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Dark of the Moon- Moon/Alexandar

"But I don't want to be the kind of guy who's always borrowing money from you. A true friend wouldn't do that much less a boyfriend." Scott says before blushing as he realized what he had called himself to her. Some people might have been thrilled or shocked to find out one of their friends was loaded and while Scott did think that was an interesting fact truth be told he didn't care much for money. It was a tool, like a sword, that was certainly useful in some situations but at the end of the day it alone couldn't bring you happiness. "Although if you want to keep making me delicious food, who am I to say no to a beautiful women." He replies with a wink.

"Scott does have a big heart, and tends to act without thinking." Max says as she glances at her brother, but a smile dances on her lips showing how proud she was of him.

"Hey!" Scott snaps back a little annoyed.

"You can call Max and the EZX already donates blood to the local hospital, it's one of the several charity work we do." Max says with pride in her voice. "Dinner huh?" She says with a raise eyebrow before replying back, "Unfortunately I can't, I have a meeting I have to get back to involving the heads of several other sorority and fraternity groups, we're planning the annual Greek party. Would you mind giving me a second alone with my brother." Max politely asks Keaira before grabbing Scott's hand and dragging him away from Keaira.

"What are you doing having dinner with this girl!" She demands to know.

Scott blinks surprised, before replying, "It's call dating sis, you should try it some time."

Max was had conflicting feelings, on one hand she wanted her little brother to find someone and have romance and fall in love etc. but on the other hand she also wanted to protect him and she would admit she could be a tad bit overprotective at times. "You just met this girl today and you're already dating, hell this girl just transferred here today. We know nothing about her, and yet the first day you spend with her you get attacked by this crazy guy!" Max says angrily to him.

"You're being paranoid Max," Scott tells her, to be fair Keaira's secret agent status might have been what drew the serial killer out but he left that part out. "And so what if things are happening a little fast, some girls just go at the speed. You should give her a chance before jumping to conclusions." Scott tells his sister who folds her arms and huffs. She didn't agree with Scott but she knew her brother well enough to know when talking any more about the matter would be pointless. Still Max was planning on keeping an eye on this Keaira person, and use her EZX position to see if she couldn't find any more information on this girl. Being the head of EZX had it's perks after all.
she smiled a little. "well, that's true, but you wouldn't always be doing it, just when you need it." she pointed out. "and you could always pay me back if you feel so terrible about it." she admitted before she giggled. "sure! it would be fun to try some of my recipes on someone willing!" she admitted happily. most times, the only person she cooked for was herself, because Vampires didn't like food all that much. "he's very kind. although, it was pretty silly, jumping in front of a madman like that." she agreed smiling as Scott protested. "still, he was very brave." she admitted with a nod. "oh that's wonderful!" Keaira admitted, beaming at Max. "it's very important to donate blood. back in Chicago, my group, we weren't exactly a club, often held fundraisers and the like, to attract attention to the blood shortage problems. there's just not enough people donating these days." she admitted with a sigh. "and it saves so many lives." she admitted. "it's great that the EZX is so into community service! i bet you've helped hundreds of people!" she admitted, sounding quite impressed. "oh of course, i have to get my medication from the counter anyway." she admitted. "Doc said something about anti inflammation... or maybe it was something about anti... well, it was something important." she mused as she headed over to the counter to get her little red pills. blood replacements, since she couldn't go out and feed anytime she wanted. she didn't need blood like other Vampires, but she did tend to get the shakes without it.

