Climbing the Corporate Ladder (SlytherinDesires x Moon Struck Fox)


Apr 29, 2014
United States
Everyone always goes on their own path once they finish school. Some people go into law enforcement, some become the most wanted. Lillianna wanted a nice, quiet life soon after the fall of Voldemort, simply because she thought she had enough excitement for one lifetime. Though she was wrong, but didn't know it yet. She hadn't seen anyone she had known at school since the celebration in the Great Hall, because she jetted off to Paris to start a new life there. She soon found herself as a translator to the french prime minister of magic, and she was quite happy there for awhile. Sure, it was lacking fun, since she'd come home to the same flat everyday and put her feet up, read the paper, and move on with her life. Harry kept trying to urge her to move back to London so she could stay with him and maybe do something with her life. Especially since she was so career driven that she never dated and Harry was already married with a baby on the way.

Lillianna finally agreed to move back when Albus Severus, her second nephew started school. She decided she'd rather be closer to family anyway. So she quit her job and moved back. It wasn't too long after that before she found herself applying for the secretary job that Draco Malfoy had advertised. She had no problems with him - she wasn't ever really friends with him but she left him on good terms. Plus she needed a new job and she had the experience that was needed. The man running the interviews hired her and it was now time for her to actually 'meet' her new employer. She showed up in a pencil skirt that fit her figure well and a nice white blouse that complemented her chest nicely. Something that made her look nice, but at the same time, professional.

She walked with the man who hired her and before she knew it she saw Draco standing, and waiting. She wondered if he even knew it was her. She certainly recognized him. He looked just like he did when she left him. Maybe a little older, but still the same handsome face.

"Ah, Mr. Malfoy, I'd like to introduce you to your new secretary, Miss Lillianna Potter," said the man, gesturing towards Draco, then back at Lillianna.

She smiled softly at him, wondering whether he was happy or angry to see her. She wasn't even sure anymore. She hadn't made contact with practically anyone since she had moved back and now lives with Harry. She stuck out her and and said, "It's a pleasure to be here, Mr. Malfoy."

It was weird calling him that, but she wanted to sound as professional as possible.
Draco Malfoy had long risen to the Top. he was reclusive, and professional at all times. as far as anyone in the wizarding world could tell, he had no life aside from the very public parties he had to attend. Lucius Malfoy had quietly retired after contracting a disease that left him quite tired and weak all the time. leaving Draco in charge of the massive business that he had created three years before the Dark lords fall. Malfoy Incorporated was one of the biggest businesses in the Wizarding world and one of the most lucrative. everyone wanted a place in the head table of Malfoy Incorporated, which focused on development. you needed a house built? go to Malfoy Incorporated. need a new spell? Malfoy Incorporated could make it. their Potions lab was already working on ways to stop diseases, protect from love potions, and even help keep plants alive for the poor fools who had no green thumb. Malfoy Incorporated had even helped to rebuild Hogwarts after the Dark Lord had tried his damnedest to tear it down. Draco's reputation was risen to the top, and not just because he had nothing to do with the ministry, but because his company had seen thirteen first year students attending Hogwarts for free. if the families made less then a certain amount of money a year, then the Malfoy Corp. Company paid for everything they'd need for Hogwarts, including tuition and new clothes.

Draco Malfoy was one of the top names in the world and he had been running his business successfully for the last twelve years. now that his last personal assistant had quit, because she was pregnant and moving to France to live with her betrothed, Draco found hismelf incapable of keeping up with the flux of, well, everything. so an ad in the paper and his HR. Man took care of everything else, which didn't help the sensation of drowning that he was currently facing while waiting for a new Personal Assistant to be hired. he really hated that Pansy was leaving him, he really wasn't sure he could managed to tie his own shoes without a P.A... well, alright that was just being over dramatic, but it wasn't far off the mark. he couldn't even figure out his own dry cleaning. and he always forgot the dates of, well, everything. from his own birthday, to his Sons. his P.A. had kept track of all of that, now he was without one, and he didn't like that one bit. still, he was more shocked then relieved to see the woman standing in front of him. Lillianna Potter. Harry's Sister. he wasn't happy, or angry... he was too shocked.

"Ah, yes. thank you Androse." Draco finally managed, offering the man a smile. "it's a pleasure to have you here as well Ms. Potter." Draco admitted. "in all honesty, you're going to be working rather hard." he warned. "i am, on the best of days, referred to as a dick." he informed her. "i'm grumpy, grouchy, and have very little tolerance for idiots. you're job list will include, but is not limited to reminding me of important dates. such as ministry Gala's, the day i need to pick up my son from Hogwarts, and the days i need to pay Astoria's Alimony check. you'll be organizing my paperwork, and you might even had to do some of it. i am quite useless in some tasks, and i'm man enough to admit it. you'll need to pick up and drop off Dry-cleaning, as well as several dozen cups of tea and or coffee, depending on my mood at the time." good thing there was a Cafe right across the street. "i often forget to eat, you'll have to remind me of that as well." he admitted, wondering if he was going to chase her off. part of him was hoping so. the last thing he wanted was Harry Potter, head of the DMLE, breaking down his door because his sister was working for him. "Pansy, my last personal assistant, left this calendar here for you already marked with the important dates we already have in place. she also has left a list of her daily Work schedule which will give you at least a hand in dealing with me." well at least Draco knew he was overbearing and demanding.
Lillianna wasn't entirely sure she was awake as she found herself at Malfoy Incorporated as a P.A. She had known Draco since they started school so it wasn't like she was going at this blind, but she was going to be working at the most prestigious, wealthiest corporations in the entire country - the wizarding part at least. She had the credentials for it - plenty of experience and letters of recommendation. But she still wasn't entirely sure if she was truly up to it. But she had to try. She needed the job and this was probably the highest ranked job she would ever get in her life and that was enough to make her at least give it a chance. She had read all about what Malfoy Incorporated had done in the past years, and she was very impressed. She was really looking forward to talking to Draco again. Sure, they were never quite friends but she had missed seeing him around. Especially since as he got older he was quite the sight. Very sexy in her opinion. But when she finally got a chance to see him, he just rattled off things for her to remember. She didn't take notes or anything but she could feel her brain doing its best to process everything. She basically had the idea that if she didn't do her job he'd probably die. That wasn't very comforting for her first day - though what could she expect? This wasn't a high paying prestigious job for nothing.

She widened her eyes a little, thinking this really was a bit much. Though she had to smile some when he mentioned his son. She had completely forgotten what Harry told her about Scorpius, was it? Being in the same year as both Albus and Rose. They were starting this year. But she had also heard of the divorce between him and Astoria. She felt bad about that but it wasn't really appropriate to say anything. So she took a mental note to make sure she remembered those dates too. Thankfully Pansy left her a calender so she could get an idea of when things were due. And she suddenly realized why exactly he was referred to as a dick even on his good days. He basically just unloaded on her and basically made him his personal servant as well. She could back out now - but she wasn't going to. She knew her brother was furious at her for taking this job, but she basically told him to sod off and that the sooner she got work the sooner she could move out and leave him and his wife and daughter alone. She hated the idea of staying with them anyway. She was a beautiful woman with no lovers and therefore she could take anyone home she wanted to. But now she couldn't because she wasn't the only one there and she'd never want to do that with Lily, only nine, around.

"Yes sir," she said as soon as he was finished. She took a look over the calender that she was left and saw that Pansy took care of most things already. There wasn't too much on the calender until Thursday. But that didn't include food, coffee/tea, laundry, runs. She adjusted her skirt a little, a bit self conscious about whether or not it was long enough, and she said, "I'll do my very best to make sure you get to where you need to go and get what you need." The first day was long for Lilli. She had so much to do and she really just wanted to go home and relax. Though at the end of the day she had to report to Draco and drop off the paperwork that was finished.

