Devilishly Wicked
- Joined
- Apr 27, 2014
- Location
- Conneticut
Plots post #2
Taken Plots post #3
Examples post #4
Welcome to my thread! Only looking for LONGTERM!
Haii! I am currently in College! Just started on my double major for a BFA in 2020!
I am Lagertha, pleasure to meet you and I hope we will become best friends!
I am bisexual, though I only do FxM plots.
I will let you know I am a submissive and play submissive female characters. My age limit is normally flexible though I prefer playing the younger character.I plan to play close to my own age, I am 28.
I am considered a Brat/babygirlin the BDSM community, so please Daddys hit me up for some amazing rps!
For the me now..I haven't rped in roughly a year, but I do write my own stories constantly. I like complex drawn out worlds. Yes I love smut but I am a horny girl for ROMANCE - even if the shit starts out whack! What do I mean? Well, if it drives the story, I'm down for rape, kidnapping, and 'claiming'. Even if your character is a bastard and rough, as long as he shows some form of affection I'll be good. As for the complex worlds, yes actual worlds. I love LOVE to freaking world build and I expect as much from my partners. Give me descriptions of what you imagine seeing for the characters you play! give me side characters with dialogue! Give me silly interactions and stuff that shows characters complex emotions! Feed me with YOUR imagination! Just don't write me sixteen pages of opening a drawer.
ANYWAYS! Hope that caught your interest! I'm a bit awkward since returning sooo yeah, I'm just bloody awkward!
I will give the disclaimer that shit happens in my life A LOT, and I don't always see it coming. Life happens for sure and I try to do my best to allow my partners to know when I'm leaving when I see it coming..but you know? It does happen. So yes, sorry if I leave randomly without warning but fear not! For I SHALL RETURN! I also understand if you yourself vanish for personal reasons as well.
I will also say that if you choose to hit one of my No, I will have the right and will end the rp without warning -if I am feeling nice, I might ask you to change the post to exclude it. I, like most of us here, do not enjoy their legs being pulled when it comes to rp. If you aren't interested, okay let's end the rp and start a new one. Or if you are just not up for rping with me; let a girl know! I may ask why to better understand if I need to fix something to suit something else or not, but you are never forced to stay with me.
ALSO! If you have any ideas you wish to discuss or want to brain storm with me, great! Send me a PM and let's get to it! I prefer playing on DISCORD (mainly), pms or Threads!
I will say I am not the biggest into Fandoms, since I don't watch a whole lot of stuff; SHOCKER. Even if I know which fandom you are talking about, I'd prefer an original setting and original characters, which is why this is a hard no.
Right then...So scroll down and enjoy
Any questions? Send me a PM!
❈GodModing; Please do not actually play my character for me. - Choosing what she looks like and all that. ~Note: This doesn't however account for if our characters have known each other from different lives etc. As well as, picking her up, pinning her down, isn't the kind of controlling I am talking about. This goes for my main character, and any side characters I ask you not to play. Otherwise, free game.
❈Post Lengths; At least 2-3 paragraph if you want to keep the rp moving. I prefer 4-5 paragraphs or longer, but it really depends on what is happening. No. I don't always need a giant wall of text even though it's fun. If there is chatter between just two characters we can most the posts shorter depending on what's happening. That being said, I do overwrite most people so don't feel intimidated if I give you an extra paragraph or three. I'm a sucker for detail is all.
❈Main Characters;Unless we agree, I want no deaths of either main characters. Side characters? Go for it. I feel this makes it fair to both of us if we agree it's alright to off a main character and bring in a new one. NOTE: This does not mean they are invincible. You want to brand MC, stab her hands, break her leg -in context of war- go for it. Though, I do take a realistic approach to wounds unless otherwise discussed.
❈Uninterested?;Just let me know if you are bored and want to rp something else or want to stop rping together altogether. I will understand and I actually find it REALLY rude when people drop me without saying anything. I'm not a heartless beast, ok?
❈Scat;NO NO NO, no bathroom play at all. No vore of any kind. I just, no this makes me cringe. ->for my 'accessions' of more, look below.
❈Where I play;I only play on DISCORD mainly. I like creating the different text channels for ooc, the rp, and any other ideas we might want to construct. It isn't for everyone though - since you have to break up your posts in bits to post them in chunks. I also play by Threads.
❈Communication; I don't need your life story if you don't want to give it. I do like being able to go back and forth and ask questions and receive them. I believe this helps the rp move better. - Also, some of my partners find it helpful to 'tag you're it' to tell me it's my turn. If that is your cup of tea, I will gladly have a sip!