"hmm..." Keaira muttered as she watched the interaction, her sharp ears picking up everything. she knew that Max could look all she wanted, she'd only find that Keaira grew up in Wis and went to Chicago because they had the best Animal Tech and Science school there. the was very rich from rich parents, who where more than a little neglectful of their only daughter and she did her very best to make them proud by bringing home straight A's setting up fundraisers for schools and hospitals, and donating blood every two months. Max would find that Keaira had been in the dorms when the Fire had struck, but that she had been unhurt. Max would even find that her parent's never even came to the hospital when Keaira was checked in for a very severe case of Meningitis where she nearly died. Max would even be able to find the medical records that said Kaeira had lingering photo-sensitivity to bright lights, and often had to wear sunglasses when in a location where florescent lighting was common... which meant any of the school buildings. what Max would never find, was that Keaira was a 'secret agent' nor that she had any criminal history, save for the time when she was ten and stole a dolly. or the time when she was sixteen and got caught trying to set her parents house on fire because she was pissed that they'd missed her high school graduation.

"i have my medicine!" she stated as they came back over, examining the bottle. "i need to take one, twice a day." she admitted, reading the 'instructions' which was a mix of pain medication, anti inflammation, and antibiotics. at least, that's what the package claimed it was. Keaira loved how easy it was to fool mortals sometimes. "shall we head back? you have a meeting right? we don't want you to be late." Keaira admitted, looking a little worried. "thanks for coming all the way out here to pick us up. i know it must be a bit of a hassle."
"Right," Max says as she drove them back to the dorms. If she didn't have this stupid meeting to go to she would have joined them for dinner, to make sure nothing fishy went on but for now she would just have to wait. After all it was only dinner and they just met today, and given what happen today and the fact that Keaira was injured she highly doubted something "more" would happen between them tonight. Wow, maybe I am a little overprotective? Max thinks with some surprised when she realizes she was technically trying to cockblock her brother, for basically no good reason then she didn't like or trust his new lady friend. Well it's not like Max could completely help it, Scott was her one and only brother after all and she had always been close to him since they were little so their was just a deep ingrained protective nature in her that she couldn't shake. Still Keaira seemed nice, almost too nice, a paranoid part of her brain said, so Max supposed she should give her the benefit of a doubt and after Max does a thorough background check of her she would give the girl her official stamp of approval.

"Do you have to take that medicine because of your arm?" Scott asks on the car ride back. He couldn't help but feel a little responsible that Keaira got hurt. If he had been stronger of a better fighter he might have been able to prevent her from getting hurt.

"Well we're here." Max tells the two as she pulls up to the dorm.

"Thanks for the ride sis." Scott says as he gets out of the car, making sure to get the door for Keaira. Scott does a dramatic bow as well, in an attempt to be funny.

"No problem, stay out of trouble you two." Max tells them before she drives off.

Scott once again holds the door open for Keaira as she walks into her room. "So," he begins, "other then material arts do you have any other hidden talents? I myself happen to be a pretty decent long distance runner, it's how I keep myself in shape." Scott says as he begins to make small talk with Keaira.
Keaira smiled a little at Scott. "it's alright. the medication is only partially for my arm. i have to take medication anyway for my eyes." she admitted. "one more pill won't hurt me." she promised him. "the only thing in here that's new, is the antibiotic. the pain and anti-inflammation stuff i have to take anyway... at least... i think that's what it is... the pain medication i'm on every day at least, because of my eyes." she admitted. "and i get bad headaches too that the pain medication and the other stuff helps keep to a minimum." she admitted. "yes, thank you for the ride Max!" she stated happily. "come over sometime, i'll make you a thank you dinner!" she promised, smiling at her. "i've always wanted to try cooking a lasagna without an oven." she paused. "...can you make Lasagna without an oven?" she wondered before she laughed at Scott's theatrics as she got out of the car. "thank you Scott!" she stated, mimicking a curtsey. "my hero." she mock swooned, tossing him a wink. "thanks again." she stated with a smile as she walked into the room. "i have a lot of talents actually." she admitted as she struggled to shrug her jacket off. she only got it off once Scott helped. she hated having to be dependent on someone else, but if it meant she'd get into his pants and keep him away from the other preternatural bastards she was all for it. "how far can you run?" she asked curiously. "i'm not very good at running, i'm very fast over short distances, but once i get over a mile, i start to lose steam." she admitted. "then again, most fights are over within a few minutes, so i've never really had to worry about it." she admitted with a smile.

