Brand New World (Yuna & Silverknight's 1x1)


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

The bright light that had seemed to surround twenty-year old Ayane Yatsumi finally faded away. She spun quickly around, panting and shaking lightly. "What in the hell just happened?" She murmured to herself, glancing down at herself. Only if anyone else were close by would anyone note the faint but still existing hints of panic within her blue orbs.

Thankfully, however, they did catch note of a few things. She hadn't been transferred to ... wherever this was alone. Not completely, anyways. Her pistol was still in it's holster at her right hip. That much was definitely a blessing and it made a soft sigh of relief leave her lips. But it didn't solve the multiple problems which had presented themselves to her.

As her eyes looked back up in front of and around her, she tried to gather her bearings. She still had no idea where this was, only what had happened moments ago before that ... light appeared. The blue orbs temporarily vanished as they closed and her memory let everything replay.

"You're going to become the Juunidaime of the Vongola Family."

"Huh? Me? Why? How?"

That had been as far as the talk went, which genuinely annoyed her. All she'd been able to have gathered was being the twelfth boss of a major mafia family. A frustrated "Urgh" left her lips as little more returned to her. Even the figure that had been speaking to her came as a blur in her head.

"Tch, damnit. How could you have forgotten who was trying to talk to you?! Of all the vital things ... "

Her head shook, causing the bright silver locks to move from side to side. Another sigh elicited from her lips and finally, her eyes opened. "Regardless .... " she mused. "It won't do you good to just stand here like an idiot. Maybe there's ... a sign or something to indicate where you are?"

With a new and decent plan in her head, Ayane nodded and began to walk around. The place had gone from foreign to incredibly eerie in mere moments. No one was around though tons of shops were. Some had food in them, others weapons and even ammunition for firearms.

The latter, however, may actually be really useful. In fact ... yes. If she was going to survive in this new world, she'd need more than the six bullets within the chamber of her pistol.

"Um, excuse me but .... " She stopped upon seeing that even inside the shop, no one was here. "Is this for real?!" It seemed difficult to believe. In fact, she pinched herself just to ensure she wasn't imagining things. But the low wince which followed in a few seconds hinted it didn't seem to be.

"....So creepy ... " She added softly, shaking her head as she forced herself to focus and began to go through all the bullets they had available, looking for the exact same ones her own gun needed.
Luigi Martius was a man of the city, a boss of a large important family in the city where the underworld was the normal world. He walked sat looking at numbers quietly calmly, a sense of importance to the young man as his eye scanned the sheets of numbers one at a time.The devil was in the details as the saying went and Luigi knew this fact oh so very well, his eyes scanned over the papers one by one finding the flaws in them, his accountants with their double math, so useless, they were hardly worth keeping around, but it kept the workload lighter at least. Luigi's steady hand poured him a glass of Jack, before slamming it down and standing on his feet, the dark hair man looked around, so many inferor want a bees.

Luigi walked down the hall calmly a sense of purpose always in his step. He looked down the street, so many businesses on that street, most of them fronts for other businesses, or sells or traficing of goods, it was anything and everything that one could want or need in ones life. If you were aftersomething you came to him, of course that didn't meant you didn't pay a pretty penny for what you wanted, after all all things in the world had a cost, some were far higher than others. Luigi didn't actually care about the money though, he cared about what the money said about him, about how the money told others that he was the real top dog, not the money itself, that had been deemed hardly important so long before that moment.

Luigi heard thd door, knowing someone was there, he figured he might as well go and see them, it was a late hour and honestly his people were asleep meaning that he was the only one up. He knew that he could get someone easy, from below the hidden passages to the basement for example. He walked over the woodfloor of the hall as he walked to the stairs, he then headed down step by step. He would handle this, Luigi was wearing a pair of black pants and a white shirt with a tan trenchcoat, of course he had weapons all over that coat, and he was good with a fast draw. He had copied the skills of them from old movies he saw as a kid. He was also good in a knife fight, the trench knifes in his right pocket easy to get to if he should need them in a close combat fight. He was ready he always was ready. Being better then the idiots, the useless people meant one had to be prepared to show them how useless they really were.

Luigi walked down and saw her, quickly silver hair, blue eyes that looked like gems, who couldn't of noticed her she stood out like a snow flake on a summer day. He looked over at her as he could tell that she was looking for something of course. Everyone was, it shouldn't surprise him that a dame like this was looking for something. He would guess selfprotection something that would be used to defend herself. Looking over assets he could tell just what the heck she happened to want to protect as well, it was easy to notice, that this dame was a looker. He walked to the counter and smirked as hie focused his eyes on her for a moment, she seemed preoccupied with her search, "Miss, what for it be that you are looking for," he said with his somewhat thick Italian accent as he looked at her his dark eyes focused on her soft face. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

Luigi's assessment had been correct. Ayane had been very deep in thought. She tried desperately to think and remember anything of the world she'd been taken from. The high school she'd graduated from, Namimori, was simple enough to recall. The friends and her family she grew up around and nearby also was. But when it came down to the same individual who tried to inform her about supposedly taking over as head of the Vongola family ... nope. Not a damn thing and it infuriated her. A visible yet very anxious frown was on her face. Of all the things she hadn't gotten to know, that would have greatly been several details for Ayane to have wanted to learn.

Really ... why in the hell and how would she have been the Juunidaime? It seemed so ... out of place, almost wrong even. Not that she wasn't a feminist but wasn't being boss of a major mafia family something that men usually did. It was for reasons similar to this in which she regretted not having been able to properly inquire on the possibility of taking over.

