The Princess & The Elder (Me & BlackTalon)


Apr 10, 2014
Her name is Theora Nightshade and her father happened to be King of the Dark Elves, she was his fifth daughter and the youngest of his daughters. She was about 5’5 and weighed 100lbs, she had pure black skin and pure white, long hair. Her eyes where pure white making her blind unlike the rest of her clan who had red eyes. Theora was like her father in two ways, she was good with a bow and arrow as well as being stubborn. She was more like her mother however with her swordsmanship and tracking skills, she was also gifted with the power to see into the past and into the future, she also could see with her mind’s eye. It was a dark night when her life would change forever, Theora was asleep in her bed when she was awoken by a blood curdling scream.

She acted fast, grabbing her sword as well as her bow and quiver of arrows she made her way out her bedroom door and down the hall in nothing but her under shorts, chest bindings and tunic. She ran and ran following the sound of the screaming only to freeze at the steps leading outside of her Father’s palace, there in front of her on the last step lay her dead brother as well as the rest of her siblings every one of them. She lifted her head and saw her father fall to the ground a few feet away a sword had gone through his heard. She looked up seeing her Uncle, her father’s murderer. “MURDERER!| Theora screamed and took action knocking an arrow or three and let them fly at her Uncle.

Things would happen very fast and before she knew it she was down on her knee, three arrows stuck in her back and one in her left shoulder. She was fighting off her Uncle’s army of Orcs or what was left of them, all around her lay dead Dark Elves and Orcs. “I will get you back for this MALEK!” she cried and suddenly she felt the impact of a final arrow hit her in her arm knocking her sword to the ground. The Orc was about to cut her head off but Malek ordered him not to. “Leave her, she is dead anyways, I have what I want.” Malek said and headed into the forest leaving with his army, nothing was left standing in the Dark Elf village.

However Theora was not to die that night, there was help on the way but when it comes who knew. She just lay there face down, blood pooling around her, she felt numb not really noticing the pain coursing through her body. She was getting over the shock of her people’s slaughter and the betrayal of her Uncle Malek to her father. She should have been dead at this point but there was something inside her, some small spark of hope keeping the Princess alive so that one day she may avenge her father and take back what was rightfully hers.
After a day of riding, Elrond was returning to his home at Rivendell from a meeting with the Dark Elven King at his capital. But then out of nowhere, a cry of fear and death occured from the forest. Then other screams followed and the instinct inside of Elrond arrised. without a single thought Elrond grabbed the reigns of his horse and lashed once shortly and directed his horse to ride towards the source of the sound. His fair black hair waved behind him as the golden plated helmet he was wearing shone in the moonlight alongside with his golden plated armor. As he was riding towards the source of the pending trouble, the clatter of the sheathes of his swords was resounding through the forest.

His eyes opened wide in disgust as he saw what had brought this chaos upon the Dark Elven village, Orcs. The one thing Elrond hated most about this world was the mud-born filth that had taken so many of his kinsmen. He stepped of his horse and looked through the ravage that had happened upon the village and after a short while, his two guards that had been accompanied him on his journey had caught up with their lord. "Dear god..." said one guard and the other one spoke up as he looked at his lord "My lord it is not sa-" "Be quiet" Elrond spoke harshly and the guard lowered his head "Yes my Lord."

Erlond then saw something that sparked of hope, the soft breathing of what seemed to be a survivor. Without any hesitation, he rushed up to the body of Theora and whistled highly and as a following, his horse rushed up to his side. From his horse, Elrond took out a small bag in which he had stored first aid equipment and something that resembled a salve. Elrond went down on his knees and tried to wake up the girl. "Bear with the pain" he said as he cut through the middle of each arrow as he then proceeded by pulling them out one by one and then cleaned the wound with water to follow up by applying salve to it and bandaging it with a cloth patch. After the whole treatment he gently picked up the girl in his arms and walked up to his horse, he gently held her against his chest with one arm as he mounted himself upon his horse with the other and then put her down infront of him on the horse and made her rest against him as he looked at his guards "We return now, this girl needs excessive medical treatment." His stern eyes demanded obediance from his guards and they instantly started riding for Rivendell, the ride was not that long, maybe half a day remaining from what they already had done but now it was urgent.

