Gwen Comes Home (simple & malin)

Ben blinked as his 'plan' actually worked and Sunlight actually cooled down. He blinked as Charmcaster asked him how he had known that would work, and he coughed loudly. There had been no way to know that would have worked for sure, in fact he was almost certain that it shouldn't have. Still he hit the water and turned it off all the same taking a long look around his destroyed apartment.

"Uhm.." Ben said scratching the back of his head. "Really lucky guess?" He said knowing that the answer wouldn't satisfy either Gwen or Charmcaster. For a moment he thought even Sunlight would jump in on him and try to crack some kind of joke, but she had no right in this situation. He had no idea what the crystaline body did, so to hear that it worked like a magnifying glass made a bit more sense than his previous theory that she was like heatblast and could just blast heat and fire out.

Looking around his apartment he sighed pretty much everything was destroyed and there were one or two small fires around. The smoke alarm was going off, and Ben just walked up to start putting them out. "Damn it." Ben actually cursed for once. "There is a lot more here then just cleaning up, the window is smashed, the fridge is gone ~though that's probably for the better~ there are burn marks everywhere. My home is a wreck thanks to you two!" He said accusingly pointing towards Charmcaster and Sunlight. He was half tempted to just throw them both out, but there was a larger problem, and Rook would have killed him if he didn't take Sunlight in for breaking the law. What made it worse was that she was a public figgure on her world, it would probably create some power struggle that would end up destroying his next house.
As Ben mentioned it was luck, Gwen laughed. "Hey, I'M supposed to be Lucky GIRL! See, my luck rubbed off on you after all!"
Charmcaster just rolled her eyes,shook her head and snickered. "Yeah, REAL lucky!" She gave him a playful nudge as she teasingly said, "knucklehead," while mussing Ben's hair while helping to extinguish the small fires.
That only lasted until she was accused of being part of the reason his apartment was totaled. "Excuse me?!" She shot. "I was. coming to warning you she was coming and got blindsided and temporarily blinded by her!" She glared at Ben while pointing an accusing. finger at Sunlight Blaster. "It was just bad blind luck that YOUR apartment was the one I crashed into! I only take responsibility for the window which I could easily fix!" Charmcaster once again called Ben a knucklehead. in an angry way.
Gwen said, ":shy:Honestly.." hoping she didn't have to elaborate farther.
" Guess I'm going to jail now? That's what I get for listening to the advisors and the people?" Sunlight Blaster folded her arms.
"Since you're made of crystal rock, how exactly do your race procreate?" Gwen asked. The question had bothered her since seeing the see-thru Crystalline girl. "Dunce, don't they teach you Crystal biology on this planet?" She glanced at Charmcaster who she assumed was Gwen's lover, said to her, "Don't get jealous, sorceress." Turning back to Gwen she said, "Two willing people pull gently on the thumb during a kiss on the lips. You willing?"
"Kiss you after you tried to kill us?" Gwen said aggravated. "Actually, what'll it hurt ..." Her curiosity got the better of her offering her thumb as she took Sunlight's. When their lips parted, Gwen found a cool piece of crystal rock in the palm of her hand the
size of her pinky
"Take care o' that. It's a sentient being that'll grow for ten weeks, before hatching." Sunlight Blaster ordered, "That's my first and I want to see it when I get out.
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