By the time Luigi spoke, it didn't just snap her out of reality. The new voice made her jump slightly as her head quickly glanced over to the new figure now in front of her. "I ... sorry. I didn't think anyone else was around. Um ... mainly ammunitions."

What Ayane lacked in physical prowess, she excelled in mental. And right now, she knew it was far better to be safe than sorry. This was a very foreign and new place. She had little ideas on what to expect from the people. Simultaneously, the same could likely be said vice versa. And regardless on her nervousness, she did at least owe the man proof that she was here to buy.

Her right hand moved down to her side as she rested her pistol down on the counter, allowing him to see which bullets she was looking for. Meanwhile her left slid down and thankfully found her wallet, another thing she was glad that had transferred with her. As she opened it, however, her face paled slightly. Money was there; that wasn't the issue. But ... did this place even accept yen? Let alone did she have enough?

Ayane tried desperately to shove the nerve-wracking thoughts aside as she let her gaze go from the money in her wallet to the man and her gun simultaneously. "It's ... just for safe-keeping. Still ...." She paused, trying to think on how to word the next part before nodding. "I know this will likely sound weird but I'm not exactly from here. I was just kind of ... very abruptly ... moved. So I figured if I'm going to reside here, I may as well have .. supplies on me."

She was at least being careful on what details about herself were being given to this man; that much had been made clear to even him along with herself. Her mom had suggested to avoid talking to strangers. She couldn't outright zone him out, not now. But she would at least be selective on what he would learn of her and she'd keep it that way. At least that was what Ayane continued to reassure herself.

Is it even possible to go back home?

The mere possibility of 'no' being an answer made her heart genuinely sink. How would she continue to live here? What could she do? Her mind began to race as her eyes stayed on her only means of defense and protection.
Luigi looked at the woman and raised an eyebrow as he saw her jumpy reaction to his statement, he was surprised to see that to a degree, he knew for sure now that the woman had been completely lost in her own thoughts as she stood there for a good long moment looking for something. He nodded his head as he heard what she needed bullets, this dame needed bullets, which could mean a few things really. One, she was buying them for someone else, two she was buying them for herself to off some poor cheating punk. Three she was buying them cause someone was after her and she needed self defense, or four she was a undercover cop trying for some pointless reason to bust shop owners selling legal goods.

His eyes focused on her, a calm coolness naturally to him as he looked at her. He wasn't one to flick or even ever really to get nervous, he focused on her for a long moment as he smirked a bit, and then looked at the handgun for a moment he took out a bullet from it as she showed she had a quality side arm on her. He looked at the bullet for a long moment and paused as his eyes traveled over it. He knew every single type of bullet that was sold, cause he sold them. This bullet was a good high powered cailber he would guess, but it wasn't a size that was normal at all. He took the gun again, six bullets the bullets matched up perfectly, made by some group he had never heard of and they were a very strange smaller then a 45 calibur bullet but larger then a 20 calibur bullet, a odd thing. He put the bullet back into the gun and looked at the woman.

"The gun, where did you get it, custom job by a friend," he said looking at her calmly as he focused his attention her her as she tried to pull out money, He raised an eyebrow, to pull out money before the deal was done was intereting said something about the person and then again this woman was odd. He knew of custom guns, he had his own custom made from Orichalcum, was the most costly thing he owned, but it took normal bullets at least. This made him curioust jost who the woman happened to be, there was more here then meet the eyes.

He had gotten a look at her cash, and shook his head, "Well miss, that is strange colored paper, no green dollars, so it isn't any good in this town or this country, your gun is strange, has no bullets to be found here and if you wanted them, they would have to be custom made which would cost a lot of money. So you have no real money, no chance of getting normal cheap bullets and yes, I can tell your from out of town, or out of country," he said calmly as he looked over over for a moment. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

Options three and about half of four were all true. The purchase was definitely meant for herself and survival purposes as she'd said. But it was also true that a bit before she had been informed of taking over the Vongola family, Ayane had indeed joined the police force. Or rather, that was her goal she wanted to accomplish after completing law school. She'd gotten almost three years done. And now ... all of that plus her normal lifestyle was gone.

In fact .. she would need much more than mere bullets she realized. Ayane would also have to buy clothing, food, all the essentials, especially if she did indeed have to remain here. She snuck a glance down at herself, seeing she was in a tank top with incredibly thin straps that revealed most of her shoulders, a pair of blue jeans, a bra, panties, socks, and a pair of sneakers. If push came to shove, she could wear this tomorrow and maybe even the day after. But any longer than that and it'd be pushing her own luck and hygiene-related routines. She didn't really like using the same outfit over and over, not if it could be helped anyways.

"Not quite friend. Job more like. It's the same one I was issued back in Japan." Would he even recognize the name? Then again, a new list of more immediate concerns were soon given to Ayane. And they all made her heart sink deeper into her body, as if it were quicksand.

Fuck! The money's not valid and they don't have the bullets?!

She could do without the bullets. But the money?! No!

"... I see. Um .... damnit." An annoyed sigh left as she slid her wallet back, letting the gun go into it's holster. After all, what point would there be in Luigi keeping it if he couldn't help her out?

"Hm ... well .... " Her gaze went to the floor as she tried to think of options. The only one which immediately entered her head was working for currency. But her pride and anxieties didn't wish for Ayane to go through with those. Maybe if she took a longer and more thorough walk around this place, it'd help her better think. Yes. That seemed to be the best choice.

