The End ... ?? (Yuna & Turncoat's 1x1)

Kanji didn't realize at first that she may have been nervous about staying someplace that she had no idea about. Especially a detective who tended not to go into situations blindly, and tended to analyze everything about her surroundings. He began to feel very conscious about bringing her to his house, and his room in particular.

If he was nervous though, he was doing an exceptional job of hiding it. He didn't want her to know of his nervousness. That was his problem, not hers. All she needed to do was rest up.

"It was nothing...Really, just...You said you'd help me out, so it's natural that I did the same, right?"

He wouldn't have minded to hear her talk, if only to get rid of the lingering awkwardness from before. Her talking had a habit of doing that.

"...Yeah. I did." She confirmed softly, her mind beginning to think frantically once again. The silence had easily found the two once again. And it was clear poor Kanji was even worse at these types of things than herself. So, she had to figure a way to break the ice again, even in a slightly weakened state. But what made the condition worse was she couldn't offer to help out with anything really, even cooking or preparing for dinner. No, all of those chores would have to be done alone. And just because he may be used to doing so alone, mostly anyways, didn't mean he should have to be used to such routines.

After all, she herself had said that moments before passing out.

Her eyes took a moment to gaze around Kanji's room before resting on the man himself. Given his punk attitude, it was actually really organized, something few would have begun to imagine or guess from him.

"I'm pretty sure you didn't exactly see this coming, bringing me back and all. But at least the day is anything but dull." She offered, her mind still continuing to think. That had been a small but at least manageable stepping stone to have used. Still, she knew more would be needed. But for now, it'd suffice. It wasn't like Naoto to let the new thought even bother or make her ponder on it slightly. But the curiosity had gotten to her enough that she felt the need to ask.

"... Kanji? Just be honest. But what do you think of me? Even before today, I've noticed your eyes avoiding mine. Have ... I upset you somehow?"
Kanji wasn't sure how he'd made it so obvious. Then again, he wasn't one for concealing his feelings very well, even when he was actively trying to hide them from someone. He honestly wished most emotional problems could just be solved by a good fight, or more easily, just running away. Unfortunately this one couldn't.

He honestly wasn't surprised that she'd figured him out so quickly though. She was a detective after all, and probably the best he'd ever known. She knew people, and she probably knew the people of the investigation club quite well. Including Tatsumi.

His day is not exactly shaping up to be as easy as he wished it would have been.

He blushed a little as he decided to finally answer the question she asked, which hung in the air like dust for a few moments as he thought of an response. It wasn't a really good one. "Do you remember when you asked me out? For the case? I...I still kinda...feel that way..."

It took a bit of thinking but after a few moments, Naoto did recall what he was referring to. Her own cheeks darkened slightly again as a soft chuckle left her lips. ".. True. I did bring that up, huh?" Her eyes closed as she thought carefully on this. Normally, this would sound like an incredibly reckless and hasty idea, to even accept the mere concept of dating someone. But out of a mix of obligation and desire, with the latter being stronger, it didn't seem like too bad of an idea to the detective. He was proving to be more and more intriguing of a man. More than that, he was being honest. His voice hinted and spelled it out. It showed he truly did want to try.

And honestly, maybe this was a cue and sign for Naoto. Maybe she should make an attempt herself. It was one of the things she was supposed to be working on, anyways. So ... why not? The worst case scenario that could happen in her mind and eyes was things didn't work out and they go back to their own ways and routines. But otherwise, it may be able to work somehow.

A slow nod would be seen before Naoto revealed her eyes again. "Alright. When I'm feeling better ... I can see about that, especially since I'd prefer to keep my promises anyways. I guess ... consider it a belated date of sorts? If you really want it, that is?"
Kanji blinked. Then he blinked again. Had she just said yes? Did she literally just say yes? He had never been one for rampant celebrations over personal triumphs, but he thought this moment was one of those times where it was appropriate to do so. Not while she was here however. That would be too...much for him.

So as the realization that she had said yes dawned over him, he smiled, a faint blush reappearing on his cheeks. He sat a little taller, and was able to meet her gaze head on for the first time in awhile. It felt nice.

"Oh, yeah, when you're better. I guess we can...y'know, talk about it more then." He wasn't going to press the matter further, if only to save her the discomfort of unfamiliar waters. Hell, they were unfamiliar waters for him too.

