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Flint Knapping a Setting


Aug 14, 2009
Alright, anyone that knows me probably knows me from chat; and they know that I've been working on something. I usually am. This time though I've tried to be consistent and not let my wilder ideas take hold.

With all that said I'm going to throw open the curtain and show you fine folks what it is I've been working on. Please comment, offer suggestions, tell me what you like, what you think should be changed. I want to provoke discussion to get my head rumbling and maybe for once I'll have something I can finalise.

Current Work said:
Novum Crosier - A Weird, Sword and Sorcery Urban setting with influence from the Early Modern Era, Moorish Spain and whatever twisted Nightmare Fuel is cast into the conflagration.


Weird - Genre predating the demarcation of Science Fiction and Fantasy, was a blending of elements between the two and often combine with elements of horror. It is the Other that intrudes upon the Mundane World.

Sword and Sorcery - A fantastical out growth of the Swashbuckler Genre as portrayed in the classic, the Three Musketeers. Most common examples being Conan the Cimmerian and Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser.

Urban - Confined predominantly within the boundaries of a city and it’s local environs.

Political Breakdown:
The Empty Throne - As far back as the longest living memory can recall the Throne of the Empire has been empty. The line of the old rulers dead, the cause unknown. Rumours abound that this is false and that the Emperor walks amongst His people in disguise, rewarding the good and punishing the wicked. Said to rise once more when the Wolf eats the Sun.

Cavaliers Imperial - In this era they have been broken, driven to poverty. They are the Knights that were and remain pledged to the Throne, beholden to no other authority. The title passed down by blood.

Crown of Crosier - The ruling Houses of Novum Crosier, made up of four Grand Families and nine Minor. These Houses make up the Republic that run the City in the absence of the Emperor. Elected amongst the Grand Families by all members is the Doge, the Head of the Crown.

Prince-Bishopric - A secular and religious holding of territory granted to a foreign cult by a previous Emperor to destabilise the power of the Noble Families that today make up the Crown.

Gilt Hand - The master manipulators, fundamentally behind every crime that happens. They stand separate from all other powers, preferring to contract their services.

Ordo Militant - Also known as the Godless, these individuals originally formed out of a vigilante organisation to combat the spread of foreign cults. Over time they came to be the law of the city, expanding their influence upon all aspects. Including members of the Crown.

Mystic Tyrants - In Novum Crosier their dwell powerful Sorcerers/esses, long ago they came to this land and raised massive towers. They are the true lords of the city; a city they care not for, preferring to use it as a pawn in their schemes and power plays amongst one another. Only they stand alone, completely aloof from the squabbles of the temporal world.
Old Gods - Forgotten by all, their names erased from history. Only the terrible deeds they had done unto their worshipers remain; shrouded in old wive’s tales, legend and myth, and the secret whispers of the dark in deepest sleep. One such rumour is that the city is built of their flesh, another that they will rise and defend it in its most dire moments only to set themselves up once more as it’s cruel lords.

The World Serpent - All of Novum Crosier acknowledge the Coiled Snake; whether as a massive beast or an actual god is up to the citizen. What is shared though is the role it played in the City's founding, the defeat of the Old Gods. Its sign is one of good fortune

The Wolf - Monstrous and huge, this figure is a Harbinger in the mythology of Novum Crosier. It stalks the shadows, garnering its strength tell it may rise up against the Lord of the Sun.

The Green Lady/Mistress and Her Consort(s) - In the heart of the city is a pit, lined with massive green ferns and a multitude of blooming flowers at all times of year. It runs so deep that even at the height of day the bottom refuses to be illuminated. Around this area is a sprawling garden of unnatural foliage, the park and palace of the Green Lady who provides her followers with the fruits the bloom. Her cult has a complex cycle of sacrifice based upon the progression of the moon and her two daughters.

The Church of Vorn - Vorn is the god of a foreign cult, hailing from the north. Its domains are said to be that of rain and rust and the degradation and subjugation of all things to the march of time. Decadence is reviled, weakness and dishonesty are to be destroyed. The current Prince-Bishopric is considered an Apostate by the Pope of Vorn, provoking internecine conflict as differing views wage wars of faith.

Predominantly the wealth of Novum Crosier is created by the multitude of mercantile and banking interests. The bulk of her trade though comes from the transformation of raw goods into final products for sale. The rest is the Companies of Soldiers of Fortune she raises; considered some of the most disciplined and effective units the Companies of Sword/Spell-Whores command a high price in the feuds of wealthy nobles.
One of the things I often wrestle with is the inclusion of demi-humans, your standard elf, dwarf, halfling line up. I never feel any compulsion to follow the standard Tolkien and D&D induced idea that all settings must have these iconics. Still though I struggle with it, if only for the sake of my players who often do enjoy playing them.

Breaking from my normal decision I've opted to include within my Novum Crosier setting the following idea:

Drow, such as the idea presented in the link are intriguing to me. The idea does create a dilemma of what produces this negative light effect. Mondmilch, provides my answer. It creates a unique element for which to interact with, I can already see nobles having parties lighted with it with contest to see who makes the best use of alternating lighting. In addition I'm going to make some changes to the standard D&D Drow cult of Lolth, they'll still worship a spider; but I'm going to base it upon the spider cult in the recently released module Scenic Dunnsmouth.

To help settle my own issues the Drow presence will be no more then a diplomatic mission.

Does anyone have other ideas on what possible demi-humans I could include?
For demi-humans, you practically covered everything with the elf and dwarf inclusions. The only change I can think of is expanding them (and the humans) into sub-species? If you've read and know of the A Story of Fire and Ice plot, the Others are said to humanoid in appearance but different than normal humans. Still, they can intermingle and breed together. I guess if you want to add any other races, perhaps take some creative liberties and create a sub-species based on human/elf/dwarf templates?

A suggestion for a faction you might include are perhaps Mercantile Guilds that operate their own militias. Perhaps they feud with under-worldly types and serve as escort cliques across dangerous regions? A good starting point for say an adventurer trying to make it in Novum Crosier would be through these smaller factions.

Another suggestion might be the addition of themes. I don't know exactly what type of political environment you might have in mind but I was thinking of perhaps expanding the view on issues such as:
Rich vs Poor.
Imperialists vs Republican/Democrats
Old World vs New Regime
And other themes besides. Maybe even a sporting event such as chariot racing or gladiator combat. Historically they have been venues for bringing all social classes in life into a single unit. They have also been breeding grounds for political discontent and uprisings.

Final note: Your setting looks very interesting and I like it a lot. Keep up the great work! If you ever make this into an open roleplay or system style RP, I would love to join.
I know what is out there. I'm just looking for input as to what kind to include. For example, in addition to the aforementioned Drow, I am considering including Lovecraftian Ghouls and Deep Ones; along with some sort of avian creature, Garuda perhaps.

For mercantile issues, that would fall under the mercenary companies. The political struggles you suggest are all kinds I have thought about. Radical publication are interesting in the strife they can stir up. Over all I've set things up to be a powder keg.

Just looking for discussion.
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