"I'm sorry." She finally replied, letting her blue eyes make contact with the dark ones across from her. "This .... is just a bit much. I think I'm going to take a walk. But before that ... where exactly am I? I haven't found signs or any indication on what city, nation, location this .... place is."
Luigi smirked as he knew that she had no money no way of getting supplies and no way of doing anything else. She has come for protect moving into the lions den, he smirked as he looked at her, thinking about all the things he could do with the woman, and ho whe could have some serious fun with Ayane. He could envision her under him moaning out in pleasure or just under him as he took her hard and fast, her naked body pressed up a gainst himself. He wondered what she would smell like after he fucked her long and hard. He could see her as a protect a pet project perhaps.

Luigi smirked as he looked at her and heard her question, "you are in the CIty of Darkness South City, New Jersey," he said calmy as he figured he would be able to find the woman any time he wanted, she wouldn't be hard to find, and he figured that he could have his thugs beat her down later as she looked around the city, it wouldn't be any thing that would be hard to do, he smirked as he knew that this was going to be so much fun. He knew that the woman was going to be so much fun.

Luigi figured that the blue eyed woman was going to leave, he figured that she would be easy enough to ambush on her trip, he pulled out a phone as she left and called a couple of his men, and told them that Ayane was coming there way and to jump her and to grab her and bring her back to him so that he could have his fun with her. He just didn't want to do it now, he also would keep that strange gun of hers and then figure out just who the hell made it, for it wasn't the most normal gun he had ever seen in his whole entire life, for sure. He moved away from the counter and sat down in a chair waiting for the call to tell him that they had captured the woman. He knew that the group of thugs was about 4 from what he remembered, they were sloppy but he figured good enough to handle a simple woman. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

... New Jersey? How ... did I get to the States?

Let alone how had a mere flash of light caused all of this? Something was .. very amiss. This made no sense. It had sounded like magic was somehow involved but .. wouldn't she be in an even more foreign place if that was true? Her head shook as she decided that more likely than not, Ayane was over-thinking. There was little to no other explanation in her mind. A soft sigh left her lips as she began thinking on everything.

So ... the money's useless here. Thus you may as well be broke. You've got six bullets and no place to live in. Fucking lovely. Wait!

A slither of hope came to Ayane quickly. If she really was in the States .... not all hope was gone. She had an idea on what to seek out next. Her head bowed politely to Luigi as she walked out of the shop.

A bank ... they can exchange the currency so it matches. Yes! Thank fucking gods for fast thinking ....

A sigh of relief echoed in her head. Truth be told, even if she had the ability to make a purchase at that store, the man had made her uneasy. And not just because of being in a foreign place. No .. there was something else, something ... off about him. But the possibility of having thought too much entered her head. After all, she had just been able to leave that store fine. So maybe it had just been an unfair assumption.

Well ... duh. Few other things it could have been.

Her head shook once again as another deep exhale left. Blue eyes continued to glance around and seek out a bank so she could at least get some essentials. It'd depend on how much she could get once the exchange was completed, really. But it'd still be a start and that would be better than nothing.

Another person from a different world was also around, he was walking down the street in his white shirt, he had been busy working on a bounty when he had been tired and fell asleep quietly and woke up in this strange world, the green hair of the young man most likely caused him to stand out nearly as much as the white hair of Ayane. The sharply dressed man walked quietly having no money, and no clue what to do, he held his briefcase in his right hand as he walked, he sighed, this place had a lot of contracts and bounties, he could tell there was a lot of crime in the place.

As Ayane walked down the street the four thugs found her and moved quickly around her to circular around her to cut off any way to keep her from escaping the group of them. The leader was a bald man who was just a bit taller then Ayane who smirked at her as he took a deep breath and than smirked, "Well now, if it isn't a sexy woman, I think you should spend the night in my room," he said confidently before attacking dead on. His men stood back as he attacked throwing a hard punch at her aiming for her to take her down. He was going to get paid well to take this woman down and bring her back to his payer.

The green haired Sven happened to be walking when he heard the noise and saw the group that had been around the woman. He was a gentlemen, and to see a woman in distress was perhaps the thing that most annoyed him. He took his metal brief case and cut in moving up towards the woman before hitting the first man in the back of the head, he would have to hope that she could deal with the punch as he was to late to stop that as he moved towards the second one and kicked him with his boot in the base of his neck knocking him down before he turned to find the third and fourth members of the group and make sure he could help out the woman as well. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

Before the blue eyes found a bank, they soon came across four new individuals. Suddenly, her instincts on the man from the shop only got worse. This .. just didn't feel like a coincidence. Not but moments after she had left, these guys had found her? It could have been chance, yes. But to be this accurate and know exactly where to find her? No. It just didn't seem likely to Ayane. Her teeth gripped her lower lip as she looked around.

Hm ... damnit ...

There was a major difference in attending law school and being in an actual police force. She had taken kendo and a bit of aikido during high school. But ... would that really help out? Her right hand wanted to go to her pistol. But .. honestly, that wouldn't be smart. They were already around her. She needed to act and quickly. And the punch all but hinted that much.

She didn't try to dodge it. There wasn't enough time to do that. But she did make a bit of a sacrifice and altered the aim. She winced as it landed on her left shoulder. It'd be her weaker side for one. But more than that, Ayane would be able to keep her consciousness. A few quick pants left as she tossed her own punch back.

Ayane's peripheral vision managed to catch sight of Sven. Was .. he siding with her? Or against her? It seemed like he was trying to help but ... she had no real way of knowing. Questions later. For now, she'd continue to fight. But now that another foreign face was in the equation, her senses had practically heightened, helping become far more alert than she'd been since the day had began.