The sight of Kanji grinning yet again made her do so in return. There was something about the thought of being able to make him content which seemed to return the favor in Naoto's mind. It was as if his happiness was also her own. Now if only she could do more than merely lie down ... this moment would be borderline perfect. Her arms slowly attempted to push herself up to at least a sitting position only to feel her strength give away.

"Damn ... " She murmured, a low chuckle leaving. "I ... really am not used to bed rest. But sure. That sounds like a good plan." Off the top of her head, there wasn't the most to do. That really was one of the worst problems with Inaba. It was so damn small and difficult to find some form of entertainment. But .. they agreed to wait and thus time was on their side.

"Well ... until I am better ... um ..... got any ways or methods to kill time?" She asked, uncertain if he had said ability within his house. It could be in the form of a game or something completely different. Still, all the same, she didn't know all that was in his residence. So ... that was always one way to find out.
Kanji looked meekly around his room, not quite being prepared to entertain company. He tended to have more things ready for people, and contrary to his brash nature, he was a surprisingly good host. If he had forewarning of the company however. This was a whole other circumstance.

"Um...I've got a t.v.?" He spoke, nodding his head to the small television against the wall. He doubted she watched anything other than detective shows and nature shows. The thought made him laugh a little, before he remembered where he was and whom he was with.

"Or we could just talk. Your choice." He offered. He didn't mind talking to Naoto, even if she made him reluctant to say anything out of fear of being made a fool. It wasn't his first choice, but he was still willing to try.

The memory of the Midnight Channel plus Kanji bringing the television up made a small smile cross her face. That had always been another thing which had been interesting to do, watch it when the fog had been around Inaba. It added some spice, per se, to the otherwise typical activity. Now it was back to tons of news, ads, weather and things of the like. But ... it could still suffice as something to do, she figured. Hell, maybe the media would give the detective ideas. But as it was, she was low on things to speak of, unfortunately.

Her head tilted as Kanji laughed. Though Naoto didn't inquire aloud, she did in her head on what had made him chuckle. Pushing herself so she turned and face the screen, Naoto soon got herself onto her stomach. "I wouldn't mind some television." The way she'd moved likely spelled it out. But .. just in case.

Naoto's head then went to how the day had gone so far and even that she agreed to date Kanji. Had that all really happened? Be it the good, bad, interesting, or slightly embarrassing portions, Naoto's mind all helped her remember that the answer was indeed yes. Her smile widened as she rested her chin in her hands. "I'm not a picky viewer, actually." She added. "I can watch movies as easily as detective shows. Or anything of your preference."
He was pretty surprised that she didn't exclusively watch detective themed programming, but he was quickly realizing that there were all sorts of things that he didn't know about Naoto. Which was pretty natural. During the case, they'd pretty much only talked about things pertaining to the case. She knew things like his shadow and his own ordeals, but otherwise, she probably didn't know much about him, save for what she had heard from the other teammates. And it was the same for him.

Her laugh brought him back to reality and out of his tiny reverie. Man it was nice. Kanji shrugged as he smiled back at her, relaxing a little against the wall. "I'm supposed to be helping you get better, so watch what you'd like." He handed her the device, allowing her to make the choice for herself. It was only fair, as she was his guest.

But eventually his mind did drift back to her. Mostly how surreal the day had been so far, though he had to admit that it had mostly been on her side of the equation. Fainting was one hell of a way to get a guy to go out with you, though she doubted that was her intention. He caught himself before his mind went off on tangent, suddenly remembering that his mother would likely be upset with the fact that he had came back empty handed.

Just as Kanji was learning about the detective, it worked the other way around. He had a demeanor that no one save his mother likely knew about. There was the punk side everyone knew. And then, there was what Naoto was seeing and hearing; a sweet and calm version of him. The thought of being able to see this more often now that she'd agreed to date him made her smile widen more. Her chin rested in her right hand as her elbows both rested in and on the mattress as a support of sorts.

Her right thumb hit the 'down' arrow a few times .. before stopping on a movie. She'd seen it several times in her own and it was one of her favorites. Movies didn't seem to fit into only one genre anyways. Most were all action, adventure, and romance as opposed to said elements separately. Setting the remote down, she began to watch, noting out of the corner of her eye that Kanji was against the wall. "You sure you're comfortable there?" She inquired.

