MLP Years Later (Malin and Sacred For Sale)

Fluttershy had always intended to keep contact with the friends of hers that didn't move away (which at this point was only Applejack) but it had turned out that hadn't worked out. Sure, the two of them had both put an effort into it, but had hadn't worked out. Applejack got impatient eventually with Fluttershy's chronic nervousness and they really didn't have that much in common beyond a love of nature. Neither of them had intended for it to do that way, but as things went on the two of them simply drifted apart. Eventually they weren't close friends anymore. A more accurate description would be acquaintances. They would greet each other when they passed in the marketplace and if Fluttershy ever worked up the nerve to attend one of the social events that went on in Ponyville they would exchange a few polite words to check on how the other was doing and remiss the moving away of the other Elements of Harmony.

She soon had the owl hooting happily for her as a sign that he was on the way to recovery and then was planning to go and check on some of the animals that tended to stay outside to make sure that they were all okay and get any of them food if they needed it. Fluttershy wasn't really paying attention to Spike despite his presence with the exception of when he spoke to her. “Oh, I'm sure she will be. Applejack misses you and the others as much as I do.” Fluttershy agreed before letting out a squeak when there was a knock on the door. The voice that she heard was pretty surprising but she still hurried to the door and pulled it open to greet the young guard that was standing there. “Oh, there's no need for concern. I know him, and he's not dangerous.” Fluttershy replied softly as she opened the door and peaked through the crack.
The guard stopped puzzled for a moment hearing that the dragon was a friend of hers. Opening the door it was a young grey pegasus acting as one of the town guard. "Holy... is that Spike?" He said catching a glimpse of the dragon who was now on his hands and feet using a sponge and bucket to clean the floor. The guard was genuinely surprised to see Princess Twilight Sparkles personal assistant and dragon in town. Still he turned away, "well as long as your okay, I am gonna have file some paperwork on this, but Spike is always welcome in this town, we just didn't know it was him, he has certainly gotten bigger." He said with a small laugh before turning and flying off back to town.

Spike on the other hand was now knee deep in work. Smiling when he heard the conversation at the door. He wiped some sweat off of his forehead, and smiled. "I should have been more careful walking through town, I didn't mean to start rumors guess I'm not as cute as I used to be." He said remembering the days where he was able to walk around town without anyone even blinking an eye towards a baby dragon. "Guess I'm in the same kind of boat as Zecora was nowadays, well i'm sure the people will get used to it." he said getting up, and walking over to fluttershy. "Still I really do have thank you for letting me stay with you I really don't want to cause you any problems."
Fluttershy was visited by the guard more often than most ponies in Ponyville because the normally pretty boring job allowed them a lot of free time to come back and check in on the one mare in Ponyville who was known for being scared by just about everything. If she had been more alert to how people perceived her she would have realized that the guards probably partially did it because it always netted them a polite response and a grin from one of the bustiest mares in town. Unfortunately for her and fortunately for them Fluttershy rarely seemed to notice the effect of her breasts. “Thank you. Have a nice day, sir.” She called as he flew off before closing the door and turning back to Spike.

“Don't worry about it, Spike. The guards here are always pretty jumpy with how many odd things happen around here. They're always polite enough to come and check on me.” She relied before going back to work. Fluttershy recalled when he had been just a cute little baby dragon that she would have cuddled eagerly. “And like Zecora, I'm sure you'll be accepted. Speaking of her, she would probably like to see you.” Fluttershy added before tensing when he approached her. Too much proximity to him was still just a bit unnerving. “It's my pleasure, Spike. I will always do anything to help a friend.” She added with a slight hint of nervousness in her voice.
Spike nodded there were a lot of ponies he wanted to see around town. Though it was good to think that eventually he would be fully accepted again. Even if he had left his original post as Twilight's assistant. He shook his head trying to not think about the pony that had made him overly frustrated, and rather went to ignoring the back of his head that was still full of doubt when it came to his decision about leaving her. It had been the right choice, and he had his own set of tasks now that were more important then watching Twilight forget about everything but her studies. "I'm sure that your right, the ponies around here really are a little crazy, and im sure it won't take long for them to adjust to me."