At morning they arrived at Rivendell and immediatly Elrond took Theora into the medical ward of the castle "We need a healer right now" he said as he laid her down ontop of one of the beds and immediatly three people rushed to the side of the bed, caring towards her wounds while Elrond stepped back and sat down on another bed, awaiting her awakening.
Theora groaned when she felt ever movement Elrond made against her body, the cutting of the arrows and the pulling of them out of her flesh. She hardly felt them ride though, she was trying her best to hang on but it was hard and her body hurt so much. Theora suddenly opened her eyes when she felt the healer elves around her and touching her wounds. She squirmed slightly suddenly scarred, her mind’s eye was fuzzy and she couldn’t see with her own eyes. “Easy your in Rivendell, Lord Elrond found you.” A voice said softly in her ear. Theora soon stopped struggling as the voice was that of an elf and he had been speaking in Elvish.

“Lord Elrond she is awake. You have managed to save Princess Theora, the youngest daughter of the King.” Said the elf to Elrond. “Do you know Dark Elvlish, she won’t reply to regular Elvish for some reason.” The elf said and nodded as he guided Elrond towards her. Theora was now wrapped up in bandages, her wounds were already starting to heal and her eyes were shut. “She is awake but she is blind bodily, we think she can see some other way. You know more about her than us.” The elf said and bowed leaving Elrond alone with Theora. When Elrond stepped closer she turned her head in his direction.

“Lord Elrond, Malek….he slaughtered everyone.” She whispered in Dark Elvish to him. She tried to sit up but she was in to much pain so she gave up. “He, he has taken sides….Sauron…..taken…father’s medallion. I need to…..get it back…” she croaked speaking in her native tongue once more. Tears threatened to fall down her cheeks yet she held back, she refused to cry in front of this man who was her father’s friend. She was her father’s daughter; she would not act like a cry baby. “I need to…get ….the medallion….back.” she whispered again sitting up once more.

She could feel that she was alone with Elrond and now he was slowly coming into view in her mind’s eye. She reached a hand out, it was bandaged up as well. She winced though and dropped it to her side trying to get more strength in her. “Thank you, for saving….me.” she wheezed all this time not switching from Dark Elvish, she knew that Lord Elrond could understand her. You could see a gold band sitting on her bedside table, it was in her pocket when they had removed her cloak, it was her mark of royal birth, what showed that she was a Princess or more a Queen now.
Elrond nodded to his healers and gently waved them off as he got directed back to Theora and softly said "You are excused, thank you." His eyes directed back to the girl who had sustained so much injuries that she shouldn't have survived the assault. He went to sit beside her and as he saw her holding up her hand he gently put his hand under hers and supported. It took him a short moment to switch accents but then he spoke in fluent Dark Elven "Rest now princess Theora, you have sustained a lot of injuries and for now you must rest, we will avenge your father and your family, do not worry." he spoke with a reassuring and restfull voice as he then softly pushed her back onto the bed, he patted her head and looked at her "I have a meeting with one of my captains later today, I will assemble a few scouting parties and we will find who ever did this Princess, do not worry" he said as he gently smiled and looked at her "You have an amazing ability as well, but for now milady you must rest and regain your strength. Tomorrow we will speak about what will happen." He stood up after his words and looked at her "I trust to it that you sleep and that you do not get up out of that bed, if that happens, I will not lend any aid to you" he said with a stern voice and looked at one of the guards of the healing room and walked up to him "See to it that she doesn't leave that bed" he said as he continued to go to his living quarters to go and sleep in his bed.
She sighed as he seemed to scold her and order her but she said nothing as Elrond left. She had wanted to say something to him but he had gone before she could talk. She let out a sigh and lay back against her pillows and stared up at the ceiling. “You don’t know how dangerous he is Lord Elrond. I cannot have you send your men in danger.” She said to herself as she rolled over and curled up slightly letting her tears silently fall down her cheeks. She missed her family and her people, she wondered if she was the last of her kind.

He was unaware however that Theora was able to see in the future as well, not to mention she was good with her ears, her sword as well as with bow and arrow. The only thing she wasn’t happy about was how stubborn she was, she got that from her mother. She tossed and turned the whole night hardly getting any sleep. When the healers came the next morning they changed her bandages and helped her dress in a fresh set of clothing. “You wounds sure healed fast.” One said to her but she just nodded her head.

