Into the corrupted woods of Felwood! [Himeko x TinyThings]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
It had been months since she had left her home in Un'Goro Crater and both her and her companions were rather tired from their long journey. Himeko sighed to herself as she checked her map once again and knew they were nearing the Felwoods. "Just a few more hours boys and we will be there." She spoke to the twin wolves, Haji and Dameon as they continued to make their way to their destination. The wolves both looked up her as they walked along each side of her, their way of guarding and protecting their mistress. As they continued to make their way through the woods of Ashenvale they didn't have too many encounters other than fighting off some of the Naga or wild wolves that attacked them. After a few more hours had passed they had finally reached the edge of Felwood when Himeko stopped slightly as she looked forward at their new location before sighing again. "Well boys, we made it. However it looks like we are setting camp in the woods once again tonight. I do not want to risk getting us all in danger if I can help it." She said softly as she let her bag fall off her shoulders and laid it against a tree as she then knelled down and placed a hand gently down on each wolf's head and smiled happily as she petted both of them. "You both did a great job today so let us rest and then in the morning after breakfast we will head out. Soon you will have your fill on Horde scum my boys, they will pay to what they have done to our people." She said with a small smirk on her face as she then crawled over to her bag and began taking her water flask out and some food. Due to her impressive hunting skills she had plenty of food for her and her boys to eat. Taking out slabs of venison she tosses two rather large pieces to each wolf before she starts working on making a small campfire to cook her own piece. Finding firewood wasn't too hard for her and in no time she had a small fire going and then with stick she placed her piece of venison on it and began letting it cook. She already applied the spices and herbs needed for flavor to her meat as she leaned back against the tree watching both her boys happily eating away at their pieces of meat while hers cooked. It had been so long since all three of them left home and she knew that she'd get to the Horde base in Felwood in the next two days. Her orders had been given to her six months ago about a Horde base being located somewhere in Felwood. From what one of the generals told her they were the ones that had attacked her former home back in Duskwood four years ago and that now was her moment to shine as a high standing ranger. If she completed this mission she would be finally getting her promotion to Ranger General, which is something she had dreamed of ever since she was a child. She wanted to be just like her father and mother were before her. It kinda ran in her family, which she took pride in being a Duskstalker. After her meal had cooked enough for her she removed it from the fire and then held it close to her as she opened the water flask with her mouth before taking a drink. "Man this feels good to at least have this small of a break." She sighed contently as she then began eating her piece of venison. After she had finished eating she yawned slightly and then patted to each side of her, motioning for her wolves to lay on each side of her. "Though if we get lucky we might get to meet this guardian that everyone seems to fear out there in Felwood." She yawned as both her wolves snuggled up to her on each side. Laying down now she snuggles up to them both and with the body heat from the snow white wolves she found herself starting to doze off to a wonderful slumber.

The guardian of which she was hoping to run into, from what most who have encountered it, it was a rather large cat, almost the size of a lion but the colors were purple with weird green markings. Those who got close to it was never seen alive, which is why no one knows exactly what the symbols look like. But this is what Himeko was after and she was hoping she'd be able to catch it and add it to her family. Sleep and come and gone in what seemed like no time. The small campfire had long since burned out by now and as the sun shown brightly down through the trees and onto the three sleeping figures, you could tell they were now starting to stir now as the warm rays woke them up. "Nnnn... It's morning already?" Himeko mumbled rather groggily as she removed her arm from Haji's waist to rub the sleep from her eyes. Both of her wolves slowly woke shortly after her, opening their eyes to her and then began slowly wagging their tails. "If we eat now and head out we should reach a half way point by sundown, so lets try not to waste much time." She said as she reached into her bag and pulled out more pieces of meat for both boys and then some nuts and berries for herself. Once breakfast was finished she found her brush and began brushing her long black hair before tying it up with her hairband and pulling her red and gold chain helm over her head. She took one more swig from one of her water flasks before letting both boys have a drink before closing the flask and placing it back in her bag. Lifting her bag up and slinging it over her shoulder she looks at both boys and motions them to follow her. "We must make as much haste as we can. We need to make it to the tainted forest before nightfall." She said as they started making their way into the Felwood.

As they walked deeper and deeper into Felwood they came across an encampment for Tauren and Night Elves where she was able to restock up on more water flasks before continuing on. They ran into some of the corrupt Furbolgs as well as some demons, but thankfully luck was on their side as they managed to defeat them. The sun was hot and she knew night would be upon them soon enough. They continued to walk and avoid as much conflict as they could, even skipping lunch so they wouldn't waste any time reaching the tainted forest. The sun was starting to set at this point now and Himeko could see the forest clearly in sight now as well as some tainted bears. "Well boys, our destination lies ahead but looks like we have yet another challenge ahead of us. Might as well deal with them quickly then find a nice spot to set camp for the night." She said as she drew her bow and stealthily made her way towards the bears. Looking at Haji then towards Dameon she nods to both of them as she readies her bow. Both wolves look at her and 'nod', clearly knowing what to do as they each went into separate paths, Haji going left and Dameon going right. Their bodies moved very fast yet very silently as they began to corner the three bears in their way. Himeko closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath before she slowly opened her eyes and took aim. She could see her wolves were in position now and was waiting for her signal. Making sure her aim would hit dead-center she then let the arrow go. As the arrow flew gracefully in the air, both wolves leaped towards their own targets as the first bear went down rather quickly, after all her arrow did in fact hit dead-center into the bear's head. Both wolves were able to use their surprise attack to tackle each of their bears before they began their assaults of attack against them. Himeko knew not to shoot anymore arrows for fear of hitting one of her own wolves, so she instead grabbed her knife and rushed towards the one Dameon was having a little issues with. Once the bears had been defeated she panted heavily and looked at both her boys, which both were covered in blood but thankfully non of it was theirs. "Well that coulda gone better but judging by the looks on this map here there is a small lake in there that we can at least bathe in." She said positively as she wiped the blood off her blade with a piece of cloth from her bag and with her wolves on each side of her, started walking again. The sun was now almost gone and after some time of walking they came to the lake. The water was a little green but non the less, it was something she could use to clean themselves off. The air here wasn't as "clean" as one would hope, but that was the tainted forest for you. She didn't know much about the forest itself, but knew enough to avoid the plants as much as possible.

Finding a safe spot near the lake she sat her bag down on the ground and the looked up at the moon that was shining brightly down on them. "Well it's a full moon tonight. At least we won't have to worry about not being able to see." She commented as she began removing her chain-mail armor, then removed the rest of her cloths under it. "The water smells rather sweet here, which is a bit odd coming from this place. But one night's worth of bathing in this water couldn't hurt." She said as she walked into the rather warm water, with both wolves following suit. She worked on cleaning her wolves off first before she washed her own body off, as it was normal for her to do so. To her these wolves were her family and she cared for them dearly, yet equally. Once they were cleaned off they made their way out of the water and shook off trying to dry themselves off, but taking care not to drench Himeko's bag. Himeko then made her way into the deeper part of the lake as she dove into the water to fully get her body wet so she could clean herself off properly. As she popped back up she licked her lips and tasted the rather sweet water and smiled softly to herself. "Well the water is as sweet as it smells... I should take advantage of this while I can tonight." She thought out loud as she finished cleaning herself off. Swimming back to shore she shook her head a bit to get the water out and then walked over to her bag to grab the last clean towel she had left to dry herself off with before turning to the wolves to dry them off as well. She did have an uneasy feeling about tonight and she knew that sleeping for too long might cause her problems. She got herself dressed once her wolves were dried off and then began preparing for dinner. She was starving at this point and knew both boys were just as hungry. Taking out the last of their venison she tossed the boys their meals and then proceeded to eat the piece of chicken she bought while she was at that camp and tried to relax a bit. After an hour or so after they ate both wolves stood up as they heard something moving in the distance. "Hmmm... Hear something boys?" She asked as she reached over and grabbed her bow and then skimmed around the forest where her wolves had been looking. She didn't see anything at first and when Haji started growling she sighed and reached over to him to pet him gently on the head. "Shh... I don't see anything but I will go look and see what is there..." She spoke softly as Haji slightly whimpered as he watched his mistress make her way into the direction he was staring at. As Himeko made her way through the trees she looked around carefully and didn't see anything at first, until something did catch her eyes. She saw a large figure moving around the trees that had a slight green glow to it, following it with her eyes she readied her bow once again. Taking a deep breath but not closing her eyes this time as she didn't want to lose her target. She let the arrow lose and it did hit the target, but not in a fatal way. She could hear what sounded like a scream as her arrow hit and she no sooner had rushed into see just what it was she actually hit. Once she reached where she saw the creature she noticed a female Night Elf laying there on the ground with her arrow in the girl's leg. Panicking she rushes over to the girl and kneels down to her to see how bad the damage was. "Oh dear gods! I'm so sorry! I didn't know there was anyone here!" She exclaimed in a rather panicked tone. "Here let me help you out!" She said as she leaned over to take a look at the wound and noticed it wasn't as bad as she thought it was. It was still bad non the less, just nothing like the girl would lose her leg or anything. "Well thankfully it's not as bad as it looked... But hold still and I'll remove this arrow." She said as she tried to calm herself down. Reaching over to the arrow she took ahold of it and then looked at the girl with a saddened look on her face. "This is going to hurt a bit but it will be fast, so please embrace yourself." She said softly as she took a firm grip on the arrow and in a swift move, pulled it out safely. She grabbed a roll of cloth out of her chain-mail shirt and began wrapping up the wound. Once she was finished she looked at the girl and spoke softly once again. "Again I really am sorry for shooting you... I thought you was another bear..." She sighed embarrassed as she looked over the girl. "So... Um what brings you out here?" She asks as she tries to lighten the mood slightly.
RE: Into the corrupted woods of Felwood!

A silent grunt passed the large creatures lips, blowing away a strain of hair from the mane-like formation on top of the creatures head, running down the back of it's neck. It was weird to see such a formation on a cat, even if it was a male Lion, the mane wouldn't look like that. Those would be the first signs to tell, that this wasn't just the average corrupted creature. Instead of the green, rotten flesh as most of the corrupted creatures carried, it had a fine, soft as silk, purple fur. It had green markings on both front legs, and down it's back, that wrote words in an almost ancient language, forgotten to most, other then the Night Elven Druids. But really, the strangest thing about it, was the sentient, bright green eyes. They almost glowed heavier then the light marks on her body, that didn't even glow that clearly right now. The eyes expelled so many emotions, that most people wouldn't even be able to read which one was the heaviest. Those emotions and that life, was signs of humanoid thoughts. Something some animals came close to, but never quite reached.

But on this evening, it was clear what the creature was feeling. It's paws on top of each other, chin rested against it and tail waving aimlessly around behind it. It was bored. To death. But another emotion, that might be read by the most skilled people person, was loneliness. It had wanted to leave these foul woods, for so long. But when ever it'd tried, it always felt like something was missing. Like she needed something by her side. A pack. A group. A family. In her younger days, she'd always felt she didn't need anyone. She didn't need friends, family or the likes. She just needed herself, and her powers. But now, growing beyond the child she'd always felt, she was missing that. And now, the way she'd acted in the past, was making this impossible. The reputation she'd got, had corrupted any chance at friends or family. Problem was, everyone who'd not prayed, or begged for 'The Guardian's' help, had wanted it as a trophy. That was why, no one had returned alive. One had, once. A child, that had gotten lost in the woods. The creature had showed the child it's way back, but stayed hidden from everyone else at the camp. The inhabitants had all prayed, and left gifts for the Guardian, but that had been the rest of it. She killed, to stay alive. Sadly, most who sought her out, wanted to kill her. The woods had changed.

