Behind The Scenes of the Third Shinobi War (LadyYuna & Silverknight's 1x1)


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

A figure clad in all-black was en route to Kumogakure. She'd hated being chosen for the job .. but it had been insisted upon by the superiors of the maiden's home nation of Iwagakure. She was one of the best in espionage and perhaps more than that, she had something almost no one else in the village had; a rare Kekkei Genkai called the Saisei, literally translating into 'regeneration'. It worked ... to a certain degree. Wounds and limbs could indeed be regrown. Organs like the heart or locations like the head, however, were some of the rare exceptions. But otherwise, Iwagakure realized and understood they had a practically immortal soldier .. and were purposely using that to their advantage, hoping that it would assist in the midst of the ongoing war.

"So ... shouldn't I be heading to Konoha to gather intel? Not Kumogakure?" She murmured, a clearly irked tone in her voice. Bright white eyes that only could be seen were anyone near her would easily hint the true she was so uncertain about heading to Kumogakure. She knew of the Hyuuga clan back in Konoha. There had been many times when the nineteen year old jounin had been thought to be one of them.

And in the case of Kumogakure, it was all but a death sentence or the closest thing to it. Eyes would be another exception for her bloodline; the wound would heal but not the actual organ. And the very thought of having those lost due to a horrible decision from the superiors of her village genuinely terrified her.

But she supposed the reason as to why she was being sent off was simple enough in concept. Originally, the fray had been between just Iwagakure and Konohagakure. And then ... Kumo had abruptly joined and sided with the latter.

So they did need to find out why, an almost exact number as to how many others to expect, any ulterior motives that even Konoha may not know of, and other things of the like. After all, Kumo had never been 'best friends' per se with Konoha. No, that had always been the role of Suna.

That being said, everyone else had always had a feeling Kumo was just using Konoha. But if that was true .. it could be used to their advantage.

A low but weary sigh left Suikoto's lips as she continued jumping from tree to tree. From her guess, she was about half-way there and probably should halt soon to get some sleep. But she didn't want to, not just yet. She was too focused and determined to rest. Maybe later, when she actually wanted it. But right now? Nope, not at this moment.

Aoshi Aetamai was a special ninja, a powerful one, one of the lead shinobi of Takigakure, or the waterfall village. The village had been natural in the war till recently, when a battle took place in front of the great ninja village of Takigakure. It if hadn't been for the exiled shinobi Amon, the battle would of gone in favor of Iwagakure and they would be like many other villages dust in the wind gone for all times. Yet they were not, and now the Takikage was in power and things were moving upwards.

Aoshi was a top level Taki shinobi, a warrior of special skills from the Aetama clan. He had an gravity kekkai genkai, meaning that he could change the gravity around himself or in any spot within a reasonable range making others slower or himself faster, it was all possible with the gravity kekkai genkai. Aoshi was a kind man, but war had hardened his senses and his view of things.

Aoshi was a jounin the first class of Taki Jounin and he was able to track someone coming though his lands quickly. He moved to intercept them and ended up jumping past them landing on a tree not that far away. He looked at the female, his hair hanging down his back as he focused on her. Black hair, and the eyes, she looked sort of like a Hyuuga. He blinked as he took her appearance in, he wasn't sure though.

"Miss, who are you and what are you doing in Taki lands," he asked as he looked at her now that he got in her way, "I must ask you your business, Mrs Hyuga, even allies of ours must tell us what they are doing in the lands," he said assuming that this woman was from the famous clan. He wasn't sure what was happening but he figured that he could take her to his boss and then get clearance on what to do from there. He knew that his boss was a ex-Konoha shinobi and as such would know the Hyuuga better then he knew them a fact she didn't know at that moment.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

Suikoto's body tensed as another figure came into view. She heard an array of curses echo in her head. Another good reason she had preferred the night over day with traveling and performing espionage missions was the easy concealment the darkness gave to her. It greatly helped and typically ensured that almost no one if any person ever actually saw her. She could literally be in and out of her destination with little to no trouble and even better than that, no witnesses to have seen her be behind the acts. But now .. someone had to get themselves into the picture.

Her first reaction had been to snap at the male and insist she was minding her own affairs. However, she halted upon hearing the name 'Hyuuga'. This time .. maybe she could use it to her advantage? It was possible. Nodding to herself, she tried to get into the mindset first before speaking.

"With all due respect, I am doing just that while complying with orders. We're seeing about getting more allies. I've been asked, however, to keep myself discreet. I'm taking a longer route towards Amegakure."

It was a motive and yet a way to keep her true self from being found out about. She'd felt confident enough on being able to have passed as a Hyuuga. They were supposed to have incredibly good ethic codes, particularly with their mannerisms. So that had been why she spoke in a more soft tone than letting herself verbally lash out at the man. If she'd gone with her natural reactions, it would have been much more obvious she wasn't a Hyuuga.

