Get Jinxed! (Ahri and Stormgale)

Feb 1, 2013
In Summoner's Rift!
In the Halls of Justice, it was night-time already and most champions were asleep. Some in their own rooms, while others slept in their own habitat, like Elise up in a corner in her web, Nami in the fish tank or Anivia encased in her own ice. Some where even still up late, working on things or simply having fun. Heimerdinger and Jayce were together in the garage doing some inventions, Lee sin practiced in the temple and Riven and Singed were in an anger-management program. Jinx, on the other hand, was in one of the living rooms, having a quick snack which was merely a sandwich. She wasn't wearing her usual combat suit, she was in a tank-top, pajama shorts and flip-flops. Mostly because she was about to go to bed and she only wanted to satisfy her hunger for food.

As soon as she finished eating, she was heading to her room when she heard someone coming. As childishly-mannered she was, she hid behind the counter in the kitchen and waited for whoever who was coming to approach to her and she would jump and scare them. It was dark in the night, and barely anyone was awake, so a few would expect it.
Ahri the Kumiho said:
In the Halls of Justice, it was night-time already and most champions were asleep. Some in their own rooms, while others slept in their own habitat, like Elise up in a corner in her web, Nami in the fish tank or Anivia encased in her own ice. Some where even still up late, working on things or simply having fun. Heimerdinger and Jayce were together in the garage doing some inventions, Lee sin practiced in the temple and Riven and Singed were in an anger-management program. Jinx, on the other hand, was in one of the living rooms, having a quick snack which was merely a sandwich. She wasn't wearing her usual combat suit, she was in a tank-top, pajama shorts and flip-flops. Mostly because she was about to go to bed and she only wanted to satisfy her hunger for food.

As soon as she finished eating, she was heading to her room when she heard someone coming. As childishly-mannered she was, she hid behind the counter in the kitchen and waited for whoever who was coming to approach to her and she would jump and scare them. It was dark in the night, and barely anyone was awake, so a few would expect it.

Ezreal was one of the people still up late, pouring over maps and journals deciding where to head next. When you were trying to dig up priceless relics it payed to do your research, the obvious problem being that half of it was unreliable or useless and it took a large amount of time. he wore his usual outfit, long pants, a shirt and a heavy vest, heading to the kitchen to grab a drink, leaning over into the cupboard to grab himself some orange Juice, pouring himself a glas... seemingly oblivious to the bright haired predator waiting.
As soon as the blue-haired psycho heard someone pouring liquid in a glass, she jumped out of her hideout and screamed in a hilarious way. Then, she leaned against the counter and grinned at Ezreal. "Oh! It's the dumb explorer! How are you, sweetie? Expected that?" she teased him evily and took the glass of juice he was about to drink and swallowed the juice herself.
He didn't even flinch, having to explore tombs and deal with the fields of justice kind of dulled your ability to be surprised by strange noises "I was going to drink that" he said, an annoyed tone creeping into his voice as he poured himself another glass... keeping it out of her reach as he sipped it "Shouldn't you be pissing off caitlyn or Vi?"
Jinx was obviously disappointed that her trick hadn't worked on the young and hot explorer. "Oh...well Ez, it's not like me or Cait...or that pink-haired freak are friends or anything. I can piss off whoever I want!" she said with grin and looked into his blue-eyes with her beautiful purple ones. "And what were you doing so late in the night, pretty boy? Touching yourself?" she joked.
"Unlike you I was actually working" he said, tilting his head at her blushing slightly at her innuendo "I was just going to relax and go to sleep so if you don't mind" he added, moving to try and head off to bed... best not to poke the insane girl.
Jinx laughed at him as he blushed. "Oh no Ez! Come here! Let's have some fun! Don't you like me?" she asked him teasingly grabbed him by his arm. Then wondered how much would she freak him if she hugged him from behind, so she pressed her pale figure against him from behind and giggled. "Hey!"
"Can you please get off me!" he said, trying to be nice as the girl pressed against him, flushing rather awkwardly as she did so. His body struggled against her, obviously only causing friction as he tried to push himself free.
After he tried to get her off him, she released him and shook her head. "Oh...I knew the rumors were true...I always denied it but they were true. Maybe Taric is waiting for you!" she teased him and bursted into laughter. "Yes! He is in room 105!" she teased him again.
"I am not gay" he said, growling a little at her as he glared "Not that there is anything wrong with that but I like girl's thank you very much"
" are not gay....but you flee from a girl when one is hugging you! I'm a girl, you know!" she told him. She was confused as to why he had tried to get her off him if he liked girls.
"Yeah a girl who is a psycho and likely to kill me, real attractive there" he pointed out, looking away now.
Jinx was starting to get pissed at him now. "You know what!? Fuck you! That's what! Fuck you!" she told him angrily and sat on the kitchen counter to drink another glass of juice. "Stupid Taric lover..."
"Hey fuck you, have you ever heard about people's personal space" he said, staring right at her, glaring as he stepped towards her "did no one ever teach you manners?"
"I didn't get scared" he pointed out "Or do you have such a fucked up brain you can't even remember that far?"
"Pffff....nonsense..." she told him looking down and then up at his eyes. Maybe it was the fact that she had a crush on Ezreal that she was acting a bit weird...but she couldn't help it. But again, lots of girls had a crush on Ezreal.
"Well maybe you should just be quiet and stop talking about things you have no idea" he said, moving to step against the counter and look at her "How about it?"
"because I said so" he said rather matter of factly, tugging on her braid to point out she hadn't shut up yet.
Jinx whimpered a bit in pain as he tugged her braid. She released his arm and looked at him with a pink and beautiful color on her cheeks, showing how she acted like a psycho but she was really submissive when treated like this.
"Good girl" he cooed, moving to tug her braid down "Now you are going to be quiet and good for me now, aren't you?"
"Y-yes, Ez...." she said shyly. "I will be quiet and good for you..." she said softly and looked at him. Her pale cheeks had a red colour to them now, and she was being kinda cute.
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