“Lord Elrond would like to speak to you.” Another healer said. Theora nodded her head as she sheathed her sword and pulled her bow and quiver of arrows over her shoulder. She then put her band on around her forehead as they finished braiding her long white hair. She cleared her throat as they moved to help her towards Elrond’s meeting area. “I can walk on my own.” She said in Elvish and made her way out the door and headed towards where Elrond and the elders were. She had been here before a when she was a younger child.

“Ah it’s good to see you Princess but I am sorry it is under bad circumstances.” Said a voice in Theora’s head. “Lady Galadriel, it’s good to see you.” Theora said in her tongue when she looked up to see her favourite Elder elf. “I should correct myself, its Queen now.” Galadriel said and bowed her head to Theora who sat down on a chair. “Lord Elrond we can’t go after Malek to suddenly, he is just as bad as Sauron, it’s not safe and I don’t want you to lose people.” Theora said in Dark Elvish a very stern look on her face.
Lord Elrond hadn't been getting any sleep that night as well, he had met his captains and had sent out his best scouting parties without mentioning it to anybody but his captains. He had been awaiting Queen Theora to come to him in the meeting hall and once she was there, he had hoped to talk to her. He looked over to her as Galadriel and her started bethrothering as before and smiled gently, his headband had been cleaned and he had his royalty robes on and mentioned her to get comfortable. "Queen Theora" he said in a stern voice as he looked at her "You have no strategic experience, no valued reason in saying in what I can't and can do and by this I cannot take your view in the strategy here." he said as he scraped his voice "My best men are already out to get a location on your 'Uncle'." He continued right after "The main thing is that we know where he is, if we do not know this, we will lose him soon enough and your revenge will never be able to sprout it's fruits towards a new day" he looked over to Galadriel and nodded as he looked back at Theora "We will help you in your journey not only as an act of duty but as an act of sympathy, you will have full access to our armory and our smiths will craft whatever you desire. We leave in two days and if you have any more questions, ask them now." he said as he remained seated and took a glass of water to drink from.
Theora glared at him angrily as she suddenly pulled herself to her feet and clenched her first. “You know nothing when it comes to Malek and you think lowly of me because I am a woman? I have seen things and it doesn’t look good for you or your men if my Uncle opens up a certain vault and releases an evil more ancient then you or Lady Galadriel have ever seen. No do not take me for granted, I know my Uncle and he will be after me once he knows I am alive.” She said and shook her head. “Tell him Lady Galadriel, tell him what I see.” She hissed.

“Theora is able to see into the future and unlike others when she sees something it comes to true and you cannot do anything to change it. She has had these visions since she was of age 5.” Galadriel said. “I am sorry Lord Elrond but you cannot order me around like some child, I have already called for Gandalf, he shall help us.” She said and then she shut her eyes. “I swear on my father’s sword I will not let your men die just because of a stupid family feud. No I shall go alone or with Gandalf but I shall not let your people be slaughtered.” Theora said.

She then shook her head and let out a low whistle as a massive bird suddenly appeared in the sky and swooped down and landed on her shoulder. “This is Aris, he is my eyes in the sky. I can track Malek through him.” She said and then whispered something to the bird and it screeched and flew into the air. “Do not think lowly of her Elrond, technically she out ranks you now.” Galadriel said and watched as Theora stalked out of the room. “Your too harsh on her, she has just lost all her people, show her some sympathy.” Galadriel said.
Elrond grumbles as she had left the room and calls for his captain as he spoke to him "Retreat all the troops, send out the eagles." the captain nodded and rushed off into the barracks. Elrond looked over to Galadriel and sighed "I have given her sympathy by saving her and taking her here, I will go with her milady. If she insists on going alone, I can't let it go by chances" he said as he then looked at Lady Galadriel "I hope you can talk her into it, because otherwhise I will just have to follow her to her objective." he said with a stern voice "I knew she had a third eye but none of this value." he said with a suprised voice "I would've hoped you would have told me soon enough" he said with a small teasing smile on his face "I will bear it in mind" he said as he kissed Galadriel's forehead and looked into her eyes "Pray for the gods that he doesn't unleash the evil, Sauron alone was hard enough for us" he said with his ever so stern look "Will you talk to Queen Theora for me and ask her to come to the waterfalls, I will be there" he said and then made his way into the armory where he went to get bow and arrow and to wear his royal armor.
“Little does he know that he will fall for Theora.” Galadriel thought and suddenly vanished as she looked over at her husband before she vanished again heading to the waterfalls. Theora was already there she had seen what was going to happen, she knew where Elrond was she knew all of this. “You don’t need to speak to me, My Lady I already know what he wants.” Theora said and stared down at her feet. “I have just gotten news that a friend of my father’s is coming to help me as well, the mountain Dwarf Gerot.” She said and turned looking at Elrond sadly.

