MLP Years Later (Malin and Sacred For Sale)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
Spike Raised a claw to shield his eyes from the sun afternoon sun. He blinked for a moment as he stepped off of the train and onto the platform outside Ponyville. So much had changed in the years since he had been here last, and all of his old friends had gone their own way. Spike didn't even know what happened to most of his old friends, but he knew that at least two of them hadn't left this town.

It had been a while since the fight had happened, and the elements of harmony had grown apart. Back then he had still been too young, and he was duty bound to twilight. As much as he had protested when Twilight had left ponyville he couldn't do anything but follow her. That however wasn't the case anymore as he could no longer manage twilight and her neurotic tenancies, and he had been given a new more personal mission. Walking through the town most of the ponies seemed to depart and give him space. He just smiled looking over the familiar homes. The old lybrary where he had spent most of childhood. Shaking his head lightly he kept walking trying to ignore all of the awkward looks.

Spike had grown, a lot. Time does much for a Dragon. He still lacked wings, likely he would never have them. But he was taller, and stronger. Part of him knew that this would be awkward, it had been a long time since he had seen anyone from this town. Walking up to a familiar cottage he was thankful that it wasn't abandoned like the lybrary. In truth he didn't know where half of the others were. Pinkie had disappeared, last he heard Rarity had gone off to Manehatten, and Rainbow was an in training wonderbolt and thus almost always on the move. Everyone had grown so far apart. There were however two that had remained in the small town. Applejack was tied to her farmland, and Fluttershy had as far as he knew stayed at her cottage.

Taking a deep breath Spike knocked on the heavy wooden door of the cottage. He really didn't know what to say to when he saw Fluttershy. Part of him was actually more hopeful that she had grown out of her fear of dragons otherwise dealing with her as he was would be awkward. "Hello?"
While other ponies had gone off and changed during their lives as time had passed Fluttershy really was no different from how she had been when Twilight had first arrived in Ponyville. Fluttershy wasn't the type of mare to enjoy change at all as she often found it scary and not quite worth it so she instead went with the decision of sticking with what was always safe and comfortable. It had been hard to keep up in times as she saw the few friends that she had slowly but surely all move away to pursue their interests in other cities but Fluttershy could think of nothing to do with her life other than what she had been doing for years. Animals might have died every so often but it was nearly always guaranteed that there would be some creature there to keep her happy and calm. Her personal pet was now Angel the Third and her body had plumped up a bit but other than that Fluttershy was still Fluttershy and to her life was as good as it was going to get.

When there was a knock on her door Fluttershy tensed and let out a sound more like a squeak than anything else. She looked over at the door in surprise due to how rare it was for her to get visitors these days but she still was of course going to be polite and answer. “Coming!” She called out softly and after setting the bowl of nuts down for a few squirrels to ravage she walked over to the door. Fluttershy took a deep breath before swinging the door open but when it opened her eyes shot open. “D-d-d-dragon!” The pegasus squeaked and after slamming the door she quickly jumped behind her couch for cover.
Spike gave a sigh as the door was slammed into his face. He put his claw across his face shaking his head for a moment. Well it figured that Fluttershy wouldn't have gotten over her fear of dragons, but he never really expected her to be afraid of him. She had always been so interested in his life, but then again that had been back when he had been small and cute. Knocking on the door again he knew that she really wasn't gonna answer again. Rather he just opened it slowly. "Fluttershy, it's me Spike.... I'm coming in."

Taking a step inside the cottage, he understood the reaction. it was the same one that he had seen from the other people in town. The way they walked around him, but it still hurt. It seemed like he was a child of two worlds, other dragons smelled pony around him, and the other pony's saw him as a dragon. It was a conflict of identity that he tried his best to ignore. Still he knew Fluttershy, and was hoping that fact would be able to help her get over her fear of dragons. Walking into the living room. "Fluttershy?" He asked he could smell her but she was hiding. "I know it's been a long time but I haven't changed that much have I?"
The parts of Spike that would have identified him as the former assistant of one of her old friends were all ignored in the panic that had quickly overtaken her. Without her friends there as a constant support system her fears and worries had been getting more pronounced in recent years. She had just seen enough of him to know that he had been a dragon and in her mind dragon was automatically equated with bed. She let out a small squeak when he knocked on the door but didn't move at all, even when he identified himself.