Hearing the worry in Fluttershy's voice snapped Spike out of his dazed thoughts, and he instinctively took a few steps away from her so that she could be less nervous. It was annoying but he was going to do his best to work along side Fluttershy even with her constant phobia of well him. Eventually he hoped that she would move past it. "Sorry." He said letting her take her time to adjust before going back to the floors which were now actually clean, Spike worked fast, though next he grabbed the pillows off of the couch and put them outside with the rug so he could beat them to get the animal fur off of it. If he was going to be sleeping on the couch he wanted to be a place he could sleep without the fear of sneezing and starting a fire. It was going to be difficult living in a house full of so much chaos and activity, but he just had to get used to it. "So Fluttershy..." He paused for a moment wanting to ask a rather personal question, but also feeling rather selfish about it. "Do you have a special somepony yet?" She was a mare getting on in years, and yet for some reason even as he asked the question aside from the awkward blush across his face he had the feeling like he already knew the answer to that question.
Despite the fact that the youngest of the Equestrian princesses no longer lived in Ponyville she had definitely left a reputation behind which was slightly colored when she became less friendly and more pompous as she got accustomed to her new role in the kingdom. Some people remembered the shy unicorn that had come to their town and brought all sorts of interesting events while a lot of the younger ones remembered the arrogant princess who had been too assured of her own intelligence to really listen to anypony else. Now that Spike was in town and his reputation and past in the town was so tightly tied to Twilight's Fluttershy had wondered if ponies would judge him based on her but more than likely once they realized that it was a pretty sweet, if intimidating, dragon they would come to accept him like they had Zecora despite the fact that when she first started coming to town people thought her to be an evil witch.

Fluttershy was a bit relieved when he seemed to notice the discomfort that came form being too close to him and stepped back. She felt bad that it made her so afraid but she just couldn't help herself right now. She quickly went back to work so that she didn't have to think about it and was just about to start on a meal for her bear friends when she tensed at his surprising question. She hadn't expected him to suddenly come out and ask a personal question like that. “No... I, um, haven't really dated anypony since you and Twilight left.” She replied nervously before following him outside with a bit of food for some of her outdoor animals.
Spike let out a subconscious sigh of relief for a moment when he heard that Fluttershy hadn't been seeing anypony since he had left town. It was bound to be less awkward that way, and in truth the selfish side of him, that part which was always present telling him to take what belonged to him and horde it all as a treasure, was telling him that it was for the best that Fluttershy was single after all she was his friend. He shook his head such thoughts were often dangerous, and unhealthy. Especially for a dragon. friends were not possessions pony's were not items and the fact that he often had to remind himself of that was worrisome. Going outside he found a laundry line on which he hung the rug, and picked up his stick.

Spike started beating on the rug to loosen some of the fur and dust from it, it came off in waves, and as he beat it his eyes watched Fluttershy as she walked through the outdoors and did her rounds for the animals outside. He didn't say anything rather he just watched her for a moment. He sighed slightly moving around the backyard as he worked on finishing the task he had started and getting all the fur and dust out of the sofa's cushions. "Well I'm sure you will find somepony eventually, it's not healthy for a mare your age to be all alone." He said lightly while at the same time trying desperately to not seem rude. He gave a yawn and stretched out for a moment feeling his body want to sleep. He had been traveling so long and now that he had spent a good hour or two cleaning he was starting to feel very tired without realizing exactly how drained he was.
It was definitely weird in Fluttershy's mind to have the prospect of dating or having sex brought up to her like this. She wasn't the type of woman who really paid any attention to that sort of thing because she often found dating to be more of an excessive worry than anything else. The last person to ask her at all about the prospect of dating another pony was Rarity had considering how long ago the fashion designer had moved away she hadn't put any thought into this sort of thing at all. Right now Fluttershy was more than anything else wondering exactly what Spike was asking her about a thing like that. It was awkward to have the thought put back into her mind at the moment as she thought back to Rarity's comments about how she 'absolutely had to find a lover!' Rarity had never quite understood all of Fluttershy's social awkwardness.