“I cannot stop you from coming with me but stay out of my way please when it comes to Malek.” Theora said then winced slightly. Galadriel gently lifted her head and looked Theora in the eyes before gently handing something to her. “You can do it Theora, the graces are with you.” Galadriel said in her mind. Galadriel then suddenly vanished leaving Theora alone with Elrond, the girl held something in her hand as she started to shake and tremble. It was a necklace that had belonged to Theora’s mother, she put it in her pocket.

She wiped the tears from her eyes on the back of her hand and cleared her throat. “I don’t want you to bear my burden Elrond, I don’t want your people to be slaughtered. I don’t want this to happen to another race of elves.” Theora said and turned staring up at the older male before she let out a sigh. “Just call me Theora, I don’t care about my title at this moment.” She said pulling her hood over her head and rested a hand on the hilt of her sword as she walked past him clutching the wall of the rock cliff slightly.

She was trying her hardest not to cry but she really wanted to though. Theora shook her head a few times and then looked up at the sky as it started to rain. She owed Elrond he had saved her life and brought her here. “Thank you for everything you have done for me Elrond, it means a lot my friend.” She said speaking in regular Elvish before she straightened and looked up as her bird flew down and landed on her shoulder. She gently stroked its shoulder whispering to it before it opened it wings and flew off once more.
Elrond looked at the conversation between Galadriel and Theora and smiled gently as he looked at them conversate and then looked at Theora as once again she started crying and then regained her footing. As Theora looked at Elrond and explained to him how she felt he had a soft smile on his face "Most of the time you wont notice I'm there anyway, I havn't survived this long because of my voice or looks, by pure fighting." he said as he looked at her "I will support your cause one way or the other and do not worry, I have some connections that might help us on our journey." he said as he looked over to her and eyed her up and down now more detailed "you have grown up quite fine Theora, you will be a fine Queen for your people, do not ever lose your hope in your kind, they will all look to you for support" he said and smiled "That is why I'll support you." he said with his stern voice and then looked over the waterfall and smiled gently "Want to do something cool?" he said as he looked at her
Theora blinked and looked over her shoulder at Elrond and he would be able to see a sort of small smile on her face. “No wonder my father thought so highly of you. You are a good elf Elrond.” She said and turned around and walked over to him. “If you say I am going to be a good Queen then I will keep that in mind, even though I am not a hundred years. I was one of father’s youngest though I shouldn’t be Queen, the throne shouldn’t belong to me but I guess with my brothers dead.” She said and shook her head then shook it again. “No, no more talk of death and doom.” She said then looked at him when he spoke.

“Do something cool? Is that an expression you learned from the humans? I have a feeling you have since elves do not speak in such a way.” Theora said and smiled at him. “As long as it doesn’t involve me getting hurt again then so be it.” She said and walked over placing her hand on his shoulder. “Father told me it isn’t looks or your voice that matters. It’s the heart and brain in your head that is the real you, that you should show.” She said and then shut her eyes slightly. “You’re an interesting Elf, far different yet wise unlike certain Kings I have met.” Theora said wiping some more tears on the back of her hand and smiling some more.

