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A Lesson That Wasn't Planned (Javorcek x ClearSight)

“I know.” Alex grinned, apparently taking ‘difficult’ as a complement. She was a stubborn ass, she knew it, and had known it for a very long. But being difficult was what made her her. Right now she couldn’t help but feel a little smug as Tessa’s eyes wandered about the room and to the floor, anywhere and everywhere except back at Alex’s dark eyes. Hah! She can’t say it! She was happy that she couldn’t. Alex didn’t want to leave. She also didn’t want to be with someone that could lie right to her face.

“Look, I’m sorry…” Alex sighed, she really was. She didn’t want to leave and she knew that Tessa had probably been really pissed off after she had ran out the door, but she had to. It helped to know that at least Tessa understood why she had done what she did and she understood where Alex was coming from. The teacher frowned as she heard the little bit of hurt in her student’s voice and the hesitance in her eyes. She couldn’t blame Tessa for being worried that Alex would run out on her again. But…now that her student was legal, Alex had a lot fewer reasons to run from her now that jail time was off the table.

Alex couldn’t help but want to touch things when she was drunk. She’d always be a very ‘hand’s on’ type of person, that’s why she was an artist. When she was drunk it was worse, and even though Tessa had stopped her hands from moving along her sides, Alex had managed to move her fingers to her student’s back while she talked. The older woman rubbed the curve of her back in reassuring circles. She couldn’t really form words to articulate that she was going to stay, that she wasn’t really an asshole or a coward that runs out the door from every little thing. But she could hopefully show Tessa that she was sorry with gentle, reassuring touches.

Her lips curled into a smile at that gentle kiss from Tessa. But her eyes held a hint of concern to them at the word ‘everything’. Tessa wanted everything? That was a lot to ask for…

“Look…I can’t promise you can have everything. Not…everything really everything. I mean…” Alex’s brow furrowed as she tried to figure out what exactly she wanted to say without pissing Tessa off in the process. “I want to date you. I don’t do one night stands. I don’t do any running around. But…we can’t hold hands in public, you can’t expect any special treatment from me at school.” Ugh what she was describing was horrible, it sounded like they were both going to have to go back into the closet. But they couldn’t really do anything infront of others. Even now, in this dark club, they were doing a dangerous, stupid thing by kissing. But Alex couldn’t help herself, they were a ways from the school and she couldn’t help but feel safe while getting lost in a crowd.

“But…you can have everything else, okay?” Alex offered her a smile, it wasn’t the best deal, but it was pretty good. They could spend time together after school, hang out on the weekends. Maybe they’d be real girlfriends, who knew, nothing would happen though if they didn’t do a test run. Hell, it was better than being all alone. “Soooo…how about I buy you a drink?” Alex purred sweetly as she leaned forward and gave Tessa a soft kiss on the lips. “Mmm…just a nice bottle of water, of course. And then maybe you’d like to dance with me?” Alex would love to get a little more sober before she made any attempts to take Tessa home with her. Even though she had two left feet when sober, she was better when drunk…a little better anyways.
Even at her most pissed off it had been difficult for Tessa to hate or even dislike Alex, she was such an annoyingly genuine person and she had this magnetism that had drawn Tessa in from the very beginning. The day Alex had been introduced to the class there had been an attraction and the flirting had started quickly, as a joke at first but a joke that quickly became serious the more Tessa learned about the sexy teacher. Alex had played along, whether she meant to or not, simply by taking Tessa seriously and giving her attention even if negative attention. She had done something none of the other teachers had wanted to do with the trouble making young girl, she had given a damn and it had drawn Tessa in oddly enough. So now that she really knew Alex she stood no chance, a single playful look or the feeling of those gorgeous hands stroking her body was enough to send a jolt through her body. It was almost difficult to accept, she wasn't the one who ended up in such a situation, it was traditionally the opposite, but damn was it intoxicating to be on the receiving end.

Yep, she was done for, because Alex wouldn't hurt her again, right? It would all be okay. Those were the thoughts going through her mind and with a desire to take the chance came her surrender and she nodded gently as Alex explained the limitations despite her actually wanting a relationship. Tessa had expected such things, though the no public displays of affection was a slightly demoralizing limitation. Tessa liked to claim what she believed to be her's, and any woman in a relationship with her was her's, which meant making it clear to any bitches who wanted whoever she was with to back the fuck off. That was difficult to do without some sort of display. Still she knew it was for the best not to make it obvious, though the thought of being fucked right up against the wall right in the middle of the club suddenly came to mind. It's not holding hands! The smart ass in her shouted out the loophole but knew it wasn't going to happen, too risky and Alex didn't deserve to have to risk anything to be with Tessa, not when thy could do so many things. However she questioned that soon after.

"That's fine Alex... As long as your mine and mine only I can be fine with a limited spectrum of when and where we can be together." It wasn't going to be easy, Tessa was going to have to listen to some of the other girls who had a crush on Alex and not be able to make it clear the teacher was taken. Really she could act though, make it impossible for someone to figure it out, because that would make things hard on Alex. She would just be her usual self at school, keep herself in check, or that was the plan anyway. The best plans, they often go awry. "Hmm, I already have a drink waiting for me though, a nice tea." She grinned, knowing it had no real tea in it and wondering what Alex would do about her wanting to drink. Yes, they were now in an odd and experimental relationship, but Alex was still a responsible woman, to an irritating degree. So would she forbid Tessa and make their first few minutes a disagreement about her drinking, which would not be stopping anytime soon, or let her drink.

Tessa didn't wait to find out however, instead she began walking back towards the bar, having to slip out from between Alex and the wall now that things had calmed down and she could get through Alex's grasp. She looked back at Alex, stopping after a few steps away and waved for her to come on, "Let's go gorgeous, I want a sip of my drink even if I don't get to drink the entire thing and then I want you grinding up against me on the dance floor." She smirked and turned back around, finding her drink at the bar and taking a nice long refreshing sip and letting out a loud "Ah" just to show Alex how delicious she believed it taste and partially just to go against the water bit Alex had said. She didn't challenge her, it was the playfulness she had always displayed before their little incident, that almost teasing way she had about her. Of course it wasn't quite the same, Tessa had a tough couple of weeks and she didn't have the same level of sudden happiness she would have had otherwise. Tessa was merely doing her best to be that way because she knew that if Alex was serious, if she still wanted to give it a shot after the alcohol wore off, that everything would be okay, she would be thrilled. So yes, hesitance was still present, but hope was also rekindled. Alex was worth the risk and she had believed that from the start, even if she had been more interested in throwing a fit for the past bit of time than trying to reason it out and accept Alex's dilemma.

She looked in to Alex's eyes, a small smirk on her lips as she took another small sip and walked forward, kissing her gorgeous teacher and letting the drink swap to Alex's parted lips, pulling back with lust in her eyes. She couldn't help but wonder if Alex realized the number of looks she received, how many people were seething with jealousy over where Tessa found herself. Really though, as alert as she was to those looks from others and how Alex drew them in with her natural graces, she was oblivious to the influences on herself, especially when their short relationship had gone. She had swiftly taken a liking to Alex from the start. She had opened up to her more than others just to get her to stay that first night and found herself easily overwhelmed in bed which was incredibly rare for her. Then, when Alex left, when she ran out, it hurt Tessa deeply. She had been run out on before, mainly by straight women in denial about what they had done the night before, but it had happened, and it had never hurt that bad, maybe a small sting but nobody had sent her in to such a spiral. Hell it took her parents to do that. So being given hope, the prospect of having Alex, even in a limited capacity, it was enough to send Tessa soaring.

Her arms wrapped around Alex's waist as she licked a bit of the liquid off of the corner of the beauties mouth, pressing her body against her, having basically stopped giving a fuck about who could be watching if Alex didn't mind. "By the way, I'm absolutely horrible at dancing. I'm more of the sit still and wait for prey to approach me type, not much about my dancing can be considered anything but amusing or sad." Ah it was true, she could not dance to save her fucking life, even classical dancing and despite it not being a joke she laughed lightly, wondering just what Alex had to show her.
“Somehow I don’t think that whatever is waiting for you at the bar is tea.” ‘Contributing to the delinquency of a minor’ doesn’t look good on your record, but Alex didn’t really want to fight Tessa over what she should or should not be doing, especially on their first night together. Instead of stopping her student from drinking, Alex merely followed right along behind her towards the bar. And while Tessa started working on her ‘tea’, Alex ordered herself a water. She knew that she had been drinking –a lot- and needed to switch otherwise she’d pass out. Alex sipped her water once the tender brought it out, smirking slightly as Tessa let out a little sound effect to go with how much she enjoyed her liquor. “Better enjoy it, because that one will be the last one you ever have around me.” Deliberately she left it open for Tessa to have all the loop holes she wanted. Tessa could drink before or after seeing Alex, the young teacher didn’t care. Hell, she drank too when she was Tessa’s age. But now that she wanted a professional job, she was bound to behave like a professional. Being an adult sucks…

Alex relaxed from her thoughts and responsibilities as Tessa leaned forward to kiss her. Instantly she could taste the sweet, fake lemony flavor of sour mix and felt the buzz of alcohol on the tip of her tongue. She set down her water, wrapping her arms around Tessa to tug her close and deepen the kiss until they were both breathless.

“Ah so you’re like those really creepy guys that post up on the edges, watching, waiting.” Alex teased, a grin on her lips because now all she could do was imagine Tessa as one of those sketchy vultures that wore too much cologne. “Much more fun to go hunting…” Alex’s own game revolved around ‘accidentally’ bumping into a girl at the bar as she tried to order a drink. If she were feeling really bold, she’d go straight up and put herself out there. Because really, what was the worst that could happen? Getting shot down stung for like a second and then she’d just move on.

“But ah… I think I can lead us in something that won’t involve us damaging other people.” Alex gave Tessa a quick kiss on the lips before starting to step backwards, enough that the younger girl would let her free, and then she turned around, taking Tessa by the hand and leading her onto the dance floor. Alex didn’t care much who saw them out here anyways. It was dark in the club, and she looked so different out than when she did at school. Usually her long hair was pulled back into a ponytail so that she didn’t get paint in it, not down and wild as it was now. The young teacher wore conservative tops, a nice pair of trousers, and usually a boot with a heel in the classroom. But out here on her free time, she was in ripped jeans, a black v-neck t-shirt, and a pair of orange Converse that looked like they needed to be tossed out. She was capable of dressing well, but tonight she really hadn’t expected to be running into anyone other than her friends who dressed in the same sort of college hobo chic she did.

No student, hell no administrator or coworker would guess that their friendly, sarcastic, very professional art teacher became a tattooed drunken troublemaker in her free time.

Alex and Tessa got onto the dance floor right in the middle of some crazy club remix. Fuck, she hated remixes, screwing with the beat by laying track over track always made dancing even harder than it already was. At least that was what it did for someone who already had a hard time finding the beat. Ask her to fox trot to classical music and Alex could nail it. Have her grind in a club, and there were some major issues. But she put up a valiant effort, and even if she looked like an idiot, she didn’t care because all she wanted to do was have some fun with her new…girlfriend? Well, whatever the name for their relationship was, Alex didn’t care.

