What If: Daphne Was the Junior Superfriend (simple. & Mellow)

Every time she ate, Diana was always quick to take a quick trip to the gym to burn off some excess calories. Now, of course, the Amazon didn't 'gain weight' in the sense that a normal human could. Her powerful Amazon physiology and magically empowered nature meant that her body always stayed relatively the same. Mostly she did it as a force of habit, and because it normally just felt really good to work out as far as she was concerned.

And as soon as she was finished, the dark haired woman wiped off any lingering beads of sweat and touched up on her deodorant before heading to her room. It was a brisk walk, as she wanted to make sure that Daphne didn't somehow wind up getting there before her. It would just be a little embarrassing if that had happened, and it would make Wonder Woman seem... inattentive in a sense. Luckily, the heroine seemed to be alone when she got to her private room. She opened up the door and stepped inside, making sure to keep it unlocked in case the redhead did appear.
As always, Daphne's dinner was devoured by the Justice League; as always, Flash took two servings, seemingly swallowed everything whole, and was first finished. Sitting together, almost like an extended family. Daphne noticed over the course of every meal, one thing remained constant. Three Justice Leaguers, the same three, she Wonder Woman and Batman were always the last three to finish, as they took their time. She figured the two heroes did it for the same reason she did; to savor the flavors, treating each meal as it would be the last they'd taste for whatever reason. After dinner, Daphne did the dishes quickly yet completely, and left for the living quarters.
She really didn't feel like going all that way to hers, as she had to pass Diana's on the way. Noticing it open and the light on, she decided to test the earlier words, though she figured her Princess would not purposely lie. "My Princess?" She asked, opening it, hoping she was there. She noticed Diana standing there, almost like she'd just gotten back herself. She smiled that the invitation really had meant that tonight was open. "I. want to talk about these feelings, and how good you made me feel while dinner was cooking. I'm not sure exactly why I found it so exciting to be with you, a member of my own gender. I had pretty much wanted that since I first laid eyes on you."
When the door opened behind her, Diana was left smirking. Ah, so Daphne really did enjoy their fun time in the kitchen. That was certainly reassuring to know. And Diana was certainly pleased that she hadn't lost her touch when it came to pleasuring other women. She turned to face the attractive redhead and then grinned as she listened to what she had to say. "Ah, is that so?" the raven-haired woman said, tilting her head at the gorgeous figure.

Ah, she was so cute, her inexperience and uncertainty still obvious to Wonder Woman. Still, Daphne's seemingly submissive tendencies were a healthy step in the right direction. "Well, that was honestly very vanilla stuff Daphne. The bare bones of what two women can do to each other. If you wanted to learn more, well I'd be very open to assisting you my pet."
Daphne gave a nervous, shy smile as her cheeks tinted pink. With a nod, she entered the room, and pushed gently, the door closed fully on it's own, but the lock was voice activated, and only by the room's owner, Daphne wished silently she could utter the. two words of door lock, as she wanted the conversation and anything else that was sure to happen, to be private and uninterrupted.
Taking a breath before talking, Daphne began. "Before coming to Metropolis, I started finding myself attracted to, well, women, as I have since these feelings began, wanted her to be at least 18, even though I was 15. My parents called it a phase, but I'll be 17 soon, and that desire is still as strong as ever. This afternoon, in the kitchen, it blew my mind, it was the best feeling in the. world, and felt so right. It couldn't have been just because it was my first time; I can't believe that was all it was to it." She shifted her wait uneasily as she told Diana the painful truth without the use of the lasso. She looked right at the Amazon, smiled softly, and said, "So, yes, my Princess, I wish to learn." Daphne didn't want to bother asking why she was suddenly being referred to as 'pet', although, that unasked question would be answered in time, THAT she was sure of.
Diana smiled as she listened to what Daphne had to say, recalling her issues with her parents and her sexuality. An Amazon had no need to fear such things, but from what she understood the people of this land were far more repressed when it came to sexual matters. "You have no need to hide such desires around me Daphne. I'm more than understanding of your sexuality, and I'll help you embrace it," Diana explained. Both of her hands came to rest on the shorter female's shoulders. Then she rather calmly stated 'Door Lock' to leave the two privately sealed together in her bedroom. "Now then, undress. And your princess will teach you all about pleasuring another woman.
When Diana comforted Daphne with the promise to help her embrace her sexuality, Daphne let out a deep sigh of relief. She put her arms around her in an embrace, before pulling away and taking her clothes off for the heroine once again. Unfortunately, or fortunately, this time the hose snagged on a toenail, although trimmed, wasn't pedicured.
"Would you mind terribly if I threw these things out and switched to anklets, my Princess?" Daphne sighed exasperated. The exasperation didn't last long, as once again, she could lay her eyes on the gorgeous Amazon. "Thanks for the lessons." She wasn't about to neglect the show of gratitude; Wonder Woman didn't have to do this. At least, that's how she felt in her heart.
Diana rather openly admired Daphne in all her naked glory, grinning at the lustful imagery "Well, if that is your wish my dear. I don't much mind one way or the other," she replied as she looked over the tear in Daphne's pantyhose. In a flash she had crossed the distance between them, tossing the sexy redhead down onto the mattress leaving her entire naked body on display. Daphne wasn't kept free for long, as in another swift blur of motion her hands were bound to the railing of her wooden headboard, held in place by Wonder Woman's indestructible lasso. "Hmhm... you look very cute tied up like that, my pet..."
Daphne found herself on the bed before she could blink. The truth wielding lasso, used as a weapon, more or less, to bind her to the headboard. Daphne wouldn't be able to lie to Wonder Woman now if she wanted to, which ironically turned her on more! "Ooo, this is getting kinky!" She gasped. She even felt herself getting damp in anticipation. Her whole body screaming YES!
"Thank YOU, my princess, I'm glad you think I'm cute like this. I feel...}uhn{ q-q-cute." The last,sentence was a struggle, Daphne really didn't want to admit she felt cute with her hands bound to the bed by the lasso.
Diana smiled and strode around the bed, like some sort of jungle predator sizing up its captured and cornered prey. She lazily trailed two olive digits along the interior of Daphne's right leg, marveling at the silky smoothness of her leg. She really was exceptionally attractive, and thank goodness that Diana had her all to herself.

