Behind The Scenes of the Third Shinobi War (LadyYuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

Orochimaru didn't give a damn about the woman or what she liked or didn't like, her discomfort meant nothing to him at all. He was going to figure her out and her dna out. He would then use that dna to create his own seal, and advance seal, of some kind, maybe it would be a curse, he hadn't figured it out yet. "Why, your were the proud one, from what I could tell, you pissed off your captive enough they handed you over to me, you a prisoner of war, no one will even know your gone, your a spy right, spies disappear all the time, trust me, I have made many disappear myself who spied on Konoha," he said as he watched her heal.

She was in a really bad spot, she most likely figured this out by now, but he wondered what else he could do. He looked at her and figured he might as well test, as he looked at the woman. "Well you recovery rate is impressive, good, if I were to cut your whole leg from your knee down would it grow back," he asked curiosity in his tone as he waited for an answer, he was half tempted to try it if it did or didn't grow back to just to test it out. "Yes your DNA is much like the Senju capable of regeneration, maybe I can clone something or make something off this, yes, that might work," he said knowing in time the leaf would end the war and he would not be able to stay as his secrets would be found out.

"Well, I figure till the war ends, I have you to have fun with, experiment on, you might feel a lot more pain," he said as he looked at her, before picking up the vial and walking away from the woman, he had seen enough for the moment, he did pause to hear if she would answer his question about her recovering abilities and if she would be able to do so. If she wouldn't be able to, then well he would find ways to manipulate her body to fix that.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

Damnit, why?! Why didn't you just keep fighting back with that brat?!

Suikoto felt her mind screaming at herself, wishing that she'd just tried to get away from the gravity user rather than joining him in Takigakure. This wasn't only the worst possible scenario for her. It was a living hell, one she wanted out of. And unfortunately, she couldn't think of a valid excuse to give Orochimaru. The obvious reply of the pain being too much after a while clearly wouldn't mean much if anything to him. So those were out of the question. But .. had she really pissed off Amon and Aoshi? Annoyed, probably. But she hadn't thought her replies had been that bad. Then again, the Sannin was right. They had allowed this so .. they must have been, even if only a bit.

She felt herself swallow once again upon hearing the question.

He wouldn't ... would he?

Suikoto felt her gaze subconsciously move from Orochimaru to her leg. Her body shook before she gave a slow nod. "It... it should. I don't know. I've been told what it's meant to be capable of healing or not. But ... that's the furthest my knowledge goes. I've never ... seen it's limits or anything .... "

Finally, she was beginning to be completely honest. Would he believe her though? That was another thing which terrified her, the possibility of him not doing so. But compared to the answers she tried to feed Aoshi, they sounded far more realistic. So he had no reason to suspect that was a lie ... right? Gods she hoped not. Suikoto also had no genuine idea on how much she could endure with her bloodline repeatedly activating.

Finally though, he appeared to be ready to walk out.

By all means, please do.

Even if it was only for a few minutes, it'd be more than enough. But gods help her, she didn't want to see this man or feel anything else for a bit more.
Orochimaru heard the non answer, he figured this was the same answer she gave to Amon and Aoshi, he smirked as he walked back in and took out his hammer and then put it down as he looked at her, "that is such a lie, you know, you damn well known, this is why your hear, never though the boyscout would send me one of his prisoners, he must of been in a bad mood," he said with a smirk as he looked at her. "Lets do one more test," he said as he took an acid from a vile, "this will eat though your leg, it is slow though, and hurts a lot," he said as he looked at her, with a smirk, it might burn off your whole right leg, wait maybe yeah your right arm instead, hope your a southpaw," he said with a smirk."You don't give me such fake answers, A ninja always knows her or his abilities they are taught to them from birth by their clan."

He looked at her as he pulled out the vial, it was good sized filled with a bubbling liquid that was greenish in nature. He took it and poored it over her arm, knowing that it would most likely be horribly painful for her, he wanted to see if it would harm her faster then her body could heal, that would be most interesting, he hadn't put enough to take off her arm, but she didn't need to know that, it would still burn like crazy as he recorded the results to add to his collection, that would help him as he worked on how to use the dna and how he needed to adjust it on his own.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

Her head shook quickly from side to side. "I swear, that's the truth! If you know of my clan, then you know few people in Iwagakure even obtain this bloodline. It's limits aren't known, not completely. Please .... "

An adrenaline rush began to take over Suikoto. Her body didn't care anymore if it was sore or how scared she was. She wanted - no needed to get out. Her feet tried to push herself away, give herself some distance from the man. The urge to sit up continued to repeat desperately into her mind. The hell with what was in the IVs now. It could be the best medicine and part of her didn't want it. Just her freedom would more than suffice. She got a few weak jerks against the chains off before the burning sensation began.

