Blue moons, duel tournaments, and love (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x MysteriousD)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Ishizu had been trying to figure out her last vision for a long time now. She couldn't wrap her mind around it. "How can I have a boyfriend? My job as tomb keeper is not yet finished" she told herself questioningly, sitting in her room waiting for her brother marik to awaken so that they could get yugi and his friends at the airport. "Marik! You wake up right now!" She yelled through the door as sounds of the shower could be heard. "Well, at least he's getting ready..." she grumbled to herself as she went to make their breakfast. She had decided to make eggs for her and marik today, and when he came out of his bedroom, he was all ready, his hair all blown into his usual style. "Sister! You've made my favorite!" He chirped happily as ishizu set his ham and cheese omelet on the table. "Here you are brother. Hope you like it." She said with a smile, eating her food as well.

The drive to the airport was filled with marik happily singing along to the radio, full of smiles. "Oh I can't wait to see everyone again! This is gonna be so much fun! Our job will finally be over, sister!" Marik proclaimed happily, as Dion simply smiled in the backseat. "Yes master marik. It will be quite pleasing to see everyone again. Finally the items and the pharaoh will be able to rest." He said, as ishizu just nodded and parked the car.

Meanwhile, back in Japan, Krystal was putting her twin children Asuka and T!enshi to bed. She sang them a soft lullaby, and they each went to sleep, dreaming about the day they would meet their father, Seto Kaiba. Their mother Krystal, had a one night stand with him when she was 17, and they came along. "Goodnight my little valentines" she said softly before closing the lights and shutting the door. After getting the kids in bed, she too got ready for bed, letting down her long blue hair from its double rabbit bun with two tails on either side hairstyle, and brushed it out, then took off her blue cocktail dress, her matching blue lingire and putting on a silky ably negligee and laying in her bed, her dreams only of the many happy days in silver millennium with her spiky haired Egyptian god, Atem. It was for telling her future in a way that the clairvoyant Senshi was not used to. Memories.
"Well guys, I told you," the Hispanic young man said to his companions. Yugi, Joey, Tristan and Tea were there alongside their friend Diego. Yugi had met Diego through a penpal program (which he decided to take on a coin toss) and the two stayed in communication. Around Duelist Kingdom they ended up meeting, Diego having been selected as a beta tester of the place. He helped them out and he was not phazed by magic. In fact, he was reminded of something like this back in Mexico, but knew nothing else. He also participated in Battle City. He ended meeting the woman who vexed his thoughts. She was a mysterious woman who he gathered was Egyptian. Despite his best effort, he ended up losing. She predicted his every move. She was quite polite though. Diego had figured it was his pride. He bet all that he had for the finals against her, who had nothing.

He didn't know what else that happened, but things got better eventually and he helped out during the Atlantis crisis. He could always figure when something was going to happen due to the 'lucky mirror' he had. It was an ornamental piece of obsidian he had been handed down. It was framed and it would always seem to have distorted reflections whenever bad things would happen. Here however, it distorted the reflection before it cracked.

"What do you think it means, Yugh?" Joey Wheeler asked his best friend. "I don't know," Yugi admits. "Yugi. It appears that it is an omen of some sort. The mirror would always distort in a manner that signified positive or negative events. Now that it has cracked, it can no longer do so. Perhaps it means the future has become completely unpredictable," Yami Yugi or now known by his name, Atem, said.

"Atem thinks that it might been the future has become unpredictable, so we better be careful. Anything can happen," Yugi said to them. Diego nodded in agreement before lamenting the loss of the mirror. They met at the airport, with Diego flying from America to meet them. "Wonder if Kaiba will come?" Diego said, chuckling as he remembered the dirt he had on Kaiba. In order to deal with a potential situation if he was drunk (whether tolerance and mood when inebriated), Kaiba got drunk and got hammered. Rumor had it from the employee who suggested it to him he got laid.

The idea of Kaiba having children was a scary thought and Diego snickered at it. Diego wondered who were the people that were picking them up. He never actually met them he realized. He was aware of who they were, so he was somewhat on guard.
Ishizu's eyes widen slightly as she sees the man that had been invading her thoughts since battle city semi finals. "Now it all connects" she muttered to herself as marik hugged yugi and the rest of the gang, save for Diego. "So, who's this yugi?" Marik asked his eyes curious. He vaguely remembered the man in question, but things from when his Yami was in control were a bit fuzzy. Odion just smiled. "It is pleasing to see you all again" he said simply before going to start the car and putting all their bags into the trunk. Ishizu smiled at yugi and at Atem in kind. "I am happy to welcome you home, my pharaoh" she said with a bow, her eyes never leaving Diego's. Marik noticed this and smiled slightly. "She deserves to be happy this time. Pleas help it be so, mighty rah" he thought to him self as he got into the back seat of the car.

Meanwhile, Krystal awoke in a cold sweat, clutching the sheets. "Baki.." she breathed out as she called her sister to come over to watch the kids. Her sister agreed, and as soon as Serena arrived at her penthouse at the Kobayashi grande hotel, she left. Krystal was on her private jet as quickly as possible, using her magic to pop the whole plane to Egypt as quickly as her magic could possibly could. Krystal got there just as marik was about to get in the car, and when ishizu saw her, her eyes widened even further than at seeing Diego. "My queen!" She said in surprise, bowing.

Krystal glared at her slightly. "Stop that Isis. I am not queen anymore." Krystal said simply, locking eyes with Atem though he was a spirit. "Atem" she breathed out, her expression showing nothing but love and concern. She had come a quickly as she could. Krystal knew he would need her to help defeat Bakura. The shock of him seein her again might be enough to make him stop this madness.
Diego looked quite surprised Marik here. Not only did he look genuinely happy now, he hugged everyone. The others were just as if not more surprised. While they knew Marik wasn't acting like himself, he seemed so different than how they knew him, they had no idea how to react, Joey especially. Yugi managed to keep his cool somehow. Atem was also quite surprised by this.