She eased into a rhythm that wasn’t too spastic and pulled Tessa close to her. Relief washed over her as the song switched and slowed down to something that she could just easily grind to. Her hips slowly rolled and swayed into Tessa’s as Alex kept close watch on her dance partner. She didn’t want to let Tessa out of her sight at all tonight, and really did want to make up for how she had behaved days ago by not losing her new date in a crowded bar.
Tessa just giggled when Alex laid down the law, but she could understand the reasoning if nothing else. Alex was her teacher, an adult in society with the responsibility to watch over the students in her care. Tessa would do her best to not put Alex in a position where she had to choose between letting Tessa get away with something like drinking or doing the job she was so passionate about, Tessa had a feeling she would lose that fight. Still, as little as Tessa liked to think about it, and she would never admit it, she had a serious drinking problem. It was what she did whenever she felt bad, sometimes just because she had nothing to do. She didn't get fucked up often, the past week being a slight exception, but there was rarely a day when something alcoholic didn't pass between her lips. She didn't say anything about it, not even an acknowledgement to Alex saying it would be her last one, but she wasn't going to go against her, she wanted whatever in the fuck they were doing to work far too badly.

Girlfriend. That was what Tessa chose to label Alex as, even if the majority of the time they would be unable to act that way due to school and prying eyes. It made her chuckle just thinking about it really, how one of the few relationships she wanted so badly was one of those she couldn't go around publicizing and being proud over. Usually she could flaunt it, play around in front of others, and just enjoy herself. There were very few relationships she had to keep a secret, Alex due to her position as a teacher, but there had been others. It was always the girl not being out though, some lonely little closet lesbian afraid to let her friends find out in fear they would all run off. Apparently those girls believed once you were found out your friends would all instantly think you wanted to fuck them, that really was not true, from either end. Not that Tessa would know, hell she had no real friends to find out with. Still, it was that or the feeling of being judged and pushed away by your loved ones... It was one of those. Who the hell knew, regardless it was strange to know that after the nights she would spend with Alex, if things went according to plan, that the next day would be much different.

If there was one good thing about all of that it was that Alex had never been easy to begin with, calling her Alex and spending time around her as opposed to other students, that was all normal and she could still get away with it and cause no extra suspicion. Then again she would have to ease going back to class, though as much as that thought brought a grin to her face she had a feeling Alex wouldn't be so agreeable, it would be back to class immediately if Tessa had to guess on the passionate teachers response. All thoughts about where they were going and how things would be like the next week disappeared instantly when Alex deepened the kiss, a small blush of Tessa's cheeks as she wrapped her arms around Alex's waist and embraced her. Fuck, she knew how to kiss. By the end Tessa was breathless, gentle deep breaths escaping her slightly parted lips as her eyes looked at Alex with want. She had never been in the current position before, she was always the one causing the other girls to pant while she grinned over at them like a sly little fox. It was almost off-putting to be with someone more experienced and skilled than herself, it undermined her usual cockiness just a bit and made it more difficult to quip and be sarcastic.

As easily as that kiss had caused Tessa to fall under Alex's control she didn't mind, in fact as she was pulled out on to the dance floor she couldn't help but smile. Smiling turned to laughed soon enough however and she was giggling with delight at the way Alex handled the remix song, with slight spastic grinding. She was fucking adorable, and it was sexy in the most interesting of ways. Still, half way through the song Tessa stepped up and took advantage of Alex holding her close, showing off a bit, sliding her body back against Alex's and letting her hands wander to all the right places. She was quite good at grinding, using her body to entice her partner. Until she song switch she did just that, teasing Alex with near kisses, allowing the heat from her lips to brush against Alex's skin, letting her tight little ass press back against her partner, and letting her hands explore the amazing body of her sexy teacher, managing to keep eye contact most of the time. If nothing else it showed off her flexibility, which was something fun to make Alex aware from.

The song switch tossed her out of her element though, not completely because she had danced to slower songs, but even Tessa had some things she was bad at. Luckily this was where Alex stepped up, holding her close, moving her body in ways that caused the younger girl to bite her lower lip in desire. She looked in to Alex's eyes, no need to say that she wanted her when it was so damn clear that she did. At one point she leaned forward though, lips pressing against Alex's ear and her voice coming out in a sultry whisper. "I want you to stay for breakfast tomorrow... If we can both get up by breakfast time, though if not I won't be complaining." She bit Alex's earlobe after that, a slightly hard nip before kissing her neck, suckling gently for a moment before pulling back with a cute playful look, kissing Alex so as not to get an earful for marking her again, something she had already made a habit of, from the first night Alex stepped foot in her house.

Tessa's hands groped Alex's ass before she disconnected their lips, licking hers before smiling sweetly at the older woman. Sometimes Tessa could act like an old perv. "Have I been naughty Miss Javorcek?" She asked with an overly sweet tone that sounded like some bad porno acting and Tessa was doing her best to keep up the act and no bust out laughing.
Alex never did have much clue where the hell her hands were supposed to go when she was dancing. She knew that they were supposed to go somewhere or do something that would help the silhouette of the body look more alluring and graceful…but actually stretching her arms above her head to elongate her form, or waving them about with the beat to show off her physical coordination made her feel like a dunce. She was relieved to see that Tessa was much better at dancing to songs with high bpm than she was. Alex was content to just hold onto Tessa while the girl got them through the faster song. She stopped waving her arms about like a spastic chicken and settled into gliding her hands up and down Tessa’s sides. Sensual touching, she could definitely handle. Long fingers danced along the young girl’s hips, playing along the sliver of flesh that was exposed.

As they danced, it was becoming harder and harder to behave… Alex just wanted to pull Tessa’s shirt up a little more…a lot a bit more actually…get rid of the damned thing all together. There were far too many layers of clothing between them. And Alex was all the more aware of the fact when Tessa decided it would be a good idea to turn around and grind her rear pointedly into Alex’s core. In revenge, Alex’s hands ran down Tessa’s thighs, nails digging and scratching into the material of the girl’s jeans as they worked their way back up to grasp onto Tessa’s hips. Alex spun her student around to face her, just as soon as the song changed into something slow that she could manage.

”Everything you need to know is in your partner’s eyes…” The words rang in her head as she gazed into light eyes full of desire. It was a silly little Obi-Wan-ish bit of advice that she had gotten when she had first started taking dance lessons; and it worked…usually… However, right now, looking into Tessa’s eyes, all she could see was how badly the young girl wanted her, and she knew her own dark eyes reflected the same feelings.

Alex moaned appreciatively as Tessa’s lips tickled the arch of her ear. Her lips curled into a pleased smile as Tessa murmured the plans for tomorrow to her. “Mmmm…I will gladly stay for breakfast tomorrow…” Alex purred. She was vaguely aware that she had something to do tomorrow. What the fuck was that thing I was supposed to do… Well, whatever the hell it was, she was skipping it. A long night spent venting the sexual tension between them and then a late breakfast when they woke up sounded way better than doing whatever Alex was supposed to be doing tomorrow.

“Mmm…” Alex forgave the hard bite to her ear as soft kisses were placed along the column of her throat. It seemed as though Tessa liked to press her luck, Alex growled as she felt the bite to her neck. It was a warning, one that Tessa paid no attention to it seemed, because the girl began to suckle on the delicate flesh of her neck anyways. Goddamnit… Alex got hickeys really easily and knew that that little bit of suckling would yield a light purple mark. Her dark eyes narrowed as Tessa pulled away, trying to shoot her her best ‘I’m adorable, don’t be mad’ look, but Alex wasn’t buying it. Just as she was about to chew Tessa out for leaving marks where she wasn’t supposed to, her student’s lips sealed hers.

Fuck…why was she mad again?
Alex’s lips parted, her tongue snaking out and slipping past Tessa’s lips in order to play and tease the young girl’s tongue. As the younger girl pulled away to break the kiss, Alex couldn’t resist nipping at her bottom lip before she could totally retreat.

“Yes…you have been very, very naughty Tessa. I think a good spanking during detention should set you straight.” Alex growled out the response, a little better at pulling off a role-play role than her student was. Sometimes role-play and bondage dialogue is God awful, sounding as though it came straight from a bad porno. Alex had tried both things around the bedroom many times, and knew from experience that it was usually difficult to keep a straight face through either. But, through practice, she’d gotten pretty good at staying in character… Unfortunately she could only keep from laughing if her partner was just as serious as she was. When she saw the slight twitch at the corner of Tessa’s mouth as though the girl were trying really hard to burst out laughing, Alex couldn’t keep herself from giggling.

“Please, don’t ever repeat that sentence ever again.” Alex laughed, unable to keep a straight face in order to even attempt to play along further. ‘Have I been naughty?’ The line was so cheesy…she couldn’t help but snicker. The fact that Tessa had been brave enough to say something so silly made her like her student even more. The girl was absolutely adorable. “You are so cute… Even though disciplining a naughty Catholic school girl is one of my top fantasies…I don’t think I can keep a straight face with you acting like that.”
Alex had so many incredible qualities, she was a woman capable of making the lonely girl feel comfortable and wanted. Hell, even when Tessa was purposefully avoiding Alex and making her life more difficult she knew she was in the wrong, and part of her even regretted it, not an easy things to make the narcissistic brat feel. There was a particular quality Tessa loved about Alex though, it was her expressiveness. Everything Alex felt, even in school where she tried her best to hide it, would show on her face. Sadness, anger, joy, lust, it was all right there. Alex didn't hide anything and seeing those emotions wash over the gorgeous woman was a lovely sight. It made her smirk and push when she noticed the aggravation, it made her hot when she could see the lust, and it made her giggle and smile to see happiness. She adored it and she couldn't help but smile with each and every appearance of that unique openness Alex possessed. Tessa would appreciate it, not just because it was adorable, but because it made it easy to trust Alex. Not that other qualities and experiences hadn't already hammered it in to Tessa's pessimistic head, but it was a nice quality to see and it made the younger girl happy.

She really had a thing for Alex. Tessa chewed on the part of her lower lip Alex had nibbled on as she looked up at her teacher, a grin on her face as she pushed in close, oblivious to the music and the rest of the room. Nothing registered aside from Alex, every sense was occupied by the woman she had pressed herself up against. As enamored as she was by Alex, and quite literally by the alcohol of her special night, she couldn't help but laugh when Alex giggled. It was a light feeling that was rare to come by. It was difficult to find someone you could be completely turned on by, where desire could be so thick, and yet a few moments later there was joyous laughter and nothing felt ruined. It would generally be at that point that Tessa knew the night was going nowhere, but not with Alex, it was just a small moment of mirth layered between the build up and the eventual explosion of lust.

Still, Tessa did find a challenge with what Alex had said, telling her not to say the cheesy ass line again, how one of her top fantasies would be dead in the water if Tessa acted cute, and truly a bit ridiculous. She couldn't help but grin up at Alex after her laughter ended, leaning in and stealing a passionate kiss with her wanting lips. When she pulled back the playfulness and silliness were gone and in their place was a serious and rather sexy Tessa, peering in to Alex's eyes with utmost want. This was the look she used to draw in those unsure pups, the cute girls she lured for their first night of experimentation, and she had become good at the sexy confidence game over the years. So Tessa pulled Alex in close, eyes locking on to the older woman's, and she was grinding slowly up against her partner. Everything was very deliberate, and where the real Tessa would have been playful and cute, this Tessa was something else entirely.