"I finished all of this, you should be able to submit it now. Also, don't forget today is the day you need to check with the marketing guys on how the werewolf cure potion is selling." she said, walking over to his desk and putting the paperwork down, remembering something she saw on the calender.
Draco was rather disappointed when she didn't even react to his ranting. at least Pansy would twitch on occasion, or lift an eyebrow. the potter woman just stood there and watched him like he was a rabid beast about to starve to death... oh wait... that wasn't far off the mark. oh well, at least she wasn't running away, shame that, he had to bet her ass looked great in that skirt... where the hell had that thought come from!? she was a freaking POTTER for Merlin's sake! yuck!... but she was still gorgeous. he was a little impressed that she was resisting the urge to jot everything down at high speeds too, most people had trouble keeping up with Draco, there was hope for her at least. he was also a little impressed that she hadn't blanched at the realization that Draco would probobly die without her to order him to eat. that was probobly overly dramatic, as the House Elves at the Manor did insist on making him eat Dinner as soon as he got home, no matter how exaughsted he was... he brushed the thought off and continued in his verbal domination over his new P.A. once he was done he set her straight to work reorganizing everything the way she wanted it. he didn't give a damn how the folders and files where sorted, so long as she knew where everything was. not that it needed much work. Pansy had been meticulous, sorting everything by corporation and alphabetically.

he was working on a preliminary report on one of the new Towns that the Malfoy Corp. was constructing in the moors when she came back in. "thank you. i'll look it over once i finish with this." he stated calmly before he cursed and glanced at the clock. "remind me in an hour if i haven't left by then... oh, and get food." he ordered, sliding a Gringott's Bank Card over to her. they where a new development by the Muggle Branch. where they took the best muggle technology and incorporated it to work with magic. the Bank Cards where the best thing invented since food itself. able to be used in the muggle or magical world, it made shopping so much easier. "and buy food for yourself too." Draco ordered. which explained what the Hiring man had said about not needing to bring in lunch. Draco was apparently going to be buying her lunch while she was at work. "and brink me a coffee. just tell them it's for me, they know what i want... and call that Granger Bint, she's supposed to be coming in tomorrow to explain about fellytones. i'm going to have to reschedule her appointment from noon to three. make sure she can make it, if not reschedule her to when she can." Draco ordered, examining Lillianna intently for a moment before shooing her off with a wave of his hand. he didn't even look up when she brought him his food, and his steaming cup of coffee with three shots of espresso, a healthy dose of vanilla, caramel, whipped cream, and so much creamer and sugar the spoon in the cup stood straight without assistance... though that might have been a spell.

he finally stirred long enough to gulp down his coffee, swallow half his lunch and then was out the door for his meeting with the Potions department. Draco was clearly just as bossy as ever, but at least he did it without insulting names and sneers now. he hadn't called her a Bloodtraitor once, nor had the word Beast, Mudblood, Halfblood, or his once personal favorite, Squibbie, left his mouth once. he was still as horrible as ever, antisocial to the extreme, but he wasn't as bad as he had been in school. by the time he came back from his meeting it was the end of Lillianna's work day and Draco told her to 'get out of my sight, you look like you're going to pass out.' which wasn't exactly nice but it certainly wasn't an insult at least. he himself usually stayed in until midnight or longer and never appeared before Ten. which gave her plenty of time to organize the days paperwork and het his coffee, breakfast, and Dry-cleaning sorted out before he even arrived. of course, as soon as she got home she was barraged with questions from Harry, who was Head of the DMLE. and had to listen to Lily recount Albus's most recent letter, which informed them all that he and Scorpius had gotten into yet another fistfight. this time caused by Albus, after calling Draco a 'slimy Death eating spawn'.
Lillianna was still really not entirely sure that she could do this job. She had managed not to wince too much when Draco had rattled off things to do but when she got to her office she thought she was going to cry. Thankfully she managed to get everything she needed done within the time span she needed to do it. All the smaller errands that she ran for Draco was crazy too. She was pretty sure she was going to pass out if she didn't manage to be able to go on break that she was legally allowed to have. Though she found herself still getting stuff done on her break because she didn't run behind. She hardly got to eat herself though she was glad that Draco let her buy it off of his card. He was bloody wealthy enough that it barely cost a knut to him. Though one thing she was liking about this job was she was finally busy and not just sitting around at work with nothing to do. She was actually earning that fat paycheck. Her old job half the time she just went home early because there was nothing to do. Now she was sure she'd have to stay late if she wanted anything to get completely done. Though Draco rudely sent her home because she looked as if she was going to drop dead at any moment. Once she got home all she wanted to do was take a hot bath and go to bed. But of course she couldn't just do that. Because of course Harry had to sit there and question her entire day as if she wanted to relive her day at work. She just sighed, especially when her youngest niece started to go on about the fight her nephew had at school. She was bound to have to remind Draco to send his son a letter about fighting and whatever tomorrow.

She really wished her nephew would have the common sense to leave his hate for the Malfoys at home. But she knew that it was Harry's fault he was like this. He managed to get into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin and suddenly he and Scorpius were Draco and Harry all over again. The next day of course she had the crazy workload along with reminding Draco to write a letter to McGonagall about how he'd take care of Scorpius's attitude and Harry probably sent something saying he'd deal with Albus's bullying. She herself would talk to Al because he just made her work ten times harder because Draco was especially mean when he was stressed about Scorpius. Being a single father must have been really hard on him. He honestly needed something to calm him, so she grabbed him some tea on her next run. The whole week was a ride for her and when Friday came she could sing. She finally had two days where she could just forget about work and relax. That is, of course, if she didn't have any galas she was stuck attending with Draco. She was sure it could be fun but honestly she just wanted a day away from Draco. She really knew why he was called worse things then a dick. He honestly was one of the hardest bosses she had worked under in years. Though at least he was still fun to look at. She never really cared for him, being a Malfoy and all, but she still thought he was really attractive. Though she wouldn't let on because that was really inappropriate in a work setting as far as she knew. Not only that - but she knew it would never happen between them. She was a Potter!

It was finally the end of the day and Lillianna could finally go home. But first she had to drop off the last bits of paperwork she had finished and remind Draco that he had to pay the plumbing bill. There were of course, a few muggle things in this building. She walked in and said, "This is the rest of it. Don't forget you have the plumbing payment today, and that's about it," she said. Unfortunately she dropped the documents and she just looked so done with herself. She bent over to pick them up and of course, her skirt went up. She knew she should've worn something longer! Sometimes she wondered if things like this happened because somebody hated her. She quickly stood up and put the papers on his desk and tried not to look so embarassed. "There's nothing on the calender for the a nice weekend," she said, slowly backing up, as if trying to leave but too embarassed to turn around again.
Draco knew he was an ass, he knew he was a hard boss, and he also knew Pansy would have yelled at him by now. he missed pansy, but in all honesty... Lillianna was doing very well. she hadn't missed an appointment, she made him eat, he'd forgotten to take his card back from her and she hadn't stolen anything. she just used it for what he told her to. buy food, buy coffee, buy tea, pay for the dry-cleaning, pay Astoria's Alimony. he didn't even bother taking it back after the end of the work day, why bother? he had two of them. she could keep it and if money started to vanish he'd know where to look first, easy as that.

her suspicions about him getting worse when worried about Scorpius was right, only he aimed his Vitrol at anyone who walked through the door then, instead of aiming it all on Lillianna. he had calmed down again by Friday and looked about as ready to have a weekend off as she was. he was also a creature of habit, and by Friday she knew most of his quirks. when he was stressed or unhappy, he wanted tea every hour. when he was just tired it was Coffee for breakfast and for lunch and for 'dinner'. when he was in a good mood he hardly bothered her for anything other than lunch, though those days where rare. he was a single father who was running a company practically all by himself. he was always unhappy somehow or another. James Potter, the oldest of Harry's children, had written home twice to complain about Albus being a nuisance. and poor McGonagall had written twice more about Al picking on Scorpius, who was doing his level best to ignore the 'stuck up little brat' that was 'the Potter Spawn' as Draco had read aloud amidst laughter. clearly Draco had thought that hilarious, though he hadn't realized Lillianna was listening in. Draco was always careful not to say anything negative about Potters in her presence... which was unusually nice for him.