"He says he's happy to be back," Yugi says, delivering the message from the pharaoh. He was quite embrassed by all this and the situation was somewhat defused thanks to his modest delivery.

"The name is Diego," Diego says as he looked at them. They were all on... more friendly terms. Then again, they forgave Pegasus so I suppose there was this. "I was supposed to be in the Battle City finals, but this woman came out of nowhere and beat me. She knew my every move," Diego said before he looked at Ishizu. He blushed at seeing an attractive young woman looking at him.

"Awkward and complicated pasts aside, perhaps we should get going," Diego said before another crack sound was heard. He took out the obsidian mirror and saw it went from having a large crack to several cracks in it.

"Not even sure if its supposed to break that way... " Diego noted before he sees what may have caused it. He sees Ishizu bow before a strange woman. She then goes and calls out the pharaoh by name, surprising everyone.

"Wait, Queen?! Yugh, how'd she know the name of the pharaoh or even how can she see him?" Joey asked, looking confused like the others.

"Who are you and what is going on?" Diego asked her.

"I am Krystal. Just Krystal. Atem and I share a long history. Though he may not remember. That is not why I came though. I came because of Bakura. He means to kill you again, Atem." Her eyes showed intense sadness at the last few words, frustrated that Atem and Bakura could not get along. Bakura was much to blinded by revenge to care. She glared slightly at ishizu, who was still bowing. "Isis, what did I just say? Get up." She said with slight annoyance in her tone as she watched ishizu do just that.

"As you wish." She said, looking to the rest of the group in question. She did not posses the millennium necklace anymore, but she did have minor flashes here and there due to a sort of side affect, though never in her wildest dreams did she expect Atem's former wife to appear! Ishizu fidgeted slightly, both from Diego being so close and her from nervousness about being around the young queen a again. "My pharaoh, I do present to you, Princess Krystal of the blue moon. Your former wife." She said softly, smiling just slightly. She wondered if they would fall in love again.

Krystal smiled widely, but kind of awkwardly, a blue inverted crescent appearing on her forehead. She bowed slightly. "It is good to see you again atem, and it is a great honor to meet you as well yugi." She said, mocking a curtsy though she was wearing dark wash blue jeans, tall black stiletto boots, and a purple kimono top with a black belt.

Marik smirked a little and looked to yugi. "Why does Pharaoh get all the hot girls?!" He said with a laugh, his expression showing them he was clearly joking, though he did find the blue haired princess very attractive and her double rabbit bun two tailed hairstyle was quite unique, though he did remember seeing a painting of a similar woman and a baby that looked like the pharaoh. "I know you! You are the one from my dreams! You're the woman from the painting in our house, carrying a small baby boy!" Marik said with what almost sounded like surprise, looking to woman in question before adding "What took you so long to appear?"

Ishizu shushed him, glaring like a scolding mother. "Marik! What have I told you about that?" She said in an annoyed but hushed tone jabbing at him. She knew that the younger man did not know the full story of Atem and Krystal, but he still should mind his own business.

Krystal's glacial blue eyes flashed with pain as Marik mensioned a baby boy. "I had other responsibilities. There was also that my coming in to soon would make the balance of time waver." She said, her eyes still showing sadness. Her mind wandered slightly. "His name is Marik... that's what I named the baby boy who I gave birth to still born. " she thought to herself, wanting nothing more then to cry in Atem's arms. The young Egyptian had unknowingly brought up a very tough and touchy subject for her.
Diego crossed his arms while looking quite surprised. The others were busy trying to regain themselves from the shocking revelation. However, both were surprised that Yami Bakura was back. "No way! All of us were there when we defeated Zorc! The Pharaoh combined all three of the god cards to create that supermonster to defeat him!" Joey said, showing to be a little uncomfortable that somehow the two survived.

Yugi was not sure how to react, but he and Atem managed to keep enough of their composure.

"What do you mean? Bakura and the Thief King were both possessed by Zorc. That other Bakura was nothing more but a fragment of Zorc," Yugi said, trying to piece this. "Yeah, Bakura's free so what is all this about?" Diego asked as he looked at the very strange woman.

He then saw the woman was upset by what Marik inadvertently reminded her of. "Guys, this is getting nuts," Joey muttered.

Atem remained quiet, trying to process all of this. "Wait, if you're Atem's wife, then why weren't you in the Shadow RPG?" Yugi asked her. This entire ordeal was nuts.

"Umm... Isis or Ishizu was it? What's going on?" Diego said, looking at the former seer. He was unnerved. From all this and from the attractive woman being there.

Ishizu looked to Diego as she was asked a question. "My name is Ishizu. The queen would call me Isis because that was my name when last she saw me. I am not completely sure how to explain what is going on though. I am not sailor Pluto." She said, as Krystal snorted a laugh. They were eerily alike at times though.

Krystal sighed and shook her head. "Zorc is locked away, but the Bakura that was once possessed by him still survives because the millenum ring does. Though I do believe I maybe his aim is not to sessurect the dragon again. It is more personal than that this time." She stated, looking at the group before her. She sighed again, and tilted her head, eyes focused on the puzzle. It glowed, as if to say it remembered her.

Krystal continued to talk, trying to answer their questions. "The last shadow game Atem and Bakura played, when they both were killed, I was confined to Atem and I's bed, ordered by him to stay out of it. You were worried Bakura would hurt me, and our unborn son, who we had decided to name marik. *her eyes show sadness, but she continues* You were not meant to remember me at that point when the game was played again, and I do not know if Bakura remembers me. If he does, it will be quite a shock for him to see the violent moon twin again." She said, smirking a bit, looking again to Atem, and speaking only to him, in a form of moonian that she knew only he would understand.

