An unexpected twist in the shadows of the blue moon (Krystal_Atems_Girl x Raitachi)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Krystal was fresh off the private jet when her father called her on her cell phone. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there to meet you sweetheart, but I'm preparing for a big dinner meeting with the CEO of Kaiba corp. I thought you might like to come, seeing as He's close to your age and also loves duel monsters." Kenshin Kobayashi asked his daughter through the phone ruffling his short blue hair in frustration. He dreaded having meetings with this particular CEO as he was what you might say rather Ponpous.

Krystal smirked to herself. This played right into her plans. "Of course papa. I would love to come with you." She answered, smiling at her father's sigh of relief. She knew from her past visits how much he loathed the stoic seto kaiba, but smiled anyway, going to the fabric store to get some fabric paints and white satin. She paid the store with her master card and walked back to the penthouse she always stayed in when she stayed with her father, smiling at the note on the door. It read: "sweetie, I have a surprise for you. Just go inside and you will see. Welcome home. Glad you decided to stay this time. papa" she smiled again at the note before opening the door and seeing that it had been completely redone, all in shades of dark blue,

"its perfect papa." She said to herself with a smile, putting some plastic down, taking the fabric she had bought and turning it into a cocktail style halter dress, and then painting a blue eyes white dragon on it, using her hair dryer to dry the fabric quickly, as she only had a few hours before she had to go. She took a quick nap, dreaming of a spiky haired man, but shrugged it off, knowing it would all be explained sooner or later.

When she was sure the dress was dry, she did her hair and makeup, smiling at herself in the mirror, her hair was in its usual style of two rabbit ear buns on either side, with two tails protruding from them where as her make up was a light blue smokey eye with nude lips. Krystal smiled at her good handiwork as she used her magic to craft earrings to match her dress, and a small necklace. "Perfect" she concluded as she went out the door and slipped on her 6" pearly white stilettos, walking out into the street and to her limo, where she would be driven to Seto Kaiba's mansion along with her father.

He commented on how beautiful she looked and she just smiled at him. "Thank you papa. I hope that Mr. Kaaba doesn't think it rude of me to come too. Did you tell him I was coming?" She asked, curiosity in her glacier blue eyes as she looked at him. Her father nodded as well, clearing his throat. "Yes I did. He said he was anxious to meet you, which I found weird. His whole demeanor changed when I showed him a picture of you at our last meeting. He seemed to look like he knew you." He finished, smiling at her as they pulled up at Seto's mansion. Krystal took a deep preparing breath before smiling. She knew everything would be alright.
Seto sighed as he tried to decide what outfit he was going to wear tonight for the meeting between himself and the Kobayashi family CEO. He normally wasn't so indecisive about this sort of thing, prefering the white suit with blue shirt for business functions and more serious events and the long white sleevless coat with black turtle neck for less serious meetings and public appearances. It wasn't the meeting with the CEO that had the former Duel Monsters champion so anxious, it was who he was bringing. When he had shown Seto a photo of his daughter there was something about her that drew his attention to her, he had never met her before in his life but he couldn't shake the feeling that he knew her from somewhere.

Seto eventually decided to go with the white suit and blue shirt, shaking off any anxiety he felt about his clothes effecting anything as a rediculous notion. Moving to the bathroom he had a quick shower, as he had been working hard all day on conference calls with investors about his new theme park and whenever he had a spare moment worked on a strategy to defeat Yugi's Egyptian god cards. He usually had the simulator and several staff members working on it around the clock, but none of them were him, he was the only one who truely understood his deck and how to work it, anything those minions down stairs thought of was situational at best, but they did sometimes come up with something to try. Stepping out of shower he quickly dried himself and wrapped the towel around his waist before heading back to his bed room, it looked it's usual sterile clean self as entered, throwing the towel over the door handle. Searching through his draw he pulled out a pair of black socks and under pants and pulled them on before getting dressed in the white pants and shirt, doing up the matching blue tie before throwing the suit jacket over his shoulders, doing up the middle button on the jacket.