"Thank you Ms. Potter." Draco stated, sounding more than a little distracted as he scowled from one expense report to the other. somehow someone was stealing money in the Warding department, but Draco was having issues figuring out how and couldn't call the DMLE in to investigate because Harry wouldn't really try that hard, or worse, he'd send Ron who would loudly accuse draco of conspiracy and fraud. how those two idiots became Aurors on their crappy scores was beyond Draco... even if he did know. they where War heroes of course. at least Granger didn't look at him as if he was manure. "oh! Ms. Potter, please set up a Doctors appointment for Scorpius. he's been complaining of chest pains..." he paused and stared as she bent over, wide eyed and shocked at the sudden look of panty he had gotten. "...uh... Chest pains and that oaf they had as a Hogwarts healer hasn't found anything and has had the audacity to tell me that Scorpius is an attention seeking brat." he admitted. "remind me to file a formal complaint with Headmistress McGonagall over the Staffing there as well..." he ordered, blushing hard as he tried to get the image of her shapely ass out of his head. "also, kindly remind me to sen a letter to your half wit of a brother that the new Auror Armor should be ready by Thursday." he muttered something under his breath and returned to his financial reports, his head cocked to the side. "have a good Panties... WEEKEND! i meant weekend..."
Of course - she hadn't even left work for the weekend and she already had more work to do. It was nothing too big, luckily. She just had to remember to set up a doctor's appointment for Scorpius and then let her brother know the armor that he wanted would be ready next week. She didn't even bother commenting on the fact he called him a half-wit. She knew what his opinion was on him and quite frankly she didn't really care. She used to care but now there was really no point. Plus she didn't really care to get on Draco's bad side. She seemed to be doing fairly well so far. It was a long week but she thought it was well worth it. She got all the status that came with the job and the money and of course, she loved it.

She luckily didn't catch Draco's slip up but she was already quite red in the face since she was worried that he saw something. She definitely needed to go buy some longer skirts. This couldn't happen again. Draco may have been attractive and recently single, but he was still her boss and therefore she couldn't let this go any farther than professional. Secretaries and P.A. always had that reputation of being naughty and doing it with the boss but she wanted that to not be her. Now if it happened - she may or may not stop it, but that was something that she had to block from her mind right now. "Thanks, I will," she said, hurrying out of the office. She spent her weekend babysitting Lily and getting some weekend work done. She made Scorpius's doctor's appointment and let Harry know that he would recieve the armor that he wanted soon. But most of the weekend she spent relaxing. She went to the spa, got her nails done, and just overall pampered herself because she thought she deserved it. She had a lot of work ahead of her on Monday so she may as well enjoy it while she could.

Monday morning came and first thing she did was drop off Draco's coffee, figuring he'd need something since it was a Monday. She smiled as she greeted him. She hadn't really spoken to him that much since he had hired her. Just a hello, thank you, go away, and and there. She wondered if he ever thought about anything other than work. Being the head of a company really must be hard. She didn't have to do anything like that, luckily. She wondered how he was doing since she wasn't reminding him to eat over the weekend or anything like that.

"Good morning, Mr. Malfoy," said, "I hope you had a nice weekend. I'm sure you've been notified already but your son's appointment is tomorrow and you have a charity ball to attend for St. Mungos on Saturday." She smiled sweetly at him as she placed his coffee down and gathered up the papers she had to do for today.
Draco didn't bother taking pity on her. it was her job, she had to do it, so there. besides, he was worried about Scorpius and if he tried to contact St. Mungo's he'd insult someone. which was why he was insulting Harry Potter. it made him feel better and Lillianna didn't really seam to care. he wouldn't make a habit of it at any rate. he had to stop thinking when he caught quite the sight and he swallowed hard to keep from offering her a bit more Galleons so she could buy some longer skirts. she looked utterly breathtaking in them, but he was NOT going to be on the front page of the Prophet for seducing his P.A... who just happened to be a Potter and the much loved sister of the even more loved Golden Boy. "don't forget to get your salary from Human Resources." Draco ordered, swallowing thickly as he considered the best way to deal with his now half hard cock... ignoring it seamed the best answer, he'd just go back to work and it would go away. he gave no more thought to Lillianna Potter for the rest of the weekend, and instead focused on all the personal crap that had piled up.

Monday Morning was the only time Draco arrived 'on time'. mostly because he hadn't stayed up until midnight the night before. he chugged down the coffee and got started on the Paperwork. "yes, Scorpius will need to be picked up at noon. don't let me forget." Draco ordered, feeling more and more concerned about his son, who had reported his chest hurting even more and the worthless Healer doing nothing about it. he lodged a formal complaint with Minerva over that, but he hadn't heard back yet. "fuck." Draco cursed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "well at least it's not at the ministry. i can handle the Mingo's ball..." he muttered. "potter won't be there at any rate and neither will his ape of a weasel." he muttered as he glanced at her, suddenly looking quite wicked. the same way the Weasley Twins looked just before they pranked someone. "Tell me Ms. Potter, have you plans this weekend or can i ask you to the Ball?" he asked hopefully. "i can't stand balls you see. all that pathetic small talk and dancing with people you can't stand and half drunk women trying to accost people when they are trying to get to the bathroom..." he grumbled. no doubt speaking from personal experience. "i will of course, offer you a bonus for accompanying me, and i will buy you a Formal Dress Robe, complete with handbag, earrings, necklace, and bracelet as well as shoes, yours to keep. why that sly little bastard was bribing her! and doing it well, what woman could say no to a free dress? let alone a free purse jewelry and shoes. plus, it would annoy the hell out of Harry Potter and save Draco from having to dance with horrible women who wanted to seduce him for his sizable bank accounts.
Lillianna was starting to take to carrying around a clipboard and jotting down notes so she wouldn't forget. It was fine before when she could remember but there was a lot more now that she had to do things on her own and not rely on Pansy's calender as much. She jotted down to pick up Scorpius that afternoon. She really was worried about him. Somehow she didn't think he was faking it - though she had never met the boy so she didn't know. But she always was concerned for a child and their health. She wouldn't let him forget something that was important to her as well. She saw in his facial expression that he had completely forgot about the ball he had. It was an annual thing that he had set up once his father got sick. Lillianna thought it was for a great cause, though the actual ball itself could be boring. Basically making small talk with a bunch of people, dancing, and drinking. Lilli only had an interest in things like that because it was somewhat relaxing and she loved wearing fancy things.

She was surprised when Draco asked her to accompany him to the ball. She figured that might of been part of her job, though she wasn't entirely sure. She'd have to look again, not like she cared. Especially since Draco was offering to pretty much pay for the entire thing. Literally all she had to do was show up and keep him sane for those few hours. How could she resist? Plus with a nice bonus she could finally get out of her brother's house and into a place of her own. It wouldn't be much but anything was better then staying with her brother. She had learned that fairly quickly. She smiled and she said, "Oh, I'd love to go, Mr. Malfoy. To keep you company, of course." She was actually kind of excited. She was sure Harry would object but she wasn't a child anymore. He couldn't exactly tell her what to do.

"I'll be in my office if you need me, sir," she said before turning on her heel and heading to get some work done. She couldn't help but daydream about the ball. Was she just going to stand there and talk? Would they dance? She didn't even know. She did her best to keep herself on task though. She didn't want to get too distracted. Soon she walked back into Draco's office and placed a bag on his desk. "It's time to pick up Scorpius. I packed your lunch to go for you and something for Scorpius if he's hungry," she said, hoping that was okay. She wasn't sure if she could handle the rest of the day without Draco but she'd try.
Draco honestly hadn't noticed the new clipboard, but he had noticed how much smoother life was going with Lillianna as his P.A. even Pansy wasn't this good. of course, Pansy hadn't been scared of Draco and had often flirted with any man and woman come her direction. which left her not working. Lillianna didn't do that, sure she took breaks as any good employee would, but she didn't spend two hours on the phone talking about fashion. he pushed those thoughts aside and focused on what was happening with the Ball, where was that form? there it was, right where it needed to be. he usually just hired a crew to get everything set up, the same crew every year. and just like every year, they simply started on their own when they didn't hear from Draco, so the Ball was well in place. he didn't have to worry about that, it was the guest list he had to focus on. all the children of St. Mungo's long term ward was, of course, going to be included there was no doubt about that. any adult staying long term was welcome as well, as was the staff, those not pulling emergency shift anyway. it was the prestigious he needed to contend with. he looked up at her, his head tilted at her. "good! it will be your task to keep the money grubbing Harpies away from me." he decided with a nod as he worked on the guest list.

