Brand New World (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)

Sven looked at her pausing for a moment, and blinked for a second, "Well your people have powers and my people have powers, perhaps there is some side effect of this, that someone can use to their benifit, you said you meet a gun sellsman, did you see anything that wouldn't fit in a normal weapons store at all," he asked as he looked at her and than wondered if their was some clue that she perhaps was missing on or something that would cause things to add up better in his mind as he thought over everything adding up the sum and finding it not working up to that moment.

"That sounds like the Tao Masters, your powers, also the chronos have weapons made from a special metal, Orichalcum, it was a metal created by them so that nothing could harm their weapons and their weapons could break though anything for example," Sven explained as he looked over at the woman for a moment as he pressed his elbows onto the bed and pressed himself up. He thought about it more, the more he did he knew there was nothing random, nothing ever happened cause of random chance as much as by plan. He had seen that happen to many time to think that it was random chance now.

"We shall keep an eye out for others, maybe they were brought in before, maybe they are to be brought in who knows, there is other worlds if we both come from our own right," he asked calmly as he looked at her, "if we both come from worlds with different elements and powers then other worlds woudl have different powers then our own wouldn't they, or at least that woudl be a reasonable expectation woudln't you agree," he mused looking over at her as he continued to think. His dectective side was keeping him awake a case that needed to be solve was in front of him and it was hard to focus on anything else but that.

He got up and poured himself a cup of coffee as he looked around and looked in the closet and found a laptop kept there for guest, he put it on the table and puged it in as he took a ship of the dark black coffee, he wasn't going to get sleep now, but he could always sleep in. He pulle up the browser and looking at things for a moment finding that this world was different anything and everything was for sell, women, guns, anything. He was amazed at how far he guessed this world had fallen based on the sells adds he saw. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

"Everything looked normal. But he insisted that my gun was ... custom-made somehow and thus none of the bullets would have worked for it. He never explained why or how though." That should have been another alarm which had resounded much faster in her head and a sign Luigi would be someone to be weary of. Sure, this world was different. But the States were infamous for having foreign-made guns. Hers being 'custom' made almost no sense. And it was just a pistol. No, they should have had the appropriate ammunition. The fact they didn't made her ponder what it was about this place that had nearly made her unable to purchase something so easy - in concept - as mere bullets.

There truly was much more to this city than what met the eyes.

"Maybe. I've never actually seen them activated so .. they could be." An annoyed sigh left her lips. "I wish I could say more and even show them." Did they even awaken? Probably. But without the guarantee, it added further onto the sensations of feeling so hopeless and vulnerable.

Simultaneously, that helped Ayane decide after clothes, bullets would be bought tomorrow. It may have only been that one store. If push came to shove, she could get another pistol with bullets that would work in this world. It'd have a different feel to it but ... she could probably adjust easily enough.

"Well .. I guess, yes." She admitted upon hearing Sven's theory on why others may still be here. Would that wind up being a good or bad thing? It'd be a slim chance but perhaps the man who had been trying to inform her would be taken here as well? It'd be nice if at least someone with more knowledge than herself would be introduced into this world. She felt pathetic having so little knowledge especially on her own abilities.

Sapphire orbs followed the bounty hunter as he got up. That alone easily spelled he was indeed as restless as she was. Slipping out of bed, she sat down beside him and felt her face pale a bit as she managed to catch sight of some of the ads.

".... What in the .... ??"

How was any of this legal?! How could people get away with selling others, including women? This place made no sense. This world wasn't just foreign but clearly very corrupt. It only strengthened Ayane's resolve and desire to want to go home somehow, someway.
He looked at the adds for a moment longer, as he then let out a sigh as he did find a bounty location for bounties of criminals, it seemed that while selling things was big business bring thugs in was too. He wrote down the address as he wondered what was up with this world, everything was messed up. For the green haired man, he wasn't sure what to thing, or what to search for. He let out a soft sigh as he looked over at Ayane. He had a good guess now why they were after her. He took a deep breath as he knew things were not so simple here, or maybe they were and it was just to dark for him to want to think about it.

"They were after you, I think, to sell," he mused as he looked at her and then looked at the screen, "perhaps this is more complex, maybe they wanted to use you, it woudln't be unknown to do such a thing, I mean these people here are rather messed up based on this," he mused as he closed the computer and sat back on the bed, "Tomorrow, I think it is best we got to the bounty area, we can see who they consider criminals in the town and look for work. I think that we have to play it quiet, keep out of sight and keep our eye open, all of this yells something very big and not good," he mused as he looked at her.