❈Replies; I at least enjoy one reply per week at minimum. With my schedule (College and relationships) I will at minimum be able to post ONCE a week. Weekends are likely a no. If my schedule permits it, I may be able to post more than once a week or a few times a day. Just note by minimum I will post once a week. I have a real life and I know you do as well. Let's respect each other lives and make this work!
❈Vore; I say no to this. The extreme kind...and I don't want to go into detail. However, I do have a few accepting factors. One; War. If MC or YC is covered in blood from killing another party, alright. Two; a dying person or dead body near by, no I don't mean fucking the corpse or on top of it, if you have seen Game of Thrones, it's similar to the scene Where Jamie takes his sister with their son's corpse nearby. Three; Vampires, Werewolves. I would like to think these are self explanatory, but I shall elaborate. Blood is obvious when it comes to these two, so is gore in my opinion. So, if there is blood or gore nearby I won't be opposed. Still, a hard no for killing someone by sexual act or fucking a dead corpse. -If you have further questions about this please drop me a PM and ask.
❈What genres I rp; I am mainly a Fantasy writer, but I am a sucker for anything Romantic no matter how fucked up it starts.FIXED: I would rather prefer to play historical, modern fantasy, scifi, or historical fantasy, etc. I live in a modern world, as we all do, and this is my means of escape. So, I will only further take modern fantasy plots and stories. HOWEVER, I do have a few Modern plots..and if something is really different I might say yes to it.
❈Sending Photos to me; Please PLEASE do not send me NSFW photos without putting it in a spoiler and WARNING ME BEFORE I OPEN IT!!!! Most of the time I am in PUBLIC and cannot view those things without getting in serious trouble!!! Also, please do not spam me NSFW photos. I think it's cool if that's your thing to look at. However, It's very rude to me if I get spammer them when I don't look at that stuff a lot and two I am normally not in a space to look at them.
>>>Current Cravings<<<
Male Harem (Or a 'House Cat' to multiple male dominates)
Love Triangle ( MxFxM) <<<<< (really craving this, I have a super big kink for dp!)
Vikings (I love the mythology and the history behind Vikings. I’m fine wi5 neighboring villages, or mc being kidnapped or even a god theme based.)
Geralt of Riveria x OC - Because why the hell not? Also, because I am obsessed with him and love his attitude/world!
Werewolf x Witch
I'm looking for world-building/fantasy and likely more medieval. Or anything historical. I am not a HUGE fan of modern rps, but if the plot is GOOD I will do modern fantasy.
Taken Plots post #3
Examples post #4
Welcome to my thread! Only looking for LONGTERM!
Haii! I am currently in College! Just started on my double major for a BFA in 2020!
I am Lagertha, pleasure to meet you and I hope we will become best friends!
I am bisexual, though I only do FxM plots.
I will let you know I am a submissive and play submissive female characters. My age limit is normally flexible though I prefer playing the younger character.I plan to play close to my own age, I am 28.
I am considered a Brat/babygirlin the BDSM community, so please Daddys hit me up for some amazing rps!
For the me now..I haven't rped in roughly a year, but I do write my own stories constantly. I like complex drawn out worlds. Yes I love smut but I am a horny girl for ROMANCE - even if the shit starts out whack! What do I mean? Well, if it drives the story, I'm down for rape, kidnapping, and 'claiming'. Even if your character is a bastard and rough, as long as he shows some form of affection I'll be good. As for the complex worlds, yes actual worlds. I love LOVE to freaking world build and I expect as much from my partners. Give me descriptions of what you imagine seeing for the characters you play! give me side characters with dialogue! Give me silly interactions and stuff that shows characters complex emotions! Feed me with YOUR imagination! Just don't write me sixteen pages of opening a drawer.
ANYWAYS! Hope that caught your interest! I'm a bit awkward since returning sooo yeah, I'm just bloody awkward!
I will give the disclaimer that shit happens in my life A LOT, and I don't always see it coming. Life happens for sure and I try to do my best to allow my partners to know when I'm leaving when I see it coming..but you know? It does happen. So yes, sorry if I leave randomly without warning but fear not! For I SHALL RETURN! I also understand if you yourself vanish for personal reasons as well.
I will also say that if you choose to hit one of my No, I will have the right and will end the rp without warning -if I am feeling nice, I might ask you to change the post to exclude it. I, like most of us here, do not enjoy their legs being pulled when it comes to rp. If you aren't interested, okay let's end the rp and start a new one. Or if you are just not up for rping with me; let a girl know! I may ask why to better understand if I need to fix something to suit something else or not, but you are never forced to stay with me.
ALSO! If you have any ideas you wish to discuss or want to brain storm with me, great! Send me a PM and let's get to it! I prefer playing on DISCORD (mainly), pms or Threads!