Her head bowed as her ankles tensed. "Now ... since I've answered your question, excuse me." And with that, she began to jump to an empty tree and resume heading towards her real destination; Kumogakure. She'd come too far to just allow some random stranger to screw things up. But if push came to shove .. a few ideas were forming in her head. While Taijutsu was her main forte, nin was a close second. Gen ... not so much. She could dispel them pretty well but not actually activate any.

Aoshi looked at the woman, the only reason he had ran into her had to do with his horrible ability to get lost, but now he was glad he ran into the Hyuuga. He looked at her and wasn't a idiot, the way she was going wasn't the way to Amegakure, that was to the south, and this woman was headed east towards Kumogakure. He wasn't going to let her pass so easily. He could see that something was up, she was in way to much of a hurry, and the fact that his village was being ignored was something that bugged the heck out of the young dark haired man as he felt that she was looking down on himself.

Aoshi turned and used the gravity jutsu on the tree that she was going to jump to, it cracked from the intensity of the gravity as it would hit her to and cause her to stop the gravity was purposely not going to be hard enough when she hit it to cause her pain, but to slow her down and keep her from running away for sure. It was a kind of entrapment to keep his target from running away. He looked at the woman and then paused as he jumped down and landed perfectly on his own feet looking at the Hyuuga with a calm look.

"I don't care that your going to Amegakure, even I know that isn't the right way, secondly, anyone coming to my lands must come to Takigakure and meet with our leader, especially you, a foreign shinobi, my boss is leaf, a senju in fact, he will know if your telling me the truth or if you lying your ass off right now," Aoshi commented as he looked at the foreign shinobi. He had never meet a Hyuuga before, so he had no idea what they acted like other then the eyes, he had no clue what they looked like either.

"Now, if you agree to come along, I am sure that things will go much easier then if you keep up this whole thing about running and heading in the wrong direction and head towards Kumogakure," he said calmly waiting for the reaction and reply by the woman.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​


Those were the first words that entered Suikoto's head as she fell from the gravity, landing a bit harshly and thus causing a low "Ngh!" to leave her lips. She glared up to the other nin, not even bothering to hide her annoyance. And as he spoke more ... the attempt to be a Hyuuga finally faded away altogether. There was no point in keeping the guise up. She had only one - well, two - thoughts going through her head. Accomplishing her mission and, to be able to do that, getting away from this man.

In fact, Suikoto had to even think on his hint on the man's boss being a Leaf. Even if that was true, one couldn't simply take a look and identify someone as a Hyuuga or not. At least not to the Iwa's knowledge. With how many times she'd been able to confuse other various shinobi, the easiest method seemed to include some form of medical testing. And that was where she drew the line on what she would or wouldn't tolerate and endure.

"You .. should have just ... minded your own affairs as I'm trying to do. Damn brat ... "

They were likely the same age but she as beyond caring. If anything, Suikoto was infuriated, pissed off even. She had been trying to do a simple job. And now, some bastard had to interrupt it.

But that was all it'd be.

Her hands moved together as she began working on performing a ninjutsu. It wasn't at all her preference, to be using chakra this soon. But he wasn't holding back. And her bloodline wasn't a combat-oriented one. So ... this would be the best thing to resort to.

"Doton: Tajū Doryūheki no Jutsu ... "

Steadily, a wall of earth and rock began to form around her. The gravity may still remain even when it finished. But it wouldn't be as much of a burden once it was complete. And unless he could jump or climb fast, she had full intentions of being out of his reach before he could get to her.

Now Aoshi knew something more serious was up base on the reaction of the woman to his demands, he didn't think he was being unreasonable, a quick check by Takigakure, and then she could head along going in the right direction. He pasued as he heard her comments and blinked, she might of been younger then he was. He wondered who she really was no, no one would be so set on going to somewhere if they knew they were going in the wrong direction. He didn't need to know if she was Hyuuga or not to know this.

Aoshi saw the rock start to come up, he had a good guess as to how to handle it easily. He had a two point plan, first to counter the wall with gravity, the weight of the wall would be hard to be put up with gravity working on it, and he guessed she was going to run too. He took the gravity completely away from his whole body, something that like her own kage, gave him the ability to fly. He did so quickly moving fast as lightning cutting off her path or what he figured her path would be landing on his feet and looking up as he came to an stop.

