Warcarft: The demons return (zell and kittirai)

She lifts her head with a soft gasp her thighs parting even further for his hand.

"Ahh when would i have time for ahhhh?"

Her likely some what snarky response was cut off by another pump of his hand, his thrusting fingers already finding her nethers wet and quickly covering the digits in her juices. She shifts her form pressing against the soft kisses her hips rocking lighly against his hand. She moans loudly as his lips find her stiff nipple.

She slips her hands up rubbing over his shoulders trailing up through his hair and around the base of his horns , gasping loudly as his hands grabbed her rear, her body shaking as her fingers tightened in his hair and around one of his horns.
Hearing her crys and moans were sweet music to his ears, he could taste her very juices and the smell of her sweet scent of the heated moment. He notice she was already very wet after what he was doing though trying his best to take his time. Markess squeese her fine ass before taking one hand and giving her a good slap on her ass, nothing real painful but enough that he hopes she would enjoy. Once he had his fill of her sweet folds he stop and rise back to head level and giving her some time to recover from tasting her very core. "Now then, you want to taste whats about to go in you or do you wish for me to take you right now?" he asked her.
She gasps softly at the slap her hips rocking forward, pressing her nethers to his face. She glares down at him with a half amused smirk her tail flicking across his hand.

She frowns a little as he rises up, though she leans up on her tippy hooves pressing her lips to his with a soft murr before pulling away and sliding slowly down to her knees.

"Fair is fair i suppose...."
Markess held the kiss for as long as he could before she let go and got on her knees, "True though as i said, if you want to taste me you could or if you want to take you down we can do that as well." he said though he waited for her to either suck him or get on the bed to fuck her silly. Infront of her down stood a half stiff rode that looked to be about ten inch's long and two inch's thick with a dark blue mushroom tip. "Or if you want I can get on the bed and we can taste each other, what do you say?"
She smirks glancing up with a small chuckle.

"If we make it to the bed , this is the only thing i want between my legs at that point."

She smirks her fingers wrapping lightly around his cock . She lowers her head , her tongue slipping from her lips dragging slowly over the dark blue tip of his length , her lips brushing across the tip as she turns her head to drag her tongue down along the side of that cock
Markess couldn't help but give a few gunts of pleasure as she play's with his cook, enjoying her mouth and tongue working their magic. "Oh trust me I plan on only have this in you and make you beg for more." he said with a grin and place his hands onto her head gently though have a hold of her horns only to give her a gental tug to move further onto his cock with that mouth of hers.
Her lips press to the tip of his cock as if giving it a kiss. The light tug on her horns brings a small moan from her throat as her lips slowly part around the tip of his cock. Wet ring sliding slowly down along his length, her tongue curling along the underside of his cock as it slips further between her lips. Her hands slip up his thighs to rest on his waist after only a few inches are taken, planning on letting his hands resting on her horns guide how much she was going to take and how fast.
By the feel of how she first started and by placing her hands onto his waist Markess could tell she wanted him to guide her head of how much of his large manhood she could take. That was fine by him, he slowly at first he pulls her forword to slide her mouth to get most of his cock in her mouth before pushing her head way just enough to leave only the tip in her mouth. With that he repeats, enjoying her sweet wet mouth around his cock he start to move a bit faster and hearder against her mouth as he gave a few moans of pleasure.

After a little bit however his truths became harder and faster, he felt he was about to cum but that was when he stop and slide his cock out of her mouth. Markess breathed heavly as he love the feeling but now he wanted to feel her sweet core "your strong and a fine woman Nevan, I think you'll do fine as my mate, what do you say?" he asked her as he let go of her horns and waiting for a reply.
Her lips slide down his cock in a tight ring the tip of his cock pushing deep into her mouth prodding at the entrance of her throat. She groans softly as he pulls back following every tug and pull on her horns to slid her lips over his thick cock. She opens her glowing white eyes looking up at him as his length vanishes into her dark lips.

She pants heavily as his cock pulls free trails of her saliva still dangling between his cock head and her lips as she gasps for air.

She blinks lightly looking up at him in surprise a small grin crossing her lips as she licked over them.