"Atem, you have no idea how many millennias I have been searching for you. I only wish that you would trust me. I simply wish to help and be in your arms again. Bakura wishes to kill you this time, not because of his village. I believe it is possible that the crazy thief king wanted me as well revenge, but you won." She finished, looking at him, an then to the rest of his friends. She twirled one of her long hair tails on her finger, wondering if the pharaoh would come out, or stay a spirit. To her, it did not matter. Her butler came over, handing her a golden Egyptian styled box that looked much like the one that the puzzle had come to yugi in.

"You should trust Isis, but if you do not want to, I have proof." She told them, opening the box to reveal it was filled to the brim with pictures and paintings. "Rah gave this box back to me when I regained my memories. Its my magic memory box. Atem and I used to use our matching boxes to send letters to each other when I was on the moon and he was to busy in Egypt to come see me. You may all take a look if you like." She said with a soft sigh, feeling herself get woozy.

At the sudden change, she fainted, and marik caught her, moving the hair out of her face. "Poor girl. We should get her back to our place." Marik said, looking to yugi and then back to his sister, who nodded. "Alright, everyone into the car. Marik, you hold the queen." She said, and her brother simply nodded. He couldn't deny how beautiful she was, but knew she was Atem's. "May you be happy this time" he thought to himself, smiling slightly.
"What do the sailor senshi have to do with this anyway?" Diego thought to himself before shrugging it off. The others paid attention about Zorc. So it appeared the Bakura fragment had gained conscious. Whether it was a fragment or simply the corrupted soul of Bakura's Egyptian ancestor, the Thief King, no one was sure.

However, another revelation came through the Pharaoh and Krystal's relationship in them having a child. "You remember any of this?" Yugi asked Atem. Atem did not answer, but simply shook his head. This worried Yugi. While they recovered the Pharaoh's memory, it looked like this was a more complicated sort of thing. The group wondered what she meant by the moon thing. However, they were somewhat used to this, though things were making less sense than they usually did.

While Atem was able to somehow understand what she was saying, he didn't know how or why. However, he was simply taking everything in.

So, besides wanting revenge for something that the Pharaoh's dad was accused of doing even though it was not his doing, it was also lust. "This is getting nuts," Joey commented, summing the situation for everyone. They were worried when she suddenly collapsed, but it appeared that she will recover soon.

As everyone entered the cars (tis a lot of people XD) Diego found himself sitting next to Ishizu. "Uh hi" he said as he smiled and blushed at her.

"You remember any of this?" Yugi asked his ancestor. "While some of my memories have recovered, these haven't. Perhaps they were a sacrifice that cannot be taken that," Atem responded. "However, even now I was able to detect she was someone important to me," he stated.

"Kaiba's eventually gonna meet up with us. He has the Millennium Eye that evil Bakura gave him," Joey noted.
Krystal held her head in frustrasion. "Oh fuck. That hurt. Luckily marik was there to save me." She said with a slight moan of pain, blushing when she saw she was half in yugi's lap and half in Marik's. She looked up at yugi and absentmindedly put a hand to his face. "Atem, I missed you my spiky haired Egyptian god." She said in that same moonian tounge before her hand dropped from yugi's face, and she fainted again, her anemia getting the best of the young Senshi.

Ishizu smiled slightly and looked to the scene going on in the backseat, concern in her tourquise eyes. "Hello Diego." Her smooth voice rang out like a bell, her smile widening just slighter at the notice of his blush. She was hoping that he liked her too. Though the beautiful tomb keeper couldn't be sure what the mysterious Diego's intentions were yet. They seemed to be good for all she knew.

Meanwhile, a figure appeared in the puzzle, finding the pharaoh easily. "Hello pharaoh." The black magician of chaos's jovial voice said, smirking slightly. He was glad that Krystal had found him again, since he had spent many nights with rah comforting the blue moon princess when she didn't.

The chaos mage took in a sharp breath before starting to explain."She's very fond of you, my mistress. You might even say she loves you, pharaoh. All she wants is to be loved by you as well, but understands it will take time. Mistress has been crying over you for 5 millenias pharaoh, Breaking a little more each time she was reborn and you were not. She blamed herself." Chaos said in a soft tone, clenching his fists so that he didn't outright punch Atem. All this made him very angry, and happy as well. Now that Atem was back in her life, she had a chance at happiness.

Chaos looked to Atem again, concern in his usually stoic features. He continued to speak softly as he sat in a nearby chair. "She's literally killing herself for you, you know, flying all the way to Egypt in her condition. Seto had her on blood transfusion every week. She's deadly anemic. Sons small cut could kill her right now, but she insisted rah and I let her come to you. That's how much she wanted you." Chaos said, a small sigh escaping his lips. He didn't like to see his mistress sick, or upset, but he wasn't so sure Atem was the right one for her, especially since he didn't even remember her.
Yugi and Atem looked confused at her, until they were explained that she has anemia. Which worried them, especially on how bad it seemed.

Atem looked down in thought. Leaders had to make sacrifices. That was something he learned when he was young. However, this was new. Suddenly, both he and Yugi found himselves in the puzzle. They were in the rooms that they could recall. However, Yugi's looked a bit more mature while Atem's was actually field. Beyond that, there were stone tablets of the monsters they valued and that of their friends such as the Flame Swordsman and Red Eyes Black Dragon of Joey.