The creature yawned, stretching it's legs and paws, before quickly raising it's head, perking one of it's long ears. It sniffed the air, interested eyes gazing in a certain direction. The creature grinned lightly, before jumping off the rock it was laying on, starting to crawl through the bushes, rustling them as she walked. A new attender? Someone new, who wanted to take the head of the mighty Guardian of Fellwood, to hang upon it's wall? She thought not. And even if that was the idea, she wouldn't have it. But what she smelled through the bushes, caught a different spark, then the survival instincts deep within her. But instead instincts, a woman like her shouldn't have. She felt a chill roll down her spine, causing her to shake her fur gleefully, as she lowered her body down in the bushes. She wanted something now. Right now, she could leap to avoid the first arrow, and then leap again to make sure a second wasn't fired. But instead, she made other plans. She wanted t play this time...

So when the hunter fired her arrow, the cat creature instantly leaped to the side, causing the arrow to hit it's leg instead, sending a pained roar, that evolved into a whimpering scream, as a Night Elf woman's body dropped down on the soft ground.
"Stop! Stop, please! Don't shoot. She called out, with a crackling voice, that made it clear she was a tribal, and not often sociable girl. She sounded a lot like she hadn't been in contact with humanoids in a long time. And once Himeko made it through the bushes, she'd find the bleeding, whimpering girl on the ground, both hands holding on to the arrow. But the second Himeko made it near, the woman defensively leaned back against the floor, slowly crawling backwards a bit. The girl had Night Elven tribal markings on her face, spelling swift, in a green, almost glowing color. On her arms, and neck, she carried different green markings, written in words Himeko would probably only loosely be able to translate into something with 'Emeralds' and 'lonewolf'.
As Himeko explained, moving closer, the girl hissed slightly, crawling a bit further back, but didn't exactly do much to stop Himeko from getting close. Instead she observed her, with searching, questioning eyes. The girl only wore a slight cover of her rather lustrous breasts, in the shape of necklace of long leaves. Himeko wouldn't even be able to see her right nipple, as she shifted backwards over the ground. She also wore a loincloth, also primitively made out of furs and vines. But this covered her rather well down there, no where nearly as slight as her top wear.

When Himeko asked the girl to prepare for the rip, the girl narrowed her eyes a bit, only sneering silently as the arrow was pulled out, pulling her leg a bit closer to herself, as blood spattered out a bit. When Himeko prepared to bandage the wound, the girl didn't stop her again, still just observing with questioning eyes. With the question, she sat up a bit, still observing Himeko with narrowed eyes.
"I.. Live here.. But.." She started, as she reached down a hand towards the bandage, a nail pressing against her own skin, just bellow the bandage, soon cutting a fine, gentle line up her own skin, before easily cutting the cloth away, revealing the wound again. "The real question, is.." She continued, as she flattened a palm, that she waved over the wound, green waves flushing down over the wound, as the green markings on her arms and face glowed dimly as well. "What are -you- doing here... No one camps here. If not looking for the one who resides here.. And no one comes here, without knowing this one. And people only look for it.. When they want.. To kill it!" She hissed, as she leaped forward towards Himeko, the wound completely healed now. The girl had hoped this distraction had made Himeko drop her guard, and put aside her bow, giving her the opportunity to get the upper hand in an instant. The girl tried to grab both of Himeko's wrists, and push them down above the woman's head, as she sat herself down on Himeko's stomach. And now that she was up, Himeko would see a purple tail, waving aggressively behind the girls back, as the emerald eyes glared down at her. "To 'kill' the Guardian... What a.. Great achievement, it would be.. Am I right?" She asked, if she'd gotten her down, a small smirk across her lips.

Should the Wolves approach aggressively, the Emerald eyes would be shot towards them, and with a cracking sound from the girls neck, a violent roar would burn past her lips, as she'd threateningly show of a set of teeth that almost instantly grew sharp. Should this not frighten the Wolves enough, she'd make sure they knew the situation, hissing bellow her breath, as she'd lean down her teeth towards Himeko. She was in control. She wanted no question to that fact..
RE: Into the corrupted woods of Felwood!

Himeko had always been a rather strong person, even despite all that went wrong in her life. She had no family left, except for the twin wolf brothers that has been with her since birth. The Horde killed her family off when they had been led into an ambush. Four years ago is when she had lost everything, yet she continues to walk forward into each day. This girl in front of her kinda reminded her of her elder sister a bit, except for the green markings. She had never been in a relationship before and to her she had no need for such things until she had her revenge and knew that if she had started a family, they would be safe. She didn't want to endanger anyone, which is why she put more effort into her training and her fighting than anything else. However, she was tired of this petty war between the Alliance and Horde, she just wanted to live in peace after she got her revenge, but she knew it wouldn't be that simple. She sighed as she lowered her bow and laid it next to her as she tended to the girl. "I'm sorry miss. I thought you was another tainted bear." She replied softly, yet with a hint of embarrassment in her voice as she treated the woman. The woman before her had backed up slightly, but had allowed her to tend to her wounds. She wasn't really paying much attention to what the girl was wearing, but only to her injury. There was something off with this girl though, she just couldn't lay a finger on it but knew something wasn't right here. She hadn't heard of anyone actually LIVING here in these tainted woods, but she merely guessed that anything was possible at this point but wasn't sure of it until the girl spoke and confirmed it. "I... I didn't know anyone lived out here." She replied as she then jumped slightly as she watched the girl move her hand and then used her nail to cut the bandage. A bit nervous now at this point, Himeko could already tell her wolves were on their way. It was that special connection she had to them as a huntress after all. She watched the girl place her hand over the wound before flattening her palm and then waved it, which caused Himeko to watch the girl more intently as the markings were glowing very dimly as the wound quickly healed. She listened to the girl intently and wasn't even close enough to her bow as she had followed the girl back a bit to treat her.

Before she could even speak however, she was then tackled to the ground. Her head hit the ground pretty hard which caused her to groan out in pain. "Ugh..." She groaned as she then looked up at the girl. "I only came out here because of the Horde camp I had heard about! I am not here for you!" Himeko replied with shock in her voice as she carefully watched the girl in front of her. She was pinned down and couldn't even reach for her knife but what she saw made her stop dead in her tracks, so to say. She saw the tail and that the girl was now glaring at her as she spoke once again, though this time revealing just who she was. "She's the guardian?! No one ever said anything about the guardian being a fellow Night Elf!" She thought as she tried to wiggle free but it was clear she wouldn't be able to escape that easily. "I-I didn't know you lived here! I had heard rumors of a powerful cat that lived out here, but not that the guardian was actually a Night Elf!" She paused as she looked over to where she could hear the twins rushing in while growling loudly as they stepped into the clearing, clearly sensing their mistress was in danger. "Easy boys..." Himeko called out to the twins as she watched them whimper as they obeyed and laid down, yet continued to watch over her. She turned to look back at her captor now and swallowed hard before she began to speak again. "I was intrigued when I heard of you, I had thought you was just a powerful beast and I was planning on taking you home with me should I find you after dealing with the Horde scum who took my family." She paused again as her eyes nervously continued to watch the girl as she carefully spoke again. "I had no intentions on killing you, but simply... Adding you to my family... I swear I mean you no harm!" She finished as she could feel her starting to lose control over her own body movements. "Clearly this couldn't be from her... She couldn't have this much power over her could she? Or wait... She thought as it then became clear to her what she had done earlier that she, now knowing, shouldn't have done. She drank from the water which as it appears now, to have been a bad idea.

She couldn't move her body right now but she was able to see that her wolves were not pleased to see their mistress being pinned down. She could tell that the water had a similar effect on them, but not as bad as it was doing to her. "Please just let me go. I have no intentions on killing you, not now, not ever. If you let me go I will never seek you out again." She begged as she tried to move her arm again but sadly to no avail. "Ugh... I can't even move my damn body right now... What in the hell is in that water?!" She groaned as the pain in the back of her head started throbbing and she was starting to slowly lose conscious, yet she tried to fight it off as she turned her gaze back to her captor. Surely she wouldn't try to kill her, but if the rumors were correct... She would most likely get killed like everyone else had been before her. Her wolves couldn't do much to help her but lay there and whimper as whatever were to happen in the next few moments would soon happen.
RE: Into the corrupted woods of Felwood!

The girl smirked wickedly, when the other woman pleaded she didn't know about her. Didn't know she was a Night Elf. She wasn't exactly pleading for her life, but still trying to speak to the Guardian's better side. Speak, that she was just another innocent victim. A light grunt passed her nose, as her head tilted, the glare growing to a easier, more calm gaze.
”No one who sought out to kill 'The Guardian' expected an Elf.. Nor did many of them get to know... I don't exactly take -lightly- to attempts upon my life..” She snarled, emerald eyes still gazing down at Himeko's.
When the Wolves stepped out, the Guardian roared furiously at them, eyes flaring with dominance, clearly not liking to be growled at. As if they had any say in this. But with her word, they seemed to calm, both laying down on the ground, turning to slight whimpering. Her eyes narrowed, a silent growl still rumbling from her throat as she stared them down. The right side of her upper lip vibrated slightly, until the mention of their family passing Himeko's lips. This stopped any acts of aggression from the Guardian, causing the emerald eyes to gaze back down at Himeko, with a curious, questioning expression.
”F.. Family?” She questioned, her head tilting to the other side, deep dark purple strains of hair dropping down over the right side of her face.

Her eyes shifted, gazing in different directions, as she tried to put the pieces together, until she eased down slightly, letting go of Himeko's wrists, instead sitting back a bit, remaining on top of Himeko. Then, as Himeko started complainting about her loss of bodily functions, her eyes grew intense, a heavy wave of worry and fear rushing over the emotions. Her nose sniffed furiously, first in Himeko's direction, then the two wolves, crawling a bit over Himeko's body with her hands now placed above the others head. This gave Himeko a good view of her half naked body, the necklace of leaves hardly covering anything at this point. The Guardian soon whimpered, about to jump off of Himeko, but before she did placing her hands upon Himeko's arms, the emerald eyes staring down to hers again. The same emotions where still there, fear and worry, but now mingled with signs of intent and dominance.
”Stay.. No move..” She demanded, eyes making sure Himeko understood, before she leaped off of Himeko, rushing out through the bushes where Himeko would no longer see her.

She soon came back, taking less then a few minutes, carrying a small pack in her hands, whilst her tail was wrapped around half a fruit, that had been shaped into a bowel. She moved over to Himeko again, against sitting down over the other young Elf, as if it gave her comfort and that it pleased her to sit close to the other. Her hands hastily fumbled through her pack, finding several kinds of herbs, some glowing slightly in different colors. She then moved the bowel bellow her hands, dropping all the herbs into it. Her head tilted slightly, as she waved her hands above the herbs, the contents of the bowel getting grinded down as she did, whilst mingled with powers of nature. She then got out a small primitive bottle, from which she poured water into the bowel, and spun it around with a finger.

Her eyes then gazed back down to Himeko, looking her over, as she gave the contents of the bowel time to mix properly, a slight fizzling coming from it. A hand reached out, tender fingers gently stroking against Himeko's cheek. Himeko would feel her skin being more sensitive then usual. As if it would easier take pain if strained, cut or hit. But also feel more pleasure when tended to properly.
”Calm.. Drink.” She asked, a small smile on her warm lips, as she leaded the bowel, with her tail, above Himeko's lips. If Himeko opened her mouth, a hand would tenderly reached behind Himeko's head, trying to tilt it a bit, and then feed Himeko the contents of the bowel. It would be far from a sweet taste. Instead a bitter, hard taste, like the taste of a strong alcoholic beverage. But the Guardian made sure Himeko drank it. After a few gulps, a gentle hand made sure Himeko closed her mouth, with tenderly stroking bellow Himeko's chin, closing her mouth.
”Swallow.” She said softly, making sure Himeko sank the bitter tasting fluids. She smiled gently when she did, before looking towards the Wolves. Again, she crawled above Himeko, this time lowering her body quite close to Himeko's, lowering her head for the two wolves. Her eyes moved from one to another, as her tail stretched out, offering the bowel towards them, as she silently purred. A sign of good will, and even light signs of submission. The tail placed down the bowel between the two's noses, as she crawled back a bit, raising above the ground again, still on all fours.
”They.. Must drink. You would only die.. They.. Would become.. Like them.. Dead, but living. Plagued. Rotten..” She explained, before gazing back down at Himeko, as if she wanted her to command the wolves to drink, if they wouldn't do so themselves.

