The Ridden
- Joined
- Feb 7, 2013
Below are the clipnotes of an old idea i never really could get working how i wanted to, Its always bugged me given my knack for crafting naughty scenes from the most innocent of things. Mostly wanted to hear some thoughts from the community, esspecialy from any one versed in my Rp's and my threads here on Blue.
{Ain't he cute}
I was thinking of something such as, A girl or boy getting equipped with puppy cybernetics, Could be something as simple as a mad scientists with dreams of the old world where women were little above animals in status, So he turns his science into not helping animals or humanity but slowly turning his little corner of the world 'right' Turning neigh any femme he comes across and manages to catch, Into his version of a perfect pet, Or something to that effect. I adapted it to fallout lore cause well.. most people are nuts about fallout and it seems to have all the right stuff for what I need for such a twisted tale.
For those who dont know about the Lore, Fallout is essentially set in the US and sometime in the 50's or so the bombs fell, the world went Nuclear and few survived, Many were safe inside Vaults built underground for just such a thing, Others who didn't make it in were mutated from radiation, Broke off into clans and tribes akin to the movie Mad Max, Despite most technology being lost they still have some cybernetics, Lesers and robots, Scientists worked most entire life time's within the vaults cooking up new toys for the outside world when their vaults finally opened it would seem. But generally the scientist is kinda off his rocker despite being a genius and gets off turning women into animals, or at least as close as possible.
{And who couldn't get behind that idea}
The idea while planned largely for the Fallout styled work could work in most any setting, From the mainstreamed lore of Shadowrun and Deus EX with big time company's controlling cybernetics {After all who really reads the fine print on contracts}, to something more off the wall involving DnD and Steampunk elements, Or any kind of distopian future where a man scientist might run uncontrolled. This idea is largely a work in progress, And with some interest it will grow into a wonderfully twisted tale like the rest of my characters.

{Ain't he cute}
I was thinking of something such as, A girl or boy getting equipped with puppy cybernetics, Could be something as simple as a mad scientists with dreams of the old world where women were little above animals in status, So he turns his science into not helping animals or humanity but slowly turning his little corner of the world 'right' Turning neigh any femme he comes across and manages to catch, Into his version of a perfect pet, Or something to that effect. I adapted it to fallout lore cause well.. most people are nuts about fallout and it seems to have all the right stuff for what I need for such a twisted tale.
For those who dont know about the Lore, Fallout is essentially set in the US and sometime in the 50's or so the bombs fell, the world went Nuclear and few survived, Many were safe inside Vaults built underground for just such a thing, Others who didn't make it in were mutated from radiation, Broke off into clans and tribes akin to the movie Mad Max, Despite most technology being lost they still have some cybernetics, Lesers and robots, Scientists worked most entire life time's within the vaults cooking up new toys for the outside world when their vaults finally opened it would seem. But generally the scientist is kinda off his rocker despite being a genius and gets off turning women into animals, or at least as close as possible.
{And who couldn't get behind that idea}
The idea while planned largely for the Fallout styled work could work in most any setting, From the mainstreamed lore of Shadowrun and Deus EX with big time company's controlling cybernetics {After all who really reads the fine print on contracts}, to something more off the wall involving DnD and Steampunk elements, Or any kind of distopian future where a man scientist might run uncontrolled. This idea is largely a work in progress, And with some interest it will grow into a wonderfully twisted tale like the rest of my characters.