The Spirit Remains (Morton x Zara)

With the rooms picked out and everyone out of sight, Yue went inside her own room and closed the door.

A painting of La and Tui, the Ocean Spirit and Moon Spirit respectively, was hung on the icy wall with the Water Tribe seal close by. Her room had no weapons as design and she preferred it that way instead her room featured a vanity with a mirror and a couple of dressers when there was usually one. Sitting on the soft bed, she released a sigh as a way to release stress. She took in deep breaths and released them again until she was satisfied. This lasted for a minute or two, before her mind began to wonder, such as how to convince Pakku to help their sister tribe. The rest of the council members were in lower positions, shown as their sitting positions sat farther away from the people. Her father regarded the elder highly when he sat next to the Chief in council just as she did. Still, it was not an impossible task as her mannerisms tended to be well-received as the princess was never demanding in opinions, she spoke her opinions gently when necessary and generally it was listened to. A forceful woman didn't do well around these parts.


As soon as the servants finished preparing, Chief Arnook was informed right away. Soon enough, prominent members of Water Tribe society would show up for the joint celebration. When the time came, he told the servants to gather his guests for the banquet. Frequent traveling came with a price of smaller food rations and hungry stomachs after all.
Sorran opened his eyes again when he heard a knock at his door. He put his Hozen back into his bag and moved to the door. He opened it a crack to see a servant that informed him of the banquet to be held later tonight. He thanked the servant before sending them away and preparing for the evening. He reached within the depths of his bag, passing the small plate armor he had on the inside and found what he was looking for, a finely detailed vest and long shirt that he took from home with him. The dark vine-like pattern was woven into the leather and had a small gap running down each side of the vest where a darker red leather could be seen. He cleaned himself, shaving the small stubble of a beard that was growing on his chin with his knife and using a small water basin to clean any dirt and grime off of his skin, in order to look good for Yue tonight. No doubt the princess would be at a banquet to be held in Aang's honor.

When it was time, he donned the long shirt and put the vest on. The finishing touches on his look were the small leather bracers that he used as cuffs for the shirt, and he was ready. He stepped out of his room and followed a servant back to the great hall, meeting Aang and the others on the way over to the hall. Katara complimented him on his look and he thanked her for it.

They soon arrived in the hall where the other guests of the banquet had already entered and were mingling with each other. When the group entered they were soon guided to seats at the head table and the rest sat down with them. Drummers then began to pound on a number of base drums placed before them, beating out a steady rhythm. Sorran did not understand the significance of it, but it did stir something within him. Seeing that the guests of honor had arrived, Chief Arnook waved his arms and a group of men brought on an enormous slab of meat on a pallet and placed it over a pit of boiling water. As soon as the meat met the heat it created steam that filled the whole area. It only gave off a slight change in temperature and Sorran found it to be comfortable.

Arnook stood and held his arms out wide, straightening his spine and puffing his chest out to speak from his diaphragm. "Tonight," he began, "We celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister from the Southern Tribe. And they have brought with them someone very special, someone, whom many of us believed, disappeared from the world until now. The Avatar!" Cheers and clapping then filled the room with joy as they celebrated the new beacon of hope that had returned to the world. Arnook settled them down before saying, "We also celebrate my daughters birthday! Princess Yur is now of marrying age!"

Sorran was in the middle of taking a drink of his water when the announcement was made. The surprise and excitement of the moment had him choking and coughing on the liquid as he reacted. His mind then began to reel. Marrying age? What could this possibly mean?
The servants headed to Yue's room last, where the princess opened the door to be informed of the banquet's arrival. She smiled at the two females as the two women were allowed in before closing the door. The parka Yue wore outside, she felt it was far too much for a banquet with all the steam floating about, so she replaced it with something a bit lighter. Her outside wear was placed in the appropriate dresser, preparation was minimal as her appearance was generally kept. The door was opened once again for the departure, servants trailing close by until the destination.

Her arrival came right on time, her father's introduction nearly reaching its end.

"Thank you, Father. May the great Ocean and Moon Spirits watch over us during these troubled times!" Ever since she was born, the importance of said spirits remained so, her belief in spiritual manners genuine as a reminder of her life. Though it took all effort not to look to the choking and coughing as to draw further attention.

"Now, Master Pakku and his students will perform!"

Yue took that as a cue to sit with the guests of honor. The performance drawing many eyes and hands judging by all the clapping from the guests. Aang and Katara were particularly captivated by the show, while Sokka remained fixed to the food surrounding them. Sorran, on the other hand, didn't sound well judging by those previous sounds. "Are you alright?" Yue looked over at Sorran with concern, noticing differences in appearance from their first meeting since the stubble went missing and the clothes didn't seem to be the typical traveler clothes. Why was Sorran dressed like he was out to impress? Her mind stopped there, lest any more wandering questions would appear in a public space.
Sorran was still recovering from his coughing fit as Master Pakku and his student's began their display of skill and power. From his travels he grew to discover and respect the art that was lost to his people long ago. The ability to bend the elements to one's will.