Like always, when there was an awkward or nerve-wracking topic on her mind she buried it in her work and quickly got her attention on feeding the animals around her and making sure that they were all happy. She was crowded by larger animals of all sorts, some of whom seemed to pick up on her awkwardness and helped out by nuzzling her gently. “I'm happy just how I am right now.” Fluttershy insisted softly before frowning at the idea that it was unhealthy. “Y-you can go to bed if you want.” She added when she heard him yawn loudly.
Spike yawned and stretched again even as he started to gather the now much more clean items from the living room and started to reassemble the place. The dragon felt tired, and he agreed that he wanted some sleep. He knew that he was making Fluttershy nervous. He shook his head as he remade the couch. "I think your right, you should do what makes you happy Fluttershy." He said agreeing with her, though oddly while she said that she was happy, Fluttershy always seemed more lonely then happy.

Stretching out it was getting late into the evening and Fluttershy's duties often carried her well into the night. While he hardly thought it was fitting for an assistant to sleep most of the time when he should be assisting, he was simply too tired to really bother with it. "Good Night Fluttershy, I'll see you in the morning." He said as he got onto all fours around the couch, and then curled up into a soft ball. His tail resting lightly against his head as he curled up on the bed and closed his eyes. Soon a soft rumble of slumber overtook the dragon, and he was fast asleep his body some times twitching as he slept.
Fluttershy was happy to hear him confirm that she should just do what makes her happy. She found herself being less able to be afraid of him but still she was nervous at how dangerous a fairly grown-up dragon like him could be in a house filled with animals like hers. When he fell asleep Fluttershy walked slowly over to the couch and made sure that he was fully asleep before leaning in and kissing him gently on the cheek. “I'm happy you're here, Spike.” She said softly before quickly going back to work so that she could get to bed.

Just like how she tended to get to bed late she tended to wake up pretty early. It wasn't even 6:00 AM and she had already been up for a while working on her animals to make sure that her animals was happy. She had first ensured that her nocturnal friends were all happy before they went to sleep and then got to work on preparing food for the daytime animals that she had to deal with. She hummed softly to herself as she stood in the kitchen. Fluttershy was simultaneously preparing not only food for her animals but also some breakfast for her and Spike to eat when he emerged from his deep slumber.
When Fluttershy kissed spike his body seemed to curl up slightly tighter. though he didn't wake it was only a reaction from being touched in a way the dragon hadn't expected to feel anything on it's skin. Spike remained asleep for the rest of the night even when some rather brave and curious nocturnal animals landed on him and walked around on his scaled body. Spikes skin was thick enough that he didn't even notice the animals walking on him. However when Fluttershy started to make breakfast and moving around Spikes eye opened.

It was slowly at first that spike opened his eyes. He could smell food, and hear soft humming. Both were a rather delightful change from the way he had been waking up till that point. Slowly he unfurled and stretched as he got up. His back stretched and popped with powerful muscles, and spike got to his claws. He could never understand people who wanted to get up early, but then again Dragons were notoriously heavy sleepers. and Spike was no exception. Getting up to his feet he stood tall and erect yawn, as a bunch of smoke left his mouth. Walking into the kitchen Spike saw Fluttershy working. "Hello Fluttershy, what's for breakfast and how can I help." The dragon said still obviously tired, but at the same time wanting to help his friend through her morning rituals.
This was the kind of thing that made Fluttershy calm and happy. She loved to just fall into the patterns and routines of her life and go about her duties without having to worry about anything going wrong. She found an odd joy in doing the same thing that she had done for years below. Of course what she was doing right now was being made even better considering that she had excited animals moving around her as she worked on food for them as well as a meal that would satisfy her as well as her guest. Some of her animals chattered concern about him into her ear but she waved it all off. As nervous as Spike made her she still understood that he wasn't going to hurt her or any of her animal friends unless something extremely bad and drastic was to suddenly occur.