Once he was inside there was a long moment of silence before she could work up the strength to respond to him. When he kept calling out to her she took several deep, panting breaths to calm herself down and then peeked over the back of the couch at him. Just her eyes hovered above the back of the couch. “S-Spike? What are you doing here?” The pegasus asked in a soft voice as she looked the mature dragon over and fought herself to keep calm.
Spike gave a small smile as he saw Fluttershy stick her head out from behind the couch. It was good to see an old friend, even if she was very afraid of him. Looking around at the home there were still a lot of animal critters running around. It was almost like the place had been frozen in time in a way. It brought back a lot of good memories, and he gave a small shrug when Fluttershy asked him why he was here. The truth was a little more complicated then he wished for, and he scratched the back of his head. "I wanted to see some of my old friends. You were one of the easier ones to track down. And also.." He paused for a moment looking at the ground.

"I couldn't put up with Twilight anymore." After everything that had happened she had been throwing herself into her studies more and more. At first Spike had tried his best to look after her, but that became harder and harder to do with every passing day. Eventually Twilight had stopped caring about herself entirely. Eventually the fighting became so constant that she had just up and sent spike away. Which lead him to do a bit of traveling, and then after burping up a scroll addressed to him, he had come here. He wasn't however about to talk about any of that stuff. "So I left, and came here. I honestly didn't know where else to start."
Fluttershy remembered seeing Twilight change not long after she became a princess. It was a slow change at first but it quickly became obvious that Princess Twilight was not the same mare as Scholar Twilight. She quickly became intensely focused on her royal duties with a gusto that beat out even her love of learning to the degree that she would shut herself away for days reading tax codes. She got a bit ruder as well as she realized that she now had power and kept firmly insisting that even her friends began treating her like royalty. Even Rarity, who had hoped that having a princess as a friend would help her business, ended up saddened at the changes that affected Twilight.

“I'm, um, sorry to hear that.” Fluttershy replied before slowly pushing herself up more and walking around the couch to take a seat. He was a dragon, but he was a nice dragon and so far he hadn't shown any interest at all in attacking her. “H-here? W-what do you want from me?” She replied with a hint of nervousness as she took a seat on the couch and began wringing her hands together.
Spike gave a small smile seeing Fluttershy. Her fears really had gotten hold of her. He walked to the couch and shifted his tail moving it so he could sit down beside Fluttershy. He was surprised how small she looked, all of them used to tower of him, and now he was a little bit taller then her. Still he sank into the couch sitting beside the rather scared looking pegasus. He gave a small sigh of content. "Honestly I just wanted to see a kind face." He said truthfully. He just wanted to be around a good friend. They had all been alone, and it looked like Fluttershy had suffered because of it.

"Well that and I kind of need a place to stay for the moment." He said lightly. He would ask the mayor if he could stay at the library but he had a feeling that would be awkward for everyone. He wanted to have some time to just get to used to being around other ponies again. Fluttershy's cottage was far enough away that he couldn't really do any damage. "I mean if that would be okay I could really just use a couch to crash on. I can try and help you out around here in return. I have more then enough experience as an assistant, and well I'm not great with animals but I do okay..." He said looking around at the critters. Some of which looked as frightened as Fluttershy to see a dragon his size running around. Letting out a small sigh, "and I also want to work towards tracking down the others, I want to get in touch with them, maybe try and reunite some of them, or at least talk too everyone and see how they have been?"
Fluttershy tensed for a moment when he walked over and sat down next to her and had to tense he body to keep from moving away from him to a more safe position. Despite herself recently reminding herself that the dragon sitting with her was the cute baby dragon that she had spent so much time with in the past his new, mature form made her unable to stop worrying for the moment. It would definitely take a while to get used to being with him again but she was of course going to try to do so. Spike had been one of her good friends and a good friend was what she needed right now.