However, they then turned to see the Magician of Black Chaos. Both took a step back before spirits formed behind them. For Atem, it was the Dark Magician. For Yugi though, it was different. There were two figures there in the shadows, somewhat melded. From what could be senses though, the monster was stronger than even the Blue-Eyes.

"Hey, you can't blame him for not being there for her," Yugi said as he came to defend Atem. Yugi was pretty perceptive and the clenched fists meant he was somewhat bothered.

"He sealed himself away and sacrificed everything to protect the people he cared about, like Krystal. He was the Pharaoh, the leader, and leaders often have to make tough decisions for the greater good," Yugi countered at the magician of black chaos.

"He gave up everything. His memories, and even his own name to protect us all from Zorc. The only reason he came back was because he sealed himself in the Millennium Ring. He was sealed in the puzzle and it was only about a couple of years ago I was able to remake it. Even then, he didn't remember anything. It wasn't until Merrick and the others came we learned what happened and then other stuff happened like with the Seal of Orichalcos," Yugi explained as he faced the magician.

"We faced shadow games and the end of the world alot, so don't blame him for anything," Yugi stated.

Atem remained quiet. "Even from when I was able to detect her from my puzzle, I could tell she was someone important. While I may not be able to remember the times I had with her and may never will reget them, I still find myself wanting to try once more, " Atem explained carefully.

"Speaking of, what does Kaiba have to do with all this?" Yugi asked, remember the name of their... friendly acquaintance? Ally?

"How did you meet her, Ishizu? I mean, we saw your... ancestor I believe in Isis back during the Shadow RPG," Diego asked her. The others were talking amongst themselves though Joey noticed that Yugi seemed to pass out a bit.

Chaos looked to yugi and back to Atem. "You miss understand me. Though I admit it bothers me that he could not be there for her, I do not blame him. I am simply worried about my mistress. She does not like to show it, but her heart is as fragile as her sisters. Back when Atem locked away the magic, she was giving birth to his son. It destroyed her when he was stillborn. Especially right after priest Seth informing her of your death, pharaoh." Chaos said simply, exhaling. At this point, he was simply telling Atem small facts. He sat again, backwards this time, leaning his head on the chair back and sighing, trying to decide what to say next. Chaos did not want to sound as though he blamed Atem, for he honestly didn't. He knew that Atem's motives were for the right reasons.

Chaos looked up at the mention of Kaiba. "He is the pharaoh's cousin reincarnated, as you are a reincarnation of Atem, yugi. Seto and the mistress have twins, but he does not know about them. Sailor pluto told her it would be best to wait to tell him, and she had her own reasons. Asuka and Tenshi mean the world to her. Asuka, though she looks like Krystal, is like seto, even down to her love of the blue eyes. Where as her younger brother Tenshi, is an almost exact copy of his father, though personality wise he is like Krystal. You will meet the soon I am sure, as those two tend to follow wherever Krystal goes, whether she wants them to or not. They are like their father in that way. Do not be mad if you can avoid it, pharaoh. It was simply to keep the world in balance that she had the twins." He said, still resting his chin on the chair and wondering how Atem will react to all of this. He knew it would probably come as a shock. He hoped though Atem would not be hurt by it. Krystal only did it for the good of the world.

Ishizu did not move her head to look at Diego as as she spoke, focusing on driving. "Yes, I was there. Isis is the name I had as a priestess in the Pharaoh's court. I was the wielder of the millennium necklace." She said simply, wondering about what the sexy foreigner thought about all this. To her, it was a normal occurrence, shadow games and the like. Though, she knew with the discovery of Krystal things were going to get even more interesting. She was sure of it.

Meanwhile, back in japan, Tenshi awoke, his head feeling like it was about to explode as he shook his twin sister who was snoring lightly. Asuka slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them groggily, looking at her twin. "What is it Brobro?" She asked him telepathically, as she knew that even the slightest sound would wake her mother. The younger boy looked at his sister, his smirk rivaling that of both his parents. "Its alright Asuka. Mommy isn't here. She needs our help though. I can sense it." He said as he pulled out an onyx and charoite adorned golden hand held mirror from under his pillow.

Asuka's smirk now matched her twins as she chanted in ancient Egyptian, causing the mirror to glow and to project an image of their mother what had fainted once again. "Poor mommy.. It really looks like she could use twinsie cuddle attack, doesn't it?" Asuka commented, her smirk widening to match her twins.

The twins joined hands, each with a hand on the mirror as asuka chanted somthing in egyptian once teleporting away just as ishizu stopped at the hotel and Krystal awoke, her eyes showing annoyance. She grimaced and swore in moonian as she saw her twins appear. "You two are in big trouble! You are going to worry your aunt half to death disappearing like that on her!" She scolded, noticing that Asuka was wearing her princess dress, while Tenshi wore his shadow knight armor. She looked to them and hugged them, magically changing their clothes. "You should go around looking like that. People will stare." She whispered to them, no longer mad, but fearing about Atem would think.
Yugi and Atem both took this in. They were more surprised by the idea of Kaiba being intimate with someone more than anything. I mean, it is[/is] Seto Kaiba. "Wait, what do you mea 'keep the world' in balance?" Yugi asks, trying to understand why someone would want to sleep with Kaiba outside of perhaps blackmail and economic gain.

The two awoke and found themselves at the hotel along with the others. Joey and the others found themselves surprised by seeing presumably Krystal's children, but they didn't question it too much. Atem was silent about the ordeal. He wasn't mad, but confused about the idea of Kaiba having children. Whether the children would look at him as their father or Kaiba was up to them, but he would be there for them.