she hummed as she started to cook, managing fairly well with her arm, glancing at him. "will you open that pill bottle for me?" she asked. "they really don't have anything at all to do with my arm." she admitted. "i have an extremely high pain tolerance built up after years upon years of battle training, my arm barely hurts." she admitted. "this is actually something to take care of an old bloodline disease." she admitted. "your sister will think it's from meningitis though." she admitted. "as does anyone else who knows about my 'medication' so make sure to keep that in mind." she ordered with a smile as she popped the pill into her mouth and let it dissolve. "i have a photo-sensitivity problem, which makes artificial lighting painful." she admitted. "i also have a nervous system disorder that makes me shake violently without my pills. if i go too long without my medication, part of my brain basically turns off." she explained. it wasn't exactly a lie either. "when my brain switches off... i... well... i sort of go for the closest thing with the vitamins i need to reset my brain." she lied. "which is Iron, Glucose, Copper, and various vitamins and other minerals..." she hesitated a moment. "all of which are found in large quantities in human blood... it's a disease that actually started the stories of Vampires... or that's the theory anyway... unfortunately, in times of extreme pain, and panic my brain can shut off too." she admitted. "meaning that i've tended to go for the throat when fighting for my life..." she glanced at him. "i hope that doesn't... freak you out or anything..."
"I can run three to five miles without stopping, although that's not at a very fast pace." Scott tells her as he helps take off her jacket, he was close enough to her that he could smell her scent and feel her skin on his hands for a moment. Wow, get your head out of the gutter Scott!! He orders himself as he feels his heart rate begin to rise. Scott quickly and easily hangs up Keaira's jacket in the closet. "Remind me to never get into a fight with you." Scott says with a smile as he returns to her and opens up her pill bottle while she explains about her disease. "Wow, that most be really tough on you sometimes," Scott says sincerely as he suddenly gets hit by an idea of inspiration. He walks over to Keaira's window and opens the thick curtains to reveal the night sky, filled with easily seeable stars. "I've never been a day person myself to be honest, I don't know why but I always feel uncomfortable in bright light. I feel.....stronger, better at night which is why I tend to stay up late a lot and sleep in during the day. When I was little during a camping trip we all went into a cave for science class but there was a power outage and all the lights went off, leaving us in complete and total darkness. Everyone started to freak out but even to this day I don't know why, I felt fine in the dark, better even, it was just really relaxing and calming. Heh, that's when the bullying started. Anyway thought my favorite thing to do during the night is to stare at the stars. Even in darkness there's beauty." Scott tells Keaira as he looks up at the night sky.

"So I'm dating a Vampire," Scott says jokingly as he walks back over to where Keaira is and attempts to flirt with her. "It doesn't freak me out at all, Vampire women are after all incredibly sexy, unless you're one of those sparkle Vampires from twilight." Scott says as he makes a yuck face, "you don't sparkle do you." He asks kiddingly. "Or are you putting me under some kind of Vampire spell in order to have your way with me later." Scott asks in a flirty tone, clearly joking but the thought did arose him slightly and he find his friend in his pants hardening again. Quickly trying to change the subject before Kearia notices Scott says" Still that's really interesting, I never realized the Vampire myth came from a disease. I guess you learn something knew every day."
she nodded. "it's very impressive though." she admitted. "you could outrun almost anyone, even at a slower pace. after all, you only have to outpace them for the first five or ten minutes." she admitted with a smile as she realized he was smelling her. like most humans, he'd think she smelled simply wonderful, a Vampire always smelled perfect to a human. it made the human less likely to resist if it was busy smelling and humping you. "well, i have been taking jujitsu and Hokkaido for a very long time, of course you wouldn't want to get into a fight with me. i even know some ninjitsu." she admitted with a smile before she blinked, looking startled as he tossed open the curtains. "wow. look at all the stars... i don't often get to see them. i'm usually working in big cities where you can hardly see even the moon." she admitted, looking up at the night, offering him a smile. "i've always been a night owl myself." she admitted. "even as a little girl, i used to drive my trainers mad, by getting hyper as the sun started to set. it was usually midnight before they could get me to go to sleep." she admitted with a smile. "not everyone is afraid of the dark. there's an old legend." she admitted. "that every once in a while, a person is born, meant to be one with the darkness." she admitted with a smile. "people like you, can see past the fear of being unable to see, and see the beauty of things that are within the darkness." she admitted. "after all, not everything in the night is out to get you." she admitted. "and some things in the darkness, can be breathtakingly beautiful." there was nothing more beautiful than a Naga or a nightmare. it was just that they where usually instilling unholy terror in you to truly enjoy the aesthetics.