Sven wasn't one to let a woman suffer if he could help it at all, and he had no intention of letting this white haired woman suffer wither, he knew that she had to of been targeted by someone. There was no reason for someone to have four against one if that wasn't the case. Why was she targeted why was going down, that he didn't know at all. He figured that he wasn't liking this town at all, it was not a good place. He had a feeling it wasn't a place where anyone decent at all wanted to be for any length of time at all.

Sven finished off the second person with a quick kick to his chin.
He turned to the third member this one looked ready to fun, it was always the case. There was always one who lacked loyalty to his friends and in this case it was number three. Sven moved up quickly and then opened his briefcase in front of the surprised man, but he had only a moment or two to be surprise as gas came from the case and knocked out the man before he turned to see if the woman needed any more help. He knew there was the one who had attacked her from the start still. He moved toward the pair of them as the man turned toward him and ended up hit by the punch pushing him back a bit before Sven could hit him with his brief case afterward knocking him to the ground.

Sven bowed before the woman, "Well my lady, it is good to be able to help you deal with these guys," he said with a respectful tone showing his respect for woman and his chivalrous attitude as well. he tied up the four men as they could be picked up and he could get his reward for the bounty which would be nice cause he never seemed to have any money here ore in the world he came from.

"My name is Sven, gentleman, sweeper and all around good guy," he said putting out his hand for Ayane to take and shake after he had put it out giving her a warm kind smile as the same moment. "So, would you happen to know where we are, I am kind of lost here you see," he asked as he looked at her, he had no clue where he was, this wasn't home he knew that but he was so far rolling with the punches, he had just happened to see the bounties on these guys earlier which would pay for a meal or two. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

Three of the four men had gone down easily enough. A new idea came to her. Whipping the pistol out from it's holster, she turned so the barrel was in her hands. Pulling her right hand back, she landed the butt of the gun against the last man's temple. A few quick pants were still leaving even as the fight came to a halt. She was confused, terrified, and even a bit angry. Ayane had literally been dragged into this world and she finds out some of the worst bad news then gets attacked? This place was making her want nothing more than to be teleported back to her real home. She was already beginning to hate New Jersey, very much so.

However, a slither of hope was revealing itself and it came in the form of the man beside her. As he introduced himself as Sven, she glanced towards the man to better study him before accepting the handshake after re-holstering her pistol. "Ayane Yatsumi. Wait ... so you're not from here either?" How was this happening, anyways? Regardless, this man clearly wasn't from her own world. Or if he was, she didn't recognize him. But because of that very fact, it was safe to assume he was from somewhere else. "Hm ... this is one hell of an odd day." She mused softly, catching a silver strand of her hair and twirling it over her right index finger.

"Thank you for the help. Going off an owner of a gun shop I just left, we're supposedly in New Jersey. Aside from that, I have no clue where exactly we are. But truthfully, the better questions are how did we get here and what in the hell was that ... attack about exactly?"

The obvious answer and guess should have been just an attempt to rob her. But the words one of the men had said when she first ran into these .... bastards hinted there was much more behind it all. It scared her but simultaneously made Ayane glad that, for now, it was done and over.

"Sorry. I'm ... less organized than usual. This world and the recent incident has taken me aback for lack of better wording." A deep sigh left as she let her composure return to her. Even then, the concept of allowing a man she hardly knew to be close to her was ... risky. She didn't yet know if it was an act or if he was being genuine. But, admittedly, that would be one way to find out now wouldn't it?

Her head bowed respectfully as she took another quick glance around before focusing on Sven. "At any rate, I was heading to the bank to do an exchange of currency before ... this ... happened. If we're in the States, there should be such an establishment around. Um ... were you heading toward any specific place by chance? I admit to not knowing where I'm going but it seems fair to be able to help you out somehow."

Sven raised an eyebrow at the statement, New Jersey how the hell did he end up in New Jersey, plus this didn't look normal either. "Well it is a gentleman's job to help a lady out," he said with a nod, "your assumption would be correct, I am not from this world. I am from somewhere less well like this at least," he said pausing for a moment, he nodded in agreement with her statement about it being odd, it was very strange though to end up in such a place randomly was something that he didn't understand at all.

"Well, this type of stuff happens to happen to me all the time, random things popping out of the sky, problems always popping up all the time, yeah this isn't such a strange thing for me. I don't know why, it just happens, in my world too, well part of it was my fault perhaps but that isn't here or there," Sven said with a kind look.

"The attack, I don't know anything about, it seemed they were after you for some reason, have you already made enemies here in less than a day," he asked as he sighed softly, it would be fitting he would run into someone else who was a magnet for trouble, it was just his luck to have this happen perhaps. He looked at the silver haired blue eyed woman for a moment, perhaps she was in with them, naah, he wasn't the type to distrust a woman, it just wasn't his style at all.

"Well, do you think that bank would even be open right now, who knows when the hours of this bank are, I think I saw one down street, but honestly, I was just looking a place to hold up and a place to eat," he replied rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at Ayane, "this place is so backwards, now to find the reward place, if this town has one, then we can cash in and we won't need to worry about the bank, you can have your share of the reward, it might even been half decent who knows." Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

It was intriguing to hear that Sven was used to random things like this occurring to him. The same definitely couldn't be said for Ayane. But that proved they were truly from different locations and he wasn't an unfamiliar face from her own world. "Hm ... I see." She replied, her own nod coming into view of Sven's eyes. "Um ... is it too much to ask why this is typical for you? Are you in a line of work that makes you often in dangerous scenarios or something?"