Sven knew that she had to not be feeling well, she was a target perhaps, she might be their real target, perhaps someone even brought her in this world cause they knew they could handle her and sell her for a massive amount of cash. It wasn't something that was a plesant though and would be troubling her a great deal. He let out a sigh, "So, Ayane, what do you think, if you have any different ideas, I am all ears right now, and will be more thean willing to listen to any of them."

Sven looked up as he rubbed his nose before yawning, he drank enough coffee it didn't really effect him any more. He let out a soft sigh from his lips as he turned towards her and rested his eyes lightly falling into a very light sleep, something that he knew was needed given their location at this moment and just how dangerous it happened to be. He knew that these people were not ones he shoudl trust at least. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

For a while, Ayane silently stared in disgust and shock with Sven at the ads. When he shifted his attention elsewhere, however, she went back to her bed and slid back under the covers. Her eyes closed as she tried to think of something to help forget of the very real but grim possibility on why she'd been so desperately sought out. The task was much easier said than done, especially without having much on her. Her MP3 player had been left at home. Pretty much everything, truthfully, was in the other world. The stress and worries were actually tempting her to consider lighting up for the first time in her life.

But her head shook no. She wouldn't give into such a desire even with the truth all but hovering over her. "... I ... don't really want to think on it, please." She replied. Any and all hopes of falling asleep had practically vanished. She felt wide awake and too terrified to actually drift into any form of slumber. It was stupid, Ayane knew. She would need the rest, whether she wished for it or not. But she truly was scared for her life and innocence.

Her head shook again as she managed to find enough courage to reply to Sven. "Well ... it seems like the criminals rule here. That being said, it ... isn't overly likely we'll be able to go to anyone much if at all for support. Our best bets would be if others were transferred here. But otherwise, I can't think of much more to add to the thoughts. We need to find more out."

It wasn't the best answer, she knew, but it was something. A weary sigh left her lips and soon enough, the physical and mental exhaustion took their respective tolls upon the future boss. She hadn't expected it but sure enough, sleep wound up dominating her anyways. Though truth be told, it likely was for the best anyways. She'd need to be alert and conscious for the next day so .. sleep would assist out with that.
As the group slept, other people were busy, early the next morning, mostly was one dark haired crime boss, Luigi, he was pissed he didn't have Ayane up in chain working on making her his person object of fun. He knew shew asn't normal and he had a good idea as to why she seemed so odd. He didnt' say this when he dealth with her, as he didnt' expect to see someone come though the barrier so soon. L:uigi knew that the group failed, that some local guy had helped the woman and was protecting her. He didn't know who he was, maybe it was just luck, and he knew that group was a joke too, he used them for missions that were easy to achieve.

He looked at the gun he had, it wasn't from his world, it was from amother world, that he was able to copy something from it with his technology, it would give him so much more power than ever before. He knew that that such technology was key to expanding his empire from just over the one city to over the whole of the nation and in time the whole of the world. He smirked as he felt happy that he would be able to expand his power. Power was the greatest assets of any person, he knew that he could pull it off, getting the most power ever.

Luigi pulled out his phone and called a couple of small time assassins to keep their eye out for the group. He went to a small timers cause he didn't want the other possible rivals to him to know that something was up, he knew that if it was a small time person who took them down then it would go unnoticed and would be a minor thing compared to how it was. He wanted her captured, he wanted to enjoy his time with her and he wanted to find out what else he could take from her, perhaps even her laitent powers that he was sure she had.

As Luigi put up is phone he got another phone call that a delievery was being made to him, someone else he had been targetting was being brought in, this person would make a good pay day as he would enjoy her, but then he would send her to his trainers to be sold off for a large pay day and then he would be able to use that money to advance his own technology. Luigi would only have a small amount of time to wait till the group brough the female to him. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

By nine in the morning, Ayane's internal alarm clock finally woke the young girl up. It was a habit she was highly used to and honestly, she feared what could very well happen if she slept far too long in this world. After a quick glance, she noted that - thankfully - she was still beside Sven. That made a low sigh of relief elicit from her lips as her head fell against the pillow. The fear of being found and taken away during the night had been a concern. Then again, it hadn't fully vanished altogether. Oh no. But it wasn't the immediate thing she was thinking of either.