As ever, the lasso was working the same degree of magic that it often worked on Wonder Woman's enemies. Of course no harm would ever actually come to Daphne from the binding of the lasso, it was just a little bit of kinky fun on Diana'spart. "Glad to hear it..." she slowly leaned in, trailing her soft tongue up along the length of the younger woman's throat.
Daphne watched Wonder Woman circling her like she had seen jungle cats would their prey on television. She didn't have to wait long to find out what the heroine was doing, as she was suddenly licking at her throat. "Mmm," Daphne sighed into it, baring her neck to her lover. "That feels sensual." She took her leg closest to Diana, and felt for hers, soshe could rub it gently with her foot and ankle.
Wonder Woman gave a happy sigh as Daphne's foot slowly trailed up the length of her olive leg, the toned muscles tingling slightly at the younger woman's touch. "Mm... I do love seeing you so eager," she remarked casually.

The towering female gave a small humming noise and stepping back from Daphne's curvaceous body, sniffing at her hair in the process just to take in her sweet natural scent. Daphne was simply so arousing to Diana in every way, every little aspect just serving to further excite the horny Amazon. She dipped her head between Daphne's legs and leaned her head in fully, starting to slowly lap and lick at her exposed and moist womanhood.
Daphne gasped, raising her hips into Wonder Woman's face, she. sighed audibly, "Ohh, my Princess, I so enjoy THAT!" With her hands tied above her head, there was precious little Daphne could do. One of the things was using her unbound legs, so she did. Within a few seconds of Diana going between her legs, Daphne hooked them around her raven maned neck. "Jeepers, how I love the feel of your tongue!"
It was the truth but woefully understated. Fireworks went off in Daphne's mind, just as with her virgin experience in the kitchen about 90 minutes earlier. Daphne sighed and moaned as she pumped her hips, head back and eyes closed.
"Hehe... you are just too cute my pet. I am gonna have plenty of fun with you..." Wonder Woman purred, deliberately allowing her hot brath to glide over her younger lovers soaked folds. The towering Amazon was still shocked that a young lady of Daphne's beauty was so new to all this, a virgin in so many ways... but she supposed she didn't mind too much. She got straight back to licking, slurping noisily at Daphne's wet womanhood and occasionally pausing just to nibble at a fold of hot flesh. Her tongue darted up swiftly, giving her clit a series of quick tongue jabs.
Daphne was trying to take mental notes, sure she'd be asked to do those same things when it was her turn. She struggled against the lasso, and her body jerked in response to the Amazon's attention. Constantly, Daphne said. either "yes!" "please!" or "more!" or a combination of the three. She was being aroused in a way she didn't fully understand, and still had trouble holding back, though she hadn't quite reached her climax, this time.
It was indeed quite reassuring to hear Daphne's repeated howls of lust, pleasure and approval. And Diana was very glad that her room was as soundproofed as it was. She didn't need anyone to knock her door down to investigate all the screaming.

