Captain's Log: Day 12
Morale: Growing Lower
Optimism: Iffy
Monday May 1, 2017
Today was actually a pretty good day right up until dinner. I'll get into that in a moment, but what made today so great has to be that I got the internship I interviewed for this past Thursday. I wasn't expecting to hear back from them until Thursday or Friday, so that was a great surprise in and of itself. Got to really 'chill' today and try and focus on the three exams I have left this week. Thursday can't come soon enough... I've got two 8 AM exams on Tuesday and Wednesday and then an 11 AM on Thursday.
And then... just when you think everything is going great, you hit a brick wall. Nothing happened to trigger it... I was sitting there enjoying tacos and watching the evening programming my family and I watch, and then BAM... like a blinded boom on a tack on a boat... (sorry for all you non-nautical people out there... a boom is basically the noise a large metal pole makes when it hits your head during sailing. It's not supposed to happen, but sometimes it does.)
So... here I am. And it fucking sucks because I can't do a damn thing about it...
Yes, I know I need to see a doctor or therapist, but I don't have the time... or money, to do so right now. So I'm left just hoping I won't hit these brick walls. Sometimes writing helps, so I may take a break and try to make some replies to some people here and there... we'll just have to see how I feel as the night goes.
Depression is a bitch... a silent whore that creeps up and smothers you until you're barely able to shake it off so it can go prepare for the next round.
I love you all dearly, and will probably start being able to get replies out soon. I've just gotta make it through this hump....
Much love, and strong winds....