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The music alphabet game!

Southern Dream

Sep 28, 2013
The rules are, that one user names one band/artists of his/her choice that starts with an A and links a song from that band that they like. The next user does the same, but for the letter B, then C for the next user, and so on.

Also, the word 'The', does not count as the letter T if its in the beginning of the bands name. For instance, 'The Beatles' would start with the letter B, rather then T, and 'The Rolling Stones' would start with R, rather then T.

(Also, you are more then welcome to give your opinion on the band/song that came before yours.)

With all of that said! I will start it off!
Band: Arditi.
Song: Forging a New Man.
^ OK, I'm a nouvel-droit kind of guy. 'Nuff said? ^

We all try to help each other out with our "signature threads" here in Games, and 'Dream is new, so here goes:

The Band Perry is a country band which is as good as they are weird, which is to say, VERY. Their breakthrough hit from the year twenty ten was "If I Die Young", and for your listening pleasure, here it is!

^You are legitimately intriguing.^

As far as my first pick. That songs genre is called Martial Industrial. I like to tap into stuff like that occasionally, although I love (Real) country, rock, punk and metal the most.

Even though that song you played was not REAL country, it was actually not bad.~ :p

Band: Cales.
Song: Unknown Reason.
^ Nice tongue! Promises, promises. ^

You want "real"? I'll give you "real"! This is Joe Diffie with "Ships That Don't Come In"; I saw him at a racetrack one time in a twin bill with Travis Tritt. At the time he was squirin' the widow of racing driver Cale Yarbrough, who'd been only weeks before killed in a helicopter accident, and folks didn't take too kindly to that. This was one of his best.

This band is GREAT. I cant find a song that I dont like.
Band: Flunk
Song: Blue Monday
Perhaps some Metal? My big five are Indie, Country, Metal, Punk, and Industrial after all. (And assorted types of electronic music.)
Band: Hatesphere
Song: Murderous Intent
WELL, I'm a little late for St. Patrick's Day (throughout my life I've been late for many things) but this "I" doesn't leave me a bushel of options. So with no further ado, I present: "The Unicorn" by The Irish Rovers. At least ONE of us will enjoy this!

^ Bet ol' Ty stays on longer than eight seconds! ^

So, here's Toby Keith (with WILLIE!) and "Whiskey for my Men, and Beer for my Horses"!

^Thats a good one!^

Mastodon - The Hunter
^ Norah Jones could give King Tut a hard-on with that voice! ^

Movin' on down the line, here we go with the "Y'all Come Back Saloon" by the Oak Ridge Boys....

Paramore :) Brick by Boring Brick

^ Welcome to the Moon, and to Games; we're kind of a permanent underclass, as a politician might say (our posts here don't count), but we have fun! ^

Figures I'd get the "Q" (I could tell you stories, already) but here goes: "Bohemian Rhapsody" (Mercury) by Queen. I'm no rock-and-roller, bit I really like this song! Kayn aynhoreh!

^ I've seen this performer "live" three times and she always put on a great show! ^

Now we have somewhat of a rarity: an English trio playing country! It's The Springfields, starring Dusty Springfield, doing "Silver Threads and Golden Needles."

This next post exposes two of my long-time loves: country music and golf. Y'all watch the video and you'll understand. Vince Gill and "Give Me One More Last Chance!".

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