Slipping out of the bed, Ayane began to make it, putting the sheets and covers back into place. True, the maids who worked here probably would have gotten it. But it was a habit of hers to clean up after herself. For a while, she sat on the bed before a new thought came to her.

Heading back to the laptop, she tried to check up on her e-mail. Bringing it back over to the bed she'd been sleeping on, a new surge of hope flooded through Ayane. If this could work and she could properly create a correspondence to her mom or someone from her world, maybe that would be a step in getting herself and Sven out of here. But she could think of few reasons it should fail and that made her spirits quickly raise.
Sven woke up the next morning knowing nothing about what had happened involveing the man Ayane ran into or the fact they had new people on their trail either. Sven opened his eye as he looked around, his orange eye scanning the are, he remembered quickly where he was and because of that where he wasn't. A soft sighe came from his lips at that realization, it wasn't the best thing to remember, but he also knew it could be much worse too. Sven looked at Ayane looking at the laptop, he wasn't sure how much longer she had been than him, but he figured it had been a decent bit.

"It might work, maybe the fact that the person pulled us from across worlds or dimensions would leave our goods connect to the old one," he mused as he thought about it for a moment unsure if what she was trying would or wouldn't work at all. He went in and took his shower, the water was good enough warm enough as the green haired man showed before coming out in a new pair of boxers before he washed his clothes by hand and than dried them in his breifcase as he watched what Ayane was doing for a long moment before he looked outside, it was a large city they were in so many things around them.

"Thinking today we should figure out what the bounties are as well as I need to know what your capable of," he said looking at her as he rubbed his chin for a moment, his eyes focused on her, "do you have any training in combat, tracking or tactics, or anything like that," Sven asked calmly as he walked over and made two cups of coffee one for himself and one for Ayane if she would want a cup of coffee. He wasn't sure though as he had not seen her even drink any since he had meet her. He figured it was possible that she did , and also possible that she didn't drink coffee, both were realistic possiblities. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

"Morning." Ayane greeted upon seeing - with peripheral vision but still - and hearing Sven stir and wake up. Her focus remained on the e-mail she was still making. She'd finished typing her name out and began to double and triple check the message. Her head nodded after ensuring nothing had been missed. Her hand guided the mouse down as she clicked the "Send" button. Her heart skipped a few beats. There hadn't been a message saying it had failed. So as far as Ayane was concerned, it had gone through. But she knew in the end, time would be the ultimate factor in determining whether the e-mail had really gone through or not.

"Hopefully .. it did." She replied, stretching as she got to her feet. While Sven got his shower in, Ayane put the laptop away into it's spot and sat back on her bed. The thought did cross her mind to get her own in after the bounty hunter finished. But she had nowhere to store her clothes even if she did wash them by hand. Her head shook. She could wait to buy a few new sets before the day was over.

A new twinge of guilt shot through Ayane as he asked of what she could do. While the answer was a major accomplishment, one out of three possibilities just ... didn't feel good enough for her. "Combat mainly. Even before being informed I was supposed to take over a mafia family, I've done years of Aikido and Judo. If push comes to shove though, I can rely on instincts alone." She added, remembering that the second guy she had beaten had required such tactics. After all, no martial arts encouraged people to use the handle of a gun to hit an enemy with. No, that .. had just been her gut feelings and desire to live, get through the fight speaking to her.

Normally, she didn't drink coffee straight. Not without at least some sugar. But honestly, the strong taste may do her some good. Her head bowed as she accepted it and made a slight face as she swallowed. "But ... um ... yeah that's basically it." She added, keeping the cup held in her right hand.
The detective nodded his head as he looked at her for a moment and then got dressed as his clothes where dry now. He was glad she had hope that she could reach those who she cared about. He fixed his clothes making sure they were on correctly as the white suit clad man stretched for a second as he picked up his briefcase making sure everything inside was set up correctly before he looked over at her, "that will do, we shall just make sure we get ourselves into spots where we don't have to have big shoot outs," he explained as he stretched his hands over his head.

"Now you might want to get dressed, I think we might want to find some more clothes, something more fitting and stlyish for you perhaps that would go with this world better than what you have on, that way you can slip into the background better, I think that might be the first thing that we need to do, if you don't mind," he said looking at her as he paused for a moment giving her a look over thinking what type of clothes would go for the white haired young woman. "So, got to ask, do you have a boyfriend back in your world, you seem like the princess type honestly, and well they always have a boyfriend hidden away somewhere or a crush at least," he mused looking at her as he sat down waiting for her to reply for a moment.