I will say I am not the biggest into Fandoms, since I don't watch a whole lot of stuff; SHOCKER. Even if I know which fandom you are talking about, I'd prefer an original setting and original characters, which is why this is a hard no.
Right then...So scroll down and enjoy
❈GodModing; Please do not actually play my character for me. - Choosing what she looks like and all that. ~Note: This doesn't however account for if our characters have known each other from different lives etc. As well as, picking her up, pinning her down, isn't the kind of controlling I am talking about. This goes for my main character, and any side characters I ask you not to play. Otherwise, free game.
❈Post Lengths; At least 2-3 paragraph if you want to keep the rp moving. I prefer 4-5 paragraphs or longer, but it really depends on what is happening. No. I don't always need a giant wall of text even though it's fun. If there is chatter between just two characters we can most the posts shorter depending on what's happening. That being said, I do overwrite most people so don't feel intimidated if I give you an extra paragraph or three. I'm a sucker for detail is all.
❈Main Characters;Unless we agree, I want no deaths of either main characters. Side characters? Go for it. I feel this makes it fair to both of us if we agree it's alright to off a main character and bring in a new one. NOTE: This does not mean they are invincible. You want to brand MC, stab her hands, break her leg -in context of war- go for it. Though, I do take a realistic approach to wounds unless otherwise discussed.
❈Uninterested?;Just let me know if you are bored and want to rp something else or want to stop rping together altogether. I will understand and I actually find it REALLY rude when people drop me without saying anything. I'm not a heartless beast, ok?
❈Scat;NO NO NO, no bathroom play at all. No vore of any kind. I just, no this makes me cringe. ->for my 'accessions' of more, look below.
❈Where I play;I only play on DISCORD mainly. I like creating the different text channels for ooc, the rp, and any other ideas we might want to construct. It isn't for everyone though - since you have to break up your posts in bits to post them in chunks. I also play by Threads.
❈Communication; I don't need your life story if you don't want to give it. I do like being able to go back and forth and ask questions and receive them. I believe this helps the rp move better. - Also, some of my partners find it helpful to 'tag you're it' to tell me it's my turn. If that is your cup of tea, I will gladly have a sip!
❈Replies; I at least enjoy one reply per week at minimum. With my schedule (College and relationships) I will at minimum be able to post ONCE a week. Weekends are likely a no. If my schedule permits it, I may be able to post more than once a week or a few times a day. Just note by minimum I will post once a week. I have a real life and I know you do as well. Let's respect each other lives and make this work!
❈Vore; I say no to this. The extreme kind...and I don't want to go into detail. However, I do have a few accepting factors. One; War. If MC or YC is covered in blood from killing another party, alright. Two; a dying person or dead body near by, no I don't mean fucking the corpse or on top of it, if you have seen Game of Thrones, it's similar to the scene Where Jamie takes his sister with their son's corpse nearby. Three; Vampires, Werewolves. I would like to think these are self explanatory, but I shall elaborate. Blood is obvious when it comes to these two, so is gore in my opinion. So, if there is blood or gore nearby I won't be opposed. Still, a hard no for killing someone by sexual act or fucking a dead corpse. -If you have further questions about this please drop me a PM and ask.
❈What genres I rp; I am mainly a Fantasy writer, but I am a sucker for anything Romantic no matter how fucked up it starts.FIXED: I would rather prefer to play historical, modern fantasy, scifi, or historical fantasy, etc. I live in a modern world, as we all do, and this is my means of escape. So, I will only further take modern fantasy plots and stories. HOWEVER, I do have a few Modern plots..and if something is really different I might say yes to it.
❈Sending Photos to me; Please PLEASE do not send me NSFW photos without putting it in a spoiler and WARNING ME BEFORE I OPEN IT!!!! Most of the time I am in PUBLIC and cannot view those things without getting in serious trouble!!! Also, please do not spam me NSFW photos. I think it's cool if that's your thing to look at. However, It's very rude to me if I get spammer them when I don't look at that stuff a lot and two I am normally not in a space to look at them.
❈Tanned men
❈Rape/Non-Con; More like Pseudo Fantasy..I am not into the whole terrible trauma rape. I'm more into the way someone says no but she loves it and doesn't want to admit it.
❈Height differences - A.I 4/5' together with someone 6'+ (I like being the short one)
❈Age differences - Anywhere from 10+ years, my character being the younger one.