Fluttershy was too focused on what she was doing to notice when he woke up even with the pops of his muscles that were loud enough to cause several of the animals around him to scatter in surprise. Many of Fluttershy's animal friends were even less comfortable around him than Fluttershy was. When he entered the kitchen Fluttershy turned towards him and grinned awkwardly. “Sorry for waking you, Spike.” She apologized before giving him a quick grin. “Oh, um, you could get the salad together for some of the animals if you want.” Fluttershy added. “Our food will be ready soon.”
Spike moved slowly and carefully, still only just waking up. He nodded slightly when Fluttershy told him to make food for animals, and started working on a salad for them. Making sure to manuvure around Fluttershy and her friends so that he wasn't a threat to them, he was a slow start, but worked out quickly enough what he needed too do and where creating his work station and mixing greens. He noticed that the animals were all wary of him, but didn't really care after all Fluttershy seemed to be getting slowly over his fear of him. The animals would accept him as a care taker eventually, and if not well at least he would have Fluttershy's approval for the most part.

Setting down a few plates of food for different animals in door he smiled. "Breakfast is done little guys." He said even petting one of the smaller critters, which responded by bitting down on his claw. Spike couldn't even feel it, but at the same time still felt the resentment that came with the notion. "I'm sorry." He said pulling his hand away quickly pulling away his hand. He shook his head and then turned towards Fluttershy. "How did you sleep? I didn't snore or keep you up worrying or anything did I?" He asked wondering how Fluttershy felt sleeping in the same house as a Dragon. He was almost certain after what she had told him yesterday that lowering her defenses with him around must have been difficult.
Now that he was working on the salad Fluttershy was able to focus on a much smaller set of tasks which definitely was going to make the work that she had to do this morning a whole lot easier to finish. She made sure to keep close to the stove (or as close as she could with her massive breasts) so that she wouldn't have the problem of accidentally bumping into him and making everything more awkward. Her humming had died out now so there was silence as she worked on pancakes for her and Spike while simultaneously preparing a number of nut-based dishes for the small animals that were currently moving around her and squeaking excitedly at the idea of a Fluttershy-prepared meal for breakfast.

When he announced that the food was ready she looked over to see him feeding the adorable animals that had gathered around him. When a small mouse bit down on her hand Fluttershy glared at the tiny rodent. “We don't do that to guests, Mr. Mouse. He is my friend and you will be nice to him.” Fluttershy insisted firmly enough that the creature nodded in mild shame and then went back to eating. Fluttershy quickly began distributing nuts to her excited charges and then got to the step of making two stacks of pancakes with the one for Spike being far larger than her own. “I slept wonderfully, Spike. You didn't keep me up at all.” She lied. In fact there had been a few hours spent staring up at the ceiling in worry.
Spike let out a slight sigh as Fluttershy repremanded one of her animal friends. He understood why the mouse had bit him, and in truth it hadn't even hurt. If anything he was more worried about the mouses teeth then himself. Dragon scales were well known for their toughness and he had to wonder if the small creature would be okay. Looking at the meal Fluttershy made for him he laughed slightly. He didn't need that much food, though he was most certainly grateful for her attempt to make him feel full. He looked over at the pancakes and licked his lips slightly his stomach letting out a verbal growl."You didn't need to make that many. I may be big, but my stomach isn't that big." He said truthfully. "The way you're going about feeding me it makes it look like I could eat a full on pony." he said with a rather careless joke he took the stack all the same adding syrup and butter where needed though put some away for left overs in Fluttershy's fridge.