"The faster your ready the faster we can get moving and figure out what you should be wearing here and finding out more info on bounties we can use to make money," he commented as he looked over at her resting his back a moment later against the bed half laying on it with his feet still on the ground. He figured that Ayane might not actually want to take a shower, but he would give her time if she did.

Inside his hideout, Luigi went got a message it was simple, two really one was that he got a price for the heads of the two targets from a minor player in the city and two, he had a report that the young woman had arrived taken right to his underground dungeon to be handled by him when and where he wanted. Things were looking up already, the powerful dark haired thugs smirked as he thought about the good odds of his group in the coming week reaching higher levels of power and himself being the center of that change. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

A frown crossed her face as she looked down at herself. "... Yeah, I know. But I don't really have any extras." Still, maybe at least a shower would suffice if nothing else. Catching a few silver strands and twirling them gently around her right index finger, she nodded after a bit and entered the bathroom. Even from there, Ayane could still hear the other questions being asked towards her. It'd be easy enough to continue the conversation.

It was definitely new and a bit ... nerve-wracking to change with a stranger ten paces away from her. But steadily, article after article of clothing began to leave her body. A low chuckle left as she glanced at her half-nude figure upon hearing the princess look seeming to apply to her. "I'm flattered but ... I've never seen myself as such. But ... no. I don't have one. I've been too ... academic-minded to worry about dating or anything. Though I have had it pushed on me to try to find someone before, mainly by friends though my mom also at times. So no. No boyfriend or crush."

.... Well damn don't you sound pathetic?

She frowned at herself and inwardly sighed, continuing to strip and remove the clothes from herself. It really did sound pretty .. sad now that she thought on it. Never dated, never kissed ... nothing. Sex wasn't foreign to her, in concept, thanks to school and health class. Otherwise, she truly was a complete virgin. Her cheeks darkened upon the revelation and soon she finished slipping her panties off. Her hand reached out and turned the water on. Ayane allowed two fingers to remain under the water, waiting for the temperature to change before stepping inside.

"Hotels aren't famous for having ample amounts of shampoo or conditioner so it shouldn't take too long." She reassured, grabbing a wash cloth and beginning to coat it with soap. Her head raised to better expose her neck as she began cleaning underneath it and steadily trailing further down.

This was all an odd thought, being the partner of a bounty hunter. Not bad by any means, mind you. In fact it was one of the closer things to a mafia member. So .. maybe this would be good practice for when she got back home and took over? It seemed like a sound plan. But she was worried that she wouldn't be good enough and would merely get in his way. Or even worse, get him hurt .... maybe killed. It was bad enough to know Ayane was already being sought out. But it felt wrong to be dragging Sven into this mess.

And yet .. just as she was his partner, he was becoming akin to a guardian. Their job was to protect the future boss so .. was that what he was? It made sense and could work. But that still didn't mean she enjoyed feeling as if she were forcing Sven to do so much with and for her.

"I'm thinking ... " She called out, "Something along the lines of a blouse, jeans and shoes ... sneakers probably for an outfit." It was casual but allowed for more of a princess-like look to be added to her. Skirts never had pockets and it was one of the few items she preferred to hold onto herself. Same with her pistol. Plus a skirt would have made it awkward to get her gun out and at the ready. It seemed ... reasonable enough. Her head nodded and eyes closed as she began to apply shampoo into her hair.
Sven took a deep breath as he thought about his situation quietly hearing the water running as he closed his eyes for a moment he knew that this was a interesting situation, but he figured that he would need help friends to get thought the situation. He could see that Ayane could be a good friend, she seemed a good enough person, and had a good heart, he knew that they could be someone who could be a good partner while they figured out how to get by in this world. He knew that he was going to be on top of his game, which wasn't hard, but he knew he had to keep an eye open for the blue eyed young woman.

Sven looked as he got to his feet and then knew that Ayane was out of the shower and than held the door open for her as he looked at the address and the directions for the bounty location. He figured that it would be a interesting trip, he held open the door and then make a mental note of where they needed to go next and where they would have to go from the stores to find the bounty hunting bounties. He than walked down the hall, they would be there later that day again, as he walked he carried his steal breifcase in his left on the elevators.He waited for it to open and then walked in and held it for her as he then went down and than went down to the first floor. "Well, sounds like we have a plan," he said calmly as he walked out of the lobby into the daytime.

