Warcarft: The demons return (zell and kittirai)


Dec 9, 2012
"Get to the portal!" Reconness called out to everyone, even to those of the Alliance. The orc had raven black hair that came down to his showders and dark brown eyes. His skin a dark green like most of his people even though he was born in Azeroth. He look aorund as he try to make sure people were heading for the dark portal. Reconness was not a coword what so ever but he also knew that you can't fight overwhelming odds like this, that and the enemy caught them by surprize. At Thrallmar and the Alliance in Honer Hold were the first targets and the surpize attack slow them down enough that nether side couldn't react fast enough to do a full counter attack.

The demons have returned and with a vengeance. The first wave was Infernals raining on the outposts then once they hit the ground they form there stone like bodys before waves of other demons came from portals that shortly appeared after and soon enough both alliance and horde were overwhelmed only to be froce to retreat to the dark portal that lead back to Azeroth. Reconness wore his full plate armor without a helm and he held his black blade claymore that he forged himself. He fought the in coming demons while he and others fought to get most of the people that with them out of harms way and hopfuly bring in reinforcements.

As the orc could tell most of both side's people were though and not too much more to go before they were all safe. He would come back to strike back at the demons and with luck get a crack at the leader of this demon army. Or that was his thoughts until suddenly the dark portal closed on them.
Nevan cursed urging a number of alliance members through the portal before falling back herself. She had been one of the Guard's at Honor Hold and was now likely one of the only ones left.

The dark blue draenei's armor was chared and cracked in several places, her helm was lost and her white hair flowed freely splattered in blood, some of it her own. She pulls back glancing at a few of the others that were holding the demons back for the others to make it though before she stepped back getting through the gate before it was closed.
There was hardly anyone left to defend themselfs from the demons and he wasn't sure if they would survive but at lest most of the people gotten though before the portal closed. He dought ether side have the men needed to open the portal again nor the time for that matter for the demons are just upon them. "All mages that are able, teleport many as you can to Shattrath. Those that wish to fight join me in holding the demon dogs back, if we die we die with honer and we die taking as many of these demons with us! For the Horde!" Reconness cryed out and the rest of the horde did the same. Those of the Alliance must have heard his plan for they were doing the same thing, using teleport spells to get as many as they could out and some staying behind to give time.
She knocked aside a demons balde with her sheild her own sword slicing deep into the creatures arm forcing it back as she growls lightly . Her hooves slide against the stone as she darts forward blocking a blow against a caster drawing the demons attention to her and smashing it in the knee with her shield forcing it to drop to a knee where her blade could reach the creatures neck easier.

The was a relentless wave and there were far too many coming, the castered needed to be faster.
The mage's cast their spells as fast as they could but it seem that wouldn't be enough, in a few moments a ball of fell energy that was as large enough to shadow half of both armys. The energy ball right in the middle of them all and with it a large exsplosion. Soon after the exsplosion and demon army left were the dead lie, unkowning to them that two have survived. Reconness rose from a pile of bodys that lay on top of him, he push them aside and looked around. All around him he see dead body, of both horde, alliance and the demons as well. As he could tell he seem to be the only one that lived, that was until he thought he seen movement on another pile of dead bodys. Not sure if it was a demon or some one else that was fighting them, the orc readys his weapon just in case.
She shoves the demonic corpse off of her wincing with the effort. Her form was singed, though the armor it seemed had taken the brunt of it judging by the cracks in the metal and the slightly melted steel of her shield.

The dark blue Draenei steps out looking around with a grim expression at the carnage around her. She bites her lip rather hard wiping the ash from her face with one hand looking back at the bodies in a search for her sword the moment she noticed the orc headed her way.

He might not be a treat ,but she would rather be armed, besides there were bigger issues.
As Reconness gotten closer he noitce it was in deed an Draenei that lived though the attack, a female for that matter. The way she looked she seen more a warrior then any spell caster of any kind, however he notice something else moving as well. The orc spoted a fel houd just about five feed away from the Draenei and she didn't seem to notice yet. Quickly he adjust and quickly throw it like a spear hoping to kill the demon with one shot or at lest give the Draenei time to counter attack. The sword hit it's mark before the demon could even make it's attack and it lies dead on the ground. "I think you need to be more carful, your might have been demon food if I wasn't here." he said.
She narrows her eyes at the orc, clearly understanding what he said even if she didn't respond. For most of the alliance the Horde was just as much a threat as the demons and as a guard that was constantly drilled into her.

Still after a moment she ceased the glare moving past him and shoving a large dark blue arm off of a sword picking the weapon up and swinging it a little.