each person could bring their immediate families of course, so Susan Bones would be bringing her husband, Neville, which was good because he wanted to speak to Longbottom about getting in with his greenhouses for higher quality potions ingredients. he would be inviting the Lovegoods too of course, they came every year without fail, because Lionus Lovegood was a permanent ward of the Janus Thickey ward for the insane. poor man, his already shaky sanity had snapped during his stay under Malfoy Manor. Draco payed every knut of his doctors bills as a self imposed penance. her husband, Collin Creevy would be welcome of course, as would their children. Colin would be offered the chance to take all the pictures. he'd made a very rich living as a personal photographer for weddings, birthdays, and parties as well as graduations and other such things. Granger would of course be invited, simply because she had helped his Muggle Department so much, she was always invited to Malfoy Parties. mostly because she didn't piss him off... course, she probobly would come because Ronald Weasley was her husband and he was a dick Head Auror who hated Draco's guts. Granger could have made a grand name for herself and instead she married that lanky oaf. as always he'd sent an invitation to Harry bloody Potter simply because it would be rude not to. he never came either. an invite to Blaise and his wife, some French Tart of a Veela. Theo and his wife, Daphne, the Minister and the higher Echelon there. all the members of the Wizengamot had to be invited for politeness sake... the Patil's and the Chang's... god, he was getting a headache. he would, of course, have to invite George, Bill, Charley, Percy and Arthur Weasley... they never showed up either.

he looked up at Lilli as she came back in and he nodded. "thank you." he stated, picking up the packaged foods. "i'm sure Scorpius will appreciate it. he's a delicate stomach and most of Hogwarts food is a little too rich for him." he admitted, peering into the cartons looking quite happy with her decision. he vanished out the door to go and get his son, leaving her in charge with a few simply instructions to just get the paperwork set up and he'd take care of it when he got back and to check on the Warding Department. he was back two hours later with his son Scorpius in tow, looking like he was going to explode he was so furious. "sit here..." Draco ordered, gently settling his son into a chair, Scorpius rolling his eyes. he was a very handsome child. nothing like Draco had been at that age. "YOU! HOWLER PAPER NOW! AND TEN GET OUT!" he demanded of Lily, his fine control of his temper too lost to control himself now that he was out of sight of his son. he took the paper and glared at her until she got out and the door slammed shut... that's when Draco started screaming at the Howler, not that it would make it any more effective, but it made him feel better. "Sorry." Scorpius stated, glancing at Lilli. "My Father is just really upset. i had a cracked sternum." he explained. "he's furious that the..." here he cleared his throat awkwardly. "well. i'm pretty sure i'm not allowed to repeat what he called Madam Marshweather." he admitted quite sheepishly. "Skelegrow is really nasty, did you know?" well, Scorpius was a very polite young man at least.

Lillianna did her very best too take care of the office while Draco was away. Things were hard because somehow everyone wanted to see him for whatever reason and she had an entire list of people with short messages to give to him when he returned. She wondered what was wrong with Scorpius. If it was something too bad her job would be even harder because Draco would be very stressed. She didn't want to have to take him to the hospital. She somehow got a lot more done when Draco wasn't there. She wasn't distracted by watching him or having to take care of his personal needs. She just had to focus on work things and that was it. Though she knew right away when he returned. He had his eleven year old son with him and everyone was trying to talk to Draco about whatever they needed. Lillianna got everyone out of the way so that Draco could have some time alone with Scorpius. He didn't seem happy at all. 

Lillianna finally got the heat of his anger as he screamed at her to get the howler paper and glared at her. She barely had time to add in a 'yes sir' before hurrying to where they kept the special paper and bringing it to him. Once she handed it to him she immediately left as she was told. Getting on his bad side was the last thing she wanted to do. She was then alone with Scorpius, who seemed like a lovely young boy. He would grow up to be very attractive young man. He was only eleven and he already looked better then Draco at that age. He also seemed sweet - apologizing for his father's behavior. 

"I think it's best if you don't say it," she said with a smile. She could only imagine the horrid names he could call the poor school healer. "I've never experienced it for myself but my brother has. He did say it was awful. Was it a Quidditch accident?" She asked. She really should've been going back to work but she found it calming to talk to Draco's polite, sweet son. Made her feel better after she had just been yelled at. She then remembered the list of names and messages and she said, "Can you give this to your father when he's calmed down?" She handed him the piece of paper. He was less likely to yell at Scorpius then at her if a bunch of work was dropped on him. 
Draco would have refused to go to the hospital anyway. he had too much work to do, to say the least. he didn't seam at all fazed by Draco's rage however, the boy had probobly seen many of these 'temper tantrums' as Pansy had used to call them. the bitch, he wasn't throwing temper tantrums he was well and truly pissed off! as soon as they heard the yelling, everyone in the office trying to get Draco's attention scattered. completely. he pumped as much sarcastic vitriol into the Howler as possible before sending it off. the poor owl taking it looked terrified. but Draco didn't immidiatly return, no doubt forcing himself to regain control of himself before he wrote a letter to the Headmistress about the Healers lack of ability in a matter that had gone untreated for a week and was so simple the first year healer at St. Mungo's hadn't even needed to cast a spell before understanding what the problem was.

"oh, no i can't play Quidditch because of my lungs. i have bad Asthma." Scorpius admitted. "Mother used to call me 'a sickly little runt'. Father always told me that i was just too smart for my body to keep up." Scorpius clearly didn't care much for Astoria. but, he was also evading the subject, which probobly meant that it was one of her family that had caused it. "...Albus Potter did it..." Scorpius finally admitted with a sigh. "he pushed me down the stairs. it was only a few of them, and i didn't really even get a bruise." he admitted with a shrug. "i'll get him back later i'm sure. i'm tiny, but i can still hit harder than him. all he does is fly and boast. i at least exercise." he admitted with a nod. "i can't run, but i can do other things. Father says it's good to train your body, because if your body is healthy, your mind works better." he admitted before he looked hesitant. "don't tell Father Albus pushed me, ok? i told him i tripped because i don't want him and Harry Potter to get into another fight..." Draco still hadn't lived down the last fight he'd had with Harry, five years ago Potter had made quite the rude comment about Draco's divorce of Astoria. it had dissolved into a screaming match, and Harry had overstepped his authority and arrested Draco and kept him in a holding cell for six hours until the minister found out. Harry had been suspended, with pay of course the slimy bastard, for a week for the incident and it had only left Harry even more hateful of Draco.

"sure i can!" Scorpius admitted as he took the parchment. he was such a good boy he didn't even examine it the way most kids would have. of course, he'd grown up here, he probobly knew it was boring. he entertained himself with a deck of Chocolate Frog cards while Lilli got back to work and he handed his father the parchment when Draco finally came back out, looking much more calm. "thank you... you know, i will never understand why these people all have to talk to me as soon as i'm gone." he complained, Scorpius snickering. "it's like they know i'm not there. i haven't heard from this person in months!.... i don't even know who this person is!" Draco complained as he examined the list. "how long am i going to stay home?" Scorpius asked curiously and Draco paused. "two days to make sure the Bones are healed. and i asked the Headmistress to examine the staircases too." he promised Scorpius who looked just a touch sheepish about having lied to his father, but Draco either didn't notice, or didn't want to upset his son while the boy was hurt. "Father... you didn't call Madam Marshweather bad names did you" "i most certainly did not. i said nothing but the truth." Scorpius sighed. "your a bad influence." "i know."
Lillianna honestly didn't think Draco was overreacting at all. She'd be pretty furious too if her child had to deal with broken bones because the healer called him an attention seeking brat. Sure, he probably could've handled it different, perhaps a lawsuit instead of a howler, but who was she to judge? She loved children, sure, and was an aunt, but she wasn't a mother. She didn't know what it was like to be a parent. She nodded when Scorpius spoke of his asthma. She really liked him so far. She thought Draco actually was raising him well. "Oh, I see. And your father is right. You're too smart for Quidditch anyway. I think you're more suited for being something bigger," she said enthusiastically, keeping up the good mood. She could see him being a great successor to Draco and run the company when he was an adult. She couldn't help but frown when he said that Albus pushed him down the stairs. That was taking it too far. She was definitely going to have a word with Albus. If Harry wasn't going to take care of it, she would. She made the 'zip it lock it throw away the key' motion with her hand and lips when he begged her not to tell Draco. She didn't want Harry to fight with him either. "I won't say a word. But I will be talking to Albus. He has no reason to be a bully."