It was a nice day, really nice actually he smiled as he was glad he had his hat to share his eye from the sun. He walked ahead as he stayed close to Ayane as he walked down the side walk. As he walked, he kept an eye on people as he could see that everyone moved along their way, not realy paying attention to them or him for example. He walked down to the large stories for clothes and household goods, he walked into one of the rooms and than smiled as he looked at her and than waited for her to find the things that she was looking for her clothes that would look best on her body. He looked for some simple supplies counting on Ayane to tell him if she needed help. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

It took but a few minutes to get the last bits of both shampoo and then conditioner out of her hair. As much as Ayane would have heavily preferred to be able to dry her hair properly, with a blow dryer, she knew Sven was right. They had things to do. She used a towel instead, making it semi-dry by rubbing it up and down over the silver strands. Slipping the old clothes back onto her body, Ayane walked out in the same clothes she'd been wearing. The shower had definitely helped all the same though.

Her eyes glanced down towards her pistol. She didn't want to cause any riots or scenes. But no way was she just disarming herself. So the future boss compromised by keeping her shirt untucked and thus covering the firearm. It wouldn't be much but it was something.

To say it was intimidating to step out of the hotel was an understatement. Ayane had no real idea on who to look out for, who was working for or against her. But letting fear dominate her wouldn't do anything but make their already desperate situation far worse. She took a long, deep breath and began to follow Sven, finding herself in an elevator, out of the hotel, and finally in a department store.

"Yeah .. it does. I'll give a signal if something comes up." She promised. The concept of separating herself from Sven, even if only for a few minutes, was slightly nerve-wracking. But it would have been uncomfortable for him to watch her grab certain items of clothes, mainly the lingerie. Using the signs inside the store, she guided herself towards the women's clothes and began to go through all she had mentioned about getting back at the hotel, starting with the blue jeans.
Eyes were on them, mostly on Ayane as they walked, a single assassin had been targeting her for a while. Well, since he got the message of when he was asked to capture her from Luigi. He smirked as he looked at the group move though the store and than followed her though the clothes area well enough to be hidden as he wondered around and waited for her to go to the dressing room. He would than surprise her and maybe have some fun with the smoking hot silver haired woman as well.

Sven looked at her for a moment smiling as he turned to find goods, he bumped into the assassin. He looked at her walk by him and than followed him. Something was off. He opened his vision eye as he looked at the man moving the eye patch out of the way. He vision eye gave him a view of what was going to happen a few moments in the future. He saw him and Ayane, Ayane was pressed up against the window of the changing room, with this scum violating her. He felt a bit tired from it but he wasn't going to let that happen. He followed him, he was moving towards dressing room behind Ayane.

Sven made his move, dang it she was going to hate him for this perhaps. He pressed his arm against the mans back knocking him down and than using his knock out gas as soon as he could on the man, knocking him out right than and there. Sven let out a sigh of relieve as he had avoided the image which was not uncommon for him to do, but still, good. He looked over and saw Ayane in a state of undress as he turned red and looked down,"sorry, seems you had someone tracking you, Ayane." Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

That annoying sensation of not being completely alone taunted Ayane. And not just from the crowd around her. No. It was more like when one was being stalked by a predator or something of the like. Her head had turned a few times. All the silver haired mafia boss saw were more people. Admittedly, the sight of some men near the women's section was ... unnerving and very out of place. But she dismissed it for now. She had several pairs of the outfits that the young woman wished to wear with the blouses, bras, and panties in various colors.

The same sensation pestered her once again as she began to head to the dressing room. Silver locks whipped as her head turned once again. One of the same male figures was ... a bit closer than she'd desired. Her eyes studied him. He had been one of the same ones, correct?

Ayane's reply came in the form of Sven knocking the man and out confirming it. Her body shook slightly. Even now, let alone after being in this world for so short, she was already being tracked down? It scared and pissed her off. Her head shook as she sighed.