He was alerted to Yue's presence and made sure that she knew he had his attention. Her concern for his well being was much appreciated, being that she had only met him briefly this afternoon. He took a deep breath and another swig of water to chase away the tickle and scratch in his throat. "I'm fine, Yue." He said, taking a bold risk in referring to her in a casual manner rather than a formal title. "It's just that I was shocked to hear that today was your birthday... along with the fact that you were of marrying age now." Not wanting to hear whether or not there was someone she was already eyeing to court or looking forward to being courted by a man from the tribe, he quickly moved to another subject. "So be honest with me here." He then made a gesture to his outfit. "Is this too much? I bought this awhile back in the off chance I would ever need to be in a formal event. But looking around I'm thinking this wasn't the time to pull it out."
The return of just hearing her name without a title pleased her, for a reason she couldn't place or didn't want to place without getting confused. Sorran's explanation only intrigued Yue further. Did the Earth Kingdom or Fire Nation have different ages of consent in arranged marriages? Did they even practice such customs? Yue let the conversation slip into another topic as discussing marriage was not a happy topic... There was nothing wrong with a conversation. Sorran wasn't interested in her and she was getting a conversation partner that didn't brag or use formal titles around her. It was just an active imagination at play, she reassured herself.

"I think you look great, it's just not what I expected a traveler to wear." In a way, Sorran's attire reminded Yue of a prince from a strange land far away from here but getting the words out without sounding strange or inappropriate would be quite difficult so she kept that observation to herself.

"We tend to wear coats around here more often than not but there is no need to feel out of place...We have been isolated from the world for nearly a century as well so there is a lot we have not seen." Also, there was the fact that the Northern Water Tribe was set on customs and traditions from long ago but there was no way she could say such things out loud near the presence of her father and company considering she was princess of said tribe. "I suppose our culture is more decorative with jewelry rather than attire. Where did you get it from?" There it was again, that temptation to travel. Yue made sure not to sound completely interested in the topic but she couldn't help but show the interest in her eyes.
Sorran smiled and attempted to hide the red in his cheeks when Yue complimented his attire. It wasn't everyday that one was told by a princes that they looked great. "You're right, it wouldn't be normal travel attire, I just brought it in case an occasion occurred that I needed to wear it. I was always told to be prepared for any situation, so as to not get caught off guard at any moment." His prior reaction to Yue's announcement was a clear example that he wasn't prepared for everything.

He saw that subtle look on Yue's face, one that looked as if she wanted to inquire further about something, but knew better than to intrude and ask. It was hard to catch and one without a keen eye would miss it. She no doubt mastered it with practice over the years.

She spoke of tradition and isolation, it sounded quite somber to hear. Sorran neared his hand to hers and looked her in the eye. "There's no need to try and suppress yourself around me, Yue. You can be open with me." He would start with being open with her. "I brought this with me from home."
Yue did notice Sorran's flustered state but brushed it off as being shy, it was common for some people to get easily embarrassed by compliments after all. "I see. That's a good value to be taught." Yue assumed it was common in warrior training, her father shared the same value as the survival of their people rested on his hands.

The concept of open was foreign to her, it was a concept that sounded tempting yet it was also hard to respond to. Instead Yue's hand reached for a drink, a close hand an unfamiliar sight no matter whose hands it was. "Your complicated home, you mean?" Yue questioned in a slight teasing tone after her sip, in an effort to stir the mood away from feeling confused.
"You must be hungry. Did you try our food yet?" Her eyes scanned the room briefly, Hahn nowhere in sight, instead his parents were in attendance. Yue then remembered her fiancé was sent on a mission - some kind of a warrior tradition. She studied their other guests for a moment before blue eyes settled on the food prepared.

The performance performed by Master Pakku and his pupils came to an end. The Avatar and her father heading towards the old man to introduce to Aang.
He had to submit to her sharp wit. He was reminded of the answer he gave her about his homeland, regret that he had not given her a straight answer before. If he was about to ask her to be open with him, he was going to have to do the same with her. Even if it did involve Sorran possibly boring her with the potentially long history of Kaitaku. Still, if she was willing then he would oblige in telling her.

Yue changed the subject from his origins to the food before them. "No, I haven't tried it yet." He took the queue from her and began to partake in the feast. The various meats and vegetables were varied and each had their own unique taste, some blending with others well, others having an overpowering taste. "It's quite good," he said after a few mouthfuls. Looking over to speak to her some more, he saw her eyes scanning the crowd. Quickly, but the movement of her pupils was distinct. "Looking for someone?" He asked.
"I'm glad you like it." Yue then smiled sheepishly at being caught red-handed at her tendency to people-watch. Ever since she was a little girl, Yue has been self-conscious about scrutiny, little has changed since then.

"You caught me. It's a habit I had for years. I was looking for someone but it wasn't necessary." Yue couldn't help but sound a bit pleased, the less she saw Hahn, the better she felt. Not an ideal way to feel about a future spouse, but being used as a social stepping ladder wasn't much fun either. Not that she knew much about fun.

Yue settled on the food provided to settle her scattered thoughts, grabbing a serving and taking a few bites.