If she made the wolves drink, the Guardian would move back a bit again, sitting herself down on Himeko's stomach again. But this time, she gently stroked her abdomen against Himeko's stomach, her hands reaching up to place themselves within Himeko's. Her eyes looked to their hands, her own folding themselves out against Himeko's palms, before her eyes shifted down to Himeko's.
”Body.. Will feel strange.. Sensitive. Then you will.. Sleep. Faint.” She explained, smiling softly, as she let her hands stroke down Himeko's hands, and then arms, fingertips gently caressing her sensitive skin. A slight smirk grew upon her lips, as her hands continued to stroke down Himeko's body, her head tilting as she felt the almost helpless Elf. And her fingers didn't stop, continuing down bellow her arms, and then to caress in a curve around her breasts, as she licked her lips a bit. While her hands had been doing so, her tail had been stroking down Himeko's thigh as well, making sure she'd feel the caress through her clothes. The Guardian lowered her face above Himeko, her nose gently sniffing, as she pushed Himeko's head a bit to the side, stroking the tip of her nose against Himeko's neck. But only for a moment, before her lips began gently nipping at the sensitive skin. Her hands grew a bit more rough with the sensitive orbs, now embracing them the best they could, her tail tip now stroking up and down Himeko's inner right thigh.
RE: Into the corrupted woods of Felwood!

As the guardian replied to Himeko she could sense the girl was starting to calm down now slightly. "I swear to you I mean you no harm. I avoid killing as much as I possibly can, and animals, as I thought you were, I most definitely try to avoid killing if I can help it. I will defend my life or the lives of my boys over there, but I do not get pleasure in killing innocent creatures or people for that matter." Himeko replied as she could see the dominating look she gave her wolves. Himeko had to calm her boys down or they would hurt the guardian, or worse be killed themselves. Which both scenarios wouldn't work for her at all. After she had mentioned about wanting to add her to her family she noticed the guardian's mood was now starting to change slightly as the obvious questioning, yet curious look was clear as day on the girl's face. "Yes... My own flesh and blood family was slaughtered by the Horde that is now living out here... All I have left of a family is Haji and Dameon over there... I figured if I had added you to my family we all wouldn't be as lonely as we are now... Let alone feeling scared for when the next Horde invasion would happen..." Himeko replied weakly as she could now feel the guardian starting to loosen her grip on her. Not being able to move sucked, but right now she couldn't afford to move even if she wanted to. She didn't want to anger the guardian who could easily snuff the light out of her.

Himeko noticed the worried look in the guardian's eyes and she could tell she was afraid as she sniffed around her before turning to her boys as she had moved forward, now her body was fully exposed to Himeko. Seeing her half naked body caused her to blush slightly, the necklace of leaves was rather interesting to say the least and it truly didn't do a great job in keeping her covered up. She heard the guardian whimper and could feel she was about to jump off of her before she placed her hands on her arms and looking into her eyes she could tell they were showing signs of several mixed emotions, fear, worry, intent, and even dominance. Hearing her words Himeko sighed and nodded as best as she could. "It's not like I can move my body... I couldn't go anywhere even if I wanted to... Not like I want to or anything, I don't want to make you mad..." She replied weakly as she then watched as she leaped off of her before rushing out through the bushes and out of her sight. Sighing once more she looked down at her body and tried to move her fingers, but sadly to no avail would they move. "This is just great... I should have known that even in the tainted woods of this forsaken place would be safe for me to bath in, let alone my boys... Oh no... What's going to happen to my wolves?! Fuck me! How could I be so careless!" She cursed to herself as she weakly looked over to her boys who didn't look so well. She didn't know what she'd do if she lost the last remainders of her family and she tried not to think of it as it would start to bring back all those horrible memories of when she lost her family four years ago.

The guardian was only gone for a few minutes before she returned with a small pack in her hands and wrapped in her tail was half of a fruit that looked like it was shaped like a bowl. She watched as the girl sat down next to her and began opening the pack of several odd and strange herbs that had some glowing on different colors. She didn't recognize any of them but watched as the guardian placed the bowl down below her hands and dropped all the herbs into it. Himeko watched as she worked with the herbs as she ground them down before taking out a small bottle that she poured into the bowl, from her angle it looked like water but she couldn't really tell. As they waited for the concoction to mix she looked at the girl with worry in her eyes now. She was afraid to know what was happening to them and as she was about to as the concoction started fizzing slightly. As the Night Elf reached her hand out, Himeko let out a small moan from the sensitive touch of the others finger. She didn't understand why her body was so sensitive right now but she listened to the guardian as she was told to drink it as the bowl was given to her with the girl's tail holding it above her lips now. Himeko opened her mouth without questioning it and the guardian reached behind her head to gently tilt it a bit before the contents poured out and went down her throat. It didn't taste that good, but it wasn't the worst thing she had ever tasted either. She gulped down what was given to her and as the last of what was given to her she felt a gentle hand make sure Himeko closed her mouth, which she did as she swallowed the last of it down as she was told to do. The taste it left in her mouth was by far more bitter than anything she had before but she was in a new territory and the plant life here was rather... Well odd to say the least.

As the guardian smiled gently to Himeko, she was now looking back over to the twins as she once again crawled above Himeko and she could feel the guardian's body was lowered much more this time, almost touching her own at this point as she lowered her head towards the wolves. Himeko couldn't help but look at the girl's body that was almost touching hers and she could feel something starting to stir inside of her. Her mind was starting to wonder and before she knew it the girl was moving the bowl closer to the boys as she was showing no hostilities this time towards them. They both looked at her weakly, still whimpering as the looked at the bowl. They had watched their mistress drink whatever was in it down, but looked over towards Himeko for permission. After the girl was back in position, still remaining on all fours while she spoke again. "So... That water would have killed me and turned my babies into... Those monsters?!" She thought as she looked over to her bows and nodded to them. "It's okay Haji, Dameon, drink it please boys. I cannot afford to lose you two..." She said softly to the twins as they nodded and began lapping the contents up, each taking turns before it was all gone. As they drank the guardian moved back more again and was now sitting on her stomach. Himeko was surprised when the girl began stroking her abdomen against her stomach before her hands were placed within Himeko's own hands. She didn't know what was going on but she watched as the girl looked at their hands before folding them out against her palms and then their eyes met once more.

As she listened to the girl she saw her smile softly before her hands started stroking Himeko's hand, then her arms, which caused her to moan out softly again as the slightest touch was causing her sensitive skin to react in ways she only felt with her ears before. Himeko's body was starting to get rather hot now at this point and she didn't know if it was from the body heat of the one on top of her causing her armor to get hot or if it was something else. She didn't fail to catch the smirk on the guardian's face as she continued to stroke her body, which at this point the chain-mail was proving to be of no real protection for some odd reason here. The girl's hands did not stop though, they continued till they reached her breasts, which at this point Himeko was able to catch onto what was going on now. She had been to focused on what the girl's hands were doing that she didn't even notice where her tail was till she felt it stroking her thigh. "Nnn... What's happening to... To my body? My body is growing hot... And my armor... Is not helping me here..." She panted as the guardian lowered her face now as she sniffed her gently before her head was pushed to the side. It felt strange to have this girl stroking the tip of her nose against her neck, but what came after is what caused Himeko to moan out once again as her lips now met the very sensitive flesh and began nipping at it. Another moan escaped her throat as her breasts were being roughly groped and the tail kept stroking up and down her inner right thigh. "Ah... This feels so good... But... What is happening to me...? And... Why are you..." She stopped as she moaned louder this time feeling the heat starting to grow more inside of her.

She wasn't use to this and she had never been in a situation like this before. She didn't know what was going on fully, let alone what was happening to her as her body had now became a sort of play thing to the guardian who saved her life. She owed the guardian dearly for saving not only her, but her wolves as well. Her face was red and she was starting to pant heavily now at this point. "Can... Can you... P-Please remove... Remove my armor...?" She pleaded as the heat was now starting to become too much for her to handle. Both wolves had fallen asleep at this point and didn't sense any danger, or what to them would be seen as 'danger'. Her eyes closed slightly as her body was being used by the guardian and she had hoped she would free her from her armor so she could properly breath and maybe cool down a bit.
RE: Into the corrupted woods of Felwood!

The tale of her lost family, only made the Guardian react with a short frown for a few seconds, before continuing it's curious stare. Many had felt heart shed and pain in the wars between the Alliance, and the Horde. The Guardian herself didn't remember her own family, never really having a reason to try. She'd always felt like she didn't belong with them, so hadn't sought them out, as some might have done. She'd never felt the pain of losing anyone, because she didn't remember ever having someone. In the time she remembered, she'd always been alone. Which made her frown a bit again, as she was heading out to find the herbs.

Himeko and the Wolves agreement to drink the antidote, made the Guardian smile with satisfaction and relief. She liked what she'd found this time, and for once didn't feel the urge to kill the ones that'd been hunting her. She'd only watched the two Wolves lap from the drink for a moment, before gazing back down to Himeko, granting the other woman her full attention. The way she panted and moaned bellow her, caused another wild stir through her body. But she continued to contain herself, still only letting one part of her privates getting excited. She wanted to keep the last as a surprise. Grinning a bit to herself at the thought, as her lips teased Himeko's flesh. Her curious nose then moved towards Himeko's ear, gently stroking down it's length, before her lips quickly grasping it, letting her, now flat, teeth press against it. She wanted to give Himeko the rush of a surprise and short second of dread that she'd bite down hard onto it. But instead, her teeth just began to gently nibble, as she giggled softly. Her hands continued to caress Himeko's breasts, as the young Elf pleaded for an explanation. The Guardian didn't reply, or even utter a word. She just remained the silent tease, continuing to play with her new play thing.

Then, as she was asked to remove the others armor, she happily complied, her fingers beginning to undo any strings keeping the armor in place, before starting to carefully pull it over the others head. She made sure none of the chains touched against the over sensitive skin, as this could hurt quite badly, while also making sure Himeko's head wouldn't bump down on the ground. Her body, now exposed, unless underwear was worn, now free in the cool air around them. But not from the Guardian's body heat, and the fingers soon caressing their way down bare skin, to even greater effect then before. Again only letting fingertips play around over Himeko's skin, the Guardian raised her back a bit, smirking down on Himeko, before looking behind her back, shifting a bit. Her tail soon proceeded to try and undo her pants, as her fingers had the shirt. After a little while of fumbling, her fingers helped it along, until the tail could easily push the pants down, finally pulling them off entirely, dumping them to the side. Her eyes returned down towards Himeko again, once again giggling with a soft grin, as she started crawling down Himeko's body. Her lips now returned to the other woman's warm skin, starting to nip their way down her throat, and soon just above her breasts. If Himeko should be wearing a bra, tender fingers gently pulled the fabric down, before getting a bit aggressive, ripping it enough to have access to the fleshy orbs. Her lips kissed their way up the mount of Himeko's right breast, before grasping lips around the very peak, hands beginning to gently knit and kneed. Her tongue twirled in circles a few times, before lips continued to suckle. And the second it grew hard, her teeth began gently nibbing once again. Her tail began it's travel's once more, now challenging the outline of Himeko's panties, if any was worn, the soft fur only inches away from the soon soaking lips.
RE: Into the corrupted woods of Felwood!