It wasn't her sword, but it would do. She looked back at the orc her tail whipping a bit.

"We need to move before anything else shows up."
He watch her go for a weapon that belong to one of the dead warriors, though as he did he couldn't help but stare at her ass. It have been a long time sense he had any type of pleasure with a female, however he never done a Draenei. Putting those thoughts aside for that wasn't needed right now, not until they got out of this area. Reconness nodded to her and pointed west "The demons haven't come from that area so I'm guessing there wouldn't be many or any demons going that way. Keep going until its about dark then we'll make can from there." he said while geting his sword from the dead demon and wiping off the blood from it as well.
Her armor was fairly form fitting, though not nearly as revealing as the armor most adventurers wore, it was a little chard and dented in places from the fight though was still enough to decently cover her, there was even a steel band at the base of her tail that rested over the top of her tail in a a scale like covering for half the length.

She nods in response to him, her bare hooves clicking over the stone of the gate's pedestal as she moves, her eyes scanning for any other survivors, though she also cast a number of glances back at the orc as she moved on.

She clearly still didn't trust the orc, but at least they had a common foe for the moment.
(I am so sorry for keeping you for so long, I thought I posted here and waiting for a reply.)

He could tell she's making sure to watch her back as they moved but he didn't care one way or another, if he wanted to kill her she would be dead by now. Besides where they are at wasn't the place to make any mores. They would able to reach honer hold or what was left of it but with the demons around they couldn't stay there for long so they pass the base and kept going. By night fall the pair have reach Falcon Watch without any problems, the place it self is emty with no demon around. The orc guessed this place wasn't worth anything to the demons so it was left alone. "Might as well rest for the night then end out early morning." he said to her "I never did catch your name, I'm Reconness." he told her as he figure he could at lest get a name from her so if she dies he would give out who was with her and she in turn.
[it's fine]

She clearly wasn't quite comfortable with the blood elves strong hold, though it would do. It was pretty clear they had lost Hellfire though there might be other place that were still a strong hold. She seriously doubted Shattarah had fallen after this long, so that was as good a goal as any.

"It is Nevan."

She still didn't really trust the orc, though he had made no attempt on her while they traveled. She nods lightly at the suggestion moving around the small out post scavenging a little. Her armor and shield were rather battered and any food or water that could be found would be a boon. She didn't relish the idea of wearing blood elf gear, if she even found any that would fit, but it had to be better than the crumbling steel she was wearing.
As they did a quick look around the place they would indeed find some food and water that haven't been touched and still fairly freash as well. Also to Nevan's luck she found some armor that belong to her people, it was a bit tight but still useable. Reconness made sure the door was locked and that nothing would get in unless they hear it first. He got his share of the food and got to one side of the room before eating, he was sure Nevan wanted her space and would give it to her for the last thing they need is them fighting each other. At lest for now anyways.

(I'm thinking an imp of some sort is hiding in the room with them not knowing about it. Once our characters go to sleep he would use a spell to put them in a dream like state which they belive they are having sex with some other perons they had a crush on or something like that. What do you think?)
She was decidedly less than thrilled with the armor. It was indeed of her kind judging by the tail hole that was still present in the overlapping scale of the pants, though it was likely a trophy of some kind given how the colorations of it were the gold and red of the blood elves rather than normal blues and whites that her people tended to favor. Still it was of better quality and condition than her own armor, even if it did crush her breasts and cling a bit too tightly to her hips.

Still even as uncomfortable as it was she still set herself up to sleep in it as best she could. She did not expect the orc to try anything , but there was no safe bet that the demons would not attack here as well. Better to be a bit stiff in the morning than have to rush to don armor, or run away without it.

[Might be interesting.]
The door it self have been barricade with stuff he found in the base so if anything trys to come in they would at least hear it and get themselfs ready for any upcoming attacks. He seen Nevan started to sleep setting up, she indeed had the right idea for it was better being ready when something happens then worry about a stiff neck or back. Reconness deside to do the same thing as he got to the other side of the room and set himself to lay against the wall with his weapon by his side before sleep took over. However unknown to either of them a little Imp was there waiting and would start to have a little fun with these two.

Nevan found her self have an honer hold doing her normal daily training as she does every morning though she doen't relize she is in a dream. "Training hard as ever I see." a male voice could be heard behind her. Behind her would be Markess, another Draenei that not only she knew but also a crush on for the past few years. He always went with other Draenei which he considerd attractive, he never showed any interest in her but it seems today was different.
She blinked glancing back with a small blush at the comment though she smirks turning back to her routine .

"It never hurts to be prepared you know." She mutters a response.