"well..." she admitted with a smile. he was half right anyway. "oh good heavens no! yuck. i hate Twilight." she groaned, shaking her head. "it's so badly written, and the only thing in there that's original is the sparkling dudes. i mean really..." she grumbled with a roll of her eyes as she handed out the Cheeseburger Hamburger Helper. "here. dinner!" she chirped with a giggle. "it's just a box meal, but i can make you some pancakes in the morning if you'd like." she offered before she nodded. "oh yes. a lot of the old legends are because of diseases. werewolves for one, is because of rabies some beleive. a person goes mad without treatment. they fear water and bright lights, and tend to strip and attack things. just like animals do." she admitted. "people with rabies also suffer from confusion and insomnia, which can lead to black outs, making people think they where undergoing unholy transformations." she admitted with a smile. "it's really rather fascinating." she admitted as she settled on the floor with her plate and struggled to eat and hold the plate at the same time. "remind me to invest in a folding table." she commanded with a smile.
"The stars where one of the reasons why I choose to come to this school, best view in the state." Scott explained to her. "So I guess we're two of a kind, nocturnal creatures." Scott says to her as he crossed off another check on his perfect girl dream list. Seriously Keaira was everything Scott had ever wanted in a girl and more. Now he must not blow this relationship or do anything to get him into trouble. "I know right, and I hated how they portrayed the female character, like the whole world had to involve around her getting a boyfriend. Seriously what are we in the dark ages or something? Hell I'm not even a girl and I was still offended that they would make that the center of her life, seriously people do have goals and dreams outside of finding Mr. right?" Scott adds onto the rant against twilight. "Honestly if Vampires were real and they were like the Twilight Vampires I think I might honestly die from embarrassment HAAHAHA, it makes you wonder if Vampires were real what they thought of the Twilight series right?" Scott says with a laugh as they ate dinner.

When Scott sees Keaira struggling to hold her plate he coughs and says "A folding table would be helpful, here though, let me lend a hand." Scott then moves so that he sits right next to Keaira, he could once again smell her and could feel how close she was to him. Scott holds the plate for Keaira so that she could focus just on eating it. "Yea it really is interesting how our ancestors came up with some of the urban myths, heh, it reminds me of the Slender man myth, the newest monster myth created during our time. To think that a hundred years from now the Slender man might be the new Dracula or Werewolf that everyone talks about and writes about. And we were here at his birth." Scott marvels as they finish their meal. "Pancakes for breakfast huh, is that an invitation to sleep over." Scott says half-jokingly as he could feel his pulse quickening slightly from being this close to Keaira.
she smiled a little. "it's an amazing sight. i never knew there where so many stars!" she admitted, giggling a little. "i remember learning about the planets in school. did you know that Pluto isn't considered a true planet anymore?" she asked, looking at him with a smile. "mm, yes, two denizens of the night." oh if he only knew how true that was. "personally, i hated how whiny and depressed she was once that sparkly man left her. i mean, for gods sake... she had a perfectly willing, and ten times cuter man completely doting upon her. just ditch the guy who dumped you and move on." she grumbled with a roll of her eyes. "she was a weak character from the very beginning, very weak. a Mary Sue if there ever was one." she admitted with a sniff. "i'm sure if Vampires where real, they'd have chewed on Mercedes Lackey already for her insults." she pointed out. honestly, Vampires didn't care one lick, many of them even read the books for a good hard laugh. what did they care what humans thought of them? particularly since humans didn't realize that they where real. that was how Vampires wanted it, and that was how it was going to stay, with the only exception of the Hunters, the only humans who found out about Vampires where 'pets'. Humans who where trusted to keep the secrete, and donated blood straight from the vein and ran errands for the vampires during the day.