"You're not just saying that are you?"
"Why would I be if I didn't mean it? I be a fool to let you go and have some one else clam you, besides... its also what you want is it not?" he asked her as he help her up slowly before giving her a sweet kiss on her very lips. While he have her by the kiss he slide his cock between her legs but not sliding inside of her, insteed hes sliding his cock along her pussy lips. He broken the kiss and whisper in her ear "so tell me, are you ready for my freind down there?" he asked her. His hands came to her fine ass once more and give it a squeeze before one hand came to her tail, he get a hold of it and lightly pulls it.
She smiles at the flattery slowly rises up with his help.

"Well i can't really deny that....."

She mutters rather surprised by the sudden kiss , though eagerly returning it. she murrs lightly into his lips feeling his length rub along her inner thighs a soft shiver running along her form. her hands slide up his chest resting on his shoulders as she feel his hands roam over her rear. She gasps lightly at the tug on her tail her nails digging in a little to his shoulders as she softly groans.

"I would like to think i am quite ready for it."
"Good, because I'm not waiting any longer!" he said as he quickly bring her left leg up against his hip while he aline his cock to her pussy lips, he sliding only the head in before he take hold of the other leg. In doing this her body weight should be enough to slide down his large rod and he presume she would hang on to his shoulders or neck for soport. Once it slide in her she would feel it fill every inch of her as she could feel it pushing against her womb. Markess gave a moan as he felt her tight hole around him and loving the feeling as well. While he have a hold of her he turns them around and start walking to the bed.
She yelps lightly as she was lifted, her legs pressing tightly around his waist as she slides her arms around his neck crushing her breasts to his chest as she hangs off of him. She gasps a little with each step he takes towards the bed with his cock, softly panting against his shoulder. She lets out a soft groan as shes bounced against him with every step, her tail whipping wildly.
Markess enjoyed the feeling of her up against his own body, to feel her breast against his chest and how she was holding on to him as his cock slide a bit in and out of her after every step he took. Once at the bed and slowly have them lay on top of it with her back first and him on top of her, he slide his cock almost all the way out until only the tip remain inside until he gave a hard thrust it all back inside her. He repeat this slowly at first but in a short time he start moving faster and harder "how does it feel... to finaly get me inside of you like this?" he asked her while looking right into her very eyes.
She groans softly as she's laid back her legs spreading wide on the bed as she uncurls them from around his waist. She drops her arms back over her head with a low moan looking up at him as he pulls his cock back.

"Ahhh it feels goood."

She murmmers shifting a little, rocking her hips up to push him a little deeper
Markess kept on thrusting, even though she didn't reply to his question but her moans answered it for him. His hands came down to her ass once more and lift her lower half just enough it be fully levels with his hips. Once he did this he start thrusting like crazy, theo nly sounds that could be heard were their moans and the slaping of there hips smaking together. Pating he lower himself down and kiss her lovely lips "are you ready, to be fully mated by the man you wanted?" he asked as he was close now to cum but held back for he wanted her to come with him or before it at the very lest.
Her legs again curl about his waist as his hands grip her ass . She corsses her ankles just over his tail pulling him hard as her own tail sways and rubbing against his hands holding her ass.

She drops her head back fully as she screams out, her horns digging into the bed as she cums her juices flooding over his cock and running down along the back of her thighs and along her ass crack .
She would hear the scream of the man on top of her and feel his cock thrust deep with in her before feeling him filling her womab with his warm seed. However she would start to see her eyes starting to get more clear, insteed of the man she wanted she would see an green orc on top of her, the same one that she was with at the time after the demon attack. Reconness had his eyes closed when he came inside her, however once he open them he blinked a few times only to look surprized "what the hell, your not Tamra!" he called out before pushing himself off of her.

Rage was starting to fill within the orc as she could tell, he looked as if he was about to yell at her but before he could another sound could be heard at the end of the room. It was laughting but sound like some one small laughing and coming from one of the box's. Reconness quickly rush over there and start moving the box's out the way and right then the laughing stops as the orc found an imp. The little demon tryed to get away but the orc was able to catch him before it could. "You did this didn't you, useing some fol magic to make us act on our lust did you?!" he asked though was yelling at the same time as he started to crash the little demon with his bear hand. The imp however only started to laugh once more.
Her own eyes widened at the sight of him and she was about to see exactly how quickly she could get a sword and end this before the laughter caught her attention as well. She was up on her hooves the moment the orc was off of her. Her whole body was shaking as she rose.