"Have I been naughty Miss Javorcek?" It was the same line, still not anything but stupid in its design, but the delivery was entirely flipped around. Tessa's voice was low, questioning but at the same time it made it clear she knew the answer. A small, almost taunting grin touched the young girl's lips as she let her hands grab hold of Alex's amazing ass. This time she wasn't asking for an answer, she merely moved her lips and kissed Alex's collarbone, proceeding to lay sensual kisses up her neck, moving along the jawline, and finally stealing her lips. Her tongue pushed past Alex's lips moments later, delving inside of her pleasant mouth with powerful muscle, reaching out and provoking the teacher's tongue, taunting it to push back but then retreating before it had a chance. The kiss was over and they were standing there, Tessa's actions having stopped them in the middle of whatever song or attempt at dance had been going on.

Tessa licked her lips after a few moments, still partially wrapped up in her role but the illusion gone as she smirked up at Alex, "Hopefully you could discipline that naught Catholic school girl." She sounded almost challenging, as if betting her acting was sufficient enough to get Alex going and not have her cracking up, the narcissistic side peaking out as she leaned in and nipped Alex's neck again, moving her lips up after that to the lovely ear she found so fun to whisper to. "Don't think I'll forget about a few spankings, I have so many detentions I still have to do... We might as well make the most of them." She giggled before pulling back, lust still eclipsing everything else, and easily seen in her body language. "I do hope you have something planned for me tonight as well though Alex... Because I can't wait much longer." She took Alex's hand after that and led it down, and hesitating she pushed that hand into her pants, past her panties and to her now dripping sex. She didn't say another word, she simply released the hand after guiding it in and looked at Alex, not even sure she wanted to try and make it home first.
Alex enjoyed the natural chemistry that flowed between her and Tessa. The younger girl was showing glimpses of her goofy inner self that Alex found very attractive and wanted to see more of. She hated dating girls that weren’t themselves, that struggled to impress her or pretended to be someone who they thought they wanted her to be. But people can only attempt to be something they’re not for only so long before it finally wears them out. Alex hated that part…it always happened after she had poured a lot of time, effort, and personal stake into a relationship. Besides, she didn’t want to be impressed to begin with. She rather know the best and worse of a person now, rather than only seeing the best and then get blindsided and beaten down by the worse 3 months later.

After their little fit of giggles over the ridiculousness of their little impromptu roleplay, Alex smiled and let out a breath to cool off. It had been weeks since she had –really- felt even half as happy as she felt now. Her break-up had been dragging her down for weeks…but some time away from her ex and a little distraction from a very cute and charming newly legal student was all Alex needed to be picked right back up. And what got her going even more were those gorgeous bedroom eyes peering at her. Fuck…I’m in trouble...

She was getting toyed with, she knew she was. Alex did this sort of thing to girls all the time just because she loved to hear them beg for it. And right now Tessa was doing everything in her power to push Alex’s buttons, to get her so wound up that she thought that she was about to burst. The way that nubile body pressed up against her…how Tessa kissed her with utmost passion…it was all driving the teacher wild. Even the way she spoke, how she delivered that cheesy line with confidence was making her blood boil.

Alex had entirely forgotten that they were supposed to be dancing. Her brain was still trying to get over the fact that Tessa was agreeing to a few spankings. She was so dumbstruck that she was couldn’t even bring herself to stop Tessa from taking her hand off of her rear and towards her front. Alex could feel heat engulf her fingertips, followed by wet skin and soaked fabric. Her breath hitched in the back of her throat and she looked at her student. She knew Tessa was bold, but holy fuck!

“Fuck…you are wet.” Her mind was so blown by her student’s disregard for public decency that all Alex could do was state the obvious. Gah…so not fair… Alex ran a scenario involving fingering Tessa on the dance floor through her head. As incredibly hot as the situation was, it was actually a logistics nightmare. Tessa was loud, and Alex could easily get sucked into sex and forget about everything else. Plus with her hand trapped by Tessa’s jeans, Alex could to little more than flutter her fingers clumsily against the girl’s clit, and even that was beginning to make her wrist burn from the stress of fighting fabric. To make matters worse, it was difficult to hide the fact that her arm was sandwiched between them and that her hand was down Tessa’s pants. Ugh…this would be so much easier if I had my hands free and if she were in a skirt… The thought gave her an idea for later, another night, but right now, it didn’t solve the current problem of their position not being all that covert, even in a dim club.

Alex gave a soft whimper of want, knowing that she wasn’t going to get to do what she wanted right this second, because if she did, they’d just get chucked out of the bar or arrested. Tessa was evil…her student was basically dangling a toy infront of her face like one would do with a puppy, and not letting her have it. “You are in so much fucking trouble later.” Alex pulled herself together enough to growl out the words as she yanked her hand out from Tessa’s pants. “Come on.” She grabbed the other girl by the hand and then hauled Tessa through the crowd and towards the front door.

Outside, they were greeted by cool air and a bunch of college students smoking cigarettes. Alex breezed past the group huddled by the front door and headed to the sidewalk. Thankfully there were already a couple of cabs lined up by the curb, ready to take drunken patrons back home. She found the closest taxi and was very chivalrous about opening the door for Tessa and helping her inside. But the second that Tessa had given her address to the cabbie, Alex was half ontop of her, attacking her neck, biting and nibbling at the flesh in the almost privacy they had for as long as the cab drive was busy watching the road.
That lovely part of Alex that let every emotion show on her face didn't fail Tessa as she played with her gorgeous teacher. Each movement and tease had Alex's features boiling with desire. She wanted Tessa and the younger girl wanted nothing more than to be hers, and her eyes made it equally clear that she wanted to have Alex that very minute. No other woman could make Tessa feel this way, sure she had been attracted to many a women, but it was never as intense nor did she ever feel so daring. When Alex's fingers pressed against her dripping slit she gasped, a small moan escaping her lips and her nubile body pressing up against Alex's incredible body all the more. She was so focused on Alex and her desires for the woman, that Tessa wasn't even considering the possibility of onlookers, she only cared about one person. She only cared about the one person currently pressed up against her with a hand tucked tightly between her clothing and the throbbing sex that was more proof than anything else just how badly she wanted Alex.

"Well... I've been horny since the night you spent at my house... I figured you should see just exactly what you've done to me so you can hurry up and take care of it." There was no mincing of words, Tessa wanted Alex and she wasn't wanting to wait, hell she could barely stand the idea of going somewhere private, to the point that the bathroom was starting to seem like the best idea in the world. A soft whimper cause Tessa to look back up with a pleased grin, she felt like she had won some kind of prize with that noise and only let her hips grind in to those trapped fingers when she heard it, the tiny bit of friction making her moan, just loud enough that the closest pair looked over, though they quickly averted their eyes. Fuck, it felt so good to tease Alex, her reactions were brilliant, and with what happened the last time she pushed her teacher she couldn't help but feel a jolt of excitement with each push of the little invisible boundary.

"Trouble? My, how scary." She sounded sarcastic and the laugh after drove that home, though as much as she liked to imply disbelief she hoped, no knew, that Alex wasn't bluffing. Not that it meant she would take it so easily, she never did. She had played with her fair share of tough girls, dominant in their social life, but once in the bedroom Tessa always had control, it had been a point of pride and necessity for her. Being dominant made it easier, she didn't have to have as much trust and got to control everything, and while Alex had already wiggled her way in to the isolated teens shell, there was still an instinct to protect herself and do what she always did, take control.

Perhaps it was a laughable idea, that anyone could control any part of the young teacher did seem ridiculous, but Tessa's mind was made up without any real reasoning being involved. Even as she was dragged outside and to the closest cab she was grinning, partially because they had received some very envious glances, but mostly because Alex was exactly how Tessa wanted her, full of desire. Tessa herself had been lusting after Alex since the first day of class with the woman. She had watched her in class, flirted with her, and finally met her at a bar and taken her home. It had been so close that night, she had been so close to having her, and yet it had ended with Alex getting off and her stewing in her own desires, forced to sleep next to her but not with her. Suspense could be incredible though, and the next morning she should have had her release, but it had all been ruined, and even with her anger Tessa couldn't simply hate Alex, no, she had even masturbated to her a few times during that short period. So the idea of finally having Alex, it had Tessa ready, so horny that she had soaked through her panties and was having to hold in her moans as Alex attacked her in the back of the cab.

She wasn't about to give in though, she was in control, a sentiment she could hardly express without her mind laughing at her. She was lucky she lived close or she had a feeling Alex would have the cab stop at the nearest alley. She made her counter attack at the first chance, moving Alex's attentions away from her open neck and to her wanting lips, locking her's with the young teacher's and practically pulling Alex in to her lap, hands slipping down the back of the older woman's pants. She thrust her tongue inside Alex's mouth, letting it playfully explore as her hands did the same, grabbing two handfuls of the ass she had stared at every chance she had. She was tempted to go further but she didn't, as much as car sex sounded hot she wasn't wanting an audience. Instead she occupied Alex's mouth, only stopping and having her tongue and lips retreat to give the driver directions.

"Take the next right, two blocks down, tall apartment complex." Short and to the point before she moved her lips back to Alex, though this time taking her neck in revenge, biting down rather hard and sucking without restraint to really leave a mark, the kind of mark that wouldn't be going anywhere soon and the kind she knew would rile Alex up. By the time she stopped the cab had as well, and Tessa peered to the meter before pulling out her wallet and practically throwing the money to the cabby, easily going over by ten dollars but not giving a damn as she pulled Alex out of the cab grinning before pushing Alex up against the wall in front of the entrance, kissing her again before pulling back, unmeasurable lust in her eyes. "If I can walk without any trouble in the morning I'm going to be disappointed." She grinned but she wasn't joking, no part of her was expecting a normal night, she was expecting mind blow, life changing sex, and whether that was fair or not she didn't give a damn. She didn't give Alex time to respond before moving for the entrance, her hand gripped around Alex's, the young student ready to get to her apartment and finally to privacy, because with as much as they had done in public, the private time was set to be magnificent.
“Mmmm…” A content purr rumbled from the young teacher’s throat as she suckled on the delicate flesh of Tessa’s neck. Alllllll mine… Alex grinned at the thought, it was silly and all sorts of irrationally possessive, but she enjoyed the idea that Tessa was now marked as hers all the same. Eventually she became distracted from her feverish bites and suckles to Tessa’s neck long enough to notice those pouty lips that she had been neglecting. Alex abandoned Tessa’s neck, sitting back up straight so that she could kiss her. It seemed that that was what her student had been waiting for, because now Alex found herself being tugged out of her seat and into Tessa’s lap. Rather than struggle, she straddled the younger girl, growling as she felt hands dip down the back of her pants. Alex’s rear was fleshy and feminine, but also firm from years spent running, she didn’t go out of her way to show it off, but she definitely did love when it was appreciated with a nice firm grasp.

“Hey! Eyes on the fuckin’ road.” Alex hissed as the car jerked, making it evident that the cabbie was watching them in his rear view mirror. In all fairness, if she were him, she’d probably be watching the two cute lesbians make out too. Her irritation lasted for all of ten seconds before her one-track-drunken-horny-mind focused back onto the gorgeous young thing under her. If Tessa thought she could cop a feel without Alex retaliating, she was sorely mistaken. Alex was busy working her way up Tessa’s shirt, fingers gliding up her toned sides. She almost managed to get to her breasts, but instead was stopped by the feeling of a rough bite to her neck.