A small smile came when he pointed out that her desires were friendship and a place to stay as at some level it helped her recognize that eating her wasn't one of his interests right now. She had kind of wanted a partner right now due to it being the season that all sorts of babies were born but she still hadn't ever had the courage to ask anyone to help her out. She shifted around and bit her lip before looking up at him. “I, um, guess you can stay here if you want.” She replied in a soft voice mostly because she didn't have the strength to say no to him. “I still get letters from Rarity and Rainbow Dash but I don't know about Pinkie. Applejack is still at the farm but also goes to Appleloosa a lot.” The pegasus explained.
Spike nodded slowly getting more of an understanding on the situation. A small pain running through him when he realized that Rarity and Rainbow never tried writing to either him or Twilight. Then again he had never taken that first step of writing a letter to them so he was in the end just as guilty as they were. And it seemed that no one really knew what happened to Pinkie. She among everyone had the strongest connections, and was a highly social pony, to hear that she was gone now was disturbing, and only raised questions and possibilities in Spikes head. Either way those were problems that everyone would cross eventually. For now he was more then happy to have a place to stay and a friend to talk with. "Thank you Fluttershy. I promise I will help you where ever I can, but first."

His stomach let out a groan and Spike slowly realized he hadn't actually eaten anything all day. Getting up from the couch he sighed. "Do you mind if I use your kitchen Fluttershy? I can make you food as well, I just haven't actually eaten anything yet today." He said lightly, his tail swaying slightly as he walked towards the kitchen, and started looking through shelves. Spike ate just about anything, and could survive off pretty much any kind of food in this world. Though as he had grown up around so many others who were restricted to a more vegetarian diet so he never actually had things like meat. Rather for Spike the biggest and most strange thing that he ate were precious gemstones. However he doubted that Fluttershy had anything like that so instead he set his mind to making a salad. Washing off his claws in the sink he got to work collecting the greens. "Is there anything I should avoid eating?"
In truth it was more Fluttershy who sent letters to the two of them due to being desperate to maintain some sort of relationship with two of her best friends but she did get one letter back for every three or so that she sent to them. Even Discord sent more regular letters than either of them did but she was still happy that Rarity would occasionally take time from her busy schedule to write her a letter about how lovely things were in Manehatten. She would always end her letter with a polite comment that she would love to go down and see Fluttershy but was just far too busy to do so. Dash sent occasional letters while she toured around with the Wonderbolts but she seemed too busy as well much of the time to sent regular letters or to stop back to see the mare she had been friends with since they had been in Flight School together back in Cloudsdale.

When his stomach groaned she jumped back and again had to take a few deep breaths to keep herself from running away from him. The sound was just close enough to the growl of a dragon to leave her heart pumping. “Oh, sure.” She replied in a soft voice before watching him walk over to the kitchen. Fluttershy wasn't sure she would have the guts to say no to a dragon like him even if she wanted to. “It's all yours.” She squeaked out when he asked. Angel The Third sprinted into her arms and she began petting the small bunny as she peered over at him.
Spike let out a rather happy sigh. It was obvious that his stomach's growl had frightened Fluttershy, and he was pretty sure the reason her voice sounded so scared was because he was a dragon. Still it kind of hurt to have someone he considered one of his closest friends actually be scared of him, and all because he had gained a bit more size. Still he didn't really realize how afraid of him she actually was. It was likely going to become a problem down the road, and so he didn't focus on it, instead focusing on the food he was attempting to make for the two of them. It had been a while since he had put hi culinary skills to work, still a salad was an easy enough task.

Mixing the the greens and a few nuts, he added a vinaigrette dressing, and made two plates one for each of them. Walking back to Fluttershy he placed the plate down in front of her. along with a fork for her to use, and then sat back down beside her with his own plate. He sighed slowly. "Hope you like it." He said happily. It wasn't Gemstones, but it would fill his stomach good enough that he really wasn't able to complain much about it. Looking at Angel bunny he didn't even know if it was the same one or not, just that the last time he had dealt with that white furry bunny Angel had been a complete and total dick. "Is that angel?" He asked rather curiously. He and that bunny had never really gotten along, and for some reason it always seemed so abusive towards fluttershy, he was hoping that if this was a new one it was a little less self entitled.
Having the bunny, who was a female unlike her grandfather, cuddled up in her arms allowed Fluttershy to relax a little more so that she could think more about the situation at hand. Fluttershy knew that if Spike had gotten to the point that he had separated from the mare who had served as his mother, older sister, and good friend for much of his life things really hadn't been going too well for him and considering how few other friends he had in town she knew that it would be her job to make sure that he was feeling a bit better. For a moment she hummed a moment from a song she recalled about how friends helped others while the bunny curled up in her lap and looked interested in a lap.