Her head shook again as her own sigh left. "I ... honestly don't know myself. I only spoke with the shop owner moments ago before this happened. I ... didn't think I said anything which infuriated him." And yet, that was all the more incentive to suggest to Ayane he had been more than his mere appearance otherwise suggested. The uneasy feelings she'd had while around them may very well be more accurate than even the future mafia boss had thought. It scared her slightly. She hadn't said or done something against him. So what were his motives? It was always the unknown which was more terrifying than the obvious facts.

When Sven brought up the issue, however, Ayane glanced up and realized it was indeed later than she'd thought. ".... Hell. I got so astounded upon being transferred into here I never noticed how late it was. Hm ... probably not then. But it is good to hear the idea would have otherwise likely worked." Food was always another nice idea. It hadn't been her immediate thought but it had been a while since she'd eaten.

Idiot, it doesn't matter now does it? After all, the money here isn't good.

But then the idea of a ... reward place? What the hell was that? All the same, it sounded like a place where he could get money. More than that, he was offering to split the reward. That definitely amazed her. She had to blink her eyes and pinch herself to ensure she hadn't heard things. A small smile, the first one that had formed all day, was seen on her face.

"You ... don't have to but thank you. That would be appreciated. Um ... hm. We'll need to look for a motel or some place to reside in even if only for tonight, hm? After food that is." She offered.
The one eyed green man looked at her and nodded his head at her first question, "Yeah you can say that, I am a sweeper, I capture criminals for their bounties, well that is what we are called in my world, I guess they could be called bounty hunters," he said with a nod of his head as he looked at the woman. He left out the fact that his partner was the former top assassin in the world, and his basically adapted daughter was nanotech biological weapon or he was friends with a top level thief as well. Basically yeah, things could be summed up easily as dangerous and surprising for him.

"Well, I figure that we will have to figure how to get out of this situation as soon as possible, perhaps there are others who also had something happen to them similar, who knows, the odds are if something happened twice perhaps it happened more then twice," Sven said as he mused thinking about it, once was random, twice, he wondered about that. The former international dectective wasn't a idiot, he was a man who liked to figure things out too, here he had a chance to try to figure out what was going down and caused them to come into this strange strange world.

Sven used a net to grab the group of four of them and than nodded as he looked over at Ayane, "Well, Miss, what is your world like, mine is different pretty wild, do you come from a rather boring place or just have a normal um life," he asked as he drugged the group to the nearest police station, he guessed he would able to find out if there was a bounty on the group here and he was glad when he found there was. He handed the group over for a decent bit of money turning towards Ayane.

The yellow orangish eyes looked at the woman as he walked over and handed her a fair amount of his money before walking out of the police station, so first a place to eat huh. He looked around for a moment as he tried to find somewhere and pointed a one down the street, it looked easy enough to get to, and was open, he could see a hotel just on the otherside too which would make that easy, he pointed it out to Ayane as he looked at it, "so that work for you?" Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

Well .. that makes sense. He's not that much different from you in certain respects.

Her own nod left. After another look around, Ayane decided standing still probably wasn't the best idea, especially in such a location where she knew no one or anyplace. Besides, those four had proven someone wanted her .... and not likely for any good reasons at all. Really though, what had she done? All that came to her head was making an abrupt appearance in this world. But it wasn't like she wished for it. Far from it. So ... that wasn't really what had gotten her in trouble, was it? Then again, she couldn't think of anything else.

A low sigh left her lips as she ran a hand through her hair. A knot formed in her stomach upon hearing the possibility of going home. And finally, she let the possibility leave her lips. "... And ... if we can't get back?" True, that bridge could be crossed when it arrived. But she wanted to know Sven's thoughts on the off-chance it wasn't even doable.

"Hm ... " She glanced down, trying to explain Japan. She'd only known it to fall under the latter. But now that she was gone, it likely would be ... chaotic. And that made the knot turn tightly in her stomach. "Normal enough, yeah. Graduated from a high school, had been in the midst of university." Ayane paused, wondering about bringing up the fact she was supposed to be a mafia boss in her world. Would that even matter here though? It didn't seem like it. But still, if that had somehow contributed to the real reason she'd been sought after ... maybe she should?

Her head shook no. Until she knew more details, Ayane wouldn't bring it up. It was reckless, she knew. But the future boss didn't want anything more about herself being learned. Not that she didn't trust Sven. Anyone else in this world, however, was a different story.

"I'd been in the midst of getting into the local police force before this, actually." She added, deciding that much would be fine to reveal.

Soon enough, they got the money. She began counting it out and whistled lowly. This was much more than she'd expected, even for the amount of individuals that had been turned in. "Thank you. Yeah .. this works fine. I wouldn't mind splitting the bill if you wanted." Not just because it'd seem fair, either. But Sven would need his own items now that he had gotten transferred into here. It seemed like the best idea to go through with, economically.
Sven looked over and nodded his head, he knew next to nothing about this woman, but well, she seemed far more trustworthy than most that he ran into in this place so far. He raised an eye and than nodded his head, "Well local police that is impressive," he said as he walked, lighting up a cigerete as he walked, smoking was a horrible habit that he had for such a very long time.

"I was once a member of the international investigation bureau, a dectective first class," he said idly, now those were days long gone, for the one eyed sweeper, days that were so very long before. He smiled as he walked, he had his own secrets that he kept, mostly dealing with the nature of his other eye, the one hidden by the eyepatch, the one which he didn't use. He himself wasn't normaly at all, a fact that was easy to notice when he used said eye, which he avoided normally as much as was humanly possible.

"As for the split sure, that will work, that way we don't have to worry about who spends what and all," he explained as he walked up to the restruant and held the door open for her, he waited for her to walk into the door before he did, the place was quiet, mostly empty actually, he figured it was due to the time of day. He looked around for a moment and st in the back corner booth.