He only had time to apply a slight amount of cologne and straighten himself up before he heard the door bell ring and his butler answer it, he knew who it was as he was not expecting anybody else. Making his way down the stairs, he remained stone faced as he reached the bottom of the flight. His eyes widened slightly when he saw Krystal, the way her hair was done up, her make up, her 6 inch stiletto's, the... Blue-Eyes White Dragon? that was painted on her her dress. He wouldn't let it show but he was completely entranced by the female, she was something unlike anyone he'd ever seen before. Moving forward he greeted the other CEO waiting until he offered his hand before raising his own to shake, he knew that he wasn't a fan of the Kaiba Corp CEO, that was no secret, but their two companies both had something the other one wanted, and that was the purpose of their business.
Krystal smiled as she saw him walk towards her and her father. Kenshin Kobayashi put his hand out for a polite shake and smiled as well. Having his daughter with him was somehow comforting. The pretty blue haired girl kept smiling at him, unable to stop staring at the handsome man. "I- I ah brought some presents. Sort of a host gift." She said sort of meekly as his butler came toward them, handing him first a hand painted blue eyes white dragon papered box, which inside held a coat similar to the one he usually wore, only this had a giant blue eyes she hand painted for him on the back. She also brought some sparkling cider from america and a blue eyes plush pillow she had made him. She figured it would add a tiny bit of personality to what she imagined was a very bare and clean room. He seemed like the type to be very regimented. She knew though that he had a soft side though. She could sense it.

"I hope you like them. I always put a lot of thought and time into my gifts. Hand painted that paper myself." She said proudly, smiling at him, and trying to hide her nervousness. He was just so handsome, and his voice was so smooth. She looked into his eyes, wanting nothing more than to kiss him, but knowing that it would be quite inappropriate. Krystal still smiled nervously, playing with her blue painted fingernails. She was fidgeting, trying to avert her eyes, but is unable to. She smiled at him again. "Kaiba-San, perhaps you might fancy a duel after dinner?" She asked, looking at him hopefully.
Seto looked down at Krystal when she spoke, her voice was sweet and nervous, did he intimidate her? Or was there something else on her mind, he guessed that it was latter. Presents? he thought in disbelief as Krystal began producing various hand made items that obviously had taken a lot of time and effort, he was particularly interested in the hand made pillow. He wasn't the type for sentimental objects, the only such items he'd ever kept was his card shaped, photo pendant with Mokuba's picture inside he constantly wore around his neck and his three prized Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards he'd based his entire deck around his entire life. But he didn't want to be intentionally rude, especially when he was doing a with the giver's father, making sure to look over each gift with equal interest, except the pillow which he paid extra to, he handed them one by one to his butler who he instructed to place in his bedroom.

After a quick double take he reached out and took the cider back from his servant "I think I might like to try this with dinner" he stated, his expression remaining stone faced as he inspected the bottle, his eyes were the only give away that he was at all interested. "You play duel monsters?' he asked trying not to sound like he scoffed at the idea, his interest in this girl beginning to peak further "sure why not, as long as you can handle losing then I'm sure it'll be fun" he smirked arrogantly, already putting his game face on "I thank you for the gifts though miss Kobayashi, they are very much appriciated". Turning his attention from the bottle back up to his guest he dropped his expression back to his business face "shall we talk business before dinner over a drink or would you prefer to eat first?" he offered gesturing to the next room.
Kenshin Kobayashi smiled. "Before dinner. That way I don't take up to much of your time." He said still smiling little. He had never seen his daughter play duel monsters, but he knew that she was ranked first in america and third globally. He wondered if she would mind if he watched, but then shook his head. "No something tells me I shouldn't" he thought to himself with a slight smile than looking to his beautiful daughter, who was smiling widely.

Krystal nodded her head. "Yes. I play duel monsters. I rank first back in america, but am only in third place globally. You probably have not heard of me because most people just refer me buy my dueling nickname, The genius girl of monsters" she said with a smile, sort of proud, but never letting ego get in the way. She was glad he liked the gifts, even if he had just been being polite. He did seem to like the pillow though, which she appreciated. She had almost the whole plane ride here to make it, with small naps in between. Krystal watched him with a smile, wondering what he could be thinking. She wondered if it was anything close to what she was.