When he emerged from the kitchen she glanced up at him with one eye behind a curtain of her pink mane and then allowed herself to glance at the meal that he had been nice enough to prepare for the both of them. She had been too busy to get herself much to eat so when he gave her some food she was quick to begin eating. 'Thank you, Spike.” She replied politely. She didn't have any gems in the house other than some on a few clothing items that Rarity had made from her as she had always been worried that if she had more in her house it would attract dragons to her home who would eat her. “This is Angel the Third. She's quite the sweetheart.” Fluttershy replied as the fluffy white bunny took a moment to give a quick wave before climbing up and nestling against her impressive tits.
Spike blinked for a moment, so this bunny was actually two generations removed from the original? It was really hard to imagine that much time had passed, though oddly hearing that Fluttershy's former pet was gone and replaced didn't hurt so much as realizing how fluttershy must have felt these past few years. Her friends had all abandoned her in a way, one after another leaving to fulfill various dreams and travel on their path, when instead she was left her in the cottage all alone, watching as time passed on, and more of her animal friends left her. He could both relate to that kind of sadness and at the same time had no actual way to relate to the kind of pain that would have caused. For a moment he didn't know what to feel except for an intense sadness.

"I'm sorry." Spike said reaching out and grabbing Fluttershy his long claws pulling her into a hug with an iron clad grip knowing that she would probably have wanted to run away from him rather then hug him. The action did two things pulling her into the tight embrace pinned her wings closer to her back and a the same time he was also unconsciously pushing Angel Bunny the second further against fluttershy's rack. He blinked for a moment trying to contain the various emotions running through his head. "Had I managed to convince Twilight to stay and apologize none of this would happened, and our friends would still be here. Everything fell apart, and it's all my fault! I'm sorry.."
There was only a moment of sadness in Fluttershy's eyes as she thought back to her original personal pet. Angel had been a cranky prick who was never really satisfied, but she had still loved him all the same. She had been lucky that Angel had been something of a stud among the local rabbit population which meant that when he had passed he had first left a son for her to play with who had in turn produced the young female rabbit that she was currently cuddling. She had witnessed a lot of the same things happen with the animals that she took care of but had been forced to acknowledge it as a fact of life. She wanted them all to stay with her forever, but she knew that animals lived and died faster than ponies and that what was important was that she could make them happy when they were alive.

A loud squeak was her first reply when he suddenly pulled her into a hug. Her breasts squished against his body and the rabbit was put into an extremely comfortable position between her tits. Fluttershy's eyes were wide open with mild panic in them as she felt her body pushed up against him. “It's... It's okay...” She whimpered out in mild confusion before hearing his rant about what he had done wrong. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself. “It wasn't your fault. Twilight changed because she wanted to and you couldn't stop her.” Fluttershy replied softly.
Spike sighed seeing what the hug did to fluttershy and just how scared she was. Her squeak though kind of adorable said a lot. He let go after a moment realizing he probably overstepped her boundaries, and didn't want to make the situation worse he turned away from her and shook his head. He felt slightly awkward after a moment letting go and pulling away from Fluttershy his eyes pulled away from her and he awkwardly sat in silence for a moment. Not because she was afriad of him he had already accepted that fact and she would get over it eventually. Rather what he felt awkward about was just how cute he found her squeak, and also the realization had just dawned on him that fluttershy really did have large breasts.

Spike wasn't a child anymore, and even when he was a child he had lived in a library. One of his various jobs had been to sort all the books, and he had found many sexual education books among the collection. He was a teenager now, matured and physically able he had just never really thought about it. Probably from the fact that the only other mare he had spent time around for the last few years was Twilight who was a surogate mother, and the rest of her family. People that having such thoughts about would have been creepy. Heck even with fluttershy that thought was rather unsettling. She was a mare, and he was a dragon, he really shouldn't be focusing on the feeling of her chest pressed to his, and yet he oddly was. "Sorry, I got carried away Fluttershy I promise I won't do that again." He said after another silent moment and he grabbed the salad he had made for himself and started to shove some of it into his face so he could stop feeling embarrassed.
Fluttershy's entire body was tense in fear and mild nervousness about the situation. Her wings were both slammed up against her back and her hands were rolled up into loose fists. Her eyes alternated between being squeezed shut and being wide open to look over the muscular dragon body in front of her. She remembered when he had been nothing bu a cute little baby dragon that she had wanted to cuddle and study but right now she had a clear view of him that showed what his new body looked like. He had massive, rippling muscles that looked like they could tear her apart, a thick tail that could knock her over with a single swing, and a jaw that could easily rip a chunk out of her flesh. Fluttershy knew he had no interest in killing her but that didn't mean she wasn't worried.