"Thank you ... goddamn this place." She'd never wanted to go home so badly before now. "I ... I'll be back." She murmured, running a few fingers through her hair before heading inside. A part of her felt silly. She knew these would all fit fine and because of that, she wanted to pay for the clothes and then leave. But it was better to make damn well sure, especially with these being American sizes as opposed to Japanese. There was a huge difference and it was enough to make certain Ayane hadn't gotten anything too small or too big.
Sven looked away never seeing her as he knew he had stopped the man dead in his tracks. He nodded his head as he sat down on the ground and tied up the man who he knocked down. He had captured him, which meant he could find something out perhaps from him.Sven leaned against the wall as he knew that this guy would be his answer or rather he was going to talk when he was awake. He knew his eye had its down fall though and it was why he was resting.

The eye want his own and for that reason, whenever he used it, it bleed out his energetic quite quickly every time. Yet, at the same time it had been needed. He could wait on Ayane while she did what she needed to do. He worried that even with a change in clothes and style would they still be found so easy. He hoped not. He hoped that she would be able to avoid such things. Plus maybe with this knowledge that they got from this man they would be so in the blind guessing at what was happening around them all the time.

Sven let out a sigh as he reached for a cigarette but was unable to find any on him, if there was a time to smoke this was it and he couldn't. He did have a hot pepper jaw breaker in his pocket still. He put it in his mouth as it would have to do till she got back and till they could maybe go get something to eat later. First gather info, than take the guy in for a reward and than have something to eat. As he thought it over it seemed like a solid plan to him. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

To say Ayane was terrified at this point was an understatement. Her hands and body were all trembling. The very thought and knowledge of being tracked down and followed was scary. She still had no exact idea why besides as a sex slave, assuming there may be more in the first place. Even if there wasn't though, the definite answer was more than ample to make her urges to leave this land strengthen even more. Thankfully, all the clothes had indeed fit her perfectly.

Even as Ayane exited, her hands were still shaking. She looked to Sven and gave him a slow nod. "Alright. I'm ... ready to pay and head out." She replied, holding all the clothes she had chosen draped over her arms. Her eyes caught the bound figure, making her swallow softly. Why? She still didn't understand. And part of her wanted to know but another didn't even wish to be told the no doubt grim truth.

Her feet tensed as she prepared to follow Sven out of the store after paying for everything. The poor maiden would give anything to head straight back to a hotel room. But after the close call ... no. An interrogation of sorts would be needed. It was a card she didn't like playing but she did know how to question people. Still, she would let the bounty hunter try his luck first. If she really needed to, though, Ayane would attempt to get answers out from the man.
Sven looked at the man and focused his attention on him, as he caught his breath, "who do you work for, want were you doing here," he said calmly as he looked at the man before waiting for an answer that didn't come at all. Sven punched the man in the gut causing him to hit the wall at the same time, he looked at him after doing so again and got nothing at all again. This wasn't going to be easy, Sven looked at him as he grabbed his fingers and went to break them but stopped, the only the that the man would tell him was the name of the person who he was after Ayane, and that his boss would kill him if he talked, and that nothing he could do would be worth it, cause his boss could get him anywhere at any time.

Sven let out a sigh as he looked over at Ayane, he knew she had to be a mess to have someone come at you, like that, but she showed strength as far as he could tell. Was it a front on her behalf, he wasn't sure, he hoped that he could help give her move confidence, but his lack of information didn't help and he hoped the information that was given wasn't the type that would worry her any more than any of the info, than he wasn't sure though he wasn't her and had no idea how she would react to the information.

Sven stood up and looked at Ayane, "you said you were a future boss of a mafia right, you have to have some dark secret ways to get information out of people right, you know the really scary stuff that causes normal people to wet their pants," he asked hoping that she had. He had to admit till he meet her he never meet a future mafia boss before, and he still knew very little about what she was and wasn't capable of. He hoped that she would take a shot and be able with that shot to figure out far more than his attempt had. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

At first, everything had been indeed a mere strongfront. But the more Ayane watched Sven, the quicker she understood everything. She wasn't at all fond of having to consider switching places. But it would need to be done. By the time Sven approached and confirmed this, there was far more anger than fear swelling through her. Yet, it didn't show. Not quite yet. Pulling her pistol out, she began to hum softly while opening the barrel. She withdrew all but two of the bullets, sliding the other four away into her pocket.

"So ... " She finally mused, looking up into the man as she spun the chamber. "I'm sure you know how Russian Roulette goes, don't you? Wanna give it a try? And to make this somewhat more fair ... I'll play also. You saw ... only two bullets. How lucky do you think you're gonna be, hm?"