KKrystal smirked a little. "Don't be so sure you will win, KaibaSan. I have many tricks up my sleeve. *smiles a little* and don't be so formal. I hate that. You have my permission to just to call me Krystal." She said, her smile widening as she looked at him, her nervousness calmed as they had been talking about a game she loved. She couldn't wait to see if she could whoop his butt. She'd been beating her "uncle" Maximillion since he taught her how to play when she was four. Pegasus wasn't really her uncle, he was just her father's childhood friend, so he was like an uncle. She continued to smile, breathing in slowly before saying something else. "I'm excited about dueling you. This should be a fun challenge." She said sort of cryptically, still smiling.
Seto nodded, agreeing with Kenshin's choice, the faster their business concluded the faster he could return to his other duties, as he was a busy man he also often couldn't stand to be around clients for any longer then he had to. But this wasn't exactly the reason why he was eager to end their interaction, right now the young CEO was far more interested in the duel between him and Krystal, who seemed to talk a big game. "Right this way" he replied leading the father and daughter into the next room, it was a less formal room then his office, where he usually had his meetings. The room was dully lit when they entered, the only light source being a large open fire place which revealed two large, auburn leather recliner chairs surrounding a tall coffee table. Light flooded the room when the dark haired man flicked on the switch, revealing a large book shelf surrounding the room, covering each of the walls in books, except the wall with the fire place which was lined with roughly cut black stone bricks and a large, well stocked bar that was cut into the far wall, full of various types of spirits, liquors and wine.

He smirked to the blue haired female as they entered the room, he wasn't overly familiar with the American circuit of Duel Monsters but the nick name was vaguely familiar to him, but still he would be polite about how he handled this news "Ah yes I had heard of you before, I wasn't aware that you were ranked so high however, I look forward to our duel more and more" he replied, his tone polite, however he never let anything more then a slight smirk cross his expression. He was surprised by her confidence, so much so that it had him put off a little as he tried to figure out what kind of tricks she could possibly have, his 3 three dragons were unbeatable, there was no way that she had the cards to defeat all of them, what could she be planning? He chuckled slightly, feeling more and more intrigued by this girl the more she spoke, "very well Krystal, but first I must finish my business with your father and then I shall deal with you" he replied, his voice filling with a little more passion then it had been earlier, for some reason the prospect of dueling Krystal excited him, he knew that if he let go a little more that he would be far more rude, he so often enjoyed taunting and playing mind games with his opponents. But he knew that business came first and Kobashin would probably not appriciate or condone such treatment towards his daughter, noting how close they seemed to be.
Krystal smirked a little. She knew he was bluffing when he said he'd heard of her. He might have heard of her in passing, but probably wasn't that familiar with the american circuit. She looked on as her father sat, and she rested her head on the top of the chair, just discreetly watching the handsome Seto Kaiba. Kenshin smiled and looked to the young business man as well, crossing his legs. "So, Kaiba-san, what is it you'd like from my company? you were never expressly specific in our previous meetings.' the older man said calmly, slight curiosity in his eyes.

Krystal was curious as well, but she did not open her mouth. She simply observed the scene and took it all in, not making any judgements about the situation. She is very interested in the business man in the white suit. Something told her she knew him from somewhere. Her guardian spirit spoke to her in her head. "So priest Seth is now a businessman? How fitting. He always was quite rigid." Rah told her, and as he said it, flashes of her life with Atem and her many lives with Seth went through her mind. She knew why she had been so attracted him the moment she saw him in the papers back in Texas. She had beam meant to meet him.
Seto moved across the room to the bar as Kenshin sat down with Krystal standing behind, he grabbed 3 tall glasses and moved back to the empty chair, opening the bottle of cider and pouring much of the contents into all three glasses, he didn't care if his potential business partner didn't want any, he'd get some and it would be rude not to accept it, he didn't even know if Krystal was old enough to drink, but he handed her a glass as well. Normally this would be something that Kaiba would get his butler to do, but seeing as how he was no where to be seen, probably out of ear shot, he did himself. Growing up like he did a simple thing like pouring a drink was not too difficult, plus it would seem lazy and waste the clients time.

Sitting down he listened to the other CEO's question and carefully considered it, "the answer is simple Mr Kobayashi, your company has a hotel chain so large that there is not a city in the world that doesn't have at least once of your buildings decorating the skyline, but that isn't the only thing that Kobayashi corporation is about isn't it? You're also quite advanced in all kinds of electronics, something that Kaiba corp is also dabbles in, more specifically I am interested in your advancement in the field of robotics" he stated cutting straight to the chase, rushing through now they were at this point "the drones you designed, I understand they are quite handy at building things fast, this is something that Kaiba corp would be highly interested in, so to put it simply, we want to buy your design" his voice quickly switching from pleasant and accommodating to cold and businesslike once again.