She playfully ruffled his hair before standing up. She really needed to get back to work before Draco said something about it. She thanked Scorpius when he said he'd deliver it for her. She then went back to work while Scorpius stayed in his father's office and entertained himself. She was beginning to really like her job. Seeing Scorpius and his father interact - keeping Draco sane seemed more important now. Though she brushed those thoughts away while she was working because they were distracting. At the end of the day she was about to head home but just like everyday she had to drop off the work she was done with. Scorpius was still there and she waved to him before placing the papers down. She then handed an envelope to Draco. "It's a letter from Scorpius's doctor to give to the school so he'll have a special diet. Since you said the food may be too rich," she said, hoping Draco would like that she took the initiative to do that for him. 
Draco was more than furious. and he was going to make sure all of Hogwarts knew it too. he was more than a little overprotective of his son, who had almost not made it to his first birthday, born so sickly and small. the Doctors had told both Astoria and Draco that Scorpius would never live past three, and if he did, he would be stunted his entire life. but there Scorpius was, proud, strong, and certainly not crippled save for weak lungs and a sensitivity to certain foods. Scorpius was mostly a vegetarian, occasionally eating meat only if it wasn't covered in grease. he did love certain foods, like Pasta, no one could ruin pasta. "i wish everyone thought that." Scorpius admitted with a smile. "Teddy thinks i should be athletic, like Father was." he admitted. Teddy Lupin had been sorted into Huffelpuff. and was great freinds with both Albus and Scorpius... though, probobly only because Albus didn't know. "but i don't care much for sports, even if i could breath while running around. it seams so... brutish." of course, being that he bruised easily... that was probobly why. "i prefer chess." he admitted with a grin. "i still can't come close to beating Father though." he admitted witha sigh. "oh. talking to Albus doesn't do any good. the Headmistress, and Professor Bugin already tried that. he just thinks i got him in trouble and gets angry at me. it's easier to just ignore him." Scorpius admitted. "it annoys him, but it's better than making him Angry." Scorpius admitted. "it's easier to have Teddy pour itching powder on all his clothes. have to be a Slytherin about things you know." Scorpius admitted with an impish smile.

"thank you Ms. Potter." Draco stated as she brought the paperwork in, glancing at Scorpius who had given up on his cards and was working on his transfiguration homework. "...wait, you can do that?" Draco asked, looking quite surprised as he looked at the letter. "i didn't know you could do that..." "thank you Missus Potter." Scorpius chirped, smiling at her. "that was really nice of you." he admitted happilt. "yes, thank you." Draco agreed as he glanced at the clock. "one more hour and then we'll head home, alright Scorpius?" "alright Father. i've almost finished my transfiguration. it's nice working on school work without a bunch of noisy twits running around." Draco had to snort a little at that. "your right. i AM a bad influence. you don't call them that to their faces do you?" "only Goyle." "good lad." "she's too dumb to understand anyway. i call her a twit and she seams to think i'm flirting with her..." Draco made a face, clearly thinking of Pansy at that age. "you aren't really going to arrange a marriage contract for me and her, right?" "of course not! her father, and her, are daft to think i'd do that! clearly you are going to marry miss Lily Potter..." he smirked as Scorpius turned bright red. "Am Not!" how cute, Scorpius had a crush on Lily! they'd met each other several times during parties that both Malfoy and Potters had no choice but to attend. at least Harry and Draco had remained civil during them... sort of. point blank pretending the other didn't exist wasn't exactly being civil, but at least there wasn't screaming matches.

"be sure to be here early tomorrow. we're going to go shopping for your Dress Robes." Draco informed her. "i've made it a half day for everyone so they'll stop pestering me about stupid shit." "your not supposed to swear father." "i know." Draco groaned, pulling a Galleon out of his pocket as a House Elf appeared with a large Jug in it's hands. a sellotaped Parchment on it proclaimed it to be the 'Sweer Jar' written in green crayon, clearly from when Scorpius was a tiny tot just learning to write. said boy rolled his eyes at the sight of it but said nothing as Draco dropped the Galleon in. Harry would have been laughing his ass off at the thought of such a thing. Ginny usually just washed her kids mouths out with non toxic, nasty tasting soap. "Scorpius will be here again tomorrow where i can monitor his healing process." "he doesn't like to leave me home alone where i'll get bored and do mischief." "...and make sure he's not having any issues." "he's so overprotective, but it's kind of nice." Draco sighed and gave up pretending he wasn't just bringing Scorpius to work so he could hang out with his son again. according tot he other people she'd come in contact with, Scorpius had spent every waking minute glued to Draco's side, even while Draco was at work. not because Draco insisted, but because Scorpius found the big building fascinating.
Lillianna herself was surprised that she could do that. But she took the initiative to check on it to see if it could be done. Perhaps if Scorpius had more care - taking a step at a time - then Draco could be relaxed a little more. She was in France when the birth of Scorpius Malfoy was in the news so she had no idea about how truly sickly he was. But she could tell from how much time she did spend with him he was strong. At least mentally and emotionally. He probably would be okay. "You're welcome," she said to Draco. She smiled down at Scorpius and she said, "You're welcome, dear. Maybe that'll help a bit. And please, it's Miss, I'm not married." She couldn't help but laugh when Draco teased him about her niece. She thought the idea of the two was simply adorable. Though Lily wouldn't be thinking of boys other than 'ewww cooties' for quite a bit. She wondered if someday she could have a child that had such a close relationship with her that she could joke around with him or her like that. She'd like to someday.

"Oh, of course sir. I'll be here," Lilli said, nodding when Draco told her to be there early so they could shop for the ball. She still couldn't believe she was going. Even if she was there as his P.A. She was actually excited. She wasn't entirely sure but she figured Scorpius would be back at Hogwarts by the time the ball rolled around. If he was there her job would include babysitting him at the ball. Which she wouldn't entirely mind. Lillianna was surprised when Draco put a galleon in a jar. She had heard of parents doing that for their children. She thought it was cute. Scorpius was a good boy and he knew to watch his mouth, obviously. 

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then, Scorpius. If you're good I'll bring you another treat," she said. Scorpius did seem to like the light snacks she gave Draco to give him. If Draco allowed it she would've happily taken Scorpius around as she worked tomorrow so he could explore. But he might get too tired. Oh well. She left and went home in a good mood. She didn't write a letter to Albus to tell him off because she, as Slytherin alumni herself, she secretly agreed with Scorpius. If Scorpius had to resort to pranks to get Albus to stop then so be it. But she wasn't Scorpius's mother so she really had no say. 

The next morning she had arrived early like she promised. She smiled when she walked in and saw Scorpius and Draco. "I got tea for you, dear," she said as she handed the tea to Scorpius. It wasn't strong and it had already cooled so he'd be fine. She then handed Draco his usual morning coffee. She was really excited to go dress robe shopping. She loved looking at all the gorgeous dresses. 
Scorpius was never going to be a strong boy by any means, but with the right care he could certainly be healthy. he would always have weak lungs, but his magic was strong. he would be a good future for Malfoy Corp. "oh, i'm sorry." Scorpius admitted, blinking. "whats the difference?" he asked, confused before paying close attention as Draco outlined the difference between the Ms. Mrs. and Miss. "how come ladies have all these different names, but men only have the one?" Scorpius asked, confsed and Draco smiled. "because long ago, a woman was property. a young one was Miss, indicating she wasn't ready to be married. a Ms. meant she could be married. and a Mrs. meant she was already married. it's typical male chauvinistic entitlement that's just survived through the ages." Draco explained. "i'm sure, someday, Lily Potter will love to be called Mrs. Malfoy." "Gross dad! Girls are icky!" Scorpius complained with a shake of his head before glancing at Lillianna. "your not Icky though." he assured her, Draco clearly struggled to contain his laughter at his poor Son's expense.

Scorpius was reading a book when she came in, a typical Murder Mystery that was very popular in the magical community. this one was about a group of aurors who had to find out who was taking the place of several prominent figures using Polyjuice. the criminal was caught by a Metamorphagi Auror. "oh! thank you Ms. Potter!" je stated happily as he took a slow sip. just the way he liked it. a little weak without anything in it. unlike Draco who added a dash of milk, no less than five spoons of sugar, and often, a dash of honey to his tea. yuck. Draco's coffee was just as sweet, sometimes sweeter. "you're going to rot your teeth." "drink you bitter." Draco ordered, Scorpius snickering as he took another sip and returned to his book. "by the way, did you finish your homework." "ages ago." "whose winning?" "the Gryffindor's. they have a Potter for a seeker, a Lupin and a Weasley for beaters, and Oliver Woods son just got in the keeper position. do you really expect our team to win?" Scorpius asked, looking amused.

