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..::Any one want to play some League together?::..

Does anyone play on EUW? If not, I could probably make an account on NA, but I'd be laggin quite far behind in levels and champions.
I wouldn't mind helping if your lag wasn't too unmanageable. I know that a lot of people play on both EUS and NA, so I know that it's possible to make it work.
If any of you all will be playing the All for One: Mirror Mode featured on Howling Abyss for the ten days that it is out, I wouldn't mind getting in on some of that. I'll have to patch up and get the hang of it again, but shouldn't be too difficult to get back into the swing of things.

More info here if anyone hasn't taken a look at it yet. Not too keen on the whole prospect of paying 150RP for a temporary skin unlock, but the game type sounds interesting enough.
I'm getting real sick of these temporary game types. All For One was amazing the first time around but everything else has been complete shit. I'l give this one a chance, because I love AFO, but I hate the Howling Abyss... so yeah.

Bring back Summoner's Rift All for One permanently. Riot! You can keep that fucking URF shit.
Hexakill was fun but I didn't play much of it. URF was great because I love casters and bruisers, although I broke a few ADC's in URF (Lucian and Jinx with 2.5 atk spd? Nice).

Not sure how I feel about A41 Mirror though.
I don't foresee myself playing more than a handful of matches solo, primarily due to a lot of people likely wanting to pick the standard pool of champions. . . but that is likely good since the first thought in my head was to get a Zilean game going and see if the team would die only a limited amount of times. I might be a bit too into the trolly, silly champs that can be a pest than actually playing to win, haha.

URF was definitely my favorite of the three, though. Hopefully URF on H.A. comes within the next couples of months, or replaces ARAM for a given time period.
I play and all, but mainly solo. I'm a bit gun shy of trying with random people and I usually only go against bots or with them. I'm not the best player in terms of following builds or guides since i usually like doing things the way I feel more then how someone says to do it. I'd like to start playing again, just need to update for the newest things.
Created an account on NA servers just now, shouldn't me more than ~150ms ping, which isn't a problem. I usually fill whatever role needed, but I really do enjoy karma support. Summoner name is LordSpoonNA, feel free to add me if you want to help me grind ^.^

I am plat IV on euw, if anyone wants to add me there for some duoQ ranked, feel free to ask for my summoner name there via IM.
:D I have my computer back finally so I can finally play league. Sadly, the Apple store pretty much destroyed my computer and I lost everything :'(. At least it was free.
Sounds wonderufl!
Sorry to hear that you lost everything though, but you're right, at least it was free!
League of Legends! This thread hasn't seen any action in a while... Anyone actively playing lately? Silver level jungler here, looking to improve my game. PM me, if you want my summoner name. ^_^
Oh cool, I don't frequent BM at all these days. But I mostly do ranked, S2 mid/jung/supp. My main champs are Kha'zix, syndra, braum. I mean my champ pool is pretty wide, been playing for about 3 years now.

NA IGN- Vanethen

skype- DJBayview? VanBayview? Uhhhh..... SunshineShaun? It's one of them.
I need to start playing League again :(. The only reason I stopped playing is because Rauk got me back into playing WoW. I can literally feel my soul being sucked away....

I don't play WoW due to it being too time consuming, and I do not have the time for it with College in the way.
Giving this a nudge.
Need some new players to play with.
Don't be shy. C:
I just started a couple weeks ago. LVL 11 right now. I play Garen & Lux. Still have a lot to master, though. User name is SaeWhen.
I noticed this thread hasn't seen any action in over a year but I thought I would at least ask if anyone was still playing. I'm a platinum adc main and probably would have been diamond but I prefer to play normals rather than ranked. That being said I would like to keep my main account private just because I have friends who stream and I would like to keep my identity private. I have been leveling a smurf account though and I believe it is currently lvl 22 so if anyone wants to play sometime pm me and I'll give you my smurf's summoner tag. Other than that, good luck on the rift everybody!
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