“Grrrr…Tessa…” Alex hissed threateningly as the younger girl began to suckle on her neck. It was hard to actually really be mad…she did like the pain mixed with pleasure... She just hated the actual mark that was going to be there for awhile. Alex wasn’t particularly vain, but she hated looking like a goddamn hipster, having had to wear scarves for the better part of a week last time Tessa had done something like this.

The cab stopped, nearly throwing a drunken Alex out of Tessa’s lap. She scrambled to right herself and crawled out of the cab, relieved that Tessa took care of the fare so that she didn’t have attempt to covertly dig through her bra to find her wallet. She offered her hand to the younger girl to help her out of the cab. If they didn’t get to Tessa’s apartment soon, Alex was liable to just crash behind some of the bushes out front and fuck her student there. Hell…if Tessa wasn’t so loud, she probably would have. Instead she just hurried towards the building that she remembered as Tessa’s and waited to be let inside.

Alex smirked at Tessa’s remark. Oh, you’re barely going to be able to walk, don’t worry. She wasn’t one to brag, but tiring out a woman was something that Alex was especially good at. The older woman actually liked to give and perhaps all that enthusiasm was what made girls tremble.

Thankfully it was late and there didn’t seem to be anyone in the hallways or on the elevator to Tessa’s apartment. It was especially good for the latter, because Alex had Tessa pinned up against the wall in the elevator. She was so wrapped up in trying to finally get her hands up Tessa’s shirt that she nearly missed the ding of the elevator as it stopped on their floor.

“Come on.” Alex was breathless as she took Tessa by the hand and tugged her down the hall to her apartment. While the younger girl worked to get her front door unlocked, Alex was busy fondling her. “Better open that door faster if you don’t want me to fuck you right here in the hallway.” The teacher purred in her student’s ear as her fingers got down to the task of unbuttoning Tessa’s jeans and unzipping so that they could have a head start on getting her student out of those pants as soon as the door closed behind them.
As in all wildly passionate relationships Tessa had been in, though previously they had almost exclusively been sexual, new information was flying at her left and right. Even with Alex, who she had come to know through school, had so much to show Tessa about herself. Tessa was paying attention, she wanted to know exactly what Alex liked and who she was. So she took note of the little things, from the hiss without actual anger at slight pain being slipped in to the pleasure filled cab right, to how each and every grab of her incredible ass was received quite well. Of course some smaller hints towards Alex's preferences were lost, Tessa was quite preoccupied with her exploration, hands and mouth going over every inch she could, using the elevator ride and empty hallways, the thought of someone catching them turning her on more than it should have. hell it wouldn't be the first time a neighbor had seen her with another girl. In fact she had fucked one of her neighbors, but that was not important, what was important was getting the fucking key into the lock and opening the door to her damn apartment before she just said fuck it and turned around to attack her handsy teacher.

The click of the lock was an immaculate sound and Tessa rolled her head back and exposed her neck to Alex, letting her continue to play for a moment before finally shoving the door open and leading her inside. It was almost disappointing too, to have Alex stop touching her for even a moment, to have her hands move from the body Tessa was so damn proud of. She worked hard to be in the shape she was in, and she liked how much Alex wanted her and her toned body. "Get the hell in here." She practically growled, yanking Alex in and slamming the door shut, tossing her keys and wallet on to the table closest to the front door while pulling Alex along and straight to her room. She had waited long enough, and if she wasn't being shoved up against her door she knew where she wanted it.

As soon as they made it into her room she had Alex shoved up against a wall, hard but she made sure it wouldn't hurt, just enough force to convey her desire. "You've already used your one chance to escape Alex... You're mine now." She kissed her immediately after, her body hungry for Alex. Tessa was the kind of horny that made her want it all hard and without hesitation, she didn't want to strip gently and tease Alex as they played around, she wanted to rip off her teacher's clothes and make her scream out in pleasure as soon as possible. Fuck, she had waited long enough.

Tessa pulled her lips from Alex's, panting gently as she looked the woman in the eyes, want present in hers as she took a step back and threw her shirt off, followed by every other piece of clothing on her body, not giving a damn about a strip tease or playfulness. She licked her lips, a hand going down and playing with her slit as she pushed back up against Alex, nibbling her neck before nipping an adorable ear and letting her sultry voice pour in to it, hot breath following suit. "The faster you get out of those clothes, the faster we finally get to relieve some of the sexual tension... Now hurry up, after what you did to me last time you were in this room I've become quite... Frustrated..." With that she backed away, not watching and waiting for some show, but instead turning around and bending over the bed, letting her tight little ass wiggle a bit before she got down further and reached under her bed to pull out the chest of goodies she was generally too embarrassed to bring out.

Tessa could be a goofy and sometimes shy girl, embarrassment easily running through her in certain situations, but when she wanted something bad enough she would share her most embarrassing secrets without a second thought. This was one of those moments. The chest full of toys she had been flushed with embarrassment when Alex had seen it before had been pulled out and she opened it up, peering through the contents for a moment before standing up, a confident grin on her face. See, Tessa was a lot of things, intelligent, beautiful, charming, funny, a fucking brat, oh and while there were so many others she was a narcissist. Tessa always thought she was better or ahead of the curve, and while it usually didn't get her in trouble, because her smart ass mouth was always responsible for that, it did sometimes make her forget to think things through. In the current situation she had the odd impression that she was the alpha, that somehow she was in control of the independent, tough, badass woman currently in her room. It was the overconfidence after being with so many girl's her age, she didn't recognize what the situation was quite yet.

That being the case she was very much prepared to have her fun with that box of toys and her grin only grew wider as she thought about her options and just how much fun she was going to have with her teacher, and damn did thinking about Alex as her teacher and not just another girlfriend make it all the more arousing. "Fuck, get over here." She sounded almost agitated, aggressive tone matching her actions as she stepped forward and practically tossed Alex onto the bed, mounting her immediately and kissing those perfect lips. The toys could wait for a moment, she needed to try and find out what in the hell Alex was comfortable with first, and she didn't have the patience to dance around the subject, in fact she barely had the patience to find out. It even came out as a growl, the younger girl not sounding particularly ferocious. "So how far can I go tonight Alex... Because you got a peek at what I have in that chest... And I want to use as much as you're comfortable with..." She leaned in after that, grinning and speaking in to Alex's ear, still completely under the illusion that she was about to be the one using toys on Alex, "I'm going to make you feel so incredible Alex..."
Soft curves and hard muscle pressed up against Tessa’s back as Alex continued to torment her student as she struggled to get the door open. Come on…to the left… Is she even trying?! “Mmm…never would’ve pegged you for an exhibitionist….” Alex taunted as she finally managed to get her drunken fingers to obey her enough to undo the button on Tessa’s jeans. Now for that damn zipper… That was less of a hassle, and Alex slid it down low enough so that the teacher had less obstructed access to Tessa’s sex. She was content to just tease for the moment, tracing her fingers along the girl’s panty line, outlining the lips of her student’s sex in the soaked silky material.

Alex had heard the soft click of the bolt sliding free from the lock, but since Tessa wasn’t moving, neither was she. She stayed pressed behind her student, upping the stakes by sliding her hand down the young girl’s panties, cupping her sex and groaning appreciatively at the wetness she found. A low growl of want rumbled in Alex’s throat and she leaned forward, nipping at Tessa’s ear, ready to nibble and tease that cute ear and the regal neck below it, but stopped by her student opening the door. “So demanding.” The older woman teased as Tessa broke away and then tugged her into the apartment. Alex had slightly more patience than Tessa in this situation, or was at least better at hiding how badly she wanted to tear that top her student was wearing to shreds. Her teasing and calm fascade earned her a trip into the wall, her body getting pressed so firmly that it was enough to make her grunt, but not enough to hurt.

“-You’re- frustrated?” Alex scoffed as Tessa pulled away. –Alex- was the one that hadn’t gotten an orgasm last time! Hell, the poor woman hadn’t had sex in three months! (Not like she was counting or anything…) –She- was the one that was fucking frustrated around here!

It seemed to be a race to see who could get out of their clothes first. Tessa was naked and heading towards the bed while Alex stood there, staring like an over-eager teenage lesbian that had never seen another naked woman in the flesh before. Wow… Alex was a lover of all women, she wasn’t particularly shallow and had dated women with a variety of body types. But there was just something about a thin but athletic woman that drove her up a wall… Maybe it was the hint of muscle was what got her going…the slight definition that let her know that her partner was capable of keeping up with her. Or maybe it was the thin, but graceful form…a body that lent itself to appearing just the slightest bit vulnerable…

No! Bad Alex! No bondage tonight! Don’t scare her away on the first date!

After a little promise to herself to behave and be a little more vanilla, Alex finally began to strip. In one fell swoop, the teacher had torn off three layers of clothing to have her top half bare…only to be greeted with a view of Tessa’s cute little ass bent over, searching for something under the bed. Don’t-hit-don’t-hit-don’t-hit. Jeans and a pair of satiny panties were the next things for her to squirm out of. “Ack!” Alex yelped as Tessa yanked her towards the bed. Alright, yelping and flopping around like a drunken fish on a bed may have been one of her least proud Domme moments, but Tessa being so aggressive and tossing her onto the bed had actually taken Alex by surprise. It wasn’t that Alex had never dated a dominant woman before it was just that…-well…she seriously had never dated a dominant woman before! She’d dated women with strong, driven, stubborn personalities…but in the bedroom they had always just sorta turned into submissive little naughty kittens.

Tessa didn’t seem particularly dominant to Alex though… Manipulative, smart, confident…she had certain characteristics of a top, sure. But she lacked any sort of patience or authority in her words. Even now, as she tried to hand out commands, Alex didn’t hear any sort of reason to obey. And Tessa would probably be singing a different tune if she were bound to the bed… No! No bondage! Don’t scare her…don’t scare her… And just as Alex was trying to figure out how she was going to assert her dominance without scaring the crap out of Tessa by coming on too hard and fast, her hand suddenly came down onto the young girl’s perfect little rear with a loud WHACK!


Alright, so that hadn’t entirely gone to plan. Alex hadn’t meant to dish out the corporal punishment on the first night. It was just…instinct. Tessa had been pushing her buttons with all this manhandling! And Alex couldn’t just very well let her new girlfriend try to assert herself as a top. Maybe a firm hand wasn’t quite the way to go… even if all that kinky stuff under the bed did belong to Tessa, there was no way the young girl really knew how to use those toys in order to get the full effect. Hell, Alex was 4 years older than Tessa and had been playing around with bondage for just about that long, even she didn’t know how to use half the things in Tessa’s toy chest! But she was going to have such a fun time learning how to…

“I think…you’re very mistaken about what is going to happen tonight.” Alex smirked up at Tessa before exploding off the mattress and flipping the pair of them over so Alex was now ontop, grinning down at Tessa like the Cheshire Cat. “I don’t sub.” Her voice was firm, and that statement was 100% true. Alex didn’t bottom, ever. Not that she hadn’t tried, she had, it was just…not who she was. She had the vague notion that Tessa might not want to play the sub all the time and she might have to make some concessions and let the girl try to use some things from the chest on her sometime. But tonight, as their first –real- night together, Alex wanted to set out the pace for them, and let Tessa know that if she wanted to play, it would be Alex who would be in charge of the game.