Diego turned to Ishizu and nodded. "You seem familiar, but I don't where...," Diego said as he got out of the car. He suddenly had a rahter unsettling feeling. "What's the plan? We wait for Kaiba and then we have Yugi and Atem duel?" he asks.
"That is not something I am able to explain without mistress's permission. I am sorry." Chaos said simply, frowning slightly. He could not reveal that Krystal was a Senshi. Particularly because it was such a monumental secret, and she'd beat him up if he did. Chaos sighed simply before continuing. "Best ask Krystal yourselves." She stated before disappearing back to Krystal's side, happy to see she was feeling better.

Ishizu nods. "Yes, I do believe that will work. We did meet at battle city, Diego." She said as she raised an eyebrow at Krystal, wondering where those two came from. She had seen Kaiba and Krystal together because of the necklace, but the thought of that man having children made her shudder. He was much to callus and cruel.

Krystal looked to Atem, and then at the clock. She knew seto would be arriving at the door in about three minutes. "Oh rah, what am I gonna tell him!?" She thought to herself, panic in her glacial blue eyes. She talked softly to her kids. "Alright my little valentines. I need you to be good for me. Your father will be here any minute." She told them, and Asuka's eyes widened.

"We're finally gonna meet daddy!" She exclaimed, twirling around happily as a the blue eyes plush her mother had gotten her appeared in her hands. She talked to the plush fondly, dancing around happily. She had never been so happy in her life! Tenshi, on the other hand, was concerned. He had heard about seto's bad rap. "Mommy, do you think he'll like us?" The small boy asked, his blue eyes showing slight fear.

Krystal hugged her son tight to her. "I really don't know sweetie. I hope so though. It would crush your sister if he didn't." She told the younger twin softly, watching Osaka twirl. "Please like them setty. Please." She prays, waiting for him to darken the doorway.
Diego looked at Ishizu with confusion. "Wait a minute... you're the one who saw everyone one of my moves, aren't you?" he said to her with a playful tone. Yugi and the others saw that Krystal had disappeared for a moment and reappeared with toddlers aside her. From what they guessed, it was Kaiba's children. While the son looked like him, he had a different disposition based on his facial expression and posture. The daughter, who looked like Krsytal, had a stern Kaiba expression on her though.

Speaking of, he arrived. Seto Kaiba.

He and Mokuba were the last to arrive. "It appears everyone showed up," he said in his usual tone. He glared at Diego who likewise glared back at him. He also looked at Yugi with slight contempt. He then noticed someone new. It was his acquaintance Krystal. She was a faithful partner with helping KaibaCorp and he repaid her by paying her medical bills due to her condition.

However, he was confused and surprised by the toddlers there. Especially the one that looked like him... Unless... he remembered a night where he tested the effects alcohol could have on him?!

"What is the meaning of this?!" Kaiba shouted. The others were surprised, but when Joey saw where he was looking, he figured it out.

"Kaiba, a word," Joey said with an unusual level of seriousness and he pulled Kaiba out for a word. The others were confused but then Yugi figured it out. "He doesn't know," he said before he then began telling Mokuba who was very surprised by the ordeal.

Meanwhile, Diego and Ishizu went a bit on their own to talk.
Krystal sighed and pulled the twins into her lap, cuddling them. "Well, that went well, huh? Not. Well, we'll see. Things are going to get very interesting from here on in my little valentines." She said, watching yugi and mokuba. She smiled slightly, something in her told her everything would be alright. Tenshi leaned into his mother's touch, nuzzling into her neck. She pulled them both in closer, kissing each of their head softly. Tenshi giggled. It always tickled when Krystal kissed his head.

Asuka's normally stoic expression was replaced by one of concern. She hugged her mother tight. "Mommy, doesn't he like us? Were we bad?" She asked, her eyes showing the hurt she felt. Normally the small girl was every bit like her father. Cool, calm, collected, and determined. But at the outburst from her father, she was not sure how to feel. Krystal pulled her close. "You're father's just surprised. I know he'll love you sweetikins." She cooed into the toddlers ear, smiling and wondering what joey and setty could possibly be talking about.

Asuka looked around the room, her eyes stopping when they met yugi's. The young blue haired girl tilted her head, posture like that of L from death note. She could see Atem as well. She walked over to them, smiling just slightly. "I'm Asuka! Mommy has my twin brother Tenshi." She said, her smile widening just slightly.

She looked at mokuba. "Didn't papa like me? I've been a good little duelist. Mommy got me this for my birthday. Its my prized possession along with my plushie!" She said as she pulled a shiny blue eyes card out from her deck box. Her smile widened slightly, and she continued. "I haven't used him yet. Though, I suppose I will at some point. So... he won't like it that I have this card, will he?" She asked, her blue eyes showing unexplained emotion.

Krystal looked on to the scene, wondering what mokuba thought of all this. She smiled though. She knew it would be okay. Although mokuba was older, she could see them playing together a lot. Asuka and he would duel, and Tenshi and he would play other games. Krystal hadn't taught Tenshi chess, so she imagined that would probably be what mokuba would teach them. Asuka would be like her father in that respect, while Tenshi would probably be more like her. She actually failed pretty badly at chess.

Meanwhile, ishizu and Diego were in a separate room. "Yes, I was the one who knew all your moves. I had to beat you in order to help Atem beat my brother's evil half." She said matter of factly, knowing he knew just what she was talking about, as he had been there. She watched the handsome man, wondering why he had wanted to talk privately. Could he possibly like her? Not knowing was driving the pretty egypiam woman batty, but she kept her composeur. "So, why did you want to talk, Diego?" She asked, slight curiosity shown in her turquoise eyes.
"What is the meaning of this, Wheeler?" Kaiba asks as he and Joey were now alone to talk.

"You didn't know, did ya?"