The young CEO had a reputation for being quite ruthless, when considering how he initially gained control of his adoptive father's company, he could quite easily see how it was justified. He took a sip of his cider, deciding that it was quite nice, he leaned forward in his chair, interlocking his fingers in front of his face as he did "before you say no, please note that I am prepared to make a very generous one time offer that expires as soon as you leave this room and that Kaiba corp will have over taken you within the next six months, I merely wish to give you the chance to save us both some time and reach a conclusion that makes everyone happy" he concluded, leaning back in his chair reaching over to the coffee table and taking another sip of the apple-esqe beverage, looking up at Krystal flashing her a smug smirk, mentally thanking her for the cider.
Kenshin Kobayashi nodded his head. "Yes, the designs are for sale, and since you asked so nicely, I will sell them to you. All I ask is for express rights to use the drones when needed, as I am planing on building a new hotel in Russia and would need them. Human labor, while it is good, takes much to long." The older CEO said, smiling at the younger one. Krystal smiled too, nodding her head, somehow understanding what he was trying to say with his smirk.

She sipped the apple drink as well, remembering the first time she had tried it. It was 5 years ago, after her best friend eye's death. She had needed something to drink, and all they were serving was this cider drink, which eyes had loved, but she had never tried. "It sort of taste's like tears." She thought to herself, remembering. She missed Eyes very much, and hoped she would see him soon. Something in her told her that he wasn't meant to die the way he did. Something also told her that she had to have sex with the handsome CEO tonight. It made her blush slightly, but she knew it had to be done. It was a good thing she really liked him. "Well, that's seems fair, does it not, Kaiba-san?" she commented on the deal, still smiling at him as her father sipped his cider.
Seto smirked at Kenshin's response and nodded "smart move" he muttered with his glass still to his lips before setting it down on the table, relaxing slightly against the chair. He studied the man's features, hoping to get some further insight to what he was thinking, "very well" he replied coolly, bowing his head slightly "if that is all you ask then I'll have my lawyers write up a contract agreement and get it to you first thing tomorrow morning" he stated, leaning back forward after learning everything he could. Seto was normally much less flexible when it came to business, but he really wanted those designs and he could care less about the drones themselves, Kobayashi could keep them for all he cared, Seto was planning to throw them out when he made his improvements to their design anyway, he had no use for them after that.

He looked up at Krystal after he spoke, smirking at her before turning back to her father, "so I believe we have come to an agreement then Mr Kobayashi he spoke again, standing up out of the chair and extending his hand to the CEO as a way to informally agree to the deal. His eyes occasionally were drawn back to the blue haired female as he spoke, it was as though they felt compelled to return, despite Seto trying desperately hard to focus on the business side of things, all he could think about right now was what she looked like under that dress. He felt strange, like he had no will power of his own, something was drawing him to Krystal, there was something about her that was so familiar to him, and while he did not believe in destiny or past lives he did believe in a sign when he saw one, and there were some definite signs leading him to this woman.
Kenshin stood as well, smiling at the younger CEO. "Yes, that is all I ask. I'm sure you have a good purpose for wanting my designs. I had ideas on how to improve them, but never got to doing it. If you wish, we could collaborate our ideas and make them that much better." He offered, still smiling at the younger CEO as he shook his hand. Krystal was taking this all in, watching as it unfolded. She was keeping a close eye on the younger CEO, infatuated with him.

Kenshin looked at his daughter, and then back to seto. "Well, as it seems I am no longer needed here, if you don't mind I think that I will bow out. I'm old enough to know when I'm a third wheel." Kenshin said with a laugh as Krystal smiled greatfully at him. She didn't want her father around what she knew would inevitably end in a night of hot, passionate sex. She gave him a hug and then smirked at seto, her eyes going to his lips. "Kiss me you fool!" She thought to herself, just smiling at him.
Seto had to contain a loud scoff at the idea that he would be collaborating any sort of partnership with the Kobayashi CEO, he held his composure however and shook his hand, nodding but not verbally agreeing to the idea. He blinked in surprise when he announced that he was leaving now that their business was done, the Kaiba corp CEO may have not liked the guy much but it was still rude to not finish all social obligations during business, even after the deal was made. He did not voice his opinion however, mostly because he became distracted by his choice of words third wheel? what is that supposed to mean? he thought before turning his attention to Krystal whose gaze seemed fixed upon him, smiling sweetly, he knew first hand how dangerous a sweet smile could be.