“Besides, I believe you were the one who confessed to being naughty earlier. If anyone’s going to be getting 'punished' with all of those toys under the bed, it’s going to be you.” Alex said as she took hold of Tessa’s hands and moved both of them so that they were pinned above the young girl’s head. It was an easy little test, just to see if Tessa would freak out or not. Alex herself had a bad habit of struggling, it wasn’t that she didn’t trust someone enough to sub for them, it was just that she hated having any part of her body pinned down for an extended period of time.
Tessa had never been one to give up control, it wasn't her style, but not for the reason most people would try and make sure they could keep every facet of their life in order. Tessa was not power hungry, nor was she particularly aggressive and commanding, no for her it was something different all together. Tessa was afraid. It wasn't exactly a fact she let herself dwell on, she didn't like being weak and afraid, but it was part of her life and had controlled her for a very long time. She tried to control it in every possible way, she trained her body to have a control over it and have an illusion of physical strength, she had an incredible mind and made sure to take advantage of it, though she measured her intelligence not with grades but through her own methods, and with every person she had ever met she kept a distance in order to have the superficial control over her own feelings and anything that could possibly hurt her. Usually that meant never having a serious relationship, making sure nobody noticed how bad she was with feelings, and manipulating her way through every other situation. Sexually it had simply become her making sure she was always on top. It allowed her to stop everything or take it at her own pace, to get the sexual desires she had in such abundance sated without ever having to leave it in the hands of another.

Tessa had been attempting the same thing with Alex, because while she was certainly more comfortable with the genuine teacher than she was with others, there was still the habit to instantly do what she could to stay in control. Alex didn't seem to accept that, and where most could do nothing it seemed Alex could have her way quite easily. It started with a sharp smack on her rear, Tessa's body tensing slightly as she yelped, a cute surprised sound, and a surprise it was indeed. Tessa had never expected anything of the sort, and the only thing more surprising than the actual smack was how much it turned Tessa on. She chewed her lower lip, ears barely registering Alex's voice, more focused on the stimulating smirk on those gorgeous lips before she found herself lipped on her back beneath the strong beautiful woman. Fuck, Alex was damn near perfect, her body was incredible and there was no doubt she had strength that outdid Tessa's own physical power. Sure she was tone, she had that muscle from casual sports and running, but Alex was a bit above her and it had the younger girl shivering with delight. A perfect mix of feminine beauty and strength was a rare combination.

Still, as much as she would have loved to admire her all night Alex had a point to make and Tessa was damn sure going to listen. Even as her hands were pinned above her head she didn't struggle. In fact, it surprised her how comfortable she felt when it was Alex taking away her precious control, how little the internal panic was. Alex was absolutely amazing, that had been proven from the beginning, but it took her easily doing something that Tessa would usually freak out about for it to be so obvious. The younger girl writhed underneath her teacher ever so slightly, getting comfortable but not struggling. It felt so odd to be pinned but not bad, almost exciting, a truly new experience for Tessa.

"I..." She was going to say something but stopped, her eyes looking up and right at Alex, determined and spirited but not challenging. If it had been anyone else, perhaps even if Tessa had wanted her teacher any less, she may have fought, even if just for the sake of doing so. She didn't however, instead she took a deep breath before trying to speak in a way that took what she was saying lightly, "Not to get super deep or anything, or god forbid sound like a loser... But I've never been comfortable letting someone have control. I mean, I'm not exactly skillful when it comes to the... Uhm... Romance or relationship part of being with someone else, I don't exactly do the vulnerability thing very well..." She chewed her lower lip, letting it hang in the air because part of her knew what she said was making no sense but she didn't feel like spilling her pathetic lack of human connection, how her parents had never exactly given her the love she needed or the guidance to figure out just what the fuck someone was supposed to do in a normal relationship.

So after a moment she just went with the feelings she always crammed away deeply. "You're different though Alex... I've never been so persistent to get someone... Ever... Or so easily irritated and flustered." She laughed gently, an adorable look on her face, "So how about you show me what it's like to give up control." Her soft adorable expression shifted in to a playful grin, Tessa determined not to let her little admission and show of vulnerability stifle the massive amount sexual want they had been building up for fucking ever. So she leaned up, teeth closing down around Alex's soft lobe, biting gently before speaking in a soft sultry tone, hot breath spilling out as she did, "And don't worry about being a bit rough... That smack on my ass really got me going, I would be disappointed if what I mentioned about not being able to walk correctly didn't come to fruition..." She giggle before letting her head fall back on to the bed, grinning up with the most challenging look she could muster. She was done with her mushy embarrassing dialogue, and more than happy to act like it never happened. She was ready to go back to being the needy, horny, mess of a girl pinned beneath the woman she had been after for so fucking long.
Relief washed over Alex as Tessa seemed to settle right into the position of sub. It was much better than the little fear lurking in the back of her head that her student would totally freak out at Alex’s forwardness. Alex was a top, she knew she was a top, but if she couldn’t get the girl she was with to accept the role that Alex gave her, this whole thing didn’t really work. Thankfully Tessa settled down after a little bit of adjusting and all Alex could do was grin victoriously and start to grind her hips slowly into Tessa’s as a reward for her student behaving so well.

When Tessa opened her mouth to speak, Alex immediately stopped and loosened her grip on her wrists just incase Tessa was having second thoughts. She brightened up as the young girl began to explain that she was only a little hesitant wasn’t good with all this relationship stuff. Truth be told, Alex was only ‘okay’ at it. She could be thoughtful and romantic, but she could also be a poor communicator when it came to what she was feeling, as well as neglectful purely because she was so easily distracted by the other things in her life. She didn’t want Tessa to worry about all that stuff though, they’d get through it together. And she didn’t want her student to be hesitant about doing this tonight, because if there was one thing Alex excelled at, it was taking care of others. “Hey…it’s no big deal. You don’t have to be nervous, Tessa. I’m not going to run out in the morning, okay? I’ll still be here, and I’ll take good care of you tonight, so just relax.”

“Good SAT word.” Alex couldn’t help but tease Tessa’s excellent use of vocabulary, if for only a moment. But after that, it was time to get a little serious. “Alright…look…” Alex was silent for a moment as she collected her words. She wanted to lay down the ground rules if they were going to play the role of Mistress and pet tonight, just so that they were both on the same page and so that Tessa didn’t overwhelmed in her new position. “I’ll go slow, okay? And if I get carried away, don’t be afraid to stop me.” While sometimes Alex could indeed get out of control, it was usually when she was angry or drunk. Tessa should be more or less safe from her wrath, though she still wasn’t going to be able to walk in the morning. Alex had plenty of pent up sexual urges to get through, so while she may not be up for playing the role of harsh Domme, Tessa still wasn’t going to be able to walk straight after they got through the hours of playtime that Alex had in her.

“We’ll keep this really simple... We’ll use red, yellow, green as safewords. Say ‘red’ and I’ll stop everything altogether, yellow if you start to feel pins and needles anywhere, or need me to slow down, then green when you’re ready to start again.” Alex was not 100% with her bindings yet, sometimes she could tie them a little too tight, especially if the girl she was with decided to be difficult by struggling. Plus Tessa seemed to be nervous about giving up control entirely, so Alex wanted to give her the power to take that control back with a few safe words.

“Now…If I remember correctly…I believe you owe me an orgasm.” Alex purred as she sat up straight and began to shimmy up Tessa’s form. Tessa had gotten to get off last time, but Alex had only masturbated with her fingers and had missed the feeling of a soft tongue in her month of self-imposed celibacy. She kept the girl’s wrists pinned firmly above her head as she moved upwards, finally situating herself with thighs on either side of her student’s head. After all that dancing in the club and the little bit of foreplay in the hallway, Alex was still very wet and very ready.

“Go on, lick.” Alex leaned back just for a moment, distracting Tessa with a view of her long lean body as she reached backwards to clap her hand firmly between Tessa’s open thighs with a loud SMACK! She smirked as she remembered all of Tessa’s demands to ‘hurry up because she was horny’ and delivered another quick SMACK! to Tessa’s soaking slit. Then she stroked at the girl’s stinging clit to rile her back up. “Mmm…so wet… But you’re not going to get to cum tonight at all without my permission. And you’re only to get that permission if you’re a good girl.”
Tessa just smiled to the reassuring Alex. She was gorgeous, intelligent, and gentle, it was easy to trust her where it would be difficult for her to trust others. It was nice, and it filled the younger girl with a warmth that she wanted to keep a firm grip on. That being said she had a easy time nodding and accepting what Alex was telling her, as with trust it was easy to believe her new girlfriend was going to be slow and take care of her. Not that all nervousness was gone, safe words went beyond the span of Tessa's knowledge, her years of sexual experience giving her the illusion that she was this dominant top where in reality she misused her preference for keeping herself distant for actual dominance. It was a difference quickly becoming clear as Alex purred and let her student know just what the night was going to hold. The nervousness was the best part in actuality, sure it made her wonder with every action her partner took, but it also gave her this excited feeling, every action having her thrilled to see what came next.

The younger woman chewed on her lower lip as Alex shimmied up her body, not struggling at all as she found herself more captured than every by the beautiful teacher. "Indeed I do..." She said through a smirk, having wanted to hear Alex moan for her since their first night together. Fuck, what a night that had been, she still dreamed about that. She had even masturbated using Alex's agonizing punishment, for Tessa trying to get her way that night, as inspiration. She wouldn't ever say that, she was close to blushing just thinking about it, but it was true, Alex had made a strong impression. This was even more intense though, because now Alex wasn't simply teasing her, this was no punishment, and the intent and atmosphere had all changed. Alex's voice came out with such authority and Tessa looked up at her with nothing but desire, lips parting as her tongue traced the edges of her sensual lips, almost trying to tease Alex by taking her sweet time to follow the order given.

That didn't work though, as much as she would have loved to stare at the lean body atop her she wasn't given that option, she was only given incentive to get her mouth where it was supposed to be. The first smack hadn't been bad, Tessa let out a small yelp of surprise but she was grinning with excitement soon after. It was only when another one came that she got the idea. Not that she didn't like it, in fact if she hadn't already been sopping wet she would have been heading there after the rough attention, but she got the idea that doing what she was told would be necessary to get what she so desperately wanted. Besides, if she hadn't gleamed that bit of information Alex soon spelled it out for her.

"Mmm... Yes Miss Javorcek... Right away." One thing Tessa was proud of was that she could pronounce her teacher's last name correctly, a feat few in her class seemed to be able to even come close to accomplishing. In class it didn't much matter, but in private, or all of those times she had chosen to flirt with Alex, well then it mattered, and Tessa liked saying her last name. Those lips were soon put to better use as they pushed up against the wet slit presented to her, juices already starting to slide down her chin and cheek as she dove right in. Usually Tessa would use her hands to get a grip somewhere or control the situation a bit but that wasn't possible this time and that was going to make it a bit messy, just another fun detail. Her tongue slid up to the folds her lips were encircling and launched right in, they had already danced around each other all night, she bypassed foreplay and let her tongue delve right in to the tight folds. The hot flesh gave way to the powerful tongue pushing forward, but she didn't start off with simple licks, no Tessa wanted to blow Alex away and oral was a skill she had some faith in.