When he let go of her Fluttershy scooted about four inches away and looked away while a deep red blush faded from her cheeks. She felt equally awkward about the situation and followed his lead in grabbing her meal and digging in to distract herself from the awkward situation going on around her. There was a part of her that really wanted to work to help relax Spike but right now the natural fear that she had for dragons made that an impossibility at the moment. “It's, um, okay... I know you're going through some stuff right now.” She replied in a soft voice in between bites of her delicious salad.
Spike nodded still more embarrassed about his own line of thinking than anything else. He had spent his entire life around the pony race, and the more he thought about it the more he started to realize he had never even seen a female dragon. So maybe it wasn't so wrong to think of Fluttershy as attractive then again she thought of him as some sort of monster that would eat her alive something that couldn't be further from the truth. He looked at Fluttershy for a moment still embarrassed but now more curious than anything. He sighed lightly not sure how to ask about what was on his mind, but rather just wondering in general.

"Fluttershy, do you mind if I ask..." He paused for a moment unsure if he should actually voice his question or not. Gathering his courage anyway he decided it was best to find out. "Why are you afraid of dragons? I mean I know that most of them... us rather are kind of loud and greedy, and well many other things, but you have also known me for a very long time. I mean... don't you think your fear is a little bit... Dragophobic? I just wonder... what set off a fear of dragons?" Sure it was healthy to have some fear when it came to adult dragons. Spike had his own encounter with one particular red dragon that he still remembered as terrible, but things like the dragon migration and reading books on the subject had at least taught him more then a little on where he came from and where he would end up going... Spike's fate was duty bound to be lonely and depressing perhaps more so by the fact that he is going to end up outcasted by dragons and ponies both. Thoughts for other days, but for right now he wanted to know why Fluttershy was so afriad of... well him.
Fluttershy had recently found a new worry in her life in the form of her attractiveness. The biggest problem there was without a doubt her massive tits which got her all sorts of attention from stallions and the occasional mare. She wasn't the type who had ever put much thought into a romantic relationship so to have all sorts of ponies leering at her was certainly weird and occasionally offputting to her. Ponies seemed to get more desperate to get laid as life went on so she was a pretty hot commodity despite being only about a decade into her adult life. At this point she just assumed everypony around her wanted to fuck her but that just made life more nerve-wracking for her.

When he asked about Herrera of dragons Fluttershy tensed and looked away for a moment. She took s long moment to collect herself due to the obvious unhappiness of the story before turning back to him. She could have lied but she thought that he deserved to know, "It was just a few months after I had become the caretaker in Ponyville. I was feeding some animals when a, um... a dragon attacked. Some guards had been following him and he got chased to my house... He... He killed a lot of my friends and threatened me. He nearly burned the fields around here to nothing." She explained as she blinked back tears.
Spike blinked for a moment astounded at the idea of a dragon doing such a thing, then felt a pang of guilt for a moment. Not all that long ago Spike had gotten greedy, and a dragons greed did terrible things. He had started hording, and the more his horde had grown so had he. The thought of the rampaging monster he had became contrasted with the story that Fluttershy had just told him. He had been lucky to have not hurt anyone in his rampage, and while he had to admit he struggled with greed from time to time, he had for the most part learned to deal with those urges. He wanted to set himself apart from being the monster that most other dragons were.

Spike placed a claw on Fluttershy's shoulder. "I'm... sorry. I didn't know." Spike said with a small sigh he placed his bowl down onto the table and leaned back on the sofa stuffed he laid on his back something that with his bodies spines would have looked uncomfortable but rather wasn't as he placed his head against the wall, looking up at the ceiling of fluttershy's cottage listening to the animals scamper around and birds chirp. He let out a long sigh which transformed into him blowing out a ring of white smoke from his mouth. Dragons never made any sense to Spike, he knew that he was one, but then he heard stories like this or met other dragons who were just intolerable. Seeing the tears and how the event had hurt her, Spike got up from his seat. Holding out his claw to help her get up. "I'm not that kind of dragon. I don't like food that has friends, I bake cookies, and help where I can. I know it may take a while, but I really hope that you won't be afraid of me."