"Damn you, if you want to make this a fight, I will fight you, I don't like attacking women, but you seem dead set on going though here towards Kumogakure, I don't care who you are now, come with me, or I will fight you and I will defeat you," he said a stern tone this voice as he took up a stance preparing himself as he put his hand out his eyes focused on her, "you my be a threat to my people, maybe even a fucking damnable Iwa bitch," he said not crossing words about his feelings for that place at all. Aoshi was never one to curse, except if Iwa was connected to the conversation.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

Even in her mind, Suikoto had been going over the demands. Were the reasonable? Perhaps more so than it could have been, yes. But unfortunately, they weren't something she was set on complying with. She had more vital things to do than explain to his leader why she had to go through his lands. This might be his nation but this was her task and assignment. She wasn't asking him to like it. Hell if she cared whether he did or not. No, Suikoto was merely inquiring for him to stay out of the damn way. But he was being so stubborn and adamant on delaying her further.

As the gravity left, she pushed herself up to her feet which shook a bit but managed to keep her balanced decently enough. She had began going toward the door of the wall. Yes, door. She made them more akin to a fort, honestly. And that included having an exit existing. After all, it'd otherwise be foolish to trap oneself in their own jutsu, wouldn't it? She got about three steps in before the male landed in front of her.

Her teeth gripped her lower lip as an irked scoff passed her lips.

"If your people were in any immediate danger, I wouldn't be heading toward Kumo now would I? But it's as you said; I'm tending to my business while you do so with yours. That being said, get out of my way or you will become part of the equation." Venom and ice began to enter her tone as her eyes met with the dark ones across from her. Her heart was racing along with her mind.

She hadn't expected him to be able to make himself fly, albeit she should have considered the possibility. And for failing to have thought of that was making her attitude all the more worse than it had been since the man had halted her. If he could do that ... then as much as Suikoto hated to admit it, she knew he was right. He would very likely win.

But he'd never be able to keep her wounded. Thus in that department, she would be the victor.

This would be a very back and forth fight of sorts, each earning victories in certain aspects and losing in others. But she'd all but began this. Wouldn't it be right for her to end this?

It seemed as much. The white orbs hid away as Suikoto closed them. A strong gust began to form around her, as if she were the central point for a tornado or hurricane. If she could just get distance from him and be able to escape fine ... that would be all Suikoto would need to use in order to proceed towards Kumo. But she didn't want to use much more chakra than she had to. Hopefully this would be the last technique she'd need to use to be able to continue.

Aoshi was more determined to stop this woman with every single word that she spoke, it was easy to see that she was not a friend, that her mission to Kumo an ally of theirs was one that had to be stopped. He knew that if it was stopped then it would be something that would be a small victory in showing the alliance just that they were worthy of being in it. He took a deep breath as he looked at her, narrowing his eyes on her focused supremely focused as he took a deep long breath clearing his mind preparing himself for anything she might do.

"everything you say and have done has led me to disagree with that," he said as he focused his chakra into his hands quietly, he would need it if she were to do something. He just needed to know how to counter it and what to do about the counter.He watched her, as he knew she would try something, you don't go though all the trouble she had so far without having to do something important. He knew that she wasn't going to give up, she hadn't before why would she have a reason to give up at this point in time.

He wondered if she would of still used the jutsu she choose if she knew his chakra nature. "Katon: Karyūdan," he called out as he shoot off from his mouth a barrage of fire bullets right at the tornado, the fire of course caused the tornado to light up into a massive burning tornado as he used her own defense against her. Now this fight was serious, and he was going to take it as seriously as he needed too. He also knew that the size of the flames would draw the attention of other Taki to the location as he moved to block the best choose she had to escape from the inferno knowing that till he saw her dead or capture this wasn't over.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

The man seemed to be full of more and more surprises. And while they were amusing at first, the new feats were steadily becoming more annoying. Suikoto's eyes widened as she saw the multiple projectiles get shot right toward her wind barrier. Konoha was typically known for fire-users, especially the Uchiha. But someone all the fuck way out here? No. This was something that she could never have expected. As quickly as it had all began, the wind abruptly died down. None of the flames had made direct contact with her skin, thankfully, although a few bits of the fabric were removed now.

Now Suikoto found herself glaring in a mix of annoyance and anger at the man as she panted slightly. Not that the Iwa kunoichi had used all of her chakra. But she had definitely worn herself out more than she had desired. Her teeth gripped her lower lip harder as she took shaky steps away.

Why? Why was he being so insistent on her being a danger? She hadn't heard of Kumogakure making alliances with anyone else besides Konoha. But he was acting as if he were a Leaf shinobi himself. Something was horribly wrong. She was clearly missing a very important detail. And it was bothering her to every end of this damned earth. In fact, she was beginning to feel as if she got set up by her own home nation. Her head shook quickly, not wanting to believe such a ridiculous idea.

What would they gain by doing something like that? They'd lose one of their best. That's what you are, they've always said as much. Don't be stupid.

Still, there was that nagging feeling of being shoved into the dark and not knowing all she should. And that alone was continuing to pester and torment her mind.