There was no hesitation as the younger girl lapped and twisted her flexible tongue, being one of those people who could control their tongue to precise degrees had its uses, more than merely tying a cherry stem that was for sure, and she was aiming to show off. The noises as she slurped and stroked Alex's inner walls with her tongue filled the room, Tessa breathing through her nose and making sure she didn't have to stop, hands trying to move on occasion but only because Tessa kept forgetting they were restrained, and immediately stopping when she realized it again, instinct to have them help her please Alex quite strong. She was doing just fine without them though, in fact perhaps better than she would have been, the messy no holds barred way she was eating Alex out wasn't her usual method, she always controlled herself, had her hands help, now she was relying on her tongue. Her neck may pay for it of course, she was craning it to get the angle right but it was worth it, because while her mouth was busy doing what she had been told, her ears were listening and taking in every sound the beautiful teacher let loose.
Tessa was so receptive to every little thing she did; Alex absolutely loved it. The young girl’s yelps and looks of excitement were so adorable; it was easy for her to see that this was all new for her student. Alex was thrilled to be able to give the younger girl this first experience, and she was sure to make it a very memorable one.

Usually hearing another person say her last name was like listening to nails slowly raking down a chalkboard: absolutely excruciating. But when Tessa said it…it was strangely sexy in how it reaffirmed her power over the younger girl. And the respectful title sounded less forced and less silly than ‘Mistress’ or ‘Ma’am’. “Holyfuck!” Alex gasped, nearly falling over as Tessa began working over her wanting slit. Apparently she was much more sensitive than she had realized. Weeks without sex had nearly made her forget how intense the feeling of an eager tongue could be.

“Good girl. Ohhhh God, right there…” Alex panted, trying her best to hold still and make this easier for Tessa. But her self-control lasted for all about five minutes before her hips bucked forward as her student hit an especially sensitive spot. Alex lost herself to the pleasure, the hand that had been playing between Tessa’s thighs now whipped around to grab firm hold on the girl’s scalp. She tried not to pull too hard, but she knew her grasp was very tight as she used Tessa’s head to steady herself as she began riding her prisoner’s face. Alex –could- probably just grab onto the headboard…but Tessa had said she had wanted it rough, and Alex was going to oblige her.

“Fuck! Ohhhh fuck fuck fuck!” It appeared that the young professional was definitely not good at being quiet in the throes of passion. She continued grinding her sopping wet slit into Tessa’s lips and tongue, smearing her arousal all over the girl’s chin and cheeks as she did so. “TESSA!” Alex cried out her young lover’s name as she quickly came undone, pleasure shooting through every nerve in her body. She groaned loudly, doing her best to hold still again and let Tessa keep lapping up the mess she had made like a good pet.

Panting and grinning, feeling much better after her first orgasm of the night, Alex moved so that she was not straddling Tessa anymore, letting the young girl catch her breath. She released the silky locks of Tessa’s hair, but her other hand only loosened the grip on her student’s wrists; Alex still kept both hands above the girl’s head. “You are fantastic…” Alex purred as shimmied down Tessa’s body so that she could lay beside her. She swiped some of her own juices off of Tessa’s face, cleaning her up a little bit. Then the brunette leaned down, kissing her lover slowly and surprisingly tenderly, catching a little bit of her own salty sweet taste on Tessa’s lips.

“Mmmm… Stay right here.” Alex nipped Tessa’s bottom lip lightly before she rolled away, granting her student her freedom for a moment. She leaned over the edge of the bed, her toned ass swaying in the air, the swollen, well licked lips of her sex entirely exposed to Tessa as she shifted through the case of toys. Hmmm…what to play with… Finally, she settled on two that she thought would be good for a slow start into bondage tonight: a suede flogger and a pair of leather handcuffs. Alex grabbed the two and then sat up, twisting herself around so that she could show Tessa the toys before she took the girl by the hands. “I felt you struggling a little bit earlier…so these should help you keep your hands to yourself.” Alex grinned as she trapped Tessa’s wrists in the leather cuffs. She didn’t tie them to the bed, but instead let Tessa have them so that she could get used to feeling bound, while still having enough of her freedom so that she wouldn’t get scared.

“Now…how about you be a good girl for me and roll onto your stomach so that I can see that cute little ass of yours.” Alex said as she slid off of the bed, that black flogger in her hand. She twirled it about, giving it a few experimental flicks and smacks against her hand to get a feel for it before she dared try it on her student.
Nothing was quite as arousing to Tessa as hearing the gorgeous woman above her moan and cry out with every purposeful movement of her talented tongue. It wasn't just the narcissist in Tessa either, in fact she could honestly care less that her skill was being so loudly admired. No, it was just hearing those shutters and cries of pleasure, it had Tessa wet and more than a little riled up. It only encouraged her further, and as the wonderful game of 'please your mistress' continued she stepped up to deliver as amazing an oral performance as she could muster, using every trick and skill she had picked up in her time playing around. Her efforts were soon rewarded with more than the blissful moaning of her teacher, it was rewarded with a hand interlocked tightly with her hair. It was an odd sensation, the excitement and desire building up due to the painful tug at her silken locks. Tessa found herself loving it though, moaning into the wet slit now grinding in to her face to attain it's pleasure, Tessa still doing her best to make the ride even better.

Oh but when Alex came, she slowed down ever so slightly, tongue lapping up the juices that flowed forth from those quivering loins, a stupid grin on Tessa's face as her new girlfriend screamed her name loud enough that the neighbors would surely hear. Gah, for the first time she was proud about who she had in her room, it wasn't some shameful meeting that would end with her one-night stand slipping out or being given the cold shoulder the next morning, nor was it a classmate who had been drunk and woke up as unsure of where she was as she was unsure about her sexual orientation. Not this time though, she was happy to have Alex in her bed and as the older woman began to shimmy down her body she looked up at her with a loving smile, deep panting the only noise coming from those slightly parted, juice covered lips. Alex cleaning her face made Tessa blush, about to turn and kiss her lover but being moments too late, Alex apparently having a similar idea.

It was such a loving kiss, tender and slow, the kind of kiss that made Tessa moan, her body shivering with delight and her lips following Alex's when she tried to part them, keeping them connected for a mere few extra seconds and feeling like it was a true accomplishment. "Alex... Damn... You're incredible." She barely managed to breath the words as Alex gave her a command and rolled away. While that gave Tessa freedom she didn't move a muscle, her hands even staying above her head, crossed and waiting for her Mistress' orders. What came next had her truly licking her lips though, because while what had just happened had got Tessa soaking her sheets, what Alex revealed had her more excited than ever.

Most people would have been afraid to see cuffs and a flogger, especially someone like Tessa who had never experienced either, but she wasn't. It wasn't only trust, even if that played a tremendous part, but because Tessa wanted it all, the rough treatment, and after a face ride the suede tendrils seemed like a perfect follow up. It was odd for her to think about just how much she was enjoying herself, it was all new, but she was and Tessa had always been an impulsive thing. "Mmm, of course Miss Javorcek." That was the amateur submissive's only response to being cuffed, and fear wasn't even a part of what she felt, far from it in fact. It was all only furthered when Alex gave her next command, one Tessa grinned at as she obeyed.

Tessa was very proud of her body, she wasn't as perfectly toned as Alex but she had an amazing figure with a sexy hint of muscle mixed in. Her skin was smooth, her height making her movements seem almost enchanting when she used it all right. Then there was her ass, and oh it was her pride and joy, so when Alex told her to show it off she couldn't help but get excited and quickly roll herself over. Like a feline she got into place, bound hands sliding across the sheets and extending flat along the length of the bed, the rest of her long slim body following suit, breasts pressing against the fabric as her back arched, sloping upwards to the two perfect cheeks bouncing ever so slightly when she had it in the air, jiggling and begging to be given attention. "Mmmm, come on Alex... We both know I've done some wrong things these past few weeks to get even with you... Plus the drinking... I think corporal punishment is the only recourse you have left to help fix my attitude problem." It took all she had not to laugh, to act seriously and not prove just how bad her attitude was as she clearly mocked Alex for whatever reason.
Alex watched her new pet very, very carefully. If Tessa showed even the slightest bit of discomfort, she would be willing to be abort the scene right away. As excited as she was to be doing this, the last thing that she wanted to do was scar her student for life. But Tessa seemed to handle the leather cuffs very well, testing them, but not struggling to get out of them. And she obeyed commands eagerly, rolling onto her stomach without Alex even having to manhandle her. It made the older woman smile, she liked seeing the proof that Tessa trusted her enough to do all of this. And, as much as she was tolerant and sometimes even enjoyed Tessa’s stubbornness and pain-in-the-ass-ness, Alex was relieved to see that the girl could follow orders and not fight her every step of the way.

Tessa couldn’t have been a more perfect sub if she tried. The girl was a natural, picking a perfectly sexy pose that had her rear very nicely wiggling in the air. Alex savored this amazing view for only a moment before she stepped closer to the bed and positioned herself so that she could give her naughty little sub some proper punishment.

Perhaps it was a mistake for Tessa to bring up all her most recent wrong-doings to a Domme that was holding a flogger. But as it was, Alex’s student reminded her of the very –many- shenanigans that her new pet had been up to. All of which made the brunette’s temper flare up. Suddenly, Alex gathered up the tails of the flogger, releasing them with a quick snap of her wrist. WHACK!, the suede tails came down harshly onto Tessa’s rear, much harder than the teacher had intended for their first time. But Alex didn’t apologize, she didn’t waiver. Instead, she landed another harsh hit to Tessa’s perfect little bottom, just so that the younger girl knew that the both strikes had been on purpose.

“I hope that you don’t always make me have to punish you, Tessa.” Alex growled as she gathered up the tails of the flogger, planning her next move. The first two strikes had been punishment for behaving so horridly over the past few weeks. But now that the punishment had been taken care of, the pair of them could have some fun. “Because, I really would prefer to make my new pet scream in pleasure than have her whimper in pain.” Alex purred as she released the soft tails of the flogger and let them fall lightly against the swollen lips of Tessa’s sex. She wriggled the flogger a little bit, letting the tips flutter against her pet’s throbbing clit before dragging the tails away and upwards. The suede crept along Tessa’s beet red cheeks before reaching the small of her back.

Alex knew the basics of how a flogger worked. And while she’d never had the chance to use one before, she was a very quick learner. She began flicking the flogger down the long expanse of Tessa’s back, very lightly at first, so light that it probably almost tickled a little bit as the tails fell limply down her sides. But as Alex kept making sweeps with the suede tails, she began to understand just how hard to hit Tessa in order to get the nerves to become hypersensitive and have her pet squirming in anticipation rather than whining in pain.