“I don’t think I should be to reckless at the moment, your healers warned me I could open my wounds up again if I am not careful.” She said. Theora then leaned against the stone wall and shut her eyes thinking to herself for a moment. “I guess I could try looking for the Shadow Elves in the North they are a break off from my father’s branch. They have always hated Malek, knew he was up to no good. Knew he was evil, they warned father but father loved his brother too much and wouldn’t banish him.” Muttered Theora and she straightened up. She wondered what else he was going to say to her, she didn’t want to be scolded anymore.
Elrond looked at her and nodded "To the Shadow Elves it is then, but keep in mind, most of them wont even come out to greet us as normal elves." he said as he looked at her "And yes humans have influenced my language by their many visits to my courtyard" he said as he smiled "Well then the thing I wanted to show you will have to wait" he said and then looked at her "Your father wouldn't have thought the same way Theora, you will learn to lead your kin, as all kings have to learn how to rule their kingdom and command their people into an age of prosper and wealth." He spoke with a relaxed tone now, it seemed that his frustrations which he had previously had were gone right now and then he looked over to her "From where do you know Gandalf The White, such a powerfull wizard doesn't let himself be seen as much as anybody else on this world."

Elrond moved his hands over the two handles of his swords on his back and smiled "My swords are yours to command for this journey, use them wisely and do not think of me as any ordinary fighter but as a sword which can cut through anything" he said with a blank emotion as he started walking back to his house. "Come, you need to rest a short while to regain your strength, and by then we will be able to start gathering whoever we need to start going after your uncle" he said as he kept walking down to Rivendell. His hair was floating through the midday breeze that had been taking up slowly, as his posture was quite impressive even for an elven warrior, his body was athletic yet was quite musculair and his armor made it stand out more than in his royal robes.
She just nodded her head and then followed after him as they made their way back towards his home. “I know my relatives, you have to approach them with Dark Elvish, I will go towards them first when the time comes since I look like one. As for Gandalf, he came when my visions started to awaken and he let my father know how to deal with them and that my gift was rare. He helped me control my mind’s eye so I can see as well.” She said and shut her eyes softly as she kept on walking behind the older Elf her mind wondering a bit.

“I am pretty good with a sword as well and I do thank you for your elf Lord Elrond.” She whispered softly and now she walked beside him though she was rather tense. “I have heard you fight well with a sword and I do thank you for those as well.” She said nodding towards his swords before she shut her eyes once more and then let out a groan. “I shall try to trace Malek tonight using my powers, I have to be careful of Sauron though, that beast of a being once my powers for his own.” She said and shook her head.

When they made their way back into his house she bowed her head towards him as the healers came to her. “I am alright I do not need your help but thank you.” Theora said and let out a soft sigh. “Yes your majesty.” They said as they bowed and walked off. “I may need something to help me sleep, last night I did not sleep well do to my pain and nightmares or were they visions. Sometimes I really don’t know what to think Elrond.” She said and shook her head ever so slightly. “I sometimes wish I wasn’t cursed like I am.” She said.
Elrond looked at her as they were walking and softly smiled "I'm good with the sword yes and we will have to find out if you are as well" he said in a teasing way as they made their way towards the healers and signed them off that they weren't needed anymore and so they left by the command of Queen Theora. Elrond smiled gently and looked at her as she commented on that "I could arrange a bath for you and some soothening fragnances from the forest to help you sleep Theora, they help even the most restless of all to sleep." he said with his neutral look on his face.

Elrond whistled and two servants came running soon enough as he had whistled and they stopped infront of their lord "Yes Lord Elrond?" Elrond then looked at her and then back to the them "A bath for the lady and inscent it with some fragnances from the forest to help her relax." "As you wish my Lord" said one of the servants and as soon as they had been there, they were gone once more.

Elrond then got visited by other people once more. One of his captains had come to talk with his Lord "My lord, one of our scouting parties had contact before having to pull out, they reported to have seen orc patrols around the edge of the cursed forest." he said as he looked at him "Thank you my Lotharin, please go and make sure that the men rest and recover from the journey, and also, I want security doubled for now. We do not know when or where they will pop up again." Elrond said with a stern voice.
Theora had made her way after the healers as they made her the bath then once they were done she pulled her clothing off and same with her bandages. Her wounds were closed now but she still has to be very careful as not to rip them open. Theora bathed for a while trembling slightly when she heard a loud noise here or there, she guessed she was still a bit jumpy from what had happened to her family and to her by the orcs. “Lord Elrond I really don’t think there is anything we can do to help Lady Theora sleep well, do to how bad her nightmares are.” One of the healers said to him.