For years Himeko had trained and fought hard to become stronger. She was taught to expect the unexpected, however nothing in her training had prepared her for this. There were nights she had gotten frustrated and needed release, which was very rare but she did masturbate every now and then to keep her frustration levels low. But here, here was different. Her body was reacting in ways she had never experienced before, which was causing her mind to become overwhelmed with many questions. With having the full attention of the guardian now, her body was reacting even more off for her. Something about this other elf made her body grow hotter as she was now feeling herself starting to slightly get wet. Everything the elf was doing to her was making it worse for her to hold back her panting and moans now. Her eyes closed slightly as the elf nipped at her neck before letting her nose move towards her ear as she gently stroked down it's length. Doing this made Himeko's body shake slightly and caused her to grow more wet than she already was, but she felt her lips quickly grabbing ahold of her ear and her eyes shot open. She could feel the girl's flat teeth pressing against the soft and sensitive flesh, fear had washed over her as she thought the girl was going to start biting down hard on her ear. Thankfully she didn't bite down hard on her ear, but instead she felt her starting to gently nibble on them and heard her giggling softly. If she could move now, she wouldn't even be able to now that her ears were being nibbled on. Such was a weakness for any elf though. Her body was starting to submit to the girl as her breathing was becoming rather shallow and her pants were rather heavier now at this point as the guardian was now exploiting her weakness against her will. Her questions seemed to have fallen on deaf ears this time as her breasts were being caressed more now.

After her pleas to have her armor at least removed, the girl finally noticed what she was saying and didn't seem to have a hard time doing just that. As her armor was being undone she couldn't help but start to feel slightly relieved as it was starting to be removed, leaving only her light leather on, which wouldn't last long as it was still armor. Feeling the chain-mail being removed from her body caused her to let out a sigh of relief before her captor starting teasing her body again now. The body heat that the guardian was producing was more intense than she could recall and her bare flesh that was clearly visible now, was more sensitive now that there wasn't chain-mail covering them. "Nnnn..." She moaned out as the cool air was not swaying against her body and soon she felt the rest of her armor being stripped from her. The girl continued smirking at her as she looked back and then Himeko felt her tail once again, but this time it was removing her light leather pants, which wouldn't be hard. Her hand were now removing her top and before she knew it, she was left with nothing but her bra and panties, otherwise she was completely naked. Himeko's body was very hot, even against the night's cool breeze and would only grow hotter from here on out. As the guardian crawled down her body, she let out another moan due to the fact that the girl's skin rubbing against hers was sending massive waves of pleasure down her entire body. With each nip the guardian made at her skin, the more her body would continue to grow sensitive to touch. As she stopped, Himeko could feel just where she had stopped before she felt the elf's fingers gently pulling at the light cloth before coming aggressive and ripped it enough to expose her fleshy D sized breasts. The girl was now kissing her way down up to her right breast before she put her lips over her nipple while her other hand was now kneeding her left nipple and then the girl's tongue started twirling circles around the other nipple. *Huff, huff.* She panted as her eyes were now slowly closing due to all the pleasure as the girl continued tending to her breasts, which her nipples were as hard as peas now at this point due to all the stimulation that was given to them. "Nnnnn!" She moaned out as the guardian was now nibbling on her right nipple, which at the same time her tail was now making it's way back up her thigh before it started testing the outline of her panties. She could feel the soft fur near the wet spot that was forming on her panties. If the guardian were to look down there or even siff the air she'd clearly smell Himeko's arousal as clear as the night's sky above them. Himeko's body was betraying her and yet she was enjoying this at the same time. The girl's touch felt so good to her, though she didn't quit understand as to why. All she knew is that all this teasing was really making her body starting to crave this girl more now. She was at the point at almost not caring as to what would happen next to her now and all she wanted right then and there, was to be released from the heat in her body.
RE: Into the corrupted woods of Felwood!

Her teeth gently placed against Himeko's ear, her lips curled a small pleased grin. The reaction she'd wanted, was that of her own and so many other Elves. Their ears where usually over sensitive, and she herself where no different. Even if the poor Elf hadn't been affected by a poison, that'd be overly uncomfortable, if the body didn't get otherwise occupied. That was the main reason why the Guardian had started this. To give her mind other things to think about, then the fact that her body was soon paralized. The Guardian was probably doing Himeko a whole arc of favors, by giving her this attention. But she wasn't only doing it for the other girl.
The Guardian started gently pulling at Himeko's ear, as her fingers where working on the armor, extending the pleasure of the tease, growling playfully as she did, giggling sweetly once again at the other Elf's reactions.

As her teeth and hands began their game of knitting the fleshy orbs, the Guardian's nose caught the scent of Himeko's full reaction, and she smiled with pleasure. Her lips and teeth finally released the nipple, kissing their way up again, raising her face over the other girl, the Emerald eyes gazing down for Himeko's, and if they met hers would show a flare of lust and excitement, as her tail trailed over the others underwear, the tip nudging, teasing and pressing against the cloth between it's fur and Himeko's leaking sex. The Guardian licked her lips, before quickly lowering her face, giving Himeko no time to react on the heated kiss she landed. And as she did, both her hands firmly squeezed Himeko's sizeable breasts, the thumb and pointing finger of both hands squeezing at each nipple, whilst the tail nudged a bit harder, pressing the cloth slightly inside of Himeko. She did this, trying to cause a gasping moan from the other Elf, and should she do so, and reveal her tongue, the Guardian's would almost shoot inside Himeko's mouth, her tongue instantly starting to play around with the other Elf's, the Guardian's mouth and lips recieving most of Himeko's moans, gasps and exhales. Her hands and tail continued what their where doing, whilst her lips kissed, and her tongue played. The Guardian herself, now also started groaning with soft, pleased moans, as she ground her body against Himeko's.

She let the kiss be long, passionate and lustful, before releasing Himeko's lips again, the Emerald eyes gazing down at Himeko's once again, with a warm, caring smile curling the lips. Her tail soon began curling it's way around the edge of Himeko's panties, the soft fur stroking down the revealed flesh, but without pushing inside of her.
”Is this.. Good?” The Guardian asked, with a soft, sweet voice, displaing both passion and lust, the tail stroking back and forth over the exposed flesh, as she started crawling a bit down Himeko's body, her lips kissing down towards Himeko's breasts once again, but without taking the emerald eyes off of Himeko's, still gazing up at her with a lustful expression. The second Himeko was about to reply, the very tip of the Guardian's tial nudged playfully against her clitoris, a bit harder then it had before, smirking playfully with a soft giggle, as her lips began their game of Himeko's breasts again.
RE: Into the corrupted woods of Felwood!

Himeko's body was burning up and her face was red as ever. She couldn't believe what was going on let alone what happening to her. The way the other elf toyed with her ear, it was more than she could bare. She was starting to lose control over herself now, her breathing was deep as she panted heavily from this stimulation. Her breasts had never been touched like this before, let alone this much. "Fuck... I cannot.. Cannot control my... My... Body... Nnnn... I'm... So... So hot...." She moaned as her ears were continued to being nibbles on and her breasts being kitted and kneeded more now as the girl had gone back to her breasts now. She could feel her kissing her way back up to her and as she was now hovering over her. Her eyes shot open as she felt the girl's tail rubbing against her hot, dripping wet sex. Her eyes, when they opened was greeted by the guardians eyes. She could tell from the look in the girl's eyes just what the girl was wanting and at this point... She too was starting to want it as well. This was not like the nights she masturbated, her body was being teased to points she never knew was possible. She couldn't get herself to calm down even if she wanted to. Her own carnal desires was starting to build up and the look in her eyes could clearly tell the guardian she was submitting completely to her for now. "I need... My body... It's so hot... I don't know just how much... More I can take..." She moaned out and then... Her mouth was snatched up by the girl and she closed her eyes once again as she weakly gave into the kiss, allowing her tongue to dance with the other invading tongue.

She was starting to lose herself more now. The more she toyed with her breasts, the more her moans grew despite the fact that they were muffled by their kiss. She could feel the tail teasing her more as it began pushing into her through the panties. "Nnnn!~" She moaned into the kiss as her juices were starting to flow out of her more easily than before. While the guardian without stop, continued playing and toying with her body. She could feel her tense muscles starting to relax despite the fact she was still unable to move. Her heart pounded in her chest as she could feel her orgasm starting to swell within her as the tail continued to tease her through her panties. Her nipples were more sensitive now and this pleasure she was feeling was driving her nuts. She could feel the girl grinding her lower body into her which only made her wish she could wrap her arms around the girl. I just wish I could hold her... This is so wrong yet... Yet my body is loving this... Craving more... And that tail... My gods that feels so fucking good... I don't know just how much more I can handle..." She thought as the guardian released her mouth, leaving a long trail of saliva behind as she left Himeko there panting and begging for more. She could feel the tail moving again as it was now at the edge of her panties before sliding inside to start rubbing her soaked flower. She moaned out her reply, clearly stating that yes it did feel good as she watched the elf move down to her breasts again, yet never removing her emerald eyes from her as she kisses her way back down to her breasts once more. As she was about to speak she felt the tip of the tail starting to dub against her clit rather roughly causing her to moan louder. "Nnnnn... Yes... Yes this feels so... So good... Please stick your tail in me... I... I need something inside of.... Inside of me..." She panted as she was now begging to be fucked. The smell of her juices would not be able to pass the girls nose as well as the fact that her tail was now coated in it. She looked at the guardian and lust was filled in her purple eyes as she waited for whatever was to come next to her now.
The other woman's moaning and pleading below her, caused a stir through the Guardian's body, the woman shivering above the other, letting her nails gently dig a few inches into Himeko's skin. They didn't cut, but pressed against the soft, sensitive skin of the other woman's breasts. She lead her hands down a few inches, scratching Himeko just slightly, as she gently gnawed one last time upon the ear. The heat of the victims body was, by now, mimiced by that of the Guardian's. She felt hotter and more excited by the second too. She could only barely control her excitement at this point, letting her know she'd need to move soon again, if she still wanted to keep her little secret, a secret.

The other woman's submission to her, wasn't something new. Others had submitted to her before. Begged her. But not this way. This, was way different. It, had been for their lives. This.. This was very, very different from that. This was lust. This was pleasure. Maybe even passion. The submission to her kiss, was what tipped the scales. She wouldn't just let Himeko be a plaything this evening. The Guardian, wanted her. And weather Himeko realized it, or even wanted to, she wanted it too. The Guardian knew now, what she'd been missing. She'd known it was company, all along. But not that it was more. Not just company. A mate. A lover. Love, in it's brightest. That's, what she'd been missing out on. That is, what she needed now the most.

During the kiss, the Guardian took trace of the build up of the poison inside the woman. She had to remind herself it was still there. And in not too long, it'd force her to sleep. But the Guardian wanted to give her something first. A choice.

When introduced to Himeko's breast again, The Guardian's tongue gently twirled in a circle around Himeko's nipple, whilst Himeko started to begging her for more. Begging for something inside her. It caused a faint grin upon the Guardian's lips, as the tip of her tail gently spun against the entrance of Himeko's sex. She wanted to keep teasing a bit, all whilst she curiously wanted to know something more. That curious, playful expression played over the Guardian's expression again, as the tail started just gently pushing. Slowly, almost painfully so, pushing inside Himeko, the fur of the tail quickly soaking even more in Himeko's nectar. And it kept pushing. More and more, until something would stop it's careful advance. And if something did. If Himeko remained innocent. Yet untouched. The tail would stop it's advance, and instead begin gently spinning, pulling out just a bit, before pushing back in the same distance again.
"I feel like I'm starting to lose myself here... I have no control over my body whatsoever and whatever she is doing to my body... It feels so good... Though... Between two women... It's not frowned upon but this should feel more wrong... And yet... For some odd reason... It doesn't..." Her mind was full of racing questions now at this point as she let out another loud moan as she felt the guardian's nails gently dig into her soft and sensitive flesh. Though they did not cut into her, she could still feel a wave of more pleasure starting to wash over her and she could feel herself being a slave to this, even if it was just for now. Though deep down inside she knew that this was but merely the beginning of what was to come, a calm before the storm so to say. In all her life, she never felt this vulnerable like she did right then and there. Her own juices were dripping through her panties and were starting to trickle down her plump ass as her body continued being stimulated like it was. Himeko was too busy being lost in all her pleasure she didn't even pay attention to why the elf kept changing spots like she did, not like it would matter at this point and time.