“Such a good girl…” Alex said sweetly as she leaned down to start peppering soft kisses along Tessa’s shoulders and back. She set down the flogger and now used her free hand to affectionately stroke Tessa’s heated rear. Her fingertips played down the curve of her pet’s ass, sliding along the bottom curve of her upturned rear and between her legs.
Tessa knew how to fuck, she was a practiced lover and had a good deal of experience for someone of her age going to a school as thin as hers as far as lesbian population went. She had made due, playing around, going out to have fun, and seducing cute little straight girls whenever she could. So she thought she was completely ready for whatever Alex threw at her, teasing and asking for punishment from the older woman, ass begging to be flogged by the teacher whom she had treated rather horribly the last bit of time. Sure she had her reasons, but they were childish, and now she was reminding and asking Alex to remember, mocking her with playfulness when it was a very real situation. The first smack of the flogger made Tessa well aware that she wasn't as experienced or ready for it as she had thought, and that her loud unrestrained mouth she have kept shut about how much of a brat she had been and how much trouble she had caused the only fucking person who had cared about her in a long time. She cried out at the first hit, not in pure pain, there was some clear pleasure derived from the whack of suede against her flesh, but her cry did make the surprise obvious.

She yelped the next time, body jerking gently, instinctively trying to move away from the pain, though Tessa kept herself in check and back in place almost instantly, a small whimper escaping her lips but being clashed against by her lip chewing and flowing juices as she let the pleasure of it all mix in to the pain. "I-I won't Miss Javorcek... I'll be a good girl." She moaned gently, cutting off the end of her sentence as the flogger teased her sex, clit throbbing and begging for stimulation but only getting a few moments of torturous pleasure before the flogger was moved away, up her burning red cheeks and to the smooth skin of her back. It was all throbbing, her entire body responding to the pain, no doubt the rush of endorphins responsible for the mix of pain and pleasure she was feeling with each pulsating throb of her ample ass. She wanted more attention, to feel just what it was like to truly belong to someone who wanted her, and as sad as that was she didn't shy away from the realization in her mind. Tessa was so glad someone wanted her, and excited to be completely hers.

The flicking of the flogger down her back wasn't painful, some of the whacks brought small moans from her lips but mostly it was just Tessa making low noises of affection with each touch or making it clear to Alex just what felt the best. The kisses were enough to get her loud again, an uninhibited moan came from Tessa's lips as she looked over her shoulder at Alex with a gorgeous joyful smile, as bright as she had ever shown, adoration in her trembling eyes. She lowered her head back down quickly enough though, not connecting eyes with Alex and not wanting to distract her from what she was doing just so fucking well. Those hands, the hands of an artist, on her rear made Tessa moan, the bit of pain from the sore cheeks nothing compared to the incredible pleasure from the sensitive squeezable rear she was so proud of. She was so intoxicated with desire, and so focused on every touch from Alex, that she closed her eyes, head down as she let herself narrow in on every little ounce of pleasure.

"Please Miss Javorcek... Please, I need it." She moaned, no acting or mocking at all anymore. Compared to the start she had changed, the flogging jump starting the massive submissive side that had apparently been buried somewhere inside the adorable teenage girl with severe trust and abandonment issues. The side of herself she had shoved away to protect the delicate balance where she felt some form of control over her life. For Alex it had dropped away, all of the walls were gone and that submissive side bubbled up in the form of a begging whimper as fingers got so close to her burning loins, juices sliding down her thighs in gentle streams. Tessa would have a hard time saying she was dominant ever again, because nothing had ever felt so natural and so exciting as what she found herself in right at that moment, and as her ass wiggled gently for Alex her entire being had already been offered up.
Dexterous digits slowly drifted along the curve of Tessa’s rear, down between her thighs to stroke the petals of her sex, and then back up again, leaving streaks of quickly cooling wetness on her student’s perfect, beet red ass. Sometimes Alex would switch things up, trading soft pads of fingers for blunt nails that she raked down the backs of Tessa’s thighs, so light that the touch would make her squirm from tingling sensations. Every movement was slow, deliberate. Alex was obviously content to just torture her new pet. After all, she’d already gotten off once, she didn’t have any pressing need to hurry things along.

Tessa, on the other hand, was not so lucky. Alex could see how soaking wet she was, could feel the heat just radiating from her wanting sex. She was actually quite proud of herself for having such an effect on her student, even prouder still that she hadn’t just lost her patience and fucked the girl already. The way that Tessa was behaving was definitely wearing on her self control. Her pet did beg so prettily….and besides, Alex was a big softie, she was incapable of denying Tessa anything. The most she could do was just make her pet work for it.

“You need it, huh?” Alex grinned, her fingers toying between Tessa’s swollen outer lips. It didn’t take much effort to find the engorged nub of her clit, and as soon as she found that little button, Alex stroked in circles, working to rile Tessa up even more. “You’re lucky I like you…” The teacher whispered as she stopped stroking and lightly pinched the younger girl’s clit instead. Those teasing fingers dragged downwards slightly, brushing against Tessa’s entrance. Two talented digits slowly slipped into Tessa’s dripping wet sex, but only to the first knuckle. “Well, go on. Take what you need.” Alex didn’t move a muscle, didn’t offer any other help for her poor, horny little pet. If Tessa wanted some relief, she would have to get it herself.
The pace of Alex's movements were slow and causing Tessa to react with desperation as she squirmed and whined beneath her. The switch between the soft fingers and nails had her gasping and moaning, her sensitive flesh crying out with mix of pain and pleasure with each movement. Yet, as much as she was begging for it, as many indications of how much she needed it she gave off, Alex didn't crumble. In fact her teacher seemed damn near pleased that she was making Tessa crazy, the young girl having little control over herself at that point and not knowing what to do under the control of another woman. She wasn't uncomfortable, in fact she had never been in so much pleasure in her fucking life, but it wasn't the usual pleasure or comfort. There was the conflicting pain and inability to reach fruition that never seemed to go away. Tessa had no control, she was completely at the whim of Alex who was all to happy to keep her right where she had her, desperate and right on the edge of a seemingly unreachable orgasm.

"Yes Miss Javorcek... I need it." She whined, gasping moments later when fingers played with her wanting outer lips, her entire sex expecting attention. What it got was more torture, fingers circling her clit, the tiny engorged cluster of nerves throbbing with need. Tessa whimpered gently as her thighs quivered, the young girl struggling to keep herself from pushing against Alex and giving herself stimulation the teacher didn't seem to want to give her at that moment. She yelped and her back arched slightly when the nub was pinched, moaning out as a less gentle pinch was delivered, followed by a moan as fingers brushed against her sex once more. Fuck, it was unbearable, not being able to move and get the pleasure she wanted so badly, especially with it being so fucking close. Yet that caused some of the strange excitement that had been present from the very start, and she couldn't help but be more aroused the more she was tortured and teased, find the lack of fulfillment only more exciting than ever.

The excitement was halted when the fingers stopped so soon after being pushed in however, a loud disappointed whimper coming from her lips as she looked towards Alex for answers. Her eyes quivered and she had a look that spoke more than any verbal beg ever could. "I..." She stopped, almost complaining when told what she had to do to get the relief she desired. She wasn't going to make a mistake, she needed it and nothing was going to stop her. So she shut her mouth and readied herself, then, when she had her body positioned she began to push back against the slender digits inside of her. She moaned loudly as they plunged into her hot slippery depths, her incredibly tight channel squeezing down on the digits as they were taken in to the limit of their length. Then she pulled forward, slamming back on to them moments later, long dreamy moans escaping the younger girl as she got a rhythm going, increasing in force and speed as she became use to it, fucking herself on those lovely fingers, gripping the sheets under her hands and biting the pillow in front of her, reducing her volume by just a bit as she impaled herself on Alex over and over.

Her hips were shaking, the fine ass red and sore but still smacking back against the flesh of her lover's hand. She was entranced, and after a few minutes of thigh burning effort she shuddered and cried out, juices pouring over those fingers and down the hand of her teacher, Alex's name being cried out in a moment of blissful forgetfulness in which she said Alex instead of Miss Javorcek. Then she let herself collapse, small aftershocks still shaking her system as she laid on the soft bed, breathing heavily, and with satisfaction coursing through every part of her body.
Alex knew that she was asking a lot from Tessa by making her find her own pleasure. It was a humiliating act, being bent over and fucking herself on Alex’s fingers like a horny little slut, but Alex couldn’t help herself from wanting to witness this hedonistic display at the price of her new pet’s pride. When Tessa’s lips parted, she he half expected her student to to object, to become too shy to continue their play. But it seemed that Tessa sensed Alex’s resolve to really play the role of Mistress tonight, because she closed her mouth and steeled herself before obeying.

It was incredibly erotic watching Tessa take her own pleasure, a bolt of excitement coursed through Alex’s body as her fingers became enveloped in delicious looking pink flesh. Besides the heat and wetness, Alex noticed how incredibly tight her new pet was. It was a little tidbit of information that she socked away for later, it appeared that Tessa had not taken anything larger than two fingers in a long while and Alex would have to remember to go slow and be gentle the next time they were together. Hopefully that next time would include Alex’s favorite toy: her strap on.

As Tessa started to pick up a rhythm, Alex held perfectly still, not offering any help to her student as she continued to impale herself onto Alex’s soaked fingers. The most that the teacher did was run her free hand down Tessa’s back, sometimes scratching, other times just stroking her fondly and urging her on.

Alex felt a shiver of desire run down her back as she watched her pet ride her hand. Hearing Tessa’s sexy moans were enough to get the older woman pulsing with want again. And the sight of her perfect ass bouncing backwards onto Alex’s fingers… it was all making her wish more and more that she had a toy to claim Tessa properly with. The best she could do right now was to lean down and sink her teeth into that trembling rear, growling softly as she bit and suckled on the flesh as Tessa cried out her name. Even though Tessa was getting ‘punished’ with a bite, she could probably feel Alex’s lips curling into a smile as she bit her rear. Alex did love hearing Tessa scream her name, there was no doubt about that.

“Good girl…” Alex purred sweetly as she pulled away and adjusted herself on the bed so that she knelt a little more comfortably. “I bet you can cum again, can’t you?” No waiting for a response, and no letting Tessa recuperate. Alex quickly grasped onto the back of Tessa’s neck to pin her down and hold her still so that she couldn’t squirm away. She slammed her fingers forward, filling Tessa’s sweet little channel once more. Alex immediately started to roughly pummel her pet’s pussy. Long fingers curled forward, dragging over the swollen, extremely sensitive spot on Tessa’s front wall.
As embarrassing as it was for Tessa to move her body and take her own pleasure, it was an incredibly arousing experience. Something about knowing Alex was just watching, admiring her while she performed the task of self-pleasure using those motionless digits, it made her shiver with excitement. Tessa had never thought herself that type of person, she had always believed she preferred being the one with all of the control. Apparently the younger girl had been completely wrong about her own preferences. The growing proof of her submissiveness was overwhelming, and with each push of her hips against Alex's fingers, with each moan, she felt her role become defined. She knew that there was no way to go back, Alex wouldn't forget and Tessa couldn't, there was no forgetting how extraordinary it all was.

She was so enthralled as her sex impaled itself on Alex's fingers again and again, that the only sound to disrupt her moaning was a yelp as teeth sunk in to her rear. She was smiling though, and part of her knew Alex had been as well, a swell of happiness rushing through her as her wanting lips spilled forth praise freely. She wanted Alex to know she was enjoying it, and that she loved her, and she wanted to hear how good of a girl she was. It wasn't demeaning, there was no glare back or smartass remark as one would expect from the newly legal troublemaker. No, for Alex, and just for Alex, Tessa was the sweet person she had probably always been. She was in love and where she was always that person who thought the love movies exaggerated and were full of shit, she was now the person who had never felt more attached and happy. Gah, Alex had to come along and change it all, make her happy, it was almost irritating in the most irrational way. So she let her voice ring out and looked back at Alex with dreamy eyes, a gentle nod as she was asked such a ridiculous question. Of course she could cum again.

