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Fantasy's Quick Pick (Will Change Often!!)

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May 9, 2012
I actually live on it, not in
This is my Current Craving RP Thread!!!! So it shall be short and to the point, Actual Thread in signature below.

Read First:
There is little I don't mind doing if you can:
  • Be a good Partner
  • Give more than a few sentences per post, I am looking for at least two paragraphs of five sentences at minimum. and don't let that be your maximum either.
  • Be creative
  • RP in third person, novel-style in past tense.
  • Make it seem like you know the English Language
  • Read and respect the Kinks in the Signature
  • RP in PMs (When it comes to thread RPs I am still a virgin and I want my first time to be really special so I want someone that can make me love them, if you think you can do that PM about it.)
  • Start an RP every now and then

A few things to note: If you delete all but your last post without telling me and I forget something I had said in a previous post then the RP is probably over and done with if you can't tell me. that irritates the mess out of me, so don't do it. We fill up a PM until we decide it is too large or it can't hold any more and then we create a new one. Also let it be said I do take suggestions on RP's if you do not like any I have posted here. Just PM me either way with an idea.

RP: Mass Effect Multi FXM: The RP would be Post ME3 though somewhat AU.

Me: I would play the numerous female crew members (though not all at once of course) as well as a few others I might throw in later. OC's included.

You: You would play Shepard and the numerous male crew members (though not all at once of course) as well as a few others I might want thrown in later. OC's included.

Plot: The day to day of the crew as they go about their lives post war and whatever we decide to be the next big threat.

Things to note:
  • If you dislike a crew member and don't want to be it having sex or having sex with it let me know
  • All crew members are alive
  • Genophage cured
  • Races at peace and rebuilding
  • Geth and Quarians are united and rebuilding Homeworld
  • Council was saved in first game
  • Ashley was saved, Kaiden killed
  • Liara is shadow Broker
  • Anything else ask
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