"Hey wait-" he called out in vain as Kenshin disappeared out the door and in the blink of an eye, from the mansion, he sighed before turning to Krystal, what she supposed to be some kind of bargaining chip? He wasn't sure he liked that idea. It was then he remembered that she had challenged him to a duel earlier. "So you decided to stay" he stated, putting on his usual cocky attitude "I would have thought you'd run off with daddy instead of staying to challenge me" he chuckled, taking a step towards the young female. He chose to purposely ignore the other possible theory of why she was still here, it made him feel like this had been some kind of set up to begin with, rather then legitimate business, Seto hated being play like that.
Krystal smiled. "I'm sorry papa left like that. I've no idea why." She said, looking at him and smiling. She shuffles her deck, and continues to smile, feeling rah in her deck. She watched seto and still smiled. "So, do you have an arena, or should we just duel on that table over there?" She added, walking over to it. She wondered what he would do if she won. Would he resent her like he does yugi? She hoped not. She knew he needed to make her pregnant tonight or it would throw off the balance of time.

Krystal watched seto closely, smirking at him. "So sure of winning, Kaiba-sama? Well, don't be. I have something you could never imagine in my deck." Her smirk widened and she twitched her nose slightly, trying to keep her cool and not jump him right there. It was getting increasingly hard by the minute though.
Seto smirked at Krystal, he liked her attitude, it reminded him of... well himself, there was no doubt in his mind that he would win this duel, she may have been ranked third, but he was ranked first, he had only ever lost once and that was to Yugi Muto. Since then he vowed he would never lose to anyone again and that included the blue haired female standing before him, even so he was curious about this card in her deck that she kept mentioning, it had to be powerful the way she was talking about it something I could never imagine... well that's vague... he thought to himself, moving over to the painting on the fair wall instead of the table, moving it to the side and revealing a hidden safe and numbered key pad. "Hmm... no, since you challenged me and seem so confident about this powerful card of yours, we shall duel somewhere a little more dramatic" he stated, imputing the secret code into the safe in the blink of an eye and opening the small metal door to reveal his prized, duel monsters deck.

Taking it out of the safe he closed it again, returning everything methodically back to normal, before turning and moving back towards Krystal "but I assure you it'll make no difference in the end, your life points will still be zero and I will be the winner" he smirked confidently down at the female, feeling a brief flush in his face as he stared into her eyes. He ignored the feeling and turned, heading back towards the door "follow me to the duel arena" he stated moving down out of the room and back down the stairs moving further through the house, not stopping to give his guest any sort of tour, finally approaching two large doors at the end of a long corridor. He pushed them open revealing a large two player virtual duel monsters arena; the same arena he had played Yugi in, leading Krystal to her platform before moving around and getting into his own side.

Now time to see your that powerful card that you were bragging about
Krystal followed, smirking widely when she saw the duel arena. "You really want me to beat you here?" She said, setting up her deck on the virtual platform. She smirked even wider as she touched the platform a bit, sensing who was once playing here. It came to her her in a flash, their entire duel. Krystal smirked. "I see Atem. Thanks for heads up." She thought to herself, watching him.

"So, who goes first?" She asked seto, still smirking. She picked 6 cards from the top of her deck and was pleasantly surprised when she drew all she needed to rise chaos. "Huh, that's a first. Then again, you never did like him in silver millennium did you chaos?" She told her gaurdian telepathically, who simply nodded and said "I see he's still as much of an asshole as he was then" Krystal stifled a laugh as she waited for an answer, watching rah. "Let's whip his ass, huh rarah?" She asked, still smirking.
Seto merely humphed at Krystal's question, not wanting her to have the satisfaction of him giving into the bait of bringing up that he'd lost his first ever match in this very room. He shrugged it off, meeting her smirk with his own, he shuffled his deck and laid it on the holographic simulator, drawing six cards from the top of the pile "I think because you challenged me I'll take the first move" he sneered, looking at his hand. Since his duel with Yugi he'd acquired many new and more powerful cards including some powerful traps, he hadn't planned on using these yet until he saw the spiky haired teen again but for a top ranked duellist like Krystal he'd make an exception, at the very least he'd be able to give them a good test run. Looking at his first hand he noted it wasn't too bad, he already had a copy of Blue-Eyes White Dragon in his hand, so basically he already had this duel won, but it wouldn't be fair to the blue-haired female if he ended this too quickly, after all what fun would it be if he won on his first turn.