Her own mind had gone to those same factors, especially his mother's reaction. It made her feel horrid. He could have at least gone back and paid for the items. But no. Kanji had insisted on staying and watching her. It was definitely a sweet gesture. But it didn't make her feel less annoyed at herself. Maybe she could speak with the woman if needed? It was an idea she kept in the back of her head for certain. No, fainting had definitely not been her intention or way to ask the young man out.

Truth be told, everything that happened ever since she lost consciousness was .. unexpected. Even being taken here. But she was finding the change of pace to be nice. Naoto was realizing Kanji had definitely been correct on another thing. She couldn't always be right .. and honestly, she was enjoying it to certain degrees.
Kanji's eyes glazed over a bit as she started to flick over the various channels that his T.v was able to acquire, his mind starting to wander off from his current place. He tended to watch action shows more often than anything, though he had a secret liking for cooking shows and other various craft programming. It was a bit of a secret of his, but he'd keep it to his last breath.

Her voice brought him back to reality once more. He was really starting to form a bad habit of drifting off when he honestly shouldn't have been. Nonetheless, he'd answer her question a tad dishonestly. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me, you're supposed to be the one resting anyway." He brought up a relatively good point, and he hoped she'd leave it there.

He doubted his mother would be particularly upset when she discovered he was doing it for a girl's sake, but she'd still be reasonably disappointed. The one person in all the world he hated to disappoint was his mother. It made him feel like terrible inside. But he got a date out of the trade, and felt like he came out on top of the swap. Seemed totally legit to him.

The reminder that she needed to rest made Naoto sigh and nod. While the change in not being correct on something was indeed welcomed, it was slightly annoying. Breaks really weren't something the detective was at all used to. Bed rest was far worse. She'd never really gotten sick in any form or fashion before ... another foreign thing for the young teenager. But common sense hinted to her that the advice was some of the most accurate words she would hear. After thinking it over a few more times, she nodded yet again.

"... Alright. I'll .... try." It was the best promise she could make. After all, no sense in making a vow she'd likely break now was there? "Rest of any kind is foreign. But I will make an attempt to shove aside my workaholic tendencies for once." She added, hoping the clarification would make her reply easier to understand.

Her eyes remained mostly on the screen albeit Naoto did use peripheral vision every now and again to glance back to Kanji. While part of the incentive was to ensure he hadn't just said his answer to do so, it wasn't the only one either. She was taking a more discreet and distant observation of the young man. And while the detective couldn't pinpoint exactly how ... he seemed to have changed. For the better at that rate. It made her small smile widen ever-so-slightly. Regardless of why or what had caused that, she had always liked seeing others happy.

Herself? She could care less of despite that seeming unhealthy and a tad ironic. But if others were content, so was Naoto. It was how she tended to be. There were many other habits that the young detective had. Few, if any, had truly upped and vanished from her memory .. unfortunately. Maybe later that could be accomplished. But anytime soon? Not likely.
Kanji could tell that she had obviously never been put down for a good rest, or stayed still for a large amount of time, save for sleeping. He wouldn't be surprised to find out that she tossed and turned in her slumber as well. It would make sense, given her already restless and truculent approach to the concept. Personally, he took tons of naps. But that was just with him.

He noticed the slight hesitation in her voice when she promised, though he supposed she said the rest of her statement to clarify for him. He didn't need it, but it was slightly appreciated from the punk teen. From his experiences with the investigation, he had a much better grasp on people.

And honestly, he had a much better understanding of himself. He was happier, and like everyone else on the team, he was actually ready to tackle on whatever the world had to offer him. It was a sobering feeling for him after her realized this after Yu left, but that only made him feel all the happier. He had a new lease on life, and while he still had the same bristly personality, there was a softness that wasn't there before.

Naoto however, didn't seem like she had really changed that much. He wasn't really confront her on it, because it really wasn't his place to, but it seemed like she had just lapsed back into bad habits. Or habits that had been mostly stopped by the crew. Like the antisocial behavior. Well, maybe not exactly antisocial, but Kanji was pretty sure he'd only seen her once since the investigation ended.
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