Spike was in a very good mood as he walked into the living room and took his seat. Today was the first step towards reassembling his old group of friends. "I'm glad to hear I didn't keep you up. I honestly would have hated to think that my prescience here worries you Fluttershy." He said knowing full well that she was lying to him. Fluttershy never really had much of a poker face, and in truth it was pretty easy too tell when she was uncomfortable. However he was hoping that the more he pretended like he didn't bother her, the more that would eventually become fact. "After breakfast we should head over to the farm." He said lightly as he worked towards eating his meal with a fork and knife trying to remain civilized.
The casual mention he made of being able to eat a full pony caused Fluttershy to tense for a moment in response. After a few deep breaths she managed to force herself to calm down but hearing him say that wasn't really doing wonders for her nervousness. She still felt awful that she could barely spend time around her dragon friend without getting anxious but she had to keep reminding herself that he probably understood after the story she had told. If she didn't get herself to stop worrying about worrying about him being there there was a good chance that it would have a compounding effect that wouldn't work out well for her. She had a number of animals who were already sticking closer to her after seeing how nervous she was.

Fluttershy's stack was far shorter than his but she had more than enough to keep herself satisfied for the morning. She followed him out into the living room and set herself down opposite him before starting to eat. Fluttershy's eating technique was an equally civilized focus on using the knife and fork like she always did. “Sure, we can do that. I just have to check on a few quick animals.” She replied before feeling a bit of silence form. “How, um, is Peewee? I know that Twilight wasn't too keen on having a phoenix living with you two.” The pegasus asked in an attempt to change the subject.
Spike blinked seeing that his words had inadvertently hurt Fluttershy and made her slightly more nervous than he had intended. He let out a long sigh and worked on eating his breakfast, but when Fluttershy mentioned Peewee Spike just felt a wave of long armed depression. He hadn't been allowed to keep the Pheonix, though he had wanted too raise it. He gave a small saddened look towards Fluttershy as he worked on eating his pancakes. They tasted great, but his mind was once again on more depressing topics.

"It takes a special license to be allowed to look after a phoenix. Back when we had met peewee i was too young to apply for it. Twilight got the paper work done, and Peewee my pet is being looked after by cadence and shining armor in the crystal empire." He said lightly wishing that he had been able to go back and get his pet. "I'm not allowed back there for the moment, after twilight..." He paused for a moment not wanting to say the real reason he was here, but at the same time he knew that Fluttershy probably already had guesses as to what had happened. "She sent me away, and told me to not come back."
Once she was sat down and focused on eating she had managed to finally start relaxing again. It was a struggle for her to keep calm and normal around Spike but Fluttershy was doing everything that she could to make sure that she would remain calm. She was extremely slow and delicate with her eating and tended to stop for a moment after popping each bite into her mouth to fully chew it up. She had often annoyed Rainbow Dash when they ate together at her slow pace but she liked to savor all of her food as much as she could.

Unfortunately for her she wasn't able to remain calm for long because only moments after the casual mention of his phoenix friend she looked up and was surprised to see an expression of sadness that formed on her face. Fluttershy was aware of the license that was needed to look after a phoenix due to the research she had done after the Philomena incident but when he pointed out that Peewee was with Shining Armor and Cadence she frowned. A gasp escaped her lips when he pointed out exactly what Twilight had done to make him leave. “W-why would she ever say a thing like that?” She blurted out.
There was a long pause for a moment as Spike looked at the ground. He knew the full story was what Fluttershy wanted to hear, but it wasn't a pleasant thing to remember. He shook his head slightly frustrated with the way he had handled himself, and the way that Twilight had taken to her job as well. Everything about the story was immature, and had resulted in one of the worst moments of his life. Still Fluttershy deserved an explination and he had gone this far, there was no way to just drop the conversation now.