"besides, only you care about Quidditch in Hogwarts. personally, i'm more impressed by the fifty points i earned by petting the unicorn." "...your studying unicorns as a first year?" "no." "...then why on earth where you in the forest?" "helping Madam Sprout." "as long as you where supervised." "Father? did you really have a detention in the middle of the forest looking for something that was killing unicorns?" "yes." Draco admitted, shuddering in horror at the reminder of that hellish night. "the safety of students wasn't as important back then." he glanced at Lillianna, knowing she'd know exactly what he was talking about. Albus Dumbledore had turned Harry Potter into a weapons, and used the school to do it. students had been in danger since Harry had shown up... not that it was Harry's fault, Draco would never blame Harry for that. the Golden Boy did that enough for himself. "do you have detentions in the Forbidden forest?" "only the seventh years i think. one of the older students was complaining about how creepy it was in there." he admitted. "are there really Spiders the size of houses?" "i don't know. there've been rumors but nothing proven." Draco admitted with a smile as Scorpius looked wistful. "Albus is terrified of spiders..." he muttered. "i wonder..." "you are NOT going into the forest for a baby acromantula young man!" Scorpius gave his father a scathing look. "of course not. walking into dangerous situations is for Gryffindors. i will buy one." Draco nearly choked on his tongue he was trying that hard not to laugh. clearly, while very polite, Scorpius could be just as snobbish as any other rich pureblood.
Lillianna was quite pleased that both of the Malfoys were pleased with the drink that she had gotten them. She was enjoying their company very much; especially since Draco wasn't barking orders at her like she was scum under his shoe when Scorpius was busy being glued to his side. She was surprised, however, when she found out that Scorpius took his tea with nothing. Even she sweetened it a bit. But she wasn't going to tell him he couldn't get what he wanted. "You're welcome, Scorpius," she said, patting his shoulder when he thanked her. She did take notice he started calling her Ms. instead of Mrs. She couldn't help but laugh, however when he told Draco that he was going to rot his teeth because of how sweet his coffee was. At least somebody said it. She sure thought it but of course she knew better then to say it. She was sure that Draco was either a dentist's nightmare or dream by drinking it like that.

Lillianna didn't have much work to take care of today, thank Merlin, since she had cleared most of the day so she could take the half day that Draco had scheduled for them so she could sttay with them and chat a bit. She was also interested in how Hogwart's Quidditch was doing. She sighed a little when he said that Gryffindors were winning. She always wanted her own house to finally get something. But that clearly wasn't going to happen. At least not this year. Lilli smiled brightly when Scorpius said he pet a unicorn. That was very rare for even a young boy to do. He must've truly be innocent and sweet. She had never actually seen a unicorn herself. Not one that was alive then. She was worried herself about Scorpius being in the forest, knowing herself what could be in there but she was glad he was supervised.

Lillianna silently nodded when Draco glanced at her when he spoke of the safety of students in their day. She always had said it would take a death of a student to get them to clean up their act. And even when that happened - with Cedric - the school was just as dangerous - if not more than before. Part of it was Draco's fault - letting in the Death Eaters, but she wouldn't bring that up. She wasn't sure how Draco felt about that part of his past. It wasn't really relevent right now anyway. Lillianna couldn't help but snicker at Scorpius's comment. He was definitely his father's son. She then said, "I don't think you should go and find one - you wouldn't want to get into trouble and lose Slytherin points, but I can confirm the existence of really huge spiders. But they will try and eat you so I think it's best if you stay away."

"Mr. Malfoy, is there anything you'd like me to get done?" She suddenly asked, looking up at Draco, having to remind herself that she was at work and she actually had to do something other than chat with the two. As much as she enjoyed it.
Draco was a lot more relaxed now that Scorpius was by his side. having his son at Hogwarts was a painful thing for the Blond, who had nearly seen his son dead dozens of times before he even turned six. after he realized Astoria wasn't even taking care of their son, rather leaving him in the hands of Houselves all day, he drew the line on her and she hadn't liked it. the divorce had been painful and brutal but Draco didn't care. he made twice what she made in alimony in a week. so long as she stayed as far away from Scorpius as physically capable he was happy. ever since then, Scorpius had been glued to his side, loving all of the sudden and constant good attention. Scorpius didn't like sweets though, and never had, which Draco found incredibly odd. oh Scorpius would eat Jam on his toast, or have the occasional slice of pie, but he ate no candy, ate very little dessert... it baffled Draco's mind, who had a constant stash of sweets in his drawer for when he felt the desire to munch. in the other drawer he kept small bags of granola mix, mixed nuts, and other such 'healthy' snacks for his son.

honestly, Draco hated that period of his life, hated the things he had to do, hated the fear, and the feeling of being sick constantly and the stress that led him to sobbing every evening. he hated those days in Hogwarts and the year after when everyone wanted to see the Malfoy's in Azkaban... but when it came down to the Veritiserum, everyone had received a shock. Lucius Malfoy had not willingly become a Death Eater. Abraxas, Lucius's father, had forced his son, and often controlled him using the Imperius. so lucius's 'alibi' from the first War, had been true. in the second war, he'd done what he'd done to protect Draco. just as Draco had only done the things he'd done to protect his father. a story repeated. most of the older Death eaters had gone to Azkaban, but the younger years had only done what they'd done to try and save their families. the Wizengamot had let them go, against Potter's protests. he hated those years before as well. Tolls in the halls, Basilisks on the loose, Triwizard tournaments and Dementors. Albus Dumbledore had most certainly not been a very good headmaster. not that you could convince a Potter or a Weasley of that. at least the old man had been kind to Draco. dying like that to protect him... awful, horrible, Draco still had nightmares about that particular night actually.

"no i think it's all settled." Draco admitted as Scorpius piped up that he wanted to stop at the collectors corner. a new shop that had opened a few years ago. they stocked Cards, and you could trade them there, buy them, or just drool over them without having o eat nasty frogs. Scorpius tended to hoard all the cards that his freinds didn't want. they ate the frogs, he kept the cards, and traded copies for ones he didn't have already. "lets head out early." Draco decided, tired of working. he had gotten a letter back from Headmistress McGonagall who was apologizing to Draco about the lack of care. apparently the Healer held a grudge against Death Eater 'spawn' and refused to so much as look at the child of a death eater. she'd been sacked immidiatly and was now looking for a new healer. which made Draco both furious, and gleeful. he grabbed his jacket as Scorpius ran about trying to find where he'd stashed his shoes before they all headed out into the sunshine. "Hey dad?" Scorpius asked hopefully. "if i can't have an acromantula, can i get a tarantula?" "..." Draco just sighed and shook his head. "...he gets this from Teddy Lupin i'll have you know." Draco complained, mock scowling at her. "my son was a good boy, never had a penchant for pranks until, nephew? infested him with Nargles." Luna's eldest was also freinds with Scorpius, and the two boys had often played together in either the Creevy home or Malfoy Manor. Linus Creevy was just as weird as his mother.
Lillianna was glad that she didn't have to do work today for the most part. It was nice to have the day to relax a bit even if she was going to have to do some work. She half wished Scorpius was around all the time because Draco was so relaxed and polite when he was around. But then again they got more work done when he wasn't around. She was excited to head out really - though she'd wonder what people would think. To the uneducated eye they'd look like a happy family - husband, wife, and son. Those who knew then however would know she was just his P.A. and nothing more. She had heard about the sacking of the old healer since somehow it made it to the Daily Prophet and she was pleased that she was gone. She thought it was wrong to discriminate against those who didn't have their say in where they came from. Besides, as Harry's sister she was in the courtroom when the young Death Eaters were questioned. They didn't want it either.