Walking over ther he sat his back against the wall, a old habbit of his as well, something that helped when you were not sure who might come into a room and needed to have your six covered. "About your earlier question, I think it is best that we weight till we cross that bridge, I am still not sold this is random, and anything done once can be down twice," he mused as he looked over at her.

"So, what else about you can you say, Miss Ayane?" he asked as he looked over at her, he thought about her eariler question, he knew that it was possible that this was random, but till he knew it, he would not give up hope of returning to his world. He had people who counted on him, Eve, Train for example. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

Most of the doubts about Sven had faded. If he'd wanted to pull any fast stunts, the bounty hunter had tons of other opportunities. He'd hinted that much during the fight. But there were still quite a few other factors keeping poor Ayane on edge. All wound up tracing back to the attack, who exactly was behind them and - most importantly - why. But that was another road she would walk towards when the signs got pointed to it. Until then, she'd forget about it for now and focus on the meal they were going to have.

Faint tinges of crimson crossed her face. Personally, local police was ... respectable, yes. But she didn't know if it was worthy of as much praise as Sven was giving her. She'd accept it but the future boss wasn't used to being noticed, especially in a positive manner. "Thank you. Oh ... wow. This .... is sounding less and less random, honestly." Ayane mused, noting the number of similarities she was sharing with this man. Was it because they were so alike that they'd been dragged here? Why had he even been included in this .... mess? Well, it was to some degrees. Situation? Yeah, that seemed to be the best word to use at the moment.

Regardless, she had no damn clue and he didn't sound like he did either.

As they arrived at the booth, she took her seat and noted he was still standing. Her mouth had opened to inquire if he was really comfortable like that .. but halted. If that wasn't the case, he would have likely sat down. So her focus went to his last question instead on more about herself. Her eyes looked down towards the menu before a soft sigh left her lips.

"... Well ... " Her voice lowered as Ayane nodded. "It may not - and probably doesn't - mean anything here. But I was supposed to be taking over a major mafia family in my world. I didn't get many other details besides that though. I was ... removed before I could learn more." If no one else, at least Sven needed to know this much. Besides, with his experiences in the detective and bounty hunter fields, maybe he could figure something out that Ayane had been missing regarding all they were going through.

For all either of them knew, this hadn't been as random as it appeared. Any and everything, really, was possible. And partly from that revelation, she shoved aside the more grim and deviant thoughts that tried to enter her mind, continuing to attempt to focus upon the menu before her.
"Mafia member huh, I didn't know those things were still around," he said as he looked at her, he knew old movies where they had mafia types, but they hadn't been around in his world in forever, chronos had long taken care of them for the most part. He smiled as he figured she didn't look like the average thug at all, or person who he would be bounty hunting. He figured he would give her a benifit of the doubt, she seemed okay, she was a woman too, and the green haired Sven looked past it till he had a reason not to.

"So you come from a world where you are a mafia agent and I come from a world where their is no mafia, but there is chronos, they area a organization of assassins that kills anyone who might be bad or does anything bad in the world, their top assassins are just known as numbers one to thirteen," he explained as he looked at her knowing that his world would be odd for her to hear about. He looked up and ordered a burger from the woman, as well as fries and a beer before he put cigarette out in the ash trey and took out a piece of hot candy and ate it quietly as he thought about the situation more.

"Why would someone want to bring a mafia princess and a bounty hunter to a world, I mean there could be a real reason, this world is messed up after all, perhaps it cause of our bast worlds and all, though if they had done that they would of brought train not me," he said thinking about it, realzing that she had no idea who he was talking about, "my partner was the top number or assassin before he reformed," he quickly explained to her

"So, this world is messed up, everything is for sell, that tells me there is some central source of this problem, perhaps they would know about it, maybe not though as whoever summoned us might of done it and been there enemy having no other choose but to look for outside help," he mused more as he tried to think of an answer before the food arrived which caused the green haired man to smile before eating his first bite and nodding approvingly of the food. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

"The Vongola family's been around for twelve generations now. It's pretty .. strong from where I come from." That was one of the biggest, most major and simultaneously intriguing differences between them. She'd always known of the family she was supposed to take over. It was difficult to think of an individual who didn't hear of a mafia family existing. But it helped clarify they were definitely from different locations. If nothing else, the ability to learn all that was being revealed to her was .. interesting. It certainly made up for having been unceremoniously removed from her university. She had to learn of something else if not law.

"Your Chronos actually sounds like what the Varia family used to be. They're a sub-member of the Vongola family. They reformed but two years ago, there was a major conflict between them and the future Juudaime. They still are assassins but they now know better than to attempt an in-mafia coup."

After a bit more brief glancing at the menu, she ordered some spaghetti, a roll, and soda. Despite having come from Japan, she had always been fond of Italian food. And though she hadn't gotten many details about why it would be her who would take over the Vongola family, their existence had become stronger over the past several years. So it was more common knowledge than discreet. Since they counted in certain degrees with the law field, she had read up on all she could of them.

Her head shook as she took a sip of her drink. "I have no idea. But we may be over-thinking on this, honestly. There probably is a reason but it could be more simple than we're assuming. Until we can get more information, though, there's no real sense on dwelling too much about the unknown." Her head bowed as she silently gave thanks for the meal before beginning to eat.