After a few more seconds of contemplating, she finally unsheathed a wakazashi that had been kept at her side. While they weren't as long as the blade of, say, a katana, they could be as deadly as one if possessed by the correct people. And Suikoto had been trained to be one of such individuals. This time, she didn't bother speaking. Every other time she'd tried to reason and talk to the man, he refused to listen. If he'd been that way from the get-go, it was clear he was like herself in one way. He wouldn't change easily if at all.

So she would speak with actions, not words. Besides they were supposed to be louder according to the old proverb. Darting towards the shinobi, she jabbed forward, aiming to stab for his right shoulder. Common sense and a bit of anatomy knowledge helped her figure where to swing her blade. And with him being as good - maybe better - at ninjutsu as herself, she needed to first disable the source of the handseals.
Aoshi was a man of action, the young man looked at her, to him the time for speaking had long past, watching her movements he could tell she was to that point as well. He narrowed his eyes watching her feet ever so closely as he continued to move, he had learned much from his senpai. Granted, when he heard where that man was from, he wasn't sure if it would shock her move that they had a ex-leaf kage, or a ex-mist leader of their elite forces and training. He knew that this war was having some strange changes on the village, massively big ones, they had effected him directly.

He saw her remove the short sword, he knew the purpose of the blade easier to get into tight spots and kill with it. He used his gravity jutsu directly on her at that moment, he wanted to aim for her hand and the sword, but he figured he would have to settle with aiming for her whole body again. He could thus slow her down a good bit, as he jumped backwards, "Katon: Endan ," he said as he fired the massive fire bullet directly towards the woman, as he jumped back quickly, putting together his gravity kekkai genkai as well as his fire skills for the attack against her to make it a good bit stronger.

"You are the most stubborn person ever," he said narrowing his eyes as he looked at her a little bit back figuring the would have a counter, "This is the last time I will warn you, give up now, or you will die, I am sure senpai and the others have seen the flames and are in root to this spot, when senpai arrives you will die, perhaps before you even know your dead," Aoshi commented as he looked at the area that was now covered in flame as he prepared himself to deal with this woman before that happened if possible. He sighed all this cause she wouldn't report to his village and get directions, if she hadn't been so stubborn about going the wrong way, he wouldn't of challenged her. Someone who was so set about doing one thing always had a reason behind it, he figured this was no different of a case.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

Just as her own bloodline didn't need handseals to activate them, it seemed to be true with this shinobi's also. And in many ways, that was more of a double edged blade than the one she actually held in her hand. It was anything but easy to assume when he would or wouldn't activate it. As she felt it's harsh pull, Suikoto felt her body get heavy once again and fell to her knees. She could have easily let go of her blade and shoved herself away from the fireball. But that ... would be stupid.

So as the sphere of flames got hurled towards her, she took the hit, albeit on her own terms. Keeping the short sword firmly held in her right hand, the burn connected with her left shoulder, making her pants and breaths heavier as she winced every few moments.

Before she could begin to explain, though, Aoshi would see the burn marks begin to seal themselves up and fade away as fast as they had appeared on her skin.

Her fingernails dug into her palm as she heard the offer extended to her once again. She hated to admit it, be in her mind or aloud, but the bastard was right. This fight was all but over. Maybe if she had a more offensive bloodline .. things may be different. But between that and the advantage he seemed to have from still being in his home nation, there was far too much against Suikoto.

".... Tch .... "

It would be the best verbal reply he'd get. The nonverbal actions were a more obvious response from Suikoto. Even with the gravity still weighing upon her, she forced her arm to move and, after some effort and time, sheathed her sword away. Her head turned quietly away as her hands fell to her sides. They made no move to try to pull the weapon out again and finally, she showed in her own silent way that she'd take up the offer and surrender.
Aoshi looked at the woman carefully, he knew that it was never smart nor was it safe to just let a woman give up without being prepared for some type of trick that she might use against him. He kept his eye closely on her as he released the gravity, after moving up to her, himself making sure he was prepared for any possible surprise attack from the woman. He knew that if he didn't take her seriously, he would most likely walk into his own death still.

"Let us head to Takigakure, and meet with my boss so we can figure out what the hell to do with you," he said motioning her forward pointing in the direction of his village, it wouldn't take them long to get to the town, actually, it would only take a half hour of walking or so. Yet, in that time, he would led her a path which he knew well so that he knew any possible way she might take if she were to attempt an escape.

When they would arrive at the village they would exit the woods and find the village which was made around a large tree in the middle of the said woods. He took a deep breath as he knew that the guards would be there ready, and he would be able to led her though without any problems, then she would see the growing village of Takigakure which had developed a great deal during the war. It was far from the backwater it was at the start of the war, a fact very view new. She might even see Jiraya himself leaving after arriving to give some information to the villages leader.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

Were Suikoto with any other person, she gladly would have considered going back on her word and sneaking an ambush in. But she knew better. She wouldn't be able to finish withdrawing her sword before he could activate his damn gravity bloodline. It pissed her off and made her mood even more bitter. And given she'd been that way for quite a while, it wasn't exactly helping make anything better for her. First she got sent off on a mission she hadn't wanted to head out on to begin with. Now the task has been .. paused? Altogether stopped? Something that she definitely wasn't pleased with and the superiors who sent her off from Iwagakure wouldn't be either.

