Uta's Ninja Slaves (SIlverknight and FutaFanatic)

The tall strong lease looked at her and smirked as he looked at her as he grinned for a moment his eyes focused on her and read her mind looking at her he used an illusion as he transformed his vines into Naruto Uzumaki and looked at her as he grabbed him by the neck and looked at her as he read this person was important to her it was an illusion, but it might just trick the Hyuuga as he looked at her, the fake Naruto helpless in his grasp.
She froze up for a moment when she saw him holing Naruto by the neck, the Hyuuga shaking a bit, her heart racing with fear. But given the fact she knew Naruto had been nowhere around and this man had only just found out about Naruto from getting in her head, she was smart enough to know it was an illusion."Y-You can't trick me.."She assured him, rushing forward to strike him in the gut, hoping to hit him and run off to once more sport some distance between them.
Meisuke shouldn't of been thrown off by the fact she recovered and tossed the fake Naruto at her as he moved back from her as he had to think of something else against this woman. He used the vine tendril to attack her as he rebounded himself, the vines created along the ground. They moved much like snakes towards Hinata as they rose and aimed for her legs with the purpose of tripping her or causing her to pull back from her attack at least.
For a while she managed to avoid the vines as she ran, but eventually her luck ran out, one of the vines managed to catch her leg, sending the Hyuuga to the ground. She rolled, finding herself back on her feet, her breathing heavy as she looked around, trying to get a lock on the man who was chasing her around.
The lead ninja of the Uta moved as she lost track of him, he had to attack fast as she messed up badly, he had to use this chance to his edge against her. He appeared out of the ground forming from a vine she had attacked earlier changing places with it quickly, his hand pressing against the mid part of the Hyuuga back as vines came from his hand wrapping around the arms of the Hyuuga quickly as he pressed this palm of his hand against the middle of her back, the vines wrapping around her waist as though they were ropes, tough strong and dependable holding her in a vice grip, preventing the Hyuuga from moving a single inch with her arms. "gotcha," he whispered into her ear.
Hinata gasped with wide eyes when he came up behind her and struck her, ensnaring her in vines. Her body squirmed, trying to resist the grip until he kept her still and whispered in her ear. The Hyuuga whined a bit, shaking her head as she turned her head to look at him."L-Let me go..please..I don't want this at all..."She whined, trying to reason with him, hoping to plead for her freedom.
"This isn't about what you want, Hyuuga Hinata," the man said as he let the vine tendril slip around her breasts circling around her breasts as they went over her breasts slowly pressing against her clothes before letting out chemicals that desolated her clothes slowly but very slowly. "You will serve you new clan well, you shall give up a great generation of leads," Meisuke said as he let his free hand slide over her stomach as he let her know his intention for her at the moment.
(Sorry for the wait)

Hinata bit her lip, whimpering as the tendrils wrapped around and kneaded her breasts. But when her clothes began to dicintegrate she gasped hard, shaking her head when her nude form was soon exposed to him, her clothes in a pile a goo while her body squirmed against the grip that held her. And the moment he rubbed her belly, Hinata's eyes widened, shaking her head hard."N-No..D-don't please!!"She cried, thrashing about wildly now."Y-You can't do this!!"
(it is all good no worries)

