smirked as she set her fork down. "Your brother was sloppy with the wagon so he and Applebloom will head back to gather the spilled apples." She knew Flam's weak points of having him tightly reigned in but Flim seemed to be the weaker of the two or had no say. Granny Smith gnawed at her food and looked to Flim.

"I still need the youngin' for help with the apples you brought in. Big Mac, why don't you go check the Zapple trees and see if the trees are alright. I feel it in my bones something is wrong and I don't want it to be those trees."

Big Mac nodded as he got to his feet and walked out. Applejack mentioned she'd stay behind with Granny Smith and Flim. Once dinner was done Applebloom walked out with Flam while Applejack turned to Flim. "You know I'm putting some trust in your brother to make sure Applebloom doesn't get hurt out there."

Granny Smith laughed. "Child! Applebloom can look out for herself!" She lead the two out to the barn. Applejack sorted by hand while Granny Smith got help. "Now where was I....Oh yes! Flim who comes up with the ideas between you two? Who has the smaller role?"

Applejack sat there listening wondering where her Grandma was heading with these questions.
Flam grumbled as he was suddenly paired up with the Filly at least that meant he was able to get away from the majority of the people, and have some kind of quiet or so he thought, as they walked Applebloom was quick to bombard the older stallion with question after question, as she acted out. The older brother was just trying to focus on the apples he had to collect bringing along a basket held magically he tried to focus on the task at hand instead of the annoying kid.

Flim waved a hand as they said applebloom can take care of herself he had no doubt about that, actually between the two of them he was more worried about his brother. Neither had that great a track record around kids. It was probably driving his brother crazy as they spoke. Flim raised an eyebrow as she asked him the question of which one of them came up with their cons.

"Simple question, but the answer is a little more difficult. If I told you it wasn't me, and that my brother did all of the real brain work then you wouldn't believe me because it would come off as me defending myself, if i told you it was all me, then you wouldn't believe me cause I would be defending my brother, but the truth really isn't that it's one pony who thinks up the plan." As he spoke he got back to work bringing up apples for Granny smith to check tossing the bad ones keeping the good ones. "What I will tell you instead is that we came here with the idea in our heads that we could some how uproot this farm. After the business with the tonic, and the super cider squeezy nine thousand we wanted little more then to try and shut this place down. Our revenge for you turning us into what we are today."

"We weren't con men when we first met, selfish I won't deny that, but back when we had the super cider squeezy nine thousand we were just two men trying to get back the money we felt we had earned, via using our investment in a machine that made the cider process easier. We were genuine sales ponies back then, but we bet too much on our prized horse and it never won the race." Flim wiped his brow feeling sweat collect. as he moved yet more apples. "After our machine went bust and word of the fowl cider spread, we had to sell her, and we ended up getting a bunch of different juices out of it, carrot, beat, and apple juice. We were broke, down hundreds of bits in the hole and all we had to show for any of our work was juice. I don't remember which one of us first said the words curative tonic, but we grabbed the chance and ran with it! and ended up right back here, broken even more in debt, and this time we had nothing, no juice, no grand machine, we were just broke, and wanted? and why? because we opened up the wrong casket of cider, and Flam turned off the safety on the production line."

Flim laughed shaking his head. "In a way... the lot of you turned us into this, and now I don't even know where to fall in anymore, but as you said granny a con man is a con man. one to many lies and you forget how to tell the truth. So it's up to you if either of you are gonna believe a word me or my brother say."
Applejack got to her feet and grabbed Flim by his horn. She heard enough and saw what Granny Smith was getting at. With pure strength Applejack yanked him out of his seat and threw him out of the barn.

"Get off of our land....NOW!" She shouted at him with her ears laying back and the wind picked up blowing her hat off. It rolled across the ground. "I KNEW YOU TWO WERE UP TO SOMETHING!!!" Grabbing a pitch fork with her taking a jab at him. She gave off a high pitched whistle in which Applebloom stopped in her tracks.

"We have to go back something's wrong."

Big Mac heard it and came running back to the main barns.

"I don't want to see you or your brother here. You no good pony!" She thought atleast one had changed but he told her and Granny Smith they planned to destroy them from the inside. In the distance the large red Stallion appeared and he turned seeing Applebloom appearing. He grabbed her up then snatched up Flam dragging him to Flim's side. Applejack looked at Flam as she was hurt to know these ponies tried to destroy their lively hood. "Both of you...Get out and my Celestia have mercy on your hearts." She gritted her teeth as Big Mac shut the barn doors down glaring at the two stallions.
Flam was glaring daggers at his brother when he came back into view. They had agreed not to talk about the plan, and yet sure enough his brother had ended up spilling it out far too early for them to have ever been effective. However even as Flim was rubbing his head he had a rather odd look about his face. He had said too much, and gone a little too far it seemed, however at the same time he had also spared their farm the problem of dealing with the two of them and the fact that neither of them could be trusted.

Flim got to his feet first. Taking a small sigh it felt a little bit refreshing to have finally told a truth, even though in the end it had just been far more costly then it was worth. Flam on the other hand was still glaring at his brother. "What did you say Flim? Why! why would you go and ruin it. Now we got noth~!"

Flam never got to finish his next words, a punch snacked him hard in the face, and knocked down his brother. "I don't know. I just... fuck it all, look around flam, these lands were like the ones we were raised on. We loose, you come up with these schemes and I go along and then we loose. We lost the old farm, we lost the cider, we lost with the tonic, just once I want to walk away with something."

Flam rolled his eyes. He didn't see any wealth, he saw a day and a half of slave labor with the promise of getting back on their feet.

Flim on the other hand turned. "This time I get to keep some decency. I'm sorry to have bothered you Applejack. I'm just glad I did this before we actually did end up harming you and your family."
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