Kaiba kept his stern expression, but he understood what Joey said. Joey took his silence as confirmation before he let out a breath in mild exasperation. "Look Kaiba, my friends and I, we know a bit about your past. We know about you and that nut of a stepdad you and Mokuba had. And it got us wondering if you ever decided have kids or if something happened to Mokuba and he had kids that you had to watch over," Joey explained. Kaiba's eyes widened mildly. He did not consider having children at this age though it never occurred to him if Mokuba would have some.

He was sympathetic to children, recalling his past as an orphan and the few times he showed compassion. He definitely remembered the outrage he felt when some children were killed back in RPG World. However, now being with Joey, he was calmer and began thinking on if he had children, what would he do now?

"Look, your kids are probably gonna be as smart as you are. The girl looks like she has your personality while the boy seems to be like his mom," Joey said. "As for Krystal... she's in love with someone else. That ain't the point though. Point is, you gotta be there for your kids," Joey continued.

"I was born out of wedlock and my parents got married cause of me and then later Serenity was born. Then we got split and my dad kept getting bad luck. We don't talk to each other, but we keep trying to fix it for Serenity's sake," Joey says.

"Get to the main point, Wheeler," Kaiba butts in. "I'm saying don't end up like your stepdad. You already made alot of the same mistakes he did and it cost ya. like with your Virtual World and the Big 5 trying to steal our bodies with Noah. You said you wanted to move on from the past, but you're still making the same mistakes," Joey said, retaining his serious tone throughout.

"Mokuba and Yugh is probably gonna talk to ya also, so you better brace yourself," Joey said before he walks off back to the group.

Mokuba never thought much about life outside his brother and Yugi and the others. He'd figure he help his brother out when he was older. The idea of romance didn't occur that much to him, but he wasn't above having a crush from time to time. However, that didn't prepare him for being an uncle, especially at this age.

He looked at his niece and nephew. He recovered from the fact his big brother had kids and wondering what he would say. He looked down to see Asuka. She reminded him of Seto when he saw her stern look.

He looked to see that she somehow got a Blue Eyes White Dragon. "How'd you get that card?" he asks her gently. While surprised, he didn't want to scare her. "Lemme guess, your mom got it from Pegasus?" he asked. Pegasus had once taunted about the Blue Eyes to Kaiba recently. He admitted his brother cared deeply about the card and he was probably the best one to use it. Didn't stop him from making a laminated collectors copy only for Yugi's grandfather as an apology for ripping up the other one.

However, he larer though if it meant Pegasus would be making more Blue Eyes cards and it turns out he did. The girl had one and Pegasus hinting awarding a special pack to the US Anniversary tournament. The winner was actually Diego's brother. Kaiba didn't seem to know about this, but he probably wouldn't mind his daughter using it. In fact, he'd expect it. The son looked alot like Seto, but seemed to be more like his mom.

"Seto is just... not sure how to do this. But I think big brother will like the both of you," Mokuba said as he gave affectionate rubs to the head to the young children.

Joey returned and looked at Yugi. "All yours, Yugh. Mokuba, you should probably go after Yugh. If he won't listen to us, he'll listen to you," he said. Mokuba nodded. He knew Joey's parents were divorced so perhaps it was why he talked first with Kaiba. Mokuba sighed, not wanting Seto to turn out like Gozaburo.

"I don't know, guess I wanted to," Diego said before he remembered and showed her the cracked mirror. "This obsidian mirror has been in my family for a long while and was said it could see the future. Since we learned about Krystal, it has been cracking. I have a bad feeling about this. Something is going to happen," he said.
Asuka nodded. "Yes. Mommy said she had to pry him for weeks to get it. It was the last one he had. She finally got it out of him because of grampa Kenshin. He's close friends with Pegasus. They went to school together." she said proudly, smiling. The young blue haired girl watched as Atem and Yugi left and Joey came back in, wondering who the spirit was behind the tricolor haired teen. Asuka remembered her mother telling her stories of the handsome pharaoh Atem and his cousin priest Seth. "Perhaps they are connected" she thought to herself, still smiling. Both kids giggled when he rubbed their heads.

Tenshi was next to speak, smiling at Mokuba. 'Mommy told us all about daddy. She said he had a little brother. You're Mokuba, right?" he asked, still smiling, but unsure if he could or should hug the older boy. Both twins were very tall for only being 3 years old, as each were at least 3' 4" tall. Krystal supposed this was because of how tall their father is. She sat back in her chair, sipping a glass of ice water as she just watched, wondering what her love and his friend Yugi would have to say to the tall CEO.

When Krystal had finished her water, she walked over to Mokuba. "Hey there squirt. Sorry I didn't tell you and setty sooner, but I had my reasons. Wouldn't want your brother to be forced to marry me. We all know he would have, only so it didn't effect badly on the image of the company." She said with a derisive laugh, trying to diffuse the situation by using her nickname for the younger Kaiba. Tenshi looked up at his mother, begging to be picked up. She smiled, but shook her head. "Mokuba, I think your nephew wants cuddles" and with that, she walked away, going to refil her cup.

Ishizu nodded. "Yes, I do believe you are right. I've been thinking and feeling the same thing. As for Krystal, could it be possible that Atem stays in this time to be with her?" She asked, the thought suddenly popping into her mind, and not knowing why. It was a plausible thought though, she decided, smiling slightly. Ishizu did not know what to make of the handsome man in front of her, but she knew she liked him alot. Her only wish was that he liked her too.
Mokuba nodded as he looked at his nephew and niece. He nodded when asked about his name. He looked up to woman who gave birth to them. He saw Joey come back before Yugi/Atem come to talk to Joey. Mokuba realized he was last so he decided to try and interact with the toddlers by picking them up and giving them a piggy back ride, one at a time.