The olive-skinned Amazon got straight back down to work then, working on focusing her tongue on the areas that made Daphne's lustful screams the loudest, randomly darting her tongue from her g-spot to her engorged clitoris just to give her a shocking jolt of pleasure. Diana paused to nibble lightly on the redhead's exposed and soaked labia and her strong armed wrapped neatly around her thighs to hold them neatly in place while she worked.
Every time her princess hit her sensitive spots, Daphne cried out in pleasure, and shoved her hips upwards. This was too intoxicating to her senses, and Daphne's breath caught more times than not, the newbie climaxed, and still squeaked out breathless an "OMG, My Princess! More!" Daphne's thighs tightened around her lover's neck.
This went on for some time, with Diana only scratching the surface of her talents as she licked and teased at her lovers soaked depths, admiring the sweet taste and female scent that Daphne gave off... how many people would envy this position? Many, no doubt. Finally th dark haired princess rose up after giving Daphne her second orgasm, and she took just a moment to lick her lips clean. "Not bad, wouldn't you agree my pet? How about I untie you and let you return the favour?"
Daphne barely listened to the Amazon as she watched her head lift off from between her legs. Not knowing it was exactly what her princess had asked, the teen girl asked breathless, "Jeepers, is it my turn to attempt to return the favor, yet? Because, oh god, my Princess, I definitely want to try to please YOU. like that! THAT made my first time pale in comparison!"
"Oh? You're too kind darling, but this is still only the bare basics. But we can get into the heavier stuff at a later date, I don't want to risk overloading my pet with knowledge on her first day." With a small melodic hum, Wonder Woman slid the lasso off, allowing Daphne to free her arms up. There were the faintest of marks on her wrists, but they were nothing permanent and would likely be gone within the hour. Before Daphne could sit up, Diana appeared atop her in a swift blur of motion, planting her pussy down on Daphne's face, her thighs wrapping around her head like a pair of fleshy and muscular earmuffs. "Get to work, pet."
Daphne quickly found her wrists freed, and just as she was shaking,them, she found the Amazon's beautiful pussy right in her face. She started flicking her tongue along the clit immediately as she brought one hand up to gently squeeze one of those breasts. Her tongue began working even before her princess had given the order fully.
Daphne worked her tongue along the folds, going up one side and down the other. Again she used her nose on Diana's clit when she drove her tongue into the amazing Amazon's love canal. She closed her eyes, and made gentle growls as she gave in fully to her lustful desires for the heroine.
"Ooooh!" Well, it certainly came as a surprise to the older and taller female that Daphne got started before she could even give the entire command. While eagerness was appreciated, Wonder Woman would need to find a way to instill some proper manners and self control in the horny redhead. Oh well, a matter for a later date it would seem. For now the dark haired beauty was all too happy to throw her head back and let out a long lewd cry as Daphne's tongue continued flicking her pussy, making her grow wetter by the second. "Damn..." Diana gasped out, feeling a bit of sweat gleam along her olive skin as her clit was rubbed excitedly and vigorously.
One of Daphne's hands ran along Diana's hips and the small of her back as she used her fingers on her breast-playing hand. traced along the. areolas, and rubbed gently along and over the nipples. She switched back and forth between her princess's two nicely formed cups. She reached in as far as her tongue would go, flicking it around inside, as she rubbed the clit with her nose and planted kiss after kiss on the netherlips. Daphne would pull out at times to lick the petals and clit, adding saliva to the pussy juices and tasting her heroine's honey, before returning the tongue to the canal. Daphne didn't know or care how long she'd been at it, she was right where she had always fantasized herself, there was no going back.
The older and taller woman let out a few quick groans, rising in volume whenever Daphne's tongue tickled and brushed over one of her softer spots. Daphne was clearly mimicking some of Diana's own techniques from earlier, and she was able to put everything to good use much to Wonder Woman's surprise. Soon enough however the licking of her most sensitive spots caused the mighty Amazon to reach a crescendo of pleasure once the heat in her pussy became too grand, and she was left crying out as her pussy started gushing into Daphne's hungry and eager mouth.
Daphne gulped both audibly and readily. She even let it splatter on her nose tip and dribble down her chin and onto her neck. " Jeepers, Princess. but you taste scrumptious!" She commented licking her own lips, after licking the Amazon's pussy as 'dry' as she could. "I adore you." She sighed with a smile as she wondered what the next fun thing they would be doing with each other. Daphne didn't dare ask, Diana was the one in charge, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
She'd cum many times in her life, but few orgasms were as intense as the one Daphne had just wrung from her powerful body. The redhead proved herself to be incredibly eager, and a very passionate young woman, and perhaps it was Wonder Woman's infatuation with her that aided the orgasm in being as powerful as it was. The raven haired beauty moved off her and then laid down behind her, one muscular arm looping around Daphne's waist and pulling her in for a tight and warm embrace. "You certainly were exceptional my dear sweet pet," she purred lightly in her lovers ear.
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