Blue moons, duel tournaments, and love (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x MysteriousD)

Kaiba watched as the little girl, Asuka, went and hugged him witha tight embrace. He paused for a moment before hugging back. He then embraced Tenshi before picking them up. "Looks like the girl's a real daddy's girl," Joey noted. Mokuba nodded, wiping away a tear of joy from his eye. Kaiba held his two kids and was able to have what looked like a smile. He was still trying to get all this.

Diego nodded and they rejoined the group. "We have to hurry. It appears it might rain soon," Odion noticed as he looked up. There were definately dark clouds of looming omniousness above. They all got into the cars and headed where Yugi needed to do.

"What are we going to do?" Yugi asked. Atem responded that they will figure that out. They all had the items needed. It was now finally time to end this. But there were no endings, just new beginnings.
Ishizu nodded at Odion and then smiled at Diego. "Yes, you are right, brother. I sense something coming." She said, as unsure as Krystal about the events to come. She tucked her hair behind her ear and headed toward the door, waiting for the others. She knew this would have to be done quickly.

Krystal watched with a smile, knowing somehow he would be a good father. It was just a feeling she had. She walked slightly closer to seto and the kids, smiling softly. "Don't be so stiff setty. They love you." She said before walking over to get a drink, smirking at Atem.

She could feel something coming, but she wasn't quite sure what. She drank down her water and walked out with Atem, sitting next to him in the car. Tenshi sat in her lap, cuddling close, where as asuka was still tightly wrapped around seto, smiling a little at mokuba. The young girl knew this was hard for her father, but she just for some reason didn't want to leave him. The young Senshi was as worried about the duel as her mother.

Krystal sort of absentmindedly cuddled into Atem, resting her head on his shoulder. Tenshi looked at the spiky haired man with his wide blue eyes. It just came out of his his mouth, a prediction and a question at the same time. "You're gonna marry my mommy." Was all he said before Krystal blushed, apologising for her young son's lack of tact.
Kaiba didn't react to her calling him that. He was used to things like that, mainly with Pegasus calling him Kaiba-boy. He adjusted his grip to hold his faughter better closer to him, placing a hand on her head. He could barely remember the warm embrace of his parents and now that he was in the same position, he would try and savor every moment best he could. Atem had turned back into Yugi to gather his thoughts and relive some of his older memories. Because of this, he and Yugi didn't hear what Tenshi said. However, Yugi was embarrassed to come back to Krystal cuddling him. Joey and the others were talking.

Diego was in another car with Ishtar family. Merrick was looking outside observing the traffic while Odion was meditating, leaving him and Ishizu to talk. "What do you think may happen?" he asked her.
Krystal sighed a little and pulled away when she saw that Atem had phased back to yugi. She looked into his deep purple eyes for a moment before speaking. She remembered when Atem had looked that innocent and they had played with mana by the Nile. "I'm sorry yugi. I know this must be odd for you." She said sort of sadly, her eyes distant. She hated to think that Atem would never truly understand how she felt for him, even if he did fall in love with her. The pretty bluenette stared out the window the rest of the drive, feeling every moment more apprehensive. She knew that once they got to the tomb, Atem would gain a body again. She worried though. She knew something was gonna happen. Something bad. She worried about everyone on this trip, but particularly Atem. She couldn't loose him again.

Ishizu concentrated on driving, but answered Diego all the same. "I honestly do not know, Diego, and it worries me a bit. Storm clouds in Egypt a very rare in the summer." She said, looking at him through the rearview mirror. There were many emotions swirling around in ishizu's mind, warring with each other. The most prominent though were fear and apprehension. She worried for the pharaoh, but also she worried for his forgotten queen. She knew just by looking at Krystal that she would be devastated if something happened to him.
"No, I'm used to it. After all of this time, first with the Pharaoh helping me and us helping him, we believe in alot of this," Yugi explained to her. "Yea. We've seen alot of strange things, but we're not bothered alot by it. So don't worry about it. Just believe in the heart of the cards and things will turn out all right, right Yugh?" Joey explained. Yugi nodded in agreement. "Yeah, so don't worry," Yugi told Krystal, trying to comfort their new friend.

"How did she end up getting another Blue Eyes?" Kaiba asked with genuine interest. He was surprised by this. Outside of the collector's only version that Yugi's grandfather has, he thought he had them all.

"I think everything will be all right. We'll be coming up soon," Diego says as he squints to see the sight. "Well, maybe we're just overreacting. I mean, we defeated a powerful threat of Egypt mythos and I can't tell about any others," he said. "Maybe it's just nerves," he says
Krystal smiled. "Well alright then. Though you may see there's more than meets the eye when it comes to me." She said, her smile becoming somewhat devious. She couldn't tell them that she was a Senshi. At least not yet. Atem, if he were to regain any of his memories of her would know she was Senshi, and she was the leader. Well, If you wanted to be specific, Venus was the true leader, but in this time she was leader. Her sister Serenity tried, but they all agreed krystal was more mature and better suited to handle it. Krystal is very level headed, and capable of most anything. Piss her off though, and you're dead meat. Her sister on the other hand, while she has a very steadfast heart and never gives up on a person, is a bit of a crybaby who avoids her respisibilites as a leader and at school. They maybe twins, but they are polar opposites.

Asuka smiled at her father. "Mommy and grandpa Kenshin got it from uncle pegasus. Grandpa helped convince him though. He and pegasus have been friends since they were kids." She said, still holding onto seto. She had a bad feeling, and wanted to keep close to him in case some type of monster attacked. Monsters like that seemed to follow her mother around.

Ishizu nodded. "Yes, I do hope you are right Diego." She said, her expression somewhat unsure. She was having nightmares of her brothers being kidnapped lately, and took it as a bad omen. She squuesed Diego's hand slightly, her eyes not leaving the road. "I sure hope so."
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