"Nooooo .... agh!"

Her breaths and pants quickened as Suikoto's voice simultaneously started to become hoarse. Even the screams and whimpers were becoming too quiet to hear. Her eyes began going through rapid eye movement once again as she felt her body begging for reprieve and rest. The only way was to pass out.

Not with him around ... you nuts?!

But she knew she couldn't remain conscious forever, certainly not much longer.

Her body was trying to fight against the acid. It was indeed a bit faster, yes. But since it was meant to be slow acting, the wounds would be seen repeatedly closing only to open once again from the green liquid, close again, and repeat swiftly. By the third time the cycle started over, she knew even without Orochimaru telling her that it hadn't been enough to fully remove her arm; a blessing in itself. But .. oh dear gods. The agony almost wasn't worth the mercy of being able to have all her joints in tact.

Then again, he could almost never really permanently remove them either. Another double edged blade.

By the time it finally finished, poor Suikoto was barely awake still. Her eyes were mostly closed as she panted heavily on the table. The tears were slow but still trailing down her face as her body registered each and every sensation of pain and recovery. She was convulsing on the table and more from the cold air than any other factor, certain parts of her body were .... easier to see. This seemed to especially include her nipples although with how sore and close to passing out Suikoto was, she hardly noticed let alone cared about that. Hell, she hadn't seemed to care or think about other things that could easily be done to her in this state besides experimentation.

Her best saving grace, so far, seemed to be that the Sannin was far too focused on doing these experiments.
Orochimaru looked and got the information that he was after with the woman. It was also in her good grace that he wasn't the type of man to be after sex, he was more after advancement of his own skills and knowledge and using her as a test dummy was really his own current aim. He put down the information on the chart as he looked at her and smirked, "you will make a good test dummy, in time perhaps you will lose touch with the reality you used to know," he said as he looked at her thinking about how strange the woman was, and what a gem of a find she was as well.

Orochimaru left her alone for the time being, he had experiments to do on her blood and he wanted to unlock the keys to her special abilities. He knew that would take some time, but the ability had shown itself to him rather clearly. He figured that this would be a interesting study. He would be able to find a way to prevent damage to himself that would prove fatal to others. He wondered what secrets was in the dna, perhaps something that would have a great purpose and help him bring his vision of the future into being. He thought about something as he worked though, time passing, he was one to think of every element of an experiment to test it out. He made a call and waited for an assistant of his to arrive, to test out his curiosity for himself.

Soon, a young man appeared, it was easy to tell that he wasn't normal his eyes glowed just a bit as he walked into the room. He had been told about the woman who could hear herself, the man was tall graceful with long dark blue hair and a very fit body. He looked at the woman, himself a rather high level missing from Amegakure, he figured that this would be worth a meeting. He looked at the woman, and looked her body over as he paused and smirked looking closer at it then Orochimaru had.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

Once the tell-tale sounds of a door opening and closing registered into her brain, Suikoto began maneuvering herself within her chains. She tried to pull some of the IVs out. The impression of Orochimaru had been anything but decent. With his sadistic tastes, she suddenly felt even less safe by allowing the needles to remain in her. As much as she wanted to believe it was only medicine, she feared that wasn't it. And on the off chance her instincts were correct, Suikoto didn't want whatever the liquid was flowing into her system. For all she knew, it could just be venom. He had displayed he had snakes although ... where had they come from anyways? It had seemed to be out of nowhere. Then again, she'd been going through REM so she had very likely missed the answer to that question.


A weak cry of agony left as most of the IVs did. The wounds sealed themselves with ease, leaving a panting and nude kunoichi upon the medical table. Her mind tried to race in thought, seeming to match the pace of her heart. Would he even be able to figure out from just the blood sample how exactly her bloodline worked? It was supposed to be next to impossible to understand by merely studying the crimson liquid. But Suikoto had no honest idea. She had been completely truthful upon telling Orochimaru the limits of it weren't known of. The same applied to all the details of it. There was a good reason only people from Iwagakure had the Saisei Kekkei Genkai after all.

More time passed and her body tensed up as the door opened again. She'd snuck in small naps last no more than five minutes, probably shorter. However, instead of the raven hair she'd been expecting, a new figure with dark blue strands was standing next to her. Her eyes blinked a few times as she took the new face in, taking calm and deep breaths.

