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..::Any one want to play some League together?::..


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Staff member
Apr 15, 2014
Calling all summoners!
Ayo, I'm looking for some team players here.

Just PM me or even write in the thread your username (I'm in the NA servers) and we can get down and dominate some lanes.

Also, I have a Skype, so if you would like to voice chat while we play, then let's do it!

IronicSkype is the Skype's name, so search it up and hit me up!

In the meantime...

Anyone want to talk about LoL?

Obviously my favorite champion is Nidalee, I also play ADC, Support, and Top.

I HATE Jungle. No, I can't even.
"Never lost a fair game....or played one."

Have no fear, Fate has sent me here! I'd be interested in playing with you! I know there are a few more players on here, so they should show up eventually. I'm on NA too, the summoner name is Rudmed, feel free to add me. I have skype too, so I'll add you when I get the chance!

Now as you might have guessed, my two favorite champions are the conmen duo. Though without a doubt Twisted Fate is my best and favorite champion (Riot pls give me back my lichbane!) In terms of roles, I'm a jack of all trades, jungling isn't my best though. I can do it, I just need to learn the finer arts of knowing when to ganking or counterjungle. Speaking of which, did they nerf Feral Flire? Dear lord that was OP! That on a WW ult is worse than a 3 second Rammus taunt. Infinite Duress + Feral Fire= dead ADC.

Nidalee is fun, I like playing her, but hate playing against her in top lane. My early game damage as Renekton is negligible with a level 2 heal.
Yay, sounds good!
I am currently in a game with a friend but I will add you.

I am not sure if they did or did not nerf Feral Flire, I never played WW.

It's fun to have a Nid on the team, but not on the opposing team.
I make a bad Nid, not gonna lie.

TF and Jax are good choices. C:
Nidalee takes time to learn, speaking of which how long have you been playing? If you don't mind me asking? Also TF and Jax? While they're both great champions, I was talking about TF and Graves. Jax isn't my strongest champion, I can do okay, but I need a bit more practice with him to say the very least. Perhaps I can offer some help with Nidalee, granted not tonight.
I have been playing for around a year now, but I am not the greatest haha. Oh I thought you said Jax, you said jack lol XD
I added you by the way, Shaiasaur is the username.
How long have you been playing?
Not going to post my summoner name publicly, but I play. I do a lot of ARAM though, haven't played summoner's rift or other maps in quite a while. I'm waiting on teambuilder ranked queue... Might take a while though. I just don't like being forced into certain roles. (Mainly bot lane, and somewhat mid lane.)

I main jungle, but I'm a pretty decent top laner as well. But my place is definitely in the jungle. My favorite champion is probably Malphite or Nautilus, although I love to play Rengar.
Yeah I used play ARAM a lot but it got boring, I loved URF mode, that was some bitchin' fun.
I hope they bring it back.
I hate being forced into certain roles too, but meh, as long as I play.
Also, I am Silver V, which sucks, but I hate the stress in playing Ranked.
I've been playing for four years at least, don't worry I'm not a hardcore player. I try my best, and that is all I can really say! I never specialized in a role, but hey at least we have someone, if you play with us Halaster, that knows how to jungle. It is really hard to have one favorite champion, TF was easy for me, but I gotta say it is always a close call. There are just sometimes when I want brute force and style combined! (Vi) Then again I also like to approach them strategically from the flank (Swain). The latter, I can do a pretty good voice impression of....whether that is good or bad is beyond me.
Okay, we will definitely play.
I'm on right now, just gaming with a few friends though but I will play with you next game.
It will be fun. ^^
I'll happily PM you my summoner name! Perhaps we will get the chance to play a match or two this evening? As luck would have it, our lane talents are completely backward from one another. The jungle is my strongest, and most preferred possition, followed by Support in a close second. I can top and ADC equally well, but middle is by far my weakest lane.
Alright, I look forward to playing some League with you!
Feel free to add my Skype name too that I listed above.
Wow, well that would make things easier when it comes to picking lanes, I know I won't have to worry about getting Jungle. xP
Maybe we can play soon together. xP
I will add you once I get on tomorrow! I am not the best either, but having fun is what counts! xP
Hey guys. I haven't played League very much in the past few weeks, though i hit it hard and heavy in spells. :p

Reading all your guys' messages has been kinda giving me the itch.

If you're looking for a friendly jungle main (i'll play anything though), it would be cool to have more LoL buddies!

Summoner name: Raukurk
I would love to play some League with new people :D. Once I get my main computer back i'm all for hitting up some games. my desktop is a Mac so we had to take it to the Apple store and it will be another week or so before I will get it back.

My Summoner name: Eldrithe

I main Mid, but I can either support or ADC.
I'll be looking for friend requests from all of you! Do please let me know who you are when you send me a request. I always decline requests from 'Randoms'.
I will add you all, look out for.... 'Shaiasaur'
Also, I prefer to chat on Skype too when we play, so add 'IronicSkype'
Unfortunately, as I've already explained to Raziel99, I use my Skype for professional applications for work. It contains a lot of my real information, so I will not be sharing it. It's fine. I use my pings.
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