"thank you Scott." she said with a relieved smile, eating quickly so he wouldn't have to hold it for too long. well aware that her sent was wafting over him. "a lot of those urban myths where actually from dinosaur fossils. like Dragons, sea serpents, and other such things." she admitted with a smile. "they had to find some excuse as to what those giant fossils where. they didn't know what fossils where back then. others where invented out of fear, like sleepwalkers, seizures, and other such medical 'mysteries' where explained away by creatures in the darkness, doing things to people." she admitted. "slender man? i haven't heard of that one. whats a slender man?" she asked, honestly curious. had someone seen a Denizen of the dark and come up with another story? it was important to keep track of such things. if one of them came too close to the truth, the Hunters would have to take action to hide that truth. it usually resulted in a lot of Mind Wiped humans. "well, i wouldn't mind it if you stayed the night." she admitted with a smile. "i will need help getting into my Pj's and brushing my teeth, and help again right away in the morning to get dressed." she pointed out. "you did say you'd lend me a hand."
"I know, poor Pluto got demoted, no one better tell Hades that or else he would get even more pissed off. Everyone knows that he got the bad deal when the Greek Gods divided up the universe and now his planet gets demoted to moon status, hell even I would be pissed off." Scott tells Keaira in an attempt to make a joke based off his Greek mythology knowledge. "Oh and let's not forget the Wolf man falling in love with their baby, that wasn't at all creepy or weird. Still I feel bad for the guy, Wolf man was a nice guy, he did everything right from what I can tell but in the end he still didn't get the girl. That's one of the reasons why I hate stories where you have two people fighting over one love interest, because unless one of them is an asshole at the end of the day someone is going to get hurt." Scott tells her honestly as he remembers one of his crushes. The girl had been amazing and Scott....well, he wasn't it. So it hadn't been surprising when the girl choose his friend over him, but it still hurt. Shaking his head to get the depressing thoughts out of his mind Scott continues the conversation.

"Hey, I actually happen to be a firm believer that Dragons were real, ok. It's just that their bones are made out of a clay like substance which is why there's no evidence of them having actually existed. And this is in no way influenced by the fact that Dragons are my favorite mythological creatures." Scott says jokingly. "The Slender Man started out as an internet meme from what I heard. Some guy photo shop a picture of this.... transparent faceless person in a suit into the background of a picture of school children and then wrote a scary tail saying "all students mysterious vanished" and it just sort of caught on fire from there. One guy even made a video game out of it, which of course only added to its popularity." Scott tells her about the internet's very own mythological creature. If this was a Japanese comic Scott would have had a massive nose bleed the moment Keaira offer to let him stay the night and help her get dress. As it was Scott turned very red as he felt his heart rate accelerate and his loins once again stir. "S-s-sure. I mean you getting hurt was after all partially my fault so it's only right I help you out. Just to warn you though if you're PJs are like sexy PJs I might completely lose it." Scott jokes/flirts.
she blinked at him a little, not getting the joke. "hmm. i don't know anything about the Greek Gods and their relations to the planets. i should study that." she admitted with a smile before she laughed and nodded. "i know right!? i mean, pedophilia much!?" she demanded with a roll of her eyes. "still, whats her face was entirely too obsessive." she grumbled. "but in any case, books are books and real life is real life... some people get to be happy and... some people don't..." she admitted with a sigh. she couldn't say she herself was all that happy. being an assassin was nice, she got great pay, more respect than anything... but she'd missed out on a lot, she just hadn't realized it until now. going to school, talking to Scott... it made her almost wish she hadn't been given to the Training Program at six years of age... not that being what she was, meant she'd ever have a normal life, but at least she might have made a freind. strangly, that made her feel very... warm.