Then again, she didn't care as much about the latter. They'd set this upon themselves, in a way. They hadn't planned this out carefully enough. And while it was somewhat true this applied to herself, Suikoto refused to acknowledge that.

Maybe it was because the company wasn't her preference but the walk felt much longer to the Iwa kunoichi. Still, they arrived within time. Before that, though, she would take damn good note of her entire surroundings, gazing around at the scenery and people nearby. Even if she didn't hear hints of names, she would do her best to recall faces at least. Those alone could spell out clues on which individuals were more likely to be in charge or strong, which weren't, and other similar aspects.

When they entered Takigakure, she would - reluctantly but still - be beside Aoshi. Perhaps more than that, she'd be damn quiet. It was his obligation to begin this ... debriefing? Was that what it'd wind up being? Or would it actually be more civil? The latter made her inwardly chuckle.

Don't be fucking stupid. This is a damn war. 'Civil' hardly exists anymore.

But .. it was still a possibility, no matter how slim or otherwise. So she wouldn't rule the possibility out. With almost no knowledge or Takigakure though, she couldn't make any guesses. So she'd find out soon enough.

But the main and other reason for her silence was simple; she had nothing to say. And even when questions got directed to her ... she wouldn't make any promises to herself or Aoshi that she'd even cooperate. The Iwa nin was that infuriated. But not stupid. If she felt the need to talk, she would. But only when push came to a very harsh shove. Until then, they'd get nothing from her.
Aoshi looked around and smiled, exchanging waves and kind greeting with people as he looked around walking to the main building in the village, it was slightly larger then the others. He knew that the woman walking with him wasn't going to be willing to help, that was something that wasn't a surprise. He figured figuring out who she was key, he knew where she was from, he had picked up a lot based on her appearance and the direction she was traveling in, thought some of that information happened to be wrong it turned out.

He lead the woman into the main office of the leader of the village, a man who had spiky white hair and a look that was similar to that of the second hokage. He was a man of power, it was seen in his strong body and aura as well. He wasn't one to be messed with at all, as he sat there looking at Aoshi and Suikoto for a moment, eying the woman as he looked at Aoshi.

"She was crossing our lands heading towards Kumo, she wouldn't stop and report in when I asked saying she was headed towards Ame, which was worry some enough too," he said as he looked at his boss. "She looks like a Hyuuga, but she has different skills, she heals quickly," he added in his report as he looked at the leader and bowed his head in respect.

"Well, I see, you aren't a Hyuuga, but what we are we don't know, who are you and where are you from," Amon said calmly as he looked at her, his eyes focused on her as he looked right at her almost though her. "If you are from Iwa, then we can't have you moving on, and till we can prove you aren't your going to remain here, in my village," he said calmly. The leader was a good man, but this was war, and he had to make sure that this woman didn't achieve her mission, for all he knew she might be an assassin targeting a key member of Kumo an key alley of theirs.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

To say Suikoto was astounded was a major understatement. True, the talk had only started. But it had definitely gone much ... smoother - in terms of how she was spoken to - than the kunoichi had ever thought. Not that it improved her attitude, oh gods no. It did, however, give her a bit of hope. She supposed if she could play along long enough, it'd let Suikoto resume on her way and finish up the mission. Even if it wouldn't be as quick as she'd prefer, it'd still get done. And that's all that mattered to her and Iwagakure. She nodded to herself. That could be done. Besides, Aoshi was even admitting to this guy they had nothing really on her; no definite proof to say she was or wasn't against them.

And in her white eyes, Suikoto still didn't deem her nation to be against Takigakure. They were small and petty compared to the power of Konoha and Kumogakure combined. Or that had been the impression the elders had given Suikoto. But now that she was steadily seeing they did seem to have ties with a bit of both of each nation, it did make them a bit more dangerous. Regardless, it wouldn't make her mind just up and forget of what she was supposed to do.

This was definitely one of the times that she was glad to have left her headband behind at her house. They literally had nothing but mere guesses and instincts which could easily be fooled with time and incentive.

"You're not going to find anything. Like I told him, I was taking a longer route towards Amegakure. Furthermore, I added I needed to be discreet. And that doesn't mean anything good, bad, or otherwise. Any other shinobi he could have met would very likely have said such words. This is war. No person is really going to give out their name randomly to a damn stranger. You're running a fool's errand, really. But ... " She gave a shrug and turned her back towards Amon and Aoshi.