Before Kaiba could move out, he saw Yugi come to him. "Wheeler told me about his experience," he said.

"Kaiba, we're doing this to help you," Yugi pointed out to him. "I mean, they're your kids," he said. Kaiba said nothing but shifted. Yugi looked up at Kaiba. Interestingly enough, Yugi had not yet beaten Kaiba in a duel. It was usually Atem. Perhaps they can duel afterwards sometime.

Yugi sighed before he realized that perhaps it was time. His Millennium Puzzle glowed before he was overcome with a golden light. When it faded, Yugi stood taller and sharper. The Pharaoh was in control.

Atem was in control.

"Kaiba, I understand the shock of having your children. However, they come first. They are the future and they will be the ones who will make it. Look back on how you were and now how you are. We caught a glimpse of the experiences that made you into the man that you are. However, can you look back and say it was worth it? That the child that you were would approve?" Atem says. He says nothing more. It would be Mokuba's turn.

He left before he signaled Mokuba to go. He looked at the children before he looked at Krystal and offered her a smile. "How'd it go?" Joey asked his ancient friend. While the Pharaoh was different from Yugi, he was still a friend. "Hopefully well, Atem said.

"I don't know. Normally he would depart to the afterlife. Although things seem to be veering off course," Diego noted as he crossed his arms. He wasn't sure about these sort of things.
Krystal watched as Mokuba played with the twins, smiling as she sipped her water. Tenshi was first to have a ride, giggling uncontrollably. Asuka was not sure at first, but then obliged him, laughing hard. This was more fun than she had expected! Like one of the kiddie rides at Kaiba land. She watched as Yugi came back in as Atem, and she looked at her mother, still giggling as she asked her a question telepathically. "Mommy, Who is that man? I've seen him in my dreams." she told Krystal, who smiled back at Atem before answering.

"It is a long, complicated story my little valentine. One I am sure you know by heart now. The story of Pharaoh Atem and his cousin. That is Atem. He is trapped inside his millennium item," she replied to the small girl who just nodded. She then looked to Mokuba like his brother would. "Go talk to him. Tenshi and I will busy ourselves." she said softly, smiling at her uncle. She then proceeded to hop off his back and give him a small hug before walking over to Atem.

Asuka didn't bother with an introduction this time, as she knew he had been right there when she had introduced herself the last time. She smiled brightly at him and insistently pulled him over to her mother. She smirked like Krys and looked at both of them before speaking out, "Talk. Now." Her eyes were very insistent on the would be couple before she walked away to join her brother who was playing with Krystal's cat, Sapphy.

Krystal laughed awkwardly. "Well, she's never been the type to mince words. I suppose she gets that from Seto" she said, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. For the first time in her many lives, she was at a loss for words. What in rah's name was she supposed to say? "Hi, I'm Krystal.. and I'm still in love with you?" No. that would not fly. She also thought that would come off pretty creepy, even given the circumstances. "Well, Asuka seems to like you. That's a start" she said, her eyes showing slight fear. It wasn't of him, per-say, but more of what he thought of her. She had no idea what was going on in his head as the mind link had broken the night he died. That was how she had known, despite Seth telling her.

"I agree. Something big is gonna happen. Something very big. Something that will push them back into each others arms." She said simply, looking to Diego. she was sure something big was about to occur, and that Atem's shadow magic would not be enough. H would need a little help from Krystal and her senshi powers as well.
Joey, Tristian and Tea were beside their friend, there to give him the support needed to deal with this new issue. Atem looked at Krystal. His memories of her... they were precious to him. So precious that when he sacrificed them, they were possibly a permanent toll. Atem himself was unsure what to do. He didn't know how to approach an issue of romance such as this.

He did smile at her. That was a good start. "I will be honest with you, Krystal. While I wish I could remember, the memories we had from 5,000 years will probably never be regained. However... Yugi has taught me to follow my heart. And from the moment I saw you, I felt that you were someone special to me. After my duel with Yugi, should I be allowed to remain, I would like it for us to try anew," Atem told her.

Mokuba let the children off before he went to talk to his brother. "Seto..." he said as he walked over to him. "Mokuba..." Kaiba said, mildly surprised to see his brother here. "Seto, I gave this alot of thought. Being with Yugi and his friends, I realized something. We're lonely, aren't we?" he asked. Kaiba became a bit more surprised.

"Gozaburo taught us that the world was a dark and mean place. That it was only meant to crush our enemies and not care about anyone. We wanted to prove him one. You wanted to prove him wrong. Now look at you. You're on top, but you're lonelier than ever. If you beat Yugi... will that be enough?" Mokuba asked his brother. Kaiba looked down in thought.

"It won't. It would never be enough. We keeping thinking it's us against the world, but it doesn't have to be like that. It was that attitude that got us in trouble with The Big 5. Sure, they were jerks like Gozaburo, but that doesn't mean everyone is," Mokuba added before he let out a breath.

"We didn't have a good childhood. You said you were gonna be my dad when we were kids. You're the best brother ever, but now, there are kids who you need to be dad to. I know it's gonna be hard, but they're family. We can give them what we never had," Mokuba said before he turned. "Everything will turn out all right, big brother," he said before he headed back, leading to Kaiba to his thoughts. He looked at his children. They remidned him of Mokuba. Of him before Gozabura. He would not repeat his mistakes.

He would make them into competant individuals, capable of protecitng themselves and each other. But importantly, he would love them unconditionally. He stayed there as he mediatated.

"I think I got to him," Mokuba said with a smile.