She smiled when the sun hit her face; that was one thing she didn't like about working in an office. She missed all the great weather. She looked at Scorpius when he asked his father for a tarantula. They could be great pets, so she heard, but creepy crawlers personally creeped her out. So if he got one he needed to keep it away from her. Unless she had time to warm up to it. She laughed when Draco mocked a scowl. "He's Harry's Godson but I suppose at this point he's practically my nephew," she said. Andromeda raised Teddy but he was over with Harry more times than that. He was practically Harry's third son. They finally arrived to the shopping district and Lillianna felt like a child in a candy shop. She wanted everything that was pretty in the windows. Scorpius seemed to be distracted by something and he stepped into the street. Lillianna quickly grabbed his shirt and yanked him back since a car zoomed by and nearly hit the poor boy. "Be more careful!" She scolded. She suddenly went red. It was not appropriate for her to lecture her bosses son as far as she knew. She was embarrassed. She covered her mouth.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to overstep," she said, eyes widened a bit. She was just scared for him in that moment and she didn't want to see him hurt. She really needed to remind herself that she wasn't anything more than a P.A. She wasn't Scorpius's mother or Draco's wife.
Draco didn't seam to consider what they looked like. Draco was more concerned about whether Scorpius was going to get tired on this trip or not. Skelegrow tended to exhaust people, he supposed if Scorpius got tired they could sit somewhere and have a snack. it was just trying to judge how tired Scorpius was. the boy was a bit like a battery. he couldn't go too fast, but set him to a more calm task and the boy could go for hours and hours. he could put out more work in a day than Draco could in a week... though, that was probobly because once Scorpius got focused he hated to be interrupted and was more than a little OCD about neatness and things being where they where supposed to be. that's what happened when people let house elves raise their children. he had to admit, Scorpius was a very gifted boy despite his mothers obvious shortcomings.

"Teddy Lupin is an extraordinarily gifted child." Draco admitted. "he's smarter than some of the third years... and yet..." here Draco sneered. "he focuses all that energy in emulating the Weasley Twins..." he grumbled, shaking his head. "the 'Twins of Terror where always brilliant to say the least, but so unmotivated!" he groaned. "they could have taken over the world with intelligence like that, and instead they work in a joke shop!" there was nothing a slytherin hated more than wasted potential. still, to have Draco Malfoy of all people praising the twins... that was scary. he nearly felt his heart stop when a Car zoomed by and he gathered his nerves and looked after it, eyes wide. "what in the blazes was THAT!?" Scorpius demanded "it... it came out of nowhere!" Scorpius complained. "that's an automobile Son." Draco explained. "muggles call them Cars usually." Draco admitted. he had a lot of dealings with the muggle world, but Scorpius rarely got to venture into the places between muggle, and magical London.

"Do calm down." Draco ordered Lillianna, looking slightly amused. "Scorpius has never been out here before." he admitted, pointing to the long white lines. "you must always cross here." he explained to his son. "and only when those big metal carriages are not in sight. they move very fast, and the muggles driving them cannot see us." he warned. "they come rarely, but they hurt a lot if one of them hits you." Draco spoke from experience to say the least. "thank you for saving me." Scorpius stated to Lillianna with a sheepish smile. "i don't think Father really... you know, gets it that Muggles are more dangerous than we are." he admitted. "one of my freinds is a muggleborn. she lived with muggles all her life. did you know they have moving pictures that tell stories? i don't really get it, but it sounds like lots of fun. and there are these things called Rolly Coaters that are a lot like the carts at Gringotts. they go really fast and turn sharp and some of them even go upside down!" he admitted, looking quite excited by the idea. "and even kids can go on some of them! so it wouldn't even matter that i can't breath." he admitted happily as he looked both ways very carefully before sprinting across the road to join Draco who was waiting on the other side for him.
Lillianna didn't entirely agree with what Draco said about the Weasley twins. She thought that they were fairly successful. Sure, they ran a joke shop, but they were ambitious enough to start it and she could appreciate that. But she also did agree with Draco when he said that the really had so much more potential. It bothered her when people were brilliant but never used it. She remembered her Charms professor telling her she may be good to go into being a healer, but she honestly couldn't see herself doing something like that. Now here she is being the P.A. to the head of the most prestigious, wealthiest corporation in the wizarding world. She thought that was much better then some random healer. When Draco explained cars to Scorpius, she hadn't even thought about that he might not know what they were. She traveled back and forth between magical and muggle placecs all the time - not to mention she had lived a complete muggle life until she was ten. She just assumed everyone would know about it, which was obviously not the case.

Lillianna was still slightly pink in the face as she calmed down when Draco told her to. She felt kinda bad for scolding him since he didn't know any better since this was the first time he had been out here. She was just glad that Scorpius was safe and that she wasn't getting yelled at herself by Draco. She gave Scorpius a soft smile when he thanked her for saving him. "You're welcome, dear," she said, though she listened to him talk about his muggleborn friend. That was definitely a difference between the times. Draco's father would have lost it if he had found out that Draco somehow made friends with someone who wasn't at least halfblood. But here was Scorpius going on about the wonders of muggles and muggleborn students. She gave an amazed look as he talked to her, though she knew all this stuff already. She figured it would make him happy if he thought he was informing her of something totally new.

"That's very cool," she said, grinning brightly, "Maybe if you're lucky your father will let you ride one. Or perhaps you can spend a little time with your friend during a holiday and she can show you more things. If your father approves, of course." She didn't think he would though. He was already anxious enough when he was at school - he would most likely want him back at his side as soon as he possibly could. She walked across the street - following after Scorpius and they were back in the wizard part of London. So luckily they weren't going to be hit by any cars.

Lilli found it interesting that the wizard shopping district was hidden among the muggle shopping district. She wondered how ignorant the muggles must be to not even notice it. She was more excited to shop once she reached the wizard shopping district though because their things were much more gorgeous in her opinion. "Oh, I don't even know where to start," she said, laughing. She then pointed out the shop that Scorpius was excited to go to, "There's the card shop. And according to the sign on the window they just got a brand new shipment of cards." She knew the latest ones had been released recently. She thought wizard cards were fun to collect in school. Though once she and Harry got their own since they were the famous Potter family survivors, they almost lost their appeal. Somehow getting a wizard card with her face on it weirded her out. "Where are we stopping first, Mr. Malfoy?" She asked Draco, remembering to keep things formal.
Draco chuckled a little as he listened to his son ramble about the various things he'd heard about muggles, going from Guns, to blenders, to 'eclecticity'. Draco seamed quite pleased that Scorpius was freinds with a muggleborn. or maybe it was just that Scorpius had freinds at all, only Draco knew, but he seamed happy to have his son chattering away about school, classwork, teachers, freinds, and how he was going to make Albus Potter wish he'd never taken on a Malfoy. the weasley's might have been the prank kinds last generation. but he was about to take the reigning title! and it would be good practice for when he started to invent spells. that made Draco practically soar. Scorpius Malfoy, spell creator had a wonderful ring to it. even more importantly, it wasn't wasting any potential! "oooh! you think so!? that would be so cool!" Scorpius admitted as he looked at Draco who looked like he was really trying very hard not to laugh at his clearly hyper son. "we could make arrangements." Draco stated cooly though he tossed Lillianna a wink, clearly Draco was going to go to the ends of the earth to find out what the hell a 'Rolly coater' was. why, he might even talk to the muggle parents of Scorpius's freinds to find out! and he certainly wouldn't mind Scorpius staying at a freinds house. he'd never been able to before.

"we'll start with the dress of course." Sraco informed her. "choosing the dress is very important, so you can find accessories that match it. making a dress match accessories is ten times more dissifult, and sometimes completely impossible." he admitted as Scorpius looked delighted to be going to the clothing shop. "yes Scor, you can get a new pair of Dragon hide pants." Draco promised, Scorpius uttering a happy chirp as he raced off to the shop he and Draco always shopped at. Twiflit and tattings refused to serve death eaters, so Draco simply bought a shop and made it into a high class clothing store, which is where all the children who attended Hogwarts under a Malfoy scholarship got their full wardrobe for free. he also clothed the homless, werewolves who still couldn't get a job because of bigotry, and other various needy cases. not that it was public knowladge. no one actually knew who owned the Silver Dragon, Everyday wear save Draco and a few of his employees. even the staff at the Silver Dragon didn't know Draco owned the place, they just knew he always bought a lot and left ever happy.