"Whatever. That's your verdict. I can't say I'm pleased. But I stand by my words. You'll find nothing to help prove or disprove anything. It's pointless keeping me here. I'd expect you have far more vital things to do than coercing a mere female to remain here, especially one without any evidence of any form or fashion upon her. But, again, not my judgment."

If Suikoto couldn't lash out physically, she'd gladly resort to the next best thing and use her words. The female wasn't afraid, even if she probably should be a bit more. No. Right now, she was far too pissed off to care about much. If Amon or Aoshi wanted to turn her around and slap her, so be it. But she had a right to express herself. And neither of them were going to shut her up. Keep her here? Maybe for a while. But that was the extent she'd easily allow to have done upon her.
Amon looked at her, she wasn't really helping her case at all as she smarted off, such a smart ass. Amon looked at her and didn't slap, her, she could say what she wanted now, that was fair game, but he figured that this was war, she was correct there, meaning that he would have to take more drastic measures to get the information that she was hiding from him. He looked at her and knew she was Iwa and a shinobi of some merit, but beyond that he had no more information except on her special ability.

"Well, I will say this one more time, your name your reason for going to Kumo, and what your mission is, this is the last time I will offer this to you, in a moment Orochimaru will be here, if you haven't told me what I want to know, I will hand you over to him and well, I am sure you know just what type of reputation that he has," Amon said as he looked at her, he was to talk strategy with him and he was sure once he heard about her healing skill that he would be very interested in the woman. He would be able to trade the woman for more support most likely. Yet, he would leave that choose to her, he was sure he would be handing her over to Orochimaru soon, which was fine by him, this was a war, and he had to protect his new home, such a trade did just that.

He looked at her and waited for a reply wondering what she was going to do. Her reaction itself would tell him a lot, he expected it to be either ignorance or distain for it. He leaned back as he looked at the woman waiting for her to make some smart ass comment about how she was just some no one going to Amegakure, of course Ame was a enemy as well, so that didn't really help her case much.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

Suikoto remained quiet once again. This time, though, her mind was trying to comprehend the name 'Orochimaru'. It was familiar but not at the same time. Her eyes closed as she tried desperately to recall why, where it had seemed to be heard of before. Her arms went over her chest as nothing immediately came to her memory. Thus a new question entered her head; was this a bluff or not?

The tone from Amon's voice seemed to suggest a very likely hint that if anything, he was dead serious. But would he really go that far just to find all that out? Yes, his guesses were all correct in this case; she was an enemy nin. But what if she genuinely hadn't been? Would he really be able to go through with such harsh actions? It was a risk to rely on the man's reactions and thoughts. But it was also all that Suikoto could go off of at the moment.

"As your comrade said," She finally replied, her head nodding towards Aoshi, as the kunoichi resumed speaking, "Those are all my affairs. I've been trying to mind my business like he recommended even though the same can't be said back with him doing so to me." Her head merely moved from side to side as she confirmed her reply.

Fuck this bullshit ...

Seriously, this was going from irritating to plain ridiculous now. She wanted nothing to do with Aoshi, let alone Takigakure. She just wanted to get on with her assignment then arrive back in Iwagakure. This ... forced stop was one of the very last things she'd hoped for. Besides, she wasn't their enemy despite all that Aoshi tried to insist. So why should she owe them replies?
"Well, then you leave me no choose but to treat you as a enemy, there is no reason for us to trust you as you obviously don't trust us enough to share your name. Without any information we have no reason but to take drastic measures and well, let what fates will happen. You said it yourself, you are in a war and we are in a war, we can't let enemies go though our land and do as they wish, especially Iwa shinobi," Amon said with distain towards the woman as he looked at her. If she were innocent and not their enemy she would have no reason to hide her information so well. He knew that she as useless to them and as the door opened, Orochimaru walked in.

"Well good to see you Orochimaru sensei," he said with a slight bow to the man who had been someone had learned form over the years. "I found a interesting woman you might want to take into your care," he said as he looked at Suikoto for a moment then back to Orochimaru, "she is a assassin or a spy, but she has a rare ability of healing herself, I am sure you can find some use for your experiments on her. In exchange, I am sure you can send some information and aid our way," he aid hating having to make such a deal, but this had to be done, it was a war after all and well, this woman wasn't any help to them, so might as well get something from this ordel.