He really had not spoken to her too much, at least nothing more than a few times in passing here or there. Still he was a rather well built and handsome male, it was little surprise she had interest, granted it likely did not help matters he was one of the few young males at this post who was single, something he prefered to remain it seemed, though there was always the chance.

"Something I can help you with today Markess?
He gave a laught to her response "indeed, it's never a bad thing to be prepared. However are you prepared for everything?" he asked "Help me, no no, I came to see how I can help you. You seem tensed and I can see why, with all that training I never seen you once take time to relax. I mean I have been keeping an close eye on you." he told her with a smile before geting behind her and put his hands on her showders and start massaging them. Markess then bring his lips against the side of her neck and kissed it gently before raising his lips to her ear and whispers "how about we find some place a little more private?" he asked and waited for her respond or reply to what he said.
She blinks slowly at the comment her tail flicking lightly as she looks back at him lowering her sword a little as he approached. She gasps lightly tensing up as his hands rest on her shoulders. She couldn't feel his touch that well, due to her armor, but the soft weight was still more than she had expected.

The kiss along her neck sent a hard shiver along her form, Her eyes darted around looking for any one else , wondering if this was some sort of joke , though there seemed to be nothing wrong save a bit of unease she was feeling from something.

"i... I would like that ....." she mutters softly
Markess only grins and take her hand, he then leads her to his room in honer hold. Once inside she would see it was no different then her room was. A bed at the end of the room and to the left side chester drawers with a mirror on top of it, to the right a table with a chair. After the door close he turned her to face him before putting an arm around her waist and bring her closer to him. He kiss her lips a bit roughly, after a few moment he let go of the kiss and whispers to her "I know you been wanting me for a good while, tell me how long have you been eyeing me... how long you been wanting me?" he asked.
She tensed at the sudden grab and kiss, though she quickly felt herself relaxing in his arms. She softly gasps as he breaks the kiss her tail curling around the back of her legs at the question.

"I.... Quite a while, Markess... almost since you got here though you never seemed interested...." She mutters
"Well I'm interested now, how about you take that armor off and I'll show you how interested I am." he said to her before he himself start striping off his armor. In a few moment he would stand here now naked in front of her. Markess was everying she have dreamed about before and for any woman for that matter. A strong looking blue muscular body with a thick and long cock inbetween his legs "like what you see so far?" he asked though he still waited for her to take her own cloths off .
She froze a moment as he stripped, eyes running over him , though her fingers slowly worked on her own armor pulling the plate male off her body before peeling off the undercovering from her dark blue form. She was fairly well muscled with slightly larger breasts than her armor seemed to show capped in dark purple nipples that were already growing stiff even before she was fully stripped. She had a number of lighter blue scars covering her form.

She shifted her hooves a little as her body was exposed, one hand still over and partially hiding her bare nethers as she looked up at him pushing a strand of her shoulder length white hair from her face.
By what she could tell Markess didn't seem to notice or care about he scars she have on her body. He grins as he gotten closer to her, he place an arm around her and bring her up against his own body. She would feel warm and rough skin up against her own and while he did this he kiss her very lips once more. He takes her hand and gently place her pulm up against his large cock "Have you ever touched a man before or is this your first time?" he asked before kissing her neck "don't be afraid to tell, or to tell me what you want me to do to you. I'm here to pleasure you in any way I can." he said to her though while he did his other hand came down between her thighs and start rubbing her lower pussy.
Her hands slip lightly up along his chest , fingers pressing lightly against his shoulders as her hands rested there, her breasts pressing to his chest. She murrs softly into the kiss her tail flicking across her rear, she gasps lightly as he took her hand and guided it down. her finger tips lightly trace along the length of his flesh that rubbed hotly against her belly.

She swallows a bit her hand running slowly along the top of his cock.

"It's not my first, but i can't say i've done this very often." she mutters turning a bit darker purple around her face and neck as she blushed, the words trailing off to a soft gasp as his hand found her nethers. She shivers softly wrapping her fingers around his length as she shifted her hooves a bit further, parting her thighs for his hand.
Markess listen as he rub her very core before sliding two fingers inside her very folds. "Seems to me you haven't had time for your self to unwind, lets see if I can fix that problem for you." he said with a wink of an eye. He still had his two fingers in her and thrusting them in and out of her very core. He start kissing her neck and slowly lowering himself, he came to her breasts and let his mouth engulfed her left nipple. Licking and sucking to help give her waves a pleasure before he slowly let go of her left breasts and went after the other one. After a few moments however he lower himself yet again but this time he got his head levelded with her lovely pussy. Slowly he slide his figures out of her folds before got his hands onto her fine blue rear and start eating out her very core.
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