This was insane. She had just been... but she had felt a tail... how strong were this damn things illusions. or was it the orc doing it? She breathed out still feeling the warmth between her legs that had been the orcs climax and shivered wondering if she had done everything in that illusion with the orc.

A light whisk of steel was heard as she stormed over to the pair of them. She reached past the orc to grab the imps horn jerking hard on it's head almost snapping it's neck before the dagger she drew was plunged into it's face
Reconness was so full of rage he was looking for something he could use to stab the little shit to death. However it seems some one else already thought ahead of him, he heard the sounds of steel and turned to see that the Draenei coming at him. He wonder if she planed this so couls just play with his mind long enough to kill him but insteed she quickly gotten hold of the demon, before he could stop her she already killed the little shit and a pool of blood now on the floor were the body hanged. As she did it was then he gotten a good look of her naked body, the last he knew he was mating to Tamra the female orc he have dreamed make her his own. He thought he finaly won her heart but sadly that wasn't the case.

He had to say however that the Draenei didn't look half bad what so ever and if it was her that he was fucking. He turned to look away so he wouldn't seem like some one who have no respect. He couldn't say this never happened because he could still feel her wetness around his cock and he knew that she would have felt his seed in her as well "I'm.... sorry, I was not fully." he told her.
She was quite uncomfortable and she was rather disappointed that the demon was dead... it was over far too quickly, even if she had been the one to do it.

She felt rather odd even feeling the orcs seed running down her inner thighs didn't revulse her as much as she thought it would. They had been tricked, pure and simply and despite her distrust of the horde she could see this wasn't the orcs fault.

"What's done is done. Nothing for it. Let us simply get back to civilization as soon as possible. we needn't dwell on this."
Reconness just nodded before getting changed, how ever he couldn't stop thinking about what just happen. Though they were tricked he still enjoyed it and by the moans he heard he figure she was as well. He had the feeling of wanting to do her again but this time fully knowing it was her rather then thinking it was some one else but he dought Nevan would think the same. She more likely would be greatful just to get back with her own people, there were other thoughts in mind but he push them aside as he got his armor back on and ready to go. He didn't know if there were more demons here or not but still its better they leave now while they have the chance, he waits for Nevan to be ready and when she is they would move out.

(You think they should encounter more demons or be able to reach Shatt without more problems?)
She pulls her armor on glaring at the red and gold gear she was wearing. It was good armor, but she still thought it hugged her form a little to much and there was the face it left her upper thighs and midriff bare. If nothing else the armor clashed with her dark blue skin.

She snaps the rest of the armor on taking up the shield and blade that went along with it , doing everything she could to focus on anything but what had just happened. Her mind still drifted to it wondering if that rather pleasant experience was an illusion or if the orc had been doing....

She snaps her head up suddenly her tail whipping. She had needed to make a few adjustments , forgoing the armors boots and belt to allow for her hooves and tail to work, that's right concentrate on the annoying armor.
Reconness moved the stuff blocking the door and slowly open it to look outside, he didn't see any sort of demon out which he thank the spirtes for that. He looked back at Nevan for a moment to give her a nodd that everything was clear and start moving out of Falcon's Watch. They had to pass Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh and head south to Terokkar Forest where Shattrath city lies. Being on foot it took a little longer then they may like, however as they came to about Cenarion Refuge demons could be seen walking all over the place. By the looks of it they are making it there new base. The orc want to kill them all but it would be foolish to run in blindly, he wasn't afraid of dieing out of honer but even he could see that it be useless unless he had no other choice. "Lets take it slow, we still have a chance to move around them if we keep our selfs hidden." he told her.
She nods lightly looking around the place and spotting something tapping him on the shoulder as she moves away from him heading north rather than the southern direction of Shattarah. Hecould see what she was looking at a number of fallen mushrooms and a number of large forms wandering around north of the city. They didn't look like demons though they were quite large.
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