A single orgasm would never satisfy the younger girl, not when she was actually with another person. Sure, if she just needed to relieve some frustration by herself it could work, as a temporary patch, but she needed more, and if Alex had given her a moment she would have been more than eager to make it clear she needed more. Her older lover had plans of her own though and as Tessa was pinned by her neck to her bed she let a small moan slip. Sure she squirmed a bit, but it wasn't to try and get away it was simply a reaction, especially when those skilled fingers plunged inside of her, Tessa's sensitive sex grasping tightly around them as her voice was let loose. The rough fingering was amazing, the treatment and situation both driving at a deep desire that made the student cry out, her voice cracking with pleasured moaning as she called out Alex's name, barely remembering to say Miss Javorcek instead of calling the teacher by her first name.

"Please Miss Javorcek... Harder..." She whined, grinding her tight little sex against the relentless digits buried inside of her. Nothing of the Tessa that acted tough, she was a whimpering mess and needed to be fucked. She wished Alex had something more, but she was excited enough for those fingers, the fingers that seemed to hit every sensitive spot he had, teasing and pushing her forward with skill Tessa couldn't even fathom. Tessa knew she was good in bed, but fuck she had some things to learn. She grit her teeth as another wave of pleasure began to rise, her body quivering, legs shaking as she kept herself up through willpower alone. She was using muscles she didn't ever have a reason to use, and while Tessa bragged about her stamina it was a struggle to keep her sexy pose and give Alex such easy access. It was a fight between beautiful quivering legs and their limited endurance and the desire for as much pleasure as possible. She whimpered gently, grinding back into Alex, trying her best to give her lover as much time as possible.
“Harder? Oh you are nice and eager aren’t you.” Alex couldn’t help but tease her student in response to her begging. The whimpering, obedient woman before her was so unlike the stubborn, snarky Tessa that she had known in her classroom. Alex did love both versions of her new lover though. ‘Tessa the Brat ‘gave Alex a reason to be a Mistress, while ‘Tessa the Obedient Pet’ gave her a chance to give the younger girl some fun rewards. Even though she did tease her plaything for begging, Alex gave into her plea for more. She let go of Tessa’s neck, shifting her body in a position that was better suited for fucking Tessa harder.

Now that she was sitting up, Alex could ram her fingers much harder into Tessa’s clutching folds. She put every ounce of power that she had into thrusting those digits into hot wet silk, rocking her lover’s nubile little form with each push forward. Alex was completely entranced by the sight of her fingers pummeling her pet’s tight little sex. She licked her lips, tempted to stop so that she could get a taste of the sweet nectar that coated her fingers. But she kept going, fucking Tessa nice and hard, ignoring the burn in her bicep and wrist as she did.

Alex paid close attention to her pet, watching her carefully, trying to gauge her pleasure. Her beautiful, quivering little pet seemed so close to release. Tessa’s folds kept fluttering around her fingers, almost as though they were trying to draw her in deeper; and when her sex suddenly clamped around Alex roughly, as though Tessa were about to topple over the edge into a massive orgasm, those fingers suddenly stopped fucking her. The older woman grinned as she clapped her hand down onto Tessa’s rear with a nice hard WHACK! “Not just yet pet. You can cum in a second.” Alex’s words came out broken up with soft pants. Even though she had an amazing athletic body and pretty good stamina, even she could only brutally fuck Tessa for so long. She couldn’t wait for them to go back to her place sometime…it was definitely much easier to roughly fuck some one with a strap on than fingers. Even though she had seen that Tessa had one, it just wasn’t the same. When Alex claimed Tessa, she wanted to do it with –her- cock.

Alex wasn’t too cruel for much longer, she knew that Tessa craved release, and Alex was going to satisfy her pet’s wants. She leaned over her lover, breasts pressing firmly into Tessa’s back as Alex used her bent over pet to help hold herself up. Her free hand reached under Tessa, sliding down her flat stomach and between her damp thighs. It didn’t take much to find the engorged little nub of Tessa’s clit; the girl’s outer lips were so puffy that they naturally parted, leaving her poor clit defenseless.

“Go on, cum for me.” Alex growled by Tessa’s ear before dipping her head down to sink her teeth into her lover’s shoulder, marking her in yet another spot. After tonight, there would be no doubt that Tessa belonged to someone, so much of her body was covered in Alex’s handprints, flogger marks, bites, and hickeys. “Let me see just how many orgasms my new pet can have….” Alex cooed sweetly as her hands began working her pet’s sex over again, roughly fucking her tight little hole and rubbing her swollen clit.
Tessa had long since stopped caring about trying to make it seem like she had herself under control, because she did not. Alex's onslaught of her sensitive body brought cries and pleas from her lips, the young girl's pleasure shooting upwards with each powerful pump of digits deep inside her sex. It was all incredible, not just because Tessa was letting herself go to someone, but because she knew that what Alex was doing could be classified as nothing less than amazing. The power and stamina, it was causing Tessa to be the one crumbling first, her legs quivering weakly. She had never had a problem lasting longer than other people, her athleticism always brought her out on top. Not this time however, instead she was starting to get the drained feeling she knew all too well from her longer runs. "Fuck..." She whined under her breath, looking back at Alex with begging eyes when it all stopped, not concerned with the slap on her rear at all, absorbed by desire. Her face displayed unusual amounts of need as opposed to how she usually looked. "A-Alex... Please." Her voice cracked, legs were shaking, and nothing had ever sounded so desperate coming out of her mouth. Tessa needed to cum.

Despite the desperation and tormenting wait, Tessa did not seek the pleasure on her own, staying her quivering legs as they screamed to be allowed to push back against the fingers she had come to crave. Tessa purred gently as Alex pressed up against her back, head tilting back and nose nuzzling at the first sight of cheek. When her clit was found a gasp came as her head hit the bed, body quivering and legs spreading to the absolute limit, Tessa having already spread them quite far. "Yes Miss Javorcek..." She moaned, back arching as teeth sunk in to her shoulder, yet another piece of proof that some wild beast had taken Tessa for her own. Surely some of the marks would be seen at school, perhaps more than a few since Tessa often showered at school after a run. They would inform people that Tessa was owned, the amount leaving no room for any other reasoning.

Of course it could backfire. The marks could attract others, plenty of the girls at school already having eyes for Tessa and no doubt a few looking who weren't interested due to her smart mouth and perceived dominance. That image would shatter with a single look at the state of her flesh. It didn't matter, Tessa wouldn't be letting anyone get near her, but she had already seen how effective jealousy was against Alex, she had a feeling she would be the one punished for the leering eyes of others, seeing as Alex couldn't take her emotions out on the party truly at fault. A grunt escaped Tessa's lips after a few moments, Alex's renewed vigor and adept fingers shoving her back towards the edge she had been denied not long ago. There had not been enough time for her to cool down at all and her tight slit soon squeezed down around the invading digits, clamping in unison with a loud cry of pleasure as the first wave hit Tessa, her entire body quivering as her juices spilled forth.

Alex didn't seem to give a damn about a single peak though and the continued dedication had Tessa rocking and convulsing to the expert touch, voice spilling out and hands gripping the sheets she thought they would rip. "Alex! Fuck!" She cried out again, this time her legs giving out and her body slamming into the bed, the weight of Alex on her back pleasant more than anything. Even then her body had another spike to slam her with, and in perhaps the most massive wave of pleasure to run through her that night Tessa bit down into the pillow near her head, instinctively, and a decision she regret half way through, releasing it and letting her satisfaction be clear, even if only part of it was truly vocal. Her cries of ecstasy, no doubt heard by a few of the lovely neighbors, she was panting, hard deep breaths as she laid against the bed, eyes barely cracked. A small content groan came from her mouth and she just laid there, rendered speechless and completely satisfied.
“Good girl…” Alex purred as Tessa began to unravel. She could feel her pet’s walls clutch and pull at her fingers, attempting to draw her digits deeper inside. Even though their new position made thrusting harder difficult, Alex did her best to give Tessa’s body exactly what it needed. She knew that she’d never be able to claim Tessa properly in public, they would have to hide their relationship until Tessa graduated. But the knowledge that they’d have to hide just made Alex want to make Tessa scream and cry out louder in ecstasy.

“What did I say about muffling you moans?” Alex’s voice was a low, threatening growl beside Tessa’s ear. Tessa had bitten the pillow for little more than a second, but Alex was going to use any excuse she could to give Tessa punishments. Even though her left arm burned from fucking Tessa so hard for so long, Alex still managed to gather enough strength to withdraw her soaking fingers and do a push up. She quickly moved off to the side, putting some room between her and her student so that she could roll the younger woman over. Tessa was tired, panting, her eyes half lidded from exhaustion. But Alex wasn’t going to give her any time to recuperate.

She hopped down to the foot of the bed, grabbing her student by the thighs and dragging Tessa with her so that her legs dangled off the edge of the mattress. Tessa may be spent, but Alex was going to punish her for biting the pillow. A few more orgasms should do the trick. With her head now separated from pillows and anything to bite, making Tessa cum again without anything near her face to inhibit her moans seemed like an excellent reminder that there was to be no muffling of moans in her presence.

Alex got settled quickly between Tessa’s legs, unable to help a smug little grin curling her lips as she looked at her student’s well-loved slit. Her folds were still swollen and open like the petals of a flower. She was glistening with cum, and Alex couldn’t wait to catch a taste of her student’s sweet juices. Before she did so though, she grasped Tessa firmly by the hips, pinning her to the bed so that she wouldn’t pull back or squirm away as Alex’s tongue made first contact with her hypersensitive sex. The first few licks were gentle, slow strokes that explored every little valley of Tessa’s sopping wet folds in an attempt to catch more of her salty sweet taste. Once Alex had sampled her fill, she latched her lips around Tessa’s clit, sealing the poor little abused nub in her mouth to torment further.

The young teacher would not be satisfied until she had drawn out another screaming orgasm from Tessa, an orgasm to replace the one that had been interrupted by the biting of a pillow. Her tongue kept swiping over the throbbing bud in her mouth, pushing it against the sharp edge of her teeth. Even when she forced another climax from Tessa and felt a flood of juices spill against her chin, she continued to suckle and lash her tongue over the pulsing, swollen nub.

Only when her new pet was a trembling, whimpering mess of nerves did Alex back off and let her have a breather. She pressed a few tender to her lover’s thigh before standing up. Alex cleaned her face with the back of her arm and then sat down on the bed. The first thing she did was undo the bindings around Tessa’s wrists and toss them off to the corner. Immediately after that she leaned down to kiss Tessa, slowly, sweetly, giving her some real affection so that she knew that the scene was over, and Miss Javorcek was just Alex again. “Mmm…you did very well. Ready for bed?” Alex smiled and nuzzled at her student’s cheek affectionately. She knew that Tessa must be absolutely exhausted, and even though she herself felt drained, she had plenty of energy to help her student back up to the pillows and under the sheets so that they could snuggle before falling asleep.
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