She didn't even realize what he had done when she resisted fighting against her body's will, but all would soon be revealed as the next moments would determine her very own fate. Panting really hard she could feel some of her own saliva starting to dribble out of the sides as the fire in her body longed to be calmed. Feeling the tip of the tail now at her entrance and spinning there, almost made her cum. She watched the look on the guardian's face and she was about to speak when the tail started slowly going inside of her. It was painful but it felt good, and this was the first time anything had ever entered her pussy before. The more the tail went in, the more it became drenched in her juices as is slid in fairly easy. "Ahh... So... So good..." She panted as the tail kept pushing inside of her. The tail kept moving until it reached her perfectly intact hymen as it stopped for only a brief moment before it started spinning inside of her. She felt it starting to pull out slowly, yet without stopping it's spinning and then pushed back into the previous spot. She couldn't take it anymore now. The more it did this to her the more she wanted to be fucked. "I... I can't... Take... It anymore... Please... Please fuck me... Fuck me hard... I... I don't care... How... Just fuck me please!" She moaned as she looked at the elf with pure submission mixed with lust and the need to be 'filled' could clearly be seen in her eyes. She was begging to be fucked like a slut now and she didn't even care at that moment.
As the curious Guardian's tail searched deep inside Himeko, the Guardian's eyes gazed up for Himeko's. Her nails gently tickled against Himeko's skin again, one hand scratching down from her breast, down her right side, just when the Guardian's tail met the hymn, her eyes opening wide, her tongue and hands pausing their little game as she smiled widely. Her ears rose high, with a gleefully happy expression, as she felt her body shiver slightly. She'd hoped that she'd meet this little barrier. That she'd actually found an innocent girl. And now, she was just excited to take that innocence for herself. But sadly, for both parties, she wouldn't do it tonight. She didn't want to do this, whilst Himeko's body was this volnurable. She didn't want to take any more advantage of the situation, then she already had. She might've helped Himeko's mind to focus on other things then her uncomfortable weakened state, but she had also taken advantages. And, for some reason, she didn't want to take this. Just yet, at least. Himeko, really, wasn't going to have any choice, in the end. But if she had to take her innocence, she didn't want to do it this easily. And she wanted Himeko to have the choice, if she wanted her to do it. No mater what she choce, the Guardian would have what she wanted. But she still wanted the choice there..

But she still wanted to give Himeko, at least some of what she was begging for. So the Guardian smirked, slowly starting to crawl further down, her lips kissing her way down Himeko's body, while her hands scratched down her sides. She gently nibbled on the other girls stomach, before continuing down. Her claws scratched down Himeko's hips, as her lips reached the point of no return. Her lips kissed her exposed flesh, her tongue quickly, almost skillfully, began playing with Himeko's clit. She did so, as one hand stroked between her legs as well, a finger pushing inside of her as she grinned. Her other hand reached up, capable of reaching her breast to gently caress it, whilst her tongue started going wild. There wasn't much time left by now. The poison would soon force Himeko to sleep, and she wanted to gift her a release, when she wasn't going to give her exactly what she was begging for. The Guardian closed her eyes, moaning as she savored the taste of the other girl against her tongue. Moving her head a bit away from Himeko's sex, leaving a trail of salvia and juices between her tongue and her clit, before continuing again. The tongue twirled in circles around the sensitive area, before her lips gently pinched against it, as she giggled chippperishly, with a wide pleased smile. Her finger pushed in and pulled out of Himeko's sex, leading her further towards her climax, but still not taking away the sweet innocence of her.
Himeko was losing her sanity and was near the breaking point now. Feeling the girl stop as she found her hymn she then watched the guardian's face as she continued panting. She could see the wheels almost turning in the guardian's head as she saw her smile widely and her ears rose high in the air. She could sense that the guardian was hesitating and looked like she was fighting with herself as what to do with her next. "P-Please.. D-Don't... Don't stop..." Himeko moaned out as she could start to feel herself wanting her release badly. Right now, she didn't even care that she was being taken advantage of at the moment. She just wanted more. Which soon she would have her wish. She needed this right now.

She watched as the elf seemed to have finally come to an agreement with herself as she started smirking as she slowly started to crawl further down her now. She was moving further down her than she had personally been as she kissed her way down, using her nails scratched the sides which brought a pleasurable shiver down her spine. Himeko couldn't believe just how good this was all feeling to her as she watched her captor making her way down before pausing to nibble on her stomach for a moment before continuing her way down further. It wasn't long before the girl had reached her dripping wet cunt as the smell of being this close could be overwhelming. She blushed when the guardian kissed the tender lips down there before her tongue began to quickly play with her clit, showing true signs of skill behind every movement. More of her saliva was starting to drool out of the sides of her mouth as she was nearing pure bliss. Feeling one of the guardians hand stroking her in between her legs before she felt it, one of the fingers was now pushing its way into her tight untouched pussy as her eyes now closed tightly as she almost screamed out in pleasure. "Fuuuuuck!!!!" She moaned as she could feel her pussy starting to tighten around the invading finger. "I... I'm... Going to... To cum!!" She screamed as she could feel it building up as her pussy started trying to milk the guardian's finger. She felt the elf pause for a moment as she pulled away before diving back in. It wasn't long before her final screams of pleasure would be heard as her pussy was now starting to convulse. Closing her eyes tighter now she screamed as loud as she could as her orgasm was now taking a hold of her. Her pussy throbbed and convulsed as her orgasm was washing out of her, covering the girl's face, should she still be there.

After a few moments of her orgasm she could feel her body starting to slow down as her breathing also started to slow and calm down. "That... That was amazing... So... Tired..." She whispered as she could feel herself starting to drift off into a deep slumber. Soon all that washed over her was darkness as she was now laying there sleeping and completely helpless.
Himeko, begging for the Guardian to continue, caused the one begged from to shiver, and broughten a wide grin upon her lips, as she continued thinking. But she still lead her way to continue, her tongue and fingers all going to work once again.
Tongue first meeting the leaking clit, the Guardian growled lowly with pleasure. An almost dominant growl, as she greedly sucked at the sweet spot, finger slipping in and out as she did, tongue twirling in circles. The dominant growl turned to a soft humming purr, as she sucked in more and more of the others taste, closing her eyes, reveling in her taste.

The Guardian started feeling the other woman shivering bellow her, causing her to shiver as well, a small grin on her face as she increased the pace of both her twirling tongue and her finger, now being joined by another finger, two now thrusting inside Himeko. The Guardian narrowed her eyes slightly, as Himeko moaned out words, grinning as she sucked greedily at her clit.
Her eyes gazed up at Himeko again, just as her climax was clicking on, passionate eyes gazing through the screaming climax. They closed with Himeko's gasping softly with the other, as she felt her own excitement peaking out of control. Fingers discreetly pushed aside her loincloth, a long thick member growing between her legs, as she shivered slightly.

Her eyes opened again, as Himeko moaned out her tiredness, grinning slightly as she started crawling over Himeko, while the other woman was slowly falling into unconsciousness. The Guardian moved over Himeko, lips moving close to Himeko's ears, silently whispering.
"Look for me, should you want more, and you'll find me.. Do not, and ignore how.. Good.. This was... And I'll find you.. And -take- what it is I want.. And I might not be as.. Gentle. If I have to hunt you down." She grinned, kissing Himeko's ear gently, but that wasn't the only part of her touching Himeko. Himeko would feel something prodding lightly against her abdomen. Not something furry, like the tail. But something moist and hard. Should Himeko try to look down, the Guardian would make sure she couldn't, putting her two wet fingers bellow the others chin, making sure she kept looking to her eyes.
"I don't like it when others lie to themselves.. You loved it. And you know it. And I want your.. Innocence.. And if you still want someone like -me- in your family.. I just might take you as my mate.." She grinned, before she rose to her feet, her tail whipping slightly behind her, finally letting Himeko have a good view of her, at least, 11 inches of erect member. The Guardian then gave her one last smirk, before rushing off into the bushes and gone from sight.

Once Himeko'd wake up again, she'd smell the vile stench of the infected forrest, well known to those who'd fought the corrupted beasts before. But she'd soon see, that the beast she could smell, had already been dealt with, lying dead several feet away from her. It seemed, that even though the Guardian left, she still protected her. But the Guardian, was no where to be seen. All she would get there, would be to let the dogs lead, should she actually want to find her. It was her choice.
After her climax she opened her eyes weakly as she watched the guardian move up over her body as her ears twitched slightly as she listened to the guardian's words carefully. She was about to reply when she felt something prodding against her abdomen, taking note it didn't feel like the tail, but something else... Hard and moist? She was confused and with the guardian holding her chin preventing her from seeing what she was not allowed to see at this moment. Looking at her with a questioning look in her eyes she listened to the guardian once again. She knew the elf was right, she did love it and she couldn't lie nor deny it. Yet she did want to make the guardian more part of her family, but she was confused on the mate part before the elf rose to her feet to expose what she had been hiding this entire time. She was shocked to see that the guardian had a cock, let alone such a large one. "I will find you... I promise... I need to avenge my family's death... Once those filthy Horde are dead... I will seek you out... I never... Never go back on my word..." She replied as she watched the guardian rush off into the bushes, hoping she had heard her as she fell sound a sleep.

Himeko grunted in her sleep as she felt the warm rays of the sunlight on her face as her ears twitched as she slowly moved to her side. "Nnnn.... My head hurts so bad but at least I'm alive... Wait was that a dream last night or...?" She asked outloud as her eyes started to open slightly. Sitting up she opened her eyes fully as she could smell the stench of the forest and as she was about to stand she noticed her armor and leather armor were not on her body but onto the side along with her bra and panties. "Well that indeed was not a dream..." She said softly as she started dressing herself while looking over at her sleeping wolves that looked like they were doing a lot better than they did last night. After she was fully dressed in her armor she walked over to the twins and kneeled down to them and hugged them both. "Good morning Haji, Dameon. I am so relieved to know you two are safe...." She said as both boys started to slowly stir. Haji let out a low murr as he nuzzles her neck with Dameon following suit. "Come on boys, lets go back and get my bag, eat breakfast and we will go hunt those Horde scum down... Afterwards... We must seek the guardian out again. I made a promise to her and I will keep to my word." She said as they looked at her and nodded, understanding everything she was saying. Such is a bond between a huntress and the animals they tame.

After breakfast she took one last look around the spot where she met the guardian and she knew that she would be able to find her again easily when they returned. "I will return to you guardian! This I promise you! I have not forgotten about what you said to me last night and I want you to keep your end of the deal!" She yelled out, hoping the guardian would hear her as she then took her leave. Making her way out of the tainted forest she had a slightly easier time making it out without too much conflict. Once out she pulled out her map from her bag and looked it over and nodded to herself. "Okay... So the back way is here... It'll only take a couple of hours to make it there and from what my scouts said... There really is no security there..." Talking to herself lowly as she trailed the route with her finger before putting the map away. "Okay boys, we have our route to go down now. We must make haste though." She said as she began sprinting with both boys barking in reply as they followed right after her. She dodged all of the sentries that had been patrolling around the area before she made it to the back route and then slowly made her way there. Once she reached the entrance she looked at both boys and nodded. "We must make haste boys... We will only get one chance at this..." She whispered to the twins as she cautiously looked at the entrance to see if there were any sentries watching and to her luck there were non. "Okay boys, when I give the signal you two know what to do." She whispered as she looked at them as they nodded their heads. "Go get into position and wait for my signal then." She said lowly as they nodded one last time before darting off stealthily as she began getting to work.