Despite probably looking less-than-sane, Ayane still had plenty of logic and sanity. And it showed as she placed the barrel against her left shoulder as opposed to the side of the head. She was taking quite a bit into account, including the possibility it could hit. As Ayane pulled back on the trigger, nothing happened. A smirk crossed her face as she knelt in front of the man. Pressing her left fingers in between his thumb and forefinger, she pressed his hand open and placed the barrel in the dead center of his palm.

"If you haven't noticed yet, I'm not aiming to kill. Just severely incapacitate. And if your boss doesn't get to you, your pride will definitely be your demise. Now ... you gonna speak and answer all he asked of you? Or should I just pull back on the trigger now, hm? You've got five seconds. Five ... four .... "
The man looked at the woman as she took the gun out, she was loco, she was truly crazy. The man blinked wondering why she would even take the chance of shooting herself, he blinked as he knew that she would kill him just like anyone else would. He blinked as he worried something was wrong with her. He felt the gun against his hand and knew that if she shot that he wouldn't be able to use again after that. He blinked as he looked at the woman blinking for a moment and hearing the five and the four count out loud, even the three.

"Fine, don't fire, he wanted be to kidnap you and bring you to him," he said as he looked at the crazy woman. Nothing could show him that she wasn't crazier than his boss. Maybe that was why he wanted her, they were two peas in a pod. He blinked as he looked at the woman, "you have a high price on your head, someone wants you in the worst of ways, you must of tempted the wrong people," he said looking at her hoping that would be enough to steady her from shooting him. "Kill all those in the way, take you and I could name my price, I am just a two bit hood, no reason to shoot me," he said looking at the woman.

Sven looked at Ayane, she was a mob boss, he head heard of these things on tv but never before now had ever seen someone try a stunt like this in his life. He paused as he looked at her, wondering what was going though her mind, and wondering if she happened to be a bit crazy too. He waited for her to finish with this man, however she was before he would take him in and hopefully collect their reward for the capture. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

Crazy wasn't the correct word to use, not in Ayane's mindset. If that were true, she wouldn't have bothered considering where to place the gun and just shot. But no. She had calculated and determined each exact location and action to go through with. Her eyes narrowed as she got half of a confession. It was a start, yes. Still, the man was keeping her somewhat in the dark. And the young woman was tired of people doing such things to her. Her head shook as she squeezed, ready to pull down on the trigger if needed.

"Define 'he'. Give me a name, appearance, something. You have given a good head start. But you should also know that's definitely not enough. Now ... out with the rest." Her voice stayed calm and yet had a very strict undertone to it. She wouldn't accept the answer 'no' so easily, certainly not without consequences. And this time, none would even try to hit her. It was still the man's turn to play. So, they'd see how lucky he truly was ... maybe wasn't ... if he didn't comply. "Five .... four .... "

The countdown had seemed to help out last time. So ... why not? Maybe it was just the gun. But something had worked and Ayane would use any and all advantages.

The true word to use ... was desperate, not crazy. That's what the poor mafia boss really was.
The man looked at the woman and blinked as he had hope that would be enough to handle the woman. He blinked surprised a bit that it had not but maybe she was just looking for a reason to shot him, perhaps she was one of those type who like to kill for fun, it would make sense why the bigman was wanting her so badly to offer the price he was. "Who he is, well um, well everyone knows who the big boss is, the one who really is in charge of this city," he said as he looked at her pausing for a moment

"His name is Luigi Martius, the leader of this cities truly," he said looking up at her, that information was rather common knowledge of course if anything happened, he would be the one behind it no matter if it was big or if it was small. He looked at her, "you know, you man dark hair kind of a cold expression, likes to be at his own gun shop," he said as he looked at the woman for a moment wondering if this would click at all with her and hoping that it was really enough to handle her and get away from the situation that he happened to be in at that moment. "As to the why, I have no clue, maybe he wants you, and finds you to his liking, maybe he wants to hire you who knows, that man's mind," he said as he looked at the woman for a moment waiting her reply.

The man wasn't sure who this woman was, but she wasn't from around there, where were these strangers coming from, it was strange, to find people who didn't fit in at all. He found this world changing pretty quickly, but he wasn't sure why it was changing, it just seemed to be a overnight type thing really. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

Her eyes narrowed in annoyance upon hearing those first words. Clearly, not everyone knew who his boss was. There wouldn't have been a point in her inquiring of the person otherwise, now would there? Thankfully, he explained further. The words 'gun shop' made her aim lower and hand tremble. Two and two clicked harshly together as everything dawned upon her. That same man who had examined her gun ... that wasn't just a worker. No, that was the person in charge of this entire city of corruption. "I see .... " She replied softly, pulling the spare bullets out and reloading the gun. However, she would allow for her eyes to note the next two chambers had been the ones with bullets ... meaning the assassin would have been wounded first then herself. Luck seemed to be watching her at that moment.