Lady Galadriel slowly made her way towards Elrond and the healer left bowing her head. “There you are Elrond, I am here because I am worried about Theora. I can sense her visions are getting worse and more frequent for her. I think it would be wise for her not to leave your sigh while here or on the mission.” Galadriel said and raised an eyebrow. “She is the only one who can save middle Earth from her Uncle, please be careful as you watch over her. You’re the closet thing she has to family.” Galadriel said and suddenly vanished out of sight. Theora had gotten out of the tub and dressed and she made her way out to see Elrond again.

She smiled up at him her hair was no longer in a braid but let loose to freely flow around her, a golden crown rest on her forehead and she wore blue royal robes over her tunic and breeches. “I thank you for your healers and your knowledge the bath did help.” She said and bowed her head. “I don’t want to be alone right now, is it alright if I stay by your side?” whispered Theora and she blushed slightly before she stared down at the floor. “Was Lady Galadriel here? I could sense her when I was dressing.” She said and bit her lip slightly.
Elrond had looked upon his healers and nodded as he sighed "We have to find something to make her relax as we need her to remain calm for her wounds" he said as he started thinking until Lady Galadriel had joined him in his quarters. Elrond nodded as she started talking "Very well my sweet, I will watch over her and I will send one of the eagles back repetively to you to let you know how everything goes" he said with a soft smile on his face as he looked at Galadriel vanish from his sight and then as soon as she was gone, Theora entered his quarters.

Elrond smiled as he saw her coming in and then looked at her as she complimented him on his knowledge "It is the least I can do for a kinswoman in trouble and in need for some relaxation." He then listened to her question and nodded "You can stay by my side Theora, I do not mind at all and neither does Lady Galadriel who indeed was here just moments ago" he said as he stood up gently and motioned to her "Come now, no need to bow for me, you are higher in rank" he said as he chuckled gently and went to his living area. "Do you want to discuss anything or ask something that you want to get off your chest?" he said as he looked over at her with a questioning look on his face.
“It doesn’t matter what rank you are to me Elrond, you were a friend of my father’s and I will always give you the respect you deserve. You have been on this planet longer than I have, you have lived through so many things and my life has hardly began.” She said and stared down at the floor as she followed after Elrond. “I noticed Lady Galadriel as her husband always by her side, it would be nice if I could find someone like that.” She whispered. Theora ran her hand through her hair and sat down once he had and she leaned back in a chair. “Not much to discuss other than I keep having strange visions or dreams I am not sure which is which. I saw Malek being slayed yet Sauron being killed by another. I kill Malek yet I can’t see the face of the one to slay Sauron but all I can tell is he is human and he is from Gondor.” She muttered as she rubbed her temples.

Theora let out a sigh and bit her bottom lip, she felt so lonely, she wished she has someone there to cuddle her she just needed close contact. Theora however said nothing as she pulled her legs up and rested them a bit as she rested her chin upon her hand. You would be able to see the sadness and loneliness in her eyes. “I wonder what my father would do.” She said more to herself trying to find hope in her life. “I hate being alone, I hope I am not a burden on you Lord Elrond. I will sleep on that couch over there, I just feel safer being around someone I know.” She muttered. Theora yawned softly and covered her mouth a soft blush on her face. She stared him over and smiled softly, she noticed for the first time ever that he was a rather handsome elf. She suddenly shook her head noticing she had been staring at him. “Sorry.” She said flushing and staring at the floor ashamed of herself.
Elrond smiled and nodded as he got complimented once again. "That is the way of life for us, we live long to learn, adapt and grow wise and teach others what we have learned" he said with a smile and continued "Lady Galadriel is indeed a good woman to have by my side." but as he said it, something in his subconciousness started changing as he looked over at theora, a soft warmth grew from inside his conciousness and it made Elrond smile warmly. "You will find someone do not worry about that fact, you are a lovely girl with a soft smile and a warm heart, a lot of men will be wanting to lay down their hand for you and care for you as I do for Galadriel" he said as he smiled. Then again he listened to what her visions looked like "That is for the future to decide who it will be, do not worry too much about the future but look to the present." he said as he stood up and walked into what is the dressing room as she was talking. He could still hear her that was for sure, and when he came back out of the dressingroom he was dressed in a sleeping uniform, a simple clothen pants and shirt as he looked at her, he saw her feeling lonely and then he shook his head "Share the bed with me, I do not mind" he as he smiled gentle and warmly. "It's okay" he said as he found himself blushing slightly as she was looking at him in that kind of way.