She worked hard on the traps for this entrance and once they were all set she made sure no one would see them and then nodded to herself. "Yes these should work... Time to get to work now..." She mumbled to herself as she started climbing up on one of the abandoned posts. Looking around to see she had still gone unnoticed she draws her bow and begins pulling out green tipped arrows. These arrows were dipped in the most deadliest of all poisons. She knew she was safe to handle them since her mail gloves kept her hands safe from the poison. Standing up she took one of the arrows and pulled it back on the bowstring. She had taken note to all the enemies there and there was only thirty of them. Taking aim at a troll she then released her arrow as it flew in the air before puncturing him in the throat. He tried to call out but all that could be heard was gurgling sounds as he coughed up blood before falling to the ground. One of the orcs who was next to him was in shock as he lifted the horn in his hand and blew it hard, screaming "Attack!!! We're under attack!!!" Smirking she let another arrow fly as it hit him in the head, causing him to groan as he fell down. That was the signal the twin wolves had been waiting on. They both rushed in on each side as they started tearing and shredding those who tried to attack them. She saw one of their hunters taking aim at Dameon and it sent her into a fury rage. "You. Will. NOT. Touch. MY. BABY!" She snarled as she let the arrow fly as it hit him in the arm. "OVER THERE! THERE'S THE ALLIANCE DOG THERE!" One of the blood elves yelled as she pointed up to where Himeko was standing. The goblin that had been aiming his bow at Dameon fell down to his knees as he was gripping his arm before he fell over dead from the poison. The rest of the small force that was there that wasn't fighting with her boys began rushing over to the tower she was on and as soon as they reached her a loud explosion erupted as they all flew back. The explosion managed to kill a few of them, but the others were gravely wounded. She managed to help her boys finish off their attackers as she quickly made her way down the post and shot down any survivor that hadn't been hit by her traps.

"Those who are on the ground wounded, finish them off boys!" She yelled out as she pulled her longsword out and sliced one of the orcs that came running at her. The wolves rushed over to the fallen Horde soldiers as they began finishing them off. It only took her three hours to finish up over here, which was a bit longer than she had hoped for. Wiping blood off her cheek she began leading her boys out of the campsite and turning back she lite some arrows on fire and shot them at the posts, houses, ect... Setting them all on fire as she then took her leave back to the tainted forest. After finally making it back to the spot where she had met the guardian originally she sighed and slumped against one of the trees. It was starting to get dark out now and she pulled her bag up to her and began taking some food out for the three of them to eat. "I have finished what I came here for. But as promised I will find you guardian." She called out as she began eating as she tossed some bread and meat to her boys. After they ate and had some time to relax she stood up and looked at both her wolves. "Come on boys, lead me to where the guardian is." She said softly to them as she petted each of them on the head as they nodded and barked in reply as they started sniffing around and led her deeper into the tainted forest with her following very close by. She was hoping she would find the guardian again, to prove to her that she had kept her word on seeking her out. She had a lot of questions and hoped the guardian would answer them if at all.
"She did, quite well. It was no trouble for her, taking out the camp. Given, most of the 'soldiers' there, where still recruits. Very few veterans. And most of these where incapacitated by her, very well made, traps. But.. There'll be ramifications.." A girls voice spoke, sitting rested against the tree behind her, legs hanging down each side of a thick branch of the same tree. The creature she spoke to, narrowed it's eyes, laying on a rock bellow where she sat, a low growl breaking free from the silent cat. It gazed up towards her, the Elf smiling awkwardly, before explaining.
"She killed the Katonian... Her mother will want blood. Knowing nothing about the wretched heart of her daughter. But if faced with the truth, I don't think it'll be too hard to get her off of your backs. Her daughter was quite the little bottle of insanity... But I advice you to take it to Lady Katonia. Don't wait for her. Because she'll only send assassins. Never expect her, to get her hands dirty.." The young Elf continued to explain, the huge cat sighing slightly with a grin, as it shook it's neck, leading a paw to it's ear to scratch it. But as it did, it's nose tingled, and it's gaze was shot to it's side. The younger Elf smiled slightly, before dropping out of the tree, understanding what just happened. The cat soon set off in a slow pace, the Elf following closely, and silently.

Soon, the Night Elf and her two wolf companions met a small clearing, right in front of a small cliff. On this cliff, the huge cat showed up, it's emerald eyes gazing down at the three. The emerald eyes narrowed slightly, the markings on it's front legs and a bit down it's back, made it clear who it was, if the scent wasn't already enough. The cat didn't focus as much on Himeko, as it did on the two Wolves. Its gaze was both demanding and dominant, as it began crawling down the cliff, it's green eyes never letting go of the two Wolves. Soon an Elf stepped out on the cliff, looking down at the three companions with a small smirk.
"She -is- happy to see you. Very glad you returned. But. The one you've met, and the one coming out in her, when in her feline form, is.. In some ways, quite different. And she want's something now, that her instincts tells her, your two friends needs to know, and understand.." The Elf explained, remaining where she was, for now. The Night Elf didn't seem older then late in her teenage years, but seemed to have a lot of intellect behind the blueish eyes.

The huge cat walked closer to the Wolves, showing no signs of aggression, but clear signs of dominance, and the need for this. It constantly kept it's head a bit higher then the Wolves, almost in a threatening posture, but never making a sound. It didn't growl or hiss at the two, unless they'd do so at her. If they started it, she'd growl back, always making sure to growl a bit louder. Before Himeko could say anything, he other Elf interrupted her.
"Don't tell them what to do, miss. They need to do it themselves." She warned. The huge cat continued approaching, but if the Wolves backed off, in fear, it would give a consenting noise, as if telling them not to. Not a growl, or threatening sounds in any way, just a gentle humming sound. And if the Wolves remained still, and quite, and without trying to raise their heads above the cats, it would walk as close as a few steps away from them, before it'd stare at them both for a few seconds, making sure they'd continue to stay bellow her, before she'd finally give a purring sound of happiness, and wattle the last step closer, slowly trying to stroke the side of it's head, against the side of the Wolves, stroking her body down their sides. She showed clear signs of happiness, and joy, that the two would accept her dominance, and also wanted to make it clear she wasn't cruel. She even had the nerve to gently wash Daemon's right ear, when stroking along his body. If it'd give off a nervous bark, the huge cat would just hop a few steps to the side, lowering herself as if she wanted to play, making it very clear the gesture hadn't been a hostile one.
As the three of them continued walking through the tainted forest Himeko's memories of the past were playing flash backs in her mind. She remembered when her father had taken her out to learn how to tame when she was of age. She had been born into a family of rangers and both her parents had been ranger generals, something of which Himeko had taken pride in. Her and her father had gone out that day fifteen years ago to teach her their ways of taming beasts. She had already been taught the basics of being a hunter, from trap making, tracking down creatures, or even finding traps. It was her first time and her father had found a very rare purple furred cat. They had spent their time tracking it in the woods while her father had stopped them several times to point out the tracks on the ground to the broken branches, making Himeko recite what they were and what they belonged to. The first set of tracks had been a bear's tracks, the paw prints were too big to be either a wolf or a cat. While the second and third set of tracks were from a pack of wolves. But the fourth set of tracks were of tiny paws, looking closely at the ground she had been able to tell it was of a small or young kitten. Her father had been so proud of her for being able to identify all of the tracks as they had begun following the small paw prints to where the one who left them was.

Smiling to herself as she followed both the twins she looked around and found tracks from where the guardian had gone and knew they were on the right trail. Yes that day had been a good day for her and her father, even if they hadn't caught the kitten, she still learned from the experience. Her and her father had spent hours following the tracks till they had found the kitten. It was still a baby and it was as purple as her very own skin. At first glance one would have mistaken it for a druid child, but the kitten bore no markings of a druid. But clearly it shared similarities of a druid form. When Himeko tried to coax it from its hiding spot the kitten seemed to not trust her at first but it had came out of hiding after a few moments for it to trust Himeko enough for it to come out slowly. She was about to begin the taming ritual when they had been attacked by a giant bear, which caused the kitten to run away in fear, leaving Himeko and her father without a new companion. Her father had dealt with the bear rather quickly but sadly it wasn't fast enough seeing as the kitten was now long gone from them. Sighing to herself she stopped and kneeled down to where the fresh foot prints were and nodded to herself. "We're going the right way still boys. And judging on these tracks she shouldn't be too far from us." She said as she stood back up and continued following her boys till they reached a small clearing in front of a small cliff. As they made it there they were then greeted by a huge cat and Himeko knew that it was the guardian.

She watched as the guardian was more focused on the twins than her as she watched the guardian look over at the boys with a very demanding and dominant stare. Not keeping her eyes of the two wolves she had made her way down the cliff and as she was about to speak she noticed another figure on the cliff and noticed it was another Night Elf, looking down at the three of them and smirking before she spoke. As Himeko listened both Haji and Dameon were sitting down on each side of her as they watched the guardian slowly making her way there. "Very well then I will not stop her." She paused as she looked back down to the guardian as she was now much closer before turning back to the other elf. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you? I am not trying to be rude, but I'm just curious is all." Himeko asked as she took mental notes on her appearance. From the looks of her she seemed slightly younger than her, but not by much. The guardian was now closer to them as she showed no signs of aggression she did however show signs of dominance and like this was something she needed to do. She watched as the guardian kept its head slightly higher than her wolves, holding an almost threatening posture but stayed silent. As Himeko was about to reassure the two the elf had spoke again and she closed her mouth and nodded. "Very well then. They remember her from the last time we met, they also remember her saving not only my life but theirs as well." She replied to the elf as she watched the guardian at work.

Haji had been watching the guardian very closely, yet he never barked, never whined, and stayed still the entire time. They did not back off, nor did they growl at her. Instead they let out soft and small murrs, which showed they were happy to see the guardian again and also as their way of saying "Thank you for saving our lives." Dameon tilted his head to the side as he watched her, both boys didn't once try to raise their heads higher than them, for they could sense what the guardian was doing and that she did not mean them harm. Haji bowed his head slightly as then laid down on his belly as Dameon's ears twitched slightly as she got closer to them. Neither boy growled as she began rubbing her body against theirs, instead both murred as their tails wagged slowly, letting the guardian know they were happy to see her. They knew she was in charge and as long as Himeko was safe from harm, they would submit to the guardian willingly. The could sense what Himeko was feeling and they knew they could trust the guardian. As the guardian got closer to Dameon he lowered his head to her and his ears twitched slightly when she began washing his ear, but never did he resist it as she stroked against his body. He did bark out slightly, but his bark was that of a friendly bark as he began panting a bit with his tongue hanging out the side. He watched the guardian hop back a few steps and then lowered herself, clearly she wanted to play from what he could tell. He smiled as he lowered his body to the ground and rolled over onto his back as he wagged his tail more as he continued to pant as he was showing the guardian he wanted to play as well. This was Dameon's way of playing was when he was on his back.
The other Elf smiled slightly with the question, giggling a bit as she was reasured it wasn't to be rude.
"Wasn't rude at all. I'm thankful you care." She smiled, clearly happy that she'd been recognized. That fact was something new to her, from anyone else then the Guardian. She'd been the child, dumb enough to go too deep in the woods, and gotten lost. One of the many, that'd been saved and protected by the Guardian. But since then, she'd never been anything special, and had always kept to herself. It was only when she started searching for the Guardian, that she found any sort of recognition. The Guardian liked her, and appretiated her for the abilities she had. A Master tracker, especially for one of her age. She was a devil with the details, and never kept anything necessary out. Never came back empty handed. The Guardian had used this on several occasions, whilst giving back recognition and friendship in return. It seemed all the teenage Elf wanted and needed.
"My name's Evelyn.. But don't think too much into me, and who I am. That'd take focus off of her.. And as long as she's in that form, she will not tolerate that.." The young Elf grinned lightly. "She can be quite the tempered, hissy kitty, when she gets like that." The Elf smirked again, looking back down at the Guardian.