Orochimaru nodded his head, "well, of course," he said letting out a sound like a snake as he looked at the woman for a moment, he was still a leaf at this point, and he smiled at the information as he looked at the woman, "I figure she could be fun to do some research on, perhaps we can find ways to improve our own ninja from her bones," he said looking over at the leader and then looking at the woman. He smirked as he looked at her, a wicked little smirk that hid so much from view, he had plans developing in his mind as he talked.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

In Suikoto's mind, things were the opposite. Even if she'd tried to insist on being someone else, would they really have believed her? Or hell, if she'd told a mix of half-truths and half-lies, would Amon have heeded the words? Not likely. And it'd been the main incentive which had helped her so swiftly make up her mind. Her eyes glanced up in time to see a man with flowing raven hair and amber eyes walk in. Just the orbs alone were ... nerve-wracking? Why? Why did this man give off such a feeling? This man was likely the most dangerous of any of the three men in this room. Suikoto felt herself subconsciously swallow. And once the word 'experiments' registered in her ears, her heart definitely skipped a few beats.

... Wait, what? I didn't think any of the nations actually bothered with such things ...

This had to be a joke .. right?

Even with how anxious - no, terrified - Suikoto was, she refused to let it show so easily. Every temptation that she heard echoing and screaming in her head was fought off.

The fuck are you doing?! Run!

But that was as stupid as attempting to fight off any of the men around her.

Idiot, it's a bloodline. The bones won't do shit ...

Not like she'd let her thoughts leave her lips, mind you. But if this Orochimaru kept thinking the wrong things ... fine. It'd make things go wrong for him. Or .. had she just completely misunderstood his words?

Her heart continued to race and even with the eerie eyes looking into her white ones, she returned the eye contact. Every now and again, Suikoto would blink but never allowed her head to move away from Orochimaru's. Even if she should, her pride refused to let the Iwa nin back down and let her fears take over her.
Orochimaru looked at the woman, she was his to deal with as he choose, he looked at her and aimed a powerful genjutsu over her, he wasn't sure how good she was at dealing with genjutsu, but he had a plan for how to deal with her. First the genjutsu would put the woman to sleep, it would be a good chance to move her without her having to wake up along the way. It would also enable him if it worked, to take her to his hide out not that far away. He would then tie her down as he would start his work. His experiements were currently acceptable due to the war, and the desire to win the war. Amon hated them, but he had no other choose or at least he saw no other option in his mind but to hand her over, that way he would get aid to defend his village.

Orochimaru of course let out some of his snakes as well, he figured if she was a skill genjutsu person, the bite of the snakes would create a similar situation as the genjutsu. Yet either way, there had to be a good chance for him to take the woman way. He didn't mean literally her bones, he did know that would be a foolish thing, but at the same time, he could unlock her abilities and test them out figuring out ways to take her dna and putting it into his other experiments. He figured that it would be most interesting to test out. He got her at a cheap deal too, he figured that this village had no use for her though thus it was easy to make such a deal. He wondered many things about the skills as he thought up ways to test it and see its limitations as well.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

Normally, dispelling genjutsus was pretty simple enough. But she never got to move her hands together to make the simple handseals. Her eyes widened as she felt the forced sleep shoved upon her.

... What?! But ... he didn't move his hands! ... How?!

She clenched her hands tightly into fists, driving her fingernails into her palms in a desperate effort to keep herself conscious. It worked albeit not as well as it could have. Suikoto was barely awake and the genjutsu had done most of it's job to weaken her.

"... The ... hell ... are you doing?" She murmured weakly in a soft voice, an equally quiet whimper leaving as her body registered pain. Her eyes blinked to see ... a snake? A few more opening and closing of her eyes and she found herself bound and restrained.

Suikoto felt so very sick. There were definitely metaphorical butterflies fluttering in her stomach, desperately trying to get out. The logical part of her knew it was probably best to let the genjutsu take over and allow for her to fully pass out. But there were far too many what-ifs and scenarios that entered her head and gave the nin further incentive to keep struggling and stay conscious, even if barely.

".. Ugh .. "

Her head tossed back as she panted heavily, hardly noticing or feeling her bloodline kicking in as the wound from the snake began to heal before Orochimaru's eyes, as if demonstrating and proving to him what exactly Amon had meant. Her body began to shift as she tried to better see her surroundings. Was she lying down? In a sitting position? Where exactly was she? How was she tied? Any and every possible detail that could help she would gladly use to try to help her out.

Obviously not now. But when she felt better.

Her body began to shift slightly as she tried to blink faster, struggling to get her sight to properly adjust.
The woman was chained down to a table, as she had an IV hooked up to one arm, her chains were very thick over her naked body as she was chained directly to the table. Orochimaru had seen more then enough to be sold on her in the office, he agreed to send triple the amount of aid that he was asked to give. He found her a perfect person to experiment on. She would find herself in a lab, with light from tubs all around herself as the snake walked up and looked at her for a moment pausing.