"Now come on we have work that needs to be done, and these topics are getting depressing." He said with a smile trying to brighten the mood, there was a lot of work that went into being the animal care taker, and they probably needed to get around to the afternoon rounds.
Fluttershy stayed silent for a long moment after her story. She didn't like telling that story at all due to all of the sadness that was associated with it. While she recognized that it was good the dragon didn't go any further into Ponyville than her cottage the creature had a lot of time to both threaten her and destroy nearly everything around her. If the guards hadn't come and dealt with the dragon when they had one of the more aggressive threats that the dragon had, from rape to straight up killing her, would have likely come into effect. Even her endless therapy sessions after that hadn't been enough to make up for her massive worries regarding dragons. She had been absolutely shocked when she had managed to tell the one dragon off but had ended up running home and crying in panic for a few hours once they returned from their adventure into the mountains. Luckily for her none of the girl had seen her crying after that.

“It's okay, Spike. I know you're not like that... but especially after you went crazy that one time part of me has been worried. Sorry.” She replied softly before gently taking his hand and allowing herself to be helped to her feet. Fluttershy thought for a moment about how good his cookies were before being brought back to the moment but his comment. “Oh, yes. Could you go out to the shed and get some seed for the chicken coop?” She asked politely before going off to the kitchen to prepare some food for some more of her animal friends.
Spike nodded as he was told that she didn't think of him as other dragons. It made him feel a lot more comfortable around Fluttershy, although hearing that she did worry about that one time he shook his head. He had been working on controlling his greed for years now, but it wasn't ever a situation he wanted to repeat. Knowing the root of her fears now however he simply nodded and was a little happier knowing the truth. Even if it was a darker part of Fluttershy's past he was now more able to deal with it, and hearing that she didn't think about him like that was helpful as well. When Fluttershy gave him a task he smiled and nodded, and walked outside of the cabin out to her shed, the small wooden building was slightly more run down, and as he opened the door he searched around for the seeds.

Finding nothing creepy or note worthy in the shed was a bit of a relief. Grabbing the seeds he pulled them over his back and carried them out to the chicken coop. He checked around for a moment before adding the feed to the chicken's supply. All the while perfectly aware that the animals were actively avoiding him. It was like they were watching their natural predator in just how much room everything seemed to give him. It was fine however, as he really didn't mind the animals reactions to him. They would all eventually get used to him again just like the last set of animals had. Going around the back yard of Fluttershy's cabin he made sure to fill up any seed based bird bowl. Before putting it back in he shed and going to help Fluttershy make meals for the other animals. Food preparation was one of his best skills after all. "You know I always wondered about this place at night. You care for a lot of nocturnal creatures don't you? When do you sleep? Or just take care of yourself when you have so many other animals to deal with."
Fluttershy was happy when he went off to do the small duty that he had been assigned while she went off to tend to more of the duties that came with being the primary animal caretaker in Ponyville. All sorts of animals crowded around her feet out of excitement at the idea of food as she worked with practiced movements to prepare the delicious dishes that would keep them satisfied until their next meal time. All sorts of various dishes, from nuts to salads, were distributed to the smaller animals that occupied the inside of her home. She would deal with some of the outdoor-focused creatures later on once she was done with the task at hand. Even the birds were excited and when they landed on her head she began humming softly which the birds returned with trills and chirps of their own until they got seeds to eat.

It was an interesting sight to see what was going on. Fluttershy was working almost as a play place for animals she stood at the counter in her kitchen preparing vegetables. Small critters scrambled around her feet and up her forearms. Birds sat on her shoulders and hair and a few occasionally bounced across her soft tits. Fluttershy didn't seem to mind it at all and actually seemed quite happy to have the company of the animals. It helped her to calm down again after the experience of telling one of her dark stories of her past to Spike. When he entered she turned over to him and nodded awkwardly. “I go to bed a bit late and wake up a bit early so that I can do most of it and every other day I get up for an hour at night to help them out.” Fluttershy explained before handing a bowl of nuts to a family of chipmunks that quickly dug in.
Suddenly Spike was very glad that the animals avoided him. The sight of Fluttershy covered with animals while working in the kitchen was almost disturbing. There was just something wrong with the sight, he was sure that Fluttershy had washed her hands, but the animals could have been days without being washed. It wasn't even that most of them were rodents or pests, just that they were all small tiny creatures, part of the Dragon wanted to now run away from Fluttershy, as he had spent his entire life up untill a few months ago with extremely retentive, and high strung twilight. Dropping the idea of working in the kitchen for now he instead had a very different need, and went around for a moment finding the cleaning supplies. "I'm gonna...Go somewhere and clean... something." He said unable to hide the unease in his voice.