The Guardian seemed to take note to the teasing, gazing only backwards for a second, before returning her attention to the two Wolves. The cat showed signs of gratitude and joy, that the two recognized her, and accepted her instinctual need of dominance and control.
When Daemon barked, she gave a tiny whiney sound as she jumped away. This was not of complaint or displeasure either, but a joyful meowing, as she lowered herself for games. And when Daemon turned around on his back, the cat meowed again, jumping over to him, raising a paw to gently pad the side of the others head, it's head tilted with playful intent. But the cat soon seemed to snap out of that thought, instead purring soothingly, as she nudged her head against the Wolfs. After that she moved over past Haji as well, stroking her tail over the, seemingly more serious Wolf, before turning the Emerald eyes towards Himeko.

Finally, her attention was focused on the one she was truly interested in. The huge cat slowly traversed towards Himeko, the large nose gently sniffing at the Elf's hand, before the rough tongue passed it's lips, gently licking the hand, before it purred, stroking it's side against Himeko's. And so, the entire figure of the cat glowed a bright green, reshaping itself into a humanoid form, the Guardian now standing behind Himeko. Her right arm was wrapped around Himeko, gently tugging the two close together, as the left hand reached for Himeko's, placing itself within Himeko's palm.
"You almost taste.. Certainly still smell, of blood.." She silently whispered, stroking the side of her head against Himeko's, her fingers folding with the other Elfs. "You came back.. Saved me the hunt." She smirked softly. Her left hand gently grabbed at Himeko's glove, gently tugging at the glove, to pull it off. "I have some things we need to speak about.. But. There is something else I need first... Something, I've kept for too long.. Even though you where faster, then initially expected.. I still had to wait for faar too long..." She grinned, the left hand gently stroking Himeko's, should she've been able to get the glove off. And soon, it left Himeko's hand, but only for a moment, to undo her loincloth, letting it drop to the ground. She spend no time idling, grabbing gently at Himeko's wrist, leading her warm hands to the thick, still flaccid member between the Guardian's legs. And whilst she did, her right hand stroked up Himeko's side, all the way to her head, gently taking a dominant grab of Himeko's hair, forcing Himeko's head to be leaned back a bit against her shoulder. "And your going to -give- me, what I want.. Because you.. Want it too.." The Guardian softly moaned against Himeko's ear, as she made gentle thrusting movements against Himeko's hand, making it very clear what she wanted. Her lips then proceeded to kiss Himeko's neck, where she could for the armor, and up the side of her face to her ear, gently nibbling that sensitive appendage again.

Evelyn watched with a small smirk, shaking her head with her arms crossed in front of her. Soon, she turned around, hessitantly looking over her shoulder, before she walked off.
"It's just habit for me to be polite. Pretty name though, I like it." Himeko replied as she smiled softly before turning back to the guardian, taking what Evelyn's words to heart so as to not anger the guardian. Himeko watched the twins and sighed when Haji didn't offer to play with the guardian like his brother did. She smiled softly when she heard Dameon bark happily and watched him roll over on his back. Haji was playful, but he was shy around others. He was always like that even when he was a pup. "Haji, you really need to get over your shyness..." Himeko spoke softly as she shook her head slowly at Haji. She was a little embarrassed that he was still like this but she understood where he was coming from. Him and his brother had lost their parents due to poachers and Haji has always been shy or afraid since then. Dameon however, was like that at first but growing up with Himeko helped him get over it, which is why he is more open as long as he knows his mistress's life isn't in danger, he has no reason to show any hostilities or anything like that for the matter. She continued to watch her boys and was happy that Dameon was able to warm up to the guardian rather quickly and nodded at him in approval as she caught him glancing up at her for a moment to make sure he was doing everything okay before turning back to the guardian.

When the guardian jumped away after he had barked confused Dameon a bit but still he rolled to his back to expose his belly. When she jumped back over to him she smiled and murred happily when she raised her paw to gently pad the side of his head. Himeko watched as the guardian loved on the boys and a small smile was on her face now. Her ears twitched slightly when the guardian turned her attention back to Himeko as she then started moving slowly over to her. When she reached Himeko she was rather taken back when the guardian sniffed her hand before licking it and then began stroking her side against Himeko's. She watched the guardian shift back into her elven form and was now behind her. Blushing slightly when the other elf wrapped her arm around hers as she gently tugged them closer together. She opened her hand again as she allowed the guardian to place her hand in hers. She listened to the guardian as she spoke and she blushed again when the guardian stroked her head against hers before folding her fingers with Himeko's. "I promised you I would come back, I never break my promises or go back on my word." She replied softly as she felt her glove getting tugged at by the guardian, nodding to her she helped her remove it as she listened to her again. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I really am..." She replied as the guardian gently stroked her hand before leaving it for a moment as she then reached over and removed the loincloth. Himeko watched it fall to the ground and turned a deep red as she saw what had been hiding under it. She allowed the guardian to gently grab her wrist to lead it over to the member in between her legs.

Her body shivered slightly when the guardian stroked her side with her right hand up to her head before she gently took a dominating grab of her hair, forcing her head to lean back against her shoulder as she spoke to her once again. "I... I do want it..." She blushed again as her eyes turned back to the large member as she could feel her lower region starting to stir as she moaned softly when her ear was being nibbled on once again. "Let me remove my armor and then there won't be anything standing in our way." Himeko whispered as she reached over with her glove free hand and gently stroked the guardians member, should she be allowed. She then started removing the chain mail, which didn't take her too long before she was left with her leather armor. She was blushing heavily as she then began removing the light leather from her body and tossed it onto the ground where her chain mail was until she was left with nothing but her bra and panties, which was soon removed afterwards. Turning back to the guardian to where she could fully see Himeko's naked exposed body she walked over to her, and if the guardian didn't mind, she'd wrap her arms around her and hold her. "I've been wanting to hold you since our first encounter. I do remember you saying you wanted to make me your mate, is this what you wanted to talk to me about? If so... Then you may take me as your mate if you see me worthy enough..." She whispered as she gently rubbed her lower body against the guardian's lower half, making sure to rub against her member. She wanted this and this time, she wasn't paralyzed and she could give the guardian more than last night.
The Guardian didn't seem to mind, nor pay too much attention to the shyness of Haji. But that was only an observation, in her mind she both noticed, and took note. She felt bad for Haji, knowing something bad had probably happened to it, and that this was causing it's shyness. But the Guardian would give the boy space, and make sure to help it get over it's insecurities. At least towards the Guardian, and anyone trusted by her.

Himeko's blushing, only helped to increase her body heat, and make the Guardian even more excited. The Elf shivered slightly, and purred gleefully as she felt Himeko's hand upon her member. She licked her lips lightly, as she sopke to the younger Elf, stroking its free hand from Himeko's wrist, and up her side. She listened to HImeko with peaked ears, her eyes widening a bit with joy. She'd truly meant it. She truly wanted to be with her. Wanted her to be part of her family. She wouldn't have to.. -Take- anything. This was a new thing for her, something she'd never even imagined. And when Himeko apologized for keeping her waiting, the Guardian only chuckled slightly, with a few shakes of her head before kissing Himeko's ear.
"You kept your promise.. You came back. And you warm my heart with your words. You've nothing to apologize for.. Dear." That last words, although it came natural to say, and that she called Evelyn by this so many times before, it sent a shiver down the Guardian's spine. It felt good calling Himeko by this. Because she felt something for this girl. Something.. Different. Something she'd take control of. Use. Be part of. Not just push it aside. She wanted this now, more then she'd wanted anything else before.

The Guardian let Himeko take a step back, watching as the young Elf undressed before her. She licked her lips again, taking in all of Himeko's splendor. Then as she walked closer again, the Guardian opened her arms to her, pulling them close to each other, as Himeko spoke. The words she spoke, caused the Guardian's ears to lower a bit, but not of sadness, or displeasure. But an expression of deep happiness, that almost caused her to shed a tear came across her expression.
Groaning softly as she felt Himeko's body stroking against hers, she giggled joyfully as she closed towards her, letting their lips meet in a deeply passionate kiss. It wasn't filled with as much lust as the one the night before, but much more so with passion and love. The Guardian growled playfully, as her hands reached down, grabbing Himeko's rump, to gently lift her a bit off the ground, stoking the hands down to Himeko's hips, to keep her lifted in the air. She didn't stop the kiss idly, moaning softly as she did, her Emerald eyes continuing to stare into Himeko's, as her tail whipped joyfully behind her.

She wanted to say something, but she couldn't quite build up words. Instead, she knelt down, stroking a hand to Himeko's back, placing her gently on the ground, laying herself above the other girl. Never did she take her eyes off of Himeko's, as one hand kept her elevated slightly above Himeko's body, whilst the other stroked down her side, two fingers stroking down her slit. The Guardian let their lips meet once again, kissing Himeko deeply, as she carefully pushed two fingers inside of Himeko, all whilst her member grew more and more erect, soon letting Himeko's lower body feel it against her abdomen.
"It'll hurt.. I was going to take it.. With force.. Which would've made it hurt even more.. But. I want to treasure this, now.. I want you to feel me take your innocence away.. And make you mine..." She whispered, smiling lovingly, before shifting to nudge the tip of her large member against Himeko's exposed entrance, moving her fingers out of the way. She gave Himeko a moment to breathe.. Prepare. With clear intent in her eyes.
Himeko had never done anything like this before, let alone even thought of it. She was determined to get the guardian to become one with her family, even if it meant going down this route. But she remembered last night and even despite the fact she couldn't me her body, she couldn't deny that the guardian had made her body feel good. Just thinking back to last night had made her blush again. "Well..." She paused as her face started turning a deeper red before she finished, "I really would love for you to join my family. And... It's not just me who wants this now, Haji and Dameon want this too. It'll take Haji time to warm up to you, but Dameon has already given you his approval. I could be wrong, but I could sense you were lonely last night. And if that's the case... If becoming your mate and giving you a family will make you happy, then I don't mind giving you whatever you wanted." She smiled at the guardian as her hand continued to stroke the guardian's member. Himeko was very innocent in many ways, and this could be seen as a weakness one could manipulate should they choose to do so. "But I am glad to have found you again. I would like to ask you one thing... Do you have a name other than the guardian of Felwood? I would love to be able to call you by your proper name if you have one." Himeko asked as she had stepped back to remove the armor that was hiding her body from the view of the guardian.

Once the armor had been removed and she had walked back over to the guardian, she was surprised when she opened her arms and then pulled the two of them closer together. The guardian was warm and she could tell she was a lot warmer than normal. Himeko maybe inexperienced, but she did know what this meant. It was natural instinct for her that was taking over as she watched the guardian's expressions, she knew the guardian was happy and she could tell that this was more than likely the first time in a long time that she had ever been this happy. As Himeko stroked her body against the guardian she couldn't help but moan out softly as her pussy was starting to get wet just from being this close to the guardian's member. As she moaned out the guardian leaned over and kissed her, which Himeko happily allowed her to do so. Closing her eyes slowly as she returned the kiss with just as much passion and just as deep as she let her tongue explore the others mouth, brushing and stroking against the guardian's tongue. She moaned into the kiss when her rear had been grabbed and then she was lifted slightly off the ground as the guardian began stroking up to her hips, yet was able to keep her lifted off the ground. Himeko's body was starting to get hot as she deepened the kiss as the guardian kept her lifted. She wanted this, wanted to know what her parents had felt when they had been alive and together. She wanted to feel the warmth of another close to her like this.