".... More experiments?" She asked weakly, unsure of what to expect from this man. The thought made her heart sink but .. what else was there? That seemed to be all she was now for the most part. So unless there was something else that wasn't coming to her head ... Suikoto couldn't think of other reasons the man had come in here.
The man looked over the body of the woman and listened to her question, his eyes scanning her body for a moment as he touched his fingers over her neck and to her readings, as carefully as was possible. He looked right at her and then smirked for a good moment saying nothing, "experiments you say, I don't think they would be experiments at least in the normal sense of the term experiments, but in some ways I guess this will help Lord Orochimaru in his experiments to better the world," he man said as he watched her face carefully not saying anything else for a good moment as he thought about how to break to her the news.

"You are going to play a direct part in the growth of his new army, very direct, your dna will help create the greatest of shinobi," he said as he let his hand drift upwards and grope her breasts hard and firm, his fingers pressing around her breasts firmly as he moved and looked at her naked body, "you were undressed for a reason you know, it wasn't just to get better measurements, genkai are normally passed though family lines," he said as he looked at her, "so I am guessing you know what type of experiment is to come next," he said calmly as if were already a mater of fact.

The man let one of his hands caress her legs moving all around the area near her womanhood, with her locked down as she were, she had no defense against any type of assault by his hands. He smirked as she would figure out if she hadn't already what was going to happen, and what the aims of him and the IV really were, "yeah fertility drugs, that is what is in the IV," he said to her with a smirk on his lips as he looked at Suikoto.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

Her face paled as the news was given to her. While this had been a secret fear of hers, it had seemed to fade from meeting Orochimaru. But she supposed he'd have others to go through with tasks he never could begin to accomplish. A true snake he appeared to be indeed. Her teeth gripped her lower lip, her head turning away from the man to hide a whine as her breast got caressed. He didn't have to hint anymore to her, whether it had to do with the 0% chance of escaping at this moment or further explaining what was about to happen.

"Fuck you all ... " She hissed angrily. "I hope you bastards die and burn in the abyss by the time this war ends ... "

Her fingernails dug into her palms as he went on to say the IVs had indeed been filled with a drug. Not the type she'd been thinking. Still, it made her glad that she'd gotten the needles out. How long had they been in there for though? Enough for this to work?

Her mind then went to the what-ifs, mainly if these pricks got what they wanted and knocked her up. They'd be using her children. But on the off-chance none of them inherited the bloodline ... would they even be spared? Between the attitude Orochimaru seemed to have plus the words coming from the new male, a knot in her stomach formed as she had the guess the answer would be no.

"No ... " she whimpered, arching her back as the hand trailed down in between her legs. "Is there nothing else I can offer to change your mind?" It was a last ditch effort but it was better than letting this happen.

Was this really what Amon and Aoshi had wanted? She couldn't help but wonder about that. If she could ever get to them and reveal the true colors, would they let her go? Or at least be too distracted to focus upon her and thus allow for her to leave this wretched nation? Maybe the latter. It definitely fueled her on to try to keep holding on and maintain some sanity.
The man looked at the dark haired woman as he smirked, he knew that she knew that this situation she happened to be in was a rather horrible one. He had her pinned like a rat in a cage, he liked that thought as he could tell that he could have his fun. He did too, as he let his fingers press over her soft skin enjoying the feel of her body against his finger tips for a good bit, his finger focusing on key spots, such as her tits and her sex making sure to have them well touched before anything else.

"So, experiment, have you been with a man before," he asked as he looked at her, with a smirk on his lips as he let his hand grope her more. He was pretty sure the woman hadn't of been with a man before, but he wanted to see if she would reply most likely not. He knew soon he would figure out if she had or hadn't. He didn't care either way, he was going to have his fun, he was getting paid to have sex with the woman, which seemed way to good to be true, but what was he going to do turn down the opportunity to have some fun and make money all at the same time. He moved his fingers from her body as he lowered his pants and boxers, his member release from its confines as he did so.

He moved over her, careful to keep away from her face as he figured she would try to bite him if she got close enough for the attempt. He put his hands on the edge of the table on either side of her as he then looked down and used his hand to angle his member towards her sex pressing himself into her firmly as he looked down with a small smirk evident on his face as he did so.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

Her head weakly shook no in response to his question. The fact the man had seemed to ignore her own made Suikoto's heart sink. Was this really about to happen? It almost seemed that way. His fingers continued trailing and dancing along her skin, making shivers travel down her body. Was there really nothing she could say or do? There had to be something ... right? Her mind tried desperately to think, forcing herself to ignore her nipples and clit all hardening.

Come on, think! You're smarter than this!