His dark eyes scanning the rest of his hand for a solution to this dilemma, "I'll summon the mighty Battle Ox" he exclaimed, making it seem much more dramatic then it actually was. His eyes lit up as a bright green light shone from the above projector, creating the virtual hologram of a Minotaur-like creature wielding a massive single-bladed axe, he always got chills when his cards came to life before him, during a duel. "Then I'll place one card face down and end my turn" he announced, one of the five spaces behind the monster began to glow with a rainbow coloured light, it's your turn now Krystal, you have my attention now impress me.


Seto frowned as he began his turn, this duel had been harder then he'd anticipated, watching as the destroyed shards of his beloved dragon slowly fell before him. In the moves that followed, Krystal had summoned a powerful ritual monster, destroyed his monster and even his Blue-Eyes with a sneaky power boosting magic card, now even with two blue-eyes in his hand, their power alone didn't seem to be enough, he had a powerful trap face down on the field, Ring of Destruction, using it would destroy her monster and hit them both for damage equal to her Magician's attack points but the problem was if he did then it would be a draw, he needed someway to get a monster out with more then 3500 attack or he was done.

"It's my move, I draw" he announced, looking again at the cards he had he weighed up his options, before this moment he had in his hand two blue-Eyes White Dragons, one Polymerization and one Pot of Greed, which he just drew. He knew he had to play it, be he was afraid that whatever her might draw would be enough, if he lost his credibility would suffer even more then it already had at the hands of Yugi Muto. He thought for a long while before finally announcing his move "I activate Pot of Greed, which will allow me to draw two cards from my deck" he stated, as though she didn't know what it did, please help he silently prayed as he drew twice more, looking down it appeared as though he got exactly what he needed to get back on top.

Looking at his hand he drew two magic cards both Monster Reborn and Ring of Defense, he was already formulating his plan in his mind. Using Monster Reborn he'd bring back his fallen dragon, then with Polymerization he'd combine it with the two in his hand to make the most powerful monster he'd ever seen the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, it's power alone was more then enough to take down her mage. Then if that didn't work he'd have a back up plan, using his rings in combination with one another, his trap would destroy her monster and bring her life points down to zero, while his spell would protect his life points from the recoil damage. This duel is as good as over.


"Now attack my Ultimate Dragon, destroy her Chaos Magician!" he cried as the bright sparks shot out of all three mouths, destroying her monster immediately, Seto let out a loud victorious yet mocking laugh. "You might as well give up now Krystal, there isn't a monster more powerful then my three Blue-Eyes when they work together, face it you've bitten off more then you can chew against me" he taunted. He smirked widely before placing his second ring face down, the zone lighting up next to the other ring "Well if you're not going to concede defeat then I guess I'll play this face down and end my turn" he announced. So far he was not impressed, if Magician of Black Chaos was the powerful monster that she had boasted about, then she'd wasted his time, he had programmed every monster into the holographic system himself, there wasn't a monster in the game that he had never seen before.
Krystal laughed heartily. "If you think chaos is the monster I was telling you about, then you are sorrily mistaken, seto." She smirked wickedly and played monster reborn, bringing her chaos mage back from the graveyard and sacrificing him, the Celtic guardian, and the kuriboh on her side of the field. Her smirk widened. "Be bold! My ultimate creature, Egyptian god The Winged Dragon of Rah!" She yelled in a dramatasism that rivaled even Atem's, laughing a little. This was the first duel that had ever really challenger her, and also the first duel she had to actually summon rah. She was beyond giddy.