"I torched her library." He said honestly. "Twilight had gotten worse. She wouldn't even leave her study anymore. Shining Armor and Cadence had both started to become annoyed and I was struggling just to make her eat. The crystal empire has... had a library with several books that were over a thousand years old spells the world hadn't seen or heard of since before the era of Celestia, and she was obsessed with learning all of it. So much so that she was willing to hurt herself. After a long talk with Cadence and her brother we all agreed that it was worth sacrificing a few volumes of books to try and save our friend from herself." He sighed knowing his punishment could have been far worse when he was dealing with an Alicorn like twilight. "So... I started a fire just to try and get her out of the library, and in return she banished me."
Fluttershy could still remember the first time that she had met Twilight and Spike and she remembered the two of them as being extremely close and friendly. She had known that part of that had simply been because he had been really her only friend other than Shining Armor but she could still tell that the friendship of the baby dragon had been pretty important to her. Now to see that it had all crumbled was pretty awful and saddening to her as she had for some reason assumed that they would end up being friends for a lot longer than that. Still, she knew that she had ot listen to this story despite how said and depressing it was obviously going to be. Just the night before she had saddled him with her sad tale of why she was afraid of dragons and now she was going to get to hear about why his surrogate mother and sister and decided to exile him.

The pegasus set a hand over her mouth to hide a gasp when he pointed out that he had torched the library. The story did become far more reasonable as he explained the situation. It made sense to her as it was all something that Twilight would definitely do but it was sad that she had totally cut herself off again in the pursuit of knowledge. Fluttershy took a deep breath before standing up. “I'm sorry for that. You didn't deserve that.” Fluttershy said softly and after steeling herself she embraced him gently from the side.
The last thing Spike had expected from Fluttershy was to be embraced by her, but it was also the thing he needed most. He turned into the hug and his arms wrapped lightly around her, making sure that if she felt too uncomfortable she could pull away easily enough, but at the same time he enjoyed the heat and sensation from pressing Fluttershy's chest lightly against his own. The fabric of his clothing pressing lightly against hers, as well as just feeling her breasts press into his chest like two rather large yet comfortable pillows. It was comforting though a little shocking as it came from the last person he thought would have been able to hug him.

Pulling back for a second Spike was practically shivering as he hugged Fluttershy. He looked at her face for a moment, his green eyes meeting her own saddened eyes though one of them was behind her bright pink hair. He took a long deep breath for a moment seeing a friend, and then knowing that his next move no matter what was going to change the way fluttershy saw him. He moved slowly knowing that he was probably going to frighten her either way. Then just closed his eyes and went for it, his lips pressed against Fluttershy's and in an instant he felt a mix of both happiness and a wild amount of regret. His soft lips pressed to hers for a moment before he pulled away, and sheepishly moved away from her. Part of his mind was screaming that in some way he had just ruined everything. ~She's afraid of dragons, and you just kissed her moron.~
Hugging Spike was definitely not an easy thing for her to do right now. It could be felt from the tenseness of her arms and the slight shudders that occasionally ran through her frame that part of her was trying to escape and panic from being so close to a real fire-breathing dragon who could rip her to shreds without much difficulty at all. Still she forced herself to not move away as right now her focus wasn't as much on her own comfort as it was on being a good friend He needed to be comforted after telling a story like that and she hoped that the feeling of her breasts resting against his body and the gentle embrace would get him to calm down. The shivering that she could feel from him was pretty saddening to her and drove her to know even more that she had to do what she could to comfort him after telling such a sad tale.

She was expecting him to react to her hug, but his final reaction was definitely something that she hadn't expected at all. Fluttershy saw him pucker his lips and her eyes quickly shot wide open when their lips met for a long moment. She could feel her entire body tense firmly and she trembled slightly for a moment before stumbling away and flapping her wings a few times to keep from falling over. She looked shocked at the situation but not offended. Romance wasn't something she really thought about. Her mouth opened and closed a few times but she was unable to get any words out.
Spike let out a long sigh feeling tension in his body for the first time in a long time he felt a wild amount of fear. He looked at Fluttershy unsure of what was going on through his mind, but knew that her animals were now taking notice. They were all staring at the two of them, and the moment of tension. The only saving grave here was that Fluttershy really didn't look hurt by his actions, just shocked that he would have done it. Spike bit his lip and got up from his seat, he was finished his breakfast not that it mattered at this point he kept expecting her to scream at him or tell him to get out.