❈Dominate partners
❈Muscular partners
❈Men in Charge
❈Power Struggle
❈Monster cocks - 11"+ long, 3"+ wide
❈Risk of Pregnancy
❈Description/Detailed posts
❈Branding/Claiming property over my character
❈Double Pen, Triple Pen
❈Clothed sex
❈Excessive cum
❈Fingering/masturbation to another character
❈Male Harem - Weird you would think, but I like the thought of one of my characters having a bunch of dominate men trying to control. In a sense it's a harem, but I think it's fun lol Since she wouldn't be the dominate one!
❈Being an ass - I know it's weird, but I really don't mind if the male character is an ass to mine to begin with and lightens up later on in the story. Make your character however you want I'll go with it.
❈Imperfections - I love knowing the characters aren't perfect, having scars physically or sad backgrounds makes me get into the story more!
❈Love Triangles - I like my character being confused and have to deal with the conflict
❈Latex/tight clothing
❈Being forced to dress sexy
❈Public scenes/humiliation
❈Men in Power
❈Knife play
❈Cheating - it's nice to have in stories for the conflict, but not always needed
❈Bad Boys/Bad Girls
❈Teacher/Student - This does not always mean the teachers we have come to terms with at schools, can be a teacher one swordsmanship, or teaching her to be a leader, anything that actually puts my characters in the "student" role. NOTE: I will not take any rps anymore with this being a modern teacher/student setting.
❈Marriage <-- It's minor but I like the idea of characters marrying.
❈Weird Sexual Positions
❈Spur of the moment sex
❈Surprise Sex
❈Comic relief - always fun in a rp!
-That's just some things I enjoy.
❈Vampires - Not Twilight PLEASE
❈Werewolves that are actually badass and tear shit up.
❈New races that have not been implemented before or a different take on mythological beings.
❈Drakoni - One that can switch between dragon forum and a more human like forum.
❈Savage men
❈Incubus - I have a thing for this sexual demon that invades dreams and can invade their real life
❈Tanned men
❈Rape/Non-Con; More like Pseudo Fantasy..I am not into the whole terrible trauma rape. I'm more into the way someone says no but she loves it and doesn't want to admit it.
❈Height differences - A.I 4/5' together with someone 6'+ (I like being the short one)
❈Age differences - Anywhere from 10+ years, my character being the younger one.
❈Dominate partners
❈Muscular partners
❈Men in Charge
❈Power Struggle
❈Monster cocks - 11"+ long, 3"+ wide
❈Risk of Pregnancy
❈Description/Detailed posts
❈Branding/Claiming property over my character
❈Double Pen, Triple Pen
❈Clothed sex
❈Excessive cum
❈Fingering/masturbation to another character
❈Male Harem - Weird you would think, but I like the thought of one of my characters having a bunch of dominate men trying to control. In a sense it's a harem, but I think it's fun lol Since she wouldn't be the dominate one!
❈Being an ass - I know it's weird, but I really don't mind if the male character is an ass to mine to begin with and lightens up later on in the story. Make your character however you want I'll go with it.
❈Imperfections - I love knowing the characters aren't perfect, having scars physically or sad backgrounds makes me get into the story more!
❈Love Triangles - I like my character being confused and have to deal with the conflict
❈Latex/tight clothing
❈Being forced to dress sexy
❈Public scenes/humiliation
❈Men in Power
❈Knife play
❈Cheating - it's nice to have in stories for the conflict, but not always needed
❈Bad Boys/Bad Girls
❈Teacher/Student - This does not always mean the teachers we have come to terms with at schools, can be a teacher one swordsmanship, or teaching her to be a leader, anything that actually puts my characters in the "student" role. NOTE: I will not take any rps anymore with this being a modern teacher/student setting.
❈Marriage <-- It's minor but I like the idea of characters marrying.
❈Weird Sexual Positions
❈Spur of the moment sex
❈Surprise Sex
❈Comic relief - always fun in a rp!
-That's just some things I enjoy.
❈Vampires - Not Twilight PLEASE
❈Werewolves that are actually badass and tear shit up.
❈New races that have not been implemented before or a different take on mythological beings.
❈Drakoni - One that can switch between dragon forum and a more human like forum.
❈Savage men
❈Incubus - I have a thing for this sexual demon that invades dreams and can invade their real life
Male Harem (Or a 'House Cat' to multiple male dominates)
Love Triangle ( MxFxM) <<<<< (really craving this, I have a super big kink for dp!)
Vikings (I love the mythology and the history behind Vikings. I’m fine wi5 neighboring villages, or mc being kidnapped or even a god theme based.)
Geralt of Riveria x OC - Because why the hell not? Also, because I am obsessed with him and love his attitude/world!
Werewolf x Witch
I'm looking for world-building/fantasy and likely more medieval. Or anything historical. I am not a HUGE fan of modern rps, but if the plot is GOOD I will do modern fantasy.
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