The leader of the group Meisuke smirked as he pressed the vine tendrils around her waist the tendril slithering rubbing their cold thin tendril over her soft skin. He than looked over her back, unclothed he could see those curves ever so well, his tendril moved south too moving over her stomach as he pressed over her small frame pressing against her stomach in a almost ticklish type way before they started to rub over her womanhood moving over her lower lips back and forth wiggling against her womanhood as he heard her voice, "yes, I paid good money for you, your a Hyuuga, great breading material," he said with a smirk on his lips.
She shivered more as the vines worked over her body, her breath slow and deep. She tried to fight the sensations rushing through her, her legs trying to close tightly and keep the vines from touching her. But when she did feel the vines touch her below, Hinata let out a weak gasp, whining more and more."N-No you can't!! You have no right!"She shouted once more, thrashing around all the more as he spoke.
Meizumi can feel her moving around, and smiles this woman is a fighter but he is going to win this fight. Meizumi creates two more vines that grow tall and then grab her wrist as the they pull them up and her up into the air. Two more grabbed her legs forcing her legs apart opening her up for attack by Meizumi. The clan head smirked as he looked at her woman hood as a final cock like tendril forced it way into her panicked mouth as Meizumi rubbed himself against Hinata.
Her eyes widened as he lifted her up and spread her open with the vines, leaving her vulnerable, hr body unable to resist him thaqnks to the same vines that held her. But when her mouth was filled she could only scream and whine as he rubbed himself against her, preparing to take her innocence and begin to breed her, to use her for the sole purpose she was bought for.
Meisuke took his member and pressed it hard into the Hyuuga member as she hanged in the air unable to protect herself against his thrusts or movements at all. He felt his whole rod slide way into the woman as he took her he held her waist using that hold as leverage as he took her with more and more force and speed. He showed Hinata no mercy as he took her so hard and so fast pounding away at her body as he let the vines continue to have their way with the raven haired woman.
The moment he rammed into her Hinata screamed hard into the cock in her mouth, tears streaming down her face, droplets of blood dripping from her as the man took her, rapidly pounding her, refusing to give her any chance to adjust. Her body was tense, her pussy tight around him as he worked his slave, savagely fucking the Hyuuga to his hearts content.
Meisuke took her as hard as he could manage. His member bounced in and out of her as his balls slapped her hard with each and every single thrust that he gave her. "Well now, this is going to be so much fun, soon you will find your friends again," he said as the vines filled her mouth with their juices which would cause Hinata to feel more. Pleasure then she would other wise from him takin her like he was. He could feel how tight she was around himself and soon he felt him hit that limit as he shot his seed into her.
She groaned, biting her lip hard as he continued to pound and drill his way deep into her slit, her fertile hole which he sought so much to fill. But when her mouth was filled and her insides soon flooded with his seed, Hinata's eyes widened as she screamed, her body shaking and squirming against him.
Meisuke didn't slow down as he felt her body shaking his member still bouncing her as she was held on the vine making sure to send all his seed into her waiting body. He knew that she would be more then a bit panicked by this, but as he continued to have his way with the woman, the vines tightened around her body holding her still giving him the leverage he would need to continue taking her for a good long moment after. He had his fun with Hinata, she was a perfect choose, she was fun to fuck and she would be fun for a good while after. He pulled himself out only after a good moment as the vines cut off around her as if they were ropes tying her up as he carried her back to his base. The other two were already there tied up in a room, that he put Hinata in as well.
Her breathing trembled as she felt his seed flood into her, her insides taking it all in until it gushed from her slit and onto the ground beneath them. Her body twitched, her orgasm sending her in a fog as he had his way with her a bit more before he deemed himself done with her.when she came back to and found herself with her friends, the three of them huddled close together, crying softly to one another, realizing what was happening to them.
The door would open up soon as a woman would be carrying some food into the area, the woman looked at the group, she was just a bit older then they were and looked kind enough as she put the plates of food on the ground so that the three of them could get them, their new homes were being set up for them, with Kairi and Hinata's home being with their new masters, and Mina being sent off to the main building to be, so that she could be used for a price to help pay for the growth of the clan.
The three ate their meal, enjoying it as best they could. Once al of it was done and the plates empty, the girls huddled close, breathing quietly as they tried to keep themselves calm and collected, only hoping someone would come find them soon. They could only imagine how things were going to be as time progressed forward.
Meisuke was the first one to walk into the room, the tall gallant leader of the clan looked over the women and looked at Hinata and smirked as he then put his hand on Mina and grabbed her by her arm. "Come along, it is my turn with you," he said firmly his voice showed that all three were property of the clan now. His strong hands showing her little room for escape from his grasp. As he walked out, several businessmen walked into the room and closed the door, these were shinobi from other villages who had paid good money for the chance to sleep with the two that remained in the room.
Mina shook her head, whining and pulling at him as he pulled her along, the girl fighting to pull away. But when nothing worked she refused to give in, refusing to let someone else defile her body more and more. In the meantime, Hinata and Kairi backing up against the wall, not letting them simply enjoy their prize without a fight.
The man wasn't going to have any of this as he kneed the woman in the gut knowing that this woman needed to be remained of her place in this new clan that she was there to be a slave in. He was going to have some fun and show her then too. It wasn't going to be to challenging in time. He took her to his own home, which was rather simple and had a wild aspect that reflected the man himself as he tossed the woman roughly on the ground.

The businessmen moved towards the two remaining each one attacking and working to get as many possible touches on either Kairi or Hinata as possible. Each of this group of 5 or 6 men was paying top dollar, and they were not going to give up this fight to have some fun with one of these beautiful women so easily. a group of three worked on each of them, the ones working on Kairi working on forcing her clothes off and putting her on her back, the ones working on Hinata working on also getting her clothes off but forcing her on her hands and knees.
She gasped with wide eyes, trying to catch her breath as he kneed her in the gut, her body a bit limp as he dragged her. When she was tossed she crawled away from him, shaing her head more and more."S-Stop..I-I don't want this you bastard!"She screamed.

The two of them did their best to fend off the men as they touched and forced themselves upon the girls. But they refused to give up and lose as they gave it their all, ignoring their nude and weaponless forms and used what they had on hand, their fists."L-Leave us alone you ugly fuckers!" Kairi shouted with a growl, Hinata saying nothing as she simply focused on fending off her attackers.
The vines grew quickly from the ground as he looked at her as she struggled to get away from the claim leader. "I am the boss, your boss and you can't do anything about this, little Mina," he commented as he let his vines rub over her body holding her tightly in their grasp as he let his fingers trail over her still naked body. "I can see why you still costed a decent amount of money,. You shall be good for the clan to have many youth."

The groups of men ignored them as their words didn't matter. The two groups focused on their goals, all of the people paying a great deal of cash so they would have this chance to sleep with a beautiful ninja. The were hit, slapped and kicked, but as a whole this mob was tough enough to take it. The group around Kairi had her down first one forcing his member into her womanhood another forcing his into her mouth fearlessly at the same time. The group attacking Hinata soon had her too but with her someone also had one sliding a member in her backside as well as the other two spots.
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