"oh really?" she asked with a smile. "actually they are made out of cartilage." she teased with a smile. "there's only a few actually solid bone in their bodies." she teased with a grin. "they don't have scales either, it's more like leather, like a turtle, or a lizard rather than a snake." she admitted, making it sound as if she was teasing... but she wasn't. Dragons where actually not very frightening, you just had to avoid their stone like spikes and their very heavy venom and the diamond like claws and they where rather easy to take down. "personally, i like the Nightmares the best." she admitted with a grin. "they slip into peoples dreams to cause fear and panic." she admitted. "them and Vampires are my favorite." she admitted with a chuckle. "that sounds really very silly." no wonder she hadn't heard of the Slender Man, it was entirely too new and had no basis for fact in the preternatural realm. it was so far off course that none of the Hunters or Clans decided it was any trouble. "oh, no. i just sleep in a tank top and a pair of shorts." she admitted with a smile. "nothing too 'sexy'." she assured him with a chuckle. "want to watch a Movie, since you're staying the night?" she asked with a smile as she flicked her finger at the closet. "they're all stacked in there, pick whatever you want."
"Oh, well there are basically three major gods. Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon, they're brothers who basically took over ruling the universe when they overthrew their father. Well they split the universe into three, the sky, the water, and the underworld. Hades got to rule the underworld which in hindsight was a cheap deal since that meant he only got to rule over dead people and rarely ever saw the other gods. Not to mention people just became fearful of death etc. and stuff. So Hades basically gets no respect and now top that off, the planet which the people gave him, Pluto, is no longer a planet. The poor guy just can't catch a break." Scott explains. Scott listens to Keaira for a moment before replying with a far away look in his eye. "It's true, that sometimes great sadness hits us, I don't know much about sadness myself but.......I like to believe that we can all find our happiness some day. Our happiness is out their, somewhere, everyone has the right to happiness and even if some of else never find can never give up on it, because its out their, somewhere. And if you never give up and keep pushing for it, you'll find it." Scott tells Keaira as he reaches up. Suddenly he blushes in embarrasement as he says. "Oh sorry, I guess I made the conversation a little too deep."

"Fear and panic huh," Scott says as he hears about the Nightmares, "That sounds pretty cool. I wonder if they could do other things to people's dreams? Still they sound pretty tough, in a way more dangerous then a Vampire since I guess you have to overcome your fear whereas with a Vampire you just got to be strong enough to kill them. Which I guess is in itself hard. Still ever wonder why there's not more stories about everyone getting along?" Scott says as he looks through the movies. "Oh, how about we watch Sherlock Homes?" Scott asks.

Once they decided on a movie Scott quickly pops some popcorn on them then puts it into the TV and begins to play it while he sits down next to Keaira.
she blinked a little. "well, how interesting." she admitted, looking honestly curious. "poor Hades. no respect." she mused with a smile before she chuckled a little at him. "i know a great many things about sadness." she admitted softly. "and loneliness and pain." she admitted. "i've never had any real happiness. oh i've been perfectly content most of my life, and a glimmer of pleasure when i fulfill a challenging task, but i've never been happy and when i look at you, and see how happy you are... suddenly i... feel like i'm missing something very important." she admitted, watching him. "deep conversations are important." she admitted suddenly with a smile. "it is how we truly learn about each other... i won't give up on happiness." she promised, carefully taking his hand. she would be happy with him as her pet. he could make her happy, and she intended to keep him.