Elrond didn't quite know what to respond other than "Come on, let us go to bed" he said with a neutral voice and moved towards the bedroom, in which his luxurious bed was located which could be the resting place for what seems 3 people as it was that immense. He smiled and crawled underneath the sheets and then smiled as he looked over to her "Come on."
She stared at him as he came and went wondering what the heck he was doing and she gulped clearing her throat though when he came out in pants and a shirt. She shook her head and looked down at the floor blushing a bit more when he said she could sleep with him. “Thank you Elrond.” She said as she made her way towards the bed with him. When he slit in she made her way in as well and moved to one side and slipped under the covers. She lay her head down on the pillows and shut her eyes tightly listening to the sounds of his breathing. “I don’t think anyone wants a Dark elf for a Wife, the others tend to marry light skinned Elves more often.” She whispered.

Theora let out a sigh as she curled up tightly and buried her head into the pillows some more. She was not sure if she could trust her dreams that night. She was very scared to sleep, she didn’t want to see the slaughter of her parents again. She felt tears in her eyes again but she would not let them fall, she held them back and sighed softly. “What am I going to do? I need to toughen up and stop being such a weakling.” She thought to herself in her mind. “Elrond care for you and he is not married, things may change for you.” Galadriel said in Theora’s mind and made the girl’s eyes suddenly open wide and she blushed madly.

“Why would she say something like that?” Theora thought to herself as she stared at the wall with her pure white eyes. She shook her head and lay her head back down on the pillow and began to think of some other things as she felt Elrond behind her a few feet away. He was handsome, older yes but she was so unsure of herself. Most of her kin were gone so she guessed she would never find love. She decided she would not put any faith in it, her people were gone and she was alone. Life was going to be hard and she would have to do her best to keep on living.
Elrond smiled gently and yawned as she softly joined him in the bed "You should take off your clothes, sleeping with that much clothes on is bad for yourself" he said gently and then blushed softly "Sorry for saying that so blantly" he said as he looked away gently and thought about what he had said to her just now. Elrond sneaked a peek if she would change and blushed more, her body was amazing as he only just now realised, he strangely found himself attracted to the dark elf, possibly the last dark elf on the world but he found her really attractive. He smiled gently and then laid back down "If you need to hold onto something while sleeping, you can crawl up to me if you want to." he said softly as she came back to lay down "I know you have trouble with nightmares so if I can help, just ask me."

Elrond was a bit enchanted by her sight, the curves of her body and her appearance spooked through his head, she looked amazingly sexy and his mind couldn't release the thought of having her below him as they would have sex with eachother. That would be a good night, Elrond thought to himself.
She blinked and turned staring at him rather confused then she sighed and looked away curling up in a ball again and shut her eyes. Her mind was elsewhere her ideas of how to kill Malek her flooding through her thoughts and before she knew it Theora was fast asleep. She was dreaming about the way her father had used to have fun with them when she was younger as well as her siblings. She smiled in her sleep and rolled over ever so slightly. Soon her dreams began to change and she was dreaming about the slaughter of her people and her family and soon Elrond would feel her head bury into his back as she clung to the back of his shirt still in her clothes. She breathed in his scent and let out a soft sigh enjoying it.

Theora let out a whimper as tears leaked down the sides of her cheeks from her eyes, her wounds still ached and she felt so alone. She however still slept on unaware of what she was doing to Elrond, unaware of the way she clung to the older male. Theora was not even a thousand years old, still a young elf and innocent other than seeing her family slaughtered. She thrashed and squirmed and cried out her father and mother’s name whimpering in her sleep. Soon she rolled over with her back towards Elrond and she buried her head into his pillow. Her whole body was trembling and she was starting to form sweat over her body as the nightmares began to take over her. Her heart rate had gone up but not for a good reason though.