"I remember that you mentioned traveling to Ba Sing Se and the Gates of Azulon. How is that possible? Wasn't there a sense of hostility?" This time around, she did not avert her eyes to the guests when there was a guest who saw the world. The topic of travel and the complicated home awakened her curious spirit, the mere concept intriguing every core yet she listened and watched for any nuisance her questions might bring.
Sorran allowed Yue her privacy on whom she was looking for and moved to answer the questions about his travels. He started with a pleasant smile as he saw her focus turn to him. A bit egocentric? Of course, but it could also be looked at as an appreciation of the fact that she was giving him her full attention to the story he would weave.

His eyes looked up and to the right as he recalled the memories necessary to to answer her questions. "Well it's easy to move between the two nations when you show no affiliation for either. That meant keeping to colors of clothing that was neutral to both, and adopting the proper habits to blend into the crowd." Being reminded of those times brought up some... somewhat happy times. There were the times before when he was an aimless wanderer, no cause, and no hope. Though then there were the times after the old man. He was the one who put him back on the right path. Those were the days of new meaning, a reignited flame, and a odd sense of calm. "My travels began when I was young, about twelve. I left home and it took time to leave it, not reaching Fire Nation waters until I was nearly fifteen, only a few months away from the age. I remained there for a time, working on the docks and finding any other work anyone would give me. I finally left shortly after my fifteenth birthday, passing through the Gates of Azulon. The ship I was on passed near the large statue and it was quite the site. The mammoth granite was chiseled to, every line and crease in his robes looked natural and his face was as sharp and prominent as the scrolls describe him. From there it was jumping from colony to colony until I could jump into a refugee band and assisted them to Ba Sing Se."

He readjusted himself in his seat as he got comfortable in his position. "Now the outer wall of Ba Sing Se... well it's difficult to try and condense the size of it in words. The height, try and picture the tallest thing you have ever seen and then magnify that by a hundred times!" His hands spaced out as he gestured to its size. "It's thick as well! Even a full sized invasion force took two years to break through that wall. A true sign of skill of its craftsman and defenders." Sorran had to stop for a moment to catch his breath, the excitement of remembering the sight and history of these monuments had him picking up speed in his words, forcing him to stop for a moment. "After passing in the wall I spent time there, working again, and taking time to rest. Still, I grew restless and left, following an old man that helped me, trying to repay the kindness he showed me. From there I met Jeong Jeong and his rebels, choosing to remain with them for a time. That's when I met Aang and his friends. Now I'm here."

A soft chuckle followed his story as he kept remembering, eyes glazing as his conscious flowed in the stream of time. "The world really is a fickle place, Princess. Where the smallest of things and the smallest of meetings can change your course dramatically."
To Yue's relief, it seemed as if Sorran didn't mind the questions at all, judging by the smile that crossed his face before he began speaking in great detail.

From the start, Sorran's words caught her attention. No affiliation? Was that even possible? It was hard to imagine yet it was possible. Anything was possible. She wondered what the proper habits would be and the remark about blending in amused her to the point where a smile slipped in. There was no way she would ever blend in, her hair was white after all. As a child, she remembered looking over to the illustrations found within her home for any white-haired persons that weren't elders only to find none. It didn't take long for the truth to be told and considering just what the truth was, she took it well at a young age.

Yue's eyes widened at leaving home at the age of twelve, even more so that it took the journey three years. What was one to do in three years of travel? The possibilities seemed endless, out of reach, exciting all at once. The descriptions provided created a variety of emotions which Yue held within to the best of her composure but her eyes could not hide away that light. Yet she was a bit envious as well, for a reason the princess couldn't quite grasp. Sorran's story-telling Yue enjoyed as he spoke with excitement, as she looked imagining the palace 100 times its size.

Yue blinked at Sorran, the concept of fickle and fate both strange and fascinating all at once. The traveler had a point, although the probability of a dramatic change was unlikely. Routine along with duty ruled her entire life, longer than etiquette and council sessions combined. "Not for me, I haven't had anything exciting happen in years." Even the courting was boring, which made sense considering it was arranged and all.

"That was quite a tale. Thank you for sharing it with me." Yue meant every word, no polite etiquette at work.

"I'm afraid we don't have much to offer in cultural landmarks except for the Spirit Oasis." There was no doubt that Gates of Azulon or Ba Sing Se was impressive but the Spirit Oasis held the dearest position in her heart or the soul...She expressed it as such by voicing it with great fondness. "It's not usually open, however. Perhaps our warriors can show you and your friend - Sokka, was it? - where they do whatever it is they do."
The fire that was in Yue's eyes as he weaved his tale brought warmth to Sorran. Though the thought behind her excitement over the fact that she was just hearing the story brought a bit of sadness to him. Was she so sheltered that even the thought of something greater being beyond the walls of the city excited her? It seemed to be the case since every mention of his travels she lit up and wanted to hear what he had to say, hanging o every word that he said.

"You're welcome," he told her, "If you'd like to hear more, like I said, I'm open to telling you."

He returned to fiddling with his food until he perked up at the mention of going where the warrior's most likely did their training. He didn't want to seem too overly excited, but he was eager to cut loose and spar. "I'm sure Sokka would be interested in going and, to tell you the truth, so would I."
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