"hmm, you know, i don't know. i would think so." she admitted, her head tilted. "nothing i've ever read about them has ever indicated such a thing though." she admitted with a smile. "yes, Nightmares are one of the most dangerous creatures, but no one takes them seriously, because they very rarely kill." she admitted. "they mostly punish those that need punishing. people who committed horrific acts where said to be visited by the nightmares the most, drawn to their evil." she admitted smiling as she settled next to him to watch the brilliant mind of a sexy British man. she smiled a little as she leaned against him, pretending to be completely focused on the TV, but really, she was pressing as much skin onto him as she could, licking her lips as she tasted his Dark Energy flooding into her, strengthening her and warming her. she was usually fairly cool. cool enough that a person might notice, but not cool enough to raise suspicions. with his power flowing through her, she was actually of human temperature for once. "Scott?" she asked suddenly, looking up at him, looking shy and innocent and yet, seductive too. "can i kiss you?"
Scott turns red in embarrassment when Keaira takes his hand however when he hears Keaira talk about her pain and sadness and looked at her sad eyes it was like nothing else in the world matter. Scott couldn't tell the future, and didn't want to be able to, so Scott didn't know if Keaira was the one he was meant to end up with or not but he still felt something deep inside him stirring. Scott looks Keaira directly in the eye, his electric green eyes sharpening as he tells her, "Well Keaira I can't promise you you won't ever feel pain again, or sadness again or even find the happiness you're looking for but I can promise you that you'll never be alone again because we're friends now and no matter what happens we will always be friends!" Scott tells her strongly and he meant it, he might not really know anything about this girl's past or where she comes from or what she has gone through but he could tell she could use a friend and that was all he really needed to know in the end.

Scott nods his head when he hears about Nightmares, and then says with a coy smile, "Just because it's never been done before doesn't mean they couldn't do it. Still these Nightmares sound like the good guys, well in the Punisher, Marvel Superhero, sense. They go around and stop the horrible people from committing any more horrible acts." Scott says. As they watch the movie Scott became increasingly aware of the increase skin contact between them and gulps, a fact that was apparent in his lower region as well as his flush face. He almost jumped up when Keaira asked if she could kiss him, it wasn't like he was a virgin or anything like that but still this was the first time a girl had asked if she could kiss him. Turning a little redder Scott response "You don't have to ask to kiss me, unless I say something otherwise it's always implied that you have permission."

With that being said Scott leans in and kisses Keaira, it starts off as a small kiss that quickly grows more passionate as he sticks his tongue insider Keaira's mouth and wraps it around her tongue.
she smiled a little at him when he blushed and she shook her head a little. "thank you Scott... that means a lot to me." she admitted softly before settling next to him. "your right, just because it's never been mentioned, doesn't mean it can't be done. Nightmares are supposed to be very secretive after all." she admitted with a grin. and she knew that well, no one had ever seen what a nightmare REALLY looked like, save for the nightmare. most simply liked to appear as black horses in the minds of others, simply because it was a swift, common appearance in dreams. "i'm sure it's not that." she admitted with a grin. "i think the evil people just taste better." she admitted with a giggle. still, she'd have to test that theory. not on Scott of course... but, perhaps his sister? she could have fun with that to be sure.