Krystal kept a straight face, but still smirked at seto. "So, still think you're gonna win seto?" She asked with a small laugh, her smirk widening So that it almost looked crazy, she was feeling the power coursing through her as she spoke, her eyes never leaving his. "Now rah, attack his blue eyes with titan firestorm!" She yelled, looking in every way like her long gone husband pharaoh Atem as she ordered the hologram to attack. "Man, I love sick you on people rarah" she told the humongous dragon behind her telepathically, still smirking.
Seto froze at Krystal's declaration that Magician of Black Chaos was not the card she was referring to earlier, so that's not it after all, so what is it he thought to himself, his mind wondering again, by the looks of it she was ready to summon it. He watched in silence as she brought back her magician and then sacrificed them all so this is it he thought as the virtual simulator began to glow and spark bright gold, "Egyptian what?" he exclaimed as from the middle zone arose the biggest dragon he'd every seen. It was almost bird like with a large beak, and covered in gold armour, he froze when he looked down at it's attack points 4500?! It's the same power as my Blue-Eyes!" he exclaimed, looking down at the field, rapidly assessing his options as she ordered her monster to attack.

It may have been paranoid instinct alone, but something told him that if he let her attack go through then he would lose the duel, even though their attack points were the same and in most cases it would result in a draw and both monsters would be destroyed. But something told him that it wouldn't the case this time, he could use his back up plan and destroy her monster with her trap, but another feeling he had was that this course of action wouldn't work also. The only other option was to destroy his own dragon, a move that didn't sit well with him, he never liked sacrificing his favourite monster to achieve victory, but he wouldn't let something so sentimental cloud his judgement, it was the only way. "I activate my trap card, Ring of Destruction and equip it to my Ultimate Dragon, so in just a second it'll go boom, destroying my dragon but hitting us both for direct damage equal to its attack points" he chuckled loudly, assuming she was confused by his strategy "now I know what you're thinking and my desire is not to end this duel in a draw, because I have this card, Ring of Defence" he cried out revealing his second face down card "What this does is it shields by life points from any effect damage this turn, so in terms you'll understand, I win and you lose" he announced, laughing loudly and triumphantly as he the ring around his dragon's neck began to glow.
Krystal laughed. "Egyptian gods aren't effected by magic or trap cards. Your just lucky I pulled rah and not slifer." She said as she smirked, putting down that same card. She knew it was gonna come in handy. Krystal smirked wider. "I play ring of defence as well, and then end my turn." She said flatly.

Krystal watched as her dragons attack hit blue eyes just as it exploded. She smiled, but yawned a little. She could feel herself weakening again. "Shit. Not now! Let it end in a draw first!" She thought to herself as she swayed a bit, feeling lightheaded. Seto would see the hologram of rah look at Krystal with concern. He wouldn't know of her guardian. As quickly as the game started, , it ended in a draw. She went sickly pale, looked to seto with a mixture of embarrassment and slight fear, then fainted, landing on the floor of the hologram deck. Krystal cursed her anemia.
Seto scowled as she countered his trap with the very same card, feeling stupid and reckless for sacrificing his own dragon just for sake of winning. Now he was at the disadvantage, he had no monsters on the field, no traps set, no cards in his hand and Krystal had an incredibly powerful beast out that claimed wasn't effected by spells or traps. At least I didn't target her monster with my ring he thought to himself as he reached for his deck, feeling his hand tremble slightly, if he didn't draw the right card now he would lose. He had to admit she hadn't been lying, this Winged Dragon of Ra card was truly something to behold, he wasn't even aware of the cards existence, which made it a very rare card indeed.

As Seto was about to draw, he noticed something off about his opponent, she seemed to sway like she was about to collapse before she fell forward onto the virtual game board. He gasped as he watched her fall, briefly noticing her monster turn as though it was looking at her, he quickly dismissed this thought as preposterous as he leapt down from the platform and rushed to her side, trying to get her to regain consciousness. "Hey, Krystal wake up" he called out to her, while shaking her shoulders slightly before giving up, sighing deeply, dammit he thought, reaching into his pocket he pulled out a mobile phone and began to dial the number for an ambulance.
Krystal awoke with a start. "I-i'm okay seto. Just need to lay down a bit. That wouldn't be any trouble would it?" She asked, looking at him with sad eyes. It was way embarrassing to have fainted in the of a duel. "Let's just call it a draw. We both know either of us could have won." She added softly as she sort of tumbled into him unintensionally. She was pretty weak, but she knew Asuka and Tenshi had to be conseived tonight.

