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RE: Hey! Do you like video games? So do I!

Still waiting for Mount & Blade: Warband Floris, Bruvmasterflex.
RE: Hey! Do you like video games? So do I!

What kind of bugs are you running into? If you need help theres always the M&B forums.,197.0.html
RE: Hey! Do you like video games? So do I!

Thanks it would be nice to see someone I remotely know, be successful at M&B:WB Floris.
RE: Hey! Do you like video games? So do I!

Well I finally figured out all the bugs and crashes, worked around them a little bit on my own. Just gonna get these episodes of Far Cry 3 that I have recorded out, and then it's on to recording M&B:WB Floris Expanded!
RE: Hey! Do you like video games? So do I!

Awwyis and to figure out what troops each factions have, just go to reports and there should be a option for troop trees. The Sarranids have good calvary and archers, but bad infantry and their archers are weak in melee.
RE: Hey! Do you like video games? So do I!

Hey bro, Did you see my message about looking at the troop trees?
RE: Hey! Do you like video games? So do I!

Hey, Rook. What software did you use to record Far Cry 3? I have Open Broadcast Software [OBS] but everytime I've attempted to use that, it royally fails. Same for a few other games I have on my own Steam.
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