"really?" she asked with a smile as she leaned up and pressed her lips to his, moaning as she felt the rush of Dark Energy, shuddering in delight as she kissed him harder, wrapping her arm around him with an eager moan as she pressed into him before she gasped and pulled away. "i... wait..." she muttered, biting her lip hard and looking away. "i... there's...uh..." she glanced at him. "there's something you should know..." she admitted softly. "i'm... i'm not... completely a girl..." she muttered, glancing away, wondering how he was going to react to this part. if he freaked out, she'd give him three days to come to terms. if he didn't, she'd just have to break him. but if he accepted, then she could go on as planned and go right into making him a cute little pet. just for her. "i have a penis..."
Things were quickly beginning to pick up as Scott felt Keaira pushing her lips into his. Scott's blood was pouring down into his lower region as his heart rate began to accelerate, he could feel Keaira's hands wrapped around his neck, and her breath against his face. Unknowingly to Scott his Dark Energy was also reacting to the stimulation, clearly coming out of him and into Keaira in stronger waves then before. Then Keaira broke the kiss and backed away slightly causing Scott to blink a little confused, to be fair as a college student this wasn't the first time Scott had been moments away from having sex with a girl only to have her back out at the last second, while it was always frustrating for him no meant no and Scott respected that. This was the first time however a girl had told him he she had a penis. Scott was actually pretty proud of himself for not freaking out right then and there, he knew quite a few guys who would have immediately started screaming and running away. He did however do a quick double take of Keaira's beautiful and well proportion bosoms, yep they totally seemed real to him.

"Oh, ok, well that's a little different from normal. Umm, so are you like a transgender, or someone who had a sex change, if you don't mind me asking?" Scott asks, overall taking the news surprising well.
she moaned eagerly as she kissed him. he felt, so, good! she couldn't beleive how good he felt. it wasn't just the Dark Energy, it was everything, the feel of his skin, the way he touched her, she wanted so badly to pin him down and fuck him senseless and then have him do the same to her... she had to back away though, she didn't want to rape him unless she had to after all. giving him a chance to react to her oddity was better than having him get ready to fuck her only to freak out at the sight of her very proportioned cock. she was more than a little stunned when he didn't really react to the fact that she had a bigger dick then he did... well, no, he did seam to be a bit larger than her, but that wasn't the point really.

"uh... no i was born like this." she admitted with a soft blush. "everything works too. you know, the girl parts and the boy parts..." she admitted, studying him. "you're handling this a lot better than i expected... all the other people i tried telling ran out of the room screaming... didn't matter the gender." she admitted, letting him examine her as much as he wanted. "if you don't want to... you know... talk to me anymore, i understand..." she'd never allow that to happen, but it was a way to tug on his heartstrings and make him feel bad for her. make him want to stay with her. if he left, she'd simply have to break him, he was hers, he just didn't know it yet.
Scott was more or less in shock as he brain slowly worked to process this information. He glanced down at her cock for a moment and realized with a combination of jealously and embarrassment that Keaira was bigger then him. To be honest Scott wasn't sure what he was going to do, this wasn't exactly a situation people were prepared to deal with. Scott was a straight male who didn't find the male form attractive but at the same time he had never met a girl like Keaira before and wasn't ready to give up on her yet. And then Keaira spoke and told him about how all of the other people ran out on her before she could explain. There was just a sadness and loneliness in her eyes that Scott felt he could relate too. Acting on instinct and without warning Scott hugged Keaira. "Heh, well I did warn you I was a little weird although I would be lying if I told you I wasn't a little shocked by this. Don't be silly, I'm not the type of asshole to never want to talk to you again just because of something like this."

Breaking the hug and backing up slightly Scott looked into Keaira's eyes and says slowly, "If you couldn't tell before I'm a straight guy, I don't fine the male form attractive, with that being said the way I see it you have the curves of a woman, the face of a woman, the voice of a woman, the legs of woman, the bosom of a woman and the smell of a woman," the more Scott talked the more aroused he was getting as he once more looked over Keaira's body, coughing from embarrassment he continue, "So that makes you very attractive to me, and it's not like cocks in themselves repulse me. I mean I do have one of my own know, what to continue." Scott breaks off as he turns an even deeper shade of red in embarrassment. He didn't normally ask a girl straight up like this for sex, it was more of a mood thing so this was making him feel pretty silly to say the least.
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