Hearing Fluttershy's schedule her work really was the most exhausting out of all of them. It was hard to imagine anyone doing the amount of work that fluttershy had to do in caring for all of these creatures. And so he decided to make her life just a tad easier and started to sweep up the living room, going first to remove the rug she had, his strength easy enough to rearrange anything that got in his way as he went about giving the place a hard scrub down. The amount of dust and animal dander on the rug alone was enough to make his eyes water, and then when he finally tossed it outside he caught a whiff that was simply too powerful, Turning away from any animals he took a moment before he sneezed, and a wave of heat, green flames emitted from his mouth. Rubbing his face for a moment as his eyes watered he resisted another sneeze, and calmed down. He had gotten better at controlling his fire, but was still unable to prevent stuff like sneezing or worse hic ups from igniting. He then got to work actually cleaning up the living room as Fluttershy went about her tasks. "Well with two of us here we should be able to keep better track of all of the work. Though I will admit I am a bit of a heavy sleeper." He said trying to ignore the amount of mess. "Oh and tomorrow we should try and go down to sweet apple acres. See how applejack is handling her life."
It seemed that when Spike walked in and began working next to her that many of her animal friends began sticking closer to her as a result. With all of the time that she had spent with them most her animals had gained a pretty intense knowledge of her emotions so whenever she was nervous, worried, sad, or displaying any other negative emotions she was never short on animal friends to cuddle with and tell her troubles to. A couple of the more aggressive animals glared at him when he got too close to her but whenever they did Fluttershy was quick to give a small glare to the animal as a clear message that being men to their guest was not okay. Spike might have made her a bit nervous, but he was a guest and an old friend of hers so she wanted to do as much as she could to make sure that he was comfortable while he was staying with her.

“Alright... Thank you.” She replied softly when he informed her that he was going to go clean her house up a little. It was true that it could probably use a bit of a hand with that considering all of the dirt and hair that her animal charges tended to drag into the house. She kept working until every animal was either fed or currently in the process of eating. She was currently free of animals due to most of them being occupied with their meals. She then went to work making sure that an injured owl was doing well while she continued to hum softly to herself. She finally stopped when he began talking and tensed for a moment at the idea of him living here. Fluttershy knew having him here was going to be a big change. “Applejack? I suppose that we could go see her. I could use some apples and it's been a while since we've just chatted.” Fluttershy replied.
Spike frowned a moment hearing that Applejack and Fluttershy didn't really talk or spend time together anymore. It was kind of sad they had all been such great friends, but times had changed. He guessed that everyone had pretty much gone there separate ways. It was just spikes job to bring them all back together, and that job was gonna be a difficult one. Sweeping on the other hand was also a difficult task even as he worked on cleaning the wood floor there was a visable amount of dust and hair that he was picking up with the broom and he paused to open all the windows as wide as he could in the place in order to help create more of a draft. Then getting to work he was trying to bring these floors back into shape. Living here would be interesting, but at the same time he wondered if he should simply ask the mayor to take over the towns library. He didn't really want to hinder too many people.

Spike breathed lightly as he collected everything into the dust bin. The floors were already starting too look better, though his eyes were more and more being drawn towards Fluttershy. He had never really seen her work, but it was also something else that made his eyes veer towards her, and he had to admit that now that they were in motion, there was a slight bounce to fluttershy's tit's that he was having a problem not admiring. He never remembered it being this distracting before. "Well I'm sure she will be happy to see us then." It would be nice to see an old friend who wasn't afraid of him. He paused for a minute as he grabbed and bucket and was about to go out to the front to get some water when there was a set of knocks on the door.

"Equestrian guard, Ms Fluttershy are you in? We have had reports of a Dragon roaming through town, headed towards your cabin we wanted to check on you."
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