Before Krystal could realise what she was doing, she kissed seto. She blushed wildly and looked away, unsure. "Sorry.... I.. ah.. couldn't help myself...." she said choppily, looking out toward the hologram of rah, trying to get her mind together. She knew what had to be done, but she didn't want to use him just like that. It didn't seen right to her. Krystal blushed even more as she shuffled her feet, looking up at him with needy eyes and shivered slightly. "Would you be opposed to laying down with me?" She said meekly, waiting for a reply from the strong and often cold CEO.
Seto looked down at Krystal as she spoke breathing a sigh of relief, hanging up the phone and putting it away, it would certainly reflect bad on him and his business if word spread that Seto Kaiba sent a young girl to the hospital over a game of duel monsters. He nodded briefly in response to both her question of being able to lay down for a while and agreeing to a draw, he didn't want to admit it out loud but he knew that there was very little he could draw that would save him from the giant golden dragon, he would have to make a note to check out that card later but for now he focused on the ill girl in his arms. He opened his mouth to reply to her when he suddenly felt her lips against his, letting out a soft gasp of surprise feeling her pull away just as quickly as she kissed him. He stared down at the blushing female, his expression just as confused and uncertain as Krystal's was as she propositioned him.

He was sure how to feel, the Kaiba corp CEO had felt something strange when he first saw her picture, he felt a strange need to meet her and this feeling continued when he first met her, building up until this moment, it was then that he felt something primal take over his body. Leaning down returning the kiss, but with a little more fire then she'd done, parting his mouth slightly as it became more heated, feeling an unshakable need to have her in this moment. It was funny now that he thought about it, there were so many rumours around that Seto was asexual, that he didn't like sex or relationships in the slightest, but that could not be further from the truth, there was no time in his busy schedule for such things, that being said he certainly wasn't inexperienced in such things.
Krystal kissed him back just as hard, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Her panties were already soaking wet. "Setty..." she moaned into the kiss, running her blue painted fingernails through his soft brown hair. She wondered if he would take her to his bedroom. I mean as much as she loved duel monsters, having sex on the platform of the holographic board would not be very comfortable. Krystal broke the kiss, smirking at him. "Let's retire to the bedroom, shall we Setty?" She said softly as she caught her breath, then nipped at his neck a little, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt slightly.

Krystal was amazed at how well they fit together, almost like were meant to be together. She had known that they were destined to meet and have twins, but, had there been more to the story her visions did not make her privy too? She didn't think so. Something about the way he looked at her though it held some shred of love, was cold. She wondered what would happen when she told him she was pregnant. He would have a right to know, after all. "Atem, please forgive me for what I'm about to do with your cousin. It had to be done to keep time alligned" she thought to herself softly, kissing seto again.
Seto felt himself physically flinch at the pet name Krystal had given to him, he had never been addressed with such a ridiculous name before, but he didn't say anything, right now he could've cared less if the room around them was on fire, all that mattered to him right now was being in the moment with the young woman that had wrapped herself around him. He nodded silently, gingerly getting to his feet, lifting her up as well, carrying her back through the mansion, up the long stair case towards his bed room, kissing her the entire time. He laid her down on the large, king sized bed, not bothering with the lights, there was a faint glow coming through the shades covering the window, which was just enough light so they could still see each other.

It was only then he realised that at some point Krystal must have removed his top button and loosened his tie, he was so caught up in the moment that he hardly noticed. He glided his hand from her hip down to the outside of her knee, enjoying the feel of her skin in his hand, especially as he ran over her thigh, gently squeezing the silky flesh, pulling her legs closer to him as he leaned over her, feeling his manhood already tightening eagerly within his pants.
Krystal held unto him tight as he brought her to his room, loving the the kisses she was being given by him and when he put her on the bed, she smiles. She could feel the blue eyes pillow she had made him on the bed. "Setty.." she purred, pulling him down for a kiss. Kissing him just felt... right. Like kissing Atem felt when she was a teen in silver millennium. It was surreal though, doing this with his cousin, but she knew it had to be done for the sake of time itself. She couldn't risk Pluto yelling at her again for messing up the time line yet again with a simple mistake.

Krystal took off her dress and disgaurded it on the floor, revealing her blue eyes themed underwear as well. She wondered if he even noticed. She liked to make people smile, and she knew that seto could really use some of that magic. She could tell he had had a rough child hood. She moaned out slightly as he ran his hands down her body. Oh how it sent chills down her spine. Krystal finished unbuttoning his shirt, and took off his jacket with it, proceeding to paw at his belt and pants, smirking a little. "So setty, should these be next to go, or would you rather take off my underwear first" she cooed out with a smirk, running her fingers down his chest.
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