Scorpius entertained himself with various trousers and shirt combinations while Draco sat in a comfortable chair and let the two very fashionable ladies... Pavarti Patil and Lavender Brown, do their jobs in fitting Lillianna with the best... and do their best to squeeze the P.A. for any juicy gossip that could be found. they chattered endlessly with Lillianna about what colors she preferred, what kind of fabric, the cut of said fabric, the design of the dress and so on. all the while Draco simply sat there and thumbed through his endless paperwork. "just one Scorpius." Draco ordered as Scorpius finally settled on two pairs of pants. the boy pouted at his father but finally picked only the one pair. it had to be a pureblood thing. what boy liked to shop? "Father, can i go to the Card shop?" Scorpius asked hopefully. Draco hesitated, looked along the street for signs of trouble, something he was probobly very good at, having once been a Death Eater, and nodded. "only the Card Shop Scorpius." Draco ordered sternly. Scorpius nodded quickly and then dashed off in a sprightly little jog, careful to monitor his own breathing. Draco just chuckled and returned to his paperwork, affectionately labeling Scorpius as a 'spoiled brat'. which was so not true. a spoiled brat would have had at least three temper tantrums by now.
Lillianna didn't bother correcting Scorpius when he said things wrong while explaining to her about all sorts of muggle things. She didn't want to put a downer on his good mood, especially when he seemed so proud of himself when he thought he said some of the things right. She remembered the same exact feelings of wonder when she transitioned into the wizard world. It was a feeling that went quickly with age and she didn't want to kill any of it in any child before its time. She would never admit it because as an adult she wasn't supposed to condone such things, but she hoped Scorpius was successful in making Albus regret hurting him. If that was the only way he'd stop because nobody else seemed to care to do anything about it, then let him. Though she also wasn't in charge of punishment if he got into too deep of trouble because of it. She smiled at Draco when he winked at her, basically saying that he approved of Scorpius going. "I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun," she said to him, patting him on his shoulder. She nodded when Draco said they were going for the dress first. That definitely made sense but she had seen some girls base their entire look for a dance based on one necklace so you really never knew. "You sound like you speak from experience," she said to Draco. She smirked slightly. But she knew he and his mother were close when they were in school - he probably had to tag along with her when she shopped.

Lillianna laughed as Scorpius raced off to go get himself some new pants and she continued walking with Draco until they reached the shop. She had never seen a boy so enthusiastic about shopping! She hadn't been to the Silver Dragon yet before, though. She hadn't really been to anywhere since she moved back to London. Mostly she had just been using what she had bought back in France. She smiled as she was escorted by Pavarti and Lavender to the dressing rooms to try on various types of dresses and talk about colors and such. She fulfilled some of their wish and gossiped a little, but she wouldn't ever reveal anything that could cost her job. She enjoyed her job far too much for that. It was easy for the ladies to just take into account what she wanted and make the dress on spot. Thank Merlin for magic. It took her awhile though because although she had an idea what she'd like, there was just so many options and she wanted them all. She found herself just as excited as Scorpius was to shop in general. Eventually she found something she might like.

"Mr. Malfoy, I think you'd be quite pleased with what we've come up with," stated Lavender Brown, giving a warm smile to the man who was working on paperwork while he waited. She did notice Scorpius seemed to be missing but Draco didn't look concerned so he probably wasn't too far away. "Come on out, Lillianna, dear," called Pavarti, turning towards the dressing rooms. They had already finished her dress. Lillianna stepped out so she could model the dress for Draco. She figured since he was the one paying for it he'd want to see what it looked like. It fit her curves very well and showed off her long leg. "What do you think sir?" she asked, smiling at him, hoping that he liked it.

(The Dress)
Scorpius was really a very chattery sort of boy, and seamed to be perpetually happy. "i always have fun." Scorpius admitted, quite happily as Draco grimaced and nodded. "always." he grumbled, clearly less annoyed than he pretended. probobly because Scorpius liked those nasty parties Draco hated so much. "i do. Mother loved to take me shopping with her. it was one of my favorite things because i had such undivided attention from her." he admitted with a smile. "i loved going to the ministry with Father too, he'd explain what he was doing and let me help. Astoria often made me listen to her chatter about worthless fashion as well..." here he sneered. "she never had much taste." he was also careful to make sure Scorpius hadn't heard him say that. honestly, he rather liked Pavarti and Lavender. they never gave him funny looks, nor did they cling incessantly to him in the hopes that he'd loose his mind and fall in love with them. they where also the premier ladies to talk to about newest fashion, colors, and items. he also knew that they wouldn't sell him out if they found out something 'odd' about Draco... like the fact that he owned their shop.

"i'm always pleased with what you come up with." Draco stated as he looked up at her, his head tilted curiously. he had a sinking feeling that they where about to start yet another fashion trend using him as the Mannequin. or rather, as him and Lillianna as the Mannequin. he could only stare at the vibrant dress with the almost obscene slit up the side and wondered if he was going to need a charm to keep his cock from getting him into trouble. "...Slytherin Green. i approve." was Draco's only comment once he was certain he could open his mouth without word vomit. "have me Robes in the matching style in a less glaring fashion..." he knew they would make it match. they always did... especially since Astoria had a horrible love for garish and pink dress robes. yuck.

"Mister Malfoy!" a new voice intercepted. it was the owner of the Card Shop. "Yer son's collapsed!" Draco cursed and was out the door in a flash, Lavender and Pavarti hot on his heals. they adored Scorpius, who soaked up anything they told him about fashion. which was good for him to know if he was going to be the future owner of Malfoy Corp. by the time they reached the Card Shop Draco was cradling Scorpius, who was clutching his chest and... well it looked like he was choking. he was making the sounds for it at any rate. Draco looked as cool and calm as he always did, though if you looked in his eyes you could see the worry as he pulled out an Inhalant System. an invention of Severus Snape. the potion was turned into a mist that was then inhaled naturally. it worked twice as fast, was much less traumatic, and you didn't have to try and get the suffocating, usually panicked person to try and swallow a potion, which rarely worked in time. it was a clear face mask that was... borrowed, from muggle hospitals that used a spell to air lock onto the face. then filtered in only pure oxygen while the Potion mist worked to relax the throat and lungs. "easy Scor. look at me. deepest breath." Draco coached. "in and out. in and out. in.. and out... there we go. deeper breathes now. you're alright." he promised, stroking the platinum blond hair as Scorpius took in deep breaths. "is he alright?" one of the random customers asked, looking frantic. "i'm so sorry, it's all my fault... i scared the daylights out of the poor lad...." "it's alright Ma'am." Draco assured her, offering her a smile as Scorpius glanced around, clearly not happy to be the center of attention. one on one he was fine, but put him in a crowd and he was a timid little thing. which was made worse by the fact that he was in pain and had probobly just scared the willies out of himself. "Lillianna, will you go and pay for the dress and the Robes?" he asked. "Scorpius needs a moment to rest and then i'm going to take him home." he explained.
Lillianna was definitely happy that Draco liked the dress she had tried on. She thought she looked amazing in it and she loved its style and color. With the slit down the side it was a bit daring, but somehow it was just daring enough to be sexy but not enough to be completely tasteless. "Thank you, sir," she said happily, "I'm pleased that you like it." The two women nodded and quickly went to go fetch Draco the dress robes that would match the dress. Lilli was about the go and change out of it when then owner of the card shop burst in, saying that Scorpius had collapsed. Her, along with Draco rushed out of the clothing store and next door to the card shop. Lilli was still wearing her dress so she had to hold it up slightly so she could keep up. She was so scared for Scorpius, she hoped that he was okay. She knew she should have made sure that Draco didn't let him out of his sight. She knelt down beside Draco, who was cradling poor Scorpius. Luckily Draco was able to get him to start breathing again using the Inhalant System. She felt relieved when it looked like he was going to be okay. She was so scared - probably not as frightened as Draco, but she still grew worried. She had completely forgotten the fact that they had been dress shopping and she was still wearing the dress.

"Everyone back up, please, there's nothing to see here," said the shop owner, realizing that Draco wasn't liking everyone just crowding and staring at them. Lillianna stood up and nodded when Draco told her to go pay for the dress and robes. She figured it was best if they saved the rest of the shopping for another time, since Scorpius really did need to go home and rest. She hurried back to the clothing store and changed out of the dress and used Draco's card to pay for everything. They were going to deliver it all to the office so that they wouldn't have to carry it when they left. She hurried back to the card shop and she hoped that Scorpius had at least managed to get a few things before he collapsed. He was just so excited to be here; the thought just broke her heart.

"I'm ready to go, Mr. Malfoy," Lillianna said gently touching Draco's shoulder, "Lavender and Pavarti said they'd send the dress robes to the office." She sighed, looking at Scorpius. He looked so frail all of a sudden. He was such a bouncy, cheerful boy and now all of a sudden he looked like the runt of the litter. It was painful to see but she really could see now why Draco was so protective of him. This pissed her off even more towards Albus. How could he bully someone so fragile? Then again she'd never directly call Scorpius that because he really did his best and he didn't need that kind of negativity in his life. "Is he going to be alright?" she asked quietly, voice wavering with worry.
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