"I'm..." He was about to say sorry, but he realized that it was kind of a lie, he had enjoyed the kiss for however brief it was. He didn't want to appologize for it, or make excuses about it. For however brief it was he had enjoyed it, and liked the feeling of Fluttershy against him. However right now it didn't feel safe in the small cottage the animals were glaring, and he knew that he had kind of violated Fluttershy's trust. "I'm gonna go for a walk." He got up and moved towards the door, he gave another look towards Fluttershy giving her one last chance to compose herself and say something, before he ran away and gave both of them some distance to think things over.
Fluttershy was a nervous mare, and the thing that made her the most nervous was when she was confronted with situations that she wasn't used to dealing with like this one. She had found the kiss to be a challenging thing to do in itself but having a kiss added to it had just made the situation more awkward and more nerve-wracking for her. She knew that her pulling away wouldn't make things look better but right now her mind was quickly running through thoughts as she tried to think up what to do in response. It had felt oddly good to have him press his lips against hers like that but at the same time he was undeniably a scary dragon who had been pretty forward.

When he went to leave she knew pretty quickly that she was going to have to do something about it or this could possibly cause some long-term damage to their friendship. After taking a deep breath she scurried over to walk beside him. “H-how about I come with you? We could go visit Applejack now.” She suggested in a nervous tone. Fluttershy just didn't want him to leave without discussing what had happened.
Spike nodded the idea of seeing Applejack was a calming one. It was actually where he had planned to run too in the first place, and while the kiss may have made things even more awkward than before he had still enjoyed it and seeing how there was no obvious disgust or anger in Fluttershy's tone and the fact that she was offering to walk with him it seemed that in some way he had managed to dodge a bullet. He swallowed lightly, "That sounds like a great idea thank you." He said opening the door, and walking outside into the bright sunny day.

It seemed that today's weather schedule was keeping the sky's clear much as they had yesterday. It was early summer after all so some good weather was to be expected around here. Still he took a long deep breath inhaling everything, and walked alongside Fluttershy. It was an awkward moment, and he realized for the second time now that he was actually taller then Fluttershy. Letting out a long sigh as he walked with her he smiled lightly looking towards Fluttershy he had no idea what she was thinking, but at the same time she was also not telling him to leave her. Feeling the sun on his scales he walked through the town feeling a light breeze. He was hoping that the more blunt applejack would be able to help break them free of the awkward zone. Walking towards Sweet Apple Acres the ponies of the town once again seemed too move out of the way for him, and avoid his gaze. He knew that he would have to talk about the kiss, but at the same time was struggling for the words. "I... uh... Thank you." He said quickly.
An awkward grin came when he thanked her for coming with him for the walk. She understood why he had inteded to leave but Fluttershy knew enough about social relationships that if the kiss was just left to hang in the air it would lead to some huge friction in their friendship despite friends being exactly what Spike needed right now. A few of the animals looked at her in surprise and after Angel chattered excitedly she turned and grinned at the bunny to tell the creature that she was going to be okay. Fluttershy had been thrown by his kiss but it hadn't been awful. Now that she was walking with him having the gentle breeze blowing on her was quite relaxing and helping her to again calm down around him. “It's my pleasure.” Fluttershy replied in a soft voice.

The walk was mostly silent the rest of the way and soon they arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. It didn't take long at all for the sound of hooves colliding with trees to alert the two of them to Applejack's position. The farmmare, dressed in denim shorts and a plaid shirt, turned towards the approaching footsteps and looked surprised to see the two of them approaching. Applejack wiped sweat off of her forehead before speaking. “Well, Spike, I never thought I was gonna see you 'round these parts. How're ya doin'?” The earth pony greeted.
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