Elrond was about to fall asleep but fate had it that he started hearing Theora having her dreams/nightmares. He listened to her sleep as right now, he could hear her sleep gently as soon as she slept, she started crying and holding onto him. In responce to that Elrond gently turned around and let her grab his chest to cry on in her sleep. He knew how it was to lose people who were dear to him, it's always sad to lose the ones you love and hold dear so he was going to comfort her whatever it took. Elrond gently grabbed hold of her as she turned around and started crying and gently patted her back as she started crying once more but as he felt her tremble he gently took hold of her and turned her around. He then followed by grabbing ahold of her and putting her head against his chest to follow up by wrapping his warm arms around her "Shhh" his voice softly resounded "Rest assured and dream, do not let the nightmares gain the advantages over you." he said reassuring her sub-conciousness to relax and be in peace with herself.

Her skin felt so soft against him and he was glad that she was sharing his bed, although he had rather wanted it to be in another way, he figured it was too soon to even make a move on her. Ofcourse he wasn't married to Galadriel and this he knew as his feelings for Theora were growing stronger and stronger.
Theora groaned softly as she felt him pull her against his chest, make her head rest against it as his arms wrap around her. She felt a shiver go down her spine and soon she felt her body relax fully now. He smelt so good and his voice was so comforting to Theora, soon she felt her nightmares leaving her alone. Soon her dreams started to change, now there was a shadowy figure kissing her on the lips and holding her close. In her sleep he was able to hear her moan and tremble slightly, her breathing had calmed but her heart t rate was still rather high. She still had a bit of sweat running over her young body, drenching her under clothes slightly. Theora whimpered softly as she felt a hand touching her between the legs in her dream, then another on her chest.

She couldn’t help but let out a low moan as her nipples grew hard under her sleeping robes, the would be hard to see but if she moved the right way he would be able to feel them. Theora arched into him slightly as her pussy slowly began to soak between her legs. Theora was still unable to put a face to the person who was touching her in such a manner, all she knew was that it was an elf. “Ah…ah…” she cried out and moaned into Elrond’s chest as her legs moved ever so slightly, her pussy juices were streaming down her inner thighs. He would be able to smell it since he was an elf and not a human, their sense of smell was stronger. She groaned and buried her head more into his chest, this time he could feel her nipples against his strong chest, through her robes.
Elrond was suprised to hear a soft whimper from her sleep but then smiled gently as he felt her relax gently in his arms. But then something weird happened, a low moan reached from her lips and he smiled gently "Must be a good dream then" he said to himself. Then a gentle smell came from underneath the sheets and he could hear Theora moan a bit more and groaned a bit more and then he could feel her nipples being hard against his chest and he could finally relay the smell that he was smelling. She was horny and having a wet dream. Elrond blushed wildly and looked over to Theora, her body and the scent she was emitting was slowly getting to him, it was driving his mind mad and his body as well. From underneath the sheats and his clothen underwear, his thick large cock was growing in size. Elrond found it hard to resist the feeling and the urge he was getting from her scent and body but he decided it would be for the best to just wake her up. Elrond softly put his hands on her shoulders and gently shook her "Theora, wake up." he softly said as he could feel her soft body brush against him, if she would move in a certain way, he could feel his large rod sticking against her belly, it wasn't really hard to miss it since it was 9 inches long.
RE: The Princess

Theora whimpered and groaned as he shook her awake and she opened her eyes and stared blindly up at him. She bit her lip feeling his warm cock pressing against her stomach but it didn’t seem to bother her. “What is it Lord Elrond?” Theora asked and cocked her head to the side. She bit her lip and shut her legs slightly a low blush had come to her cheeks as she felt how hot and wet it was between her legs. Theora bit her lip trying to figure out what was going on, she was not quite sure of what had happened really. “Did something happen, did I do something wrong?” Theora asked and lay her head back down on the pillow again. She felt how hard her nipples were and her pussy ached to be touched and filled but she was unsure what else to say to him now.

She could smell a scent in the air and she bit her lip harder having a feeling it was coming from her. She gulped and buried her head into her pillows feeling suddenly very embarrassed and ashamed of herself. “I am sorry for anything I did wrong.” She croaked trying her best to stay calm and not lose her cool. She knew Elrond cared for her and she was not about to be kicked from his bed. Theora said nothing more as she kept her head hidden and tried to calm her body. However her body was screaming for more attention and he could smell it in her scent. Theora licked her lips softly and then shut her legs as tightly as she could, she really was trying her best to stay calm. “I feel funny.” Theora suddenly said and then arched a bit into him though she let go of his shirt. She still could feel something strong and warm pushing against her belly.
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