"I guess we won't know until the duel with Yugi and the Pharaoh," Diego noted before he saw most of the conflict was resolving. "I guess we need to step out soon," he said with a smile. "I guess with all this done, you have your work with artifacts. But what else?" he asks her
Krystal smiled and nodded at him, squeezing hi hand as she got up from her chair. "I'd like that. I'd like that a lot." She said softly, pecking his lips softly and chastely before letting go of his hand. She blushed, rubbing her neck nervously. "Sorry, couldn't resist" she added with a small laugh, walking over to get yet another glass of water. It was the only thing that helped her stay replenished.

Krystal smiled at mokuba. "That's good. I should probably talk to him now, huh?" She said to no one in particular, chugging down the water she had just gotten like a Felix felicitous potion. She wasn't exactly sure what he would do, or what she would say, but the blue haired Senshi took a deep breath and walked toward where he was, darkening the doorway. "Setty.. can we talk?" She asked, her eyes unsure as she looked at the slightly taller CEO.

Ishizu looked at Diego, smiling slightly. "Yes. I admit, Egyptology is a passion of mine. But, I also want a husband and a child for sure, and I think the right person is closer than I know it." She said with a small knowing smirk before looking again to Diego. "They won't miss us. Trust me." She added simply, her smirk widening slightly.
Atem looked quite stunned at the sudden kiss, but he was not sure of what else to do. Joey looked to his friends and they agreed to help him out in any way they can. They then saw Kaiba return. Before he could say anything, they saw Krystal approach him. He nodded before he led her back to the corner he was at.

"What is it, Krystal?" Kaiba said. Unlike the usual mildly caustic tone he spoke in, this one was calmer and more stoic. However, he did not have any of his meanness in him. He wanted to hear what she wanted to say before he spoke to her.

Diego saw her smile and looked pretty surprised. He then saw her smirk. What was she implying? He didn't know, but he was suddenly blushing a bit. "I didn't know. You always seem to be kinda quiet and serious," he said as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.
Krystal rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "I-I wanted to apologise for not telling you sooner. But watching the way you were, I wasn't sure if you would even care, and I didn't want their hearts broken. Especially asuka. when she was 1 and a half, she saw a comercial for a duel disk and her first word was 'dada' i was so stunned, i didn't know what to do, bacause at the time, neither of them knew who their father was. She's pretty attached to you, even if she hasn't technically met you yet." She took a deep breath before continuing.

"I didn't know if you would even want us, Setty. You're always so reserved, and only ever really cared for mokuba, which I respected. That was another reason I didn't tell you. Asuka is a lot like you though Setty. She even loves the blue eyes just as much as you do. I got her a card of it for her birthday on the 14th of February. She cherishes it. They both love you, Setty, and they need a dad." She finished softly, taking a breath before wobbling slightly. She was gonna faint again, and she knew it.

Ishizu's smirk widened, "In most cases that is true, but not all the time. I like to think I can be fun too. " she said with a laugh, her Smile widening. She Wasn't allways so proper, though she admitted, it was a lot of the time. She knew she needed to loosen up, and she thought maybe Diego could help her do that.
Seto Kaiba looked at Krystal. She was at most something of a friendly acquaintance and even then, that was stretching it. However, he could not fault her for not telling him sooner. Mokuba's, Yugi's and even Joey's stories gave him revelations about how much he had gone off the path he promised he would follow. His eyes widened at the mention of his daughter.

Like him, her destiny laid in the Blue Eyes. While his son resembled him, he would probably be more like Krystal or Mokuba. If something happened to him and Krystal, they would have one another. But he was here andnow he can do something.

"...You're right."

"I never pictured what would happen if something like this happened. However, thanks to Mokuba, Yugi and even Wheeler, I've realized how much like my father I become. And how much I need to change," Kaiba said. He then held her to keep her from falling. "I am not sure how to be a father, but I know what not to do. You know how I am as a person and I hope... our children also know how I am," he said.

Children was one of his soft spots, especially orphans. It was also a truth he tried to not face. He was lonely. He wanted to try and open up, but the psychological turmoil he and his brother have gone through from Gozaburo and the Big 5 made it difficult. But he can open to his own kids and perhaps to the others as well. "We will need to discuss plans regarding living and such but I suppose that can wait for later. Right now, we have a duel to watch," he said before going back to the others.

The others, especially Yugi, Mokuba and Joey watched him. He bent over to his kids and ruffled their heads. Mokuba smiled alongside the others. "Looks like he's finally openin," Joey said to Yugi/Atem who nodded.

Diego smiled while rubbing the back of his embarrassed. He didn't know what to think. She was attractive, intelligent, a good duelist and nice, but this was interesting. "Think we should get going then," Diego said to her.
Krystal nodded, and watched from her chair at the sweet scene about to happen. She crossed her legs and sipped some water, watch in as seto ruffled the the hair of their kids. Tenshi smiled up at him wide eyed, but asuka hugged him. She pretty much latched onto the tall CEO, mumbling "daddy" It was apparent the small girl was happy to see him. What seto did not know was that she had waited in what felt like a millennia to the small girl to meet him. Asuka buried her face into his chest and cuddled close not wanting to leave from there. "Daddy... finally." Was as all she said as a few small tears escaped her eyes and she kept on hugging him, savoring every minute.

Krystal looked at the touching scene, and it only got cuter as Tenshi hugged him as well. She smiled, looking to mokuba. "This will be good for him. Maybe he'll finally become the man I once knew." She said softly, thinking back to the days of silver millennium, and When priest seto and she would sit up in his room, talking about everything and nothing. She missed it, and hoped Their kids would help him be that man again. Her best friend.

Ishizu nodded, slight sadness in her eyes. She had wanted to talk to him for a bit longer. "Alright then, Diego." She said with a smile, standing up and waiting for him to do the same, not really wanting to leave, but walking toward the closed oak door.
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