"... I'm done with him." She commented to Sven, placing her firearm back into it's holster. "Let's ... let's go." She added, her head bowing in anger and a bit of confusion. She hadn't actually stolen from this Luigi. So what had she done? Was it as simple as the man had said? She'd gotten his attention somehow?

The thoughts all made her nervously swallow. It was another thing that Ayane wanted to know and didn't at the same time. Holding her clothes over an arm, she waited for Sven to deal with the assassin. Right now, Ayane wanted to pay for everything and just leave. She felt pissed, disgusted, scared. The poor woman would give anything to be able to nod her head and vanish from this god-awful place. Never before had she been so homesick, so ready and wanting to be back in her own residence.

And yet, this place was making her desire for just that.
Sven took care of the man and made sure to hand him over and collected the small bounty for the man from the right people or what he figured at least as he then caught up with Ayane and Sven took the man to the area, he found out that he was a big time small fry. He wondered why such a small fry would be used, he blinked as he looked at the man smile at him. It took him a moment while he looked at the man to realize just what had happened, it was a set up. Sven blinked as he turned and ran as fast as he could towards the area that Ayane happened to be at. Yet, as he went he found the sidewalk blocked and had to go around, this was so annoying, he hoped that Ayane would be okay by herself.

"So, your the one worth the money, my partner got your attention well enough didn't he," a second man said as he knew that he would have some time before her friend came back. He smirked as he looked at the woman, "I can see why Luigi sees in you, your going to make a hell of a fucktoy," the man said coldly with a smirk. The man was taller stronger than the first, he looked like a thug and someone who would be sent after someone unlike the first one. "Well, why don't we give up, now, your not so strong or crazy are you," he said with a nasty smirk on his lips, "perhaps I can have some fun with you before the boss has his fun," he said not caring if people in the store saw, he was one of luigi's men they could do anything they wanted to in this town that they wanted. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

By the time Ayane finished paying for all her clothes, she turned to see Sven gone. Her eyes blinked as she did double and triple checks. This was a god-awful joke, right?! Had he temporarily lost his mind?! There were so many reasons she could list off the top of her head on why this was a horrible idea! A low "Urgh!" left as she did and moved away from the counter, carrying her bag in her hand. She got a few steps in before stopping as another man, whose words all but spelled it out, worked for Luigi also.

Her fists clenched angrily as she stepped back. By now, Ayane's body was shaking in anger. But she wasn't just going to lay down and take this. Nu-uh.

"Fuck off!" She hissed, not even bothering to second guess her words. "Strong? Not likely, let alone compared to unknown assailants. Desperate is the correct word ... and actually when push comes to shove, yeah, I am."

But would using the only six bullets she had be wise? Not yet.

Her arm with the bag moved, as if going behind her back, before bringing it back in front of her and swinging it towards the man. Truthfully, it wasn't meant to wound or damage. That was but a distraction, aimed to make him back away or something of the like. And once he did, Ayane turned and ran, heading again for the doors to exit the mall.

The hell with being subtle. It wasn't really being ... allowed or even encouraged at the moment. Besides, she had far more things to think about than sticking out so easily in this world, especially now that she was running from the owner of this city.
The man looked at her as he was prepared to handle her, he just had to think of what to do. He saw the bag, and jumped back, it was only a natural thing to do, to avoid the bag to get out of the way, and to counter what was happening. He was surprised when the girl ran, but he should of been so. He should or realized that was the most logical move on her behalf.

Of course the man chased her, fast, but was really fast too. He figured she was perhaps faster then him by a good bit, meaning he had to think of something to do to perhaps slow her down and disable that speed. He had one shot, he slide at her left foot, if he hit her left food with his own, he would hopefully trip her and cause her to fall on her face. If he missed or she dodged him, he wouldn't be able to catch her then, and he would have to wait till another time to go after her. He still figured it was worth the chance cause otherwise, he wouldn't be able to keep up with her speed and she would get away anyhow.
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