A new thought entered her after a few moments and only when she finished chewing did Ayane let the idea leave her. "So ... in terms of finding a place to stay in ... how should we go about that exactly? I don't think splitting up in such a foreign location would be smart. And aside from you, I don't really know anyone else let alone who all is on which side. So ... " Her question trailed off as she allowed Sven to fill in the blanks with any ideas or suggestions he may have.
"Well Chronos is a bit different then that, but I see your point, um.." he said pausing for a moment, "Chronos would be like a supernational group, the nations of the world pay them to take care of their dirty work, new dicatator in a country, they kill him before he can cause problems for anyone, or they make the people who might cause the world problems disapear, fi that makes sense," Sven explained before he nodded to her thought, it was possible for them to be over thinking the situation. He sat there and thought about it, most likely they were overthinking the situation it was beyond the norm that this was just random, but they could cross that bridge when they got there.

He looked at the burger for a moment and took another bite of the food, "As for a place to stay, it should be easy, there is a hotel next to this place, I am sure they have a room, most rooms come with double beds in my world at least, so we get a room, stay there for a low rate as possible and we than tomorrow go and explore this world more, figure out what is going on and gather information, than we will know what best to do after that," he explained his thoughts as he looked past the woman for a moment.

"So, do you have any one important back home, someone you care about and who will miss you," he asked looking beyond her still for a moment. It was the most troublesome thing about being stuck in this world, the thing he hated so damn much about it. "I have a kind of daughter, back home, her name is Eve, she isn't normal but she is a good girl," he said as he looked over giving her a bit more infromation about his group of friends, "also some close friends too."

He wondered what they were up to at that hour, if they were looking for him calling out for information, it would seem likely, he knew they would be worried, his disapearance might rock the boat a good bit. He sighed, he missed his friends, he was used to having them around him as he spent his days working with them keeping the street clean. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

After letting the words repeat in her mind a few times over, Ayane gave a nod. It made enough sense for her to understand. Not perfect or as well compared to if she could see the group for herself. But it was ample to help her avoid too much confusion. "Hm, interesting. Usually just a person or small group of people pay off such individuals. But nations? That's ... new but not unheard of. Just rare. Well .. for me it is. But yes, it all does make sense." She added, twirling a few noodles upon her fork and beginning to eat.

A set of inward curses echoed in the young woman's head. She should have worded that question better though thankfully, Sven had translated it pretty well enough. While she had kept to being honest on not wanting to split up, she was also hoping his guess was correct on the room having a double bed. If push came to shove .. she'd share. But man would it be awkward. If nothing else, though, it made her all the more grateful that Ayane had saved those six bullets. Night was the more common time for attacks, after all. She'd be ready ... and trusted Sven to be as well. Not just from his display he'd given earlier but also hearing more and more of his line of work.

"... Yeah. My mom." Her spirits sank as she gathered more noodles on the fork. "Dad walked out on us when I was about ... five. So she's all I've had. Even though it took her so much, she never once gave up on raising me. But .. that's it. I never really dated or anything. Err ... daughter? So ... you have a significant other? Or ... mind elaborating on that a bit?"

The thought didn't overly amaze her. Sven had quite the exotic look much like herself, making him easily attractive. Not that appearances were what she judged by but it was definitely a nice bonus. Much like the bounty hunter across from her, Ayane's thoughts shifted to Japan and her home. There had been a few times she'd been away from her mom, excluding while at the university. But all of those had been arranged and she'd known of them. This ... was something that Ayane had never gotten to inform anyone about.

And partly because of that alone, it genuinely worried her. Her mom was, no doubt, having a very justified fit. Or she would be by the next day if she wasn't yet. Her head lowered slightly as she continued to eat, giving her body more strength and energy in the process.
Svan listened to her as he pulled out a cegarette, and was about to put it in his mouth before he saw the no smoking policy and let out a soft sigh as he found it rather annoying. He looked at her as she explaied that she had a mother and he nodded his head he could could tell that missed her mother a lot, that did make sense, he didn't like to see a woman suffer, it was not what a gentleman was suppose to do, it was against the gentleman's code as it were.

"Well, no, I am not married nor in a relationship either, the girl, well I saved her," he said with a smile as he looked at her for a moment, "you see, I ran a job to rescue her and well, somehow managed to free her, ever since then she has been living with me and has been a partner in a way too, she isn't normal," he said leaving out the other information about the nanotech powered female. He smiled at her as he looked at her, "I am sure my friends are looking for me, and there is some strange powers in my world, who knows maybe they will even be able to figure out a way to get us out of here, if they were would you be willing to pay a stop over in my world," he asked looking at her giving her a small smile as he did so.

Sven leaned back in the chair and looked over at her and then paused for a moment, "Well now, the foods was pretty good, and it nice to not be around someone who eats me out of all my money too," he said with a smile as he remembered those moments and how even when broke, Train could eat a full massive plate of bread crusts just by himself, it was odd to see.

Sven put money to down and got to his feet, "I think we should check in, find our room and perhaps relax for a bit," he said his tone laid back a bit as he got up, the white suit wearing man waiting for Ayane, as he walked over and opened the door for her and let her walk though before him, that was a given for him to do. He held the door at the hotel too as he got them a room and checked in. "It seems nice enough," he said, the place was pretty run of the mill but it would work well enough. He walked down the hall opening the door to their room which happened to have two beds as he and she hoped it would. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

The no smoking was a hit and miss. Admittedly, the smell never was pleasant for Ayane. But as long as he didn't try to force her to join him, she wouldn't otherwise care if he lit up a cigarette or not. It'd always been her policy on the cancer sticks.