"So now, I see that your awake," Orochimaru commented as he smirked looking over her naked body, "you have a interesting skill for a shinobi your a Ashigawa from Iwa," he said as he looked at her, "I know who you are, and I could of told those two, but they would of felt sad for you and not given you to me in the trade if I had, little spy," he said guessing her job too. He took a knife and stabbed her hard in the leg, and looked at her. "I been wondering do you feel pain?" he asked darkly as he looked at her, "I figured you might not, but as your body heals, but do you feel this," he said as he cut her leg a good bit as he wanted to see what would happen to her, he wanted to see her reaction. If she could heal, then he could test all sorts of things that would kill a normal person on her and well she wouldn't die.
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

The sight of the lab coming into view made slight shivers trail down her spine. She then soon realized it wasn't only the setting. Somewhere in between fighting to gain consciousness and almost losing it, she'd been .. stripped? The mix of the chains and IVs gave her all the incentive to remain still, especially the latter. She didn't want things going wrong. And typically, it was medicine that was put into the tubes. She'd assume - hope - that was all it was. Her teeth gripped her lower lip roughly and finally, she went from having rapid eye movement to being fully awake, although incredibly weakened.

When he mentioned her clan name, however, she almost wished she hadn't regained her consciousness. How in the hell did this man know of her surname? Was he as much of a spy as herself? Who exactly was this Orochimaru? There was clearly far more to him than what met her eyes.

"How .. ??" That was all she got before the steel found her flesh. Her head tossed back as she screamed and shook in agony, her nails digging back into her palms again.

"Don't ... be fucking stupid! Ngh! Of .. of course I feel pain ... before or after the wound registers .... " No sooner than the blade moved away and out of her skin did it heal up. "But .. ahhh .... it ... doesn't matter to certain extents, as you can see."

Her mind and heart were racing as she tried to focus upon him revealing he knew of her. How? Why? But more than that, had he really just hinted he'd purposely arranged for all of this? To get her away from what safety had indeed been with Amon and Aoshi just for his own purposes?

Suddenly, she felt so very foolish. Suikoto would gladly give almost anything to be back near the other two men if not in her home nation. This man was clearly dangerous - and worse than that - as much of an enemy, maybe more so, than herself.

"If .. you already know my clan name .... then introductions are kinda redundant, hm?" She rhetorically asked, panting in between words as she tried to do any and everything to keep from letting fear dominate her emotions and mindset. He was already, at least she fairly guessed, getting tons of pleasure with being able to do all this experimenting upon her. Suikoto didn't want to give him anymore satisfaction, not if it could be helped.
"Your a idiot, I am Orochimaru of the Leaf, and a sannin of the second war," he said coldly as he looked at her, "my teacher was the hokage himself, and I will be the next hokage," he said sternly as he looked at her, "I will rebuild the leaf as I want, and your dna will help," he aid as he looked at the knife and let the blood drop into a vial that he had. He figured that it would be good to test in his lap to check her dna see how it worked better. "War is a great excuse to experiment you know, less people care what you do, as long as it gives them results on the battlefield, kill a person they can just be a causality of war," he said looking down at her.

He pulled out a hammer from the lap, heavy as he looked at the woman, "healing power, I want to test it, see how fast you heal," he said looking at her as he slammed it into her shin as hard as was possible shattering her legs in as many place as possible. "This is test one," he said can you heal broken bones," he asked as he looked at her as he wanted to find out, if it didn't work, he could just kill her, it wouldn't be anything off his back to do so. He figured that the pain had to be hell for her, but that didn't bother him, it was part of the experiment after all. He honestly didn't care what was going on though her mind, she was a foolish woman, to prideful for her own good. "you might want too tell me right now what will kill you so I don't do that on accident."
Suikoto Ashigawa
スイコト アシガワ​

Wait .... this is one of the three Sannin?!

The title had been quite the major deal, especially with how the knowledge on how they had all received it. And that was why she'd had the nagging sensation of him being familiar. Most people in any nation had heard of them. The term was common knowledge, just not necessarily the people given the honor. The shock and realization of just how dire this situation had gotten made her fail to notice her blood being placed into a vial.

Out ... out! This is the last place you need to --

All of his words had seemed to go unnoticed. But the hammer making it's mark and another shot of pain snapped her back to the cruel reality.


Another scream echoed through the lab. This time, however, a fresh set of tears fell down her face.

"Bastard ... " She whimpered, her body shuddering violently. While she could heal .... it was incredibly painful. The sensations of the bones hastily being stitched or healed by an invisible medical shinobi surged through every inch of her body, making her tears fall faster and body tremble harder. By the time it was over, her head bowed as far as it could with the restraints still on.

"I ... I can, yes ... " She finally replied. Her body shook more as a dark thought came to her mind. He wouldn't really just repeat such processes over and over ... would he? Just because her body could handle it didn't mean she'd enjoy it. Eventually, the pain would win and make her pass out. Surely he knew this ... didn't he?

Her head weakly shook no from side to side. "T..things like decapitation, the heart, any vital organ. No more, please ... "
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