And finally, something besides the desire to be selfish did actually enter her head. Her head shook quickly as she knew and felt time was limited.

"This .. ngh .... won't work!" She finally blurted out, adding on the rest of the explanation hastily while he had yet to break through her hymen. "That's just going to repair itself ... repeatedly. You won't be able to remain inside long enough to carry out the task. And even if you do, the hymen will just repair itself the second you withdraw. The unborns will die inside of me and Orochimaru's goal will fail!"

Her heart was racing frantically in her chest. If that didn't get through to him ... it made her shake in fear and anxiety. But with the hopes that she had made certain to include it would be more likely to result in the Sannin's plans winding up defeated would work for her, not against her. After all, he seemed to be one of his assistants. So wouldn't he have to comply if for no other reason than to help Orochimaru ensure things went his way?

She could only hope the logic made enough sense. A new adrenaline rush was beginning to overtake her as her pulse quickened more. Suikoto found herself silently praying, knowing it really was the last possible form of hope for her at that moment.
Honestly the blue haired man didn't care anything about Orochimaru and wasn't his servant at all. He was willing to take her though the idea of her bodies issues making it harder was annoying as heck. He looked at her for a moment, his eyes focused on her reading her as best as he could. He didn't know her and that annoyed him as he heard the intercom come on, he knew that Orochimaru wouldn't pay him if he wasn't able to knock the woman up. He looked her directly in the eyes as he thought about what she was saying.

"Well how about we test this out, and see if it does regenerate, it seems a bit far fetched," the man commented before he was interrupted by Orochimaru, who was very clear that he needed to see the man in his office. The man let out a sigh as he looked at her and shook his head, just before he could test her out to make sure that she was telling him the truth. It was annoying to think that he had gotten so close, but to be denied by the woman's own skills or Orochimaru's believe in her skills. He headed fixing his pants as he went to talk with Orochimaru who was working on her blood experimenting with it. He was confident that he would get another chance at some point.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

A whimper left Suikoto's lips as her eyes quickly shut. "It's not ... " She weakly protested, shaking from a mix of the cold surrounding her and fear. "You know of my bloodline. How is it so farfetched? Please don't ... " Thankfully, his wish was denied as the intercom activated. Suikoto's head tilted upward as she panted quickly. This was no doubt one of the few times she was glad to hear Orochimaru's voice. He'd been able to halt this. So what if it hadn't been out of mercy for her? He'd saved her, regardless of whether it had been done intentionally or not. Her heart raced wildly as the man soon left.

But just to ensure, her white eyes slowly opened after the sound of the door closing registered.

Yes ... thank gods ....

Even if it was only for a day at most, it'd still be enough time for Suikoto. She could recover and try to get better prepared. It'd likely be mainly, if not only, mentally. But it was a start and Suikoto wouldn't complain too much. If absolutely nothing else, the kunoichi would need to re-gather her strength to help with getting out of here. Honestly, the mission could be forgotten about at this rate. Her sanity and life were at stake. Besides, the elders should have thought this out more carefully. They'd known her bloodline. Why would they take such a risk? Because she couldn't easily die?

Her body shook as anger lingered in with the fear. This was a living nightmare, one she wanted and needed to get out of. Her eyes slowly shut once again as she attempted to get some rest, no matter how much or brief it was in terms of amount.
Things were not as bad for Suikoto as she might think at that moment, the blue haired man had been followed to the base by a different group. Soon the alarms were going off all over the place around her, alarms that were caused by what would appear to be a direct attack on the base itself. The people were moving out to take on the threat and fight them in the open field. Suikoto would hear explosions and the place shade before she would feel more shaking and perhaps people coming out from a whole in the ground.

The group of them were wearing uniforms that were not of a village at all, they all did have slashes around their waist as they came into the room, looking around they seemed to be interested in evidence of what was going down. There were three of the group that came in, one the leader, with wild long hair and a bit of a wild look in general to himself. One a tall tan bald man who looked like a moving mountain able to crush anything, and the third member a soft short long white haired woman who was collecting the data.

The wild haired one looked at and picked up on Suikoto quickly and undid her bindings and picked her up as she didn't look to well. He looked over at the others who were ready to move.

"Come on the genjutsu will not last that long," the woman commented as she looked at the other two.

"Miss, hold on, we aren't going to hurt you, but we can't stay here much longer," he said as the large one created another tunnel in the ground which to escape from the lab from heading out under the earth. The group started out to head out of the lab into an tunnel that would take them a good bit away from the place before they would be discovered after the wild looking one used some fire jutsu to explode the place to hide their trail completely.
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