Just as Sven was finding it nice to be around someone who was giving him a nice change of pace, the same could be said on Ayane's behalf. As much as she enjoyed being around her mom, classmates, comrades and other vital individuals ... it was nice to be in a slightly new environment. Granted, she could do without being chased down and for unknown reasons. But the change otherwise wasn't too bad. If nothing else, Sven had definitely gotten her attention, something that was actually difficult to do.

She gave another nod as he explained his daughter was adopted and not from a lover. "Ahh .. I see. That's sweet to have even made an effort. Not everyone in this world has such a mindset."

After a few more bites, Ayane was done with her own plate. Keeping to her promise, she placed half of the bill down and stood up, leaving with the bounty hunter to go to the hotel. It ... wasn't the best but she'd seen and heard of worse. So compared to anything it could have been, this was actually rather decent. And thank gods, it did indeed have the separate beds.

"It is." She agreed, sitting upon the bed on the right side of the room. A weary sigh left her lips as she let her head fall upon the pillow. She should try for rest, Ayane knew. But after that chase? It .. was nerve-wracking. She wasn't in the mood to shut her eyes only to wake up in ... a much darker and creepier location.
"It is part of the gentleman's code to help ladies and children out," he said looking at her as he walked i nto the room, "of course I had to help her out, I mean she wasn't even allowed live a normal childhood, what type of person would I be if I didn't help her out seriously," he said as if was just common nature for people to adopt those who were in trouble. "Anyhow, this place isn't so bad, I have stayed in worse dives, let me tell you, some of those places were bad, roach motels, I think they are called, or half pub half hotel places that smell of booze," he added in as he carefully took off his jacket and put it up as well as his tie so that he could wear them the next day after he washed them by hand and dried them and ironed them out.

"So, this world, don't think I like it so much, wish I could of been taken to a more peaceful world, maybe one with some fun places to go visit where people aren't thugs," he said as he looked out the window, he let out a soft sigh, "Anyhow, Ayane, what do you think you will do if you can't get home, it is a drag don't you think, not being able to find those who matter the most to you, being in a bad spot like this, well I guess we have to work together," he said looking over at her for a moment giving her a half smile, "How about this, your my new partner while we are here, we work collect bounties and look for information for a way back home," he proposed to her as he walked across the carpet having taken his shoes off he was only in his pants now.

"So, your world, do people have strange powers in it, like in mine we battled a group who had tao magic and eve, she was actually infused with nanotechnology," he asked curious to see if his world was the only one of their two home worlds that had strange things happen in it. He waited calmly for her reply as he fixed up his bed, before taking off his pants leaving the green haired man with just a eye patch and boxers on, not really so ashamed of himself either as he looked out the window, "Yeah, this world, has a bad feeling to it, I really don't think we are the only ones here for some reason, just call it a gut feeling," he mused to her as he paused for a moment.

He got under the covers and had to much on his mind to sleep not even bothering turning off the light to sleep for a bit at least seeing that Ayane was awake, he knew that if the white haired woman was drifting off he could then turn off the lights till then he might as well leave them on. Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg Uploads/Silverhairmaiden_zpsa3ae3fa8.jpg

Codes? I thought knights and paladins followed such things?

An amused smile crossed her face as she nodded. "Fair. Well ... it's nice to hear chivalry hasn't been completely forgotten about. It's an incredibly rare trait to find in men." Even when she thought on it, that fight wouldn't have gone well without Sven. Maybe two of them could have been dealt with alone. But four? No. That depressed and scared her. If he hadn't shown up ... no. She didn't want to think of what would have happened. As she watched Sven take off some of his clothes, she pondered whether to follow suit or not. She should ... but it'd be awkward as hell. Even if he didn't stare ... Sven was still mostly a stranger to her.

Ayane wound up going against it for a couple reasons. She could go at least one night with wearing the same clothes. More importantly, two, she would get new clothes in the morning now that she had currency which worked here. And from what she had noticed, that man only worked at the gun store. Hopefully there wouldn't be another run in with him or any of his ... associates.

"... I haven't thought that far. Just the possibility that we may not be able to get back. Usually, though, there's a reversal with everything .... " Usually, unfortunately, was the major keyword in that sentence. "Well ... " Her head gazed up to the ceiling, thinking on the offer. A bounty hunter was't much different than a mafia boss. And hell, it may help her prepare for her role when - if - she got back. Honestly, the idea didn't sound too bad. She may as well learn and get stronger while the opportunities remained.

An affirmative nod and her smile widening would both be seen. "Sure. That sounds good."

Her head turned to face Sven as she nodded slowly again. "Yes ... but .... I'm not sure what Flame I have. It's ... like an element. I know those with the Sun are great healers. Storm is destruction ... their powers can literally rip through flesh. Mist is illusions. There's some others I'm missing. I should be Sky assuming I'm continuing the tradition that all the Vongola bosses have in the past. Each were a Sky Flame user through every single generation. But I never got to test that .... nor do I know how it works."

Her tone hinted she was clearly distraught at that very fact. All she had were six bullets and maybe the ability to use hand-to-hand. It wasn't her best but she could resort to it as a secondary if needed. Again, another set of keywords; if needed. And even when she had to use it, her strength versus any other male's here likely wasn't as good.

Suddenly, Ayane felt so very weak and vulnerable.

"It ... really does feel horrid. But ... really? You think there are others?" True, it was possible. But if more did get dragged here ... why? There had to be a reason though that had pretty much been established. Her head began to hurt as she tried to figure it all out.

Ayane adjusted herself, keeping her body on her side. The look in Sven's eyes was akin to one she'd seen on herself thanks to mirrors. A small chuckle left as her smile widened a bit more. "Can't sleep, can you?" She asked.
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