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Did you say? F.E.A.R. I am, I haven't played the games in forever,though I beat them all! I played them when I was younger so I got easily freaked out. Like when a pale girl in a red dress appeared in the elevator was in. Yeah creeped me out, a little bit. Granted, most scary games get to Dead Space. Especially 2 when you have to you have to return to the Ishumari. I was having flashbacks on my first tour of that ship, I was like, "No...No....Nope...No..NO!" Scary games are great fun!
I remember in the first game nothing happened for like 10 minutes and I'm walking through a hall way and a body flew through the window, and it scared me so badly I panic fired my last 20 smg rounds at it.
I played the first game up to a certain point and found it a bit boring, so I kind of quit. One point I remember though is...
When you're climbing down a ladder and right as you reach the end, a guy grabs you during a jump scare and whatnot. I was scared shitless.

Asides from that, I played FEAR 3 coop with my roommate and found it to be a decently enjoyable experience. I think a lot of it was because of the character I played and his special abilities (Paxton), which I enjoyed quite a bit. Had I played the other dude, I don't think I'd have found it nearly as interesting. Plus, I just like playing the bad guy in videogames in general. I quite enjoyed his version of the ending too.
Fettel was my favourite to play as. :D I loved making Replica Soldiers explode from the inside. He's more fun when you discover the one hit kill move.
Hmm looks like I didn't play Paxton as aggressively as I could. I used him as a support to the point an player. Tapping into his abilities and taking hosts to reveal enemies and provide cover. I left the point an to strike down all the soldiers.

I'm surprised that the Alma ladder scare hasn't gotten mentioned, or the fact in one of the F.E,A,R games you can see the adult Alma just sitting there in a room.
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