They are similar in that they are both button mashers, but I would put most Warriors Gams (Dynasty, Samurai and Oichi far above 99) Here is the E3 trailer for it if you wish to see
The Zelda that I am sure is more the type you are wish for is the other Zelda announced and it looks very good. Trailer below
There are many games I am looking forward too myself, Shin Megumi X Fire Emblem, Smash Brothers, Yarn Yoshi, Spatoon and Star Fox for Wii U, and No Man's Sky, AC5, Destiny, Rainbow 6, Star Wars Battlefront and Mass Effect 4 (of course most of those are on Xbox too)
The one I am most looking forward to is No Man's Sky, just don't know how such a small team of like 6 people can make something so seemingly amazing.