Himeko shivered slightly when the guardian knelt down while stroking her hand against her back as she felt her body slowly lower and then was gently placed on the ground. With the guardian laying above her, she felt herself blush as she kept herself elevated above her and never taking her emerald eyes off of her. Her body grew hotter when the guardian started stroking down her side before reaching the slit of her pussy as she began stroking it lightly. Once she did this she would be able to tell she was wet as she leaned in once again and their lips met again. Himeko moaned loudly in the kiss when the guardian carefully pushed two fingers inside of her, which caused her body to grow hotter and then she felt her member against her abdomen. She listened to her words as she nodded and spread her legs a bit more so that the guardian would have an easier time entering her. "I am all yours for the taking, please... Make me yours." She replied heatedly as she braced herself when she felt the member nudging at her entrance. She wanted this and even if she hadn't, there was no turning back now. But she wanted the guardian to claim her and make her her's. Her pussy was already soaked which would help the guardian fit her member inside of her. Though the thought did occur to Himeko about the guardian's member, she wondered if she could get pregnant or not. She knew males could impregnate, but the guardian had both parts. She didn't mind it though if she did or didn't get pregnant, she had avenged her family's deaths and she had no real reason to return to the Alliance anytime soon. Right now she wanted to be free and to be with the guardian.
The Guardian continued to purr softly, as Himeko gently stroked her member, and continued to speak. She listened carefully, although all the excitement was making her skin crawl. She smiled softly at the mention of the boys, eyes gazing down to the two with a small smile. She looked towards Haji, her head tilting slightly with a warm smile.
"I'll give him his space, and the time he needs. But I'm sure.. He'll warm up to me, with time." She smiled, her tail waving happily, should Haji look towards her. With the question of a name, the emerald eyes turned back towards Himeko, her ears lowering a bit, almost shyly. She wasn't used to connecting this way. Wasn't even used to others asking her name, something as simple as that came completely new to her. "A.. Aya." She replied, with a loving smile towards Himeko.

With Himeko's tongue past her lips, the Guardian gave a gleeful chirping sound, as she returned the dance, moaning softly against the others lips, as she stroked her member against Himeko's wet slit. It hadn't even been necessary to prepare her, so her fingers had been retracted much sooner, with her member as replacement. She groaned silently, as she nudged the tip against the entrance, making it spread just lightly, at first, before forcing it to spread even more, to give way to the thick members head, now sliding inside. The Guardian shivered with a silent pant, not stopping the kiss for now, as she continued slowly pushing deeper with a whimper. Now she broke the kiss, the massive member having made it's way to the barrier inside Himeko, moving her face above the others as she grinned lightly. But instead of asking if she was ready, giving her more time, she pushed the last way, breaking the barrier with a pleased gasp, her body shivering heavily. But she didn't stop advancing, but instead pushed deeper. But, should Himeko ask her to stop, or pause, she would. And she would, with a confused expression. She wasn't really confused that she was asked to stop, but confused that she actually did stop. She breathed heavily, giving Himko a moment to adjust, before she continued pushing, groaning as she continued her advance.
Her member pushed as deep as Himeko's cervix, where it finally halted it's advances. The Guardian panted heavily, as she considered things in her mind. She wanted to go deeper, being able to, but decided not to. She knew this would make Himeko cringe as well, and she didn't want to make this time more painful then it had already been. So she kept that, for a later time, now, instead, laying her body closer to Himeko's, giving her time to adjust to the massive member inside of her. Their breasts now pressing against each other, Aya gazed lustfully down at Himeko, waiting for her to beg for it to continue. A small smirk build upon her lips, licking them as she giggled.
"Aya... Such a pretty name..." Himeko smiled softly as she moaned lowly as her body grew in heat. She was happy to know the guardian had a name, and a cute one at that! She still couldn't understand why her body reacted the way it did when she was near Aya, she had never felt like this before towards anyone before and to her it was hard to resist her. It was as if her body had chosen to become drawn to Aya, as if needing her. Her pussy was soaked and dripping wet with the need of having that large cock filling inside of her. She pushed deeper into the kiss as she could feel the member pushing against her entrance and her body arched slightly as her pussy twitched in anticipation. She moaned again when she felt the tip of it pushing in before it slowly started sliding in. It did hurt, she wouldn't deny that, but the more it went in the more her pussy throbbed, wanting it to go in more. Her body was now burning up with the need to be fucked the more Aya's cock went inside of her before it reached the barrier. Himeko knew what was next and braced herself the best as she could when she felt it go in further, breaking down the barrier of innocence as her head jerked back slightly as she moaned loudly. "So... So big! But... Fuck... It feels so... So good!" She moaned as she felt it go deeper inside of her now that the barrier was down.

Himeko was panting heavily now at this point and she had no plans on telling Aya to stop anytime soon. She wanted this more than anything. And she wanted to be fucked badly by this elf. "Please... Don't... Don't stop.... Nnnnn...." She panted as she reached up and held onto Aya's sides as her lower body began moving against Aya's. "Fuck this feels so good... My body is so hot... And her cock... Fuck her cock feels amazing!" She thought as she could feel more of juices pouring out of her as she then felt Aya pause to allow Himeko's pussy to get adjusted to the large member inside of her. She was about to whimper slightly when she felt the guardian starting to pushing more into her. Himeko did take note to the facial expressions on Aya's face as if she was contemplating on what to do next before she lowered her body down as she allowed her member to adjust once again. She blushed and moaned out again when she felt their breasts touching and looked up into the guardians eyes with pleading for more. "Please... Aya... Please fuck me... Please don't stop... I want all of your cock in me... I want to feel you ravage my pussy..." She panted heavily as she began rocking her lower half against Aya's as she tried nudging her to continue. She wanted more and she didn't want the elf to stop, her body was burning up with the need to be fucked and mated with.
By the notion that her name was 'cute', Aya's ears lowered, almost a bit shyly, and a discreet but distinct red flush arrived on her cheeks. Another emotion, to make it obvious how unnatural compliments came to her, and how new this whole thing was. Aya was no strange to this, and certainly wasn't a virgin, but she'd never actually felt this way before. Felt drawn this heavily to another person, that she wanted them to feel this good. It had always just been about the sex. Getting that lust sated. But now.. Now this. This was different.
Aya listened closely to Himeko's moans and whimpers, grinning a bit at the mention of her size. That was the sole reason, why she was being this careful. Himeko -was- still a virgin, and getting introduced to sex by a tool this size, could be both immensely painful, and scare a person off of sex. And she certainly did not want that. She wanted Himeko to love it. To want more. To beg, for more. The more Himeko begged, the more Aya got excited, for some reason. Those sweet pleas, although she had to know she would be getting it either way, sent tingles down Aya's back. She'd have to play with this new discovery some time, and make the pretty little woman beg for it again.

When asked not to stop, and to go further, Aya smiled widely, kissing Himeko deeply again, moving a hand to lovingly stroke the others hair. Her other hand stroked down Himeko's side, leading down to her rear, which she gave a firm squeeze, as she ground her abdomen against Himeko's, making the tip of her member tease a bit further against Himeko's cervical entrance. She started slowly, and gently, thrusting her hips a bit back and forth, as much as she could whilst laying on top of Himeko, only making her member go a few inches back and forth. Aya broke the kiss, only to kiss down Himekos cheek and to her ear, where she silently whispered.
"I.. Was going to be careful. Gentle.. But I see now, that you where made for this.. You enjoy the pain. And who could ignore you, when you beg oh so sweetly..." She grinned where Himeko wouldn't be able to see it, before gently biting down on Himeko's ear, biting a bit harder then she had before, giving Himeko a gentle surge of pain from it, before she roughly thrust inside the other woman, her tip instantly forcing it's way past Himeko's cervix, Aya shifting so she could go all the way inside, moaning loudly with a soft hiss in her breath.

Here, again, she paused, breathing heavily against Himeko's ear, before gently nuzzling her cheek against Himeko's. "Mine..." She whispered, before raising herself up a bit, by letting go of Himeko's hair, and lifting herself with her hand on the ground. This allowed her a far better position, to now start pulling back out. But instead of just backing off entirely, she soon thrust as deep as she was before again, no longer giving Himeko a slow time. She began thrusting, as she panted lightly, her free hand still placed upon Himeko's rear, giving it another firm squeeze, whilst her nails dug a bit into Himeko's skin. They didn't actually cut, but would give Himeko the feeling that they where, as Aya continued thrusting. Her tail whipped wildly behind her, her ears perking as high as they could, as the emerald eyes gazed deeply into Himeko's. Her fingers dug into the ground next to Himeko's head, as a soft dominant hiss now expelled from her throat, with every thrust she made.
Himeko had heard stories about how good sex could be, but she never dreamed it would feel this good. The pain was bearable due to the fact that it was mixed with pure pleasure. She was loving how such a simple body part could cause this much pleasure to one's own body. Fuck she felt like she was already going to cum, but she knew she had to hold back as best as she could. She could, however, clearly tell that Aya had a lot of experience in this department and knew how to please a woman. Her body was begging and pleading with her as she could feel herself becoming slowly bound to the guardian the further the cock went inside of her. She wrapped her arms around Aya's body as she could feel her nails starting to dig into the guardian's back slightly as her panting was becoming much heavier now. At first she thought that Aya's cock wouldn't be able to fit all inside of her, but surprisingly, it all did. She was glad she chose to pursue the guardian despite the fact that she could have easily killed her but instead chose to save and spare her life and even taking interest in becoming part of her family. The thought made her pleased to know that what she wanted was what the guardian seemed to have wanted as well. This would make things easier for both of them and also would give them both what they wanted.

Himeko wanted to carry out her legacy as the last remaining member of her family and she wanted to start over with creating a new family. She didn't know if Aya was capable of doing such things, but even so, she wanted her to be apart of her family. She was wanting Aya to stay by her side and hoped she would. If Aya and her could start a family of their own... Then that would make her even more happy. After she spoke to Aya she saw her smile before leaning in to kiss her deeply once more as her hand stroked her hair in a loving manner. She moaned loudly into the kiss when her rear was groped, which caused her body to arch more into the guardian's cock. Her body was begging for more as the member continued to tease against her cervical entrance while Aya was grinding her abdomen against hers. She almost whimpered when she felt her pull back a bit before she started thrusting slowly into her. She didn't even get a chance to say anything after she listened to what Aya said to her when she bit down hard on her ear and then thrusted all the way into her and past her cervix. "FUUUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!! SOOOOO GOOOOD!!!" She screamed loudly as her body shook in pure pleasure. It took every ounce of strength in her to keep herself from cumming right then and there. As Aya paused again, it allowed Himeko to calm down slightly as she heard the guardian claim her, which caused her body to shake as she could feel the same binds from before starting to slowly close in around her.

As she raised herself Himeko felt the hand on her hair leave her as Aya was now holding herself up as she started pulling out, which caused Himeko to whimper slightly before it was replaced by yet another loud moan as the guardian thrusted inside of her again. As she started thrusting into her Himeko's panting became heavier as she felt the hand on her rear give her another firm squeeze as the nails dug into her skin. To her it felt like they were breaking the skin, yet in reality they weren't. As Aya looked deeply into Himeko's eyes as low dominating hiss was made with each and every single thrust, causing Himeko's ears to lower in submission. "I... I belong... To... You Aya...." She moaned as she then felt the bindings completely bind her to the guardian as she signed the "contract" with her submission as her body started rocking more with each and every single thrust. She belonged to the guardian now entirely, both body, mind, and soul belonged to the guardian and the guardian hearing these words would know this. Her body ached with pain ridden pleasure as her orgasm built up rather rapidly as she slowly closed her eyes in pleasure. "Please fuck me harder... I... I want to cum with you..." She panted as a small amount of saliva drooled out of the side of her mouth as she was now lost in pure pleasure and lust. She wanted the guardian to fill her with her seed and wanted to feel herself being filled with everything the guardian had to offer. She wasn't just wanting it at this point, oh no, she was NEEDING it now and she knew it.
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